1i. Approve Eurasian Water Milfoil Inspection proposal 4
(612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739
Manager's Comments: I concur with the
' Assistant Public Safety Director's
MEMORANDUM recommendation. $5,000 was allocated
in the 1990 Budget. DWA (7-19-90)
' TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager
FROM: Scott Harr , Assistant Public Safety Director '
DATE: July 3 , 1990
SUBJ: Eurasian Water Milfoil Inspection Proposal
Having recently discovered that signifi-
cant y Lake Minnewashta has a signifi
' amount of eurasian water milfoil in it , I have been working
with Mr . Kevin Kretsch of Lake Restoration Inc. , and the Depart-
ment of Natural Resources to have Lake Minnewashta inspected and
treated. The milfoil discovered was of a very significant
' quantity, and we are fortunate that the State of Minnesota has
funding available for treatment this year .
I have asked Mr . Kretsch to provide me with the attached quotes
for inspections of Chanhassen lakes . Because Lake Minnewashta
has been inspected and has been treated, and Christmas Lake is
being inspected under a Shorewood program, that leaves the
' following Chanhassen lakes that have not been inspected for
eurasian water milfoil : Ann, Lotus , Lucy, Riley and Susan.
' Attached please find the three inspection programs that Lake
Restoration can provide. Because, at least for 1990, the
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has funding available
' to eradicate milfoil that is found, and that in spite of our
efforts to maintain a close watch on Lake Minnewashta a
significant amount of milfoil has been discovered, it would
seem very cost effective for the City of Chanhassen to take
' advantage of program .A, which will provide two inspections
during 1990 . Any eurasion water milfoil that is found, will in
all probability be treated with funding from the DNR.
' The $3680.00 that two inspections for this year will cost , will
be a wise investment if milfoil is found. The treatment for Lake
' Minnewashta itself will run approximately $8,000 (again, this is
at no cost to us because of the 1990 DNR funding that is
available) .
I can not stress enough the speed with which this weed can
spread, and has , in fact , found itself into our lakes . Please
recall that I have taken a very aggressive approach, with the
II -
Don Ashworth
July 3 , 1990
11 Page 2
help of neighborhood weed watch groups , training sessions for our
Park and Recreation lake attendants , and by providing community
education through the media, newsletters, flyers , etc. , regarding
this matter . Nonetheless , once we did discover the weed in Min-
newashta, it had advanced to a frightening degree. Therefore, my
' recommendation is that the City of Chanhassen consider the two
inspections of the lakes that have not been inspected in our
City, for a total of $3 , 680. 00 . While there is no guarantee that
every bit of milfoil could, with all certainty be found, it is in
' fact the best step that can be taken.
Professional Lake Weed Control
Date : July 2 , 1990 '
To : Mr. Scott Harr
From: Kevin Kretsch, Lake Restoration '
Subject: Inspections of Chanhassen lakes for eurasian water
milfoil .
The city of Shorewood paid for two lakewide inspections of
Christmas lake in 1989 and has already had one inspection done in
June of 1990 . Lake Minnewashta is currently being treated for a
eurasian water milfoil infestation exceeding 36 acres.
Similarly, lakes Zumbra, Bavaria, Auburn, Schutz , and Waconia
have had infestations and treatments for eurasian water milfoil . I
The proximity of the other Chanhassen lakes to lake Minnetonka
increases the chance of these lakes becoming infested. An
inspection program would help to identify pioneer infestations .
The Dept . of Natural Resources is currently paying for treatments
to control pioneer infestations .
Programs :
A. Inspect the entire littoral zone of Lotus , Ann, Lucy, Riley
and Susan lakes twice during the summer. The value of this
program is $3680 .
B. Inspect the entire littoral zone of above named lakes once
during the summer. The value of this program is $1840 .
C. Inspect the launch areas and other likely areas of initial '
infestation. The value of this program is $1135.
Lake Restoration can not guarantee the existence or non-existence
of eurasian water milfoil through the inspection process .
620 Hamel Road Hamel, Minnesota 55340 (612) 478-9421