1a. CUP for McGlynn Bakeries 1 s Tom/I
CITY O F P.C. DATE: March 16 , 1988
\\ - CUAIASSEN C.C. DATE: April 11, 1988
� ' 88-3 Site Plan
IPrepared by: Olsen/v
IPROPOSAL: 1 . Conditional Use Permit Request for Food Processing
2 . Site Plan Review for Office and Warehouse Facilities
' Z
I ^J LOCATION: Southwest corner of Hwy 5 and Audubon Road
1 Q APPLICANT: McGlynn Bakeries
7752 Mitchell Road
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
PRESENT ZONING: IOP, Industrial Office Park,,.,,
IACREAGE: 69 . 7 Acres
DENSITY: .,,, c_
AND LAND USE: N- RR; Natural Green j/,,, 4 __
I < S- A-2; Vacant J th it
. tai E- IOP; Chanhassen Lake Business Park
I O W- A-2; Vacant
I \
WATER AND SEWER: Available to the property
--• PHYSICAL CHARAC. : Site is fairly level with a slope to the
I south towards the Chicago Milwaukee RR
tracks . The site is currently cultivated
with open grass areas.
1 2000 LAND USE PLAN: Industrial
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McGlynn Bakeries
March 16, 1988
' Page 2
' Section 5-16-2, of the IOP District allows offices and warehouses
as a permitted use in the IOP District. Section 5-16-4 permits
' food processing as a conditional use in the IOP District
(Attachment #1) .
The setbacks for the IOP District are 30 feet front yard setback,
' 10 foot rear and side yard setback. The IOP District requires a
minimum lot frontage of 150 feet, lot depth of 200 feet, maximum
lot coverage of 70%, and front yard setback of 30 feet, a rear
and side yard setback of 10 feet and maximum height of 4 stories
or 50 feet for the principle structure (Attachment #1) .
Article 8 of the Zoning Ordinance requires perimeter landscaping,
and interior landscaping of vehicular areas and landscaping for
trash enclosures (Attachment #2) .
The zoning ordinance requires 3 parking spaces for each 1000
square feet of floor area for office buildings and 1 space for
each 1000 square feet of gross floor area up to 10,000 square
' feet and 1 additional space for each additional 2000 sq. feet
plus 1 space for each company vehicle operating from the premises
for storage, wholesale and warehouse establishments (Attachment
#3) .
Building Department Attachment #4
Fire Inspector Attachment #5
City Engineer Attachment #6
The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit for a food
processing plant and site plan approval for an office and ware-
house facility. The proposal consists of a 152 ,000 square foot
building with a 2 level office area and a single story plant.
The facility is located at the south end of the property with 2
entrances off Audubon Road. The southern most entrance serves a
161 car employee parking lot. The northern entrance will be a
private drive, constructed to full city street standards, with an
entrance for trucks and an access to the office employee and
visitor parking areas that are located at the southwest corner of
the building. The northern and eastern sides of the proposed
building contain shipping and receiving areas . The dock area on
' the east side of the building will be used exclusively by company
owned vehichles primarily between 2 a.m. and 12 p.m. At the pre-
sent time McGlynn Bakeries operates twelve company owned trucks.
The Chanhassen facility will employ approximately 200 people with
a maximum employee shift of 150.
McGlynn Bakeries I
March 16, 1988
Page 3
Three production shifts will operate 24 hours a day at the
Chanhassen plant. Hours of operation are staggered, eliminating
peaks of arrival and departure times for production employees .
The building will consist of precast panel construction, gray in II color with green accents . The southern wall of the building
which houses the offices will contain extensive glass .
Attachment #7 is a letter from the applicant further detailing
the proposal.
The zoning ordinance requires a conditional use permit for food
processing plants in the IOP District. There are no specific
conditions for food processing listed in the ordinance. The II ordinance does provide eleven conditions that conditional uses
must conform to (Attachment #8) .
The proposed food processing plant will not be detrimental to the
public welfare and is consistent with the objectives of the
comprehensive plan (designated Industrial) . The proposed
building will be compatable with the surrounding and existing 11 buildings located in the IOP District. The building is situated
on the property and landscaped so that it will not be visually
detrimental to surrounding areas and future neighborhoods . There
is sewer and water available to the property which will provide
an adequate supply of service and can be served adequately by
public facilities. The materials and activities proposed at this
site will not be detrimental to any persons due to production of
traffic, noise, fumes, odors. There will be an odor as a result
of the production of the food but the odor should not be detri-
mental as the site is located several hundred feet from future
Iurban neighborhoods . The site has adequate street frontage for
safe vehicular approaches and the location of the building is
such that it will not result in the destruction of natural or
historic features of major significance.
The proposed food processing plant is located in a building that I
is compatable to surrounding uses and the activity will not be
detrimental to the public safety, health and welfare.
Planning staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt the II
following motion:
"The Planning Commission recommends approval of Conditional Use I
Permit #88-2 to allow a food processing plant in the IOP District
with the following conditions:
1 . Any expansion of the food processing plant would require
another conditional use permit.
McGlynn Bakeries
March 16 , 1988
Page 4
The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the
conditional use permit for a food processing facility in the IOP
' District subject to staff' s condition:
1 . Any expansion of the food processing plant would require
another conditional use permit.
' Staff recommends the City Council approve Conditional Use Permit
Request #88-2 for a food processing facility in the IOP District
subject to the following condition:
1 . Any expansion of the food processing plant would require
another conditional use permit.
Site Requirements
tThe total area of the McGlynn property is approximately 70 acres .
The applicant is proposing to develop the southeast portion of
' the site at this time and may subdivide the property into
separate industrial parcels in the future. The applicant is pro-
posing to develop 18 .5 acres as part of the first phase. To
' calculate the percentage of impervious surface, 18 . 5 acres will
be used as the lot area since it may become a separate lot in the
future. The IOP District permits a maximum impervious surface of
70%. The proposed building and parking areas result in an imper-
vious surface of 34 . 7% which is within the requirements of the
IOP District.
' The Zoning Ordinance requires three parking spaces for each 1000
square feet of floor area for office space and one per 1000
square feet up to 10 , 000 square feet and one additional space for
each additional 2 , 000 square feet for storage and warehouse
establishments . The proposed site requires a total of 150
parking spaces and the applicant is providing a total of 210
parking spaces . The office and visitor parking lot will have 49
parking spaces and the large employee parking will have 161
parking spaces There will be a total of 150 employees on one
major shift at one time. The state building codes require a
' ratio of 1 to 50 for handicapped parking spaces . The applicant
is providing 4 parking spaces. Since there is more than 200
parking spaces being provided there should be one additional
handicapped parking space provided for a total of 5 handicapped
' parking spaces .
The applicant has provided an extensive landscaping plan. The
building is situated such on the site that the docking areas are
McGlynn Bakeries 1
March 16 , 1988
Page 5 '
located on the north and east side of the building adjacent to
Audubon Road. The actual front of the building containing the
office space and main entry way faces the south to take advantage
of the view. Since the trucking area and service portions of the
building are located where traffic is more visable to traffic along
Audubon Road and in the Chanhassen Lakes Business Park, the appli-
cant has taken extra steps to screen the north and east sides of
the building. Page 3 of the proposed grading plans illustrates a
berm that will be provided along Audubon Road to screen the 11 building and its activities from Audubon Road. The proposed berm
along Audubon Road is approximately 10 feet high and a 20 foot high
berm is located at the northeast corner of the site.
The applicant is also proposing extensive landscaping along
Audubon Road. Staff is recommending that the proposed Hackberrys
along Audubon Road should be replaced with evergreens to further
screen the trucking activity on the east side of the building.
Staff is also recommending additional evergreens along the
southeastern corner of the employee parking lot to further screen
it from surrounding properties .
The Zoning Ordinance requires internal landscaping for any parking
area with more than 6000 square feet. The large employee parking
lot is approximately 60, 000 square feet and is providing over 4000
sq. feet of interior landscaping. The smaller employee and visitor
parking lot is approximately 17 , 600 square feet and is providing
over 1 , 200 square feet of landscaping. The proposed interior
landscaping is exceeding the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.
The ordinance also requires that any exterior trash enclosures be
totally screened by a continuous hedge or wall. There is an
exterior trash enclosure proposed to be located in the trucking
area along the eastern side of the building. The applicant is not
proposing to screen it at this time. The applicant stated that the
berm along Audubon Road and the proposed landscaping should ade-
quately screen the trash enclosure from surrounding properties.
Staff is recommending that an elevation plan be prepared which
illustrates the berm and landscaping to determine whether the trash
area will be screened. This should be submitted for staff approval
prior to receiving a building permit.
The applicant is providing lighting for the street, parking lots
and buildings . The lighting proposed meets the city standards .
The Public Safety Direct is recommending that roof mount lighting
be provided over each entrance/emergency exits located in the
building for security and safety purposes . This is not required
by state code and is only a recommendation. In accordance with
the Uniform Fire Code, fire hydrants must be installed 300 feet
apart and completely surround the building. In addition, a fire
lane must be installed around the building. The fire lane shall
be at least 12 feet wide and constructed of all weather materials
( concrete and asphalt) .
McGlynn Bakeries
' March 16 , 1988
Page 6
' Park and Recreation Commission
The trail plan for the city designates a trail alignment along
Audubon Road. Currently, there is a 66 foot right-of-way which may
' not be sufficient to accommodate a trail. The Park and Recreation
Commission is recommending that the city accept park dedication
fees in lieu of parkland. The Park and Recreation Commission also
' recommends a 20 foot trail easement along the west side of Audubon
Road and trail dedication fees (Attachment #9 ) .
Streets and Utilities
The City Engineer in his attached memo will review in detail the
streets , utilities, grading, and drainage issues for the site.
' Planning staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt the
following motion:
"The Planning Commission recommends approval of Site Plan #88-3
' as shown on the plan stamped "Received February 22 , 1988" , with
the following conditions:
1 . The three Hackberrys proposed along the west side of Audubon
Road shall be replaced with three evergreens at least 6 feet
in height.
2 . Additional evergreens, at least 6 feet in height, shall be
located along the easterly boundary of the large employees
' parking lot.
3 . One additional handicapped parking space shall be provided.
' 4 . An elevation of the easterly berm and landscaping used to
screen the easterly trucking area shall be submitted for
staff approval prior to issuance of a building permit.
5 . Fire hydrants shall be installed completely around the
building and 300 feet apart. The Level 3 sprinkling must be
' provided throughout the building.
6 . The developer shall enter into a development contract with
the City and provide adequate financial sureties to guarantee
proper installation of these improvements .
7 . Wood fiber blankets or equivalent shall be utilized to stabi-
' line all disturbed slopes greater than 3 : 1.
8 . Plans and specifications for the construction of the sanitary
sewer, watermain, storm sewer and sanitary services shall be
McGlynn Bakeries
March 16 , 1988 '
Page 7
submitted for approval by the City Engineer prior to the
final site plan review.
9 . All erosion control measures shall be in place prior to the
commencement of any grading and once in place shall remain in
place throughout the duration of construction. The developer
is required to review erosion control periodically and make
the necessary repairs promptly. All of the erosion control
measures shall remain intact until an established vegetative
cover has been produced, at which time removal shall be the
responsibility of the developer.
10 . The applicant shall obtain permits and comply with all con-
ditions from the DNR, Watershed District and any other
appropriate regulatory agency.
The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the '
site plan #88-3 with staff' s ten conditions and added the
following conditions :
11. In the event that the current Tax Increment District is
approved by the City Council, then the applicant shall submit
plans to the City Engineer for approval for future roadway
access to the westerly parking access .
12. The City will accept park dedication fees in lieu of
parkland, a 20 foot trail easement along the west side of
Audubon Road and trail dedication fees.
Staff recommends the City Council approve Site Plan request #38-3
as shown on the plan stamped "Received February 22 , 1988" , and
subject to the following conditions :
1 . The three Hackberrys proposed along the west side of Audubon
Road shall be replaced with three evergreens at least 6 feet
in height.
2 . Additional evergreens, at least 6 feet in height, shall be
located along the easterly boundary of the large employees
parking lot. '
3 . One additional handicapped parking space shall be provided.
4 . An elevation of the easterly berm and landscaping used to '
screen the easterly trucking area shall be submitted for
staff approval prior to issuance of a building permit.
McGlynn Bakeries
' March 16, 1988
Page 8
5 . Fire hydrants shall be installed completely around the
building and 300 feet apart. The Level 3 sprinkling must be
provided throughout the building.
' 6 . The developer shall enter into a development contract with
the City and provide adequate financial sureties to guarantee
' proper installation of these improvements.
7 . Wood fiber blankets or equivalent shall be utilized to stabi-
lize all disturbed slopes greater than 3 :1.
8 . Plans and specifications for the construction of the sanitary
sewer, watermain, storm sewer and sanitary services shall be
' submitted for approval by the City Engineer prior to the
final site plan review.
9 . All erosion control measures shall be in place prior to the
commencement of any grading and once in place shall remain in
place throughout the duration of construction. The developer
is required to review erosion control periodically and make
' the necessary repairs promptly. All of the erosion control
measures shall remain intact until an established vegetative
cover has been produced, at which time removal shall be the
responsibility of the developer.
10 . The applicant shall obtain permits and comply with all con-
' ditions from the DNR, Watershed District and any other
appropriate regulatory agency.
11. In the event that the current Tax Increment District is
' approved by the City Council, then the applicant shall submit
plans to the City Engineer for approval for future roadway
access to the westerly parking access.
12 . The City will accept park dedication fees in lieu of
parkland, a 20 foot trail easement along the west side of
Audubon Road and trail dedication fees .
' 1 . Section 5-16-2 of the Zoning Ordinance.
2 . Article 8 of the Zoning Ordinance.
3 . Section 7-1-10 ( 14 ) of the Zoning Ordinance.
4 . Memo from Building Department dated March 3 , 1988 .
' 5 . Memo from Fire Inspector dated March 1, 1988 .
6 . Memo from City Engineer dated March 9 , 1988 .
7 . Letter from McGlynn Bakeries .
' 8 . Section 3-2-3 of the Zoning Ordinance.
9 . Memo from Park and Recreation Coordinator dated March 10, 1988 .
10 . Application.
11 . Planning Commission minutes dated March 16 , 1988 .
12 . Site plan dated February 22, 1988 .
Page SIX Chanhas,en Zoning Ordinance ,'
no side yard shall be required when adjoining commercial uses A. Site shall be located only on sites having direct access to minor t
establish joint off-street parking facilities,as provided in Section arterial streets,collectors or service roads; •
7-1-7,except that no parking areas shall be permitted in any required B. Public address system shall not be audible from any residen-
side street side yard.Minimum rear yard shall be 50 feet for lots tial parcel;
directly abutting any Residential District.Side street side yards shall C. Stacking areas for drive-through windows shall conform to ap-
be a minimum of 25 feet. propriate parking setbacks;and '';
- A. Front yard:35 feet. - D. Building shall be set back at least 100 feet and screened from -
B. Rear yard:30 feet. . any adjacent property designated for residential use in the Com-
C. Side yard: 15 feet. prehensive Plan.
• 6. Maximum Height: 8. Restaurants-Standard 5-18-4
A. Principal Structure:two stories A. Shall not be permitted within 100 feet of any residential parcel. -'`` sion
.- B. Accessory Structure:one story. 9. Temporary Outdoor Display of Merchandise for Sale -,fr..-4-t,,,•_'-stmt
SECTION 16. "IOP" INDUSTRIAL OFFICE PARK DISTRICT - A. Length of display will be determined by the City Council; - -A r
5-16-1 INTENT.Area identified for large scale light industrial and commer- B. Screening shall be provided from residential and office business ` r. r
cial planned development, property; ••, al
5-16.2 The following uses are permitted in an "IOP"district: C. No public address system shall be audible from any residential 5-18-5 COt
1. Offices - property; "' ' STR
2. Warehouses D. Site shall be kept in a neat and orderly fashion; . ,.x"
3. Light manufacturing E. No uses shall be permitted in required parking or building set- i t
4. Trade shops back areas;and
5. Health services F. Display shall not be permitted within 100 feet of any residen- -'
6. Printers tial parcel. .L.`'1-=, 1
7. Indoor health and recreation clubs 10.Truck,Auto or Boat Sales - ,t'
'.i •8. Body shops A. No vehicles which are unlicensed and inoperative shall be stored t.
9. Utility services - on the premises: - 4'.:. t
- 10. Recording studios B. All repair,assembly,disassembly or maintenance of vehicles " :
I I.Off-premises parking lots shall occur within a closed building except minor maintenance, ',t`-`..
12.Conference/Convention centers including,but not limited to,tire inflation,adding oil and wiper -
5-16-3 The following are permitted accessory uses in an"IOP"district: replacement; I
1. Parking lots and ramps C. No outside storage or display except vehicles for sale or rent;
2. Signs D. No public address system shall be audible from any residential
3. Retail sales of products stored or manufactured on the site provid- property;
ed no more than 20%of the floor space is used for retail sales E. Parking setback shall be applicable for car or truck storage or I
5-16-4 The following are conditional uses in an"IOP"district: waiting areas;
1. Concrete mixing plants F. No test driving of vehicles on local residential streets;
2. Communication transmission towers G. Shall maintain a landscaped buffer 100 feet from any residen.
3. Public buildings tial zoning district;and
4. Motor freight terminals H. All vehicle dealers shall be licensed by the state.
5. Outdoor health and recreation clubs SECTION 18. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT(PUD) , '
6. Screened outdoor storage 5-18-1 INTENT.Planned unit developments are to provide for and encourage
- . 7. Research laboratories creative site planning and subdivisions of high quality through the use of:
8. Contracting yards 1. Variety.Within a comprehensive site design concept a mixture of '
9. Lumber yards land uses,housing types,and densities. -
10. Home improvement trades 2. Sensitivity.Through the departure from the strict application of re-
11. Hotels and motels quired setbacks, yard areas, lot sizes, and other minimum re-
t_ - 12. Food processing quirements,and performance standards associated with traditional
5-16-5 Lot Requirements and Setbacks.The following minimum requirements zoning,planned unit developments can maximize the development '
shall be observed in a"IOP"Distrito subject to additional requirements, potential of land while remaining sensitive to its unique and valuable 4
exceptions and modifications set forth in this Ordinance. natural characteristics. I i
I. Minimum Lot Area: one acres. 3. Efficiency.The more efficient use of land and public services,con-
2. Minimum Lot Frontage: 150 feet(except lots fronting on a cul-de- solidation of areas for recreation,reductions in street lengths and
sac shall have a minimum 60 foot frontage). other utility related expenses. 5-18-6 PR(
3. Minimum Lot Depth:200 feet. 4. Density.An increase/transfer for density may be allowed at the sole DE\
4. Maximum lot coverage: 70%• discretion of the City utilizing the following factors: I
' i 5. Setbacks. Off-street parking areas shall comply with all yard re- A. The area where the density is transferred must be within the
quirements of this Section,except that no rear yard parking setback project area and owned by the proponent.
shall be required for lots directly abutting railroad trackage;and, B. Density transfer in single family detached area will be evaluated .
1 no side yard shall be required when adjoining commercial uses using the items listed in Section 18-3(A).Density transfer eligi-
ble joint off-street parking facilities,as provided in Section ble for multiple family areas are not permitted to be applied `
7-1-7,except that no parking areas shall be permitted in any required to single family areas.
I '
side street side yard.Minimum rear yard shall be 50 feet for lots C. Density transfer for other projects other than single family
directly abutting any Residential District.Side street side yards shall detached development shall be evaluated based on the standards
be a minimum of 25 feet in all districts. in Section 18-3(B).
A. Front yard: 30 feet. D. In no case shall the overall density of the development exceed I
B. Rear yard: 10 feet. the gross density ranges identified in the Comprehensive Plan.
C. Side yard: 10 feet. 5. District Integration.The combination of uses which are allowed in 5
6. Maximum Height: separate zoning districts,such as:
A. Principal Structure:four stories/50 feet. A. Mixed residential allowing both densities and unit types to be
B. Accessory Structure:one story. varied within the project.
SECTION 17. STANDARDS FOR CONDITIONAL USES IN THE B. Mixed residential with increased density acknowledging the
BUSINESS,OFFICE, INSTITUTIONAL,AND greater sensitivity of PUD projects.
INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS C. Mixed land uses with the integration of compatible land uses
5-17-1 In addition to the standards required by 3-2-3,the following standards within the project. .
shall apply to the conditional uses listed below: 6. Parks and Open Space.The creation of public open space may be I
1. Automotive Service Stations required by the City.Such park and open space shall be consistent
A. No unlicensed or inoperable vehicles shall be stored on premises with the Comprehensive Plan and overall trail plan.
except in appropriately designed and screened storage areas; 5-18-2 ALLOWED USES.A PUD may include only those uses consistent with
B. All repair,assembly,disassembly and maintenance of vehicles the general land use category for the area on the official Comprehen-
shall occur within closed building except minor maintenance sive Plan.Specific uses and performance standards for each PUD shall -,77
including,but not limited to tire inflation,adding oil and wiper be delineated in a development plan.
replacement; 5-18-3 REQUIRED STANDARDS.The City shall consider the proposed PUD
C. No public address system shall be audible from any residential from the point of view of all standards and purposes of the Comprehen-
parcel; sive Land Use Plan to coordinate between the proposed development
D. Stacking areas deemed to be appropriate by the city shall meet and the surrounding uses. The City shall consider the location of
parking setback requirements;and buildings,compatibility,parking areas and other features with respect
E. No sales, storage or display of used automobiles or other to the topography of the area and existing natural features;the efficiency,
vehicles such as motorcycles, snowmobiles, or all-terrain adequacy and safety of the proposed layout of streets;the adequacy and W t
vehicles. location of green areas;the adequacy,location and screening of non-
F. Disposal of waste oil shall comply with PCA regulations. compatible land uses and parking areas.
2. Adaptive reuse of surplus or vacant public or private buildings for A. In developments where single family detached areas are pro-
private business uses,subject to the following criteria: posed,the following standards shall apply: ;`a•'-
.e...,rt '_'. .-..! . ..A. Only non-retail business uses shall be permitted and all such l_ The average lot size may be reduced below 15.000 square
. ... ... ......it hi..w.....t..4... -a,.w..*II rwnn,Httnn and rnnn--..-.4 e.-
Page Ten Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance
4 Fail food-one space per 60 wuue feet of nom floor area. from the median elevation of the parking area ebsest to the corm- Acer plaunoides"Columnar" Maple,Columnar
I B. 1. Without moo lot bear,and be located between the common lot line and the Acer plaanmdes"lade(Men" Maple.Jade Green Norway
I. W nhuut full liquor license-one space per Si square fn offwtrea parking areas or other vehicular use area exposed to the Aar plaunolde"Royal Red" Maple,Royal Rat Norway
of gems Moor area or one space pa 2.3 seats whichever abutting property.fences shag be connructed according to the
Acer plaanuide,'•SChwedler" Maple.$chwdler Norway
is greater standards in Anick VI.Section 12-10.
Acer piaanohdea"Variegalum" Maple,Vane y
2. With full liquor license-one span per 50 square(eat b. In ddnron.an average 01 one(I)tree shall be gated Norway
of{raw floor area or ones provided for each Acer rubnm Mapk.Red or Swamp
pate pm 2 seam wIncnever is forty(40)linear fen of such parking are or fractional Pan thereof. Acer mbrum"Rd Sunset" Maple,Red Scram Red
greater. Such trees shall be located between the common lot line and the Acer saceharum Maple,Sugar or Hard
19.Retail Stores and service establishments-one space for each two off•street parking arm or other vehicular use arm. Banta ppryiter Birch.Pa
I hundred 1200)square Net of gross floor area. c. Where such area abuts properly caned and,in face,used for of. BnuLa pendula kcimma Bloch,Cal Leaf Weeping Birch
20.Roth!,elementary(public.private or parichull-one(I)park-
ing space(a each clusroom or office room,plus one ID slam mutely screened visually by an Tramming nNaure or ousting inn• Fraginue pennsylvara laoolau
for each one hundred fifty 1150)sguae(ow o(eaung am mduding forming buffer,shall comply with the tree provisions only as "Marshall's Seedless" Ash,Mash aS Seedless Green
urka n any audlronum or gymussilw or nleueru mended to Dmcnbed in thin subsection. Gingko bilboba Gingko Tree
be wad as an audnonum. 844 The required landscape bufferyad may be combined with a utility or Gleditsia tricanthoa inemb Honeybcun,Thornless
21.School.tumor and sensor high shoots and college(public,private other easement as long as all of the landscape requirements can be text- Gladiola tricanthn inermu
I or pm pamchlall-our(41 parking spaces for each classroom or of- M met,otherwise.the landscape bufferyad shall be provided in addi- "Imperial" Honeylocuz,Imperial I
room plus one(1)space for each one hundred fifty(150)square lion w,and separate from,any other easement.Can or other objects Gkdiuin vimnthm innemb
fees of seating arm including whsle,in any audnonum or gYm- than not overhang or ohenvise inmde upon the required landscape "Skyline" Honeybcun,Skyline
nasium or oferena intended m be used as an wdirorium• bufferyad more than 21/2 feet and curbs will be required. Quacus Lira Oak,While
22.S1wpDm{Center-onaite automobile parking shall be pronded 8.24 Existing Landscape Material.Existing landscape material stall be shown Quacus mwrokarpa Oak,Burt 3.
ratio of no lea than one parking space for each 200 square on the required plan and any material In satisfactory condition may Quacus rubes Oak-Red
fat of gross floor area:separate onaite space shall be provided be used to sagely these requirements in whok or in pan.
for loading and unloading. SECTION 3.INTERIOR LANDSCAPING FOR VEHICULAR USE AREAS Tilia omennnass Sovnhgn Oak. Amer oa
23.Storage•wholesale or warehouse establishments-One(I)space Any°pen vehicular use area(excluding loading,unloading,and Norge areas Tdia codas"Greenspire" Linden,Greenspire F
I for each one thousand 11,0001 squat tea of grow floor tin up in the IOP and BG disrios)mntainmg mom than 6.000 square fen of area, TOM x achlon"Redmond" Linden.Redmond s - L
to tin thousand(10,000)square feel and one additional space for or twenty or more vehicular parking apace,shall provide"interior landscap- B. ORNAMENTAL TREES
each each company two Thousand(2,000)cmuan feet plus one space ins"i addition to"perimeter"landscaping.Interior landscaping may be pen-
for Moab
for each compny nehzk opening from the premises.If it can Inular or bland types. Maple,Amur 2,
Amelanchier C rvice erry or Juneberry C
be demonstrated by the applicant that Use number of employees 8-3-1 Landscape Area.For each 100 square fee[,or fraction thereof,of Malus bane mlumnaria Cnben&e,Columnar Siberian _
�e warehouse or won{e area wdl require less than the required vehicular use area,five(5)square feet of landscaped arm shall be Malus(various species) Crabapple.}losing-Varieties; E
Der of space.and if Use applicant shall submit a Inner to the provided. Dolgo,Flame,Radiant,Rd,
I City awunng that if there b to be any Maeaz in employee,the I. Minimum Area.The minimum landscape area permitted shall be Saver,Red Splendor -
applimnt agree m provide additional puking area•the Cily may sixty-four(641 square rat,with a d'minimum dimension m all Porous"Newport" Plum,Newport
approve a lesser number of puking spoon• trees from edge of pavement where vehicles overhang. Prunus trtlob.
Plum.Flowering«Roe Tree of v }L� prmry
24.Uses not spaofingy mentioned.The requircmmu for off-street 2. Maximum Contiguous Area.In order to encourage the required
China parkin for any use era specifically mentioned u ths sauce shall landscape arras en be Property dispersed,no required landscape arm Prunus vv8inuna f 1. F
be hie same 0 provided u Nu subsection for the use cent similar ahaB be larger than 350 square fen in vehicular use areas under "Schubert" Z,
in nature,a being the Went m require an uses to provide off-street 30.000 square tea in size,and no required arm shall be larger than Rrumnu,(angina Chokcbary,Schuberta hf
putts{.Where there b any question regarding the rumba of off- 1,500 square feet in vehicular use areas over 30,00p - T
area parking s de-
termined sgiaz fret. "Conunnaria' Buckthorn,ma Tree
i _ ,-_ 2 H
paces to Provided,said rumba shall h In both ruses,the least all lIn n of any edge nI area shall be where Syringe EVERGREEN japonica Law,Japanese Tae sh
and fixed by the City Planner. minimum danmsion to all tree from edge of pavement where S EVERGREEN TREES e
SECTION 2.OFF-STREET LOADING AND TRASH REMOVAL AREA vehicles overhang.Landscape areaa larger than above am permit_ Pima gloom dolma Sperm,Bind[Hills aG
7.2-1 Location.alIon.AY requaed krdingounbading him or cut of railroad nn permit-
ted as long b the additional area b in excels of the required Pica pngrne Spruce.Colorado Green t{
a trucks in mesa of N Ice capacity there be conducted n facilities minimum. Pica pngdi glauco Spence,Colorado Blue `? N
epmf Ily deigned or deignaled for dial purpae.These facilities than 8-3-2 Minimum Trees.A minimum of one(I)tree shall be required for each Pious nigh Pine,Auwt. _
be bushed aeon Use lot of Use pnndpal use for which they are required. 250 square tea of fraction thereof,of required landscape - ar
pe area,Trees Pious ponderosa Pine,Ponderosa
All bents beyond one shall be separate from arms used for off-urea shall have a dear trunk of at least five(5)tea above the ground,and Pbus rain= Pine,Norway m th
I prkint- the remaining arm shall be lndxapd with daubs,or ground moor, Pious svobus Pine,White
='ysa -: _Mont 7-2.2 Aaa.EaM Inqured of/atfeet leading berth shW be so deai8ned b no[to exceed two(2)fret u heishi- Pbus sylvesob Pine.White M ph
ee avoid interfererme wsth other vehkluu•pedestrian or ran accea or 8-3.3 Vehicle Oserhang.Parked vehicles may hang Done the interior land- 8-5-4 Maintenance and Insullauon.An Whdzaping materials shall be Madded _, �.-.
use of pbbo nraa,aIIeya,a oho obese vanpn rynems. raped arm ro mom Nan two and a half tea,u long u a concrete in a sound,wor5msanship like manna and aagd' to v 17,;.
7-2-7 Sudatlng.AO off-carat loading uedities.intluding leading Dative and curh b provided to bwn ro pater overhang a Pmetr¢tion of the construction and planting procedures.The owner of thepW gond -••1- w
be responsible for the continued aIand p m
maneuvering area,tug be wrfaecd with a had,au-weather,dust- landscaped ern. - proper maN[mape of W landscaping .•,'.3 -3. P
free.durable sur(ann{material aM shall be Svell drained.with inn- SECTION 4.LANDSCAPING FOR TRASH ENCLOSURES materials,and shall keep than in a proper,neat,and orderly ,.,.�q.- cep
erne curb,and landscaped and shag be mamtamed u good condition. Arty service awaun shah be screened whenever lomtd b anY maiden isl•com- appearance,free from refuse and debrb,a all tine.AS unhealthy v.:. _
' 7.24 Landscaping and Screening.All baths shall be screened from public menial or industrial zone lexcepl RR and RSF zones).SUuaures may be or dead Pan[material shall be replaced within one year,or by Use[heat .0 A
,rights-of-way e and/or and the view from the property wmss the urea front- amused roof the hrwaa.eonoeria height requirements will be based upon prancing period,to whichever s Dome roc w;white other defmore by the nett tt ?/P.-.7-..
age aM/or from the awing damn.boundary when the adjacent pro- the railcar of the structures. material shall be rcipamd or repaired within three(3)month,. '; b
pent'w property acroa the room(molar The aside urea fronuge is 8+1 Location of screening.A continuous planting,hedge,fen«,wall or 8-5.5 Required Opacity.Landsnp materials shah be installed m provide a _ _ (Sc
mused or used for modernist prpaae.The rrernbg abet]W be.. earth mount Still enclose any source structure on all sides unless such minimum of fifty(50)percm[winter opacity and a seventy(70)percent ~
mmplishd as required m Article VIII. structure must be frequently moved,u which case screening on all but summa opacity bawao two(2)fat above finished grade lend to the - r aft
7.2.5 Design.AR loading area cull consist of a maneuvering arm in addi- one(I)side b required.The average height of the seremm8 material top of the required planting,hedge,fence,wall,or earth mound within p-
lion to the berth and shall net use any of Nu portion of the site con- shag be one(I)foot more than the height of the mdosed structure, four(4)yearn after installation.
required m exceed eight(8)fees in health Whenever The e'� o
Mining parking ng of Mancuvnns and shall be of mob Om e m but stall not be required landscape bufferyad may be mmbind with a utility or r-_> ';, :.
memu Use backing of truck nacton and coupled trailers into a berm a service structure b located next to•budding wall,perimeter land- other easement a long u allot Use landsnp requirmentsem be fully
without blocking the use of other Oneths,driver,maneuvering area land-
scaping material.or vehicular use arm landscaping material•such walls ma,olhrrwbe,the landscape bufferyad droll be provided u addition sac
or public eigatwf+'aY- or'awning material may fulfill the screening requirement for that side to,and separate from.any other easement.Can or other objects Mall y 4
'2fi Required Loading Ana• of the service nnauen if that wall or sereenua malenal b of an average not overhang or otherwise intrude upon the required badrrape .0 .fa
I. Any he whch the City believes requires the provision of designated height cuff lent to meet the heght requvement set vol in this section. bufferyad mom than 21/2 fen. . r a°-� de`
span for the loading...Wing or puking of trucks or semi- Whenever service structures an screened i� ` -'.I.,a.S' Cc
by pram red ice,such SECTION An 6.PLAN Una Shan N Protected R VAL curb"
tandem Nall provide such span and maneuvering area in the material may must lowads the fulfillment of squired interior or �• a �°'S�:-Cc
I manna nii mnfaunelwi whim m shell the ecaad necessary in odes per a am imalac Io g.No interior urea. tng Nan be required within The property owner or developer shall prepare a IoM 11 -
lo prevent interference watt the use of the pubbc n8maf-waY and an screened for service swaures. xape plan or difap• {' +
with von .mrenng onto or exina,from the pubic rightof-wry; 8+2 Curbs m Protect Screening Material.Whenever screening he CiIY.The Ciry shag apply Me following mmIPi°n m appro YY '4.-41.-:?!.21,... of
g material b p oving der plan: �dm
2. Semi-trader man shed be u lees 55 fn in length,10 feet in width placed around any trash disposal amt or waste collection unit which gd.) pun Content.The moons of tie plan sera include the following:(a) r ,•t°i'C De
and 14 rem in hnghl Plus necessary additional mannvmng sperm; mpoed or removed mechanically on a regularly thinning base,a plot plan,drawn m an easily readable scale showing and Labelling by ''. ! • ax
3. Spec shall nor be tinted on a Street side of any budding.or.If curb to contain the placement of the moumer shall be provided within and dmensiom,all existing and dial
so bated.shall be provided with screening deemed adequate by the screening matenal on those odes where there u such material.The name proposed property arms°a- �:,
the City: curbing mall be u loam one(1)foot from Use materiel and shag be ea ding pa ingdbgs.and other structures,ice are vchzaon use ge). (ter
I 1, Spin and the associated manuvenng area sal beat least 50 feet designed to prevent possible dam nuona and sans, aiaoul YS,service arcs,square footage).water •+b
age m the screening when the inn- outlets aM landscape.on mot(including botanical name and common :>�
•from the property late of any residentially dengNtd Property;and con-
tainer m moved or emptied. aeration sve,on center planting dunmvpm where applicable, Co
5. No trucks sall be puled in areas other than those deigned for SECTION 5.LANDSCAPING MATERIALS and quanwhes for all plans usedk(D)typical elevations wed/or crow
such purpz on an approved one plan. The landscaping materiats shall cousin of the following: sections u may be ngwed:(U title block with the pertinent names da
,ECTION 3.REQUIREMENTS FOR DRIVEWAY SETBACKS AND 8-5-I Walls and Fence.Walls Nan be constructed of natural none.bock and address.(property owner,person drawing plan,and person in-
WIDTHSINTHEBUSINESS,INDUSTRIAL.OFFICE.AND or anificialma[mals.Fasces shall be constructed of wood.Chain link 3-2-1 Pmpm
stalling landscape mauriop scale date,nosh arrow(generally orient ON 2.
MULTIPLE FAMILY DISTRICTS fencing will be permitted only if covered with wood strip a plant plan so that north b to t p mg -3"id
-3-I Driveway Widths.Measurement between driveway edges: matenal. _ oh a plan).shown r plan (din- driu
I Ming landscape material shag be shown be the featured 10 au plan and any
TYPE y t DRIVEWAY MAXIMUM FEET MINIMUM FEET B-5-2 Earth Mounds.Earth mounds shall be physical banters which block material hit satisfactory condition may be used to sanfy then re- be cut
One-way traffz 20 I2 screen the view similar m a hedge.fence,or wall.Mounds shall be re-
quirements in whole or in pan, a
Two-way trait 30 24
constructed with Proper and adequate Punt matenal to prevent era- 842 Budding Permit and Certificate of Occupancy.Whom landscaping b 3.2.2 Appkc
T-2 Driveway Oisunm From Street Intersections.The nandads tined in sloes.A difference m elevalan be[wem areas requiring screening dorm required,no building gonna shah be issued anal the required landsn public
the INSTITUTE OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS.publication not constitute an.using earth mmM,and shall not be consdered n- use pe
(dated 1985)shall be used a minimum critena. a fulfilling any xreenmg requirement. kb plan has been submitted nd 000 and approved,and completed as c of Oc- ann.
•ECTION 4.PARKING OF TRUCKS IN R-DISTRICTS 8-5-3 Plana.All plan)matenab shall be bring plants,anifocial plans are b Panora snarl be issued anal the lann Insi e u, nless a as ornunce (bmar
y an onaite inspection oabs i by the Building m Inspector,unless a per(orn,anm
:u tracts or other commercial vehKle with multiple auks shall be parked on prohhbi[d and shalt meet the following requirements. sabmi
resdmnal premises or street in any Rdiseria ovenight'provided That I. Quality.Plant malniab used in conformance won provmon of this been paid vonbk fella of credit from a banking institution,has pama
nNMng heron cull prevent the parking of such vehicle in a fury inclosed garage
Ordinance shall conform to the standards of the American Asxaa- 8.6-3 If necessary.the Cily may require a letter of alit in insure proper beats
w sunder permanm nrhraure.a the puking of necessary construction vehicles lion of Nurserymen and shall have pawed any NspMion required installation of landscape matenab with complete inn of all work car-
rung themmruaion period m the premises where construction b in propels. ardor Slate regulations.
VA TIC Lt:VIII.LANDSCAPING AND TREE REMOVAL REGULATIONS 2. Deciduous Trees.Shall be species having an average mamm crown cer-
tified by landscape JON.The onr,h with the bond amount to include the =PP-
.d ,
,FCTION I.LANDSCAPE AND LAND USE BUFFERS spread of greater than fifteen(151 feet and having tcunk(s)which actual ma ohs Io work The arm shall by released upon satisfanory con. tionthr
1.1-1 Inset.The hnhenl of these provisions b to Improve the appearance of can be maintained whh over five(5)fee[of dear wood in areas Whore of the wok n dnermued he the Cry Ora
vehicular use areas and 8.64 Where unusual nre condo uld.tit where stria mforcmml o(Ute pro-
property abutting public rights of way;to re- which have visobillty rsquiremrn4 except a[vehicular use area in-
tersections drip 3.2-3 Stands
t quire buffering between noncompauble land uses;and to protect, renecuon where an tight(8)tint clear wood requirement will inn- Sts of this Amick would mute a hardship or practical difficulty, _
preserve and promote the aesthetic appeal, the Planning Commission and City Ginned may waive the nequhrcments •
rouMln{neighborhoods:to nre character and value of the trot.Trees having an avenge mature spread of crown lea than fit- u pert of the site plan tartan promo. if it promote public health and safety teen(151 feet may be wbslimted by grouping of the same so a SECTION 7.TREE REMOVAL REGULATIONS I• W
through the rductpn of noise polluhhon,air pollution,visual polls- m wean the equhvalrnt of a fifteen(IS)crown spread.A minimum INTENT h is the policy of Use City of Chanhassen to preserve natural for
lion and glare. of on(10)feet overall height or a minimum caliper(hank diameter, woodland areas throughout the Cily and with respect to specific site develop-
PI 2• W
-1.2 Sires Affected: measured 6 inches above ground for nn up to 4 inches caliper) meet to retain as far a practical.substantial Ira stands whim can be incor-
I. The regulaoom in Amick VIII do not apply m Snide family detach- of at leas[211 inches immediately after planting shall be required. porared into the overall landscape plan. 3. W
al residence. Tree of species whose roots an known to cause damage to public 8-7-I No clearcuning of woodland ems shall be permitted.apt as approved i co
2. New Sites.No new vie denelopmmt,budding,nnaure or vehicular roadways or other public works shall not be planted closer than in a subdivision,planned unit development or site plan application. 1 flu
um a allowed unless landscaping s provided b rtgmrtd herein.
fifteen(IS)feet m suds public works,unless the tree nom system 8.7.2 The following standards shall be used m eralusting subdivbion and th'
3. Existing Sites.Na property bean shah be card nor shall any is completely contained within a Wrier for which the minimum site plans; W'
building.slruaun or vehicular use area be expanded,unless the interior containing dimensions shall be five tea square and five tea A.To the extent practical,site design shall preserve significant h he
minimum landscaping required by the provsioa of this amok is deep and for which the construction eequiremrnts shall be four(4) woodland areas. I 3. W
provided foe Use emirs property. inches thick,reinforced concrete. B.Shade tree of six(6)inches or mom caliper shall be weed unless I tea
FCTION 2.PERIMETER LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS 3. Evergreen Trees.Evergreen creel shall be a minimum of six(6)feet h can be demonstrated that there is no other leasable way to develop
I 2 I Where parking areas are not entirely screened visually by an inter...- w high with a minimum caliper of one and One-half(I'h)inches when the rte, d
W bolding a structure from any abutting nghbof-way,them than planed. C.The Cily may esquire the replacement of removed Gas on a canna
be provided landsmPng between such area and such right-of-way b .rumba and Hedges.Deciduous shrubs shall be at lean 2'in average NA per caliper inch baba.Al minimum.However,replacement trees a.
follows: height when planted,and shall conform m the opary end other shall conform[o the panting requirements idrnufied in Section 5 g• W
a. A Strip of land at leas ten(10)fn m depth located between the requirements within four yon ether punting.Evergreen shrubs of this Amick. yr
abutting right-of-way and Use vehicular smarm which stall be land- shall be at bast 2'in average height and 2'in diameter. D.During the t«removal process,flees shall be removed so b to fA'
cusped to Include an avenge of one II)tree for each forty(401 linear 5. Vines.Shall be at least 12 or 15 inches high at planting,and are mint blocking of 7• am
D public rightwf-wry o interfering with n
!ea a fraction therm(.Such trees shall be located balsam the abut- generally used m conjunction with walls or fames. overhead utility lines. 1
I ang nghtof-way and Use vehicular use are. 6. Grass a Ground Cover.Grass shall be planted m species normally E.The removal of diseased and damaged tree b permissible.
[ per
b. In ddnwn,a hedge,wan,berm.or oho permanent lawns,and may be sodded,plugged.epngg. 8-7-3 Tree removal not permitted under subdivision,planned una develop- F f
opaque durable laM- Brown a W
rape bama of at least two 121 fen N bright shall be placed along S.or seeded;except on swaks or ocher areas subject to erosion. incest or shit plan slew shall not be allowed without Use approval of
the more length of the vehicular use area.If inch opaque dunbk where solid rode erosion reducing net•ne suitable mulch shall be a uee removal Dlan by the City t be al 1.Tree removal plans shall In- ` to
barns u of non-loving mu<nal,a shrub or vole shall be planted used,none-gran seed shall be sown foe immediate protection tin- dude the content rmuurmrnts u dictated u Sawn 6 of this Article � Ih<
along the street side of said barrier and be planted in such a man- tit complete coverage otherwise u achieved.Grua sod shall be clean and idntify masons for tree removal.Said jj �' W i
a b break up the expanse of the wall.A two(2)foot berm may and free of weeds and noxious plan shah loo be 000 ed cede 5 f fiat
pats a dueaan.Grouts rover such weeks u dvance of the City Council u which h is m be considered. I( 10.W.
be used;however,additional landscaping u lean one 111 foot in u organs roper al shall be planed complete suds a manner e.present 8-7./ Single faintly and hvo family lots of record are exempted from Net I LL Wi
' height al one of plantua shall be innaned.The rmunder of Ne a finbad appeararce wed 75K of unarm o coverage after nvocom- requirements.
requved landseaped area!shall b<Landscaped wah grass,pouts pine growing seasons,with a masmum of 15 inches on center.In T(
other landscape trcamsnt. amain eases.pound cover also may moss[of rocks,pebbles,mad SECTION I.SIGNS }y1
-2 Rpukd Lanaxamng Adjacent m Intenor Property Lines. and similar approved mammals. 9-1-I PURPOSE.The purpose of the following idles reputations b: Pa- Winn parking areas abut propny zoned or,Ice fact,uzd pnmanly 7 The following trees art recommended:
for re.idmuu a mnnutional purposes,that pnws of suds aha SPECIFIC NAMF. COMMON NAME I. To anbhsh standads which perm...eases•reasoable and not tirely`craned war any by an summons&sm.a among A. SHADE TRFES equnabk opprtunhry to advertise.conrormlng buffer from n abuura Propnely.then Na11 h pro- Aca Plauroida 'Emerald 2. To preserve and promote avz beauty and prohibit sign which a' vided a YMOPed buff.reach should be manta Std and replaced Queen" detnet from Nb oblalnve because of nxe.sup.heght,botron, ,r
aseedd.tiush imdseapd buffer shall course o lacer plauroda"Cameron Maple.Emerald Queen Newry condition,cluttering or illumuaion. _ 1, Ca
wall,a other durable barter u of mat<nal. 3. To awn that u
kaat set(6)feet m Keith[measured Kees' Mapk.Crimvn King tin do not create safety hazards t Itaf
��� 1. To preserve and protect properly nbe. Rex.
"' '""• ' the total hello(w the ■Vern,art vc ui.iU J .',ViiCht tw eht shell ?• Where fractional spaces result, the parking spaces required shall
be measured from the base of the tower to the htghcA possible ex- be construed to be the next largest whole number.
tension of the rotor. 3. Other Uses.Other uses not specifically mentioned herein shall be.
•d except: A. A ratio of one(1)foot to one(1)foot between the distance =:
of the closest property determined by the Board of Adjustment and Appeals.The factors
p perty line to the base of the w'ECS to the to be considered in such determination shall include size of building,
.y being used on the height of the system. type of use,number of employees,expected volume and turnover
•B. A maximum system height of one hundred seventy-five(175) of customer traffic and expected frequency and number of delivery
meet. •the shortest height of the two above mentioned methods shall be or service vehicles.iring
e provided it is stored used in determining the maximum allowable height of a WECS 7'1 4 Yards.required On-site front parking loading facilities shall not be permitted in the system.The height of a WECS must also comply with FAA Regula- Article required front yard,side yard or rear yard,except as provided in
our(4)feet. tion part 77 "Objects Affecting Navigable Air Space" and/or Article V•
s. MnDOT Rule 14, MCAR 1.3015 "Criteria for Determining 7'1-5 Buffer Fences and Planting Screens.shall screened and conformance
Obstruction to Air Navigation." near or abutting residential districts shall be screened in conformance I
and snowmobiles may 2. Setbacks.No part of a WECS(including guy wire anchors)shall with the provisions of Article VIII.
auired front setback. be located within or above any required front,side or rear yard 7-1.6 Axes'
setback.WECS towers shall be setback from the closest property 1. Parking and loading space shall have proper access from a public
:-IICLES: line one(I)foot for every one(1)foot of system height.WECS The numb y.
lential or agricultural shall not be located within thirty(30)feet of an above ground utility 2. The number of width of access drives shall be located to minimize
line. traffic congestion and abnormal traffic hazard.
parked or stored out- 3. Rotor Size.All WECS rotors shall not have rotor diameters greater 7-1-7 Location of Parking Facilities and Combined Facilities.Required on-
vehic les may be kept than twenty-six(26)feet. site parking spas shall be provided on the same lot as the principal
nforms to the zoning 4. Rotor Clearance. Blade arcs created by the WECS shall have a building or use,except that combined or joint parking facilities may
thirty(30)feet of clearance over any structure or tree an in Industrial one(1)ct more buildings the uses l Business Districts
minimum of chi and in Industrial Distracts,provided that the total number of
n,well-kept,operable within a two hundrt'i(200)foot radius. spaces
5. Rotor Safety. WECS shall be shall equal the sum of the requirements for each building or use.
y equipped with both a manual 7-1-8 Construction and Maintenance.
3t be permanently af- and automatic braking service capable of stopping the WECS 1. In Multiple-family,Business Office and Industrial Districts,park-
event removal. operation in high winds(40 mph or greater). ing areas and access drives shall be paved with a dust-free,all-
tly on the rear or side 6. Lightning Protection. Each WECS shall be grounded to protect weather surface with proper surface drainage and concrete curb.erator of the
to parking or storage against natural lightning strikes in conformance with the national 2. The o
as permitted herein, Electrical Code. P principal building or use shall maintain park-
7, Tower Access.To prevent unauthorized climbing,WECS towers and loading areas,access drives and yard areas in a neat and
tut regard to the Iota- must comply with one of the following provisions: serviceable condition.
oading unloading 7-1-9 Lighting.All commercial,industrial and multi-family parking lots shall
m8 ading A. Tower climbing apparatus shall not be located within twelve be lighted.Lighting shall be directed away from the public rightof- I
trs. (12)feet of the ground. way and adjacent Residential or Agricultural Districts.
ored no higher than B. A locked anticlimb device shall be installed on the tower. 7-1-10 Required Number of On-Site Parking Spaces.On-site parking areas
,e securely supported C. Tower capable of being climbed shall be enclosed by a lock- of sufficient size to provide parking for patrons,customers,suppliers,
blocks or support ed,protective fence at least six(6)feet high. visitors and employees shall be provided on the premises of each use.
8. Signs.WECS shall have one(1)sign,not to exceed two(2)square The minimum number of required on-site parking spaces for the follow-
d for living,sleeping feet posted at the base of the tower and said sign shall contain the ing uses shall be:
(7)consecutive days.' following information.
nay conditions when A. Warning high voltage. I. Assembly or exhibition hall,auditorium,theater or sports arena
ational vehicle power B. Manufacturer's name. -one(1)parking space for each four(4)seats,based upon design .
gal districts.Routine C. Emergency phone number. capacity.
minutes per month. D. Emergency shutdown 2. Auto sales,trailer sales,marine and boat sales,implement sales,
P 8 cY procedures. garden supply store,building materials sales,auto repair-one
i 1N RESIDENTIAL 9. Lighting. WECS shall not have affixed or attached any lights, (1)parking space for each five hundred(500)square feet of floor
reflectors,flashers or any other illumination,except for illumina- area.
district.Fuel storage tion devices required by FAA Regulations Part 77 "Objects Af- 3. Automobile service station-four(4)parking spaces,plus two(2)
he rear yard,subject fecting Navigable Air Space" and FAA Advisory Circular parking spaces for each service stall:such parking spaces shall be
fenced in accordance 70/7460-IF,September 1978"Obstruction Marking and Lighting". in addition to parking space required for gas pump areas.
tainted in earth tone 10.Electromagnetic Interference. WECS shall be designed and con- 4. Bowling alley-seven(7)parking spaces for each bowling lane.
er suitable screening strutted so as not to cause radio and television interference. 5. Churches-one(1)parking space for each three(3)seats,based
11.Noise Emissions.Noises eminating from the operation of WECS on the design capacity of the main seating area,plus one(1)space
FORS:STORAGE shall be in compliance with and regulated by the State of Minnesota per classroom.
No exterior storage Pollution Control Standards,Minnesota Regulations NPC 1 and 6. Dwelling: I
building enclosed by 2,as amended. A. Single-family-two(2)parking spaces,both of which must
eened area.Covered 12. Utility Company Interconnection. No WECS shall be intercon- be completely enclosed.No garage shall be converted into liv-
exempted from these nected with a local electrical utility company until the utility coin- ing space unless other acceptable on-site parking space is
pany has reviewed and commented upon it.The interconnection provided. "
of the WECS with the utility company shall adhere to the national B. Multi-family-one(1)parking space per efficiency unit, 1.5
.ted from general il- Electrical Code as adopted by the City of Chanhassen. spaces per one bedroom unit,two(2)parking spaces per two
f the site from which 6-20-8 Ornamental Wind Devices. Ornamental wind devices that are not a or more bedrooms.Senior citizens housing shall have 3/4 spaces
WECS shall be exempt from the provisions of this Section and shall per dwelling unit.At a minimum,one(1)space per unit must
e resembles a traffic conform to other applicable provisions of this Ordinance. be completely enclosed.
.ould create a hazard 6-20-9 Inspection.The City of Chanhassen hereby reserves the right upon is 7. Financial Institution-one(1)space for each two hundred fifty
suing any WECS conditional use permit to inspect the premises on (250)square feet of floor space.
It with fixtures used which the WECS is located. If a WECS is not maintained in opera- 8. Furniture or appliance store-one(1)space for each four hun-
et lighting.Shielded tional condition and poses a potential safety hazard,the owner shall dred(400) feet of floor space.
take expeditious action to correct the situation. 9. Hospitals and nursing homes-one space for every two(2)beds,
6-20-10 Abandonment.Any WECS or tower which is not used for six(6)suc- plus one(1)space for every two(2)employees on the largest single •I
:ntial district except cessive months shall be deemed abandoned and shall be dismantled and shift.
tuts of the principal removed from the property at the expense of the property owner. 10.Manufacturing or processing plant-one(I)off-street parking
it guests. Fence re- SECTION 21. ANTENNAS AND SATELLITE DISHES space for each employee on the major shift and one(1)off-street
be met. 6-21-1 Satellite dishes,television antennas and radio antennas shall be per- parking space for each company motor vehicle when customarily
milted accessory uses within all zoning districts,provided they meet kept on the premises.
ig into or within the the following conditions: 11..Medical and dental clinics and animal hospitals-one(I)parking
the City Council. 1. A ground mounted dish shall not exceed fifteen(15)feet in height space for each one hundred fifty(150)square feet of floor area.
feted with the City, above ground level.Radio antennas shall receive a conditional use 12. Mortuaries -one(1)space for every three(3)seats.
cation shall contain permit prior to installation and shall not exceed forty-five(45)feet 13.Motel or hotel-one(1)parking space for each rental room or
in height. suite,plus one(I)space for every two(2)employees.
2. No satellite dish or antenna shall be located within the required r[14.Office buildings(administrative,business or professional)-three yard setback or side yard setback. L (3)parking spaces for each one thousand(1,000)square feet of floor
3. Ground mounted dishes and antennas shall be set back from all area. -
adjoining lots a distance equivalent to the height of the dish or 15. Public service buildings, including municipal administraton
rig Inspector for the antenna.Ground mounted dishes and antennas shall be located ten buildings,community center,public library,museum,art galleries,
n shall be forward- (10)feet or more from any other building or structure on the same and postoffice-one(1)parking space for each five hundred(500)
lot and shall not be located within a utility easment.Location shall square feet of floor area in the principal structure,plus one(1)park-
;on the application not adversely obstruct views from adjacent property. ing space for each four(4)rests within public assembly or meeting , f I
,perty owners within 4. A building permit shall be required for the installation of any dish rooms.
he building.Failure
or antenna.Building permit applications shall require the submis- •16. Recreational facilities,including golf course,country club,swim-
- the proceeding. Sion of a site plan and structural components.When a dish or amen- ming club, racquet club, public swimming pool -twenty (20)
the City shall com- na is located on the roof of a building,the applicant shall furnish spaces,plus one(I)space for each five hundred(500)square feet
the City Building official with building plans and structural com- of floor area in the principal structure or 2 spaces -.;'....Z. •S
P Pa court. +-"-t
state of repair ponents displaying the means of securing it to the roof of a building. 17. Research,experimental or testing stations-one(I)parking space Kr
The Building Official must approve the building plans before for each five hundred(500)squad feet of gross floor area within t0 4-
roundlni property 5. the building,whichever is greater. = .+- - •� ,,
3. Lightning Protection.Each dish or antenna shall be grounded to 18.Restaurant,Cafe. Nightclub,Tavern oc Bar - '�,,,;.x:-•.
\ , k
' (612) 937-1900
' TO: Barbara Dacy, City Planner
FROM: Inspections Department
DATE: March 3 , 1988
SUBJ: Planning Case: 88-2 CUP and 88-3 Site Plan Review
(McGlynn Bakeries)
The site plans you submitted for McGlynn Bakeries have been
reviewed. The following corrections and suggestions should be
1 ) Handicapped parking should be at a ratio of 50 to 1 or a
total of 5 spaces .
2 ) Please give the architect a Code Review Outline. This should
be submitted at the time of the preliminary plan review.
' 3 ) A Commercial Building Permit Requirement sheet should also be
given to the architect and contractor .
4 ) We will require a complete set of plans to conduct a prelimi-
nary plan review. Two weeks should be allowed for the preli-
minary plan review.
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• 1 . Planning Directors Plan Approval , ,.'•.
,• ," ' ' ..":1 •er,
.'' :'•••..,,, vot ;
2 . State Board of Health Approval (if required. ,,
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•" ''' --''1 -''." - -• ''.- l'-' ''' ..1 ii'a. Percolation test •.-.„ - , , : '' '','''''',;1.,,,-tqw,q,,...si,s,
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b. Private sewerage system design • ., , ,"1-‘,,,-,,,t114q,t444.44.,4,.i,!',,..,,g,AtIv'ty„:,-,t !
C. - Pool and filteration plans and specs
'...,i.Ad.,4.,§4,4.-4. '4,,.-,!;:.liag,,i,-•,-;•'-.,,iiii.,.i.:.'i:.!-:-11
. ,'. • ;,.- .; d. Kitchen and restroom plans and specs
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15 . Signed Sprinkler plans 4 „, , , ,,,,,, ,,, „'*pt 1,A,,;!.,,,,J..,,,' ',,',,,f .;„■;,,,,,,,4,- ,..,,,i.;, ,
?,71•••••■ '' -."--;•'..• , ''..-2'•-'-'...1'...• ', ,' 13(•i••"-"t`i`;'-'..' '-•:.'••• .1:—i 1.4•'!IYIt
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16 . ' - Signed Electrical plans
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,14. t'.,--- -,r. .. = ... ,.4.
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• . Project Name and Location:
. t -
IOccupancy Classification
IGross Building Area -
Automatic Sprinklers
Yes No •
Area Separation Rating Requirements
Primary Occupancy Classification
I Primary Occupancy Area P y ea Act. SF. Allow SF.
IIOccupant Load '{ SF/Occupant)
No. of Employees
1 Required Exit Width
Required Number of.Exits
1 Occupancy Separation Ratin g Required
Openings in Exterior Walls
IAdditional Occupancy Classifications
Additional Occupancy Area Act. SF. Allow
I Occupant Load ( SF/Occupant)
No. of Employees
Required Exit Width -
. .
;: Required Number of Exits
IOccupancy Separation Ratin g Required R I Re uired Number of Toilet Fixtures;
Men's W.C. LAV.
I UR.__ JAN.
Women' s W•C• LAV. O•F•__ SINK____
•J;:x• its+:.`•..
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Primary Additional 1
Occupancy Occupancies .
Required Construction Type
Sprinklered .
Required Hourly Ratings
(list Comb. & N.C. ) • II
•Structural Cols. 1
Structural Beams and Girders _
Setback & Fire Resistance of Ext. Walls - I
Bearing Wails
. Non-Bearing Walls II
Area Separation Walls
Occupancy Separation Walls
(and floor-ceilings) I
Exit Corridors
IIExit Stair Enclosures ;
Exit Doors
Lock Type Allowed I
Panic Hardware Requirements I
Elevator Shaft Enclosures
Mechanical Room Enclosures
Partitions (full height)
Partitions (partial) I
Flooring Ceiling Construction :I
Roof Ceiling Construction
Roof Class Rating I II.
. AI
•i't i,. .. -s- ca _ ...w:; .kve-.x4ti.:.j Tx'-�'a�if
(from Code or Fire Chief or Local Building)
Standpipes - Size,. No. and Location
Smoke Detectors, ;Type & required locations
Fire Extinguishers, Type & required
locations '
' Panel
Sprinkler Alarm •System 1
' Automatic Roof (smoke.) hatch
Access to roof • (ladder or stair)
A. Smoke and flame ratings
Wall Finishes
' Ceiling and soffit materials
' Sign materials
Exterior canopies & applied facings
B. Foam Plastic Insulation Protection
' C. Glazing Requirements
(Wire glass, tempered glass
' plastic glazing and skylights,
size limits and material required)
• 1
, ..‘
(612) 937-1900 I
TO: Barbara Dacy , City Planner I
FROM: Steve Madden ,Fire Inspector
Date : March 1 , .1988
Subject: McGlynn Bakeries
(88-2 CUP and 88-3 Site Plan Review)
Upon review of the site plan for the new McGlynn 1
Bakeries facilties , I recommend the following :
1) In accordance with the Uniform Fire Code , II Sec. 10 . 301 ( c) , the hydrants must be installed
300 feet apart, and installed around the building .
2) In accordance with the Uniform Fire Code , 1
Sec. 10. 207 (a) , a fire lane must be installed
around the building .
If you have any questions , ask .
C. C . Scott Harr II
Jim Chaffee
Acj 1
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UNIFORM FIRE CODE 1982 EDITION 10.209-10.301
t�n Equipment Key Box l
to place or keep any post.fence, vehicle,growth,P P Y P g Sec.10.209.When access to or within a structure or an area is unduly difficult
-ial or thing near any fire hydrant, fire department because of secured openings or where immediate access is necessary for life-
, ystem control valve that would prevent such saving or fire-fighting purposes,the chief may require a key box to be installed in
▪ immediately discernible or in any other manner an accessible location.The key box shall be a type approved by the chief and shall
)artment from gaining immediate access to said contain keys to gain necessary access as required by the chief.
imum 3-foot clear space shall be maintained around -
rants except as otherwise required or approved by
Division III
• onstruction. Every building hereafter con- PROTECTION, LIFE-SAFETY SYSTEMS AND
o e department apparatus by way of access road- APPLIANCES
rface of not less than 20 feet of unobstructed
y turning radius capable of supporting the imposed Installation
t ng a minimum of 13 feet 6 inches of vertical Sec 10.301.(a)Type Required.The chief shall designate the type and number
a ent access roads in excess of 150 feet long shall of fire appliances to be installed and maintained in and upon all buildings and
.r. sions for the turning around of fire department premises in the jurisdiction other than private dwellings. This shall be done
according to the relative severity of probable fire, including the rapidity with
1 re are not more than two Group R, Division 3 or M -. which it may spread. Such appliances shall be of a type suitable for the probable
n Building Code,the requirement of this section may be class of fire associated with such building or premises and shall have approval of
ii n of the chief,fire-fighting or rescue operations would the chief.
Portable fire extinguishers shall be in accordance with U.F.C. Standard No.
e fired width of access roadways shall not be 10-1.
tng parking of vehicles.NO PARKING signs or
(b) Special Hazards. In occupancies of an especially hazardous nature or
b ,prohibiting obstructions may be required and where special hazards exist in addition to the normal hazard of the occupancy,or
where access for fire apparatus is unduly difficult,additional safeguards may be
i ay shall be extended to within 150 feet of all required consisting of additional fire appliance units, more than one type of
. he first story of any building. Where the access appliance,or special systems suitable for the protection of the hazard involved. is
roved fire protection system or systems shall be Such devices or appliances may consist of automatic fire alarm systems,automat
roved by the chief. is sprinkler or water spray systems, standpipe and hose, fixed or portable fire
n .Where fire-protection systems approved by the extinguishers, suitable asbestos blankets, breathing apparatus, manual or auto-
: uired clearance may be modified. matic covers, carbon dioxide, foam, halogenated and dry chemical or other
s all have the authority to require an increase in the special fire-extinguishing systems. Where such systems are installed,they shall F
sere such width is not adequate for fire or rescue be in accordance with the applicable Uniform Fire Code Standards or standards of
111 the National Fire Protection Association when Uniform Fire Code Standards do
required to be used as access under this section, not apply I.
aintained in accordance with the applicable sections (c) Water Supply. An approved water supply capable of supplying required j`
design live loading sufficient to carry the imposed fire flow for fire protection shall be provided to all premises upon which buildings )
or portions of buildings are hereafter constructed. When any portion of the
building protected is in excess of 150 feet from a water supply on a public street,
there shall be provided, when required by the chief, on-site fire hydrants and
umbers or addresses shall be placed on all new and mains capable of supplying the required fire flow.
tion as to be plainly visible and legible from the Water supply may consist of reservoirs,pressure tanks,elevated tanks, water
perry. Said numbers shall contrast with their mains or other fixed system capable of supplying the required fire flow.In setting
the requirements for fire flow,the chief may be guided by the standard published
I 41
10.206-10.208 UNIFORM FIRE CODE 1982 EDITION
Obstruction of Fire Protection Equipment Key Box
Sec. 10.206.No person shall place or keep any post,fence,vehicle,growth, Sec,10.209.When access to or within a structu i
trash, storage or other material or thing near any fire hydrant. fire department because of secured openings or where immediate ac
connection or fire protection system control valve that would prevent such saving or fire-fighting purposes,the chief may req e
equipment or hydrant from being immediately discernible or in any other manner an accessible location The key box shall be a type
deter or hinder the fire department from gaining immediate access to said contain keys to gain necessary access as required h
equipment or hydrant. A minimum 3-foot clear space shall be maintained around
the circumference of the fire hydrants except as otherwise required or approved by
the chief. Division III
Access Roadways for Fire Apparatus INSTALLATION AND MAINTE I
Sec. 10.207. (a) Required Construction. Every building hereafter con- PROTECTION, LIFE-SAFETY Sti
structed shall be accessible to fire department apparatus by way of access road- APPLIANCE
ways with all-weather driving surface of not less than 20 feet of unobstructed
width,with adequate roadway turning radius capable of supporting the imposed Installation
loads of fire apparatus and having a minimum of 13 feet 6 inches of vertical Sec 10.301.(a)Type Required.The chief shall des
clearance.Dead-end fire department access roads in excess of 150 feet long shall
be provided with approved provisions for the turning around of of fire appliances to be installed and maintained
fire department premises in the jurisdiction other than private el
apparatus. according to the relative severity of probable fir , i.
EXCEPTION:When there are not more than two Group R,Division 3 or M which it may spread.Such appliances shall be of a tyl
Occupancies as defined in the Building Code,the requirement of this section may be class of fire associated with such building or pre s
modified when,in the opinion of the chief,fire-fighting or rescue operations would the chief.
not be impaired. Portable fire extinguishers shall be in accordan e
(b) Obstructing. The required width of access roadways shall not be 10-1.
obstructed in any manner,including parking of vehicles.NO PARKING signs or (b) Special Hazards. In occupancies of an et
other appropriate notice,or both,prohibiting obstructions may be required and where special hazards exist in addition to the no I
shall be maintained. where access for fire apparatus is unduly difficult,ad
(c) Extent. The access roadway shall be extended to within 150 feet of all required consisting of additional fire appliance unit
portions of the exterior walls of the first story of any building Where the access appliance,or special systems suitable for the pr ti
roadway cannot be provided,approved fire protection system or systems shall be Such devices or appliances may consist of automa f
provided as required and approved by the chief. is sprinkler or water spray systems, standpipe ana l
(d)Fire-protection Alternate.Where fire-protection systems approved by the extinguishers, suitable asbestos blankets, breathing ,
chief are provided,the above required clearance may be modified. matic covers, carbon dioxide, foam, halogens t.
(e)Oversizing.The chief shall have the authority to require an increase in the special fire-extinguishing systems. Where such e
minimum access widths where such width is not adequate for fire or rescue be in accordance with the applicable Uniform Fire oc
the National Fire Protection Association when Unifo
(f)Bridges.Where a bridge is required to be used as access under this section, (c)Water Supply. An approved water suppl F
it shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the applicable sections
of the Building Code and using design live loading sufficient to carry the imposed fire flow for fire protection shall be provided to all pre:
loads of the fire apparatus. not apply
or portions of buildings are hereafter constructed.
building protected is in excess of 150 feet from a tt
Premises Identification there shall be provided, when required by the e:
Sec. 10.208.Approved numbers or addresses shall be placed on all new and mains capable of supplying the required fire flow.
existing buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the Water supply may consist of reservoirs,pressure t
street or road fronting the property. Said numbers shall contrast with their mains or other fixed system capable of supplying
background. the requirements for fire flow,the chief may be g e
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G. -
I (612) 937-1900
ITO: Planning Commission
IFROM: Larry Brown, Asst. City Engineer
DATE: March 9 , 1988
ISUBJ: Preliminary Site Plan Review of McGlynn Bakeries
Planning File No. 88-3 Site Plan
1 On Monday, February 22 , 1988 , the City Council gave their verbal
support (however, no action was taken) of the creation of a tax
increment district (TID) which would facilitate a public improve-
ment project to upgrade Audubon Road to an urban section from
IState Highway 5 to the railroad overpass south of Park Road.
The developer has been advised that if the TID is established,
I which would include the McGlynn site, the proposed entrance and
utilities should be extended along the future proposed right-of-
way as shown on page 2 of the plans .
IIn the interest of time, the applicant' s engineer has submitted a
site plan which is reasible without the TID having been
established. The applicant' s engineer has stated that they are
I willing to work with the City in making the minor revisions to
the plans should the TID be established.
I The 18 .5 acre site is located at the southwest quandrant of the
intersection of State Highway 5 and Audubon Road ( refer to
Attachment #1) . Two-thirds of the site is composed of a culti-
vated field while the remainder exists as a rolling open field.
Sanitary Sewer
I Municipal sanitary sewer service is available to the site by an
existing 10-inch diameter sewer line located at the intersection
of Park Road and Audubon Road. The proposed portion of 10-inch
I diameter sewer line which parallels Audubon Road will also faci-
litate future sewer expansion for the properties located on the
northeast corner of Park Road and Audubon Road.
I ,::,
Planning Commission
March 9 , 1988 1
Page 2
The proposed 8-inch diameter sanitary sewer line located south of
the building will adequately provide service for proposed and
future additions . Plans which address the sanitary sewer service I
should be submitted for approval by the City Engineer prior to
final site plan review.
Municipal water sewer service is also available to the site by an
existing 12-inch diameter watermain which runs along the east
side of Audubon Road. The proposed watermain has been looped
around the site to address pressure/flow conditions, fire protec-
tion, and to facilitate future expansion if required. The appli-
Icant' s engineer has indicated that the watermain may be increased
to a 10-inch diameter pending calculations verifying adequate
water demand and flow conditions for the building sprinkler
system. Calculations and final design should be submitted for
approval by the City Engineer prior to final site plan approval .
The plans propose that two private driveway accesses be
constructed off of Audubon Road. The 220 foot driveway on the
northeast corner of the site will be constructed in accordance to
the City' s standards for an urban roadway section. This will
facilitate the future proposed roadway, should the need occur.
If the TID is established, the northerly access road should be I
extended west to the future proposed access for the next addition
as shown on Attachment #3.
The existing drainage pattern can be characterized by overland
sheet flow radially outward from the center knoll. The proposed
plan calls for a detention/sedimentation basin located west of
the site. The calculations provided by the applicant' s engineer
verified that the pond maintains the predeveloped runoff rate as
well as provides adequate storage for a 100-year frequency storm
Grading_and Erosion Control
The plans propose massive grading of the entire site. Cut and
filled depths are in excess of 40 and 30 feet respectively. The
large cut and fill depths are required to balance the earthwork
on site. i
The grading plan calls for the removal of approximately 20 trees.
This is acceptable when compared to the landscaping plan which
Icalls for 150+ trees.
Planning Commission
March 9 , 1988
Page 3
The plan adequately addresses the locations of erosion control.
The City standard details for the installation of Type I and Type
II erosion control should be shown on the grading plans .
Recommended Conditions
' 1 . The developer shall enter into a development contract with
the City and provide adequate financial sureties to guarantee
proper installation of these improvements .
1 2 . Wood fiber blankets or equivalent shall be utilized to stabi-
lize all disturbed slopes greater than 3 :1.
' 3 . Plans and specifications for the construction of the sanitary
sewer, watermain, storm sewer and sanitary services shall be
submitted for approval by the City Engineer prior to the
final site plan review.
4 . All erosion control measures shall be in place prior to the
' commencement of any grading and once in place shall remain in
place throughout the duration of construction. The developer
is required to review erosion control periodically and make
the necessary repairs promptly. All of the erosion control
measures shall remain intact until an established vegetative
cover has been produced, at which time removal shall be the
responsibility of the developer.
' 5 . The applicant shall obtain permits and comply with all con-
ditions from the DNR, Watershed District and any other
appropriate regulatory agency.
Attachments : 1 . Location Map
' 2 . February 22 , 1988 City Council minutes
• 1
City Council. Meeti.ng - February 22, 1988
Barbara Dacy: If you would like to make any comments on the four major issues
or add or subtract anything, please feel free to do so.
Councilman Geving: I'm surprised that Chaska is not a member of this group.
Is that correct?
Barbara Dacy: That is correct. They have been coming to more meetings on this
issue, on the sewer policy plan issue but they have not been contributing to
Mr. Boland's expenses.
Councilman Geving: The reason I ask that is I think I've seen them there.
Mayor Hamilton moved, Councilman Horn seconded to accept the four items of the
Metropolitan Council's Water Resources Management Chapter as outlined by the
City Planner. All voted in favor and motion carried. '
Don Ashworth: The major portion of the report is written by myself. I did
have Gary do a cost estimate. In fact it was running late on Friday so my
example uses $700,000.00 as a total cost figure and again, the actual cost is
estimated at $625,000.00 from the engineer. The question becomes one of, will
we be looking to improving Audubon Road and at what time frame? McGlynn
Industries is interested in coming into Chanhassen. They're concerned with
that expenditure. They have seen the business park, in fact Mr. McGlynn was
out over the weekend, I just learned that today, taking pictures of our
existing business park. I think it's fair to say that they are very impressed
with the existing business park and would hope that they'll be a good neighbor
to the community and again, locate in Chanhassen. Would like to see
development standards set for their property similar to those that have been
set in the Business Park itself. Of concern again to them, is Audubon Road
which previously was old County Road 17. It's a roadway that the County turned
back to the City really leaving it in the condition that it was in advance of
that turnback. Creation of tax increment districts are unpopular type of
things, especially in today's day and age but if there were a project that
would rightly and justly fall into a tax increment district, it is this one.
McGlynn's or other property owners that would purchase property or own property
on either side of Audubon Road, do not directly benefit from that roadway.
Legally we could assess them and we could assess them to some viable 50% or
75%. I think you would find it very difficult to sustain that assessment.
However, if you did make that assessment, you would still have the remaining
25% or 50% GO, which would have to come back against the citizens as a whole.
What my analysis attempted to point out was that as being a part of a tax
increment district, if it can be reduced to a 3 to 6 year period of time, we in
fact will benefit all of our citizens by doing it as a tax increment district.
Now again, one of the underlying questions becomes one of the roadway itself
and the necessity to do that work. Staff believes that the road functions as
it is, that it could be brought up to a 9 ton standard but I think we're only '
fooling ourselves if within a 5 to 10 year period of time, we would be bringing
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1988
it up to urban standards. I'm assuming Gary is ready for any additional
Icomments regarding the costs.
Mayor Hamilton: Urban standards, you mean by putting in curb and gutter?
IIDon Ashworth: Curb and gutter, street lighting.
Mayor Hamilton: How much would you widen it?
IIGary Warren: You'd probably be looking at a 44 foot section.
IMayor Hamilton: How far south would we go? All the way down to CR 18?
Gary Warren: Just to merge with the approach to the railroad, where it's just
south of the Public Works property.
IICouncilman Geving: That's an expensive piece for a short ways. Is it only
about half a mile?
Gary Warren: About 6/10th's of a mile. We're trying to be very generous with
our costs.
II Mayor Hamilton: I know that I'm not too much inclined to want to create
another TID but I know the State is considering eliminating than altogether
before long because they don't like them at all but we do need, that road is in
IIbad shape.
Councilman Geving: We couldn't afford to do it any other way. The thing that
Ibothers me is that, have you talked to McGlynn?
Don Ashworth: Yes.
I Councilman Geving: Could this be a factor in whether or not they actually
follow through and come to Chanhassen or not?
I Don Ashworth: They have been very good to work with. I think when they saw
the total cost associated with bringing that road up, they were surprised
themselves. They in no way said that that would make or break their decision
II but I think if we came back and said that we were going to assess that 75% or
100%, I think they would reassess their decision to come.
Councilman Geving: Let me ask you about the timing on there. Something I read
I about April was it? The TID, April 1?
Don Ashworth: There is a piece of legislation in front of the legislature
1 which would eliminate what has been a clause that allows construction within 3
months of the creation of a tax increment district. Right now you can capture
that value. The State Law change would say, they're eliminating that so if you
II created a district, you would not capture any values for 18 months following
the date that you adopted the district.
Councilman Geving: On the other hand, if we created the district, let's say in
II March, chances are it's going to take a good year before we would have McGlynn
in there or any other developer in there. You really wouldn't be talking about
City Council _Meeting - February 22, 1988
taxes generated until 1990 I would suspect. So the 18 months really doesn't
hurt us.
Don Ashworth: Except it's from the date of the issuance of the building
permit. McGlynn does want to move along to the point where they would seek a
building permit in the June to July timeframe. June is preferably what they
would like to work towards.
Councilman Geving: I don't think we've got any choice personally. I think we
have to establish a district.
Mayor Hamilton: I think for a couple of reasons. I stop and think of all the
things we did for Beddor and their whole development and that was all tax '
increment district and it's worked out really well. McGlynn is bringing over a
part of their operation. I think if we made that road nice enough and showed
them we liked to work with them and we'd like them to be here, it's certainly a
good opportunity to move the rest of their operation over here at some time. I
certainly would like to accomplish that.
Councilman Horn: Are there any other areas that staff would recommend to set ,
up as a district or are just going to piecemeal this thing? It seems to me we
should look at the whole issue.
Councilman Geving: Can we bring it all the back to the new CR 17? Create a
1 new district there because we're going to be expanding the industrial park, I
would hope, from where we're at all the way over to Audubon. '
Don Ashworth: You could extend it all the way down to Lyman Blvd., yes.
Councilman Geving: I'm not thinking that far down. I was thinking just that '
narrow band along the road. From CR 17 west to Audubon. Almost where we would
build a new road. The extension of Lake Drive East.
Don Ashworth: Actually, that is within tax increment district #1.
Councilman Horn: I was thinking more specifically the area to include TH 101.
I'd like to look at all of these potential districts in one group if we could
when we discuss this issue.
Don Ashworth: I don't know if you could establish a district. Have a parcel '
here. Normally the improvements go along with the parcels. I don't know if
you could have the parcel from which you're collecting monies and then you're
going to skip over a mile and make the expenditure. ,
Councilman Horn: I'm not suggesting that. I'm saying, if we're going to
establish one district here, would there be other areas where we would want to
establish districts. I'd like to see all of those proposals at once so we get
a feel for them rather than just take them as they come. Let's look at the
whole picture.
3 'Councilman Geeing: Don, would this be the district here?
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1988
Don Ashworth: I believe the parcel is this entire parcel, was it not Barbara?
IISo yes, that's the only section that had that.
Councilman Geving: It's too bad in a way because don't you actually have as
II much adminstrative work in creating that 80 acres as you would if you were to
expand for a much larger area? I don't know where the MUSA comes in there but
it seems to me we could come all the way south even though there are homes down
there next to CR 18.
IIMayor Hamilton: That's outside the MUSA.
I Don Ashworth: As far as the road improvement itself, it could be considered
all the way down though. You just wouldn't have sanitary sewer.
IMayor Hamilton: But why include it in the district then?
Don Ashworth: Only to the extent that the Council would feel that this section
of Audubon is going to have to be upgraded at some point in time...
ICouncilman Geving: We could pick up the cost.
I Don Ashworth: One thing about a district and bringing the thing back, the City
Council can always cut it back. The only concern I would have is that the
April 1 date is important. If the Attorney tells me I can't get everything
done, if you ask us to do all of this, then I will give him guidance to just
Ifocus in on the one section he can get done.
Mayor Hamilton: Bring it back next meeting.
IDon Ashworth: We will try to take and get it down as quickly as we can. The
legal notice section is what I'm worried about.
IIMayor Hamilton: I think you've got unanimous agreement.
Don Ashworth: Typically the Mayor has met with myself at the end where we have
I completed the overall position classification process. I would anticipate that
the Council wants to follow a similar procedure. If that's the case, we would
present this item then on our first meeting in March.
ICouncilman Horn: Are you the only one who takes a shot at it?
Mayor Hamilton: No, everybody does. I write it up and go through it with Don
Iand then if somebody wants to add or delete they can do that.
Councilman Geving: Is it your idea Tom that we would fill out these and give
Ithem to you?
Mayor Hamilton: I think we've done that in the past. Usually fill one out and 67
I think everybody's gotten the one that I filled out and seen my comments on
1 .
0 ®90®
II 0 01
01 GI 0
® 0 ®a
McGlynn Bakeries, Inc.®
McGlynn Bakeries is seeking site plan and conditional use permit approval to '
establish a new facility in the City of Chanhassen. The McGlynn site is
located in the southwest corner of the intersection of T.H. 5 and Audubon
Road. The property totals 70 acres. '
The purpose of this supplementary narrative is to provide additional
information on both the company and the proposed new facility. McGlynn
Bakeries Has founded in 1919 by James T. McGlynn in Minneapolis. The company
is presently headquartered in Eden Prairie, however, upon completion of the
new facility, the headquarters operation will be relocated to Chanhassen.
McGlynn Bakeries presently employs approximately 900 people with stores
located in five states. Sales for fiscal 1987 were $67 million and projected
sales for 1988 are $80 million.
The facility in Chanhassen is being proposed to accommodate company growth and
more efficient operations. Its primary purpose will be to house retail baking
operations and corporate offices. The retail baking operation prepares a full
line of traditional bakery products such as breads, buns, dinner rolls,
donuts, coffee cakes, cookies, pies and cakes. Products are sold in over 90
stores including Daytons, Target, Super Valu, Rainbow Foods and locations in
major retail shopping centers.
McGlynn Bakeries presently owns 70 acres in Chanhassen. It is likely that in
the future, the site will house two McGlynn plants, the first being the one
that is currently being proposed and the second being a future frozen
products facility approximately 150,000 square feet in size. These facilities
will utilize approximately one half of the site and the remainder will be
eventually sold for other industrial uses.
The proposed retail plant consists of a 152,000 square foot building with a
two level office area and a single story plant with high ceiling clearance.
The facility is located at the south end of the property with two entrances
off of Audubon Road. The southernmost entrance serves a 161 car parking lot
which will accommodate production employees. The northern entrance will be a
private drive (constructed to full City street standards) with an entrance for
trucks and an access to the office employee and visitor parking areas that are
located at the southwest corner of the building. At the present time, the
property is not being platted, therefore, the entrance drive is being built to
city street standards to accommodate its eventual extension and platting as
public right-of-way.
General Offices-
7752 Mitchell Road
Eden Prairie, Minn 55344
Phone 612.937.9404
' The northern and eastern sides of the proposed building contain shipping and
receiving areas. The docks on the north side handle shipping and receiving of
supplies which are transported primarily by over the road trucks.
Additionally, bulk flour and sugar tanks are located in this area. The bulk
' facilities are replenished on a daily basis. The dock area on the east side
of the building will be used exclusively by company owned vehicles. Trucks
using these docks are involved in the shipment of products to retail outlets
' which occurs primarily betwaen 2:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. At the present time,
McGlynn Bakeries operates 12 company owned trucks.
' The Chanhassen facility will employ a total of approximately 200 people with a
maximum employee count of 150 during any one shift. Three production shifts
will operate at the Chanhassen plant. Hours of operation are staggered
eliminating peaks in arrival and departure times of production employees.
tThe architectural and engineering drawings portray the details of the location
and appearance of the proposed plant. The building will consist of precast
' panel construction, gray in color with green accents. The southern wall of
the building which houses the offices will contain extensive glass affording
views over the ponding area at the southern end of the site. The building and
parking perimeter areas will be extensively landscaped including underground
' sprinkler systems. The shipping docks on the east side of the site will be
screened by both terming and plant materials.
' The retail plant facility has been designed to accommodate both phase two
McGlynn operations and future development on the north end of the property.
When phase two is built, the driveway now serving the office parking lot will
' be reoriented to a new entrance drive. This will result in the termination of
its connection to the portion of the drive serving the two truck dock areas.
Eventually, it is envisioned that the entrance drive off of Audubon Road will
be constructed as a loop street providing access to the northern portion of
the property.
McGlynn Bakeries is enthusiastic about the proposed development in Chanhassen.
' It will be an attractive, state-of-the-art production plant serving both
corporate needs and providing expanded tax base and employment opportunities
to the City of Chanhassen.
Mir 011111r