Cemetery RecordChanhassen Pioneer Cemetery Lot 64.2 Grave Status Occupied Update Date 9/20/2013 Place of Birth Hanover, Germany (census) Place of Death Chanhassen or Chaska, Carver County, Minnesota Age Occupant Information Name John Backhoff Sex Male Social Sec. No. Date of Birth 4/12/1823 Date of Death 1/18/1906 Interment Date Cause of Death Heart Failure (CCDR) Place of Birth Hanover, Germany (census) Place of Death Chanhassen or Chaska, Carver County, Minnesota Age 82 Marital Status Married Mary Elizabeth Timmers on 11/28/1867 (CCMR) Mother Father Children See list of children in the Comments section Occupation 1880 census listed as a farmer military status Civil War, Co. G, 2nd MN Inf., member of the GAR Baptized Purchaser Information Purchased By John Backhoff Street City, State, Zip Phone Date Purchased Amount Fee Paid Date Int Fee Paid Interment Fee Spouse Information Name Mary Elizabeth Timmers Backhoff Address City, State, Zip Phone Next of Kin Information Name Relationship Address City, State, Zip Phone Lot 64.2 Update Date 9/20/2013 Name John Backhoff Comments/History John is recorded to have sold land in Chaska on 11/22/1871 to Benjamin Miller. The Chaska Herald published his obituary on January 20, 1906 and it read: "John Backhoff Passes Away: One of Chanhassen's Pioneer GAR Men Answers Last Roll Call John Backhoff, Sr. was stricken very suddenly Saturday morning, January 13 with appoplexy, and died within a few hours. Mr. Backhoff has been a resident of Chanhassen for many years and had a large circle of friends who were shocked and saddened to hear of his sudden demise, he having been in fairly good health up to the morning of his death. Deceased was a native of Germany and settled at Chaska prior to the war, making him one of our pioneer residents. He enlisted in the army in 1862, his last service in the old 2nd Minnesota. He was intensely patriotic and as a member of the Grand Army, W.R. Baxter Post No. 158 of Chaska always attended the meetings of that organization and was foremost in keeping the "camp fres" alive. He took a great deal of pride in attending the meetings of that organization, and making the .,camp fires" interesting to his old comrades and he will be missed by them. He was in his 83rd year and active to the last. He is survived by a wife and nine children named: Mathias, Louis, Gerhard, John Jr., Leonard and Henry and Kathrin (Mrs. Peter J. Way?), Mrs. Jos. Cassidy, and Miss Minnie Backhoff. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon under the auspices of the W.R. Post 158, conducting the services both at the house and at the grave. Commander _ of the post officiating. The attendance was very large, the people of the surrounding county paying their last tribute of respect to their departed friend and neighbor. He was a good man and hope he has received his reward. Farewell to you comrade." Family moved to Washington State after his death. Mary Elizabeth Timmers is the daughter of Jacob Timmers (born August 1803 in Eindhoven, Holland) and Agnes Heutenmacher (born in 1813 in Holland). They came to the United States in 1859 and to Chanhassen in a boxcar in 1859 or 1860. The name was originally spelled Timuch and was changed by records at the port of entry. Children: Mathias, born about 1869 Louis, born about April 29, 1871 Frederick, born about 1867-68 and died in May 1883 at age 14 Kathrin born October 10, 1872, Married Peter Way who died March 19, 1940 Gerhard and Anna born July 12, 1874. Gerhard died in 1946 in St. Peter, MN. Anna married Joseph Cassidy and lived in Tacoma, Washington John Jr. born about 1877 Leonard born January 29 1880 and died in 1960 in Montana Minnie Born in April 1886 and never married Henry born March 12, 1884 and died April 5, 1964 in California. He was a carpenter.