J-1a. Maple Leaf Award Presented to Vicki ErnstMAPLE LEAF AWARD PRESENTED TO VICKI ERNST dr�
Vicki Ernst served as a Chanhassen City Council member for eight years
from 2007 to 2014, on the Economic Development Authority from 2007 to 2014,
the Southwest Transit Commission from 2003 to 2006 and the Metro Cities Board
from 2012 to 2014 Councilwoman Ernst was a passionate advocate for the people
of Chanhassen, serving two consecutive terms.
Vicki was a natural campaigner and enjoyed investing time getting to know
citizens and hearing their positions on local issues. Councilwoman Ernst was a
dedicated participant in community events and was easily accessible to the people
she served You could count on seeing her waving back at you from the
Chanhassen 4t' of July Parade. A big supporter of military personnel and their
causes, Vicki is quick to lend a hand wherever needed
Councilwoman Ernst served the community through a time of significant
growth that was impacted by a downturn in the national economy Vicki was an
advocate for lower taxes whenever feasible. Thanks to sound financial policies
and an inviting development environment supported by Vicki and the entire City
Council, Chanhassen weathered the economic downturn better than most and our
economy has rebounded quickly Commercial and housing startups are now back
at levels that will help guarantee a continued thriving local economy.
Her membership on the SouthWest Transit Commission was a position she
served with pride and firsthand experience Vicki was a dedicated SouthWest
Transit rider and an advocate for all citizens who benefit from the transportation
services they provide On behalf of the entire community, we say thank you and
best wishes to outgoing City Councilwoman Vicki Ernst.