East Water Treatment Plant, Standby Generator QuoteCITY O s' MEMORANDUM CHANHASc;',; TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager 7700 Market Boulevard 7 PO gox 147 FROM: Paul Oehme, Dir. of Public Works/City Engineer Chanhasscn,IUIN b11 DATE: June 8, 2015 v.,?" I d i ir isfraRiof Phone:952.22.oo SUBJ: ast Water• Treatment Plant, Project No. 04-08-7: Approve Quote Fax:952.227.1110 for Standby Generator Emissions Upgrade Building Inspections Phone:952.227.1180 Fax:952.227.1190 PROPOSEll MOTION Engineering The City Council approves a quote for a standby generator emissions upgrade Phone 952.2z71 so for the East Water Treatment Plant." Fax:952.227.1170 City Council approval requires a simple majority vote of the City Council Financ present. Phone:952227.1140 ax 952.227.1 10 Xcel Energy has contacted the City stating the peak shaving program foi•electrical zre ec atiou charges will be eliminated unless the standby generator is brought up to the new Phone:95222.112o EPA standards. The gener•ator was purchased when the East Water Treatment Fax:g5222 1110 Plant was constructed in 2006. The new EPA rules have recently been impleinented so the generator is cui7 ently out of e llissions compliance based on Recreation Center these new standards. Staff has se rched for grants and other outside funding 2310 Coulter Boulevard sources for these improvements but have not been able to find any alternativePhone:952.227.1400 Fax 952.227.140 fund sources. The peak shaving program does save the City significant funds annually (Kw per houl•reduction ranges ti•om $12,000 to $1,000 per year). The P anning&payback for this equipinent is estimated to be just over three years by inaking the Natural Resources emissions iinprovement verses not being on Xcel's peak shaving program. Phone 952.227.1130 Fax 95222 1 o UOTES Public Worl s Staff received two quotes and are suintnarized as follows: 7901 Park Nlace Phone:952.227.1300 Anlount Fax 952 227.1310 Titan Enei gy 58,157.00 Senior Center Ziegler Power Systems 39,940.00 Phone:952.7_7_7.1125 Fax 952,?27.1110 Funds for this improvement were budgeted for in the 2014 Capital Improvement V Jebsi4e Plan. www.cl.chanhassen.mn.us Attacr ment: Resolution CIP Sheet 7Uot ro R R e9,ti'a Yt a o vit ig Ta`ypa'a'i q'i i 8i'n C ae b:ga o6osis app o e CITY OF CHANHASS N CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTI S, MINN SOTA DAT: June 8, 2015 RESOLUTION NO: 2015-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION ACC PTING A QUOT FOR A STANDBY GENERATOR EMISSIONS UPGRAD, EAST WATER TREATMENT PLANT PRO.T CT NO. 04-08-7 WHEREAS,pursuant to a request for quotes for a standby generator emissions upgrade for the East Water Treatment Plant, two quotes were received and opened. The quotes are as follows: Ainount Titan Energy 58,157.00 Ziegler Power Systems 39,940.00 AND WHEREAS,Ziegler Power Systems is the lowest responsible quoter with a total quote amount of$39,940.00. NOW TH R FOR, BE IT RESOLVED by the Chanhassen City Council: 1. The mayor and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to approve the quote from Ziegler Power Systems for a standby generator emissions upgrade for the East Water Treatment Plant, Project No. 04-08-7. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 8t' day of June, 2015. ATTEST: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Denny Laufenburger, Mayor YES NO ABSENT C.31 I I111pi'OV0I118rit PI'OgI° 2014 thru 2 1 Department Water System Improvements Cl Of C'i Ia.SSE:ll Contact Paul Oehme I Project#! W-oJ Type Maintenance Useful Life Pro;e t Name East Water Treatment Plant Mafntenance Category Utilities Account#1 Account#13 Priority n/a Account#2 Account#4 li Description Total Project Cost: $65,000 i The East Water Treatment Plant was constructed in 2006 and is in need of some maintenance. The stainless steel weir boxes for the filter cells are i corroding and should be replaced at this time. If the boxes are not replaced,it could affect the water operation performance. The new boxes will be made from PVC and will not corrode in the future. This project pays for the removal,fabrication and installation of three weir boxes. Also,the i EPA has issued new emission standards for generators. Xcel Energy has contacted the City stating the peak shaving program for electrical charges will be eliminated unless the stand-by generator is brought up to the new EPA standards. Staff will be applying for grant funds to upgrade the Ii generator to new emission standards. The pay back for this eqiupment is estimated to be just over 3 years without the grant. Justification For operational needs of the treatment plant. I Expenditures 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total Maintenance 65,000 65,000 TOt81 65,000 65,000 Funding Sources 2014 2015 201fs 2017 2018 Total Water Utility Fund 65,000 65,000 Total 65,000 65,000 Budget Impact/Other I i P125 Date: April 16, 2015 To: City of Chanhassen P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 -0147 Attn: Kevin Crooks Proposal by ZIEGLER C3 ZIEGLER POWER SYSTEMS 8050 State Highway 101 Shakopee, MN 55379 952 - 887 -4599 I .- . I :-1 ". t t : Proposal No. EPG20150051 Re: Proposal to Supply and Install Equipment to Make One Caterpillar 3412 Diesel Engine NESHAP Compliant RE: Supply and Install Equipment to Make One Caterpillar 3412 Diesel Engine NESHAP Compliant at Your facility in Chanhassen, MN QUANTITY: One (1) In -line Diesel Oxidation Catalyst CCV: Closed Loop Crankcase Ventilation System TESTING: Third party performance /compliance test after equipment installation INSALLATION: Turn-key WARRANTY: One (1) year on catalyst and balance of equipment and installation TOTAL PRICE: $39,940.00* *Price includes labor, materials and applicable tax. See attached for description for scope of work. APPRO)UH4TE SHIPPING DATE 5 to 7 weeks after notice to proceed- TERMS: 95% of total price after equipment installation, 5% after compliance test. ACCEPTED: By Its F.O.B.- Job site installed. Respectfully submitted, ZIEGLER INCA�../ By Pk Mark Reuter, Sales Engineer Subject to approval by APPROVED: ZIEGLER INC. By