2013 Public Budget Presentation Budget Process 2 Preliminary budgets submitted by Department Directors  in early July Budget reviewed by Finance Director and  City Manager in late July Detailed Budget Meeting held in August  Preliminary Tax Levy Adopted for Truth-in-Taxation  Statement purposes on September 10 Public budget meeting held on December 3  Final Budget & Levy adoption this evening  Expenditures 3 2012 2013 % Change BudgetBudgetfrom 2012 $1,932,700$1,993,800+3.2% General Government $3,026,700$3,053,900+.9% Law Enforcement/Fire $2,271,300$2,332,700+2.7% Public Works $459,600$419,900-8.6% Community Development $1,926,300$1,947,100+1.1% Park & Recreation $9,616,600$9,747,400+1.4% Total 3 Revenues 4 2012 2013 % Change BudgetBudgetfrom 2012 $7,414,500$7,426,700+0.2% Property Tax $852,000$996,800+17.0% Licenses & Permits $270,000$280,000+3.7% Intergovernmental Rev. $656,700$568,100-13.5% Charges for Services $127,500$131,500+3.1% Fines & Penalties $295,900$344,300+16.4% Other Revenue $9,616,600$9,747,400+1.4% Total Revenue 4 General Fund Budget vs. Actual Expenditures 5 General Fund BudgetActual General Fund Spending $10,000,000 $9,747,400 $9,617,600$9,616,600 $9,526,300* $9,507,400 $9,500,000 $9,318,300 Est. $9,062,400 $9,000,000 $8,615,100 $8,500,000 $8,307,920 $8,000,000 $7,500,000 $7,000,000 200520062007200820092010201120122013 * Amended from original budget of $9,859,100 General Fund Budget vs. Actual Revenues 6 General Fund BudgetActual Revenue $10,000,000 $9,747,400 $9,616,600 (Estimate) $9,617,600 $9,507,400 $9,493,600* $9,500,000 $9,318,300 $9,062,400 $9,000,000 $8,615,100 $8,500,000 $8,307,920 $8,000,000 $7,500,000 200520062007200820092010201120122013 * Amended from original budget of $9,859,100 What factors change the budget for 2013? 7 Most expenditure line items remain flat for 2013  General Fund expenditures increased less than  two percent (1.4%) or $130,800 Wage increases of 2.0% included  Budgeted permit revenue $143,800 higher than  2012 Operational/Capital & Debt Levy Changes 8 Operational & Capital Levies20122013% Chg General Fund$7,434,500$7,476,700 Capital Replacement$800,000$800,000 MSA (Sealcoating)$200,000$200,000 Total Operational & Capital Levies$8,434,500$8,476,700+0.50% Debt Levies General Obligation Debt (212 Bonds)$335,900$550,000 Audubon$437,842$130,680 Public Works Facility$593,800$593,200 Library Referendum$351,648$445,310 Total Debt Levies$1,719,190$1,719,190+0.0% TOTAL ALL LEVIES$10,153,690$10,195,890+0.42% 8 Total Levy vs. New Growth 9 Total LevyNew Growth 4% 2.91% 2.92% 3% 2.71% 2.45% 2.36% 2.23% 2% 1.82% 1.82% 1.39% 1.38% 1.16% 1.06% 1% 0.53% 0.42% -0.90% -0.30% 0% -1% 20062007200820092010201120122013 Effect on Homeowners 10 Below are some examples of how the 2013 Preliminary levy will impact property owners. The average home in Chanhassen dropped approximately 2.8% in taxable market value for 2013. 20122013Percent 2012 City 2013 City Percent ValueValueChangeProperty TaxProperty TaxChange Parcel 1$262,500$257,900-1.8%$779.00$780.11+0.1% 2$307,600$299,700-2.6%$912.19$905.75-0.7% 3$311,000$301,500-3.0%$922.25$911.18-1.2% 4$467,500$453,800-2.9%$1,384.93$1,369.50-1.1% 5$614,600$598,700-2.6%$1,902.59$1,877.88-1.3% 6$802,400$802,4000.0%$2,592.75$2,639.12+1.8% Actual Property Tax Statement for Proposed 2013 Taxes (School District #112) 11 Property Taxes 4.3% 19.8% 30.3% County 30.3% School 45.6% City 19.8% Other 4.3% 45.6% Carver County Tax Rates 12 City2012Tax Rate**Proposed 2013**% Increase Chaska25.78428.0198.66% Chanhassen28.53228.7850.89% Victoria39.55439.9611.03% Waconia44.21851.57616.64% Carver52.24757.0619.21% Norwood Young America49.52768.39338.09% Watertown53.72070.36130.98% Mayer65.66275.92315.63% New Germany76.51276.378-0.17% Cologne73.85180.0888.44% Hamburg125.174122.742-1.94% ** Based on Urban Tax Rates City of Chanhassen Tax Rate History 13 45 39.091 40 35 32.98101 28.5429 28.7979 30 28.17183 26.67825 26.6168 25.1973 23.82371 23.74016 25 23.02472 20 15 10 5 0 20032004200520062007200820092010201120122013 Rate is based on urban rates and includes both tax capacity and market value based levies. Staff Recommendation 14 Staff Recommends setting a final General Fund Budget  of $9,747,400 and a total Levy of $10,195,890 for taxes payable in 2013