1g Cable Comm. Franchise
'0 City Cml" Driv" PO Box 147
ChanhllSJtn, Minn"ola 55317
Phon, 612.937.1900
Gtnera1 Fax 612.937.5739
~ngin,tring Fax 612.937.9152
'ublic Saftty Fax 612.934.2524
Web www.ci.chanhasstn.mn.us
TO: Mayor
City Council
Scott A. Botcher, City Manager
August 24, 2000
Cable Television Franchise Application Process
Please find attached a letter dated August 17, 2000, from WideOpen West
requesting that the City re-advertise its "Request for Proposals" so that they
might submit an application for the provision of cable television services.
Following conversations with Mr. Grogan, and having worked with
WideOpen West since the conclusion of the first process (Mr. Grogan and I
continued to encourage them to reconsider their original decision not to apply),
we see no reason, nor much authority, to deny their request to open the process
up so that they, as well as any other providers, may submit an application in an
attempt to secure a franchise from the City.
That being said, my request for you this evening is that you simply make a
motion directing staff to proceed in all appropriate manners to faèÎlitate a
solicitation from all interested parties for the securing the cable television
franchise from the City of Chanhassen. Thank you.
" City of Chanhasstn. A KJ11win~ community wilh cltan lab", quality schools, a charminf downlown, Ihrivinf busin"",. and btautifUl parks. A mal P!M' 10 /;'æ. work. and pm . ~
c) Wlde£þmWest
August 17,2000
Mr. Scott Botcher
City Manager
City of Chanhassen
690 City Center Drive
POBox 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
AUG 2 1 2000
Dear Scott,
Recently, the City of Chanhassen advertised a "Request for Proposals" for a cable
communications franchise. It was our intention to submit an application but we regret that
we were unable to meet the deadline. WideOpenWest is still very interested in building a
high capacity broadband fiber optic network that will offer high speed Internet
connections, digital cable television, Internet based telephone services and most
importantly a "freedom of choice" to the residents of Chanhassen.
We request that the City ofChanhassen re-advertise its" Request for Proposals" so that
WideOpenWest might submit its application without disrupting the timeline for
processing and awarding a franchise to all qualified applicants.
We look forward to a positive response.
Chris Julian
VP Market Development
Central Region
Cc Ms. Julia McGrath, Sf. Vice President and General Manager
Mr. George Duffy, Sr. Vice President, Market Development
Mr. Craig Martin, General Counsel
Mr. Brian Grogan, Moss and Barnett
10475 Park Meadows Drive
Suite 600
littleton. CO 80124
t 303.256.6900
f )03.256.6901