Railway Transportation Permit(24-211-16501) ORIGINAL. s7.7 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY C01 TRANSPORTATION, OF CORPSE. Transit Permit Xo.v ,, PHYSICIAN'S OR CORONER'S CERTIFICATE. Name of Decca sed..J.. ...... .... .... 14-11i-tr . ............Date of Death....: 'a ........ .... .......... (If a minor, give Varenti, fusque also) Hour of Death" ... ....... ... ...... .-M. Age . ....... Yeam .......L.3 ........ ......Alonths Days... . . .. ...... Placeof Death ........... L( ...... ......... ................ Came of Death . . .................... ............................................. . I'll which is a ......::....:.:..:......:..:.:.e.. .......disease. (Core-unimble I hereby certify that the above is trite to the best of my knowledge and belief, PERAIT ...... M.I. or Coroner. OF LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH. This permit must be properly sig P ed, and, with Physician's Certificate, presented to the Railway Agent before a body can be shipped. In the County of .......... ........... . .(C[ty qt Towns hip) J ----------- Prov. or State ofZ__-J.4 .... t ......... on of . .. ...... .. —_ - ------ - Permission is hereby given ....... __:___r.._.-.___ . .. . ... ....... . . ......... . . . ... the County of. to remove for burial :_-,I . . ................. -Jit ...... Prov. or State, ...... ........the body of_-.. . ... ....... ........ ­_ . . .... . . .... who died at ___pror. Or Stuid -f0Unty0f_­.­r­­�­ .... 19 ..Aged-- Z ... Months ....... . . . . ........ Days onthe_.__1_4_ ---is hereby authorized to accompany said, remains. (SEAL) Signed_..___........_........._.__..._..._._....__._..- Health Officer Rete 1. The townsporustion of bodies dead of smallpox, Aiatie cholera. yellow fever, typhus fever or bubonic p7,,ce, is absolutely forbidden. This permit and preceding Certificate lnuat be dolached and delivered to the Per`a011 in Charge of the Corpse. Prodnelal and State Boards of Health Gowning Transportation of Corpn& .odies of petaone who bare died of the following diseases is absolutely forbidden SPECIAL REGULATIONS, PROVINCE OF MANITOBA. of persons who have died of i iseci other than those named in paragraph r, pity be accepted for transportation under the .ne of those who have died of diphtheria (membramm cough) aradet fever, eia^d�^t%.apthrax w leprosy. spall not M accepted for ss p r tied for fid ra cat h} _being thoroughly.AL-­ia,cd (.J cough), and ell' tmc'Hht with av approved disinfectant fluid, (b) rrm4eg of all Cnficea with absobent cotton, and (c) washing the body with the disinfectant, all of which must be done by a ner'.approved by the Provincial Board of health. ter nape disinfected, as abnt ove, such body shall be completely wrapped In a sheet saturated with an approved dhdnfseta. and encased in an aibtiglit unc, tin, copper or lead -lined coffin. or Iron casket hermetically sealed, and all enclosed in a stout outside wooden box. (c) The bodies of those dead with puerpera( fever, et-sipelas, tuberculosis and meadre, or other dangerous, or communicable diseases, Other than those specified in paragraph it and clause b, may be m seed for transportation when prepared for shipment by filling cavities with ao approved disinfectant, washing the exterior of the body with the mine, stopping all orifices with absorbent cotton, and all wrapped in a sheet and encased in sm air -tight Ounce, or casket hermcticeRy sealed: provided, that this shall upWY only W bodies which can reach their destination within forty-eight hours from the time of death- in all other cores such bodies shall be prepareedd for transportation in conformity with clause b. But when the body has been prepared for shipment by being thoroughly disinfected by an embalmer. the air -tight sealing may be dispensed with. (d) The bodies of those that are dead with diseases that are rot contagious• infectious or communicable, may be received for tranaportation when encased in a sound coffin or cadet, and enclosed in a strong outside wooden box: provided they reach their destination within thirty hours from the time of death. If the body cannot reach its destination within thirty hour., from the time of death, it must be prepared for shipment by filling ©vibes with an approved disfvfecfauq washing the exterior of the body with the same, stopping all orifirer,wfth absorbent cotton, and all wrapped in a sheet and emaceed in a air -tight coffin or czsket hermetically sealed, but when the body has been prepared for shipment by being thoroughly RIMMEN09g9w by an embalmer, the air -tient sealing may be diapca¢dwith.) In cores of Contagious. infectious or rommunfcable diseases, the body mtlat not be azcompanied by persons or articles which Imre beeno the infection of the di -sax, ualem certified by the health officer as having been Properly dcdnfected; and before xlLng passage tickets,ag carefuRY examine the tmvsit permit and nate the name of the passenger in charge, and of any others proposing to accompany the body,that all necessary Precautiova have been taken to prevent the .,Dread of the disease. The transit permit in aside, eases shall specifically statethorized by Ihe health auchoritiee to accompany the remains. In all cases where bodies are forwarded under clause b, notice must be sentph to health officer at destination, advising the date and train on which the body may be expected. This notice must fie by or in thehe health ofiio3 at the initial pa W. and is to enable the health o�.:er at devtinatioa to take all neceamry praaufbns at that plot TERRITORIES. _ - (a) The bodies of persona who have died of diseases other than those named in paragraph E may be transported and shipped under the following regulations:— rat. The body must be wrapped in a sheet thoroughly saturated with a strong wh,thm of bi-chloride of memory, In the proportion of one ounce of bichloride of mercury to one galon of water,se and the body an wrapped must be enclosed in a air -tight zinc, tit copper, or lead -lined reffm, or in an air -tight iron casket hermedQiy sealed, and all enclosed in a strong, tight wooden box; or the body must be prepared for shipment by being wrapped in a sheet saturated as aforesaid, and placed in a strong ronin or casket, and said coffin or casket endosed In a hermetically sealed (soldered) copper or tin case, and all enclosed fn a strong outside wooden box of material not less than one and a half inches thick. and The bode' must be aceompamed by a certificite signed by the Local Medical Health Offices, or by some duly qualified medical practi- ' timer, that the person whose body it is did not die of any Of the diseases enumerated in Paragraph i of these regulations; the body must also he a mmparcied by a statutory deelamdon made by the undertaker or other Person ho has prepared the body for shipment, that the provisions of st sub -section of this clause (clause h :d .:e been compiled with, and identifying the body with that of the person referred to in the Medical Certificate aecormarcl-mg. n) the provisions Of paravaph i and clause (a) paragraph 3 shall apply also to disinterred bodies. c) The provision. of dacim (a) of tone regulations shall not apply to cases in which bodies of persa s who have not been dead for a longer Period than thirty-Eix hours (British Columbia) and forty-eight he.. (North-West Territories), are tmr,, and or shipped from the place of death to a point within the Province, or Terdtories• not more than tweis•e boom (British Columbia), or twenty-four hopes (North-West Territmfm% travel distant by rail ne water from such Platt of death, for the Purpose of burial. (d) No cnlfin or box cratairdng or enclosing any corps, or disinterred body prepared for oravgMedici l or shipment as wine o shall be opened coder any dreeclad aut orized with the written trpose y cad the had He of the Local Medical Health Officer, of some other duty grialified practitioner specially authorized for the particular ypepox by the local Medich Health Officer. y 4. SPECIAL REGULATIONS, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. foBewie,8 regulation,(a) The bodies of pmospas vvho have died of diseases other than Chase named in paragraph x, may be accepted for Ernnsportatim rtvdcr the (b) If a corpse is to be transported betwer_n two Points in the Province of Ontario, the box containing the same must be labelled with paster (or corresponding form ixsued by some other Railway Company), full particulars being entered in blank spaces pm�ided for mine, and. in addition, Station Baggagemaa mast see chat Wrsun in charge is provided with transit permit, from the Divisioa Registrar of the Municipality in which death Occurred. (r) If a corpse fa to be "w sported from.a point In Ontario to a Point in mine other Province or State. Station Beggagemav moat see that in addition to the requfremepts of clause b, the person in charge is prodded with transit Permit (or comspondum form of other Railway Co.'a issue. n ticketed from a point not on our lines)• properly filled out and signed and duplicate ropy must be forwarded by Stationthe BRailwaman at hurting if Point to the Geral Baggage agent. If death occurred from any contagious, infectioua or commmi. disease, ker'e ,seem ft as the par potation of body most be inasterl uynn. (d) When a corpse (of ran whose death has Out occurred of a disease named in paragraph n) is to be transported law c , ;` ti•,; T`.,- mgf of Ontario from some ether Provinee or State, naion or ba»�.parc must see that the boa containing it is labelled with p Sedform anei cher Itadlrny C. issue). and that person in chvge holds transit permit (or corresponding form of other Railway t ,. u, I �rlv fillmust out insisted signed. H death .occurred from any contagious, infections or communicable disease, undertaker's affidavit s,9 to P,,uc uou of Laiy (e) In Ontario, the Secretan of the Load Board of H-1th, is by law the Dividi Registrar of the Municipality. I