3. Public Works Equip. -.2
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_r�>^;2s= (612) 937-1900
TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager
FROM: Gary G. Warren, City Engineer u ' _ !/ 7: ,
DATE: January 7 , 1988
SUBJ: Award of Bids, Public Works Equipment __- _fai rr_-•-.�-
On December 7, 1987 , the City Council authorized the taking of
bids for public works equipment. Bids were received and opened
on December 21, 1987 . The results of the bidding have been tabu-
lated and are shown on the enclosed summary.
I am very pleased with the quotes that have been received. All
items came in under the budgeted amount. In total , the budgeted
amount equals $132,500 . The summary of our low bids equals
$116 ,850. 39 which is $15 ,650 (12%) below the budgeted amount.
City radios have also been budgeted in the equipment replacement
fund for these vehicles at $4 ,500 .
ITwo minor pieces of public works equipment remain to be acquired
in 1988; the snow blower attachment for the Bobcat budgeted at
I $3 ,500 and a 20 ,000 pound heavy duty trailer budgeted at $5 ,000 .
The base bids reflect chosing a color from the manufacturers
paint charts. There is a cost associated in sticking with the
City' s standard green color (Dupont Imron #5081) . As such we
took bids for an alternate for painting the dump truck cab and
utility 4 X 4 cab in City green. The alternate bids were $425
for the dump truck cab and $675 for the 4 X 4 utility vehicle.
As you may be aware, the paint industry is going through quite a
I transition with the federal requirements for the removal of lead
from paints . The net result could be that even if the City does
go with a standard chart color ( none by the way are very close to
our present color) this does not guarantee that this could not
change in the future. We are therefore faced with either paying
the added expense as noted for sticking with the City green or
trying to go with a more universal color that even with the anti-
cipated changes in the paint industry, would still be able to be
reasonably matched from the standard paint charts on future
vehicle acquisitions and painting. The City' s current standard
2 ' (612) 937-1900
TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager
FROM: Gary Warren, City Engineer 4 .
DATE: December 3, 1987 /
SUBJ: Approval of Specifications and Authorization to Advertise
for Bids for Public Works Equipment
As you are aware, the City Council has expressed an interest in
reviewing specifications for equipment prior to solicitation of
formal quotes. The Equipment Replacement Fund #209 (summary
attached) includes a number of vehicles and equipment anticipated
for acquisition in 1988 . Some of the vehicles , such as the 2 ton
dump truck, are replacement vehicles for equipment which has
exceeded its useful life. Others , such as the skid loader
( Bobcat) and reversible plow and hydraulic wing for the new
loader, are additions to keep up with expanding infrastructure
and personnel needs in the City.
I have reviewed our equipment needs with our Superintendents ,
especially as it relates to the upcoming snow removal season, and we
have arrived at the following list of equipment which we would
like to receive authorization for acquisition. The specifica-
tions for each piece of equipment are attached for review/
approval. I have included the specifications for all the equip-
ment; however, only the items over $15 ,000 , i .e. the reversible 11
plow and wing; the dump truck chassis and cab; the one ton
4-wheel drive pick-up chassis and cab; and the skid-steer loader
require advertising.
1 . Reversible Plow and Hydraulic Wing: In 1987, the City
purchased a new 936 front end loader. As with other
cities , this equipment can serve as a very versatile
tool not only in the summer, but also in the winter with
snow removal. In order to accomplish the snow removal ,
the loader needs to be equipped with a reversible plow
and hydraulic wing. Although anticipated at the time of
purchase of the front end loader, funding had to be
delayed one year . We are requesting authorization to
acquire the reversible plow and wing at this time . The
budget estimate for this item is $25,000.
Mr. Gary Warren
December 3, 1987
Page 2
' 2 . Dump Truck: This dump truck replaces the 1973 Ford dump
truck which was scheduled for replacement in 1988. The
bid package actually solicits separate quotations for the
dump truck cab and chassis ; the dump body; as well as the
' truck roll sander and plow. The budget estimate for this
item is $36 , 000 .
' 3 . One Ton Utility Four Wheel Drive Service Truck: This
vehicle is an addition to the utility fleet and coincides
with the staff addition to the Utility Department this
' year. The vehicle is a heavy duty pick-up with dual rear
wheels and a gross weight rating of 11, 000 lbs. This
vehicle is intended to be equipped with a fiberglass ser-
vice body and a 32 , 000 lb. lifting capacity auto-crane to
' provide the Utility Department with appropriate lifting
capacity for removal and servicing of our major lift sta-
tions in the City. The budget estimate for this item is
' $30, 000 .
4 . Engineering 4 x 4 : At present, the Engineering
Department has one vehicle (Ford Fairmont) dedicated to
' the department. During the construction season,
this vehicle is dedicated to the field inspector, thus
leaving the City Engineer and Assistant at the mercy of
pool vehicle availability. With the staff expansions in
almost every department this year, this has often resulted
in the necessity for personal vehicle usage to inspect
off-road construction sites . This not only inflicts
excess wear and tear on personal vehicles, but also puts
staff out of radio contact for the duration of the trip.
As such, the engineering 4 x 4 was budgeted to again keep
up with staff expansions and also provide a more suitable
vehicle for the off-road demands of the private and city
projects . The budget allocation for this vehicle is
$16, 000 .
' 5 . Skid-Steer (Bobcat) Loader:
The City currently owns a
732 Bobcat which is one of the more popular pieces of
' equipment in our fleet. It is not uncommon to hear
during the busy summer months radio chatter between the
respective departments wondering when the other will be
' finished with the loader so that they can use it on their
project. The budget estimate includes the acquisition of
a snowblower attachment for this loader; however, staff
needs to do further research on this attachment before
making a request for purchase.
The loader being requested at this time is an 843 Bobcat,
' which is one size larger than the existing Bobcat. This
step is necessary to provide the vehicle with the extra
power needed for operating a snowblower attachment. I
Mr. Don Ashworth
December 3 , 1987
Page 3 '
anticipate this equipment seeing extensive use in our new
downtown snow removal procedures and no doubt be called
on for removal of snow in a number of our sidewalk/trail
areas the City has been installing. This loader also
will be equipped with rear vertical stabilizers to more
safely facilitate its usage with the tree spade attach-
ment. The budget estimate for the Bobcat, ( including
blower) is $25, 000. '
6 . Packer and Bobcat Trailer: The City is hurting somewhat
when it comes to being able to move equipment such as the
bobcat and our paving packer to respective project sites .
To date, we have rented Merle Volk' s trailer which has
necessitated compromising on some of our work schedules
when the trailer has not been available. With the work
demands and the addition of another bobcat, we need to
get out from under this dependency. A 10 ,000 lb.
trailer is suitable for our needs . The budgeted amount
for this item is $3, 500 . 00 .
With Council authorization, staff anticipates receiving and
opening bids on December 21, 1987, for this equipment. This
would then be brought back to the Council, if acceptable bids are
received, for award on January 11, 1988 . I have requested Street
Superintendent Schlenk and Shop Foreman Brose to attend the City
Council meeting Monday night to help in answering any specific
questions the Council may have concerning this equipment. In the
interest of their time, I ask if this item is removed from the
consent agenda, that it be dealt with first thing after the con-
sent agenda approval.
Since this item appears on the consent agenda, a staff recommen- '
dation is necessary. It is therefore recommended that the speci-
fications for public works equipment be approved and staff be
authorized to advertise for bids to be received December 21,
cc: Jerry Schlenk '
Harold Brose
Attachments : 1988 Budget Summary, Fund 209 '
Equipment Specifications
. r
FUND //209
IGeneral Comment : This fund was established to: 1) provide a means by which
long range motor vehicle purchases could be monitored and planned; 2) to pro-
vide a "control center" for purchase/maintenance/usage of vehicles _
11 ment; and 3) to divorce from the operating costs the peaks and valleys created
by a number of major purchases occurring (or not occurring) in any one year.
During any five year period, since origination of this fund, costs have
Iapproximated 2% of the valuation of property within the community (the rela-
tionship between property sewered, streets/utilities, and equipment necessary
for property/public improvements served is highly predictable) . The City
II completes a debt analysis study each year to insure that the debt structure
of this fund stays within the 2 mill guideline and that overall debt stays
within 8 mills. 1
IRequired Reserve: 1988 = 69,000,000 x 2% = 138,000
I1986 Expenditures ( Year Bonded) Est . 1987 Expenditures (Year Bonded)
Sweeper (86) 59 ,930
II Dump Truck (86) 2 Ton Blacktop Packer(87) 8,880
33 ,962 Front End Loader (87) 81 103
Pump Truck (86) 42,000 s
Rear Mount Paver86 Mid-size Tractor (87) 15 925
II 10,850 Animal Control Vehicle(87)11,383
Tanker (86) 18 ,260
Sedan (86) Hoist (87) 9;809
9,225 Public Safety Dir. Car(87)11,500
II Pick-Up & Radio(87) 21 ,400 87 Expenses (Bond 1987) 138 ,600
Insp. Vehicles(87) 14,900 86 Expenses (Bond 1987) 48 ,156
Plow (87) 4,071 Total (Bond 1987) 18
Sander & Dump Box(87) 8,495 186 ,756
IITotal 1986 - 183,069 1987 Expenses - Bond 1988
Inspection Vehicle 9 ,800
I Total 1987 48 ,156 Total 1987 Expense 148 ,400
Est. 1988 Expenditures
4 2-Ton Dump Truck (Plow, Sander, Box) 36 ,000
I New Bobcat & Blower 25 ,000
Used Trailer (20 ,000/f) 5 ,000
j i Packer & Bobcat Trailer 3,500
II blce Loader Plow, Wing & Bucket Quick-tech 25 ,000
A( Utility 4-wheel drive service truck 30 ,000
Grass Rig 26 ,000
II Engineering 4 x 4 16 ,000
Inspection Vehicles (2) (Adm. Trust)
20 ,000 (Adm. Trust)
Police Squad 16,000 (Delete)
Radios - Insp. Vehicles/Engr. (3) 4, 500