fire station roofMEMORANDUM
C 1 0, TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager
FROM: Don Johnson, Fire Chief
7700 Markel Boulevard
PO Box 147 DATE: June 8, 2015 ,'
Chanhassen,MN 55317
SUBJ: Approve Bid for Roof Replacement at Fire Station 1
Fax 5222.1110 pROPOSED MOTION: "The City Council awards the bid to Diverse Construction
Building Inspections
Services to replace a section of z-oof on Fire Station 1, 7610 Laredo Drive in the
Phone:952227.1180 amount of$48,000."
Approval requires a simple majority vote of the City Council.
Fax 952.227.1110
Phono:57_.227.11 o Fire Station 1, located at 7610 Laredo Drive, is a city building requiring replacement of
Fax 952 22.1110 the cun-ent roof material. This work is required to initigate a leaking section as well as
f'ark&Recreation normal wear and tear. Funding was scheduled for a two-year replacement plan within the
Phone:952.2z7.1 i2o Capital Iinp1•ovement Plan (CIP) during the 2015 budget process. The total replacement
Fax:952.22.o cost is approximately $140,000 and eilcoinpasses the entii•e roof in tlu•ee separate
Recreation Cen2er
2310 Cou ter soulevarn Approved funding for 2015 is $45,000, which was allocated foi•the center section
Phone 952.227.140o because it is the most problematic in tei7ns of leaking during heavier rains. Two bids
ere received froln licensed contractors with both bids exceeding authorized funding.
Planning 4 RECOMMENDATIONNaturalResources
Staff reconunends that the Cit Council a rove the lowest bid subinitted b Diverse
ax 952 22Z'i o Y pp Y
Construction Services in the ainount of$48,000 to coinplete one section of work this
li[;il E year.
7901 Nark Placc
Phone:952 227I3oo ATTACHMENTS
l.Bid fi•oin Diverse Construction Services dated May 7, 2015
Senior[:crat 2.Bid fi-oin Thomas Finn Company dated May 7, 2015
Phone:9522271 25 3.Capital Improvement Program MB-026
x 952 2271110
g:Atire dept\budget\cip purchases\cip roof repair memo for tg.docx
Chanhassen is a Comm nify for Liie I'oviding I i loday and Plannliig ior lornorrovv
May 7, 2015
City of Chanhassen
7700 Market square Blvd.
Chanhassen, MN. 55317
Attn: Dave Dressler
Re: Reroofing - Chanhassen fire Station Area "C" and Hose Tower
Diverse Construction Services LLC proposes to furnish the material and labor necessary to perform the work outlined
Proposal Includes:
+� Remove existing ballast rock
® Remove existing EPDM membrane
• Install one layer of 2" of polyisocyanurate insulation and one layer of %" hardboard insulation mechanically
® Install new fully adhered 60 mil EPDM roof membrane per manufacturer's specifications.
• Install flush seam wall panels on the east side of the hose tower penthouse and on the wall between roof
"B & C" .
® Fabricate and install new 24 gauge prefinished coping and counter flashing.
Our price to complete this work $48,000.00
*This proposal includes a roofing manufacturer's 20 year N DL warranty.
**Any metal deck replacement will be done at a cost of $10.00 per sq. ft.
If you have any questions or require further information, please call 763-286-9002 or email me at
dave .
David Schmeichel
Note: This proposal is valid for 30 days. It may be withdrawn or modified if not accepted during this time period.
No pay if paid or pay when paid clauses will be accepted.
If accepted, this proposal must become part of tl construction contract as "the work."
Proposal accepted by:
Date:9—/y—I S—
Diverse Construction Services LLC
82 - 38th Avenue Northeast Columbia Heights, MN 55421-3502
P: 763-205-1476 1 F: 763-205-1665 1 I MN Contractor License No. BC639889
i t ! R
Ct ' ,
62b Armsfrong Avenu`
St.Paul,MN 55IO2
651-227-5452 Fax
An Equaf OpportUnify Employer
May 7,2015
City of Chanhasser
770 Market square Blvdo
Chanhassen,M 1.55317
Attn:Dave Qressler
R: Reroofing-Chanhassen f+re Station Area"C"and Hose Tower
Thomas Finn Company proposes to furnish materials and Iabor
to perform the follo aing:
Pro osalinciudes:P
Retnove existing ballast rock
Reriiove existing EPDNI membrane
Instati one layer of 1.5"of poiyisocyanurate insulatifln and one layer of%"hardboard insulation mechanica4ly
E Install new fuily adhered 6 mil PDM roof inembrane per manufacturer's specifications.
Instail flush seam wail panels on the easc side of the trose tower penthouse anci on the wall between roof
Fabricate and instali nevv 24 gauge prefinished coping and counter flashing.
Our price to complete this work$ 5 6,900.00
This proposal includes a roo ng manu#acturer's 2o year 1VDL warranty.
Any metal deck replacemer#will be do e at a cost of$10.00 per sq.ft.
if you have any questions or require further information,please call 763-286-94 32 or email me at
Res ectfully,
Greg ry Ja Walsh
ote: This proposal is valid for 30 days. It may be withdrawrn or modified if noY accepted during this t+me period.
No pay if paid or pay uvhen paid clauses will be accepted.
ff accepted,this proposal musf becom part of the eonsYruceion contract as"the work,"
Proposal accepted by:
pr0 0CtS By F'U11Cj111g SOUT'C8 IS h u 2019
Deparhnenf Municipal Buildings
C1 Of C11aT111aSS011 Cont ct Don Johnson
Type Maintenance
Project# MB-26
liseful Lii'e
o r!,t Fire Department Building Improvements c re ory r';r
Account#1 400-4003 Account#3 Priority n/a
Account#2 Account#4
Total Project Cosr: l40,000
This project would replace the rooPand update the 1<itchen and restrooms at Station 1.
The roof is outdated and has leal<ed on multiple occasions. The building has 3 separatc roof scctions that could be repaired independent of each
other. "he section that leaks would be replaced in 2015.
Thc fire department is utilized for several public events such as;elections,open house,Lion's breal<fast,and official fre department ceremonies.
City employees frequent the kitchen and worl<out areas on a regular basis as we1L The kitchen,restrooms and locker rooms are in need of repair.
Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total
Maintenance 45,000 95,000 140,000
Total 45,000 95,000 140,000
Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total
Capital Replacement 45,000 95,000 140,000
Equipment Fund
Total 45,000 95,000 140,000
Budget Impact/Other