10 Amendment to Article XXV
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Scott Botcher, City Manager
Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist
July 5, 2000
Proposed Buffer Yard Ordinance Revision
The Planning Commission reviewed and approved the revised Buffer Yard
Ordinance with the noted changes at the June 20, 2000 meeting. Previously, at the
February 2, 2000 work session, the Planning Commission had reviewed the Buffer
Yard Ordinance and made suggested revisions.
In 1996, the city adopted the buffer yard ordinance as a way to effectively
transition different land uses. It has been applied to every development since that
time with good results. However, there have been recurring questions from
developers, staff and officials prompting staff to propose clarifications and
changes to the ordinance in order to clear up any confusion.
There are five issues that come up frequently and should be addressed:
· How is the "plant unit multiplier" used? .
· According to the ordinance, a developer is only responsible for planting
75% of the total number of plants required. Are there situations in which a
developer should be responsible for 100% of the plantings?
· Can berms be substituted for shrubs or trees?
· Can required boulevard trees or reforestation plantings be counted as
buffer yard plant units?
· Why can't evergreens be counted as overstory trees?
Staff has prepared a strike through and bold format to show proposed changes to
the ordinance. In addition, comments on the proposed changes are provided after
each section.
, City of ChanhillSen. A f!OWÏnt community with cban lakes, quality schook. a chmminf downtown. thrivinf b",inesses. and beautifùl parks. A ""at pia" to live. work. ond olav.
Planning Commission
June 14,2000
Page 2
Article XXV. Landscaping and Tree Removal
Section 20-1176 (f) (2) (c) Buffer yard requirements are stated in terms of the width of the buffer
yard and the number of plant units required per 100 linear feet of buffer yard. Each illustration
depicts the minimum buffer yard required between two uses or adjacent to a collector or arterial
right-of-way. The ¡¡IBflt lIait HllIlti¡dier is a faetar by ·.vbis¡ the basia _ber af plaat HlBterialS
reEJ:llired far a gÍ'len buffer yaFå is deteffilined in aea8ràlHlee with the seleeted width af the yaFå.
The project developer shall be responsible for providing 75 percent of the required plantings. If
abutting property owner( s) desire to bring the buffering to 100 percent of the required buffer yard
plantings, then the adjacent property owner(s) may install the remaining 25 percent of the
required plantings on their own property. When the parcel abuts public property, such as
roads or parks, the developer shall be responsible for 100% of the required plantings.
· The proposed amendment deletes any mention of the plant unit multiplier. In the pictorial
buffer yard descriptions, the number of required trees and shrubs for each width are clearly
depicted and can be easily counted with no need for the plant unit multiplier calculations,
which seem to confuse the project developers.
. Buffer plantings along roads and parks should be 100% of the total required. Along roads
there is no room for the city, county or state to complete the remaining 25% of the plantings.
Additionally, in parks there may be many reasons why additional plantings on public property
aren't feasible.
. A commissioner recommended that the last line of the section should read "...the developer
shall increase the required nuriìber of plantings by 33%." The Commission should decide
which ending is more user-friendly and clearly represents the intent of the condition.
Section 20-1176 (f) (3) Plant material existing on a parcel which meets the buffer yard planting
requirements oflocation, size and species may be counted toward the total buffer yard plant
material requirement. Existing natural features such as slopes, woodlands or wetlands which
provide physical separation between developments or between a development and a collector and
arterial road may satisfY the buffering function of the required buffer yard. The ¡¡lant IH1Ìt
Hlulti¡¡lier far the reEJ:llÍi'ed plantings sÐall be reEiHeed pre¡¡8fft8na1ly t8 the inorease ia the baffer
yard 'Niàtft ina81J1Ðffiti8a said featHres. Proposed berms 3 feet and higher in the buffer yard
may be substituted for up to one-hldf (11.) of the required understory trees and shrubs,
depending on the length of the berm. For instance, if a berm runs the entire length of the
buffer yard, the undentory and shrub plantings may be reduced by one-half. ÂBy-
boulcvard tFees or reforestation ¡¡Iantings required iB tile buffcr yaFd eRn be eounted
t9l1'8rds refJuired 8veFStery 1J1IA"er yard plaRtiøg5 if there is iRs1Iffieieøt P88R1 fer heth
types ofplantiRgs. lfthere is insufficient roomfor all plantings, the applicant may choose to
either plant excess materials on public property or employ a landscape density transfer.
Planning Commission
June 14,2000
Page 3
· In any given area between a collector road and a parking lot, a project developer is required to
install landscaping for parking lots, boulevard trees and buffer yard plantings. It can be a
cumbersome design trying to fit in all the different requirements in a limited space.
a. Staff recommends that these layers be allowed to overlap; i.e. overstory buffer yard
plantings could be counted towards boulevard trees requirements.
b. Planning Commissioners recommended that all plantings be required. Excess plantings
should be put on public property or a landscape density transfer should be used.
'Landscape density transfer' will need to be defined.
· The proposed amendment allows berms to be substituted for understory and shrub plant
materials. In some situations, a berm and plantings may be more effective than plant
materials alone.
Section 20-1176 (f) (6) Canopy trees are defined as those trees specified as primary or secondary
deciduous trees or conifers in the city's subdivision ordinance. Conifers to be used as overstory
trees shall have a minimum height of 8 feet when planted. Arborvitae shall not be used as an
overstory tree.
Section 20-1176 (f) (7) Understory trees are defined as those trees specified as ornamental or
conifer trees in the city's subdivision ordinance. Conifers to be used as understory trees shall
have a minimum height of 6 feet when planted.
· The proposed amendments include conifers as overstory or understory trees. All evergreens
in the city's approved tree list, with the exception of the arborvitae, reach at least 40 feet in
height at maturity. Staff recommends the arborvitae continue to be classified as an
understory tree.
Staff recommends the Planning Commission recommend approval of Buffer Yard Ordinance
Amendments to Section 20-1176. Buffer Yard Requirements by adding the language that appears
in bold and deleting the language noted by a strike-through:
Section 20-1176 (f) (2) (c) Buffer yard requirements are stated in terms of the width of the buffer
yard and the number of plant units required per 100 linear feet of buffer yard. Each illustration
depicts the minimum buffer yard required between two uses or adjacent to a collector or arterial
right-of-way. The ¡¡¡aat lIHit Hllllti¡¡lier is a faeter by whieh the basie _ber sf plaat Hlaterials
reEJ:llired far a given bllffer yard is deteæliBed in aeeeràlHl8e ,"lith the seleeted width af the yard.
The project developer shall be responsible for providing 75 percent of the required plantings. If
abutting property owner(s) desire to bring the buffering to 100 percent of the required buffer yard
plantings, then the adjacent property owner(s) may install the remaining 25 percent of the
Planning Commission
June 14,2000
Page 4
required plantings on their own property. When the parcel abuts public property, such as
roads or parks, the developer shall be responsible for 100% ofthe required plantings.
Section 20-1176 (f) (3) Plant material existing on a parcel which meets the buffer yard planting
requirements oflocation, size and species may be counted toward the total buffer yard plant
material requirement. Existing natural features such as slopes, woodlands or wetlands which
provide physical separation between developments or between a development and a collector and
arterial road may satisfY the buffering function of the required buffer yard. The ¡¡Iant lI}lit
HlHlti¡¡lier for the Fee¡lIired ¡¡llIßtings shall be redueed ¡¡repemsnally ts the inereaÐe in the bllffor
yaFå wiàtft inoslJlÐffitisn Baid featllfes. If approved by the City, proposed berms 3 feet and
higher in the buffer yard may be substituted for up to one-half (11.) of the required
undentory trees and shrubs, depending on the length of the berm. For instance, if a berm
runs the entire length of the buffer yard, the undentory and shrub plantings may be
reduced by one-half. Any boulevRrd trees or reforestation plantings required in the buffer
yard can be counted towRrds required overstory buffer yard plantings if there is
insufficient room for both types of plantings.
Section 20-1176 (f) (6) Canopy trees are defined as those trees specified as primary or secondary
deciduous trees or conifers in the city's subdivision ordinance. Conifers to be used as overstory
trees shall have a minimum height of 8 feet when planted. Arborvitae shall not be used as an
overstory tree.
Section 20-1176 (f) (7) Understory trees are defined as those trees specified as ornamental or
conifer trees in the city's subdivision ordinance. Conifers to be used as understory trees shall
have a minimum height of 6 feet when planted.
1. Planning Commission minutes dated June 20, 2000.
g:\plan\js\buffer ord fev,doc
Planning Commission Minutes
June 20, 2000
d. Submission of required application fees.
Further, these applications must also submit addition data required for preliminary plat approval in a
manner which will achieve preliminary plan approval by July I, 1987 unless the City Council deems to
table final action on the application after July 1,1987.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously.
Peterson: Does this go onto the Council or is this it?
Aanenson: Yes. It's a code amendment.
Peterson: Thank you.
Kate Aanenson presented the staff report on this item.
Peterson: Questions of staff?
Sacchet: Yes Mr. Chair. This term landscape density transfer. Is that what we're expressing in the last
paragraph there? It talks about landscape density transfer in the middle paragraph and it says that it
needs to be defined. Did we define that?
Aanenson: Oh! I guess that was one that we felt if you wanted to add some further language on that,
then we would put something in there. So I thank you for pointing that out. That was a question you
had. We didn't have a good response. I don't know, did you have some language?
Kind: It was I think Alison that brought up the density transfer concept for landscaping and I noticed that
you left it off of your recommendations because it might be difficult to quanti/)'.
Aanenson: Right. Right. That was Jill's recommendation. Unless you felt strongly about it, she felt that
that might be hard to administer and quanti/)', correct.
Kind: I tend to agree.
Burton: It does seem tough.
Kind: I thought it was kind of a clever idea but.
Aanenson: We're managing a lot of individual lots.
Kind: Well it sort of defeats the purpose that we need a buffer for that parcel. If it's adequate buffer for
that parcel, with the number of trees, then maybe we should look at our buffer ordinance.
Planning Commission Minutes
June 20, 2000
Aanenson: Right. I guess that was our position.
Kind: Right.
Peterson: Other questions?
Conrad: One Mr. Chair. Under the proposed berm, 3 feet and higher. Do you have the leverage? The
way it's worded, can you say, can staff say I don't want the berm? I guess I'm looking for total, I don't
want somebody saying I put the berm in, therefore I don't have to do that. I want you to have the
leverage to say the berm counts. The berm doesn't count or cases where the berm doesn't count.
Aanenson: Right. That's a good question. Lots of times it's driven by other factors such as storm water
ponds. For example on that Marsh Glen plat that we looked at that's adjacent to 101. There was a pond
there. We wanted more of a berm because when 101 gets widened, we think that's a better response to
creating a buffer as opposed to the trees, which may not provide a screen and buffer with the amount of
traffic on that. The developer in that situation, because of the pond, felt like that would be pretty
onerous. We went back and forth on that one. We even talked about a fence so I think you bring up a
good point. You might want to put a little bit of language that would give discretion to the staff to say
the circumstance. Again, collector roads is one I can think of that certainly we want a little bit more
leeway to say what's an appropriate buffer. Whether it's fencing or a berm. That's a good point. If you
want to say based on staff's recommendation.
Conrad: Not ours.
Aanenson: Again, then that would be my situation, or if it's a density issue such as the apartment
building. That would be another situation we felt like a berm actually did a little bit better job. When
there's different land uses for fencing. That's a good point.
Peterson: Other comments? Questions? Motion for a public hearing please?
Burton moved, Conrad seconded to open the public hearing. The public hearing was opened.
Peterson: This is a public hearing. Anyone wishing to address the commissioners, please come forward.
Burton moved, Sacchet seconded to close the public hearing. The public hearing was closed.
Peterson: Thoughts on this one fellow commissioners.
Kind: I think staff did a good job of coming up with language after our work session and I definitely
want to have some language in that berm section that says that staff needs to approve the use of a berm
and maybe just put, proceed that whole bold face by saying if approved by staff, berms 3 feet and higher
in the buffer yard may be substituted for up to Y, of the required understory trees and shrubs, depending
on length of the berm.
Burton: Since it's an ordinance, would it be more appropriate to say if approved by the city?
Aanenson: Or recommended by staff. Yeah, if approved by the city.
Planning Commission Minutes
June 20, 2000
Kind: If approved by the City?
Aanenson: Yeah. The other circumstance I was thinking, if you're looking at sight line issues. That's a
good comment.
Peterson: Other comments? Entertain a motion please.
Kind: Mr. Chair. I move the Planning Commission recommends approval of Buffer Yard Ordinance
Amendment to Section 20-1176, Buffer Yard Requirements by adding the language that appears in bold
and deleting the language noted by strike through with a change to Section 20-1 I 76(t)(3). At the
beginning of the bold face, change the beginning of that sentence to read, If approved by the City, benns
3 feet and higher in the buffer yard may be substituted for up to one-half of the required understory trees
and shrubs, etc.
Peterson: Is there a second?
Burton: Second.
Peterson: It's been moved and seconded. Any further discussion?
Kind moved, Burton seconded tbat tbe the Planning Commission recommend approval of Buffer Yard
Ordinance Amendments to Section 20-1176. Buffer Yard Requirements by adding the language that
appears in bold and deleting the language noted by a strike-through:
Section 20-1176 (t) (2) (c) Buffer yard requirements are stated in tenns of the width of the buffer yard'
and the number of plant units required per 100 linear feet of buffer yard. Each illustration depicts the
minimum buffer yard required between two uses or adjacent to a collector or arterial right-of-way. +lie-
plaAt HRit HUlltil'lier is a faeter 13)' ~Nßiek tAe 13asie Ruæåer Bf J31aRt materials reflHireà far a giveR Intffer
yard is dete_iRed iR aeesrdanee ",'ith the seleeted width sf the yaFd. The project developer shall be
responsible for providing 75 percent of the required plantings. If abutting property owner(s) desire to
bring the buffering to 100 percent of the required buffer yard plantings, then the adjacent property
owner(s) may install the remaining 25 percent of the required plantings on their own property. Wben tbe
parcel abuts public property, sucb as roads or parks, tbe developer sball be responsible for 100%
of tbe required plantings.
Section 20-1176 (t) (3) Plant material existing on a parcel which meets the buffer yard planting
requirements of location, size and species may be counted toward the total buffer yard plant material
requirement. Existing natural features such as slopes, woodlands or wetlands which provide physical
separation between developments or between a development and a collector and arterial road may satisfY
the buffering function of the required buffer yard. The llaRt ¡¡Rit m¡¡ltillier far the reEJ¡¡ired llllotiRgS
shall he reéh:teeà f'F8peFtisRally t8 the ¡RsPeRse iR t-hB tndfer yaFEI wiàtk iResFfJefatisa said feaftires. If
approved by tbe City, proposed berms 3 feet and bigber in tbe buffer yard may be substituted for
up to one-balf(Yz) oftbe required understory trees and sbrubs, depending on tbe lengtb oftbe
berm. For instance, if a berm runs tbe entire lengtb of tbe buffer yard, tbe understory and sbrub
plantings may be reduced by one-balf. Any boulevard trees or reforestation plantings required in
Planning Commission Minutes
June 20, 2000
the huffer yard can be counted towards required overstory buffer yard plantings if there is
insufficient room for both types of plantings.
Section 20-1176 (f) (6) Canopy trees are defined as those trees specified as primary or secondary
deciduous trees or conifers in the city's subdivision ordinance. Conifers to be used as overstory trees
shall have a minimum height of 8 feet when planted. Arborvitae shall not be used as an overstory tree.
Section 20-1176 (f) (7) Understory trees are defined as those trees specified as ornamental or conifer
trees in the city's subdivision ordinance. Conifers to be used as understory trees shall have a minimum
height of 6 feet when planted.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously.
The City Council of the City of Chanhassen ordains:
Section I. Article XXV. Landscaping and Tree Removal, Division 1, Generally, Section 20-
1176. Intent, scope and compliance. is hereby amended by replacing and adding the language as
(f) (2) (c) Buffer yard requirements are stated in terms of the width of the buffer yard and
the number of plant units required per 100 linear feet of buffer yard. Each illustration depicts the
minimum buffer yard required between two uses or adjacent to a collector or arterial right-of-
way. The project developer shall be responsible for providing 75 percent of the required
plantings. If abutting property owner( s) desire to bring the buffering to 100 percent of the
required buffer yard plantings, then the adjacent property owner(s) may install the remaining 25
percent of the required plantings on their own property. When the parcel abuts public- property,
such as roads or parks, the developer shall be responsible for 100% of the required plantings.
(f) (3) Plant material existing on a parcel which meets the buffer yard planting
requirements of location, size and species may be counted toward the total buffer yard plant
material requirement. Existing natural features such as slopes, woodlands or wetlands which
provide physical separation between developments or between a development and a collector and
arterial road may satisfY the buffering function of the required buffer yard. If approved by the
City, proposed berms 3 feet and higher in the buffer yard may be substituted for up to one-half
(Y2) ofthe required understory trees and shrubs, depending on the length of the berm. For
instance, if a berm runs the entire length of the buffer yard, the understory and shrub plantings
may be reduced by one-half. Any boulevard trees or reforestation plantings required in the buffer
yard can be counted towards required overstory buffer yard plantings if there is insufficient room
for both types of plantings.
(f) (6) Canopy trees are defined as those trees specified as primary or secondary
deciduous trees or conifers in the city's subdivision ordinance. Conifers to be used as overstory
trees shall have a minimum height of 8 feet when planted. Arborvitae shall not be used as an
overstory tree.
(f) (7) Understory trees are defined as those trees specified as ornamental or conifer trees
in the city's subdivision ordinance. Conifers to be used as understory trees shall have a
minimum height of 6 feet when planted.
Section 2. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Chanhassen City Council this of
Scott A. Botcher, City Manager
(published in the Chanhassen Villager on
Nancy K. Mancino, Mayor
, 2000)
. . ·