1o 2005 CBO Contract July 4
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen. MN 55317
Phone 952.227.1100
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Recreation Center
2310 Coulter Boulevard
Phone 952.227.1400
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Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent
Corey Hoen, Recreation Supervisor C (-)
~A a', ..
March 14,2005
2005 Casablanca Orchestra Contract
The City of Chanhassen was very pleased with the performance by CBO
(Casablanca Orchestra) at last year's Fourth of July Celebration.
I have briefly talked with CBO about this year's show and have them temporarily
on hold for our July 3 street dance.
It is staff's recommendation that the Park & Recreation Commission recommend
approval to the City Council for the contract for CBO in the amount of $4,900.
The performance will take place on Sunday, July 3,2005, from 7:00-11:00 p.m. at
City Center Park. The cost for the entertainment has been included in Fund 1600
of the 2005 recreation program budget.
ST AFF UPDATE (3-23-05)
The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed the 2005 Casablanca Orchestra
Contract for the July 3rd Street Dance, and after discussion, the Commission voted
unanimously to recommend approval of the contract to the City Council.
The City 01 Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools. a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks A great place to live, work, and play.
PO Box 26037 Minneapolis, MN 55426
1. This agreement made this day of: 2/9/2005, by and between: CBO
services of the Entertainment, and the Purchaser: City of Chanhassen
2. PLACE OF ENGAGEMENT: 690 City Center, Chanhassen, Minnesota
herein referred to as ARTIST providing the
c/o: Corey Hoen
July 03. 2005 TICKET PRICE: na
4. ENGAGEMENlHOURS: Three 60 minute sets between 7:00 PM and 11 :00 PM
Outdoor? Y
Pnvate? n
5. COMPENSATION AND TERMS OF ENGAGEMENT: It is agreed as full compensation for the services, set forth above, Purchaser
A Deposit (payable to Hoffman Talent Agency) in the amount
$400.00 is required. It is due on: 3/15/2005 .A second deposit of
$0.00 is due:
. The balance: $4,500.00 should be paid to the Artist: prior to performance.
6. ACCOMODATIONS: Purchaser to provide Artist-
7. ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS: Artist to provide sound and lights.
8. PERSUANT TO KEY PERSONNEL PROVISIONS,Leader: Melanie Mikkelson ' shall at all times have complete supervision,
direction and control over services of his personnel on his engagement and expressly reserves the right to control the manner, means and details
of the performance of services to fulfill the entertainment requirements of the Purchaser.. Responsibility for appropriate payment of payroll taxes
and charges under applicable federal and local law will be assumed by the Artist. Artist is an independant contractor.
9. na
as PRODUCER has contracted with na
separate from this contract. This contract IS binding
only to the extent that na
honor their individual contract with na
11. This contract may be cancelled by either party with written notice of cancellation of at least
Notification of cancellation to be given at the address listed on this contract.
365 days prior to engagement date
12. ANY AND ALL RIDERS ATTACHED ARE MADE A PART HEREOF. Technical specifications are also deemed a part of this contract.
13. We acknowledge and confirm that we have read and approved the terms and conditions set forth in this contract, including terms on reverse
side, as deemed by our signatures below.
Purchaser Signature
Purchaser: Corey Hoen
Representing: City of Chanhassen
Address: 7700 Market Blvd.
City/: Chanhassen St: MN Zip/: 55317
Phone # : 952-227-1122
Artist Signature
Artist: Melanie Mikkelson
c/o Hoffman Talent BKG AGENT: pjb
PO Box 26037
Minneapolis, MN 55426
Artist' SS# or Fed. ID#: 476-80-1740
I Anisa I'ravisians "
A In me .e¥<= of:sidcnes$ or of xcidenc to .A.n:zst. or if a perbortmllÍCe is fll"e¥enœd. rendered impossiJle or infeøi:.1e. bp..,. ;¡<.C or ~ of any pubØc audlority orburuo&, cinl umuit..1iriœ.
~ic.. memJXJOn in 0/" delay of trusporarion s.".,ic.... war conditions. or .....erzencies. or any c:wse beyond die <:oncrol of m., Arnst.. ir IS undemaod and acrftd am ÙllftWj be no dDn
far ~ by eidler ¡>U'ty to dUs con= and Ani:Ù obliptiDn 2S to sudI perionnance sbal be deemed _iYed. In the e'leftr of sucn non-perlonnance far any of die I"IIUIIns mted in dIi5
~. die monies rlf any) :uInnœd to die Artist hereunder. Wi! be rearmed on a pro r:zalmis.
B.lndemenr wadlerrende~ periomunce mpossille or infeasibie slaB not be deemed :an _ercenq :and payment of the '"creed IIXHI price Wi! be made narwídm:andirIc pravided. howwer.
elm Anist is ready. willilll and De CD perform In the eotent of inclement -.ther wiIÌd'I mipr. inœriere wicb .dIe perionn:anc:e of Anis1: IWIIed hereunder. die ¡mties mdlllltlaaaiiy determine
wioed\er 'Or not rile perior1llalll:e should proceed; H_er. in any event. if die performance is not held by rason of any weft wud1er conditions, Jlurchaser3pG CD pay Arcist·tIIe NIl ;'(unt
prowicledfar in tile comna. In- ose of nin or indement _ÙIer II1ÛiIII an outdoarll!l'Íannance ~:and an indoorf<aciäty is provided. the decision to baid tile ~ent indoors must
be made prior to. Arcist seainr up sound. IizIta. and sate equipment outdorn. Notir:e of tile proiøbiIIty of an indoor faciIicy beinc provided nut be on the &œ of rbis COIltnCt.
C AnistresefYeStIIe ript to anc:eI this enp~mentpr1orCDpay d:aœfatsclled~of~eftMC!!"ent.majormotionpiatn.œMvisionproduaion.wed.aia!pRlduaicm.co~
endor.semenr or III:aOI" CÞnceM: prior to enzaaemtalt by written noàce CD addn!SS riven 01\ fKe of canuxt. .
D _ Artis!: .. have dlerirÍle to sell so...eJIir prornms: p/Iaro~ braIIec boaJcs.. :and recordsI~ discs. an the premises of rile place(sl of perionmnœ widtout:lll' pan:idpratian in
proceeds by PurdIaser. However. concessionaire's requiremena. if any. will be honored wid! prior noålÏalian.
e. Anist"s areac. manac-r or tÐeir ",!,resena.a.es sIWJ have Ú'ee access to pIKe of periorm:ance. indudïnr ~ :area.
2 Purchaser Dudes
A. Purchaser a¡rees to empjoy die ....n:ist for professionai serviœs as a lIIusici:mImu5ia1 zroup or ~).
B. Ie is the Purdmer's responsibiity to inform Anise in writing. priorto áclcea ~inr on s:aie or prior to periorm:ance. of any Joa ormœ admission or income or enœruiIment rues wiùcft may
be messe<I on Artist for monies earned from this enpcement. Purd1uer WIll be responsible for any "JaIes" we in conneaion wÌÙI die concert. oxcl!flt for Arcist'~ conœssion ales. A SCltelltellt
or copy of die we law is to be amched rc die contraa prior to tile Artist .illl.
C. Any foreirn or Cmadim daw tontr:laed must be accompanied by . OIflPÜaDon for entry for entert:ainer" frcm that govemmem:.
D. Pun:I1:uerW21T2/1tS and represena that belshe is at; die present time; or will be. die owner or apentOr of. or has or will have a V~ lease ~n. the place(s) ofperfannance
COVerin!: tile date or dacl!5 of chis agreement. proof of which will be :Nen to Artist or Iris desifnee upon request.
E. PurciJaSer afl"ees to furnish at its sole COSt and expense at ~d Place(sl of perlormance on d", dace(s) ;md at the ci:ne(~j ;:beve mentioMd. a properly he:ated. ventibtœd. jjghte<J comfon:ai>le
dr=~ room near d", sage for the Arnst and AmsÚ company unless P""'Wr"Oved by ArtISt or 10 "'!JI'C!SenDtlVe.
1. Purdmer Wamnoes
A Purdøser warnnts there will be no r1!Cording. re;>rcduaion or transmission from the place of the enpsement in any manner or by :any means whatsoever witÎIout die prior "NI"itœn consent
of the Arnst and HT A. ArrisÚ rwne and likeness may not be used as an endorsement of any product or service or in connecrion WJCb any comlllerCal tie-1Ifl without ArtisÒ or HT A's written
a. The Purchaser sIWI not sell or disrri>ute my picture.s. fikeness. sOIll booies conaínlng lyrics andior music by die employed Artist. souvenirs or prov.ams or boojcs conainÌIII any of rile
above'menaoned and other tour merdlUldise and that any monies received from die sUe of those items becomes die sole property of the Artist.
C. If. before ÙIe dace of ;¡ny scheduled concert. or any live performance. Purchaser has faüed. nezleaed or refused rc perform any contract wÌÙI anyperionner far -my eariier enp¡emenc. or
if the financial scanc/ing or credit DÍ the PW'Cbaser has been impaired or is unsaeisíaaol)'. Artist shall have die ripe to dernmd die ¡:ayment of the guaranteed compensarian fon:ilwidt. WPurdaser
faiis orre/'uses tDmaiu: such paymentforchwir.!l. Artistshall have die. to cancel eNs enptemencby notic:eto Purchaser-to that eifea. 2nd insuc~ m!IICArtist ,w1'l!tlin-myamCllllla dteretofore
paid to Artist by Purchaser. In die event PW'Cbaser refuses or ""7:ieas rc provide any of die items ilerein sated. orfaiis or refuses to make any of the paymentS as provided herein or to proceed
widl die enpr:nIenc. Artist shaR have the riCht to reain any and all monies paid in advance to Artist from Pun:haaer. and Pun::haser-sIIaII remain liable to Artist forthe entire contnct price herein
see forth.
4. Anin Dillies
A. Artist arrees to provide professional services as a musicianlmuiia rroup or enceràiner(s) and to per!onn die enpremenc accDrdilll to <be _ and CDlIIÌiIions as $II( fortb in this cor.mct.
a. Artise s/WI b""e die sole and exdusive COlltl"O over the production. preseIIQrion. md perionnance of <be encaremenc ~er, indutiin¡. but not limited CD. die detaIà. means. md meálocis
of <be performances of rile periomling Artist nemmder. and Artist shall have die sole f"irI1t :as Artist may see fit. CD desipaœ and dIance at any time the performin& personnel. ArtistS
obIiptions hereunder are subject to deœncion or prevencion by sidtness. ínaØIicy to perform. accident, mans DÍ tn~n. acts of God. riotS. sailtes. Jabor diIIicuIties. epidemic. :any act
or order of any public audlority or any oeller caUSe. similar or dissinilar. beyond Arnst's concroJ
5. Anin Wvranåes
A. Artist/leader warnna that <be individual balldll"O"P member: woricinc dlis enpcemenc have pet! nimlher die power to bind diem CD die œrms and amlitioIIs of this =t. &en mllo
sician may ~e Ùlis enppment contract..
a. Both the Purdaser and die Artist al""" am HT A may. at its discretion. coilect any and all commissions and/or monies due HT A from die Artist. directly fran die I'un::baser.
HT A will deduct die monies due it from tile Artist from die a/'IOunt due ÚIe artist from die Pun::Iaser and then pay die Anist any remaining monies. The Purchaser ap1les that they will follow
this provision without reservation or restriction. if requested by HT A upon beinc notified by an' audJorized acenc of HT A. .
6. Liability
1. Purchaser ~rees to indemnify. defend 2nd hold HT A and Artìst hannless from and apinst any and aØ dùns. com or Ii:IbiIity far cbmacear injury CD any person or property durinc Artist's
enppmenr. induciinf time af~et up and taKe down HTA = iIentin onlps apne or manapr for the Artis:(sj ahd =omes no liability nereunder.lt i:¡ ~Iy a¡reed m. HT A aen herein..
agency for musicians :md is not responsi>ie for any ;¡a of commission on the part of either musician or purchuer. In furtherance. dlereof :and for the beneíit DÍ HT A. it is acreed that neÎdler
purchaser nor musician will name or join HT A a parry in any civil aaion or suit amilll out of. in conneaion with or. related rc any aca of commission or omission pumanc co ÙIis '"creemenc by
either pun::huer or músiàan
7. Apm P!1)Visions
A. The boolcinf alene is a~ to have fuily perfonned upon die accepcmce of tÎIis conuaa by aft ¡>mies nerem. The Artist :and die pun:iluer acree to indemniy
and CD hoid bannless die 800kinr Agem: and its repreenatiYe apinst all losses. daims. demands. com. and expenses dtae me Booltin( Acene and its represeIIWife may suuain or incurby reason
of any infringenlent or vioiation of any copyncilt or proIrietary f"irI1t in tile perfonnanc:e dlereunael'; by teason of defauk by die Anist arm.. Pun:iraser in perfonlling -my of daeir obiipcians under
dlis com:racr: or by reuDft of -my damar:s to per.sons or prapercy ansïnc out of die Artist's perlonnance under ÙIis ainuaa. .
B. Book I!Kk
A. Artist and Purdmer avee that íuan enppmencs by the Artist named hereunder in dIis -..u¡.¡..~ot or any esa.bIisIsed owned or conrroØed by Purdlaser.... be
booked cIvDi.p Hohan T aientAzencyfaraperiod artwelve (12) mondlS...... die daœ ofáùs ~ The booit-badtœnn ofdaoieMm1= etlf'Pl..dItcanrncawilbetweive(l2)mondIs
tD·l1III.fram the end of tile enpcement. Anis1: and Pwdiaser shall be joindy and ~ liable CD Huhan T alene Apncy farpaymenc of me fee aped onb' u. Arcist and HDiinaa T:aIeat
. A&-:r ánd recorded on ri..bookinc s.1cqIt for each engacM_ by H__ T aiencApnc'f.
9 ArDitncion
A. Any CDIItraVenY or dùn arisinr oue at tNs concraa ~iIaII be seEded by ~ in acconiance wid! the Iuesc ndes of die American ÅriIià'aáon Assaciøiím. JlJIiwemenc
upon die award nnlered in arbitration may be entered ¡ft any coon: bIvinc jurisdic;UDn.
B. This.-.- may not be CÍIanged.lllodified. or -.leered. except by an i___.tipd in wririnf by die puties. TIús acr-nc sW be CDJ\SØ'Ued in ~ wid!
die laws of dleSaœ ofMinnesora. Nodûnc in dIis arememsåaß require die cOlllmission ofanyaa conuuyw law or to any rule or rezuuicmof any union. &UiJd. oninilrilody havincjurisdiaian·
_die plrimnances ilereunderor -my eiemenc dIereof and wftereoIerorwßeMver tbereis any conIIictbetweenany provision ofdlis aar-Mncad any such law. ruieor~sudllaw.
ruie or ~ sIJa prevü and this arreemenc Wil be curtailed. modifiedoriníœd only CD die exrenc necessary to eIiniIDœ sudI œnØia. .
c. This COIItI'aCt cooren personai ~ SerW::es in conjunaion widl ÙIis conrraa only. Any radio. lV. ¡nss inr.erIiews orappar3nœs forwilaœver _ Á- liter
must be c:iared by HTA ptiarto sßøw dare:and perfamønœ.
10. <:amnas
A. The A~ and Pvn:baser ~ hereby advised to seek Jepi advise c:oncerninc the meaninf and effect of the provisions comained in dIis COIIU3Ct.
B. 8aàI parnes will use reasonable effort to si&n and recum c:ona:aa to HT A inmediuely ~ A!Ceivïnr conrna.
C Camm_t of enprement tøretherwidl pilysial deJivery of dIis COIltr:lCt is d_ed CD be verificcion of an orai ~em: :and acœpanœ of aII_ by Purdmerand Anise.