1a Wellhead Protection Plan
10 City Cmter Drive, PO Box 147
Chanhllllen, Minn($ota 55317
Phont 612.937.1900
General Fax 612.937.5739
'!nginttring Fax 612.937.9152
'ublic Saftty Fax 612.934.2524
Wíb www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us
Dave Hempel, Ass!. City Engineer
Matt Saam, Project Engineer /l.{7
July 5, 2000
Authorize Preparation of Wellhead Protection Plan and Authorize
Request For Proposal and Qualification Based Selection Process
for Engineering Services
Staff recommends the City Council authorize the preparation of a wellhead
protection plan along with a qualification based selection process for con~ultant
engineering services to complete the wellhead protection plan.
With the recent addition of Well No.8, the City is required by state statute to
prepare and submit a wellhead protection plan for all wells in the public water
supply system. The Department of Health has determined that the City must
complete a wellhead protection plan within foúr years from the date Well No.8
went on-line (November, 1999).
This item was previously brought before the City Council at their January 11,
1999 meeting (see attachment). At that time staff was directed to obtain price
quotes for consultant services to complete a wellhead protection plan. Staff now
believes that the chosen consultant should be based on qualifications. Since the
wellhead protection plan affects the entire City drinking water supply, it will be
very important to select a consultant whose experience and qualifications in the
area of wellhead protection plans is exemplary. In short, staff feels that a
qualified consultant, who shows expertise in preparing wellhead protection plans,
should not be disqualified from consideration on the basis of price alone. .
Failure to authorize preparation ofthe wellhead protection plan would delay the
plan's completion and put the City at risk of not completing the plan by the 2003
deadline date.
Attachment: January 11,1999 City Council Meeting Minutes
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City of Chanbassen. A rrowinr community with cltan /aklS, aualitv "hooli, a channinr downtown, thrivinr businlSslS, and btauti/ù/ parks. A ",at p/aCt to 1ivt, work, and Þ/a~
· City Council Meeting - Jan1lll1j 11, 1999,' .
", pw-3~9
Councilman Senn: Do we need to do it tonight? . r m~ is there a reason why ~e need to'do it tonight?
Because at our work session I thought we were gomg to kiild of go thiough the different things that we
need to have representation on. .
Mayor Mancino: Oh, do it on the 19m.¡ , '
, , .
Councilman Senn: Yeah, do it on thè 191h. It'might make mo~sense unless there's a reaSon it has to be
' done. .
Mayor Mancino: I think that would befme if you wouldn't mii1d going to the one in January that falls
before the 19111. Okay. Then we will just go ahead and may I have a motion to table this to the 19m.¡
I . . .. .
Councilman Engel: Move to table.
Councilman Senn: Second,
Councßman Engel moved, Councßman Senn seconded to table appointment of a council member
to the Southwest Metro Trânslt Commission to the work session on January 19,1999. All voted in
favor and the motion carried. .
Mayor Mancino: So let's go back to the two pulled itemS ftom the consent agenda. 2(a).
Councilman Senn: I had a q1lick question on that. Anita. I don't know if it's a question for you, or Phil
or whatever but, essentially I understand what you're doing. I don't havè a problem with what you're '
doing. As far as the wellhead protection plan ftom NorthemEnvironmental, if I'm understanding what's
presented here; I mèan it's essentially over a $30.,000.0.0. contract. Did we take bids? If not, why haven't
we taken bids or at least got an alternate pricing from more than one party? . . ·
Anita BenSon: Northern Environmental is Ii Ímbsidiary of Bonestroo. You may recall back in 1996 a
well field study was conducted at that time. As part of that well field study,' some work was done by
Northern Environmental which identified components of well field features, well head protection plan.
1\5 you're aware a consultant, or professional services are not required to be competitively bid. Northern
En,vironmental is, in reviewing their references, highly qualified. Has done work in several communities.
Is in the process in seven communities within'the metro area, conducting wellhead protection plans. So
in reviewing those and in light of the fact that they havé previous experience in the city of Chanhassen,
and we have an established working relationship with Bonestroo, that is my rationale behind not formally'
going out and requesting proposals from several éonsulting fums.
Councilman Senn: Are you suggesting effectively that because of the previous work that was completed
and the data in the files and stuff, that Bonestroo has, that it would make this the best deal or the cheapest
or the best way to go? Is that, am I understanding ,that right?
City Council Meeting - January 11, 1999
Anita Benson: Correct. Correct. Northern Environmental was very involved. They did geologic
exploration with the 1996 study. Yes, and having that background information, they are ahead of any
firm right now as far as if we brought a diffenmt fimi in to start on this. They are ahead as far as work
hours would be required to do that.
Mayor Mancino: But there are other suppliers, vendors who do this?
Anita Benson: Correct. There are other firms that.
Mayor Mancino: So we could still go and get a couple other bids and hopefully that would prove that.
Councilman Senn: I don't care if you go through formal request for proposal but it would be nice if you
at least did a phone, some phone contacts and do a: quick run over of what the scope of work is and get
some pricing back so at least we fmd out you know, if we're within the range. I think we really ought to
be doing that on any contract of this size.
Anita Benson: Correct.
Councilman Senn: Even though we have a lot of confidence in Bonestroo, you know who's done a good
job for us. I think it's just a check we should be automatically doing,
Anita Benson: Correct. But the wellhead protection plan is specialized work and if in reviewing the
proposal you'll see that the scope is not 100% clearly defined and that is because the scope, there are
items in the scope of work that can't be determined until some other work items have been completed.
So it isn't necessarily where I can go to another, to several consulting firms and request, provide them
with a clear scope of work as far as services required because fTankly we don't know what those are until
we have gotten into the study. Especially for the group two activities.
Councilman Senn: Well as I'm understanding what's been submitted here is this covers what's known
and it's open ended on what's not known.
Anita Benson: Not so much open ended.
Councilman Senn: Or is this a not to exceed?
Anita Benson: Right now we will be monitoring these costs as we go. If there's an issue that comes up
in the group two work items that expand upon the work scope that we anticipate at this time, we will be
notified immediately and we will negotiate any additional fee for that service.
Councilman Senn: Well then I mean it sounds to me like you've got at least enough, let's call it the base
scope of work and we have enough information based on the base scope of work to just go get some
quick check pricing at least fTom another vendor if not a couple more just so we don't.
Anita Benson: Correct, we could certainly do that.
Councilman Senn: Okay. I'd like to move to table this item and have staff do that and return to us next
meeting with the results of it. '. . '
City Council Meeting - January 11, 1999
Councilman Labatt: I'll second that.
CouncDman Senn moved, Councßman Labatt seconded to table to authorIZe preparation of
Wellhead Protection Plan and direct staff to return with the Information requested. All voted In
favor and the motion carried. '
Councilman Senn: I pulled this item also. Our general way of dealing with bills is to simply kind of go
ahead and approve them but if we have queStions on them, give a list to staff of those questions and have
them get back to us. As I reviewed this list of bills to pay, Ijust can't, at least personally go with that this
time. The oDIy thing I can see doing With this group of bills is not approving it and hopefully not paying
them and in fact if we have paid any of them, look at possibly even returning some of the stuff and
getting our money back, This is the biggeSt end ¡¡f the year shópping list I have ever seen in my life
pertaining to just using up whatever funds are left. There's a whole list of capital improvement items in
here that are not even in the capital improvcment budgets or specified in the capital improvement budgets
of the various departments, And on top of that, like I say, it's just, this thing is so loaded with everything
ftom new tool sets to new whatever that it's obviously a let's spend it because we've got it at the end of
the year list And it's quite a chunk of money and I pulled it because I have no intention in voting for it
and would hope that we would do a little more review of it before we do allow the orders or make the
payments. Because I don't think that everybody would be prepared to go through and do that tonight. If
you'd like to, I'd be more than happy to but I have pulled this and so that's my comments on why I pulled
Mayor Mancino: Any other discussion?
Councilwoman Jansen: I had actually also gone through and earmarked quite a few things. Not being
as familiar with the bills, I've yet to see a packet quite this large so I also reacted to some of the things
that were in here. There are some sizeable expenditures. If this isn't the typical, we could walk through
it. I know I would appreciate it for the size of it.
Mayor Mancino: Okay. Any other?
Councilman Labatt: I had some earmarked too.
Mayor Mancino: Okay, you had some earmarked,
Councilman Labatt: No, I had questions also.
Mayor Mancino: Okay, Todd, your suggestion? Would you like to sit down and do this prior to, to not
go ahead and approve these and then to take some time to walk through. , . work session and go over that?
Have these checks gone out? "
Todd Gerhardt: No. They're ready to. So I'd kind oflike to" ,resolution as quickly as possible.
Mayor Mancino: You probably don't have everything to answer right here and right now,
Todd Gerhardt: No. No, not right now but in could...is that a possibility with members maybe during
the week or something,..