B Set Budget Targets for 2001
I City Cmter Driv" PO Box 147
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7eb www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us
City Council
Scott A. Botcher, City Manager
June 21, 2000
Levy Targets for 2001
Similar to last year, staff is asking the Council to establish a levy target from
which we will begin putting together the 200 I municipal budget. As stated last
year, the establishment of a target this evening is simply that; a target-nothing
more, nothing less. If you recall, we need to publish a budget for Truth in
. Taxation purposes in September, and our targeted budget may very well end up
being that published budget. Following that date, however, again, similar to last
year, we will begin winnowing down the budget to an acceptable level. That is
the process that occurs between September and final approyal, generally the first
week in December. .
Bruce and I have reviewed fiscal data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and
the Department of Commerce at both the Federal and State level. Certainly a
majority of our costs are personnel driven. In addition to personnel costs, we
see other costs increasing at a rate more rapid than last year. Fuel costs have
impacted expenditures in the 2000 budget, and will require increased budget
amounts for Fiscal Year 200 I.
In conclusion, it is our recommendation that we establish a target of 3 .5% above
last year's levy as our target for the initial compilation of the Fiscal Year 200 I ..
As always, please call if you have any questions. Bruce and I will be present to
discuss this issue with you at our work session on Monday afternoon.
g:\user\scottb\levy target 2001.doc
City of Chanhassen. A t¡TOwinv communitv with cltan lakes, auality schools. a charmin{1 downtown. thrivin(T businesses. and hPIJ.utifù/ Mrlrf A (!Wilt "IArI' tn /;1/11 111Mb "",/ fll""