1g Bids/Lake Lucy Storage#00-02 ~ CITY OF CIlANHASSEN MEMORANDUM TO: Scott Botcher, City Manager J City CtnttrDrivt, POBox 147 FROM: :hanhrJSJm, Minnesota 55317 Phont612.937.1900 DATE: Gmtral Fax 612.937.5739 .ginttring Fax 612.937.9152 SUBJ: ,blic Safety Fax 612.934.2524 r"b www.ci.chanhrJSJm.mn.us Teresa Burgess, Public Works Director/City Engine~ May 8, 2000 Approve Specifications and Authorize Advertisement forBids for Lake Lucy Storage Tank Reconditioning - Project No. 00-02 Staff recommends the approval of the specifications and authorization to advertise for bids for reconditioning work on the Lake Lucy Storage Tank. The estimated cost for recommended structural repairs and replacing the interior and exterior coatings for the Lake Lucy Storage Tank is $552,400.00. The recommended work and the cost estimate are based on an inspection of the tank by KLM Engineering, Inc. The inspection report includes pictures documenting the tank condition observed during inspection. A copy of the inspection report is on file in the Engineering Department. The specifications include two bid alternates; one for completion of the project in 2000 and one for phased completion of the project over two years (2000 and 2001). As discussed at the April 17th Council Worksession, the reconditioning project will require removing the reservoir trom service during work. Because the reservoir contains 66% of the City's water storage capacity, the City will need to enact sprinkling restrictions and other water conservation measures throughout the WllllllUllit y during1he work. 'While cornpletingtlre"WU'I'k"'in umryear to iimit the necessary water conservation measures is desirable, the two bid alternates will allow the City flexibility in the bid award to phase the project if necessary. Failure to approve the specifications and authorize advertisement may result in delays to the necessary work. These delays may result in cost increases for the work and shorten the lifespan of the existing tank. tjb c: Jerry Boucher, Utility Superintendent g:\eng\public\OO-02\approve specs.doc . City of Ch4l,hassen. A f!Owin~ community with cltan /ak", quality schools, a charmin, downtown. thrioin, busin"'''. and b,.utifùIMrk... A ''''!at ./¡", In Ii",. wn". .wi .&. ,--,