C1 2001 Budget Administration
General Government-Legislative
Mission and Current Services
The city council, comprised of the mayor and four at-large council representatives, is
the legislative body of city government. Chanhassen is a statutory Plan B city
(council/manager form of government).
The council is responsible for formulating city policy, enacting legislation, and oversight
of city administration. The city council also has authority over the financial affairs of the
city, including appropriating money through the annual adoption of the city budget and
property tax levy. City council members also constitute the Board of Equalization,
which reviews local property value assessments as prepared by the Carver County
Assessor. The City Council appoints members to various boards and commissions
such as the Economic Development Authority, Planning Commission, Park Board and
other advisory groups.
Budget Highlights
The 2001 budget reflects a decrease of _ (_%) primarily due to moving the
General Liability Insurance to 1117 City Hall Fund.
Future Trends
The council continues to pursue excellence in building community and enhancing
citizen participation through neighborhood meetings, public forums, and other methods.
The city council did an excellent job in 2000 of encouraging citizen participation through
task forces (e.g. Library Task Force), public forums (Hwy. 101 Reconstruction), and
special meetings. The city council also provided numerous written documentation to
the public on the goals, principles, and accomplishments of the city. This was done
through "The State of the City," "The Chanhassen Connection" (quarterly newsletter),
and the Strategic Plan.
The City Council and staff will continue to upgrade our delivery of public information
and make key information available in a variety of delivery mediums (web site, quarterly
newsletter, cable t.v., etc.).
General Government-Administration
Mission and Current Services
The city manager is the chief administrative officer of the city and directs the
administration of city affairs. It is the city manager's responsibility to enforce the City
Code and resolutions of the city. The city manager's office provides general
administrative services for the city to ensure all council policies and directives are
carried out. Duties also include keeping the council fully advised of the financial
condition and the needs of the city, preparing and submitting the annual budget to the
council, and recommending measures to the council deemed necessary and/or
desirable for the welfare of the community and the efficient administration of the city's
affairs. The city manager's office also provides liaison between the council, advisory
boards and commissions, staff, other levels of government, the media, and the public.
The Administration Department oversees progress toward meeting city goals in the
areas of responsive government, safe community, lifelong learning, housing, business,
and community connections in collaboration with the school districts, chamber of
commerce, and other community organizations. Administration also prepares the
council agenda packets, quarterly newsletter, and "News Alley."
Budget Highlights
The 2001 budget reflects an increase in actual expenditures of approximately $49,000.
This increase is attributable to the Centennial Hill Senior Apartments annual escrow
payment. Each year the city must contribute money to the escrow account based on
the revenues and debt service paid/collected during the year.
Staff has done an excellent job in updating our long-term capital improvements plan to
ensure that municipal facilities are built in an innovative, cost-effective manner. For
2001 staff will develop an implementation plan/assessment for our public facilities.
Specifically, the Public Works facility expansion and Senior Center expansion.
General Government-Legal
Mission and Current Services
This department pays for attorney services to advice the city on questions of law; review
all ordinances, resolutions, contracts, and other legal documents of the city; and
represent the city in court actions including the prosecution of cases in District Court.
The city has contracted with Campbell Knutson Associates to handle civil and criminal
matters. The city also periodically uses separate law firms for various specialized legal
matters (e.g. personnel/labor, bond counsel, EDA). The city uses consultative attorney
services with general service costs paid on a fixed fee basis.
Budget Highlights
The 2001 budget reflects a cost of living increase of 3%.
General Government-Property Assessment
Mission and Current Services
The Assessing Department pays for the valuation of residential and commercial real
estate parcels and personal property by the Carver County Assessor's Office. The
taxable value estimates are used by the city, school districts, Carver County, and
special taxing jurisdictions for the purpose of equitably distributing the property tax on
all taxable properties.
Budget Highlights
The 2001 budget reflects an increase of $3,000 (4.5%). This is attributable to the
growth in the number of new parcels over the past year.
General Government-City Hall
Mission and Current Services
The City Hall Department exists to fund improvements to city owned buildings and
structures other than parks and recreation facilities.
Improvement projects are very diverse and range from replacement of elements that
have reached the end of their service life expectancy (Le. roofs, HV AC equipment) to
improvements made to meet current building codes.
Budget Highlights
The 2001 budget shows an increase of $43,250, this is attributable to moving the
general liability insurance from Fund 1111 (legislative) to City Hall Fund. This is done
to centralize the coding of this activity into one fund.
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Public Safety - Police Administration
Mission and Current Services
The function of the Police Administration is a mechanism to fund the city's contract with
the Carver County Sheriffs Department for law enforcement services. Each work plan
is developed to define the goal and objectives for the delivery of law enforcement
services. The plan is broken into the following categories:
· Contract Administration
· Patrol Operations
· Crime Prevention
· Community Involvement/Participation
The work plan 2001 will be presented at the time the new police contract is presented
to the City Council for consideration in November. This fund reflects an increase in
patrol hours from 44 to 48 hours and at an hourly rate of $43.74. The 2000 contract
was $696,360 and 2001 contract is proposed to be $766,325, approximately a 9%
increase over last year's contract. If you subtract the additional hours, the proposed
contract will go up 1 %.
g:\user\cathy\2001 budget\admin\commentary.doc
Crime Prevention - Community Service
Mission and Current Services
This department provides animal control and crime prevention service for the city, as
well as support to emergency response and assists with code enforcement, deliveries,
and general public safety support.
Through our Crime Prevention Department, the City will encourage citizen efforts to
maintain and strengthen their neighborhoods.
Budget Highlights
The budget for this service is increased by $15,000 due to upgrading the CSO position
from part time to full time with benefits.