Obituary and PhotoNevul, John Thomas age,6:5, of Chcv-A-iassen, MN, passed
�: �.y� Thuaynoru191Augus2,2015,A nietmoriall
SexViCe Wi]l be held at 2 PM on Sunday, August 30 at
Eden']Pram- e with Reverend MNelson of ficiating. Burial
N&ill follow at 3:00 Iii the Chanhassen Pioneer Cemetexy
loaated at 815T Galpin Blvd., Chm-ihassen. A. get together of Jolmls fi*iends and
fan -,illy � followt.h� bun"� �t +6 Iii the Khoflwood P1�:c+� party, room
���{�.te�! �t363.c� I�'� fillips P"j-,,-t. Luau %s I�'�r M.N. Men-iorials uZ Jolu-i's
honor may be n-iade to Vit. David's school of Miimetonkra. John was boni on
July 1, 1950 in Minneapolis, MN to JD. and Eileen (Hayes) 1H.'e,
graduated fron-i Tower -Soudan High school in 1968aiid froin the Univers, ty
of Minnesota 1973. On May, 4,1980 he inaarred the fonner Barbara
Helaine. Nilva in MiruieapoIis,.MLN7.JoIm e�r�.p�l�sy� 1. for many years by
the city of E-du"m Municipal Liquor,05,tore as *m Assistant Sto reanat
t1le 50th and France location, where patrons affectionatelIrreferred to hini
as 'The Senator" due to his affable, -n, wid engragidet-neanor and
devoted claente% He continued fo, r ing get -time at ? M Liquor,
Chat-A-lasseii after his retirement, was active. with Barbara in civic activ,
m Chanhassen Luidenjoyed reading, hon -ie i.mpra einent, and spending tion
with his children and grandchildren. jolu-i is survived by wife. Barbara wmd
t%vo sons Edinw-ld of CheArihassen, NIN, and Seanixid Arife. Julia of Passaic,
Nva his grandchildren Racliel.%.-id .earl N�t�in, brother Msisters
MLw-uy) Ai -u -i. n Patncua,,,his father -4 n.--1�w Sax. --n. Nilva, d ncurrterous
nephews, nieces, and cousins. Jolmis preceded 111 dea-th by his parents, Jolu-i
anal Eileen, and brother Mark Neviai.
Pu b I ished on August .30, 201.5