10b. appointment of Met Waste Control Commission ,��.. pA /0b I ' 12-14-88 Dear Mayor and Council: ' The M.W.C.C. Commissioner for District 13/14 is open for appointment or re-appointment by the Metropolitan Council in January 1989. II am soliciting a letter of endorsement for this position from you. ' The Southwest Communities continue to fall behind in infrastructures such as sewer capability and transportation. Siting future landfills, of course, cannot be ignored. If appointed, I can promise to actively support the needs of our area. I live in Shakopee, County of Scott and understand the needs of our Communities. ' Again, a letter of support to the Metropolitan Council would sincerely be appreciated. If there are further questions, I can be reached at 445-3018 . Respectfully, ' Gloria M. Vierling 1 r DEC 1 6 1988 CITY OF CHANHASSEN