8 4th of July Parade Funding CITY OF CHANHASSEN ïty Cmttr DriVi, PO Box 147 'nhllSSm, Minorsofa 55317 Phone 612.937.1900 ,neral Fax 612.937.5739 ;nemng Fax 612.937.9152 ic Safety Fax 612.934.2524 1 www.â.chanhassm.mn.us 8. MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director Tracy K. Petersen, Recreation Supervisor~ FROM: DATE: February 1,2000 SUBJ: 4th of July Parade Budget At the January 25, 2000 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting, the Commission made a motion to recommend that the City Council fund the 2000 July 4th Parade and that in subsequent years, beginning in 2001, the 4th of July Parade be included in the City's Sponsorship Program. The motion passed 6·1 with Commissioner Franks voting in opposition. Discussion of the Parade centered around questions presented in my memo dated January 10, 2000. Deb Kind, Parade Chairperson, was in attendance at the meeting and provided the Commission with a written response to my questions. The City Council should note for their discussions that the Sponsorship Program attempts to offset many of the costs of operating our community's special events, The reality is that although the sponsorship donation amounts continue to stay the same or increase slightly each year, the City's general fund continues to subsidize the remainder of the costs that are not met through the program. RECOMMENDA nON City staff and the Parks and Recreation Commission recommend to the Ci1y Council that the City fund the 2000 July 4 Parade and that beginning in the year 2001, City staff will incorporate the 4th of July Parade into the Sponsorship Program. attachments: January 10,2000 Memo Deb Kind Letter/Response Jty of Cbmzhassm. A growing community with c"an /dkes, quality schools, a charminr downtown, thrivinr buIŽntssts, and beauti/ùl parks, A mat .lace to liVi. work. and .Ia. CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 City Cmter Drivt, PO Box 147 Chanhassm, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.937. 1900 Gmeral Fax 612.937.5739 Engineering Fax 612.937.9152 Puhlic Safety Fax 612.934.2524 Wih www.ci.chanhassmmn.". MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Parks and Recreation Director FROM: Tracy K. Petersen, Recreation Supervisor DATE: January 10,2000 4th of July Parade Budget SUBJ: BACKGROUND At the December 6, 1999 Truth in Taxation Hearing, Deb Kind, 1999 Parade Chairperson, was in attendance to discuss the future of the 4th of July Parade budget. Ms. Kind has indicated that she would like to see the 2000(and future) parade budgets incorporated in to the City's budget and also included as a part of the City's Special Event Sponsorship Program. Currently, the parade is coordinated by a committee of five resident volunteers and is paid for by local businesses. These local business supporters are contacted separately by the Parade Committee and are asked to help support the 4th of July Parade. City staff has provided the Parks and Recreation Commission with some background information on the other City special events that are currently included in the recreation department's 145 budget. Also, in reviewing this matter, Staff has provided the Commission with some questions to think about regarding the 2000 parade budget. 1. If the parade budget were included in the City's budget, WIDJld the budgeted dollars be put in Recreation Fund 145 or in another general City fund? 2. If the parade is budgeted through the City and the parade committee (made up of resident volunteers) disbands, would the Parks and Recreation Department be expected to coordinate the parade? . 3. Would businesses involved in the Sponsorship Program contribute more support if the 4th of July Parade were included in this program? And would businesses that currently give to both the parade and the City contribute their parade amount to the City's sponsorship program? 4. If the parade budget were included in Fund 145 of the Recreation budget, would City parks and recreation staffbe expected to offset the expected parade costs through the Sponsorship Program? The City of Challhassfll. A growinJ( community with c"an lakes, auality schools. a charminr downtown, thrivinr businesses, and heauti/ù/ parks. A mat place to livt, work. an ,e ~ 5. How much misconception and confusion currently exists with the businesses and public who are asked to help support both the 4th of July events and the 4th of July Parade on two separate occasions from two different organizations? 6. Would the "automatic" funding of the parade by the City enhance or detract from the parade committee's desire to continue this annual event? 7. The City recreation staff invited local businesses to support its 2000 Sponsorship Program in December 1999. If the parade were incorporated in to this program, staff would have to go back to all businesses and ask for more support for a second time. Would this be an appropriate course of action and would it lead to more confusion? ACTION NEEDED The Parks and Recreation Commission is asked to make a recommendation to the City Council as to whether the 2000 4th of July Parade budget should be included in the City's 2000 budget and/or whether it should be included in the City's Special Event Sponsorship Program. Attachments: Deb Kind Letter Special Event Funding Report 4th of July 1998: Revenue: Expenses: Total: Special Event Funding Report $2,605.57 $31.586.44 -$28,980.87 Halloween Party 1998: Revenue: Expenses: Total: $1,250.00 $ 1.992.66 - $742.66 Easter EI!:I!: Candy Hunt 1998: Revenue: Expenses: Total: $0 $ 1.060.18 -$1,060.18 Tree Lil!:htinl!: Ceremony 1998: Revenue: Expenses: Total: $0 $618.74 -$618.74 February Festival 1998: Revenue: Expenses: Total: $ 3,781.00 $1 1.697.98 -$7,916.98 1998 Total Special Events Cost: $39,319.43 1998-1999 1222:. Revenue: Expenses: Total: 1222:. Revenue: Expenses: Total: 1222:. Revenue: Expenses: Total: 1999: Revenue: Expenses: Total: 1999: Revenue: Expenses: Total: $3,272.80 $32.877.71 -$29,604.91 $1,200.00 $2.552.92 -$1,352.92 $0 $1.338.06 -$1,338.06 $0 $386.26 -$386.26 $3,583.00 $4.481.79 - $898.79 1999 Total Special Events Cost: $33,580.94 Sponsorship Money Taken In: (through Sponsorship Program) 1998: $25,459.50 1999: $27,232.00 ~ ~ '. . , , . January 3. 2000 - , . Todd Hoffinan.Park & ReI: Ditector As you know. I brought the iOÓO Parade B~dßet iss,ue to the. city in July of 1999. I waS hoping it would be included in ~ city's 2000 ~udget and that was the main reason for my attendance at the Truth in T31Cation Hearing on December 6. 1999. At that meeting' we decided to include the Parade Budget topic on yout January 25. 2000 Park ðç Rec ,Commissi!>1} agenda. So. I thought I'd send you a little background information to include in ~e Commiss'ion's meeting packets. ' This July wewiU stage our 5thAnnualJuly 4th Parade in downtown Chanhassen. In JUSt a few rcia!s the parade as become a very popular event and a tradition for thousands of Chanhassen residcnts and bw.inesses. (Meets Stral'egie Plan Goal: City Cmter identity .., encouráge public events that utilize our city cmter as a primary gathering place'...· support inter generational activities that encourage peopk to come tog~er as a cO,mmunity.) , The parade is coordinated by a committee of 5 resident volunteers and is supported by the cirY through the cooperation of Park ~' Rec, Public Safety. and Pub1ic Works. 0" par,¡de day over 35 community volunteets hdp with the execution. We recommend no changes to this arrangement. (Meets Strategic Plan Goal: Community Involvement- enCDttrelge volunteers who selþsslyekvote. time 'aiut energy to make otlr community better.) The seleètion of a parade "Grand Marshal" offers a unique way to recognize outstanding contributors to our com,munity. Past Grand Mar~hals include: Herb Bloomberg, . AI Klingdhutz. Dutch Pauly. and Miles Lord. (Meets Strategic Plan 'Goal: Commtmity involvement - recQr;nize resident! who hav; made our community better.) _ ,The cost of the parade has been paid for by local businesses - but 11ß.l through the city's Special Event Sponsorship Program (the dty invites local businesses to contribute to the fund each December). In the spring these same businesses arè conracted by the Parade Committee. Since the parade is an important parr of our July 4th Cêlebration. I feel that most businesses (and residents) assÌime it is funded the same as othe,r July 4th events (through the city). For darity. simplicity. arid to diminate duplicate fund-raising efforts. . I would like to see thi~' misçonception become reality. Plus. since area businesSes have dug deeper to fund the parade in previous years. I feel that if they were notified about the fund-raising change. they would conuibute their parade amount to the city's Sponsorship Program. (Meets Strategic Plari Goal: Cost-ßffictive Quality Services - review cost/benefits uf each city service to emuri that taxpayers are getting the best value.) . Thank you for you; consideration. See you at the meeting on January 25th! ~' Debra Kind 2351 Lukewood Drive Chanhassen, MN 55~17 612-401-9L81 \ ,.Li:,:'. C c~ ?~:::::~i Attachment: Projected 2000 July 4th Parade COSts .,;" '.' ""¡-';""i"\.."._,,;\ , -, .' Projcctcd 2(1()() July ,Üh I'ar.¡dc Costs BlackShadow's Carriage (Grand Marshal) $300.00 Ken Mar Belgians (City Council) $300.00 Chop Stix & Top Chops $1,800.00 Waconia Band $1,800.00 Zurah Funsters $250.00 Other Music $2,000.00 Award Ribbons $120.00 Binders Oudges & announcers) $40.00 Newspaper Ads $500.00 Misc. Supplies $25.00 No Parking Signs $50.00 PO Box Rental $15.00 Postage $200.00 Printing & Copies at Kinko's $200.00 Signs & Banners $500.00 SoundSysœm $55.00 T oral Costs $8,155.00 January 25, 1999 Park & Rec Commission Meeting Notes MlÚn Goal: To have the parade be funded like any other of the city's July 4th events. 'R~!ltnns: 1. Avoids duplicate July 4th fund.raising (businesses think they already contributed to the parade through the city's special event sponsorship program). 2. Most business and residents assume the parade already is a city-sponsored July 4th event. 3. Supports the city's strategic plan by: Bringing an intergenerational community together in the downtown area. Encouraging community volunteerism. Recognizing outstanding community contributors as our Grand Marshal. Giving taxpayers a good value (because the parade is supported by business contributions and the team effort between paid city staff and community volunteers). Answers to Staff Ouestions: 1. Up to the commission and city council to derermine what budget the funds come from. The parade should be funded like any other July 4th event. 2. I'm planning to chair the parade commirree for 3 years. The learning curve is over and I expect (hope) the parade will take less of my time this year. We have a computerized mailing list. We have documented all the steps in the process and have created a wrirren timeline. The parade will be easier to plan this year and will be easy ro hand-off to the next chairperson. We have a great group of volunteers that are commirred to the parade ror the foreseeable future. However, I'm not &"aranteeing there will always be volunteers to organize the parade. And, I don't think that by agreeing to include the parade in the city's July 4th events, the city is guaranteeing there will always be a parade. The parade should be like any other July 4th event ... if the city thinks the fireworks and street dance are important they will go on, if the city thinks the parade is important it will go on. It's a year-to-year decision. 3. The business community has contributed to the parade in the past, I expect they will contribute in the future. The only change would be that all July 4th event contributions would now go ro one fund (the city's sponsor- ship program). 4. The parade should be funded like any other July 4th event. 5. There is a 12Ial.misconception and confusion from businesses and the public. The parade looks like a July 4th event, walks like a July 4th event, then it musr be like all the other July 4th events. Without exception, when· ever I explain the current parade funding to residents and businesses they are surprised to find out it is not included in the city's budger like all rhe other July 4th events. 6. City funding would definitely enhance my commitment to continue on the parade committee. I'm more inclined to volunteer my time if I feel my efforts are supported by the ciry. 7. The feeling of "going back to ask for more support a second time" is the uncomfortable situation the Parade Commirree is put in every year. Either way the businesses need be contacred twice. I would like this to be the last year they are contacted two separate times for July 4th events. A letter from the Parade Committee on city letterhead might be a nice transition. Other Questions for the Commission: 8. How does the city decide what special events to sponsor? Fireworks? Street Dance? February Festival? Dave Huffinan 51C? 9. Is the parade more or less important than other city special events?