Disposition PermitDISPOSITION PERMIT R 0%,r4 crryOCT 2 2 2008 ,,.. DECEDENT'S NAME JOSHUA NATHAN OFORI DAMPTEY yr �NgNHgSSE/y DECEDENT'S ALIAS SEX MALE DATE OF BIRTH /AGE SEPTEMBER 24, 1998 / 10 YEARS DATE OF DEATH OCTOBER 10, 2008 PLACE OF DEATH HENNEPIN COUNTY MEDICAL CTR 701 PARK AVE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA HENNEPIN FUNERAL DIRECTOR M2152 FREDERICK C SOMAN FUNERAL HOME 0954 ALBIN FUNERAL CHAPEL, INC. 6855 ROWLAND ROAD EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55344 PLACE OF DISPOSITION CHANHASSEN PIONEER CEMETERY CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA According to Minnesota Statutes, section 149A.93, subdivision 3, section 144.221, and Minnesota Rules, part 4601.1500, the fact of death has been flied with the Office of the State Registrar. Steve Elkins State Registrar Authorized Disposition Occurred on: /a-- /9-0e nature of Crematory or Cemetery Official: C4; (type or print name of crematory or cemetery