9.5 Agree. SW Metro Transit
03/09/00 THtT 08:58 FAX 6123496718
FAX LC7000
THIS FIRST AMENDMENT to the Second Restated Joint Powers Agreement Establishing a Southv'est
Metro Transit Commission (Fonnerly Southwest Area Transit Commission) is made and entered into this_lay
. 2000, by and between the Cities of Eden Prairie, Chanhassen and Chaska, all being munk.pal
corporations organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, pursuantto the authority conferred upon the pardes
by Minnesota Statutes § 473.384, § 473.388, and/or § 471.59.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreem"'nts
contained herein, it is hereby agreed by and between the Cities of Eden Prairie, Chanhassen and Chaska, thro'¡gh
their respective City Councils, that the Second Restated Joint power:s Agreement Establishing a Southwest M"tro
Transit Commission (fonnerly Southwest Area Transit Commission) is amended as follows:
1. subparagraph 5 b) shall read:
5 b) There shall be four classes of commissioners. The term of each
cornmissionerinClass I shallexpireonDecember3l, 1987, and every three
years thereafter. The term of the each commissioner in Class 2 shall expire
on December 31, 1988, and every three years thereafter. The term of each
commissioner in Class 3 shall expire on December 31, 1989, and every three
years thereafter. The six original commissioners shall be appointed to
Classes I through 3 by draw, provided that no two commissioner:s appointed
by a party shall be members of the same class. At all times two
commissioners shall be assigned to Class I, two commissioners shall be
assigned to Class 2, and two commissioners shall be assigned to Class 3. A
seventh commissioner shall be assigned to Class 4 beginning January I,
1988. As ofJantiary 1, 2000 the Class 4 commissioner shall be appointed by
the Board of Commissioners. Thereafter the term of the Class 4
commissioner shall expire on December 31,2003, and every three years
thereafter. No Class 4 commissioner shaH serve more than two consecutive
terms. The successor of each of the commissioners shall be appointed to the
same class as the successor's pædecessor. One commissioner appointed by
each party must include a City Council member, inclusive of the Mayor,
currently serving in office. A commissioner who is a council member of a
party shall cease to be a commissioner, even if the term for which the
commissioner was appointed has not expired, if (a) the commissioner
ceases to be a member of the Council of the appointing party, and (b) no
03/09/00 THU 08:59 FAX 6123496718
FAX LC7000
other council member of the appointing party is then a Class I, 2 or 3
commissioner. In such event, a council member of the appointing party
shall be appointed by the appointing party to serve the remainder of the term
created by the vacancy.
2. subparagraph 3 d), which is the definition of "Regional Transit Board" is deleted.
3. subparagraph 5 a) shall read:
5 a) The governing body of the Commission sha11 be its Board which will consist
of seven commissioners. Each party shall appoint two commissioners
("original commissioners") and a seventh commissioner will be appointed by
the parties on a rotating basis as described below. Class I, 2, and 3
commissioners must reside in the City they are appointed to represent. The
Class 4 Commissioner shall reside or maintain a principal place of business
in one of the Cities which is a Party to this Agreement.
4. subparagraph 6 i) sha11 read:
6 i) The Commission shall provide anypartywith data and information requested
by the party in accordance with law. The Commission shall, in the
development of the program and implementation thereof, prepare such
reports, either financial or management, as required by the Metropolitan
Councilor other governmental units.
S. subparagraph 6 j) shall read:
6 j) The Commission shall cause to be made an annual audit of the books and
accounts of the Commission and shall make and file the report to its
Members at least once each year, which report shall contain such information
as good accounting practices require and such further information as required
by the the Metropolitan Councilor other governmental units.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Governmental Units, byactìonoftheir governing
bodies, have caused this First Arnendment Second Restated Joint Powers Agreement Establishing
a Southwest Metro Transit Commission (Formerly Southwest Area Transit Commission) to be
executed in accordance with the authority of Minnesota Statutes § 471.59.
03/09/00 THU 08:59 FAX 6123496718
Approved by the Mayor
and City Manager of the
City of Eden Prairie
this_day of
Approved by the Mayor
and City Manager of the
City of Cb"nh".sen
this_day of . 2000
Approved by the Mayor
and City Administrator of the
City of Chaska
this_day of .2000
SMTC\iolnIfJOW4iIrs\1 atAmcnd.Unøwked.03D300
FAX LC7000
Its Mayor
Its City Manager
Its Mayor
Its City Manager
Its Mayor
Its Administrator
03/09/00 TBU 08:59 FAX 6123496718
FAX LC7000
THIS FIRST AMENDMENT to the Second Restated Joint Powers Agreement Establishing a Southv'CSt
Metro Transit Commission (Formerly Southwest Area Transit Commission) is made and entered into this_ lay
, 2000, by and between the Cities of Eden Prairie, Chanhassen and Chaska, all being mumc: Qal
corporations organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, pursuant to the authority conferred upon the par,ies
by Minnesota Statutes § 473.384, § 473.388, and/or § 471.59.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agrcemlnts
contained herein, it is hereby agreed by and between the Cities of Eden Prairie, Chanhassen and Chaska, through tleir
respective City Councils, that the Second Restated Joint Powers Agreement Establishing a Southwest Metro Transit
Commission (fonnerly Southwest Area Transit Commission) is amended as follows:
I. subparagraph 5 b) shall read:
5 b) There shall be four classes of commissioners. The term of each commissioner
in Class 1 shall expire on December 31, 1987, and every three years
thereafter. The term of the each commissioner in Class 2 shall expire on
December 31, 1988, and every three years thereafter. The term of each
commissioner in Class 3 shall expire on Dccember 31, 1989, and every three
years thereafter. The six original commissioners shall bc appointed to Classes
1 through 3 by draw, provided that no two commissioners appointed by a
party shall be members of the same class. At all times two commissioners
shall be assigned to Class I, two commissioners shall be assigned to Class 2,
and two commissioners shall be assigned to Class 3. A seventh commissioner
shall be assigned to Class 4 beginning January 1,1988. AsofJanuarv 1. 2:0
the Cla.qs 4 commjssioner~hAIl bCaDoointed bvthe Board of Commission .
Thereafter thc term of the Class 4 commissioner shall exoire on December
31. 2003. and every three Years thereafter. No Class 4 commissioner shall
serve more than two consecutive terms. The successor of each of the
commissioners shall be appointed to the same class as the successor's
predecessor. One commissioner appointed by each partymust include a City
Council member, inclusive of the Mayor, currently serving in office. A
commissioner who is a council member of a party shall cease to be a
commissioner, even if the term for which the commissioner was appointed
has not expired, if (a) the commissioner ceases to be a member of the
Council of the appointing party, and (b) no other council member of the
03/09/00 THU 09:00 FAX 6123496718
FAX LC7000
appointing party is then a Class 1,2 or 3 commissioner. In such event, a
council member of the appointing party shall be appointed by the appointing
party to serve the remainder of the term created by the vacancy.
2. subparagraph 3 d), which is the definition of "Regional Transit Board" is deleted.
3. subparagraph 5 a) shall read:
5 a) The governing body of the Commission shall be its Board which will consist
of seven commissioners. Each party shall appoint two commissioners
("original commissioners") and a seventh commissioner will be appointed by
the parties on a rotating basis as described below. Class 1, 2, and 3
commissioners must reside in the City they are appointed to represent. Tm
C1u.;7~<4 Cv~~.,..,iVU'l .,.'ilt!dJ. ..(;;Sid" 01 n1~&lu:u. u. t'&:u...:.I:'~ .1;'1_.... ufL__':"""'",,-=,,;J ili
t],G Ci~ whiGhba.! P-t'.t'u:.u.b...d o;J"':'d CV~.\,;J~-onCl. The Cla.Qg 4 Commissioner
shall reside ormaintain a nrincical clacc ofbusiness in one of the Cities which
is a Party to this Aereement.
4. subparagraph 6 i) shall read:
6 i) The Commission shall provide any party with data and infonnation requested
by the party in accordance with law. The Commission shall, in the
development of the program and implementation thereof, prepare' such
reports, either financial or management, as required by ti.~ R\.¡;;u...d T.~.~ll
DvA.o.d, the Metropolitan Council or other governmental units.
S. subparagraph 6 j) shall read:
6 j) The Commission shall cause to be made an annual audit of the books and
accounts of the Commission and shall make and file the rcport to its Members
at least once each year, which report shall contain such information as good
accounting practices require and such further information as required by the
R,,~v...d 'f.~;t Bv~d, the Metropolitan Council or other governmental
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Governmental Units, by action of their governing
bodies, have caused this First Amendment Second Restated Joint Powers Agreement Establishing a
Southwest Metro Transit Commission (Fonnerly Southwest Area Transit Commission) to be
executed in accordance with the authority of Minnesota Statutes § 471.59.
.-' ._~
03/09/00 THU 09:00 FAX 6123496718
Approved by the Mayor
and City Manager of the
City of Eden Prairie
this_day of ,2000
Approved by the Mayor
and City Manager of the
City of Chanhassen
this_day of .2000
Approved by the Mayor
and City Administrator of the
this day of , 2000
SM'J'CIiointpowCf$\lstAmcnd.OJOJOO,mazkcd cop)'
FAX LC7000
Its Mayor
Its City Manager
Its Mayor
Its City Manager
Its Mayor
Its Administrator