2. Community Dev Block Grant Funds I CITY OF C2 i 1 s j CHANHASSEN , , '-`- -/- h 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 I ,. (612) 937-1900 i MEMORANDUM I TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager IFROM: Barbara Dacy, City Planner DATE: March 9 , 1988 ISUBJ: Community Development Block Grant Funds Allocation for Year XIV I The City Council must conduct a public hearing for the allocation of funds for program Year XIV of the Community Development Block Grant program. Chanhassen' s allocation this year totals $32 ,197 . I We have received a request from the South Shore Senior Center in the amount of $6,668 to fund a portion of the salary of the center coordinator and the food handler working in the congregate dining program. The remaining amount totals $25 ,529 . As to how Ithese remaining funds should be allocated needs discussion by the City Council. I There are two options that the City Council can consider for the remaining funds. Ii . The City, since 1983 , has allocated monies for a housing rehabilitation program. These funds have helped rehab 15 to 20 homes in areas such as Carver Beach, Red Cedar Point, and other older areas of the city ( federal rules prohibit the I publishing of the addresses and the exact locations, however, the Hennepin County contact person stated that these areas were the primary recipients of funds ) . The contact person I from Hennepin County has verified that the $16,000 allocated in Year XIII has been committed for 6 pending projects . He stated that the city could initate a publicity campaign to I make citizens more aware of the housing rehabilitation program. He stated that based on past experience he felt confident that the $25, 000 could be expended. I 2 . The South Shore Senior Center was contacted to submit another request for any type of improvements that they would need with the center . They have indicated that they could use the Iadditional money for two items : a. Purchase of a van ( carries 12-14 people) . Approximately I 80% of the cost of the van is paid by federal monies . The remaining 20% must come from local sources. Requested is $5,145. II Mr. Don Ashworth ' March 9 , 1988 Page 2 i b. The school district has indicated to the seniors that the building in which they are currently located will be destroyed within the next 3-5 years . The Senior Center wants to initiate a planning study to find a new location and analyze funding options . Requested is approximatley $15, 000 . ' The Council may recall that the Year XIII monies were split between the South Shore Senior Center, Housing Rehab ( $16,500 ) and the construction of handicapped access for the community center ( $26,507 ) . Given the referendum vote, these funds in Year XIII should be re-evaluated. Larry Blackstad, the Hennepin County contact, has advised me that the revision in the recent federal guidelines in the Davis Bacon Act would require a signi- ficant amount of paperwork if the city were to use CDBG funds for partial construction of the community center. He stated that the city would probably expend more time on administering the rules necessary to comply with the Davis Bacon Act then actually expend in construction. RECOMMENDATION Therefore, given the above information staff recommends the following: 1 . All Year XIV monies should be allocated to the South Shore Senior Center ( $32,197 ) . If the center cannot expend all of its monies the city has the option to reallocate in the future. 2 . The Council should conduct a public hearing in the near future to I reallocate Year XIII monies to Housing Rehabilitation ( $26, 507 ) . Staff would work with Hennepin County to develop a more aggressive publicity program. Year XIII funds expire at the end 11 of 1988 . Given past activity, funds should be able to be expended. (As an alternative, the Council can choose to give back the funds for distribution elsewhere. ) Given Hennepin County' s staff comments on the costs of admi- nistering the handicapped access project in the community center and given the uncertainty of the community center project, ' reallocation to the housing rehab program is recommended. CITY COUNCIL MOTION I It is recommended that the City Council approve the distribution of Year XIV monies ( $32, 197 ) to the South Shore Senior Center. ATTACHMENTS 1 . Planning Allocations - Year XIV 2 . Resolution Approving Proposed Program for Year XIV 3 . Letter from Jack Wieczorek dated February 10, 1988 4 . Statement of Objectives for Year XIV 11 i IPLANNING ALLOCATIONS YEAR XIV ( 1988) URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY CDBG PROGRAM IIYEAR XIV ALLOCATION Community IBrooklyn Center 194500 Brooklyn Park 293731 Champlin 33354 I Chanhassen 32197 Corcoran 31096 Crystal 112868 Dayton I 24613 Deephaven 15674 Eden Prairie 64853 Edina 133761 II Excelsior 13476 Golden Valley 68332 Greenfield 7592 II Greenwood 3167 Hanover 5164 Hassan 11914 Hopkins 91238 II Independence 14367 Loretto 1545 Maple Grove 85814 II Maple Plain 6727 Medicine Lake 1517 Medina 13271 Minnetonka 120878 I Minnetonka Beach 776 Minnetrista 19491 Mound 62013 II New Hope 109507 Orono 23053 Osseo 17740 Plymouth 128706 II . Richfield 165274 Robbinsdale 62375 Rockford 18622 II Rogers 6678 Shorewood 19802 Spring Park 9188 St. Anthony 25385 1 St. Bonifacius 6956 20 St. Louis Park 203443 Tonka Bay 5074 Wayzata 16092 IWoodland 3277 ITotal 2235100 Hennepin Cty. 253900 ITotal Alloc. 2539000 1 i 1 I URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY PROJECT STATUS REPORT FEBRUARY 29, 1988 I COMMUNITY YEAR PROJ ACTIVITY ERG BUDGET EXPENDED BALANCE BROOKLYN CENTER XII 22001 REHAB OF PRIVATE PROPERTY CE/EY, 58,659.00 58,659.00 0.00 I BROOKLYN CENTER XII 22915 SITE DEMOLITION FR 8,002.00 8,002.00 0.00 BROOKLYN CENTER XIII 23001 REM OF ARCH BARRIERS CE/EX 25,000.00 24,687.24 312.76 BROOKLYN CENTER XIII 23002 REHAB OF PRIVATE PROPERTY CE/EX 317,007.00 54,333.37 262,673.63 BROOKLYN CENTER 99996 TOTAL BUDGET 403.668.05 I BROOKLYN CENTER 99997 T,iTAL •E ,' EXPENDED 645 621.61 BROOKLYN CENTER 99998 BALANCE 262,586.39 BROOKLYN CENTER 99999 DRAWDOWN 36: I BROOKLYN PARK XII 22002 CHILD DAY CARE EX 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 BROOKLYN PARK XII 22003 GENERAL ADMIN EX 653.00 653.00 0.00 BROOKLYN PARK XII 22004 REHAB OF PRIVATE PROPERTY CE/EX 54,914.00 54,914.00 0.00 Il BROOKLYN PARK XII 22005 RESIDENTIAL REDEVELOPMENT AR 0.00 0.00 0.00 BROOKLYN PARK XII 22006 SENIOR TRANS - NORTH EX 1,197.00 1,197.00 0.00 BROOKLYN PARK XII 22913 TH 52/169 REDEV PROJECT AR 0.00 0.00 0.00 BROOKLYN PARK XIII 23003 CHILD DAY CARE CE/EX 25,000.00 9,133.24 15,266.76 111 BROOKLYN PARK XIII 23004 SENIOR TRANS - NORTH EX 11,000.00 0.00 11,000.00 BROOKLYN PARK XIII 23005 TH 52/169 REDEV PROJECT AR 269,591.00 0.00 269,591.00 BROOKLYN PARK XIII 23005 TH 52/169 REDEV PROJECT AR 0.00 0.00 0.00 I BROOKLYN PARK XIII 23909 REHAB OF PRIVATE PROPERTY CE/EX 75,450.00 7,033.00 68,417.00 BROOKLYN PARK 99997 TOTAL EXPENDED 97.930. 4 BROOKLYN PARK g 999E BA LANCE 364.874.76.874.; 6 BROOKLYN PARK 99999 DRAWDOWN ERR I CHAMPLIN XII 22007 OLD TOWN/BRITTANY REDEV/ACO FR 17,508.00 17,508.00 0.00 CHAMPLIN XII 22008 SENIOR TRANS - NORTH EX 29,801.00 29,801.00 0.00 CHAMPLIN XII 22908 SEWER/WATER CONNECTION EX 5,664.00 5,664.00 0.00 I CHAMPLIN XII 22943 OLD TOWN/BITTANY REDEV/RELOC FR 3,943.00 3,943.00 0.60 CHAMPLIN XIII 23006 OLD TOWN/BRITTANY REDEV FR 72,441.00 0.00 72,441.00 CHAMPLIN XIII 23007 SENIOR TRANS - NORTH EX 8,502.00 0.00 8.502.00 CHAMPLIN XIII 23008 SEWER/WATER CONNECTION CE/EX 7,459.00 0.00 7,459- I CHAMPLIN 99996 TOTAL BUDGET 145.313.:0 CHAMPLIN 99997 TOTAL E XPENDED 56.916.00 CHAMPLIN 9a 98 BALANCE .8,402.00 CHAMPLIN 99499 DRAWDOWN 39: ' CHANHASSEN XII 22009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN EX 20,6009.00 20,608.00 ..00 CHANHASSEN XII 22010 REHAB OF PRIVATE PROPERTY CE/EX 0.00 0.00 0.00 CHANHASSEN XII 22011 SO SHORE SR CENTER-OPER CE,E� 0.00 0.00 0.00 I ...AtitfA ,u0V h;ET OF ARCH BARRIERS CE/E3 26,507.00 0.00 26,50:.00 CHANHASSEN XIII 23010 SO SHORE SR Cc -O ER r 0.00 0.00 0.00 LCHANHASSEN XIII 23914 REHAB OF "RI V Ai PROPERTY; CE/EX 16,500.00 0.00 16,500.00 CHAN4ASSN 99996 TOTAL BUDGET 63.015.010 PE'�_ D :HANHCHANHASSEN 99 7 TOTAL AL EX.�;dLEu 20,6.i �5.110 CHANHASSEN 99998 BALANCE i,:%L%.00 , CHANHASSEN 99999 DRAWDOWN 321 CORCORAN XII 22012 MAPLE HILL WATER TANK CE/EX 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORCORAN XII 22013 REHAB OF PRIVATE PROPERTY CE/EX 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORCORAN XII 22014 TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING EX 6,493.00 6,493.00 0.00 I CORCORAN XII :2922 CIVIL DEFENSE SIREN CE/EX 9,775.00 9,775.00 0.00 CORCORAN XII 22941 COMP PLAN/LANDFILL STUDY EX 7,452.00 7,452.00 0.00 CORCORAN OR:qN X I 23011 R' EV DISTRICT AR 22365 0 0,0 22,365.00 �.. [,�JJrli I1a wD:: ALl3i r.tD:.v cc,.i J.OU 0.00 CORCORAN XIII 23012 REHAB OF PRIVATE PROPERTY CE/EX 9,000.00 0.00 9,000.00 CORCORAN XIII 23917 TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING EX 13,255.00 0.00 13,255.00 CORCORAN XIII 23927 COMP PLAN/LANDFILL STUDY EX 14,884.00 0.00 14,884.00 1 . 1 C RESOLUTION NO. ' RESOLUTION APPROVING PROPOSED PROGRAM FOR YEAR XIV URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS AND AUTHORIZING ITS SUBMITTAL ' WHEREAS, the City of , through execution of a Joint Cooperation Agreement with Hennepin'County, is a cooperating unit in the Urban County Community Development Block Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the City of has developed a proposal for the use of ' Urban Hennepin County CDBG funds made available to it, following a public hearing on to obtain the views of citizens on local and Urban Hennepin County housing and community development needs and the City's following proposed use of Year XIV Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant funds. (Projects) (Budget) (Ib ) BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of approves the proposed ' use of Year XIII Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant funds and authorizes submittal of the proposal to Hennepin County for consideration by the Citizen Advisory Committee and for inclusion in the Year XIV Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant Statement of objectives and Project Use of Funds. ' Date Mayor ATTEST: Clerk • • 1 OF 'Or rC,\'77:7D) Nrs:( MaiSENIOR COMMUNITY SERVICES 1001 Highway 7, Hopkins, Minnesota 55343 933-9311 • February 10 , 1988 Mayor Tom Hamilton and Council City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen , MN 55317 Dear Mayor Hamilton and Council Members: Senior Community Services is requesting 6,668 from the City of Chanhassen to support the Southshore Senior a ter during the year beginning July 1 , 1988 and ending June 30 , 1989. This request includes two amounts: s $4 ,867 of the request reflects a 4% increase over the amount ' requested last year . s $1 ,801 is the additional amount awarded to the Southshore Senior Center by the Council for 1987-88. As with other funding provided by the six Southshore cities, this amount is being used exclusively for the salaries of the Center Coordinator and the Food Handler working in the Congregate Dining Program. Contin- uing this additional support in 1988-89 will help greatly as the Center seeks to serve additional Southshore seniors. The Southshore Senior Center is the focal point for a broad range of services and activities for area seniors. During 1987, an average of 54 seniors attended the Center daily. Congregate dining meals are now being served to 49 seniors each noon . The Center offers a wide variety of educational programs, opportunities to take monthly trips to local places of interest , health screenings, and a place to be with old friends and new acquaintances. More than 50 senior volunteers have provided over 3,000 volunteer hours at the Center during the past year . 1 ,_ (4 FEB 11 1988 A united Way CI rY fin, o F CHANHAS N I Mayor Hamilton and , -uncil I February 10 , _1988 1 Page 2 1 . The Southshore Senior Center's transportation program, utilizing a van provided by Minnegasco as well as volunteer drivers using their own vehicles, provides seniors with transportation to medical appoint- ments, the Senior Center , Sojourn Adult Day Care , area shopping centers, and other area services. Funding sources for Southshore Senior Center programs include the six ' Southshore area cities, Volunteers of America, West Metro Coordinated Transportation , Minnetonka Community Services, United Way, and Senior Community Services fundraising. As noted above , funds provided by the six Southshore cities are used exclusively for the salaries of the ' Center Coordinator and the Food Handler working in the Congregate Dining Program. We very much appreciate Chanhassen's continuing support of the Southshore Senior Center . Cooperation among SCS, area cities, local organizations, and senior volunteers has made available to Southshore ' seniors much-needed services and opportunities for growth . If you have any questions, please call either JoAnn Kvern at the Southshore Center (474-7635) or me at 933-9311 . We would welcome the ' opportunity to discuss our request with the City Council . Sincerely, Jack Wieczorek Program Administrator ' cc : Donald Ashworth Barbara Dacy 1 r STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES YEAR XIV (1988) URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY CDBG PROGRAM Community Development Block Grant funds may be used to support a wide range of housing and community development activities. The Statement of Objectives provides a framework for use by Urban Hennepin County participants in developing local community development programs and by the Citizens Advisory Committee in their review of requests for funding. Urban Hennepin County objectives are supportive of national CDBG objectives and are intended to illustrate their application to the Urban Hennepin County CDBG program. The national objectives of the CDBG program are: developing viable urban communities by providing decent housing, a suitable living environment and expanded economic opportunities principally for low and moderate income persons; aiding in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight; and • meeting other community development needs having a particular urgency. Each activity carried out with CDBG funds must, of course, be eligible and fundable under program regulations (24 CFR 570) as well as meet a national program objective. The Urban Hennepin County CDBG objectives are presented by major program subheadings. They are highlighted under the subheading. ADDINISTRATION The CDBG program requires that Urban Hennepin County maximize the benefit of ' available funds consistent with the needs of low and moderate income persons and participant communities. In like manner it is a program responsibility to maximize program benefit and effectively administer program funds. - Contain program administrative costs through the use of program management contracts for joint activities funded by several jurisdictions. ' - No more than three activities should be undertaken by any participating community. Each activity should be budgeted with at least $7,500. In cases where the planning allocation is less than $7,500 only one activity should be programmed. When funds are committed jointly with other participants to carry out a single activity these limits need not apply. ' - Facilitate cooperation among participants in the development and implemen- tation of multi-community CDBG activities to address common concerns and needs. - Support program activities which will generate program income to maintain a level of program funding. ' - Maintain a structure for citizen participation in the development, implementation and evaluation of the Urban Hennepin County CDBG program. ' - Implement Urban Hennepin County CDBG activities in such a manner as to minimize the direct or indirect displacement of owners or tenants from occupied dwelling units and business locations. I I EIE ' Urban Hennepin County has established goals which are approved by the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the construction of new housing and the rehabilitation of existing housing for low and moderate income owner and renter households. ' - Facilitate the development of housing activities consistent with Urban Hennepin County goals and priorities. ' - Encourage multi-community cooperation in housing development projects. - Support the development of new owner/renter housing affordable to low and 1 moderate income households. - Support the rehabilitation of existing rental units and single-family ' dwellings. NEIGHBORHOOD RE.VTTALIZATION ' As an intergovernmental effort, Urban Hennepin County includes a broad range of communities and neighborhoods, some of which, _due to the age of their structures, are in need of assistance for infrastructure rehabilitation/ ' installation. - Maintain and preserve viable neighborhoods and neighborhood service centers ' through concentrated community development activities. PUBLIC FACILITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS ' The provision and maintenance of essential public facilities represents a significant cost to the community and the individual user (particularly those of low and moderate income) . - Maintain existing public improvements and facilities and assist in the development of new facilities and improvements which benefit low and moderate income persons. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Within the context of the Community Development Block Grant Program economic development must relate to the creation or retention of long-term employment opportunities for low and moderate income individuals. - Provide financial assistance to for-profit or non-profit business operations which will provide or retain permanent employment opportunities for low and moderate income persons, at a ratio of at least one full-time job created ' or retained for each $10,000 of program funds used. PUBLIC SERVICES ' The CDBG program asserts that the expansion and improvement of the quantity and quality of pubic services available to low and moderate persons is for the essential development of viable communities. 1 - Provide funding for public services which represent a new service or expanded level of service consistent with CDBG regulations. HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBILITY The Community Development Block Grant Program is committed to ensure that the facilities and programs it supports are accessible to the handicapped individuals. - Ensure that public facilities constructed, rehabilitated and operated with program funds are handicapped accessible. - Provide support for the development or rehabilitation of housing which is accessible to handicapped persons. 1 1 1 1 1 i