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7. Goose removal Program
I CITYOF -- 1 , ,. 4. i- ,I, CHANHASSEN _ k_ +�� 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147• CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 II MEMORANDUM TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager IFROM: Park and Recreation Department II DATE: June 6, 1990 SUBJ: Goose Removal Program, Finalize Four Year Program IIn 1986, Chanhassen residents and park users on Lakes Minnewashta, Lucy and Ann petitioned the City to do something to control the I Canadian Goose population. Dr. Jim Cooper with the University of Minnesota was contacted, as he facilitates a goose removal program throughout the metro area. This program is done in conjunction Iwith the DNR and the US Fish and Wildlife Department. Geese present a nuisance as well a potential health problem when they are allowed to gather in unlimited numbers. The Canadian I Goose has no natural predators in urban areas and therefore grow in large numbers. Residents have problems with large flocks of geese (30 to 100) gathering to graze on the lawns around the lakeshore. I It seems they nest in the undeveloped, natural areas and feed on the groomed lawns of parks and homes. I Attached please find a letter from Dr. Cooper with current goose counts in Chanhassen. The population on the area lakes has been greatly reduced since 1986, especially on Lakes Ann and Lucy. Although large numbers of geese still exist on Lake Minnewashta, Inumbers have been reduced since the beginning of the program. Dr. Cooper expressed at the onset of this program that goose I removal would in all likelihood have to be continued to maintain a desired low population. However, once a target population was achieved, removal of all geese may not be necessary. Target populations were estimated to be 1 to 2 breeding pairs per site 11 (roughly 20 to 30 birds) . Staff has received input from area residents throughout the I program. Attached please find a letter from Peggy Green, who would like to see the birds left on Lake Minnewashta. Melanie A. Volk of Near Mountain has also written to request that her area be included I I I II Mr. Don Ashworth June 7, 1990 Page 2 I in the removal program (such would cost approximately $500 to $700) . Lake Minnewashta residents have called each year to report that although numbers are decreasing, the goose population on their Ilawns continues to create unsanitary conditions and noise problems. Dr. Cooper's attached letter outlines his recommendation on the removal program. 1 I Note: This item is included in the 1990 budget. If approved, removal will take place in late June when the flying feathers have molted. 1 Manager's Comments: Three years ago the City made a commitment to Y Dr. Cooper for the goose removal program. The City has a I responsibility to complete the final year. With four years of statistics available, the City will be in a better position to determine if the program should be continued. 1 /,r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i,_ 46#06'90 X9:04 x'8132 _ to continue as long as there are expanding goose populations in Eden Prairie, Excelsior, Victoria, etc. Please let me know if you need further information. Sincerely ours Y Y • 466"444445(11-6 Dr. James A. Cooper Associate Professor and 1 Wildlife Extension Specialist 1:4'4 .-:-7----- --.------ ---t--'-'.-.::-,14,..i 7.- ,---•±,,fA,-:-:-- - - ' 1---': -- .: ` --- -‘.-- :it' '-':-'-..-- - 74.$7.....:.:.-......,.. 1.`,-t-- -• 1-A 4. ...„ ...,.-•-•--.,..„_, ..---.-;,4,...,,-:.__, c.....A_,-".• ..-F....y.,..-..,-7,-...,:._.-.::::„:„.••,......_____.._:,-...„.... ,...-•,-, __,-. _,..,;. ..„. . . ,.,..-. -- ,-- --- 1 ,), _. _ --- toir - -- '. _,:--o A -'-'4. - -'. - ...., -, ----'4:-4-'- -"---,...e.---- ---oe,_.- -.,:,--,--'x-----n--,4r--.1 .:;-,..--- ,.2k,_:„----.-• -..:. . . • .--4;i.-';:::::-'''''--Iri ::--;.;--. -.- '- -- -',---..i;---*,...-,.:-----,- ,.'-'-' 'f';`-t7-t-F"- -----''' . '.:' c'.---,_.4_,_1-,t ':,,...L....;.."-; ...-.• - --,..:-:-., -''''''.- --:.- " --='-'''--- -''''. "...7.`7,_____,__.:.-::7.4--.1---- ...-51 _::= -, - ---.t.,..--,......, .,..,.,.=t, t:,°-;-, - :tit , ‘,..-----..--.. .----. 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