2016 Street Rehabilitation Project No. 16-04: Approve Consultant Contract0
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Phone: 952.227.1100
Fax: 952.227.1110
Building Inspections
Phone: 952.227.1180
Fax: 952.227.1190
Phone: 952.227.1160
Fax: 952.227.1170
Phone: 952.227.1140
Fax: 952.227.1110
Park & Recreation
Phone: 952.227.1120
Fax: 952.227.1110
Recreation Center
2310 Coulter Boulevard
Phone: 952.227.1400
Fax: 952.227.1404
Planning &
Natural Resources
Phone: 952.227.1130
Fax: 952.227.1110
Public Works
7901 Park Place
Phone: 952.227.1300
Fax: 952.227.1310
Senior Center
Phone: 952.227.1125
Fax: 952.227.1110
ILVJIN �► � ►i
Paul Oehme, Director of Public Works /City Engineer
Alyson Fauske, Assistant City Engineer V
November 23, 2015
SUBJECT: 2016 Street Rehabilitation Project No. 16 -04: Approve Consultant
Contract; Authorize Preparation of Feasibility Study
"The City Council is recommended to approve a consultant contract in the
amount of $107,518 with WSB & Associates and authorize the preparation of a
feasibility study for the 2016 Street Rehabilitation Project, No. 16 -04.
City Council approval requires a simple majority vote of the City Council
The Capital Improvement Program has planned for rehabilitating Park Road and Park
Place next year.
wY "rboretum Boulevard
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Figure 1: Project Area Map
Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow
16so ', 7600. Wfi1
State H
Figure 1: Project Area Map
Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow
Paul Oehme
2016 Street Rehabilitation Project- Park Road & Park Place
November 23, 2015
Page 2
These streets were selected using the City's Pavement Management Program and site investigations.
This project includes approximately 0.8 miles of streets. Park Road was constructed in 1982 and
Park Place was constructed in 1987. The 2015 surveyed pavement condition scores for Park Road
range between 47 and 51. A PCI of 100 represents a new street.
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Figure 2: Pavem`. ent condition scores
In 2005 Park Place was sealcoated which appears to have covered up more severe pavement
distresses. Due to the age and history of Park Place it is recommended to include this street in the
2016 project.
Park Road is a 41 -foot wide
urban street within an 80 -foot
wide right of way. Park Place
is 33 feet wide urban street
within a 60 foot wide right of
The majority of the water
main in this area is 10"
diameter ductile iron pipe.
There are no known water
main breaks within the project
area. Anode bags are
proposed to be installed with
this project to prolong the life
of the water main.
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Figure 3: Water main
G: \ENG\PUBLIC,_2016 PROJECTS\16 -04 Park Road Improvements \Communication \20151123 approve consultant contract.docx
Paul Oehme
2016 Street Rehabilitation Project- Park Road & Park Place
November 23, 2015
Page 3
The sanitary sewer has been televised. Proposed repairs to this system include addressing noted
areas of inflow /infiltration and spot repairs to replace /repair damaged pipe.
1450 V'l [78TH Sbeet,' — • rar,n
State Hwy- Arboretum Boulevard • •
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Figure 4: Sanitary sewer
The public storm sewer within the project area is shown in Figure 5. It is anticipated that some
minor storm sewer repairs will be necessary, such as replacement of damaged cones and castings.
City staff will inspect the storm sewer system to determine the necessary repairs.
A culvert known as Bridge. No. R0612 was built in 1950 and lies under the east end of Park Road.
The culvert is currently in disrepair and is proposed to be replaced with this project and is eligible
for Municipal State Aid Funding from the Minnesota Department of Transportation. The City's
consultant will perform the necessary analyses to determine the size of the culvert and wetland
impacts and will propose mitigation strategies that comply with regulatory agencies such as the
Department of Natural Resources and the Riley- Purgatory -Bluff Creek Watershed District.
G:\ENG\PUBLIC\_2016 PROJECTS \16 -04 Park Road Improvements \Communication\20151123 approve consultant contract.docx
Paul Oehme
2016 Street Rehabilitation Project- Park Road & Park Place
November 23, 2015
Page 4
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Figure 5: Storm sewer
Engineering Services
Consultant engineering services would be needed for the street project. The City's bridge inspection
consultant, Collins Engineering provided a proposal for the culvert work: $36,463. Other
engineering services required for the project include feasibility report preparation, final street design,
construction administrative and construction observation services. Staff sent a request for proposals
to three engineering companies: HTPO, Kimley -Horn & Associates and WSB & Associates.
Proposals were received from all three consultants and are summarized below:
G:\ENG\PUBLIC \_2016 PROJECTS \16 -04 Park Road Improvements \Communication\20151123 approve consultant contract.docx
Paul Oehme
2016 Street Rehabilitation Project- Park Road & Park Place
November 23, 2015
Page 5
Submitted prior to the deadline
Proposal format
Transmittal letter submitted
Members of the consultant team
Understanding of the project
Total Hours
Culvert Design Costs
Total Cost
(includes culvert design costs)
Kimley- WSB &
HTPO Horn &
The proposed WSB team has extensive street rehabilitation project experience including the
following projects in Chanhassen: Minnewashta Manor (currently in the project feasibility phase),
Minnewashta Heights (2012), Red Cedar Point (2011), and the Erie Avenue Area (2010). Their
work in Chanhassen and other communities has been satisfactory. The consultant contract will be a
time and materials based work not -to- exceed amount.
As with all engineering contracts, the consultant must submit periodic invoices that staff will review
before processing. The consultant will be required to submit timesheets verifying the hours worked
on the project and expense sheets. Staff will review the invoices and expense sheets for accuracy
and conformance to the contract.
Budgets for the proposed work have been included in the 2015 CIP and identifies Municipal State
Aid (MSA) funding for this project. The budgets will need to be reviewed and updated based upon
current construction cost estimates and after the feasibility report is drafted.
Assessments will be based off the City's assessment practice of assessing 40% of the street
improvements to the benefiting properties. The assessments would be proposed for 8 years at a
preliminary 5.25% interest rate.
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Paul Oehme
2016 Street Rehabilitation Project- Park Road & Park Place
November 23, 2015
Page 6
The Engineering Department will host neighborhood meetings to answer resident questions about
the proposed improvements and assessments. These meetings also give staff an opportunity to
gather additional information about the area to help make the project successful.
Funding for the project is proposed to come from many sources and has been budgeted for in the
2015 Capital Improvement Plan as follows:
Revolving Assessment Fund — for Park Place improvements
Municipal State Aid (MSA) Funds
State Aid Bridge Bond Funds
Sanitary Sewer Utility Fund — Sanitary Sewer Improvements
Water Utility Fund — Water Main Improvements
A tentative schedule is as follows:
Approve Consultant Contract
Total $1,225,000
November 23, 2015
Complete Soil Borings /Ground Penetrating Radar Fall, 2015
Neighborhood Open House December, 2015
Accept Feasibility Report
Hold Public Hearing
Bid Opening
Assessment Hearing
Start Construction
Construction Substantially Complete
Attachments: Preliminary CIP pages
G: \ENG \PUl3LIC,_2016 PROJECTS \16 -04 Park Road Improvements \Communication\20151123 approve consultant contract.doex
January, 2016
February, 2016
April, 2016
May, 2016
July, 2016
September, 2016
Capital Improvement Program 2016 thru 2020 Department Street Improvements
City of Chanhassen, MN Contact Paul Oehme
Project # ST -012
Project Name Annual Street Improvement Program
Account #1 601 -xxxx -4751
Account #2
Account #3
Account 44
Type Improvement
Useful Life Unassigned
Category Streets/Highways
Priority n/a
Description I Total Project Cost: $25,569,500
Annual project to rehabilitate and reconstruct streets in the City. Current 5 -year plan shows the following neighborhood areas:
2016 - North Manor Road, Washta Bay Road, Tanagers Lane, Sandpiper Trail, Piper Ridge Lane, Minnewashta Woods Drive, Fox Path area,
Lone Cedar area, Ches Mar Drive and Stoughton Ave
MSA - Park Road overlay and Park Place
2017 - Flamingo Drive area
MSA - Bluff Creek Drive overlay and Bluff Creek Drive Trail extension.
2018 - Orchard Lane, Forest Avenue, Forest Circle, Oriole Avenue, 64th Street and 96th Street
2019 - Fox Path area, Frontier Trail (north of 77th Street), Choctaw and Kurvers Point
MSA - Minnewashta Parkway overlay
2020 - Chan View area
The City uses a Pavement Management System to monitor the condition of the City streets. While proper preventative maintenance extends the
life of the street and is cost effective, a street will eventually deteriorate to a point that further maintenance is no longer cost effective.
Rehabilitation projects extend the life of the street. In cases when utilities or poor sub grade needs to be replaced or where streets have
deteriorated to a point where rehabilitation will no longer be practical, reconstruction of the street is necessary. A feasibility study is written to
consider the merits of the project and scope of work.
The Highway 212 improvement project included a pedestrian trail along the first 2,500 feet of Bluff Creek Drive. The resulting "gap" represents a
missing link in the City's trail system south to Flying Cloud Drive. Bluff Creek Drive is a difficult stretch of road to negotiate as a pedestrian in
the absence of a trail. This trail segment is planned to be constructed along with the 2017 MSA street reconstruction.
1 12,945,0001
Funding Sources
Assess Fund
Other Agency Contribution
I Budget Impact/Other I
[This project may decrease maintenance costs.
Capital Improvement Program 2016 thru 2020 Department Water System Improvements
City of Chanhassen, MN Contact Paul Oehme
Project # W -024 Type Improvement
Useful Life Unassigned
Project Name Watermain Replacement Category Utilities
Account #1 700 - 7025 -4751 Account #3 Priority n/a
Account #2 Account #4
Description I Total Project Cost: $5,120,000
Replacement of existing water main lines in coordination with the reconstruction of the City street projects or minor fixes of water distribution
system for street rehabilitation projects.
The City considers the condition of the existing utilities in the process to select streets for rehabilitation in an effort to realize cost savings by
consolidating these projects and also to avoid potential cuts in recently improved streets. If significant repairs are necessary to the existing water
main, replacement may be the most cost effective option. Given the highly corrosive soils in the City, water main replacement is an ongoing
project in the City.
Total 825,000
Funding Sources
2,500,000 I
Water Utility Fund
Total 825,000
Budget Impact/Other I
These projects will decrease maintenance costs.
Capital Improvement Program 2016 thru 2020 Department Sanitary Sewer Improvements
City of Chanhassen, MN Contact Paul Oehme
Project # SS -014 Type Improvement
Useful Life Unassigned
Project Name Sanitary Sewer Replacement
Category Utilities
Account #1 701 - 7025 -4751 Account #3 Priority n/a
Account #2 Account 44
Description I Total Project Cost: $1,890,000
Replacement or rehabilitation of existing sanitary sewer lines in conjunction with the reconstruction of the City street.
The City considers the condition of the existing utilities in the process to select streets for rehabilitation in an effort to realize cost savings by
consolidating these projects.
Tota I
Total 300,000
Funding Sources
1,000,000 1
Sewer Utility Fund
Total 300,000
Budget Impact/Other
This project will decrease maintenance costs.
DATE: November 23. 2015 RESOLUTION NO: 2015 -XX
WHEREAS, the Park Road and Park Place are proposed to be rehabilitated in 2016,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chanhassen City Council hereby
approves a consultant contract with WSB & Associates, Inc. in the amount of $107,518.00 for
engineering services related to the project and authorize preparation of a feasibility study for City
Project 16 -04, the 2016 Street Rehabilitation Project.
Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 23'd day of November, 2015.
Todd Gerhardt, City Manager
Denny Laufenburger, Mayor
e !ice bit, %
, tk
. tt.
St_ r�e_et
701 Xenia Avenue South
Suite 300
Minneapolis, MN 55416
Tel: 763 -541 -4800
Fax: 763 -541 -1700
October 29, 2015
Mr. Paul Oehme, PE
Director of Public Works /City Engineer
City of Chanhassen
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
RE: 2016 Street Improvement Project
City Project No. 16 -04
Proposal for Professional Services
Dear Mr. Oehme:
On behalf of WSB, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal for services to
complete the feasibility, design, and construction of improvements on Park Road. Per the RFP for the
project, we have split the scope and fees between the two major components for your consideration.
The attached scope and fee essentially present two separate projects. We understand that the
bridge /culvert component of the project and the mill and overlay may be split between different
consultants. The scope and fee do show a duplication of efforts due to this fact. Should the City decide
to award both components of the project to WSB, the fee can be negotiated to eliminate some of the
We are proposing to keep the same project the team we currently have in place on the City's 2016
Street Reconstruction Project. This will provide consistency in our project delivery, as well maintain the
City's level of comfort in dealing with our staff. We have a long history of working together with
Chanhassen and are looking forward to continuing that relationship and continuing to the assist you in
the improvement and expansion of the City.
Please contact me at (763) 287 -7193 if you have any questions or concerns regarding the scope and fee
contained in this proposal.
W58 & Associates, Inc.
Kevin B. Kawlewski, PE
Sr. Project Manager
kkawlewski @wsbeng.com
Equal Opportunity Employer
2016 Street Improvement Project
City Project No. 16 -04
October 29, 2015
Table of Contents
Consultant Team ....... ...............................
Project Understanding ............................. 5
Work Plan /Approach ............................... 6
Consultant Fee ......... ............................... 12
Construction Schedule ............................ 12
Contact., 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300
Kevin Kawlewski, PE II A Minneapolis, MN 55416
(763) 287 -7193 J B
Tel: (763) 541 -4800 - Fax: (763) 541 -1700
kkawlewski @wsbeng.com wsheng.com
2016 Street Improvement Project
City Project No. 16 -04
October 29, 2015
Table of Contents
Consultant Team ....... ...............................
Project Understanding ............................. 5
Work Plan /Approach ............................... 6
Consultant Fee ......... ............................... 12
Construction Schedule ............................ 12
Contact., 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300
Kevin Kawlewski, PE II A Minneapolis, MN 55416
(763) 287 -7193 J B
Tel: (763) 541 -4800 - Fax: (763) 541 -1700
kkawlewski @wsbeng.com wsheng.com
Consultant Team
Proposed Organizational Chart
Krista Anderson, PE
Project Engineer
Nick Preisler
Graduate Engineer
Merle Jewell
CADD Specialist
Paul Oehme, PE
Public Works Director /City
Eric Eckman, PE
Katy Thompson, PE
Project Engineer
Bill Alms
Project Engineer
Shawn Williams
Senior Environmental
Kevin Kawlewski, PE
Carl Osberg, PE
Lead Structural Engineer
Sabri Ayaz, PE
Structural Engineer
David Vincent
CADD Specalist
Eric Eckman, PE
Project Manager
Andrea Azary
Pavement Specialist
Mike Rief, PE, DBIA
Pavement Specialist
Eric will be the Project Manager providing interaction with City staff and taking
the lead on any engineering - related activities. These might include, but are not
limited to, designing the plans, writing the specifications, and receiving permits
for the project. Eric has worked on numerous reconstruction projects and is very familiar with
special design considerations associated with residential reconstructions, utility construction, and
roadway section evaluation. A few examples of Eric's most recent work include reconstruction
projects in the cities of Lonsdale, Medina, Monticello, Maple Grove and Minnetonka.
Consultant Team /
Proposal to Provide 2016 Sireet Improvement Project (city Projea No. 16 -04)
Kevin Kawlewski, PE
Project Principal
Kevin will serve as the Project Principal for
this 2016 Street Improvement project. He
has more than 20 years of experience in the
design and management of municipal street and utility related
projects, new and reconstructed streets, water systems, trunk
gravity wastewater collection systems, trenchless repair and
rehabilitation, and overall system operational evaluations. He
will be responsible for the coordination of the individual team
members and project delivery. Kevin has worked with many
communities and is well aware of the needs of the City in arriving
at a project that will be functional and will fit within the City's
budget. He will be responsible for timely communication of
project issues to minimize delays in project processes and avoid
overruns in both the design and construction of the project.
Krista Anderson, PE
Project Engineer
Krista will serve as the Project Engineer for this
project, responsible for overall design. She will
work closely with all design groups and our
scheduling coordinator to track progress and ensure design
milestones are met. Krista will proactively work with each design
group to stay ahead of potential issues. Her attention to detail will
greatly benefit the project and all members of the design team by
identifying issues or concerns early and working with Eric and all
stakeholders to come to quick and agreeable decisions.
Krista has more than I I years of experience in a wide variety of
municipal, commercial, and residential projects, giving her with a
range of skills that enables her to contribute a unique perspective
and innovative ideas to any project. She is an experienced civil
engineer who can perform a variety of tasks, including, producing
technical reports, design, managing projects, and meeting with the
public on behalf of the client. Krista's direct municipal experience
has resulted in her ability to work effectively with neighborhood
groups, elected officials, City staff, and various permitting
Most notably, Krista acted as Co- Project Manager for the City
of Lakeville's $18 million 2015 Street Reconstruction project,
which included the reconstruction of more than eight miles
of residential streets affecting more than 800 residential and
commercial properties. The scope of this project included water
2 / Consultant Team
main replacement, spot sanitary sewer repairs, storm sewer
redesign, and traffic calming measures. Krista was responsible
for the preparation of the feasibility study report, lead design for
preliminary and final plan preparation, specification writing, and
construction administration.
Nick Priesler
Graduate Engineer
Nick will assist with the overall design of the
project. Since joining WSB in 2013, Nick has spent
® most of his time assisting design teams with street
reconstruction projects for the City of Shorewood. In addition
to aiding with the design, Nick also is the lead construction
inspector for those projects. The time he has spent inspecting
reconstruction projects gives him a unique and valuable viewpoint
for our design team, that centered on constructability.
IFMerle Jewell
CADD Specialist, Municipal
Merle will work closely with the entire team to
support the design and administrative needs of
this project. He has over 35 years of varied civil
engineering experience, primarily in detailed design and layout
of street, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, water main and grading
projects. Merle is also responsible for providing cost estimates for
preliminary reports and construction projects. He has extensive
experience with AutoCAD, Civil 3D, and MicroStation.
Katy Thompson, PE
Water Resources ENgineer
Katy is a water resources engineer with more
than ten years of experience in water resources
design on the west coast and in Minnesota. She
applies her engineering background to hydrologic and hydraulic
modeling of natural and developed watersheds to support
work in drainage system design, construction, and water rights
projects. Katy has worked on and managed projects ranging from
large -scale federal flood control projects to small -scale creek
restorations for private property owners. She will be responsible
for QA/QC for this project.
PNP=1 m Fmvide 2016 Sue" Imprmman Project (Gq Project No. 16-01)
Bill Alms
Water Resources Project Engineer
Bill has more than four years of professional
.j�- water resources engineering consulting
(� experience. He is responsible for completing
hydrologic and hydraulic analyses for drainage systems in a wide
variety of water resource management, transportation, and
municipal projects. Bill has been responsible for the development
of State Aide Hydraulic reports, watershed permitting submittals,
plans and specifications, and construction management.
Shawn Williams
Senior Environmental Scientist
Shawn has more than ten years of professional
environmental consulting experience. He
completes wetland delineations and reports,
wetland replacement plans, ecological evaluations, threatened
and endangered species reviews, wetland permit applications, and
woodland evaluations. Shawn has proven successful coordinating
with clients, project engineers, and agency staff to achieve timely
results. For the MN Wetland Conservation Act, he serves the role
of local government unit (LGU) for several local municipalities.
Shawn has received formal training in wetland delineation
methods, wetland plant identification, tree surveys, floristic quality
assessment methods, erosion control inspections, and geographic
information systems (GIS). He is certified through the University
of Minnesota for Stormwater Construction Site Management and
SWPPP Design, and provides environmental compliance oversight
for large transportation construction projects.
Carl Osberg, PE
Lead Structural Engineer
Carl has more than 17 years of structural design
imland project management experience, and is
currently the Structures Group Manager at
WSB. He is experienced in planning, inspecting,
designing, detailing, and managing various types of structural
projects, including bridges, buildings/facilities, walls, tunnels,
frames, culverts, and storm sewers from concept through
construction. He is also an accomplished technical writer
with numerous publications and has composed new state and
federal design and construction specifications. Carl will oversee
all structural activities, ensure quality protocols are used, and
coordinate all work with the Project Manager.
Sabri Ayaz, PE
Structural Engineer
®Sabri has more than 40 years of unparalleled
bridge design experience. He has designed and/
or managed the design of complex, high - profile
projects such as the Mall of America access ramps
from TH 77 in Bloomington; the Return to the Terminal Bridge
at the International Airport in Minneapolis; the Bengal Stadium
approach ramp bridges in Cincinnati, Ohio; and Penn Avenue and
Lyndale Avenue over 1 494 between Richfield and Bloomington.
In managing and designing those well -known projects, Sabri has
become thoroughly familiar with MnDOT's bridge standards and
requirements for preliminary and final design of steel, precast -
prestressed, and other type of bridges.
Sabri's role on the proposed project will be the Independent
Technical Review Engineer. He will be overseeing the bridge
preliminary and final design activities and also be in charge of the
quality assurance of the project.
David Vincent
CADD Specialist, Structures
With more than 35 years of experience producing
plans and specifications for highly complex
precast, steel, and cast -in -place concrete bridge
projects, Dave has produced hundreds of bridge
plans, including more than 75 directly for MnDOT. He has in-
depth knowledge of the bridge plan layout and drafting standards
of numerous city and county clients, as well as MnDOT. Dave is
particularly skilled at laying out bridges with complex geometry.
He also has considerable construction experience and is often
the inspector on the bridges he produces plans for. Dave will be
responsible for plan production and assembly. He has worked on
a number of bridge preservation projects over the past two years
and has been involved with all aspects of these very successful
projects. Dave is deeply committed to using the latest technology
and advancement in materials to obtain the lasting results on all
bridge projects.
Consultant Team / 3
WSBProposal to Provide 2016 Street Improvement Project (City Project No. 16 -04)
Andrea Azary
Pavement Specialist
Andrea has an undergraduate degree and master's
degree in civil engineering from the University
of Minnesota with an emphasis on pavements
and materials. Her master's degree research detailed the effect
of heavy agricultural equipment on flexible and rigid pavements
in rural roads in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa. Andrea joined
WSB's Pavements Section in 201 1 and is now leading WSB's
pavements and pavement management efforts, incorporating
experience from her work with GIS, contract administration, and
asset management. In that time, she has developed pavement
management and asset management systems for numerous
counties and cities across the state. Her education, research, and
experience are valued additions to WSB's Construction Services
Group and she is helping to expand an already recognized
pavements and materials group.
Mike Rief, PE, DBIA
Pavement Specialist
Mike will review pavement types and help
determine the best pavement usages for a lower
maintenance project. He has more than 15 years
of experience in civil engineering with an emphasis on project
management, materials engineering, contract administration,
estimating, contract negotiations, construction, maintenance,
planning, pavement management, education and technical
team supervision. Mike spent 13 years working with MnDOT
in Districts 4 and 6 and the Maplewood Materials Lab. Among
other duties, he served with the Pavement Management Office in
Following his time at MnDOT, Mike spent three years with Koch
Pavement. In this role, he managed technical and construction
operations in a 12 -state region and provided technical expertise
to address materials and pavement issues. For the past several
years, Mike provided quality assurance for numerous design -build
projects in Minnesota. Mike is also an instructor for several of the
MnDOT Technical Certification Courses.
4 / Consultant Team
Project Understanding
The City of Chanhassen is seeking professional engineering services for the completion
of the feasibility, design, and construction of a bituminous overlay on approximately 0.8
miles of primarily commercial streets between Audubon Road and Powers Boulevard
(C.R. 1 17). The streets within the project area are:
Park Road
Park Place
One of the primary goals of the project is the reconstruction
of the bridge /culvert, which is designated as Bridge No. R0612
near the east end of the project. Discussions with City staff
have revealed that this structure has failed in the past and that
rehabilitation of the structure is not adequate to maintain its
integrity. The City has requested, as part of this proposal, a
separate scope of services and associated for fees relating to
completing the feasibility study, design, and construction of a new
structure to replace the existing culvert. All work associated with
this component of the project is to be addressed as a separate
work task, including the hydraulic design, wetland delineation and
mitigation, and wetland buffers, along with construction services
relating to surveying, construction management, and construction
observation. We understand that the City may award this part of
the project under a separate contract.
There is a stormwater collection system in the area that is in need
of some minor work, potentially including rebuilding structures,
casting replacement, and possibly replacement of damaged cone
sections. This work is proposed to be completed with the mill and
overlay and final improvements to be included in the construction
plans will be based on field inspections by City staff.
We understand that geotechnical services will be required for the
design of the project. Geotechnical services will be coordinated
through our scope of services. However, these services will be
acquired under separate contract by the City. Accordingly, we
have not included an allowance for geotechnical service as we
have with previous proposals.
The streets included in the project area are Municipal State Aid
(MSA) streets and the City will be using state aid funds along with
potential bridge bonding funds for the project. The plans developed
for the project will need to incorporate MnDOT design standards
and format for the use of those funding sources. Plans will be
developed in accordance with MnDOT standards and will need to
go through the MnDOT plan review process. In addition to state
funds, assessments to adjacent properties are proposed, which
will require the project to follow the local improvement guide in
accordance with State Statutes Chapter 429.
The water main in the area consists of 10 -inch ductile iron pipe
and is considered to be in good condition with no history of water
main breaks in the project area. While no rehabilitation of the
pipe is anticipated, anode bags are proposed to be installed to
minimize deterioration of the pipe and extend its useful life.
The City has completed the televising of the sanitary sewer
system in the project area. The system is made up of of ABS
and RCP pipe materials and the City has identified repairs/
rehabilitation of certain sections of the pipe to extend the
service life of these facilities. The selected consultant will be
responsible for reviewing the televising logs and reports and
recommending system improvements, potentially including point
repairs, chemical and grout sealing of joints and manholes, and
replacement of sections of the pipe that are sagging and holding
water. Final improvements to the system will be selected by the
City based on the consultant's recommendations.
Project Understanding / 5
WSBProposal to Provide 2016 Street Improvement Project (City Project No. 16 -04)
Work Plan /Approach
Based on our understanding of the project, WSB proposes the following scope
of services. Per the RFP we are proposing two separate work phases for the
completion of the project. Task I will include services specifically required for the
mill and overlay, sanitary sewer, and local storm sewer system improvements. Task
2 will address and include work specifically relating to the design and construction
of the bridge /culvert replacement. This schedule presumes award of the consultant
contract in mid - November and estimates substantial completion of the construction
in September 2016. We are proposing to complete the project within the City's
desired timeline.
Design and Bidding Services,
Park Road Mill and Overlay
1.1- Project Management
Project management is an essential task that WSB includes in
each project to maintain an open line of communication between
the City of Chanhassen and the WSB team. Proper execution of
this task allows us to monitor project progress in relationship to
project budget in order to minimize schedule slipping and scope
deviations. This task also involves quality assurance and control
reviews of documents and processes to maximize efficiency in the
project development process.
1.2 - Surveying for Design Services /Data
Initial underground data to be collected will be primarily based on
a Gopher State One Call design locate. Following the locate call,
WSB will contact each private utility company to inform them of
the project and to gather mapping of individual private facilities
within the project site. Other work performed and information to
be collected will include:
6 / Work Plan /Approach
Topographic survey — WSB will perform the design survey
at this stage to create accurate base mapping and provide for
accuracy as part of the feasibility study. The preliminary design
survey will be completed using conventional survey methods with
invert verification of sanitary and storm sewer structures.
Base mapping — Base mapping will be created from the survey
data collected. Information on private and public utilities will also
be incorporated into the base map in order to identify potential
conflicts at the feasibility level. As an added benefit, base mapping
and design will be created utilizing 3 -D Civil Design in AutoCAD.
WSB has developed design templates specifically for use in
drafting and designing with the 3 -D program. Those templates
will be provided to the City, along with all base files for the
project at no additional cost to the City.
The time and associated fees for data collection have been listed
in the task hour charts according to each respective project area.
Proposal to Provide 2016 Street Improvement Project (City Project No. 16 -04)
1.3 - Coordinate and Obtain Geotechnical
Engineering Services
The request for proposals does not provide an allotment for
geotechnical engineering services for each of the project areas.
WSB will contract and coordinate these services for design and
construction materials testing. A soils report and documentation of
materials testing during construction will be provided to the City.
These services will be set up under a separate contract with the City.
1.4 - Preliminary Design
WSB will complete a preliminary design for all components within
the project, which will serve as the basis for the feasibility study.
The preliminary design will address the following features:
Pavement design — The design of the overlay section will
need to be in accordance with MnDOT design standards. The
geotechnical analysis will include Ground Penetrating Radar to
determine existing pavement thicknesses. Based on that analysis,
WSB will complete the pavement design and report for submittal
and approval by MnDOT.
Sewer televising review — The City has televised the gravity
sanitary sewer system within the area as part of the feasibility
study. WSB will review the sanitary sewer televising reports and
records collected by the City and generate a list of recommended
improvements for the City to determine the final improvements
to be incorporated into the final design of the project.
Stormwater collection system — Improvements to the
local stormwater collection system will be based field reviews
completed by City staff.
1.5 - Pavement Design Report
WSB will review existing pavement distresses in conjunction with
recommendations from the geotechnical exploration conducted
with this scope of services. This will allow the development of
a pavement section that will address anticipated traffic loading
and subgrade soil conditions, as well as document the design
and justification for the new pavement section to be constructed
with the project. This will be a technical report submitted
independently of the feasibility report and project plans and
1.6 - Feasibility Report
Based on the approval of the preliminary design by City staff, WSB
will prepare the feasibility report that will include:
Report text
Graphics depicting proposed improvements
Engineer's opinion of probable cost
Preliminary assessment roll
As part of the feasibility report, WSB will prepare a presentation
and handout materials for the public hearing, as well as attend and
facilitate the public hearing as needed.
1.7 - Final Design /Plan Preparation
Input from residents at neighborhood meetings and the public
hearing will provide the basis for the final design and plan
preparation. Once the City Council has ordered the public
hearing, WSB will complete the final design for the following
Final Pavement design typical section based on MnDOT
Stormwater collection system improvements, including
structure repair and casting adjustments /repairs.
Sanitary sewer repairs as determined during the preliminary
design phase of the project. Improvements to be included
in the plans will be incorporated into the bidding and
construction documents.
All elements of the final design will be documented in the
construction plans prepared for the project. The construction
plans will also detail miscellaneous items necessary for the
construction. The final plan set may consist of the following plan
sheets, as well as others necessary for bidding the project:
Title sheet
Alignment sheet (per MnDOT)
Statement of Estimated Quantities
Work Plan /Approach / 7
WSBProposal to Provide 2016 Street Improvement Project (City Project No. 16 -04)
Project tabulations (per MnDOT)
General construction details
Removal sheets
Plan view of mill and overlay areas of the project
Water main and sanitary sewer plan and profile sheets as
Surface water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP)
Restoration and turf establishment plans
Quantities will be calculated and tabulated on a bid proposal
form that will be distributed with the plans and specifications for
potential bidders to submit their individual bids.
1.8 — Project Manual
The project manual will be prepared based on the City of
Chanhassen's standard specifications for construction and will
contain all contract documents relating to the project.
1.9 — Permits
Based on the nature of the construction and overall size of the
project, the following permits will be prepared and submitted on
behalf of the City:
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency — NPDES Construction
Activity Permit. This permit will not be required for the mill
and overlay component of the project. It may be required
depending the extent of disturbance caused by the bridge/
culvert installation.
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed - Erosion and
sediment control.
RPBCWD — Wetland Conservation Act.
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources — Public Waters
Works Permit (if necessary to tie in outfalls at the lake and
construction of the bridge /culvert).
8 / Work Plan /Approach
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers — Section 404 Federal Clean
Water Act (if wetlands are deemed jurisdictional).
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency — Section 401 Water
Quality Certification.
1.10 — Bidding Services
Upon authorization from the City Council to bid the project,
WSB will provide bidding support services including plan and
specification reproduction and distribution, fielding questions
from potential bidders and providing a final engineer's opinion of
probable cost. WSB will also attend the bid opening, and prepare
a tabulation of bids received and letter of recommendation for
contract award.
1.1 1 — Preparation of Assessment Rolls
WSB will prepare the preliminary assessment roll at the feasibility
stage of the project, based on preliminary costs. The assessment
rolls will include all necessary information, including parcel
identification numbers, property owner name and address,
along with the basis of assessment and assessment amount. The
preliminary assessment roll will be updated based on the bids
received for the project at the time of the assessment hearing,
prior to beginning construction.
1.12 — Meetings
Work completed under this task will include project meetings
listed as follows:
Preparation of meeting materials and attendance at one (I )
City Council meeting
Preparation of meeting materials and attendance at one (I )
neighborhood informational meetings
Up to 16 hours of progress meetings with City staff and
project residents concerning the project
Proposal to Provide 2016 Street Improvement Project (City Project No. I6 -04)
1.13 - Construction Services
Contract Administration components will include facilitation and
attendance at the preconstruction conference, weekly meetings
as required, processing applications for payment, and managing
personnel and project issues on a day -to -day basis.
WSB will provide construction observation services and personnel
that have the appropriate MnDOT certifications for the work
being performed. Construction observation services will include
on -site presence during construction and completing appropriate
MnDOT required documentation and reporting, along with
tracking quantities for payment.
It should be noted that the scope of services and fees associated
with Task I only apply to the mill and overlay and utility work
required for the mill and overlay. All services required for the
culvert design and construction are included under Task 2.
Design and Bidding Services,
Culvert Replacement, Bridge
No. R0612
As requested, outlined below is a scope of work and cost
estimate to perform survey, geotechnical, environmental /natural
resources review, and structural design services to facilitate
construction of Bridge No. R0612, which lies under the east
end of Park Road. Work described in Task 2 assumes a full
replacement of the bridge will be required.
2.1 - Surveying for Design Services /Data
WSB will collect topographic data for bridge area. The crews will
shoot far enough around the bridge to define the top of banks and
ditch areas. The crews will also identity visible utilities in the area.
Base mapping will be constant with work described in section 1.2.
2.2 - Coordinate and Obtain Geotechnical
Engineering Services
WSB will coordinate for geotechnical services for the bridge
area. Once the borings are completed, WSB will review the
geotechnical report with bridge foundation recommendations
and incorporate the findings into the feasibility analysis
2.3 - Environmental /Natural Resources Review
WSB will prepare a technical report identifying boundaries and
mitigation requirements necessary based on potential impacts
from the proposed project. This task will be comprised of the
Wetland delineation — Due to the requested design timeline,
WSB will anticipate conducting a desktop delineation. Prior to
construction, environmental field staff will perform an on -site
wetland delineation of the defined project area, in accordance
with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation
Manual and applicable Regional Supplement (Midwest
Supplement). The Department of Natural Resources' National
Wetlands Inventory Map indicates that wetlands exist near the
project area. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural
Work Plan /Approach / 9
WSBProposal to Provide 2016 Street Improvement Project (City Project No. 16 -04)
Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Web Soil Survey for
Carver County indicates hydric soil types are mapped at these
MN Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Public
Waters — The Public Waters Work General Permit will be
coordinated through the DNR MPARS online permitting system.
Riley- Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District
(RPBCWD) Floodplain — WSB will submit necessary permits
and documentation to comply with RPBCWD floodplain rule
requirements. It is anticipated that the bridge repair will be
consistent with the DNR Best Practices manual GP 2004 -0001
and that the City is not requesting evaluation of options that will
alter the existing bridge hydraulics or result in any fill of floodplain
RPBCWD Wetland and Creek Buffers — WSB will evaluate the
Wetland and Creek Buffer rule and determine the appropriate
buffer widths to apply to the project.
2.4 — Alternatives /Feasibility Analysis
WSB will prepare a brief bridge feasibility /alternatives memo,
which will include a discussion on bridge alternatives in terms of
bridge location, type, size and features. The memo will contain
sketches, pros and cons list, and construction cost estimates.
A draft memo will be submitted to the City and comments will
be incorporated into a finalized form with a preferred alternative
selected. Any aesthetic features (form liner, railing, color)
and utilitarian features will be selected at this time. Once the
preferred alternative and features has been selected, we expect
to move forward with this concept and not revisit the other
alternatives, unless circumstances deem in necessary.
2.5 — Preliminary Design
WSB will complete hydrologic and hydraulic modeling to
demonstrate the proposed improvements do not alter the
existing culvert capacity or flood plain volume. It is assumed that
an existing HEC -RAS model for Riley Creek up and down stream
of Bridge R0612 will be made available from RPBCWD. Using
CADD software, we will prepare preliminary bridge /culvert
plans of the preferred alternative. These plans will be submitted
to MnDOT State Aid (required), RPBCWD, and the City for
comments. The plans will consist of the following sheets:
1. General Plan and Elevation
2. Typical Section and Bid Items
3. Survey Sheets (I or 2)
10 / Work Plan /Approach
4. Hydraulics Data Sheet/Risk Assessment
5. Geotechnical Report
2.6 — Final Design
After finalizing the structural design for the bridge, we will
prepare final bridge /structural plans of the preferred alternative.
These plans will be submitted to MnDOT State Aid (required),
RPBCWD, and the City for comments. Plans will be submitted at
90% progress (Final Design), and at 100% (Final Certified Plans).
The plans will consist of the following sheets (as required):
I . General Plan and Elevation
2. Typical Section and Pay Items
3. Headwall Geometry Sheets
4. Headwall Reinforcement Sheets
5. Precast Concrete Barrel Details
6. Standard MnDOT Details
7. Temporary Erosion Control Plans and Embankment
8. Survey Sheets (I or 2)
In addition, WSB will write the Structural Specifications for the
construction of the bridge.
Proposal to Provide 2016 Street Improvement Project (City Project No. 16 -04)
2.7 — Permits
Based on the nature of the construction for the bridge
replacement, the following permits will be prepared in addition to
those identified in section 1.9 and submitted on behalf of the City:
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed - Floodplain
management and drainage alterations
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed - Wetland and creek
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed - Shoreline and
streambank stabilization
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District - Waterbody
crossings and structures
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District — Wetland
Conservation Act
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources — Public Waters
Works Permit
US Army Corps of Engineers — Section 404 Federal Clean
Water Act
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency — Section 401 Water
Quality Certification
2.8 — Construction Services
As part of the construction administration services form the
bridge replacement, we will work with the City and Contractor
to answer questions to verify the project is properly constructed.
Work will consist of:
1. Responding to RFls
2. Reviewing Shop Drawings
3. Pre - construction and Close -out Meetings
WSB will provide construction observation services and personnel
that have the appropriate MnDOT certifications for bridge
replacement work being performed. Construction observation
services will include on -site presence during construction,
completing appropriate MnDOT required documentation and
reporting along with tracking quantities for payment.
Work Plan /Approach /
WS° Proposal to Provide 2016 Street Improvement Project (City Project No. 16 -04)
Consultant Fee
The proposed scope of services presented herein has been outlined in a task hour chart for each task
and identifies the number of hours associated with each subtask in the overall work program. Individual
rates listed in the task hour budget are based on WSB's rates for 2015.
The proposed project schedule will extend from 2015 to 2016 for the final completion date of the
construction. Typically, engineering fees increase annually for inflation. However, WSB will honor the
prices as proposed in this proposal to aid in maintaining the City's budget, so it does not increase,
resulting in higher overall project costs upon completion. The proposed hours listed in the task hour
budget for construction observation are based on full -time project coverage during construction
from July to September 2016. Based on our understanding of the project, knowledge of the site and
discussions with City staff, WSB is proposing to complete the separate tasks proposed herein for the
project as proposed:
TASK I — Park Road Mill and Overlay $75,542.00
TASK 2 — Culvert Replacement, Bridge No. R 0612 $31,976.00
Total Proposed Fee
It is understood that the City may split Task I and Task 2 under separate contracts. The final scope and fee
agreed upon will be prepared upon the City's acceptance.
Construction Schedule
The proposed construction schedule stated in the RFP lists a August 2016 to September 2016 timeframe for
the selected contractor to reach substantial completion for the construction. The schedule appears to be
adequate for the work involved and we will meet the City's timeframe in plan development and bidding of
the project.
12 / Consultant Fee
Task Desch lion
Estimated Hours
Sr. Proj.
Project Engineering Construction Admin
Technician V Survey Observer Assistant
1. Park Road Mill and Oveda
A Man ement
S 572.00
- - __ --
$ 572.00
A Topog ph c surv_ ey
B. Base ma PP In 9
- -- 12
$ - -- 2
____ ______
___ _ ____-
$ _ 876.00
$ 927_00
$ _ 536.00
$ - 713.00
1 1
5 _
A. Pavement design
8. Sewe t I s g view .. .._
C Sanitary rre a denbficaton
_...P_' __
D. Storm rater cotlection system imrpovements
___ ________
_ 2
T 2
_.__ .._.T... _.
_ B. Re Dater
P 9 P
2 — ___? —_ 4
.. �....._...._—
_. _9__
$ 354.00
E__.. _. 1051.00
C. Engineer's opinion of probable cost
$ 678.00
_ _
D Report evasions based on staff roview
_ _ _2 _
2 2
S 959.00
1.7 Final Design,P1,in Prp—fi-
A. Final pavement de.ignAypkal section
_ B Alignment sheet _
_ C. Statemem of estimatetl quantities (SEO)
_ _
- _ _-
.. _.
_ - -.
2 ',
- 2
__ 1 2
4 B
4 4
E 258.00
_ _
$ 1,344.00
E 1 372.00
D. Tabulations
8 4
$ 1,870.00
E. Const ct n tletails
._._.. F. Removal sheets- -.. - -.._ - ._....
_ - --
4 8
4 - -.- -. 'r___ $ —___.
._. _..._. _.. t________ ________
18 - --
E 2,102.00
It _. 2,102.00
G. Plan view of mill end ovaday areas
I. Sanita improvements -__
_______ 1_..___. -_.. ,,_
- -_ 1 1
-.. 4
4 _.. -. -..i
8 8
4 '', 8
a,._ $______
.. _.____ -. ,________ ____ ._......_
�... -...
$ 2,858.00
E 1,818.00
$ .- .....- ..2,458.00
J. MnDOT Submittal and Plan Revisions
8 8
$ 2,958.00
la— Subtotal
S 1 9,238.00
1.13 Preparatiorn
of assessment rolls
$ 927.00
A Preps at on and Attendance at City Council Meetings (3)
B. Preparation and Attendance at Neighborhood
Informational Meetings (3)
C. Progress and Miscellaneous meet ngs with residents
E 429.00
$ 1 287.00
E 2,000.00
2 Construction Services (Contract Adawn.. Construcion Observation and
$ 3.716.00
3 I'Teparstloriof A"uift Including
2 8
21 228
S 33,D64.00
Qmvinqs, necessary surveying work
Total Hours
96 90
36 228
$ 1.424.00
Hour) Rate. 143.00 143.00 107.00 89.00 129.00 160.00 104.00 83.00
Dei n Total Direct Labor Costs $2,145.00 $10,153.00 $11,128.00 $8,544.00 611,610.00 $5760.00 $23712.00 $2,490.00 576,542.00
f TOTAL PROPOSED FEE - TASK 1 - Design Bidding and Construction Services - Park Road Mill and Overlay $75,542.00
Culvert Replacement, Bridge No. R0612
2.1 Survevine for DesienServices /Data Collection
16 8 - 24
2.2 Coordinate and Review Geothechnical Report 3 - 3
2.3 Environmental /Natural Resources Reve 2 6 6 3
2.4 Bridge /Structure Concept Development Memo and Meeting 4 4 30 4 22
2.5 Preliminary Bridge Design and Plans includind City and MnDOT review 2 8 - 12 ..
2.6 Final Bridge Design, Plans and Specifications including City and MnDOT Review 10 24 24 40 9R 5 17.59(7100
General Coordination
TOTAL PROPOSED FEE - TASK 2 - Design Bidding and Construction Services, Culvert Replacement $ 31,976.00
&Associates, Inc. Engineering ■ Planning ■ Environmental ■ Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South
Suite 300
Minneapolis, MN 55416
Tel: 763 -541 -4800
Fax: 763 -541 -1700
December 14, 2015
Mr. Paul Oehme, PE
Director of Public Works /City Engineer
City of Chanhassen
7700 Market Boulevard
P.O. Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
RE: Request for Proposals for Engineering Related Services for
2016 Street Improvement Project
Park Road Mill and Overlay
City Project 16 -04
Dear Paul,
Included herein is the original proposal content as presented to the City. This letter includes the
proposed scope of services along with the associated fee. Per the master agreement between the
City of Chanhassen and WSB & Associates, Inc. we are providing a signature block indicating
approval of the contract by the City and as authorization to proceed. If you are in agreement with
the fee and scope of services, please sign in the indicated signature block and return one copy to
me. Thanks much and please call with any questions you may have.
W58 & Associates, Inc.
I14: $
Kevin B. Kawlewski, PE
Sr. Project Manager
Approved by City of Chanhassen:
l - 6; /_ /(-,/ 6,