Weekly Valley Herald Article dated 11-16-1933Cu`M N co Z °' >1.0 Y NN N �z HERMAN 'LUEBKE DIED IWON- CLAY NIGHT; FUNERAL RRI .41 LlVer trouble caused the death of Herman Luebke, of near Excelelo , M.onda,V night. His age was fifty. eight Fears and twenty-five (lays. The, funeral will be held Friday afternoon -from ,the home at two 6 clock n Fn lish service will he conducted by the Rorerend Otto Kohn atalffiJohnrs Lutheran church at t o,fo t -five o"elo+e'k, followed by bur- ial In Ahe Kelm cemetery at haohas- no +lr. l�aebh narrle 14i� Ella V Kelm, of that community. ww,.,�HY1yyp.a1r1r11111.1I1a.1iWIIYIMYMIIi�w�Iw111YM11'M'