6 SW Metro Transit Update CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 '-Met Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Admlnlstralion Phone: 952.227.1100 fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.11BO fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 fax: 952.227.1170 finance Phone: 952.227.1140 fax 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone 952.227.1120 fax: 952.2271110 RecreafionCenter 2310CoullerBoulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Nalural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 fax 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952.2271300 fax 952.227.1310 SenlorCenler Phone 952.227.1125 fax: 952.227.1110 WebSile www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us b MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor City Council FROM: . ,¡'"V-c O~ Todd Gerhardt, City Manager DATE: April 17, 2002 SUBJ: Year End Update, Southwest Metro Transit, Len Simich Len Simich from Southwest Metro Transit would like to present their 2001 annual report to the City Council. Attached is a photocopy of the report. Mr. Simich will distribute color copies on Monday night. The City 01 Chanhassen . A growing communily with clean lakes, quality schoots. a channing downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautitut parks. A greal place 10 live. work. and play ''!I Äpr-17-02 lO:54A SMTC 952 974 7997 P.03 CHAIR'S l\fESSAGE As I write DIY Iw;! mHHlflJ letter as Chair of the SO!JIh Wl:'st Metro Trafl!'.it Conunissinn. [ am r~mjn ll~rl of 110\'1. ~1'f:'i.HI} our orgnnir.<1tiun has grown (weI" the p..,st four }'eJ.r:-;, W~ IHn¡e seen si :;nificallt irnpmVCITIt.'JIIS ill our s~r\'it.'e. equipment. ILII( pt."'sotuld. an¡l have ~xperielleer.! an iru.:rea.o;e in ridership ilnd in th~ qualify of om facilities. SouthWest M~lro Transit ('olllillues to hp, a 'dri,,'ing' fo '(~1' in initjativeq that n.-duel.' tramc eougestion and pD!lutiun, whÎIt~ providing ~ervlce·drivt~n Imrtsportatiurl bf'h"0t't'l] the suhurhs and downtown Minneapolis, A significant amount of this organizational ~rowth hu:-: occurred within the prl:-t YI'11I'. 2001 ushen~d in an addirinllul $7..3 miHion Ln fedf.~ral granl ruuns, which wiJJ eHahle tI~ to purchase 14 .¡dditinnal c03<:hes alld to constrtlc:l a 400 stall Park i.1nd Ritl€" Il)r alt'ng Ih~ new Hw)' ~~12 in 2004/200.1. Abu, in 200J, SuuthWest Metro purehu..~('d tt 27 SI:":I( trnlley, (:(}Hstmch~d au addihonal500 temporary parking spaC't':s at Sc)lIlhW~st Station, and ~e('url:"d $2.5 milliun thrfJugh Ih~ Legislature mid Metropolitan CfJunc:il tn cumplete the flltlfljnµ; ne~essary tn ~onstntct our 702-spaee parking ramp. The parking ramp (:un~( 'uctiulJ j!'i on schedule for August 2002 L'ornplctinn, 111 audition to (he~e ucc.:onlpli~hmf'lIl!'i, ~xpress rider:=ohip jncn'a~~d by lOo/c, and ovcr.11J ridershjp·7%. while revenues were up }"*.8'7(. ílnd ]0% rc:;pectívely. St-JuthWest Metro Tnm~¡t r:ontinual1y look:"! fin ways to provide additional servicC's to n.'sidt~nt.8 of the Eden PmiJie, Chaska, und Clutnhas:-wn ~()lIImullitil~. ff! 2001, S(JIUIt\\'e!'i1 M ~tro pro....ided U\ICI' 23.000 ritles tu th~ Slate Fair, 5urpa.c;:qing nul' previnlls high bJ· <llmo.....t )0.000 rides. Additionally, SouthWest Mel,ro pruvided lrall~ptJft¿lti( n In ~lIt'h t':....P,tL!s as lilt, Holiduzzle Pamdc. Ih~ State Fair. senior trips (Minnesnt'J Twins, shopping 111<111:-;. I"I'st:)uI";.¡nl tours), and youth servicf>s. sllt~h as athldie adi"'ity hll~~S, and Dial~A-Rjdt' sf'niîj~"s. II is with greal pride that I (H~8t:'IH the SC1utltWest Vlefm Tran1'\Ît 20(H AUllual Hepm'l _ it's IINo'n a greut ride as Chair of the C)mrnis~ioJl. and Pm gIud tn have IJet:11 a part of il. I look f~ !ward 11.1 f:ontÎnl.le servin~ SouthWest .\'1etro Tran~il ¡)~ a hoard IHt:rnber. . Na I('Y Tyru-Lukp-nH. Chair IHayor, Eden Prairie Apr-17-02 lO:54A SMTC 952 974 7997 P.04 EXECU'I.'IVE DIRE;C'1.'OR'S lVIESSAGE As the yenr 20(H come,; to a do!'Õe. I have ht~en /"e-nN;ting back on the prugrt-:$S we, ha....e rllUc1 ~ a~ an (uw.mizalion tn't-I" t.lle la~t four Yf:'ars, and l <IItl stmck hy our muny accomplishmcnb. Among the: mnre nOLahl ~ flighJigJII~: TIle: construction ofSoutbWef'i! Station; seeuring appmximulel)' &40 million dollars in f,~d"_'ral and region¡l eilpital grants .....hil~h has enabled us to pun~hase IItW ,,"chides, ronslmct our maintenance tileility - lran$it slulion and parking deck. maintain our equipment d.lld upgrade tedmology; WI! priviltizt...oU P() 1jor1:o:i (If our or~ratiun ",hid1 savetlllh~ a1-,~lII~Y O....l':'f $600,000 Hrlllllally; we initiated a numhcr of new trUJlfiÍt ;servir.p.s; Wf: devduped the pmlJCl1>' sunnunding SouthWest Station whjrh wiH ncllh~ agl'rH'} (Jv~r .f.tk5 million du/huE, and will pfl)virle many !>endil::i to the lransit user;t\nd we havt-' inlTeast:fl rid".r::;hip anl1 revenue on an avel'nge of 10·15% per year. Dear rIiend of South'Vesl Melm Transit: Lonkjn~ f01warrJ, we [In so with optimism thi.1t pub ir~ transpo 'wtion will f'fÞlltÎnut: to pli.l)' an imp0l1ant and crit.icru rol~ by (~()lIne('t¡nK jnùi\·idllal:-. Ii) ~mrlo}'lI1ent, sO('Îal, and 1"e!,'!"l"ationa! aClivities thmughouI the region. Huwev~r. <1S I \',']"jle this leLlf~r. ~)UIIIWe.;,;1 M~llU TmnsÎl. likt: mUIIY otl1t~r puhlic sedor organizations, is frying 10 determim· tb~ he::;! way tll solve JLI, ~I~I Jo;hf) tugf'~ fildng U~ now ami in the future. Dilling Ihese tinll~ of econnlT1Íe ulwertainty, we will continue t,) priOlitizf' and !(¡('lIS OUI reSl)ltr(:e,~ to ensltre dial the scr\'iees u~t'd ami nl~NIf!d tHust h)' om" f:II...tomt'n; 11"lIli:lin as 1.:01I:.;lnnl as possible. We havf! aln:ady I~gutl liglltotling nur belt. and hiW~ initiall~1 .1 numhl"f' ofll1ollcy-saving meusur~:,;. Whjl~ our goal if' to millirl1i7.e ;:¡ny lI~ga(ive impact 10 r:u:-tlolll~'r~. we will how(~....el· need to reduee and/( {" r~rlace sorn~ or our mol't~ (~ Islly servi(:es with IIIlJft' ('ost dlicÚ~nt alternatives. Even with the chullellging eCf)nomic Silui.dioll. we approdeh 2002 with nllll: ¡ opJimisl1l. Om flew 702 stall fJ<.lrking rafllp will be eomph:red. additionaJ deveJI)pmt'1I1 thai will hring ~ervi('es desired by our tnuIsil users will begin eOnsIl1.H.:tinn, mHi W~ phm tu t·.\pallrJ and creatt' new lnult'li 10 heUe," meet th~ net~d:o:! o[ our cu::;lüllJers. < At SnuthWest VJetro Transit, we hdievt~ ¡hat nUl" CUJIIlllilfl1t~nl M pnwiding :-if:'rvÎt'f-' ll.l "III 1~lIi;tumer::. is wfl<lt ~ets W! i:lpaf1 li-urll other tnIlI$it ugeru:ies. A~ Wt: muvt'" fonv¡u~I. W~ will continue tn fÒrg~ our busines.s 81nJ.tegi~ muwHI thi~ eOI1UnilllJent, ::Iud will makt'slnar busille.s~ decisioll::! that wiU utaintain and f:llhanee olJr oµeratiolls Jm!µ; inlo the [utun.:. Lt~n Simich. ExeclI.tÙ:c TJir~ctv,.-SU/l.lhW,,·st ~:ft'lro 1hlllsil Commi,~.'iÙm Apr-17-02 lO:55A SMTC 952 974 7997 )'. Apr-17-02 lO:57A SMTC -! OUR 952 974 7997 P.06 SERVICES SouthWest Metro Transit offers a wide variety of services to the people of Chanhassen, Chaska and Eden Prairie. Among those services are the following: , I I Express Routes This is the eon~ ser....ice of SouthWest Metro Transit. E.aeh wf'ekduy morning coache:o; depart fwm many (Oollvenienlly lo(,tltt"d Pêlrk alld Hide lots in Cha~kil. Chi.Ulha:-:;Rf>n and Eden Prairie. From SOllthWi'!il Station in fo:dp-J1 Prairie, it"s i1 UOfI·stop eXpt'cs:,; to Downtllwn Minnenpoii8 for hundreds orpe( pl~. [n the': ufternoon, thesi:' samt~ people hop on the Suuth"fest Metrn 'li"uw'¡t 'oaehes lor a relaxin~ rid~ Il<lck to South\\'t>:,t Station and the Ptnk and Ride luf..;;. In 20tH nearl)' 501.1,000 (Msst'ngp-r trips were taken on the Expre!:\s Houtes. University of Minnesota In the rnornillg, after stops in Downtown Minnt"apolîs. the coaches ~nntinue Oil to the L'ni\'cfsity of J\.1inrle.,;otn whel'e studentH art:" dmppt~d off on eith~r the Wt'$l or East fJcmk at the L of M. Dud"?; ¡he IIIjrJ-day hl)IJF~ South\Vesl Metro's cuuc:hf's take student:'! Lack II) thl~ir cities. HasctJ on pen't'lIlagc increase, thi$ i", the fnstt"st growing segment of our services and help~ ~ct the ...tage ror thc!ie wHple [41 he life long puhlic tnmsit l S~rs. t , Connections to oth.r Transit Provld.rs 'lèJ utilize the entil"l'" metro llë.HI:-;Lt servke in the Twin Cities area. SouthWest Mt.!tro Transit conneds with other public trurl1:\it :::ervices at SouthdaJt::. From the shopping center, ridcl'S enn t~Ollnt)et with husc~ r/'Om other pl'oviclers to wherever the)' need to go in the llJdropolitan area. Riders t'an ~'{Iso conm~d with these transit service pr(l~'iders ill the I)owntown Minnl:HI)oli,-:; area, Revers. Commutes \Vllile the vast majorit)" or South West Metro\' rifl~~rs leave our three chi+;:$ to wod;. el>ÒE'whel'f!, olhel' pcoplt~ nel"'ntransporlalion into Eden Prairie. Chaska and Chanha.:'ò-sell. These pet>ple include tho:òe who work at the ojfjce~, fUdOt'íe;¡. war'ehou!:Ics, restitLll'ilrJts and othel' places of eompJoyrnent. In addition. thc!:'e riden-; include those people who ha\'e rncdicul appoinlments or want to shop or he enl¡;>11ained it! our part of the metro area. Vanpools SouthWcst Metro Trallgtl pm1i,'ipi.lit's in the n~gio¡}al Van-Go Vanpl)o) program. VanplloJs are designed to serve residents and lJusifwsses nut ::;erved hy our fi:wd route transit service. VunpOllling: is ill} ec·onolllil'iJl ami p.ffif'i.:nl mean:,> nf ('ulIIrnuting hetW~t:':II, In. i.1fld [rum otEr three l'ilie~ alJd tl) I~li: re~t of the IIwlro area, illl'luding SL '\ml. Not nuly d( ~s vau[)t)oling; pro\!id~ COn1mutt'r:; wilh faM. .;aft" amI ecofwmieal lralli"op0l1utirm. if ar lows people 11) enjoy (he hendïts of puhlie Il'ansit ~Vf~fl when liH)re tntditiullal servi,'e~ an' 111)1 an (Jption. Dial-A-Ride The ))ral-A-Ride prngnlFU allow:; rt:sidents to arnmge for tt'an~poI13ti0J1 within Olll' f'itie~. Reservalinnî' are taken 0(11: d¡¡v in ai/valin: :IfHI th", st'rvif.:e lransporb pt:ople fmlll a,ldre:-;.-; (I) addre:-,~ Guaranteed Ride Hom. S JulhW~st [\']elro Tm/l!':lit "inti otht'!" region,,¡ !r~1Jl....jl providers of(:1" a Cuaranteed Hj¡!c HOIlIt:' ill tlw event ur an ¡lInes:; fH' tither ~mergen(;y. 'It) utilizt this 5elviee. riders need to p '~-r~gjslt~r with Metm Conuuutt.' " Service!,';. After registr.·ring, lht' pm1idpunt will l'et't"ive Iwo (:I)UPOIIS good ftlf a ridt-' home hy bu:,; or lip to $40 towarcl ('ab ran':. Sp.clal Events Antlual ~Yents that attract mUIIY people rmm nUl" citit':-i "n:' also sen:íet;d by Sf)ulh\Vf"~t .Vlelro Transit. Two eXi.uuple's are the Minnt~.':H)ta State Fair and lilt-' annuillllollída'l.z!e paril(l~s ¡II Down!ow } MillneapoJis. By provirling bu:-, Ren"il'~ III the:'t' <Jlld other l'vents. SouthWest Metro Tl'illlsit nol only l)f"Ovides transpuJ1afion hut <11"'0 allows p(~(lple who (ltl1t~n...is.e dOIl'r Ulilil..t" nul' se....:ice... to !<.(~o:" [h~ many hf'Jlplìl'i of (}ublic Iransp"I·I;ltinn for· tlt(-,fII."if'l\'t~~. ~pr-17-02 lO:5BA SMTC 952 974 7997 P.07 VALUE TO AND OU COM SouthWest Metro ' to its communities and ri Tlw tIIt)$[ obviou.'" 1""'ul":fil j.o; to the thtHls:'ln,b flf pt~ople thut rjd ~ OUl' JHU';t;'~ t.~ndl week tu und from Downtuwn Mimwupolis _and to Southdalt' to h'un¡;¡ft~r In IItht·,· t·OIlII~}¡. Thc1:!t' p~upll'. <lUll thert.~ an~ Illuny mOt' .~ nf lhmu t.~¡U'¡1 ~i~ar·. cun relax and :oJit ba ~k in 0\11' wdl-milint<tÎl1t"d eoaehe~ and lint wnrr)' ubout traffil', Pill'king HI huving tn ."itup fur g-il!i. In addi1Îuo tl) tilt: p(~opl~ who ritlt> f,'oll1 Otlt' dlies, SfHltll\Vt~sl M(~lrt) TrulI.'!lit ulso I1riup.:... pt=lIl'le ¡ntH om' <:OD10lunities to wo.ok. Our 1'("\'1'1'.".' cnll1l11l1l... progrum earries p"fJple 10 jnhs in E(It~n Pr~li..if'. Chanlut$iSeU utili Cll¡'!'ok~l. and that twll'.'" III sln'ngth..n (IUth nul' hIlSiw:.ssl's and ou.' ef,mUlunitit-'¡;. T}H~ IH~ndït1'! ami \,,¡JIIIt: that a fJllalil~: l'uhlic tr~m~it SY~l~1JI p"'H..idt'~ ~xtend::-l far Jn~ynnd thost' who ill~tually lLtiJjz~ the lit"rvicl'¡¡. Tlw pf~ople who ";de thl~ huses an~ nut ddving thdt, ()wn vehidt~~ ro and f¡'olJ1 WOt'l{~ whic~h kt"t-'p.'i ("ar... (}£f UII .ull'f.~a,'}' C·t'( WI(I~rI .Iighway sy¡;¡lf~m and lJIukc.' evel'Yo'u~\ commute that nHlI'h l~ss cOlIgt'sletl. Ff:'Wt>t· I'uni fill dh~ road "t';H limiJ:.; emissitm:s alld ht'lp)o pt'Oh!d hili" cn\'ironllll'UL A sU'ong lrnn¡; ll ,,)'stl:111 IJf'Ip.'i hnUlt'ílWlltTS when they ¡.;ell tllt"h' J"mlt>, A IH'npet'ty'('1 valllt, is hast',1 IIHt onl}' on tilt: netllal stnU'lUI'(", !,ut uJ¡,o 011 the amenities and sl~rvi('t's uff"J"'" in tlw eUlIlIl1l1nity, Just as edUCJltiun illlll ~ommuJ)it)· !j~:n'il'~~¡; al'l'" imJHu-tant f'ol1si,I'·I·"ticlIl:ì wlwn dlutl~illg WhiTt' to hllY ¡l hUJlu-:, IrilnsÏl i... nl.stl })e~~Htning an increasingly impnt'«1lI1 fadm', Pl'ÙpJt> waut tht' option of 1{llUlit)' pulllk tnlU~it and ~H\lthW't"sl M~trn'8 repulation fot' providing; ,"diab!e anti eomforhlbJe ,sm'vice Ü; hj;;IIiy ngard~>d, Apr-17-02 lO:59A SMTC ~ CUSTOMERS vrUNITIES ansit Pl"ovides value ~rs in nuwy different ways. . South\V.·1oi( ,M...1J'o Tt'MI¡¡;it assists the public i¡ . I ' I " ' SI'n'H"t' f I' lal·lnlen.~ In t Ie communUJ~S we ¡ St')"v ', \Vht'lI IIt~t~df'd, (lHf" hllst:,s are ditirJatched ~ to (¡"I' ~w~'n~ o! tit l"'o"'id~ ffa1Uporary shehf!r fur tht)s~ pt!upl., rlin'i~lIy atTt~f.'h~tL Fire fightt'!rs and otht"I' ell1t'I'¡;I~rW)' f'el'ponse J-wrsollueJ also Use tht" lIust·... ,a,;¡ II P(.1.II'I~ tu W¡u'rn-up when the \"~'atht'r i.i II (al:tu,.. The lIlix ~d-lI~ ' 111~'''t'J4Ipl1lent thm will SQon ht>brin ' Il"'fl'tldiol1 at Soulh\Vesl Station in Efh:n Pt'uÎI'it' will offtT at'ea J'esidenrti a host of new dining and IhH.lsing nfttiHnJot to lh(~ urt'u. Through 011 r agt'emnent to sdJ the prOpel'ly slwl'ollllding the t,.an~ít station, South West MdrH TrnntÕ\h is raising IIwney th.al will help tl) fm·tht:w imp"ovl: nur S ,~I""il~cS in lhp futuz"e. In (~luJ.slul amI CIH.lnha~~f"n um· well- Inaiutuiued truusit slops are I'm". of cnmlJlel"duJ .1~~'''elol)Ulcllt projects .and prnvid,.. ~as)' U(>eC8S tu üur sel'vi(~t:'8 fOI" l·f.~lji(lt'ml!. ill tlm¡:¡e I.:urnmultitics. 952 974 7997 P.os ~pr-17-02 11:OOA SMTC 952 974 7997 P.09 Apr-17-02 11:OlA SMTC . 952 974 7997 P.lO ~ ¡ , ¡, Administrallon: Chuct Snyder, Bonnie Cal1son. JenlciI Saaberg, Scan Reed, left Slmlc". Cindy HUltner, Bob WOrthington, Sourlyong SourlYl, Jonn KraDlJ8ss, Tom JUhnke Laidlaw Manaaemenl: Dave Simoneau, Brend lIbengoad, Sieve Fadyk, Gene Zimmerley Mechanics' Malnlenance: TIm Kolllte. DUll SendeR. Nh:k Neilson. Kevin Splar. Oave S.,.dic, Glenn Bunn. John Senden, JG Anhalt r i Cllslomer ServlcelDllpatch: Tom Juhnke. JJSon Kirsch, Sieve Miller, Sue Bbrem. Roxanne Nowling Apr-17-02 11:02A SMTC 952 974 7997 P.ll 2001 ACCOMPLISHMENTS · Rirl~rship fin ollr express routes iner~a~cd lOo/é II) 496 OOO and total ridpfship ~xr:eed,:d ófX),OOO in 20lH, · Adtieved reL'orn r~venues for 2001 of more than $1,060.000 an in/Tease of more thall 10% oYer the prr.vious ycar. · \\'(H'ked with the Minne~ola Department of TnlnspoI1ation to ail ow revt:llue from .'Sale of SouthWest Metro Trunsit property to remain with SouthWest Metro Transit CorlHltÎssinn. An additional $2 million will thus he a~'aiJaLle for the ~ontinued irnprn\'('fuent of the ~)'~tent. · Approved purchase documents for the sale of thc land arouncl SouthWe;;¡t Station 10 Norlh American Properties. · \'(forked with I\orth AmL'ri ~an Properties to ensure design of pmperty meeb our long.term goal of providing il transit oriented development that pnwides rt>~laurallt::; und h¡)using and also meel~ the needs of the (:ommun¡ty at large. r--.-.-.___._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._ _._._._., · Senlnxl additional funrling from the ;\:liIl11esota Legislatul"p' and the Ml:'tmpolil¡Hl Couneil (I) constnU.'t /lal-kj,lg mmp ¡II SnuthWt:'~1 SL'.Ition in Edell r...Ùrie. ~-~ . Began constnrclioll of lIew parking ramp al Soulh \Vest Station that \'r'ill providt· 702 parking spiJces tlnd i.'!i sehedul~d for cmnpletion in August. L._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._ _._._._._._._._._._._._ ~ 02002 Bordner Alrrial5. Inc - 952-881-1546 < · Wurked to ~t:cure $7.3 million in funding to purchase an additiunal I.'~ {'na('1I \It~hÎdt"'~ anJ build 400-spaee Park and Ride (ot along IIt"'W Hwy ::n2. · Purchased t.....o transit couehe:; and a 27 -!jeat passenger trolley. · Completed !:wcuud phase of bw; garage I'emorlding:. Imp ,(¡w~nJe )t.~ jndude i[J:-;I.:'llJing bll~ wash. I.'omplt!rion (If lII£lintellullce buys alld f'~pajr~d HVi\C system. ,.II '~ _f.-r- , ~"; ~.' .,,~ ~ ~i._'" (1.1 " . \. ,'\\ ". ~VÍl " ~ ,. ';"1 : . .¡.i.--J ...... ' ,'-'\í.r; ) l~ Apr-17-02 11:02A SMTC . . GI1~NI·~I~l\.I~ 11~{JND 11-' I N J\. N (; I.A.I~ SlJ 1VI M A I~ Y REVENUES Fure Rp.venlll: SYitt:1I1 He-veil"" 2000 878,303 90,954 2001 I,OOr..71:13 jl),9% IMTERCOVERNHEMTAL REVENUE Cnanle PI'OI"Jl"lY'f.a:o¡; Other Rcv~nuc Tt.ltulUevenur. Tr:wtlf"r [n 3.iIJtJ.O:;O 136.101 4,9IO,40H tß5.7~.1 4.029.:l.'lU r)I ..SM 5.378.:!Wi 211,124 $!),40Ú,420 TOTAL REVENUE AMD OTHER SOURCES $'1,910,408 EXPENDITURES Adllliuislrali'lh Op~rationa Ychidr. Ml1lntI'Junm'f! J.'udlities M.u iutcllanlJe 2000 788.9U7 2,324.716 701.582 247 .'~2 2001 Bl)I).(i(¡7 .2,.')96,3U8 (){¡(j.773 341.0:t! Tutll' F.:xlH':lId¡'llt'c!'I TrußI ft'irOut ....062.6.~7 23,758 :1,413.ï71\ 144.400 TOTAL EXPENDlTVRES AMD OTHER USES 4,086,.115 4.5~H, 17U EXCESS OF REVENUE AND OTHER SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES $823,993 $84H,2S0 Fund n llün{~t:. JllntlA.-y J Fum) ß.laut:!;" - U(~ ~t:mbèr 31 $2,715,72:! t3.53Q.715 S:I,5:W,TI5 'J,3:!i,tJli;i S," oIf-r~' .tI"'r.. Tr,,,..j, Cum"......,,,,, ["Lt"I//; _ollfl"l,d ~ .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-'-'-'-'- FARE HgVENUJ,; Other I,'" EXPI,:NSI';;'¡ R..,.nue 18.8% ':ocilitltts Halntenonc:e 7.'" System Rnilllutt I.'" OPItf'ClUons 58.." Vehicle Maintenance- 15.1" < i Crants 3.4% RlI)ES PF;R Yti:AR 600.000 or 500.000 ~ ~ , 400.000 .. 1; ~ 300.000 . ~ 200,000 ~ ~ . 100.000 ~ " " :;: " ;¡ :: i ~ ::: .. 0 õ " ~ .. ; g !!! !!! !!! !!! I!! 0 !¡ N N ", " Apr-17-02 lli03A SMTC <