Obituary in Weekly Valley Herald dated 11-23-1933MMEYOND
Brief mention was made in the Her-) f
ald last week of the passing of Her- I
man Luebke. which occurred at the t
family home near Excelsior, Norem- i
bar 13, 1933, at 9 o'clock P.M. at the t
age of bg years and 25 day& HIS
death came after an Illness of only a t
few weeks and proved a severe shock I
to his family and many friends and
acquaintances. '1
The late Herman Luebke was bom I
near Manitowoc. Wis., where he rni
aided until his fourteenth year. He,,
attended the local Lutheran school
and wait confirmed there by the Rev.
R Pieper on April 28, 1889. In early -
manhood be began his career on con,
stmetion work and conducted crews
In.rallroad and bridge work'Jor many
years, being highly regarded is an ex-
cellent workman and handler of men.
On April 14, 1923, he was married
to Elia. Kelm, daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Kelm, well known reai-
d��tiU of Chanhassen - township for
essay years. They went to housekeep-
ing In St. Paul, where they resided for
four years. They then moved to Sha-,
kopee, where Mr. Luebke had charge]
of a crew engaged in work on the
bridge spanning flee itfrnpesott river.
That same year his `tvAn brother,
Frank, engaged in like'work at Chip-;
peva Falls, Wis.. was aceidenWlyj
killed. Following tho. completion Of 1
the Shakopee prOJect, Mr. Luebke de-
etided to retire from construction work'
and purchased a few acres Just Out,
of Excelsior, where he passed away.'
He was 11 fine type of man, honest,,
friendly, courteous. He is survived'
by his wife and four brothers and
1 i three sisters, namely: Ida Brown, Min-
•I ute;
Buddinger and Fred and Charles!;
ri Luebke, Nlelsville, Wis., Emil Lueb'
ke, De Ridder. Lu.. Wm. Luebke, Min-'
neapolis, and Lane Knife]. Everett...
1' Wash. To all we extend our deeppst-
t sympathy in the loss of their hus.
I band and broth.
Funeral services took place Yrdpy
t the family home at two o'clock Fri-
t Iday
day afternoon. Nov. 17th.�after which'..
the remains were taken to the St.
tl John's Lutheran church at Chaska, of
rwhich he had been a faithful mem-
a iioa The Rev.. Otto Kohn .ponducted ;
Ilthe services and took for his tZx[:!
,'1 Have Finished My Course." The
choir sang: "Sate in the Arm$ Of,
11 Jesus:' after which the remains were;
j taken to Chanhassen cemetery for!
s iburial In the Kelm family plot, the
t wt� carrying the remains to I
f ; {ha r Asst resting place: Jay Slintz.
Jack Muller, Henry Buschkowsky..
ri William and Gust Moinau, and An:
i thur Kelm.
;I Out of town relatives and intimate�
1. friends at the funeral were: Minute
-I Buddinger, Ida brown. Chas. and Fred'
r Luebke, Nlelsville, Wis.; Mr. and Mr&
f i Herman Kelm, Mr. and Mr& Ed. Nle -
1 i meyer, Mr. and MIs. Walter Kogelin,
s I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Christen, Mr, and
t Mrs. Albert Panganstoss and Fred
Panganatoss, Albany. Minn.; Mr. and
s'.Mrs.Albert Kelm, Emerald. Wl&'
1�Mr..aad Mrs. Wm. Luebke, Dan O'-�
Fielll. Mr. and Mrs. Erie Stem, Mr&
s i Otto Stern, Otto Hartung and Mr. and 1
I I Mrs. Russell Pool, _Mtnneapolls; Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Langer. Millie Gehr
s i man, Frieda Bahr, Mrs. George Ltoyd,
s Mrs. J. Leudis. Mr. and Mrs. Albert
( Jacksoq.' St. Paul; Mrs. Anna Kraut
el batter and Mr. and Mrs. John Kraut-!.
a batter, Alma City.Wis.; Mr. and Mrs'.
i' Harvey HafL Minneapolis, and others'..
x. whose names we failed to learn.
Weekly Valley Herald
November 23, 1933