A. 1991 budget I CITYOF ......_...... 1 .11 II _ 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 I/ MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council IFROM: Don Ashworth, City Manager DATE: November 19, 1990 1 SUBJ: Worksession - 1991 Budget IITom Chaffee's reconstructive surgery could not have come at a worse time. As he continues to remind me, he really did not have a choice. In any case, the budgetary process has been going slower II than desired. I did spend Wednesday and Wednesday evening at Tom's home. We will be in a position on Monday evening to distribute the entire general fund budget including all commentaries, expenditures IIand revenue. Summary revenues and expenditures will also be available. I wanted to have the first cuts prepared Monday. That I will not occur. The bottom line is that $550,000 needs to be cut II from the budget to be presented to the Council. The Council will have a majority of the recommended cuts (hopefully in advance) for the special meeting of November 26, 1990. That timing should provide the Council with approximately two weeks to compare the 1 original requests to recommended cuts - all in preparation of the December 10th meeting. If adoption is not possible on the 10th, a secondary meeting has been set for December 18, 1990 (established Iby the City Council approximately one month ago) . You have each heard my speech regarding the city being responsible for running 150 companies, not just .one. That statement is II especially true during the budgetary period. When the City Council initially looks at grant projects such as North Lotus Lake Park improvements, South Lotus Lake boat access, Lake Susan Park 1 improvements, etc. , you also establish the budget/schedule of improvements for each of those projects. From that point on, staff is responsible to ensure that the projects get built as approved 1 (sometimes a 2-3 year period of time) . As special capital projects, they are not a part of the operating budget. However, if any errors were made in either the projected revenues or expenditure levels, the only adjustment period open to the city is II during the budgetary process. Each of those projects (businesses) may require 2-4 hours of staff time ensuring current funding is adequate. In most cases, the Council is unaware that the work was II I Mayor and City Council November 19, 1990 Page 2 even completed or what was done. This same statement is true of ' the public improvement group of funds (businesses) , debt funds, etc. The point of this dissertation is that even though the City Council may not be seeing things accomplished as a part of the budget process, they really are. pa) 11 t I 11 I 11 I 11 I I 11 1 I