5 Municipal Housing Strategy Municipal Housing Strategy Discussion Outline April 26, 2000 What follows below is a conceptual outline of where our discussions on municipal strategy will go beginning June 5, 2000. My plan this evening is to present this to you as an outline, perhaps to stimulate some thought prior to June 5th. I. Mixed Income Housing A. Demand for single-family detached townbomes may be the strongest. How can we diversify affordable housing products? B. How can we diversifY housing types within a project? II. Policy on Housing Assistance A. Market Driven (Amount of Assistance) B. Preservation of Existing Affordable Units C. Proactive vs. Reactive-Site or Product Specific D. Types of Assistance-LGA grants, Housing District, Carver County HRA, CDBG III. What are we short of? A. Apartments? B. Owner Occupied (other than townhouses) C. $ I 50,000-$200,000 new single family detached units? IV. Edina as an Example A. "Pockets of Affordability" vs. "Dispersion of Affordable Units throughout the Community"-Location! V. Terminology A. Perhaps the terms "moderately priced" or "income appropriate" more accurately reflect Chanhassen' s situation. VI. Rehabilitation of Existing Housing Stock (somewhat related to preservation of existing affordable units) g:\user\scottb\muni haus strategy outline.doc 5'