ObituaryI tl (� Yn. he Is
Da Y.vr�rs•' .
V� T
GEO. A. W IRTL IYot hen t)a7 lielrr, a rurWrn Yd Y,r .
1� COrt era Yrwpr Yr and Yn. WIr lbrerll cad EM• Ju cru
f.wWy and Heten Ochry u[ IOM.,- O ► Yr wul Acid the
W11a were lauday [Manta at the ()Ia0. n1 W1111 Hl1ae�a al the dl 14a,uuw
J Ochry hone C.W, d, churrL l7W+dr7 'wrorwba /
D Yn IInlrr, RI<s, who ru a Mr ser Yra �.Inrrt Yrwru��� a1F1 '� 1�
Heart Attack Claims Rome. Management p.uent a Wont Wrr ti,-Plt.l In flir" , red hate lint urdr, 011 Iheu
Ylmvapolle. reWriled LO her Ir+me ntuq, t rl rrre arcom 0mcd AT Yn ` ' ,
Alex. Bongard Group 114et a4 Zehnder hen Thursday An N1 J w• rh ".fit revrral drys fj(tGUw0.
_ r1Ui the Ytulr n lam u) 11 low
}1lnenl services were hritl last reek The' C�lognr Home Manafement Yr aril d gaMn. Ralph Weibel of
Tuesday for Alexander BOngard. 5{. Group mel at the nesse of Yn. Her- 6 rlII�^St Paulrit JviNted will, M Uvea &W1/ln Mary Y�Llrbacherl lr rnntlhad Pu `0 {�
SALF-- trines of Eden prairie. who died May 1 aft" ben Z Iihder Timidity. WY g. w her tome due w 1llnrJ, Her Os'yli•
hal.--Qvl Thlea, a two-day Illne&s with heart troulYle. Yrs . WBlr.. and Mn. TthOm&a here w Sunday. 1�l _
conla. 2¢'adv services were read b7 tha, Rev. B. T. Zruat dll eased "Yra. Coneum" artd �Y ll of mne&W cad vtrlted r,1t1r Mr_ rdrName . tmn Nlnr+ravrlln� ra alto+ d -
t S +rutted Lenten at the Bonnard home In ydm Her ems." Many valuable INly- d Mn. Alun Meuwesen and tam- Ire tin rootedd airs Muh' Wit hem
wen given. ay. on MOlhen IJ&7 many Mends wlah Iles & nPd rKor-
Id 70 Be Clint Prattle and Minna was In Lyn ij 2. 1 eS, The helps and re asked 1d &tLODd en tram her ll tae- '
11 N&Yer, lora. Yr. Boneatd was Dom AbrU i. 1665• Achl +anent DaY aj WacoNa, aTtlah Yr. and "Mrs. Md. Bchepers andlet r -
76e y In Chanhassen, where his *arenta had will bt Feld some pine In Grtoler. al the homelly welt ¢ oaf Yr. And Ww IN. lerts on Mothers My - �trtph andlJrltir'V We bel
r homestead and has baler farming Beton the meellns canis ro •dose BhertmWch m Carver. Ithatorwd to Mln r&Do14 Saturday eve -
N POR AI.P' the Eden Ppralrle DropettY for wt � ladles eaChan¢e their Dat reclPu. Mr. d Mrs,' Hubert Tellers. Mn I milt whhein the attended the Amrrt-
or sedan radio. past 25 lean. A del UOkia lura wu aened D7 n P1rIt meet, hFld In lax Ylnne-
000 miles, I con- He U survived by to widow. John WlckenlWwer and Yra Hubert apo1LL audlwrl hen Cot thrrlra
Must sell at once Mary; one eon. Alex Jr-; Igrt� broth- Mn- tJt hard Yo0 eh. s Uoorlta Meywyatn went Callen al Vlcinrta Ldp h was he princlpsl speak"
,y draft. Inaulre m. Henn Bon¢ard of Boll At. Paul. Yaonm. Margaret 1T01en and Yra. and At. Bonlfa0lus 8und►Y. Mr and Mn Henry Wkrp. MW
T6'adv Hubert M. Boryud of Cplogle, and :d• WIII Yr. and Mra Ralph W"brl of Booth t. ranine Make iM buy friend of
Wtt Bonnard of NoDkWs: Mn. olm WUkma, at. Cloud. Mr. aril Mrs Juhn 51drr
two slit- Bt. Paul uhd Mr and Yn. Henry
LANCE porter' WIIIeJm of W&Conla apenr. Wehner wry d&Whlan of MlmxapotL. and
len. Mn. Mary Ilauwllle of at, Paul Mr. and Mn m�rrl McWenen cad
rhpanlesl aeon- &rail Miss Veronica Brant}rd Of Ch1- • la LAY with Mn. JoleDh Weibel.
Tornado. 11 on and two halt -brothers, �VIIBun and Yn. Wlo Graft accompanied Mr. t IlY spent otDer'a Day with Yr-
omoblle, ctidentCall
Deat Claims Retry and Mrs. Harry Graff of W.00nla b•
Nick Bnngard• and lav arwda0tu' A►rad Mrs. Rat
ds, Com neatlon. Pallbearers wen Vi rhepinewf of the orisseji At Age 69 Maple Plain where they vWYd with Richard W.4n of l:r and Mra
+nae. Also Notary 11 Yr. and Mn. (just ltiverma n. H� Wirtz.o' is employed at UN
rtz, W&c . 7g -U deceased. • t This unity ase one d its Ciel- Mr. d Mn. Harold Botlgatd. Mrs.
Arm wh UvM In the community trMe Charles Mix. Miss Aratllls Fritz' Uouglu alrcl factory In �rhad
Por to paullt7 Cologne Stiller Leat his bi HehlY jit��iW n, who was A lied with Yew ytasamond Pntz at St. Yee op pliflar Wanner be tedhat he the
Ica lard Ip with uenln lift and o the cophmunl4. Cloud Yr . dll Mrs.llege G. P�Mu�uwissen, pilots seat or new eT-wn bomber
You need I. place Met Friday X g Mr. Jo n had n In W health John Meuw nand Mur JWyrn&
ew Ideal tchery. hese ^SU". the la est flying tortrlaa In
Sixteen members of the Cologne for &bot two Years and was confined Meuriaven at ndad the rate of Wt- the world. Th slip In bring given Ila
led Heut H. C. Bllver Leif 4-H club tnet at the to his bod for all tmunths previous to Ilam Hllgera yt I. BOnlfaclua Aust- n� ply bycat Pelota
eyed Poul( Jeal le- Zrhndrr home Friday Welling lOr jus dem rturt. He passed a age April W. d Yral JacY IIhalt a� Wyor Waller Due W. of Dahigrm, motor -
18 -U -ad their I. illar meeting. 77 at h home ht�e at the age of ¢9 Prank H. loufg vW as whin WWart
The meeting was ed with a years, t o months hand 19 days. MohrWchrr, rho wax r P&tMni at ed w wwbu Saturday' His father'
f in need i •Perm piano Bolo
played by JUWhIt& Zehnd- Rev Ihe[ Rin a chanted the re- Nasel NosDllal at Waronla oe1 Wrd• Cul Bueww. a'�myr. Chats ar ow
n, arl[t11. a1mD17. pk as HtrNa r ere Mr. Carl 6urinw
owned over $375,1)00 er. The pledge wax given, roll call einem sas at thellasl sad rites held nmdo� R ton and Zara. Henry visited with I►urra. the Hartwig I
4ken by having each member Thur y poming, May L &t Saint Rumen of Devils Lake. North Dakota. brothers. On his rrtunn farm W.w
farmer Herne- name a fruit. and the aecretan'n re- Boma 'a C&troll church of which And John Hltgerg of Crary, North Da-Walserp
other near court- bun, Mr. B -1-0l Was wcrom-
te e7r. fly ton or port way road by IqH Ann Mearwls- he had been r hal Will member dwr- kills, eluted with relahvtl Imre on Damrd by hen •Ila Wtm hail ,In'Iil Vx
n. Ing all ex years The w"Icr% w-•re'-dondaY t 1
w0 wen rlul hal parrhi MI'
Acte No yments The group decided to Bell tickets or attend by many Mends and rel&- Mr. and Yrs. Nlek ]actlues accom Pia
ri*CIPaI ex el)t You chance on & elft which wax W be Uvea of this well wn cttlun of otlpulled the r non Albert a Clhaeta aril Mn Elnl ZTeie het f
by letter. personal elven DY Mrs. H. Hardktn and Yrs. Comm ty. Thelpallbranrs were where he tell fur Port Snelling last Allxrl JW"WS who was lm hUm.
Call Beg er'a lei[- Thundery to be Inducted Into w1m, Into ,rlecllve Mae 1►sl wast Thun• 1
I. At. Bong aelus. (Herb. Zehnder for that purpole. Lambe Tellers. Jpsrph Hansel. Nor- rive service. day, came h he front Port Snelling 1
1 -lb. Other buamees included the AD- bert W ckenhauserl. Anton Bongaarta.� Mr. and Mn. Paul Obernlller, Mr r,h Sunday vlen Witt' )its parents.
pointing of Donna Mae Meuwlawn. John P IegNar, and John MeuwLsen. and Mrs. Jon•ph Huts and Ben Haus Nr. and Mrs. Nick Jar0u" Ahnone
_ARM AND Dona Meuwlac,:n and Adrian meuwls- Interni nl aas In he cemetery of the rad lady friend of el. Paul visited th,we Present at Wr .lacpurs t"'rhe
We m ke loam sen on the Drogam wmmlttee. Plow- church wuh Ml. &rad Nn. Ylte H&w on rrre Nwtx•rt l M, a. cr wd Rrnrlll
JrCOlxs. Mr d Yrn. Clifford iCordell
per. orLtun w born on the farm Mothers Day k
d"cat e, sheep.l encs Haasken, and Claude Elden were _
And caul men( or appointed on the recreation comlttee. in Ben n t0wnah P Peb 8, 1872. Hln Mr and Mrs. Henry Hua and grid family r. and fan. 11rrn1an
neral (arts Durpo-x.l One new member Mart Buesgem pawn were Pelee Jorlssen and hly early Mrs Carl Hrdtkeughter of m d tamlltrd and Y sof New arid nM . and
Mrs Otte Y¢'�IlrrP,ltd
can psuat De M-' Joined the club, enrolling In the POW- wife sIsablth community Here hr r. OermanY visited with Alex PerussC Irmdy. I
ceah. eo farmers try project P and null Cie0rse gel Sunday. A farewell and h.rthday pan) was
was be tied at Sa nt Bernard'B Cath- ^l�Vl'
antmg hill rate m- Following adjournment. the girls I Nr. and Mrs. Alola MeuWLwn. held At the ick I -eques hemr ae
Dile Ch rch. Ht •{tended Saint Ben- Mrs. TheBdore Dols. and Mn Henn ren Wedne ry r,mirim Thr fan-
norlgagea. Prompt tested their skill on )edging good aril rNl was m ^nor of A)
to rt L, aa+
Iryyq, Re Mania- pad scCeaeorlel. and & delicious larch n,rd,s Catholic school In Cologne Wirtz attended wake for Wllllanl 1111- who left for rt 4," ..0a M&Y Qh for _
when he r"etvrjl his rNl¢lous /n- gen at the Hit home (near tLml
¢ehl'a Offs In W&- was carved DY the hoeleas. Yra. Mr. and Mn. Arthur Hegar and a year'a null, I'y loaning ui to llni-
hreday &tie (won. — Zehnder Ormea concluded the err- strtlrtl nand education. M4 marriage Bunitacliu Tuesday evrnm tad Btun ,r Y 'n'e DutiaLY tan? 1
DUCTION CR®IT Ing. to M IIWbelh WlekeM&uxr was family of Minneapolis and Yr. and
- mer Pea Bee- • The next meetula WIII be Y the woe at 8t.'BrrNrd's CsltmUc
mrsiud Mn Ben Ftdvle and family rrre 'is. reed lh1 sass. earning ar• h
11th. enure W1 17. lgg7. the Rev. rather Loth", Dal guest, at the home d haror of Not rt Jr, 4`00 r uYd
1-1a-adr lndM twine Owl Jute M- - -.. 4.l mW __� v.. lr.r..0 Daelda A". ux dallbM •.t,na