C Dis. of Memorial Policy ~ - DATE: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director -tI/ D~ May 13, 2005 MEMORANDUM CITY OF CHANHASSEN TO: 7700 Markel Boulevard PO Box 147 Chaohassen, MN55317 FROM: Administration Phone: 952.2271100 Fax: 952.2271110 SUBJ: Discussion of Memorial Policy Engineering Phone: 952.2271160 Fax: 952.2271170 Please find attached a staff report addressed to the Park and Recreation Commission dated February 14,2005, regarding a recommendation to the City Council on a proposed Memorial Policy for the City. The Commission reviewed and discussed this proposal on Tuesday, February 22, 2005. The minutes resulting from that discussion are attached. Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax 952.2271190 Finance Phone: 952.2271140 Fax: 9522271110 At the conclusion of their review, the Commission made the following recommendation: Park & Recreation Phone 952.2271120 Fax 952.2271110 "Murphy moved, Spizale seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend that the City Council approve the Memorial Giving Policy as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0." Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax:952.2271404 Planning & Nalural Resources Phone 952.2271130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952.227.1300 Fax 952.2271310 Senior Center Phone: 952.2271125 Fax:952.2271110 WebSile www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us The Cily 01 Chanhassen' A growing communi~ with ciean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautitul parks. A gæat place 10 lIVe, work, and piay , ~I~ CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Markel Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone 952.227.1100 Fax 952.2271110 Building Inspections Phone 952,227,1180 Fax 952.2271190 Engineering Phone 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.2271170 Finance Phone: 952.2271140 Fax 952.2271110 Park & Recrealion Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax 952.2271110 Re¡;reation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.2271400 Fax 952.227.1404 Planning & Nalural Resources Phone: 952.2271130 Fax 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952,227,1300 Fax: 952.2271310 Senior Center Phone 952.227.1125 Fax 9522271110 WebSile WNW,ci.chanhassen,mn,us MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission ·111 FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Commission DATE: February 14,2005 SUBJ: Recommendation to City Council Concerning a Memorial Policy Historically, the City has received a variety of inquires concerning the placement of memorials in public parks. The majority of these requests have been met with the installation of a memorial tree or bench. However, in some instances the requests go beyond a simple bench or tree and can begin to resemble private memorial sites. In order to avoid the discomfort that can accompany the need to make a decision over what is appropriate at a difficult time; staff is recommending the City Council adopt a Memorial Giving Policy. The policy includes the two most commonly requested memorials, a tree or a park bench. The planting of a tree after the death of a loved one represents many comforting thoughts for family members. The placement of a park bench in a strategic location gives family members a destination to rest and reflect. A policy to accommodate the wishes of those with a desire to sprinkle the cremated ashes of a deceased love one, in a public location, is also included. Lastly it is the city's desire to accommodate the wishes of those who choose to dedicate a large memorial such as a building or play structure. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission review the attached draft of the Memorial Giving Policy. Upon conclusion of your review, the Commission should make any changes you deem appropriate and make a recommendation to the City Council concerning the adoption of the policy. The Cily 01 Chanhassen . A growing commuoity with clean iakes, quaiity schoo is, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautitul parks. A great piace to live, work, and play Hoffman: Thank you Chair Stolar, members of the commission. Staff has provided a brief history on the issue of memorials in the city and provided a draft policy concerning some general ideas concerning memorials, A tree and plague program. A memorial bench program and then ashes, the scattering of ashes. We have a recommendation that the commission review this draft policy and upon conclusion of your review, make any changes you deem appropriate and then make your recommendation to the City Council concerning this policy. Our over riding goal is to have something that's simple to understand and useful for people who are in this position of wanting to make a memorial... RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL CONCERNING A MEMORIAL POLICY. Stolar: Okay, questions. Steve, I'll start with you. Scharfenberg: I think it's a good policy. I didn't see any additions or changes, Stolar: Tom. Kelly: I know there's one memorial in Bandimere I think is very nice. It's a rock and was that just because Bandimere was being built and the rock was available or, I'm just wondering if something like that could also be added to this policy. Ijust think that's a very nice... Hoffman: It was just a unique situation that that was a time that Dave Huffman was killed and being constructed and a rock was dug up and sitting there. They wanted to know if they should remove it or leave it. Kelly: Okay, so it wasn't, it didn't come at the request of a rock, it was just, okay. Hoffman: No. Kelly: Ijust think that's a very nice, okay. Then no other questions. Hoffman: Yeah, it's pretty unique. I think if you offered that as an option, the biggest thing you hear from cities that have been around for a number of years, Edina. Minnetonka, is that if you start putting 75 rocks in your park system, it starts to look like a cemetery type of approach and that's what they want is to try to stay away from that. Stolar: My quick question for both the tree and plague and the bench, should the cost include the plague? Hoffman: Yes. Stolar: It does include the plague, okay. Don't know if we want to say that or, either that or just take memorial tree and plague, just make that memorial tree and assume that the tree would include, you notice how it's different for that versus the bench? Hoffman: Yep. Stolar: It doesn't say and plague so that's always confused a little bit. But this is a great policy. I'm all for it. Murphy: Is there any cost for ashes scattering? Hoffman: Not that I noticed. Murphy: Just curious. Hoffman: You're not going to scatter ashes on the Lake Ann beach. It's going to be in a location, water at Lake Ann or in a wooded area. You're not going to scatter ashes on the outfield of ballfield # 1. These need to be more discrete locations that are appropriate for the entire public to be able to feel would be appropriate. Spizale: I just noticed that the Arboretum has done this, it's a nice touch. They do it with the benches. They do it with the trees. It's a great way to get some nice new trees in the parks and everybody loves to have a bench, I went over the policy. I think the policy is nice and simple. It's good. Hoffman: I assume the Arboretum may be allowing the scattering of ashes as welL I'll contact them and see what kind of approach. That was one of the areas that, the newest type ofrequest that's coming up. Scharfenberg: The only other thing that I just, came off the top of my head was, I wasn't on the commission at the time that City Center Park was being built and I know there were things that I think Jack mentioned that kind of wish items that if we could you know put this in a sculpture or something like that, it would almost be nice if you could include. I know the policy said this isn't an exhaustive policy but if you could almost put in a section that if you almost had like that wish list of a sculpture or some things that you couldn't do because of cost, was cost prohibitive but somebody came and said you know what, I'd like to spend $10,000 to do this and you had that list and somehow had that memorialize that if somebody wanted to do something and gave up a large donation to park and rec that you could say well, we had these things that we wanted to do to City Center Park. Would you be interested in doing something like that, like a sculpture, another fountain or something like that. Hoffman: Some cities actually do have a., . and that's the one reason for other memorials if someone does want to make, if they have some sort of connection and they say we want to make an improvement and that's.. .ifthey're going to make a $10,000 or $5,000 contribution, you start looking around and hoping to identify some of these things but I've seen cities where they've run right down to the copier machine in admin and ballfield lights on field number 4 and park shelter and police cars and you can take it to any degree. Stolar: So Steve are you suggesting that we put some verbiage that says under other memorials, something like or other items desired by the Park and Rec Commission? Some how for the Park and Rec Director too. Scharfenberg: I was just talking off the top of my head. Stolar: Something to just consider because I think that would be. Hoffman: Make it a little more broad. Inclusive. 90% of what we've done has been trees and benches in the last, I've been here 15 years. They're very welcomed. Stolar: Any other comments, questions? So, I think we just had some clarification so I'll make a motion to approve the staff recommendation. Murphy: Move to approve staff recommendation. Spizale: I'll second. Stolar: Questions? Murphy moved, Spizale seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend that the City Council approve the Memorial Giving Policy as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to O. City of Chanhassen Department of Parks and Recreation Memorial Giving Policy The City of Chanhassen supports the needs and principles of allowing memorials in parks and green space areas, but is also mindful that these facilities have many uses and are enjoyed by a wide range of people, Therefore, the City desires to manage and regulate memorials for the mutual benefit of alL It is the intention that the policy only covers the broad sense of memorials and is not meant to be exhaustive. Memorial proposals outside the scope of this policy may still be considered. General 1. Applications for memorials and to scatter ashes in park and green space areas are available at City Hall or on-line at www.ci.cJ¡¡.anhaaséh.mn.us The Park and Recreation Director (appointed officer) shall be (ésponsible for the consideration of applications. 2, Applications will be accepted fr91I1. next of kin or an executor of estate, 3. All memorials are to be paid for by thc~pplicant on orb(:fore installation. 4. Memorials will be positioned to maximizethehenefit to an area. The City will attempt to accoll1IJlod¡¡,te the wishes of the applicant at all times, 5. The number ofl11emol'Ì;µs shall not detract from the prime recreational purposes of an area. T\1e City may limit the number of memorials in a particular area. 6, The City accepts no liability for damage to any memorials from vandals, third parties orwhile cårryingol.lt01J1i~tel1aJ).Cé activities unless specifically noted. 7. The Qity.reserves the right to rem011eany memorials that have been damaged and, is in the view0fthe appointed officer, beyond repair. 8. Applications formcmorials to pets or to scatter the ashes of pets shall not be åcèepted. MemorialTree and Plaque 1. The memorial tree program plants a 1 V2 caliper inch balled and burlapped maple, oak, ash or linden tree in the donator's park of choice with recognition of the memorial on a permanent plaque to be displayed at City Hall. 2. The donor can choose the general vicinity of the planting location within a park; the exact placement of the tree is dependent upon existing site conditions and shall be determined by the appointed officer. 3. The name displayed on the memorial plaque shall be the individual's full proper name. Nicknames, where appropriate, may be included at the donor's request. 4, No additional mementos, e.g. vases, statues, etc., shall be permitted at the location of the tree. G:\Park\TH\memorial policyl.doc - February 2005 Memorial Bench 5, The cost of a memorial tree is $500. The health of the tree is guaranteed for 5 years, 1. A memorial bench may be dedicated in the donator's park of choice. 2. The donor can choose the general placement within a park; the exact location of the bench is dependent upon existing site conditions and shall be determined by the appointed officer. 3. Benches will be constructed from a concrete material and be of a high quality design. The bench will be secured in a concrete pad by the City and/or its contractor. 4. A brass plaque with the inscription "in the memory of'th~ name of the person, recognition of public office (if appropriate), and dates of birth ¡md death will be affixed to the bench. In the event that the plaque is damaged, defaced, and/or removed, the City will replace it for the useful life of the bench. 5, No additional mementos, e.g. vases, statues, etc. sh&\l be permitted at the location of the bench. 6. The cost of a memorial bench is $1000. A ben,chmemorial is guaranteed for a minimum of 10 years. Ashes 1. Ashes shall only bescattered in locations agreedtoin advance by the Park and Recreation Director,at& predetermined time, day and date in consultation with the next of kin or executor of the estate. 2. No additionåFrnementos, e.g. vases, statues, etc. shall be permitted at the location where the ashes wm scáttered. Other Memorials 1. Other memorial donations, é.g. picnic shelter, playground, etc., will be considered on an individual basis. 2. Recogn,ition of such memorials will be made at an appropriate level in consultation with the next of kin or executor of estate. G:\Park\TH\memorial policy I.doc - February 2005