1. Organizational Items
TO: Mayor and City Council
JOCityCmttrDri."POBoxI47 FROM:
Chanhassm, MinnNota 55317
Phon, 612.937.1900 DATE:
General Fox 612.937.5739
Engineering Fox 612.937.9152 SUBJ:
'ub/if Saftty Fox 612.934.2524
Web www.ci.chanhassen.mn.UI
Scott A. Botcher, City Manager >Aß/.h,
January 4, 2000
Organizational Items:
a. Rules of Procedure
b. Official Newspaper
c. City Attorney
d. Acting Mayor
e. Weed Inspector
f. Fire Chief
g. Health Officer
Rules of Procedure: You will find attached a copy of Resolution 99-01
establishing Rules of Procedure for the conduct of City. Council business.
By resolution you are to renew these rules of conduct on an annual basis.
Having read these closely and observed council operations, I might make a
few recommendations. At first blush, it appears as if the document is one-
half procedural and one-half behavioral. As you know, I many times
consider the best policy one not passed. I might recommend the
following: 1) If the council desires to have procedures in place governing
council operations, simply pass an ordinance making Roberts Rules of
Order and Roberts Parliamentary Law the guide by which~ou wilL
operate; 2) Secondly, it appears as if a number of items in here are
Strangely enough, the best rules of decorum I have seen in my thirteen
years came from daughter's first grade class at Excelsior Elementary
School. I have copied them for your review. These twelve simple rules
seem to cover every situation not only here at city hall, but in all parts of
life. As you can tell, the students all signed these beliefs and they are
posted on our refrigerator at home as a constant reminder. I might
recommend we all sign this same document and make it our personal
credo as we serve the public's interest.
I can honestly say I have never been employed by a municipality who has
felt the need to have such guidelines in place. I do not believe we need
these guidelines. I believe by adopting Roberts Rules of Order and the
" City of Chflllhasst1l. A J(rOwill~ communitv with clean IakN, qualitv "hooh, a charmint clowntDWIl, thrioillt businesses, and beautifù/ parks. A ""at pia" to Ii.,. work. and Plav.
Mayor and City Council
January 5, 2000
Page 2
recommended rules of decorum we would be more efficiently and better
Finally, in a discussion with Mr. Knutson, nowhere is it codified that there
shall be two readings of an amendment to city code. State statute
contemplates a single reading. I assume that the rationale behind two
readings is to create a more deliberatê process alloWing for ample public
input. Should you wish to maintain two readings as the staJidard, we
should also codifY that in ordinance as opposed to an annually renewable
Please call me if you have any questions and would like to discuss this in
more detail. Roger and I will be available Monday evening as well.
b. Official Newspaper: Attached please find letters from the Chanhassen,
Villager and the La/œshore Weekly News requesting designation as the
city's official newspaper. As the Chanhassen Villager is the only
newspaper that meets designation guidelines established by state statute, it
is recommended that the Chanhassen Villager be appointed thè city's
official newspaper for 2000.
c. City Attorney: Consistent with council direction, staff has completed an
RFP process for the position of City Attorney.
We received four submittals. Following my review of the documentation,
I met with Mr. Knutson and Mr. Thomas J. Radio of Hinshaw &
CulbertSon of Minneapolís. At tlUs point, while I Dêlieve aIT1hë finÎ1s to
be competent providers of legal services, I believe Hinshaw's expertise to
be primarily in small communities (Excelsior and Minnetrista), with no
experience dealing with the issues ora larger city such as the City of
Chanhassen. Additionally, I am satisfied with the legal services provided
by Campbell Knutson and feel we would be ill served to make a change at
this time.
To that end, I am recommending the council appoint Mr. Roger Knutson
of Campbell Knutson as City Attorney for the City of Chanhassen for a
three-year term.
d. Acting Mayor: The council must designate an acting mayor to serve in
the absence or disability of the Mayor. Nomination may occur by any
715 P02
JAN 05 '00 12:16
LaI~~?Je News
Commvnltv 10/,/,".11 01 the X:u .suOu,lUn ",If 0:" An.!
10001 Wayza~ t!ouJevilrd
Mlnnetonka. Minnes<¡ta 55305
Fax, 612-473-0895
December 2, 1999
City of Chanhassen
City Council
690 City Center Dr., P.O, Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear City Council Members:
Thank you for the opportunity to bid 2000 lege I notices for the City of
Legal Notice rates for 2000
1.05 per line, first Insertion
.70 per line on ads that require more than ¡one
insertion. (Bid based on one column wldt~)
Lakeshore Weekly News will publish your legal notices on Thursday the
some week as executed by the City Council if we receive your notice
by Monday at 5 p.m., either by fex or e-mail.
Invoices are sent on a monthly basis. and two notarized affidavits of
each notice of publication will accompany your statement.
I appreciate your thoughtful consideration of our legal ndtice bid for
2000. Please call with any questions.
Community jOl.lrndl of ~ Wi t Suburban l.ftkes Areil
Gardner Lepp
Assistant Editor
Gardner Lepp
Assistant Editor
10001 WiI'ýZJ1ta Blvd. . Minliletonka. MN 55305
(612) 473-<J890 . Fax (~3-0895
Direct (612) 84
Notices to be published must be received in the office of the Chanhassen Villager by 4:00 p.m., on the
Thursday, preceding each publication date. This deadline must be observed to ensure accurate and timely
publication of important notices. We will not accept faxed notices as legal documents, as these copies are often
unreadable. All hard copy notices should be clean and typed.
One sworn affidavit of publication will be provided, upon request, wìthout charge for each legal notice. Addi-
tional affidavits are available at $3.50 each. Additional clippings are available for $1.OO each.
Late Fee
Urgent legal notices which do not arrive at the Chanhassen Villager office before the specified deadline may
be accepted, at the publisher's discretion, but will have alate fee or surcharge of 25 percent added for special
Publication Requirements
Most specifications for legal notice publication, including the number of times a notice is to run, are set forth by
statute. Interpretation of the statutes is the responsibility of the customer and its legal counsel, not the publisher.
Guidelines for governmental bodies, prepared by the Minnesota Newspaper Association, are available upon
Kill Fee
Publication of scheduled notices may be stopped, depending on how far the printing process has advanced. If
a legal notice is killed before the initial publication date, the customer may still be liable for a special typesetting
fee, not to exceed 30 percent of the cost of the published notice. The customer must pay on a pro data basis,
for that part of a series of publications that have been completed before interruption by the customer.
Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors in typesetting or scheduling oflegal notices. In all cases, publisher's
liability shall be limited to a "make good" of a defective notice if it can be demonstrated that the error was made
by the publisher and that as a result of the error the legal notice was rendered invalid.
Effective January I, 1985, the Minnesota State Legislature authorized legal newspapers to charge for legal
notices in the same manner in which they charge their best commercial display classified customers. That
means that legal notices are billed by the column inch, not by the "legal line." The law also restricts rate
increases exceeding 10 percent per annum.
Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users .............................................................. $13.00
Legal advertising, first insertion ....... ............................. ...................................... ............... $9.25
Legal advertising, subsequent insertions ............... ................... .......... ................................ $6.90
ClJanhassen+ VIILAGER
December 10,1999
Mr. Scott Botcher, City Manager
City of Chanhassen
690 Coulter Drive
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Mr. Botcher,
Please consider our request for appointment of the Chanhassen Villager as the official newspaper
for the City of Chanhassen in 2000.
Legal notices published in the Chanhassen Villager during this time period will be billed at the rate
of $9.25 per column inch for the first insertion and $6.90 per column inch per subsequent inser-
The city can again take advantage of a lower rate if it submits legal notice copy on floppy disk in
ASCII text format. The same rate would apply if the document is e-mailedintextformat.This
system worked well in 1999 and allows for a substantial labor savings if the Chanhassen Villager
staff does not have to retype the notices prior to them being published in the newspaper. We would
also request that hard copy accompany the disk in the event we have any difficulties transferring
data files.
The rate for the materials submitted in this manner would be $7.86 per column inch, reflecting a
15% cost savings to the City of Chanhassen.
Thank you for the opportunity to be of service to you in the past. We hope that relationship can be
continued in the coming year.
Respectfully, ~
MAW: beb
I r' ') \
" ¡
~ \.,
80 West 78th Street· Suite 170· Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317· (612)934-5045
Rules of Procedure
Chanhassen City Council
Respect ourselves.
Do your best at all times.
Respect others.
Treat others in a way that you want to be treated.
Be a good listener.
Use nice manners.
Share with others/take turns.
Respect property.
Be honest.
Work as a team.
Have fun.
It is okay to make mistakes, but we should also fzx them.
January 10, ¡oao
our~: ~WJ
Nt col ~
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Respect ourselves.
DO your best at all times.f1- V D· R® ~ a. lj e-j
Respect others. . .(Ç, ß:t1 t \j~
Treat others in a way that you want to be
Be a gooq listener to teacher and classmates.
~ t~~~
Jo.-l!\Ò- ~
Use nice manners.
Share with others! take turns.
Work as a team.
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¡VI OGt<~ h. -z. i e.. Le h 5 Js1f{
L) e~n
l1eJC0(L /\j
Respect property.
Be honest.
Have fun.
It is okay to make mistakes, but we should
also fix them. f"\{, Cj CA....fvR...
'í(¡ \~\~W\' ..v , p~ j~
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Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this II th day of January, 1999.
Todd Gerhardt, Acting City Manager
Nancy K. Mancino, Mayor -
11.02. City Attorney. l1te City Attorney may not take part in the discussions of the City
Council except to answer questious directed to him/her, comment on matters involving legal
issues or procedures of the City, aod to present factual material to the Council.
11.03. -øther City Empa.,.ees. No city employee other than the City Manager or City
Attorney shalt mœr into discussions of the City Council except to answer questions directed to
such employee, or to present factual information. The above regulations of city employees shall
not be constnJcd to limit the app.¡; 'R~ before the City Council of any city employee when such
appearance is made as a taxpayer..-:member of the public, for or against some particular issue
under discussion by the Council '*n such employee has an interest in the outcome thereof.
By 4/5ths vote of all Council members, these rules may be waived.
A motion to adjourn shall always be in order and decided without debate.
Section, subsection and paragraph headings used herein are not part of this resolution and
shall not be used or considered in deœnnining the proper meaning, purpose or intention hereof.
If any court of competent jurisdiction shall adjudge any provision of this resolution to be
invalid, such judgment shall not affect any other provisions of this ordinance not specifically
included in said judgment.
The "City Council Rules of Procedure" shall be adopted by the City Council each year.
Such rules shall act as the format and control activities for the ensuing year. As such, the
following are hereby incorporated as a part of this resolution:
I. The "Rules of Procedure" as adopted each year shall be maintained by the City
Council in such a msmner as to accurately reflect the procedures in efect for each
year; and
2. The effective da1e fòr each years "Rules of Procedure" shall be in full force and
effect from and afta' its passage. Publication is not required as long as the rules
are available for inspection and the general public may review said rules during
normal business hours.
call of all members of the Council as provided under the section "Duties of the Presiding Officer"
in this resolution. A majority vote of all members of the Council shall be required for the
passage of all ordinances, motions and resolutions except as otherwise provided by state law or
city ordinance.
10.03. Readings of Ordinances. Every ordinance other than emergency ordinances
shall have two public readings as provided in Subsection 10.02 of this section, and at least seven
days shall elapse between the first reading or waiver thereof and the second reading or waiver
10.04. Emergency Ordinances. An emergency-ordinance is afi ordinance necessary for
the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, morals, safety or welfare in which the
emergency is defined and declared, passed by a vote of at least four members of the Council, as
recorded by ayes and nays.
10.05. Contents of Minutes. All ordinances, resolutions, reports, petitions and
correspondence shall be filed with the Manager and made a part of the minutes by reference.
10.06. Ordinances, Resolutions and Motions:
I. An ordinance shall be required for: all legislation regulating or governing people
or property and which provides a penalty for its violation; all permanent rules of
the organization and operation of the Council; all actions required by statute to be
in ordinance form. The City Attorney shall be consulted should there be a
question as to whether the action posed by the Council requires an ordinance
2. Resolutions: Resolutions shall normally be adopted for actions of a temporary,
routine or administrative nature.
3. Motions: Motions shall be adopted on issues of parliamentary procedure or to
introduce items of business, i.e. ordinances, resolutions, etc.
SF.r.nON 11 r.ONnnr.T OF r.ITV F.MPI,OVF.F.S.
11.01. City Manager. The City Manager may take part in the discussion of the City
Council and may recommend to the Council such measures as he/she may deem necessary for the
welfare of the people and efficient administration of the affairs of the City. He/she shall have all
the rights, powers and duties prescribed by city ordinance in regard thereto; however, it is
recognized that the City Council is the policy making body for the city and the City Manager
shall confine his/her discussions at the Council meetings to statements off act, recommendations
based on his/her knowledge and experience and explanations of the reasons for the same and any
matters pertaining to administration.
6.01. Permission. Any person desiring to address the Council shall first secure the
permission of the presiding officer.
6.02. Procedure. Each person addressing the Council shall, if requested by the presiding
officer, give hislher name and address in an audible tone for the records, and unless further time
is granted by the presiding officer, shall limit his/her address to five minutes, except at a public
hearing when the limit shall be ten minutes. All remarks should be addressed to the Council as a
body and not to any member. No person other than the Council and the' person having the floor,
shall be permitted to enter into any discussion, either directly or through a member of the
Council, without the permission of the presiding officer. No question shall be asked a Council
member or any member of the administrative staff except through the presiding officer.
Robert's Rules of Order Revised and Robert's Parliamentary Law shall be accepted as an
authority on parliamentary practice on matters not specifically covered and in case of a conflict
these rules shall govern.
Unless a member of the Council states that he is not voting, his silence shall be recorded
as an affirmative vote. In determining whether the motion has passed by the required number of
affirmative votes, a Council member who orally elects not to vote shall be considered as having
voted against the motion in the tallying of the votes, and his election not to vote shall be duly
noted in the minutes as an abstention.
The Council members, while the Council is in session, must preserve order and decorum,
and a member shall neither by conversation or otherwise, delay or interrupt the proceedings or
the peace of the Council, nor disturb any member while speaking or refuse to obey the orders of
the Council or its presiding officer, except as otherwise herein provided.
10.01. Introduction of Matters for Action. Ordinances, resolutions and other matters
or subjects requiring action by the Council shall be introduced and sponsored by a member of the
Council, except that the City Manager or City Attorney may present ordinances, resolutions and
other matters or subjects to the Council.
10.02. Passage of Ordinances, Resolutions and Motions. Upon the vote on
ordinances, resolutions and motions, the ayes and nays shall be recorded unless the vote is
declared unanimous. Upon the request of any member of the Council, the vote shall be by roll
2. Request a summation. of the Manager's report (where such has been presented in
writing to the Council).
3. Requcstareport m.advisoryboanis aud commissions when said item has been
referred to such.,
4. RecO(!1';7P. citizens desiring to speak on said item.
5. . &:cognize Council members ~ . "-e to.speak, maintain order and decorum on
items of discussion,lIIld genemBy JII'Ovide leadership for the Council to ensure
timely and efficient decisions on each item. _
6. Announce the Council decision.
5.01. Participation by Presiding Officer. The Mayor or other presiding officer may
move, second and debate from the chair, subject only to such limitations of debate as are by the
rules imposed on all members and shall not be deprived of any of the rights and privileges of a
Council member by reason of her acting as the presiding officer.
5.02. Recognition by the Chair. Every member desiring to speak shall address the chair
and upon recognition by the presiding officer, shall oonfine himselflherself to the question under
debate avoiding all personalities and indecorous language.
5.03. Speaking Privileges. A member, once recognized, shall not be interrupted when
speaking unless it be to call him/hecto order or to vote on a motion to close a debate, or as herein
otherwise provided.. Jf2 mPnm..r, while speaking, be called to order, he/she shall cease speaking
until the question <If «.der is determined and if in order he/she shall be permitted to proceed.
5.04. Reconsideration. A motion to reconsider any action taken by the Council may be
made at any time following original action. A motion to reconsider must be made by a member
of the Council who voted with the prevailing side. Should a motion to reconsider fail, an
additional request for reconsideration cannot occur for a period of six months following the date
of the first motion for reconsideration. If a motion to reconsider is passed, then parties entitled to
notice shall be notified and action shalI be taken at the next regular meeting following passage of
the motion to reconsider. Should the City Council determine that other Partï.s are not likely to
be affected by an item presented for reconsideration, the City Council may, at its discretion, act
on the original action1he same evening astbeCounciI votes on reconsider¡¡tion.
5.05. Staaem.Dtor 1Ite Ra:ord.A Council member may request, through the
presiding officer, theprivilege of having an abstract ofhislher statement on any subject under
consideration by the Council, of the reason for hisIher dissent from or support of any action of
the Council, enteredìntlmminutc&i:Such a request may be made at the time of said action or
consideration or at the time of the adoption of said minutes. Unless the council, by motion,
objects, such statements shall be entered in the minutes.
2.02. Maintenance of Agenda. No item of business shall be considered for action by
the Council which does not appear on the agenda for the meeting, except that an item of urgent
business which requires immediate action and is so determined by a majority of the Council may
be considered by the Council whether or not there is a full membership present. The Council
will hear all responsible citizen petitions, requests and statements; however, such items which do
not specifically appear on the agenda shall be deferred to a future meeting for more careful
consideration and study if Council action, other than filing, is required or requested.
The Mayor and each Council member shall be provided with a copy of the agenda,
minutes of the previous meeting, and any other reports and information pertinent to the agenda.
Staffwill make every effort to provide this information at least 120 hours prior to each regular
Council meeting. Exceptions may occur during holiday weeks.
No matter may be submitted for Council action by any administrative official, department
head or employee unless it has first been presented to the City Manager or Mayor for inclusion
on the agenda. The City Manager and Mayor shall establish the agenda for each regular and
special meeting.
3.01. Record of Council Meetings. The City Manager or the Manager's designee or
secretary pro tem, shall keep a record of all Council meetings.
3.02. Reading of Minutes. Unless a reading of the minutes of a Council meeting is
requested by a member of the Council, such minutes may be approved without reading on the
consent agenda if each member has previously been provided with a copy.
3.03. Amendment of Minutes. The Council may, by motion carried by majority vote of
all its members, amend the minutes. Such amending motion shall become a part of the minutes
of the meeting at which the amendment was made.
The presiding officer shall preserve strict order and decorum at all meetings of the
Council. He/she shall state every question coming before the Council, announce the decision of
the Council on all subjects and decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Council,
in which event a majority vote of the Council shall govern and conclusively determine such
questions of order. He/she may vote on all questions, and on a roll call vote determine the order
in which votes are cast.
The presiding officer shall normally use the following procedure on all agenda items
which such pertains:
I. State the question coming before the Council.
present. If a quorum is present, the Council shall proceed to business which shall be conducted
in the following order:
1. ,,1CaIl1o Order (pledge of Allegiance)
2.RoU Call
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Consent Agenda
5. Visitor Presentations
6. ,~Hearings
7. '~~ofBids
8. . UlIfinished Business
9. New Business
10. Council Presentations
II. Administrative Presentations
12. Adjournment
1.07. ConseDt Agenda. Items of routine, or primarily administrative in nature, shall be
presented by the City Manager as a part of the consent agenda. All items so submitted shall have
one clearly understandable recommended action so that all items may be voted upon as a group
without discussion. The Mayor shall ask if there is anyone present, written correspondence
received, or any Council member wishing to discuss any item prior to calling for a vote
approving the consent agenda. Any items requiring discussion shall be removed from the
consent agenda and shall become the last item on the agenda unless a Council member requests
that it be heard earlier; i.e. if the question is short or persons are in attendance who are affected
by the decision. If the action proposed to be taken involves a citizen(s) not in attendance, action
shall be tabled to allow notification of the Council's intent to discuss the proposed action.
1.08. Curlew. No additional agenda items shall be discussed after II :30 p.m. No
meetings shall contiuue past 12:00 midnight. Meetings adjourned under this policy shall be
continued to a time specified by the Council. The continued meeting will start at the point on the
agenda where the adjournment occurred.
1.09. First Regular Meeting of the Year. At the first regular Council meeting in
January of each year, the Council shall (I) designate the depository of City funds, (2) designate
the official newspaper, (3) choose an Acting Mayor from the membership of the Council who
shall perform the duties of the Mayor during the disability or absence of the Mayor, and (4)
review the Rules of Procedure of the City Council and make any necessary changes.
2.01. Filing Deadline. All matters to be submitted to the Council shall be filed with the
City Manager's office not later than 10:00 a.m. on the Thursday ten days prior to the Council
meeting at which considerntion is desired. In unusual circumstances and when the matter does
not require investigation, an item'1Ilay be accepted after said deadline upon the approval of the
City Manager or Mayor.
City -ofChanhassen
Carver aDd HeDDepin Counties, Minnesota
The following rules of procedure sball govern the conduct of City CoUIlcil business:
1.01. Meetings. The City Council shall hold regular meetings on the second and fourth
Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m. If a regular meeting falls on a legal holiday, such meeting
shall be held at the same hour on the Tuesday succeeding the Monday holiday. However, in
December the Council will have only one regular meeting which will be on the second Monday,
December 13. Work sessions will be held every Monday at 5:30 p.m.; however, no work session
will be held on a legal holiday.
1.02. Special Meetings and Emergency Meetings. Special meetings of the City
Council may be called by the Mayor or by any two members of the Council in writing filed with
the City Clerk, who shall then mail a notice to all the members of the time, place, and purpose of
the meeting. The notice shall also be posted on the City's principal bulletin board. The notice
shall also be mailed or otherwise delivered to each person who has filed a written request for
notice of special meetings. The notice shall be posted and mailed, or delivered at least three (3)
days before the date Qfthe meeting. Emergency meetings may be held without prior notice when
all Council members are present at dle meeting or consent thereto in writing. Such consent shall
be filed with the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the meeting. A good faith effort shall be
made to notifY each news medium that has filed a written request for notice of meetings. Notice
shall include the subject of the meeting.
1.03. Place. All meetings shall be held in the Council Chambers of Chanhassen City
Hall unless there is a published or posted notice designating another location.
1.04. Presiding Officers. The mayor shall preside at all meetings of the Council. In the
absence of the mayor, the acting mayor shall preside. In the absence of both, the Council
members shall elect one of their I1UIllber as temporary chairperson to so preside.
1.05. QHI1IIIL TInee mem.bers of the Council shall constitute a quorum for the
transaction of hm,;""""of _ Council, but a smaller number may adjourn from time to time.
1.06. Order of BusiDess. At the hour appointed for meeting, the members shall be
called to order by the Mayor, or in her absence by the Acting Mayor, or in the absence of both by
the City Manager. In the absence of the City Manager, the Mayor shall appoint a Secretary pro
tem, as the case may be, shall call the roll, note the absentees and announce whether a quorum is
Mayor and City Council
January 5, 2000
Page 3
member of the Council or by the Mayor. A 3/5ths majority vote is
f. Weed Inspector: Under state law, the Mayor is officially the Weed
Inspector for the city. I would recommend that Jackie Glaser, our
Community Service Officer be designated Deputy Weed Inspector. Jackie
will coordinate any enforcement issues with-Sgt. Dave Potts, the new
Chanhassen sergeant.
g. Fire Chief: John Wolff was recently re-elected by the Fire Department
membership to a second two-year term as Fire Chief. The council should
reaffirm this appointment.
h. Health Officer: Dr. Dave McCollum has again expressed his willingness
to serve as the City's Health Officer in 2000. He has held this voluntary
position since 1981.
As always, if you have any questions, please call me.
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