1b-1 Arrowhead Addition Plat
o City (roter Drive, PO Box 147
~hanhassen, Minnesota 55317
Phone 612.9311900
General FI1X 612.937.5739
'ngineering FI1X 612.937.9152
uhlic Safety FI1X 612.934.2524
Wéb www.ci.chanhassffl.mn.UJ
Scott Botcher, City Manager
Bob Generous, Senior Planner
. October 23, 2000
Arrowhead Addition (Sub #99-10) Final Plat
The developer is requesting final plat approval to subdivide a parcel into two
single family lots of20,134 sq. ft. and 19,591 sq. ft., Arrowhead Addition.
On December 13, 1999, the City Council approved the preliminary plat for
Arrowhead Addition, Subdivision #99-10, creating two lots and one outlot.
I. The development shall pay full park and trails fees pursuant to city ordinance in
lieu of park land dedication.
*This condition still applies.
2. If any soil corrections are done on the property a final grading plan and soil
report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before permits will be
*This condition still applies.
3. Address numbers must be posted at the driveway entrance on Powers Blvd.
and on each dwelling.
*This condition still applies.
4. Each property must be served by independent sewer and water services. It
may be possible to provide an easement for a joint service, however a
manhole structure would be required at the service split.
*This condition has been met.
, City ofChllllhassen. A KfOwint community with clem? lakes, quality schools, a charmin'l downtown, tlm'l,infT businesses, and beautifù! parks. A 'ImIt place to litJe, work. t11Id f}/av.
Scott Botcher
October 23, 2000
Page 2
5. The applicant shall. submit a landscape plan as part of the final plat approval showing a total of
17 trees to be planted as part of this development. A minimum offour of the trees must be
conifers that shall be located along Powers Boulevard. Conifers shall average seven feet in
height at planting. The balance of the trees may be ITom the city's approved tree list. Trees
shall meet minimum size requirements.
*This condition has been met.
6. A detailed grading, drainage, erosion control, and tree removal plan will be required for each
lot at time of building permit application for City staff to review.
*This condition still applies.
7. The applicant will be required to enter into a development contract with the City and provide
the necessary financial security to guarantee installation of the pt\blic improvements and
conditions of final plat approval.
*This condition still applies.
8. The applicant shall dedicate the southeasterly 50 feet of Outlot A for public street purposes
for Holly Lane.
*This condition still applies.
9. The applicant shall prepare and have recorded a 20-foot wide private drainage and utility
easement in favor of Lot lover Lot 2 to extend sewer and water service to Lot I. In
addition, the developer shall prepare and have recorded a 30-foot wide private driyeway
easement agreement across Lot 2 to provide access to Lot I ITom Powers Boulevard. The
driveway width shall be a minimum of 18 feet wide and a maximum of 24 feet wide in the
common portion of the driveway area. Individual driveways may be a minimum of 12 feet
wide and a maximum of24 feet wide. All driveway areas shall be paved with an all-weather
surface such as bituminous or concrete.
*This condition still applies.
10. The applicant shall prepare detailed construction plans and specifications in accordance with
the City's Standard Specifications and Detail Plates for the extension of sewer and water
service to service Lots I and 2. Detailed construction plans and specifications shall be
submitted to City staff for review and approval three weeks prior to final plat consideration.
*This condition has been met.
11. The applicant shall.be responsible for obtaining and complying with the necessary permits
such as Carver County Highway Department, MPCA, Watershed District, and Minnesota
Department of Health.
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October 23, 2000
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*This condition still applies.
12. Lots I and 2 shall be responsible for a sanitary sewer and water hookup charge at time of
building permit application at the rate in effect at the time.
*This condition stilI applies.
13. SWMP fees shall be paid to the city in the amount of$2,530.00 ($782.00 quality and
$1,802.00 quantity) prior to the recording of the final plat.
*This condition stilI applies.
14. The applicant shall dedicate to the city a drainage and utility easement over Outlot A.
*This condition still applies.
15. Since Lot I does not ITont on a public street, the ITont yard shall be considered the lot line
closest to Powers Boulevard. The required 30 foot ITont yard setback shall be maintained ITom
this lot line.
*This condition stilI applies.
16. Explore the possibility of a tree conservation easement over the northern triangle of the site and
provide the city a detailed tree inventory.
*This condition shall be modified as follows: A conservation easement shall be recorded over
Lots I and 2, Block I, Arrowhead Addition. The easement shall be for the area north of a line
that begins on the west line of Lot 1,240 south of the northwest comer of Lot I, such line
terminating at a point on the northeast lot line of Lot 2, 165 feet south of the northwest comer of
Lot 2.
17. Investigate erosion and drainage issues for the area.
*This condition has been met.
18. Concurrence with Carver County on the driveway access to Powers Boulevard.
*This condition stilI applies.
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October 23, 2000
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Based on staff review of the final plat documents, the following conditions are recommended:
1. The plans shall be revised to incorporate the following items:
Sheet 3 - Plan & Profile Sheet
a. Add the following note - "Sanitary sewer services shall be 6" PVC SDR 26.
Cleanouts are required every 90 feet."
b. Add an additional gate valve at a distance of 3 feet ITom the hydrant.
c. In the plan view, add the following leader note at the existing manhole, "Core
drill existing manhole. Invert 967.10."
d. Move the proposed gate valve shown to within 3 feet of the wet tap location.
Sheet 5 - Grading Plan
a. Show the benchmark used for the survey.
b. Add a legend, which describes the existing and proposed contours, silt fence,
property lines, etc.
c. Show the private driveway easement as 30 feet wide.
d. Add silt fence across the ditch, just north of the existing utility connections.
e. Remove the proposed contours over the building pad areas and label them
"Custom Graded." The proposed garage, lowest floor, and walkout elevations
must still be shown.
2. Revise the specification book to incorporate the following items:
a. Add the City of Chanhassen 2000 edition Standard Specifications to the spec
3. Revise the final plat as follows:
a. Delete the public drainage and utility easement over the private utility lines in Lot
2, Block 1.
b. Dedicate the southeasterly 50 feet of Outlot A as public right-of-way.
c. Dedicate Outlot A as a public drainage and utility easement.
The property contains a variety of trees and vegetation on a hillside with approximately a 20%
slope. The grading plan proposes to grade approximately the southerly one-half of the site to
develop house pads, driveway, and utility extensions. There is an approximate 30-foot elevation
change between Powers Boulevard and the westerly property line which makes the site rather
difficult to develop. The plans propose two walkout type houses with steep slopes (2: I) around
the sides of each. Staff believes that the actual home configuration may be different than what is
shown and therefore recommends the lots be custom graded at the time of building permit
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issuance to minimize grading and tree removal. It is recommended that a detailed grading,
drainage, tree removal, and erosion control plan be submitted for each lot at the time of building
permit application for City staff review and approval.
There are no wetlands on this site.
Surface Water Management
The proposed project is located in the Christmas Lake watershed. There is a history of drainage
concerns in this area. Several years ago, a SWMP project was proposed to reduce the impacts of
storm water along Holly Lane. This project was abandoned because there is not enough space to
provide adequate storm water ponding.
The City is requiring the applicant to provide a drainage and utility easement over Outlot A. As
the City pursues storm water management alternatives, this easement could be used as part of the
overall drainage plan for the area.
Storm Water Oualitv Fees
The SWMP has established a water quality connection charge for each new subdivision based on
land use. Dedication shall be equal to the cost ofJand and pond volume needed for treatment of the
phosphorus load leaving the site. The requirement for cash in lieu ofJand and pond construction
shall be based upon a schedule in accordance with the prescribed land use zoning. Values are
calculated using market values ofland in the City ofChanhassen plus a value of$2.75 per cubic
yard for excavation ofthe pond. The proposed SWMP water quality charge for residential
developments is $800/acre. Therefore the fee associated with this proposed 0.91-acre development
will be $728.
Storm Water Ouantitv Fees
The SWMP has established a connection charge for the different land uses based on an average
citywide rate for the installation of water quantity systems. This cost includes land acquisition,
proposed SWMP culverts, open channels and storm water ponding areas for runoff storage.
Residential developments will have a connection charge of $ 1,980 per developable acre. The water
quantity fee for the proposed 0.91-acre Arrowhead Addition will be $1,802.
These fees are due payable to the City at time of final plat recording.
The site sheet drains to the east into the drainage ditch along Powers Boulevard which then
drains northerly towards HoIly Lane. The addition of two home sites will not require any
additional storm water management improvements. The lots, when fuIly developed, may need
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retaining walls and drainage swales around the home sites to ensure that the neighborhood
drainage pattern is maintained. These will be reviewed on an individual basis in conjunction
with the building permit review process.
Type I erosion control (silt fence) is required for the extension of sewer and water to service the
two lots. Erosion control measures will also be addressed upon review of the individual building
permits. This may include turf reinforcement matting over the steep slopes on the site.
Municipal sewer and water is located in the northerly portion of the site. Sewer and water lines
are proposed to be extended south along Powers Boulevard to service the two proposed lots.
Construction plans and specifications have been prepared and only minor revisions remain. The
developer is required to enter into a development contract with the City and provide the
necessary financial security to guarantee installation of the necessary utilities to serve the two
The property has not been previously assessed for sewer and water service. According to city
ordinance, properties not previously assessed for sewer and water shaH pay a connection and
hookup charge at time of building permit issuance. Since the developer will be responsible for
extending lateral sewer and water service to the lots, the sanitary sewer and water connection
charges will be waived. However, the sanitary sewer and water hookup charges wiH still be
applicable for each lot. The 2000 trunk sanitary sewer hookup charge is $1,300 and the trunk
watermain hookup charge is $1,694. Sanitary sewer and water hookup fees may be specially
assessed against the parcel at the time of building permit issuance.
Due to the lot configuration, a 20-foot wide drainage and utility easement is proposed across Lot
2 for the sewer and water service to serve Lot I. This easement should be a private easement and
maintenance agreement between the two property owners and not dedicated for general public
use. The sewer and water lines beyond the right-of-way line of Powers Boulevard shaH be
considered private and not maintained by the City.
Utility extension and street access wiH be ITom Powers Boulevard that is under Carver County
jurisdiction. Therefore, the developer wiH need to apply and obtain the necessary permits for
extending utility service and the new driveway access point through the Carver County Public
Works Department.
The site is to be accessed via a shared common driveway access point ITom Powérs Boulevard
through Lot 2. According to city ordinance, private driveways shall be 20-feet wide within a 30-
foot wide easement and built to a 7-ton design standard when they serve more than two lots.
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Given the topographic features of this site, staff believes that a reduction in the driveway width
to 18 feet is warranted. However, staff does recommend that the 30-foot wide driveway
easement requirement be maintained. No additional street right-of-way or street improvements
appear necessary for this proposal.
The applicant has prepared a landscape plan for the project. This plan has incorporated tree
preservation requirements as well as buffer yard requirements. The plan contains a total of seven
overstory deciduous trees and II conifers. The city shall require security as part of the final plat
for the installation of the buffer yard plantings along Powers Boulevard and the yard plantings.
The proposed development shall pay full park and trails fees in lieu of park land dedication pursuant
to city ordinance.
Lot I
Lot 2
Outlot A
Powers Blvd.
Area (Square Feel)
Frontage (Feet)
281 #
Depth (Feel)
@ Minimum Lot Width for lots accessed via private drives is 100 feet as measured at the ITont
building setback line.
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the following motion:
"The Chanhassen City Council approves the final plat for Arrowhead Addition, Subdivision #99-10,
creating two lots, one outlot, and right-of-way for Powers Boulevard and Holly Lane, subject to the
following conditions:
I. The development shall pay full park and trails fees pursuant to city ordinance in lieu of park
land dedication.
2. If any soil corrections are done on the property a final grading plan and sòil report must
be submitted to the Inspections Division before permits wilI be issued.
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October 23, 2000
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3. Address numb~rs must be posted at the driveway entrance on Powers Blvd. and on each
4. A detailed grading, drainage, erosion control, and tree removal plan will be required for
each lot at time of building permit application for City staff to review.
5. The applicant will be required to enter into a development contract with the City and
provide the necessary financial security to guarantee installation of the public
improvements and conditions of final plat approval.
6. The applicant shall dedicate the southeasterly 50 feet of Outlot A for public street
purposes for Holly Lane.
7. The applicant shall prepare and have recorded a 20-foot wide private drainage and utility
easement in favor of Lot lover Lot 2 to extend sewer and water service to Lot I. In
addition, the developer shall prepare and have recorded a 30-foot wide private driveway
easement agreement across Lot 2 to provide access to Lot I ITom Powers Boulevard. The
driveway width shall be a minimum of 18 feet wide and a maximum of 24 feet wide in
the common portion of the driveway area. Individual driveways may be a minimum of
12 feet wide and a maximum of 24 feet wide. All driveway areas shall be paved with an
all-weather surface such as bituminous or concrete.
8. The applicant shall be responsible for obtaining and complying with the necessary
permits such as Carver County Highway Department, MPCA, Watershed District, and
Minnesota Department of Health.
9. Lots I and 2 shall be responsible for a sanitary sewer and water hookup charge at time of
building permit application at the rate in effect at the time.
10. SWMP fees shall be paid to the city in the amount of $2,530.00 ($782.00 quality and
$1,802.00 quantity) prior to the recording of the final plat.
II. The applicant shall dedicate to the city a drainage and utility easement over Outlot A.
12. Since Lot I does not ITont on a public street, the ITont yard shall be considered the lot line
closest to Powers Boulevard. The required 30 foot ITont yard setback shall be maintained
ITom this lot line.
13. A conservation easement shall be recorded over Lots I and 2, Block I, Arrowhead Addition.
The easement shall be for the area north of a line that begins on the west line of Lot I, 240
south of the northwest comer of Lot I, such line terminating at a point on the northeast lot
line of Lot 2, 165 feet south of the northwest comer of Lot 2.
14. Concurrence with Carver County on the driveway access to Powers Boulevard.
IS. The plans shall be revised to incorporate the following items:
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Sheet 3 - Plan & Profile Sheet
a. Add the following note - "Sanitary sewer services shall be 6" PVC SDR 26.
Cleanouts are required every 90 feet."
b. Add an additional gate valve at a distance of 3 feet ITom the hydrant.
c. In the plan view, add the following leader note at the existing manhole, "Core
drill existing manhole. Invert 967.1 0."
d. Move the proposed gate valve shown to within 3 feet of the wet tap location.
Sheet 5 - Grading Plan
a. Show the benchmark used for the survey.
b. Add a legend, which describes the existing and proposed contours, silt fence,
property lines, etc.
c. Show the private driveway easement as 30 feet wide.
d. Add silt fence across the ditch, just north of the existing utility connections.
e. Remove the proposed contours over the building pad areas and label them
"Custom Graded." The proposed garage, lowest floor, and walkout elevations must
still be shown.
16. Revise the specification book to incorporate the following items:
a. Add the City of Chanhassen 2000 edition Standard Specifications to the spec
17. Revise the final plat as follows:
a. Delete the public drainage and utility easement over the private utility lines in Lot
2, Block 1.
b. Dedicate the southeasterly 50 feet of Outlot A as public right-of-way.
c. Dedicate Outlot A as a public drainage and utility easement."
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1. Location Map
2. Final Plat
g:\plan\bg\deve1opment review\arrowhead fp.doc
t n