Hiram Abbott (Personal Recollections MN book)PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS or MINNESOTA AND ITS PEOPLE, AND EARLY HISTORY OF ANNEAPOLIS, I BY 0. JOHN H. STEVENS. WITH BIOGRAPHICAL MEMORANDA AND LETTERS TO COL. JOHN H. STEVENS, SELECTED BY MARSHALL ROBINSON. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 1890. w !ol - COPYRIGHTED 1-90 BY MARSFI.,LLL ROBI\�nN. SFi1BUNE JGB PIG CO pµ1NTERg BINDEA�+• ,Y/4NfI/O[!3 THE LIPIZARY UNIVERSITY OF CALII.ORNU SANTA BARBARA w INTRODUCTORY. I essay to write something of my personal recollections and present knowledge of Minnesota and its people. Living alone, as to white men, on the west bank of the Falls of St. Anthony, I preempted a part of the present site of Minneapolis. I have witnessed wonderful transformations. With such aid as I can command, I commence the relation I have long contemplated, as one of love and legacy to such patient and charitable readers as I may have. A multitude of loved ones have ,,one before, but many remain. In spirit they are equally present and in view. Heroes of the past, brave men of the present, many of them were, and are. Blessed is their memory, and their presence. O. 186 13EESONAL RECOLLECTIO'NS at first unite oil. For some time they agreed to disagree on any name. It was Happily settled to the entire satisfaction of all; though when the commissioners found the sentiment was agailist•Albiou, they endorsed the name of Wirlolla, but that did slot strike the fancy of the people ; hence ill common with every one else they accepted the inevitable, and fell in line with the others. SETTLEMENTS IN THE COUNTY. During the year 1852, Joseph Dean, S. A. Goodrich, 0. Acnes, A. L. Goodrich, H. and M. S. Wialon, E. Ames, ANTm. Chambers, and Reuben B. Gibson, took up and occupied claims in what is now Bloomington. Rev. G. H. Pond, Hon. Martin McLeod, Peter Qulrtn, 11loses Starr Titus, and Victor Cliatel, all connected with the Indian department, had resided there for years. They, called the place the Oak Glove Mission. The old upper prairie, slow known as Eden prairie, this year received its first settlers in the persons of John and Samuel Mitchell, their families, and their father and mother, Hiram Abbott, and David Livingston, while Messrs. C. C. Garvey, Samuel Sto-Li h, Mark Baldwin, William Finch, Gilbert Hanson, J. V. Draper, and Mrs. Gordon, selected claims on and near Brown's creek, uow kilowu as the Minne- halia stream, which is in the present town of Richfield. Simon Stevens, Horace Webster, 0. E. Garrison, A. B. Robinson, John McGalpin, George and Lewis Bourgeois, James Shaver, jr., and JameSMOullta111, took up and occupied claims in the loNver _lliulietoilka district. The Messrs. Fuller brothers, and Colonel Thomas H. Hunt claimed the present town -site of Chaska, thele 111 Hennepin but now in Carver collllty, durlll- the late sulnrner of this year. Chaska lead long been a trading -post belonging to the Fur company, under the direction of one of the Farlbault brothers. It had also been the scat of an excellent Catholic mission-sellool, under P►ev. A. Eavollx. Ill the sprue- of this year, Waslliilgloil C►etchell, AV, inslow Ctetchell, Amos Berry, alld Jaeol► Loll -fellow, made claims on what was then called Geteliell's prairie, whiell is now included in the town of 13)rooklyu. Ill July of the same year, Joseph Potvin, Pierre 1)o1filleall, Peter 11miclle, and Peter Crarvais, OF MINNESOTA AND ITS PEOPLE. 205 The second regular term of the District court was convened on the 5th of September, Judge Cliatfield presiding. The sauce officers attended the court that appeared at the first term, except A. F. Whitney, U. S. deputy marshal, grid Iniac Atwater, district attoriiey. The grand jury was composed of E. Case, foreman, Washington Getchell, J. N. Barber, George Parks, Clias. AV. Christmas, H. S. Atwood, L. P. Warren, William Chambers, H. Fletcher, Simon Stevens, John C. Bohaiinan, Norman Jenkins, Il. B. Gibson, John W. Dorr, Joel B. Bassett, Isaac V. Draper, Alex. Moore, Norman Abbott and Win. 11'. Getchell. Petit jury : Jesse Richardson, Edmond Borden, Win. G. Moffett, H. Burlingham, 1). H. Smith, C. W. Farrington, Ezra Foster, Thos. W. Pierce, Chas. H. Brown, Jas. Smithy - man, Cyrus Hutcliins, Robert Blaisdell, David Bickford, Titus Pettijoliii, Simeon O'Dell, Elijali Austin, Ezra Haiis- coinb, J. P. Miller, Henry Whalen, John Mitchell, Win. H. Tuttle, James Brown and Orvil Ames. The grand jury returned several indictments, none of which, except one against Peter Poricin, for 'rape, were of a .serious character. They presented Governor Gorman and (4eneral Fletcher, the Winnebago agent, for aiding the Win- nebagoes in leaving their reservation and committing depre- dations on the whites. On the arrest and trial of the persons indicted, some lialf-dozen of them, mostly for violating the liquor law, all were cleared by the petit jury. There were DO civil cases on the calendar. At a meeting of the citizens residing in township 28 of range 24, held the first of the month, it was unanimously voted to call the town Richland, and it has Leen kno-, ri as such since, and will probably continue to Lear that name. A meeting of the Democrats of this legislative district was held at Shakopee, on the 3d of September. They nominated Joseph R. Brown, -,Nho was then living at Mendota, for the council, and Dr. H. Fletcher, of Minneapolis, and Win. H. Nobles, of Scott county, for the house. The same party made the following nominations for Hennepin county : For county commissioner, J. A. Dunsmore ; county attorney, D. M. Hanson ; assessors, B. E. Messer and T. AV. Pierce ; consta- bles A. Harmon and Titus Pettijoliii.