Newspaper documents and family informationg~:Pastor toUncondltJ:.onal ;: MADE SUNDAY; FAREWELL !Surrender! , ~ELlVERED AT MASSES Waconia Builds NevI' Official announcement was made at Ch h' C ac
the three mas,ses at Guardian A, ngels ure In aniCatholicchurchonSundaymorningregardingthetransferofRev. Adrian
Waconia and Carver county frierl,' Fischer, O.F.M., pastor and SPiritUal,1 ,
and relatives of the Rev. K. K.Iadviseroftheparishforthepast ~
are pleaS€d in the announcementsevenyears, who, on Thursday ofthisweek, leaves for Chicago, where; the dedication of the Trinity LuthIhewillbecomepastorandsuperiorofanChurch (Missouri Synod),St. Augustine church, located at 5045 Inglis, Manitoba, Canada, as this1Il.. ~, South Laflin St., which is considered the congregation of which the fornafairlylargecongregation, numbering Waconia citizen is pastor.between 1,400 and 1,500 families. At,
Trinity Lutheran Church in tlqisnewpastorate, Father Adrian will' Northern outpost of Christianity"be assisted by two priests as assit-
completed this summer. On Julyants.
the congregation dedicated its nFatherJustinianKugJerNewPastorchurchedifice. This project was 1
We are trading pastorates, so gun in the spring of 1944 and cospeak," said Father Adrian whe cluded in the summer of 1945. LcannouncedthatFatherJustinianWilumberforthisbuildingwere (leI' will become the new past, t.~11A V II ,I (' I l sawed in a National Forest EGuardianAngelscongregation.' F' .J it 4 H <<a d ~e by the members of the conglJustiniancomesherefrom 'St. .A ion. Twenty men equipped witineparish, where he had beel ..-r ., ( c, Li. nplete timber gear, spent thltionedaspastorandsuperior -JUVl-& ....'Pj 1-, TI eks in the "bush." Besides this tperiodofsixyears, to become J lk of the remaining labor was suofGuardianAngelschurch. _.
ed by the members themselves. Tnewpastoriswellknowninthissec-~~~-- '. ,.
lO.derior material of the church buiJtion. He is a product of ytacoriia,rnrs.Herbert Aspden ....1ng is of brick, and the interior f\where he has numerous relatIves, and.. L'. d' B ," t.f "Z' L' .f" (nishings-news, pulpit, lectern, COI
was formerly pastor a~ J ord~n and at: .lVe equ l U l e munion rail, etc., are of hardwoSacredHeartchurchIIISamtPaul. :. .. , " . '" .
1m Dimensions of the building f
He is a priest of many years Of~' Grace Hart, daughter of HomerS., e .
experience and was well-liked in the nd Helen (Kelley) Hart was . born 80::,32, and the tower reaches tovariouscongregationswherehehasSpringValley, Minnesota Octo!Jer heIght of 75 feet., Actual cas~ Eserved," said Father Adrian in con- 9, 1868, where .she spent her gIrl- pended for. ma!enals a:r:d labOl ",nection with the announcement of the hoody~ars.. . Later. the. fa:milymoVed $13,000, WhICh LS a co~slderable S1comingofthenewpastor. po Austill, Minnesota. MISS Hart be- of money for compartlVcly new s~C<1>me a boOkkeeper and a teacher. tIers in a new land. However, sa:Farewell Address$unday ~eaching several terms in the district the Rev. Hill. all pledges were p~At the 8:00 and 10:00 o'clock;mass_3~bools of Mowetand ~llmorecoun-.promptlY within the year, and tesonSunday, Father ,Adrian deliver- ~Ies. She also taught ill. the schools congregation is free of debt.TedabrieffarewellmessagetohispfDuluthandofLyle. MInnesota. Canadian district is proud of this n.r;' parishioners. "I have enjoyed the:. On August 24, 1898, she was mar- Church which is said to be the rnfine~t co-operation from my parishion- led to Herbert 1.f. Aspden and mov- in the' Manitoba (Sasketchewasersmthepastsevenyears, and I am d to Herman, Mmnesota. Two years district of the Missouri Synod Lutsdulygratefulfortheexcellentassist~ at~r ~he and her husband came to,.
Ch hlanceandsupportaccordedmeduringhell' present home in Chanhassen~elaNnt urtch.. th r hmithattime," he said. -' He again thank- ownship. '. 0 ewor y 15 e accomp LS eedhiscongregationmembersandWhenagirlshejoinedtheCon- f the yoU?g ~astor and th~ con~then referred to his Successor as a regational church and later she and gation which IS composed If Poltveryablepriest, "whom I'm sure er husband became members of the 'Lutherans. Nearly all are first gelyOUwillalllike," he said. ' 'celsior Congregational church bYeration Canadians, having emigrat,etter. She was a member of the to Canada from Poland and RussFathe'r Arnold Remains As ASSistant rder of the Eastern Star and sec- before and after the First .World W~Father Arnold Schwarz, who for the etary of the local Past Matrons club. Hence the Rev. Hill's Lutheran COlpastfou~ yearsh~s served G.~. !Always active in c?mmunity work'gregatlon at Inglis is only about:cong.regatI?n as asslStan~ pastor, wIIl";Sh~ and Mr. Aspdens mother. got the
years old. Yet the congregation nuncontmueIIIthatcapaCItytoassistneIghbors ~ogether and org,anlze~ !-he lbers 230 souls, and has been selthenewpastorwhoisexpectedtoar. Rovers, saId to be the oldest eXlStmg,
t. f bout ten years
rive in Chaska the latter part of this club in the state'lsuppor mg or a. .
week. Father Arnold, too, is entitled Mrs. Aspden came of colonial stock., The Rev.~. K. HIll, so:r: of Mr. .toa large measure of credit for the An ancestor, Stephen Hart, was a ,Mrs. Fred HIlI, of Wacoma, acc.~p~enkofuku ,m~ans Uncon-I SUccessful administration at G. A. deacon in the Rev. Thomas Hooker's !the call to thl5 Northern/,CanauI<urrender," WrItes.a young\church. He commands the respect congregation, which settled first at parish in August 1943, only a fEfromtheP~cific war of every. parishioner, who in turn re- ew Town, Mass., and later, 1635, months after he had gradu::ted froAndthe. AmerIcans have ceived the news jOyfUlly that he is, oved to Windsor and jOined with Concordia Seminary in a Samt Lou
the Japs ill th~ only langu- permitted to continue as one of the two other congregations in founding Mo., the home of the Lutheran hounderlltand, MUJokenkofukUiI .pastors of G. A. church. . "I am happy the Connecticut colony. Mrs. Asp- He was ordained and installed in tl
unal S'Urr~nd~r! The Ame:t- that I am permitted to continue my en's great gr,an~fat~er Capt. ~ohn parish which he serves. He, has bel
been tellmg It to them Wlth .spiritual and religious services among' elley, was a soldIer m the Amencan Ithe pastor and spiritual.Jeader of th
s and the B-29's and every all the good people of the parish," he: evolution. '
congregation ever since. He gradua
our armed forces through commented. ~ She was known to all her friends
d f Z' Lutheran school j
onds we-hold..
Parishioners of G. A. extendF a splendid dau?hter,. an affecti~n- e
ncordia College in f:
e letter comes a chart bear- hearty welcome to their new pastorjate mot~er! a lovmg WIfe and a sm- May ~
to atriculating in tl
G of Japanese characters, h . ...." ere ChrLStlan. Paul, prevlOus m .
h 1
tsthey are called in theE
0 IS entrusted "':Ith theIr. spirItual
Surviving are her husband, her sis- Concordia Seminary. from .WhICgue. e1far~, and prom~se the' fJll~st CD-
Iter Miss Irene Hart a daughter Mrs' graduated. Rev. HillIS the SIxth pasllowsatranslationchar- OPt~tlOn and ol?edlence to theIr new~
S 'R Hillier of B~ownsda1e Milln' or of this Northern Lutherancongncharacter, dissecthJ.g the:
e 19lOUS superVlsor. '
9!Ja~d three grand-children. Sh.e pass~ gation, and is achieving influenti:s it is cOnveyed to the Jap.. E. G. KeIzer: son. Of. Mr. and ~'~ed away Thursday, June 19, 1941, at jSerViCe ministering to the. membe:ieI'. One by one from toPIJoseph KeIzer LS enJoymg a vacatlOn:IEitel Hospital, Minneapolis. of the congregation who emIgratedthe "kanji" mean: :at the home of his parents after 181 "And there abideth faith, hope'
the land of Op'portunity-there 1montJ:s in Alaska,. Canada. and thellove-~ese tl;~ee, but the greatest of build their homes in ~. new .land, 1n
jAluetJan Islands WIth the Arr Trans-
I these IS Love. .
enjoy the fruits of then iabor, and 1ffairorma, tter port Comm and under contract to the Funeral servICes, SUnday, afternoon, boW, in pI,',a,, yer in their ow, n" house "Northwest Airlines. He had the op-' June 22, at the home, were conduc~ed
WDrship. n _ _.---'- .c;~ii..T"
ubmit, obey portunity of meeting Lyle Strong, a!?Y her pastor, Rev. E. A. Drake; wIth.' "'YIV n'~~T~ TO! DDV"''''''''11 h~'tlA it. ..
James was the brother
of John T. Aspden. Based
on the articles below,
James never married.
Mary (Asp den) Livingston
was his sister and she
had a son, J.H. Livingston.
Obitlry of James Aspden
li.-.::..,- '.. .~. ,.~~.
JA~ ES~' ASf3I)'E-N pASSrtS-9oth 0: .. ....~
il:.~'S:~~E . .THIS MONTH
J:<},neE;. .AiI<pden~ '\_ot ~ 6ha~hassen;
towi1abip,and p.robably-'ihe oldest llv.
lD,.g.::pj()ne~r Set~lEl'r,.cif,;:IU*(:,~lsi~~, ;.ila1d:
the' lown' Qne of : hls:.1l:J.1'6.;vlslts,'Tuea-j
day.Of.;lastwtij"'kaD:d.~ca:Irie;Jnt() thei
ior(f'''o'm:e~ fo.'ien~W: -hIs sitbscrip-!
Ii1tif\ffi..'tallyhe:informed' ~8. bet.
btl. 9lrj'earfr:old thls:;.tnonth.!
ift. :.:'e' .1t,:'.n,.'o~ '{<!r: liis:~aUIii.:g' ey:esigh.t L
M-;.:; ,. den .mf~llt easily pass 1(01' 1
iii!i<~ ... :.'and . ten,. ~e' attElndedi'
jfc~:~. . . )!lxMls1dr 71-' years. :ag~ln.t
tl'iWi:~J}ut1dihg cillled.:t1w. "Beehive,".....
wl~tQ1};:WaB' tb~n.. ... 'otithe:.. .'
pt.'6i~nF~grade' .'sphoo't ..b~illUngt.. ;Th~.
1ow-er -i'-ooriiwas bsed"tQl" thedjatrlct:
sehooi, ..he '~saidi .. ;'Yn.:ite.;'lp.-::'~ll~;':upli~r.
room cthel'e'wa.'S' ~lilgb:eroe(luct1ti(lR-;un::
derdthe . s1ipenlsW~.;;()tr::;ae.y.,'Cha1'les..
Gall>in. - .'fAltf,l:i*..::~w.~~+ch~rge( ~d~
fraY" tha'exI>!,.thlJ'~ teacher. .and
if theie w.a:Ba;-def:i'cit~lr:theeiid 6~. the
term,Ml':'- Galpln';~aidlt;'O\lt . of hi~ - own.
poc-ket, Mr.-AS1>den sa'm:;.'~Mr; Galpin of the besf'merithat
u.yed{'. ,l!e',~ai(l., _.Mr(AsPden '1s.":t1(e
only,:-remainirigveteran' ';or, the'
J.'.ArItiy ,at. Excel)Jlor.'He was .11. charter
me'mber.o! F'i-ankW,lIalstead 'POfl.t.i. ..
oTgariiz-ed'J.7/years 'ago ..and.wasIts :
COJIlman<l.'91' "-for .ab9ut..seveil.tea,rs....:t,
1i!liy 'iive'w.1:iea;hund-red,:.b.Ut..I'll,mno:
l()nger'akid-"~ . saW the.tlld' veteran
hu.JlJ.()rb.uslY:al:l...hepassedout of the
1.. t1<>or..-Excalsifit-.Record.-
Y"::~ ~'.~w;~:-'~<';.~"':,;-:',~';"":':(-~-'F<:""'::' . t -;- -.-;.;-
e ;ar~. .;g: ,~it~~l!~ft" ~~e:.
Ltic;~.f. ..~!'E~rn1if;;a~ ,;~ctf~f,
In allp,ha/:lesofhis life,M;r.Aspden
was: f~tth~).l}.,t(Lhis ~ru~ti: t~raltp, )li~:
frie~4F.~JSi,.h.!8~ 8?~Ilt~r.,.E~~d.true :'t~ ,
his 'God. " m'.hISefght. 'brotll.erfland
IH.....i...S.!~.. r..s..'.:'~~~ttW? :.:;...:r.em.....a. ....i.D., ,; :M. 'rs,. E...11. e..n. ..
M~wen;.,()'l' Fargb,N.. D,)''>,a.ndJ.'l:..
ASPAen, ot .Excelsior. '. 'In: hIs ..death
we[note 'thepasshig 'ot'the-'old'setc
tler;,t-heterrito:rlalpioneer. the' old
s6Idh.ii---tho~ewhobpI:'~ the heat' anil
burdenof~ the'day~' ,'..,. .'
Funer\l.l servIeeswerecondticted at
he ..homelJY'Rev..w.;.i:'Gr;~y~ .. 'Inter-lment ..."Yas.:inthe .. comIllumtyceme' :
Jery,Chaq.hassen township; where. he-
was .. buriedwUh-mi!itary honors' ,bY':
the · Amedcan . LegIon. Pall~bearElrll:
Were _Messrs. J. H. LivIng'stein. i. A;. ..fI. . H,Aspden~ . John,,;.
O'p.",r-q:_Roers-and ,.HerDlf\n-Kroen';
riig::.'.MiiJ;pet?~~R~coid... 'E~cels-Ior;..
r;'/~.:":-' e-
F;;-.-,:".;".. .:~"--:-:_'/
James lived with his sister
Mary in his later years
tiEA11H. Jllt!ff'S,' '\JAME$::-~< ::. " ;':'''' . :
lSPOE'N :'ATAGtUf :90..
J~m:~{:*~~::~n,~bf~ii,' ~'aQ:;it~rari;;
passed. iw~y at lifs>hofu~:' .. bi . .Qhan...:.
llts~.e~~,-~~~~m~hlP,'afte~. ~:: bii.~f:;~ ':),n~
ness,., Satnrday,. July. 5tn;.:ltt.:,the: aod....,
vanced .,~ge.. ,'of " 9-0 yea.t~':?~n,d :o~- ~1'1 . _ . . :.~. .. ~..., < '..': ': :.. .--:-.:.'/.....:...:.. "./....... '';..,'.Ch;;:.;.:,.:;;...'..........,~....
montlis.:. .,': .,' ......,",:.., - .'. : JETERAN.J4S.--AS...:I)~.H;,'~;:~.5ijJHewaatlle'fion'o! '.~Jplin::'Aspdeb. CAL1lED ;oY DB'l1H'
y...'ru.. .....' .yy. >;,'Y" '" )
f',the. CIVil, ,wa,r..-early,~,lletner:\ar;
H, .. Jhanhas8en township. ph:imIrienta:iin'
The'restor-<tpe . .tcamEr~toMiril lighlyr.espected Cftizenb't. tli1i:;'rsec.~nesota. the"!ol(.....;;~j::f~<i!~,:C:"::l~~S,r ..:iOIf"'oJ' the.. county. for these. many
went. to the":.c:O,ll,l!:~r,J;,JI~li()pl~~in~e~;: rears. passed .aw'ay at the home of his'ece,Mrs. . James Livingston, and .
Durit)g.:th~:;1I,i.t!~~*-;D\itbreakM.:'I!,~*1::1:'. ~-aroIly in that township. Satuqiay "~
with 6ovel'n(jr-Sibley~s.nommand..:a)j:..-ioon; July 5th. the result .oflnte.rn~1~:
ate~in~ilter.~.aiiving1iis 'fatb:ei~s teami. ~olnplicat!on::l. .He had' attained...the.f::
hlth;ha'dbeen pressed'lnto:8ei:yic~n: :enmrkableage of. 90 ,years )l.~d>l+.
f' <~ . lays, .While he had.bee.n llra9tlc':l.1ly':yater}J.e:,~~J~sted}n theSeMP.',,~U~~:)lind.for sOoIhe ye~r8yet. he.~lwa.ys "
sofa,:~~al:y'::.,a~d :f\~~yedn~I1~t~.tl1~! ;9ok,\'a. deep i?-ter~st !1)..:hls&~~t~!incl'
lncl,N;t.4eqlv~1:'>V~:r:,/,~i~r,egj~eI1t\ ;ngs: and -untIl .hJs . fmal mness, bad .'
wa:'s sent .to;tl};~:.ln<!iari;l;lordeI1::l1~'1-,. . Jsuaily ~mj{)yed .good health. '. - . ...-
i~g _~intet,,; qtl.a!t~rs'\,...f()~~ ,:'~lJer{ .' The old veteran w~ a natIve. of, -
crotiibie/ . .--.-- _ .~ .:' ~ _ "': '! BJllgland where .he was born June. 24\1
I. l840. . He Game~o thl,S;."country W,l:1eI11J~~~~1;;~.~~,;Mr.;..,.A,~Rfl~,p.:<.)1.J~H~d~.....
1 .boy...~nd when: .tlle',~.h:ll., war.~~6k.i:!i..
t.~...?;.:.~".,:.,::E.."'... x.. .... ...;i.-;);:~.. '.~... '. ..>,.:....~...._..~t~.:-'c'~~...'. .~.
i.1....).}~...te..d.. llIl~. ..5. e......~. '!l..!'1..0..... ....'....'?'.....i...t..:.h......i.,..4.l.,s........t.~Ilc....i.i.......~.:tiliurc~.<:wher ,..... . . .Ul!l.ltht~-;l.':;~~B.1;lon .untJlrp.H!;lt~~e.'l<~~t:rr~ry~Jl.:r~t:~l?r.,'
lr. ~a\
P~:!::: 2.: ~ob:.u.-hsf:~a\.r:~;: :..~.Jl;. ~:~J. 8...1;[ '~~~i.r~.~.!b.'.~. fF.-i$;.:;:~s.:..~.~.{t..~..f.::1.- ..'_t.h. ,.ta:lrs.'.oF-Chanhas8'en..for.many'yea-rs.: ....
lsIor for. a tl:ne.He.and h sb.t? . "1m3 brbtht.,r"'H~nr:y;":.aIso ";,(H~9~~s~4~: -c.
er also ran !l hor.sepower threshing L llso' served In-' the- OIvIl-war. ...'One
IIla~bjne. 4urin.?tbe!~\~n~,suIJtili &r6ther, . Thoro'as Aspde.n;\
steam: threshers. can18mtOyogue.Af-,in Exeelslor,':Hewasarl-;honarable
teibisrathi3~1~ MathheB~~aineovii:t+: man. ansefuI ,-and; hIgb1?'n~ed.:typ.~
er of tbehome . farm ..andl1ted. thet~i )f citfzen.and:the-:w(),rld<lSdi~t~~~;:f~. .
with his sIs'ter,'Mrs. MaryA_,LtvingJ. ~ls having lived, HI.s l1~e:wasabo1'~
t~n: UliUlher}leat~; andcontin1l6dl. r:f}*"~::C,f~Il::ar:~r:~~iltoC:ka;l:&~ '
o,.hvethere WIth bIS, n~ph.e.1"',J. H.:. rtomthe'Llvlngstoh homeon'Tuesd~~ \
Divlngston, the . present._owner;.< \ aft~rn6on:arid theremllins were then
Mr.'Aspden'''Was;l .chait~r.m:e=mDel' t taltento~,theCbanM~sep:;";~~met~r.~}_
of .Fr~l.llkW; Halstead 'PostG.~A.. R.' )\'her,e"hesleeps~m()Iig.;~~nY';Qt:)1:l1~
and for illivera1' years Post Coinin.and~ ;e,ar1y.. qay.acquainta,i1c~s':who> 11.ave
gone hefore.
er;was presIdent or the'l()eal\ceme-' ..,
tery' association: in,; ChanhassBn tow1l:':
ship nearly sixty years and treasurer
f'SchoJl~~lT~\~over. .twen-
ty yea:ri}i-~.p.u~~,,~b':ag&d':to. give Ul'
rJ~~::~~:''~-.~_::-':~;,:'' -:,~-~;',~~-~' .' ':':-~
5/,/ r_
l'/,t~i!k)' -,.~'-
t' C:';~":"j'1,J
hi': xH! ,yt
ififf~. r ~~h~~e i~el~:; 'RlVR,}O\I,bra~. tq~14en,.~~~d~"g 'l;f,!,?,
I, .....'
l. .~. :. ifh~~,.~ ., ~.,.~.,c.o...
e. *,,\~, ~..:~..
o..',n :;....~!.:....liO........i....
G~NII \leddlng ,A, vet.ary;/, 1~\)lll'!B'h.l. ceI61m~..1t.'lo. nl.o ',. go..')J.o~ WO~.11 ..., .."'......1..1!...~.,. .'...... '...., '" ".' "ir.:t:m~11~:ie~:~:' ,~~E ,~~~~~ \t~0;d.~r,
IItreot. l'on r tlH) ! c e Ing l.o_.f Oct. 28lh~ . KOPE .j6A T., R
Amoriglho~e pr II nt ~c nil of lhej '~ATI, Ni. O~, 'I
clllld~(ln, h.e.Il.ldelllr. n. Mamlo A~Pf1~n, .'....
T.. RA. N$POR...TATIMr.anl,1 Mrfi. H'
tl .
AIlVlhm. Mr/ a d ~i . I ' ,j .
1 MrR~ ,tH-:mul~~.Kr qnhlK,tl\tr. ~antl' ~1 1i ' < ,"t ~, '~./ ,'n--:-:-
I'J):Jtre~ Maxwell., frll.. JamCIJ Maxwell FARM AND;\ BU'
1\.fr; 4nd Mrll. 'J lB. Uvlnr.;IItoll. Mr . i .l 1 1.
n. nd'~fr.."'IJ<;.I..m~r... I~..Il:..hJ~.'.l.on. ':,:Ulll. ell!. I \,.:,8. '.,E,E~r "'.1 r:>. E. "'~ I
I, ','" ,d~~rl~~ the ~onJ{ J~~I'illloriil ;ilJe~e: ~k ,,' ~~Yo,~~~~.~n;;
Iln, ollclIln,K i or
ppy .temlr\1'lfxltll~e I. I::: II-i
I' ,
Ilnd.u weddlnK" 1I~J)ller.BlJlllclo llH, ',,\:' II' I
woddlriK .caku,. ',hlt:h! WillS fIlllflq '1l1.; l5hukopCI', j\J11ll
T' HJ "jih~le wO~d. ~f man, ef ine to be""", ",.un.lf' ~" '.t~~n.j'~fr. '.U..I<l;. ""frlJ. l\f()~ .,flrlY.. ~ .Ji'~r '"IIIl'~,..I;
1dpuped 'to fittin~'IY expr RR i the feel,. _A.llJlden. w I~r(! I r llg.nt~\IWI(h Il JlurH' IlIVJ?r. !/IJ' '1I "11"r'
I f h ,l t f 'ld n~ KnIll ,hy t)1fJ t
i .)~
t,I~'~H. , TII'] flWI. wl\kh WIl'. on,lll!11
ngH ,0 . . t e: grea nn On8 0.' e wor O,n ,'mllltldn Willi m~ .o'IYI H. II. :Alit'd'!1 JI(l~,! wll-~ IIlIlW,li'Novemher 11, Armistice Day. Throughout on lJohnlt ,of, lIWIIII'HlIilhlerl c~mt)jlllY ()~ .~.c, o. l'J!: 1I!1.1.lIllrJ..,
the le~gth i:nd, brea9th of, ~vc land, .h?~v.-.. A golrJ e.nko \l'1l1l tho l(Hl'JfMtkcvle, ~ral'(!y ,At! lJ{~lflllfl!
ever, in' eve y w.aY8lde hamlet; the -day an- bakery orMIIIIJCJlpollH. .' . .... l;'-llllA 1\'0 emlll'l'
d: Mr.' ',p-lId Mrll'l" A/lpdclI1 l have lIvo. . f,M ...'MO llrly III
nually,ibrin m'cmorics to the In Ei..cehllor:.ror 26 Y~arll;IlIrICci'.thH;Ya :h..I.\Kl~.'Ill\..I.'fLt.'il) '.'
theY'pause p~y tribute to' th08~' bra:ycl retired frotnitlll farm. Mr.' Aflpt1c' ur1 ~llJln~1! IlairJv.:.
1' .', '1\
HOU~B. ~.w, QO,. ',g ve 'iv, all in the '
I. .
strug, g. ,l",eJ I.,...
wlUIborri ,In '~ornd)'ke, Ma6Il,.. I 1/ll1l'psiljlJJI ~(l\/l~
blI ,.. . '. . 186.0.iand cu.' m..o., Wllh..'~.lfll."Pi1rQI\.tll t~. I lI.rC.'.,IlLlKI.\t, I. .fl.
l.(~f, 1HereinChskawe ,join t e !natiorl in '.' I Chanba611l,m Inl 67. He mn~rlc(I'Mlll IJell'ntH" 1.11011
I I f '- -' ft" t ,} 'Am. clla Kr.oohI. ng. InJ877. f,.ro ,1J,cJ'V}} , Ln:,cpr~.ll,~ Itntlvc ,
h8"'....,,, n"o tn.<> nnv OTUP n";'& '
no. our I ' t J,,, 1 L · # .. I
I' .' sVtlJa't"':"~ "on~Jywh~-oJ u' p-h-e-lQd~~t "::.Otr' 'ad"" l'tl'on'.;;'. '"
Orl own iUi'J nC~iOO IJniiiil& .or, B""~ the'. CHOW. r {
Ii v . ".' eral YOllrs ul!(1 I~l)k nnncllvc;,part I p~o [()' Mali~l!r
of Am ,rica 'isp11 equalhng a,n 8Urpa.qSit~g',:,
1 commUnllY., Mrlllr~H.' JI~ro thelrdlll.J.~1 IOI.'1l1J.\~\.IIl~.811.t1lr
all great de d8 dr battle, aaklD noquarter. lerll 1"ere born i~Mrll.1 John IlOotH OCIIlI~IHI iWIIIl'orj;1l1 I
L t I I h' , "Chnllkni MrH.~ tAl nard RocrH. rifExcc~. oC'l;)hnklfJlc,e", WIl :
nor' g-iv,ng nqne - 8a~iaf td ith. not lng' Hlor; ,)frR/W,lIbe t Anl1erllon';oCPro'''Thero. IiI'tlt) III
less th~~ a. omplete vIctory.: . ! 1 . f ' tor,. ~~llIn'. ~W!l;1 CI!."..o..r."'ill'.ld. ()1p'~' ~l\.. fr,LMofla,. r. I)',(! l
i "I ' ." I. , SO\lI13. Ua cnll'M,rlll..' ',rlI6)' havl,l' " rnem IHlrJ, 0( tlllH
I ' I ' ,
I III G~rmnr y., B I} eam 10' lherlc )f ,{h.' '(l)\'clo, ml,
PAY 1RIBUTE. I . vt-hen\lIhc nil el~ven. In, lIalt,hl;K VI:, IIi rallo>!... j 211t1 'r I
I' . >!
lei lhnt 10 kill
cekll'l CroHllltrg Ihi '" ,'"'Seck .00"0 l:
I , '
I . I " ocean~ " I' ", I I. ", T~e ll~f:{[lclnlll) I
CITY OF CH ,K~, " ", "I,BOI~ M, nn() Mn. AIIPdc~:Il~e a". 'od, <,r(l~I)IJtlnllll'
o H fL' IS MJ I, 1 .' 1 t1v~ ,nnd ro I'n excollont healtl" M~I' ~'l'u Ik ,( Illftll(l lVI'or.. ~ 'A8pd~n h H I fo I I~ PUllt. 20 year 10 to' ul I III theh
I "1, .~, ".: ,bec~ ;r.are nkl!t'l of, ho SJoeU~ ilIac Mln' ~110tU rIVI!r.~11
and' HUll I' oldll the: 011. . MrR. AHJlde t10~ "O~IOII' tl(~("
I' , " . :." , l : ","j, .' . I I, ' !. 'f' ,/. ~.' III ,68 (ind, u~ a~' hamtllon apple we . clUl Oil. n HO \dIHell~
1IIIII1I1I1II1IIIinllnnlllillllllll IIl1l1UlIIllllnlllllllllllnimOlllllllUlIlIIlIlIlJUmmlllllllll1l IOllIIlIlJlDllilllllWnnQlIlIlllJnn1JlBlnlll nmpl ~r lhlll fal: ,I
t: I ill j I '. '~I{! I I' .
J{'fU.11!ltY (rclghl '"
I 1 .' ~ 1 I" " Num~r~1 H r nud . ~ D ,n, 110 . Jlo ~flp tu of ~;hJ,
I ,I,' I, '" '&' ,I 'E' :'
1 :
1 "'
il I " ';' ;~" 'Blncet~,:co r~t~atf,o",,):! -. ' ~' lh~, hn~ 11 ot'lh" '
I I lIe ~ ::e;..;, , Tlf ," .I,{.' >,';"
q}'I'J~/, I:" :;."
c, Thd !llbO a ~8'l ~llli,rtOm.J~t:~fJek' th~ ~'xt IWllliloll (,'
i:i'I\IICl~nl"'J':- 'rr:~' S ,... .:1 ':/1'1\', ';~ \ .. ~ ,j ,.' ~~.nj~~~~ a~~ ~
f~d~j~~~tfc~~~~::dA:~ '1~ ~~~.t\rrol\I~!'
tl~>j:~' t-:-.:,:.('''' ';,:: ! --:' I",it :/,;":..~I':'D:
weU)now InCa 'abelngc dnYd(~~~JlIll.~)' 1/)\\
JI, >'Ii!, , eUave' 'n\ :In t'" -gone" , '~S and long U c,re I". ~lfl:ot ,n~a e J d\I(lC~Id 1,C~1JI11r)tll";
n~ , .
r ' " ' '7.: towmjhlll. w'\6, re, pI 4' 10, ar ryfll "all ~ rllll )111
J' :: '(.k"', >' ,j: \' I, '~:I ,\f1U~ ;J;: I:' ~:\ It J" W"~ "1JJ'~" ~'"'' ,.}/ ,tlia~:'M.r! aM M II.:' All en" In.o' ry J crit! J, 51. "Pol'
l ' '. '''1~ ~ #,' j - ],1: -; ,"
1 1,- ~ ,--, I, :~;:, rtt . .' ':' .} ," 'cellen:t1lhealth a d' lh!,lrdman~~ Chit " ,let on;! F;~' n, I,c"
EE CHA KA B va. FINo.;.w.Et.:.trPRES~RY. D., ,AP,I,T"J~~.I L~ N Q...aiid ,:CArv'C1t c uritr.. frlen~'" j()' 'WfIIlnm MluIIIUI.
I}:", ,I' UOhll,~ntt :besl, il hall \rdr eO',llnue ,tor Hill ~y lAhr'~!I"
I' I. f ;1 ',' , I,' ; ~'~ I ~ i J' I" " ." 'gOOd eal h;'''f th ~ment ~ftndl hllPP' 0(10 1,.CJ,al1~II;1 fro
H Ii' " \. I I ", I nee" " I ' 1 i ,lit, BRei arHh C~lirll"(.t}
ap 'nll\ny: hUll ~dll',of :yearll'w nt wn cutl.1 on tb,lllt way. OV(l~ ;.'......1'.; ,.", ,
I' I .1" ".r.i,yor\:,.;I1:ahelh
Ilb~ctore' Cp"lumb s\. discovered lh spl>t:II her~",,~ho
ec,mel) .I~~
I ,:Jr" ','~' ,rtlB!ITIIAl'RY , ::d JlO(l,lwo'l~~b l~d th,
c~~,lhe ani-mal8 ~at the IndIans burlcli 'IJ,~ J ", "" " ..i ' f'" '., '" 'I, ~" /'1. ,f ,U ~ " \ll briRlpnhht' or'lflll II
n~ ,~..I. d~~
e~ '~~
t. :.:[~ .::~:~~~;~r ~r.l:..... :~~ 'Of; ,.~~.'..l', tt~. c', ~~;. O..tto ~..'~.r~e..'~. Ul : :
Q~t~~?m;., Itll?~1k iflll ~
BClally' n tho}. 0 Itorriwboro H,l;wkrd' a'hd IFrl1l1Cls, Ehgior;' all'. b'8~ MO~.lict of M~. t. H.K!el"i~h.o 1"lIoti froin: tll'" iM.I'.'
u,.,,_ .,;. _". ... _..; H.'"p^ .......", h:1_..___..>., {_, ".';"..~l"" _\'I,.\, 'n~ ',-lP.'led ,A~.y' Ootdtillr:'30.; I' ... "".uhf,,,, ,''"
I h'"
1i>i . ;ll 'h')" \ ''I. <~, ~
J.>~U UI1JqJl
1$tA$. .when' f>>)e"~l(l tiavlj11nK ~.A' . . .'to>'(.)1jI:tJ). 'l'h.~'
man; arrlvol"ACclll~'1tall)"".t:tltl}':b .our,ttyl:" ,:;n~.
of, Ebenoior/OoodlY..:' a, \1>>'Or~flor".ot d~~ tltO' (ll
nnfltomy, i '~o, M'
tbo police '"Jl4 tfO)J~)l;r -.rb"I
to \decolvo Mr.; 0 '" J01l011 ~tor I'clJ)A~" Inlt
a 1 cOnllplracy /WJ~b' ;Ebontur. Ana br. Il.
1 ~btbt
futuro .on.ID.lA'Y!l cbard 'HeartbcrJYI Ole, 6 ' II
to: QIlIlUmO', tbOnf.Ql.'fOc,;Dlllbop or tbo, ~ t ~IlPf
Bal1aret, 'an,,; i0~te4 ~JUeJt;'I, Tho npt..a10nCl.
onPO..lI.C." .ll...rMVe,.'.Ui 0 rea.l."(flh.ClO.J>. ' n,n J. ye., cte ,.1. T)1~~.T e(:(..... J.
an: (OIlCA~,)Unatlc. g~lailnlOthl) nlo, n i . b;,,~'
hou'o"an dmbIU~., lip nlSur make. tutu . J x>oetl"
lor,O.,totJono......-tn. . ct,', vornhlng,l.t ntJ n, ;~tl!!!.J,l{>n
I~....". tare..lria...I...'~. ntu.. Ill. .n....un Il........t~. 0 ~}1.d.!.,.)'.j.. i. ,a~.. all. b~e..,~..,...,01J
f"he,c~llt Includ ~"1' I' ""hjco ata:;;r.et1{
I" "U,l<jRcbman nun w'l terti
Ebono%or GOodly., .!,.. bor;t rOl!8t1cr bwn he' th;:.b"
R1chard:Heathcrl, ;.., ~~Ell1en,~tl~g cIItl q.;to
ThO,..P 1,.Il.....b."0...,.11....,:....... ......'. ' ..'.... ........,.:~ La.........u..o~nCf... . '.' .bIke. '.'~n.g,. h e;......IWlP.e (:1
HOIder:'~'" ~ ....:. .i}V er I otroakc Ian oomltalkB!I~e",~~.-:..,.~~. '~;'" ,1 ,r Mett , om :tniep.aes.'
FU1J~ . t. ... , .... J er, Dahlke ""aa. tee""''' ',',1/"'.. . ~,,~ {71Q\h '
Mrs,:G~IY":l'-:' :.;" ean6r,Heck 'Q)In cOljh'eCtlol
C1Stly :.. "'.' ':,' . '(. . ~. ,BeverlY Bechtel nurse emphae!;
MarJon'il, .: ... : .... . ~\' . . . 'Erna Kobn health" fal"ellle,
MInerva ," .1.. .'.., '.. Madelyn, yatfng progress'll1llcl
Alvlnll. . ~..; ~.:. :'.;; ~... LouIse, UbI baaJiltfl~UIUCllIeIma .....~;..:.,...r;
Helon,SwaDa9n 18 to'aDq(
J :
Between tho a ,tbe~' will be' , II
flongfl. by the girl 'i llexwtte\ and the and" \t~~~ re ,Ill
I, ~tlnee \'wlll ,"be t~eJ,)!~~<!rr ~~Cd
taged, at',1:3{\ o' Jock' m4liy, attM ,; f~'rtf N~ n/.
noon.!' : 'j~, :: r. .n:;> ,.,' ,If. " ,q .
0(% gt,r'ng all;'
I MIlia Catberlne ly 'fa': "c'UfthUbS ',PjrptocUon iagn:
d ~btberl ,bY,
t' ", '>,,' ~;ti>1l0JlIII"cHJ')f; jlJaflUr . "P. "'...... -. H ---. :f ' , ,
TIg'jo.ns e~:;~;.~~u~r v~. cleo. Decker. :
e'~~hf~:fJ~C~;. '~1' gTl\du~'il~ Il.c- l~o;;,t':-t:;i~~~~~,;j~':P;cfiAmj.'iA;~ YOI'
cou' :.;' . !' '.
QuirIng' hIgh admlrAtl~h And relived expec~;i,-rrob3bJY Uitll>.'.moflJ;(JOY' i ~t
I,a, 1Ia. Dl1Ddcrmann v8.ll~d. y el~er cor $cf;relJl,ry HuU"
a.nd: lJoJC~ "rJJ.m"nt money 1W1J1.. botJP<<mt' Sif,ctbJ..,
1.\, .nn~or,::i ltd~~~~~:~ ef~~r;
H: August ~~~~:~t n~o Irn{e~~~ Cdllt!o:C~~:: nOJ~fjlJ.,'.<,~~O~Y;.'.~~\'~~r~<ti;:tt.......b;.~~l'.'rrl.'."ty.,..Ol:
1"J; .DreMscl: Icoljrt . ' I " 01S nth,ln~ Crom t!IO Eth ()l'huhYAr lit- .weJ1l,,~nural<llilISo-t:UomentlrAdmIDJ.. 'i; .
narhti..ra. ,Rotlwri VI!. EtJI. 11..%." Rother. uatlon-In n m. a...n. n/}.rn.ot..~n.l.y,.be,..t...I..t.t..ln AUOn"lIl1IAl>.!l.ndonWtbOJ~.otpr~;i.b'
Court, I ..1 j'!.,. i,At "'.., ,thlldlgnllY' o[ tho Unl d,.8tat.eIS',but fdfn'g~payt..Uf))el.tndultr~p.l'h\bor)'OJ' Jj'0'l,
Elmer ,A.; nrn~on; a8 commIssIoner, cnlculatod t~, fmprl.lll/l I} lltaw,lImOn CltY'..'f'W. o..rk. orll ~'..:'IV'bo.Il.. ro... :rc. ,0.t......t.,.loo.... ..JJ)."'. tM.... .f,......'....'.'.."
i . .~Jt bank" o[ Ole\ Stato 'o[ \ Mlnncllota, of J!:uropo, iwhJloati U 0 IlameUmo cou~try,and. IU conecn~rato ontrr~, .Vi;
ya';E. 1<;;. }I'(lll" Al[red J..un.d nnd. ~al~ fully guurdlllgtho IntorcstJJ of'~Amor~ tng,to flndw 8 to tnAM,ibem,.ett'.'fl
Iii, !
rM . Felt., CQurt. I ,'! j '.' lefl. . ,'.' . . i' " \.. /'i~'; llul>vortlngon ' an tarmlS.'\;: ' li~i'r'
T '. . .' . Harold Lahph,tr, ".B:Ed. ,L.. ubanllkY.. . ,Thero ~Il." not been 'very mUCh. 'P? b. ..... .......;?}';?;.. prOlldortl.I'Wltld.,'..'K ... ~.'
I~"; .."Contlnuoll "~I I; ,1\ . ,.lIellyub ut ,tho,StAto DepartmcDt!/S !,8enatorDorahl.t1I1.lcadl)UL l..MJ
1,";'F. ;R"HuIlH1 VII. Waconla.. Co-opera- convcraa loms wlt.b,'ropoan I1lplo. poll1'.onJWpUbllCaniP,cllldenUaHv~t.. i/jtl
l; tlvo Creamery cb.. Court I ' ,mats In WaBhlngtonandltllcorrelJoi ercncclJ,:put'WuhlngtoDaUIl,liill.t.8' ~J>.,\
i " ".' J.J.. H.Schdrkenbach et al VH. Clara !londonco through 9ur ,ambassadors tha~. ihCIWJl.l no.vcr bCD.O.. ml. .J).l.I.W...dd".,' 0.0. .v.~.'.';.".i;.,.,."..h~
I '. S~; Carlson. 'K:ol1rt " I .' al~road wllh th?Mndll,ot,ot.hor 'nu- ern or "AIr' Undpri, ()t;1{(in~.~;POw; Y/J"
L. H. S~herkeribach et [1 ya.yArlhUr Uonll, b~t t.hcre ha.;...amil.. z, rcgardcd;,ns",l th~( Jncelle.t~{pr,M~t; 'fl>]\l
O~ Carlson. Court, J.~. a.mount. of I d ell cate '<work~handlet1bY with Cot. Frank(~nO%rof~.Cl1Jeb.gO'\~' ~~
Pauline, l{endrlckson ~nd 'R. y. Mr. 'Hull's :offico cver:, since '; tho war llccond"Morc. talk\'f8j:J)eJng\J1(~~t4liot~CAl
I', ,HendrIckson I vs.1 Walt R clller. Court situation In Europe began 'toloolCser- th~ nvalJablllty;\ot',?SenatOf:..;:Aft,hur';;1j9. I
IE. li'. Kelm, 'all executb~ o[ .the cs. 10UB. .' ! ' . .;i . ; \: Vandenberg, o[Mlchlgan~'jLJtthr bowS f(i\:\'.'
tale Dr Luoy] -nol')gar:d, det.. .va. ,Mar-! Co~traba!ldp': War, ' .', ever,' hatS occurred; to' cllirl ." ' e."J~lt'\,,.
J' :
tln Schutropl 'and' ElIsbeUi' Schutrop. Perhaps no greater compllment hall IIUCS ot the 1936 :campafgnr :/$ c,1 'E;'].1
1 .'.'Cont1nu~d I "','1' hoen paId In recenLL.~a:r8to, any' 'I I;,t'}, ~
Chester W:lae vs. W. Ernst. 'Con-, A~erlcanst.alcsmanbY the restor thc' The' younger. .croJl';'ot;~college en rPJ
tinned I'," I .' world; than tho adopUon,J.lY the are demanding' fl'omen wJth;~ tl ~se; :f.~T'
John R. Wall'vs. W. Ernst. Con. League or. Nations otthec.xactlan- Ana theY'r4),quftr frnnk aboutiJfi,t;<}o. :"~J
Untied " ' .' " _
Kua~o o[ tho memorandUm, Drcpared No! etbo.w8-on.tJjt.tta~le,.'no: ~hotMlIOOo '~: 'J<
John G.,.Watt .hy John R. Wall, bIg hy Secretary HuIJ, ..deClnlng' contra.- at.-a,..Ume bulterl~g'ei4;7an4HIO ,-
father and natural I?U[dlan:, VB. W. hand o[ war.' .\\"hon'a11 but 90e or two uul1lble' c-:JUcllm."!ot.~; otber, .i'StrJa' ,Y(H
I,:' Erl111l. Continued' ' memhers 0[: the !Alaguo p~p~d to, pro- c1ol~e8h on' tbe, !~anc~ ~ floor" ;'\They ;r;~(ll
VIncent Bantache aa xeculor o[ hI/lit- ,the export o[ war /luppllea] to won lave It., AmL' Jhcy:;), demand :,,~>.h
I' , the efltaf..9 0[1 Arhella lIanBen. dec., VB. I{aly, ~hoy pIcked up .1;lecretary. HuU's Iloclal /trace,: ta~~; kindness" and; s;ym. ~. )',
Auguat 11. Johnson and I J. A; m'o'o/>. Jll!t hodlly:,' '.,.'! patl~y ot their danCo,'p,Brtnors.' m~all <,11
Court. \', l
Inlllde tho Slate DePartment thero things. And t~" !slris ,'''r)eatnlng J tl;
AlH:e M. B. BIerlein, vs. Ralph L. I~. a very clear underHtar1(lln~ 0[' the It 1111 a hurry at ~be' more:<progrea15tve )"
t, J', BierleIn. Court.. '.' J...'lropean situation and n pelle[ that co-c.aucAt~onal eClhopJ8:'J/,{-:",'.'j , .l mt~ ":A)"
nn!l '7!lhlor no l~..of~~ ~. ~ -.- tho outlook .for a ~6Deral war Ie more ' J. "."'.' I-
II I J I llt.lrlollll than It was.ln 1ll14} Whetber' ,NOTICE OF. MORTOAOE)~t:OR'~'~ ' ,l'!, '~?!.
W,(,..c...\dV\ 'lCd\~ H..{K.....\ d ,the U,nltM States can keep out ot'a '~ ,,, ,
C~06VJU;;'~ALIt:Hl::,;til.;"i:;., {{:
J J I;onernl war IH regarded as not at all
NQ'J'rCm J8 lIEREJ}l(::mVJl:N ",c} ,
fAull-JlA.-bflm'mooc lnHhc"CQndlUoms .or "},tl
O 2l l'l '?> 5 r,crtal!1' 'l...ycry possIble meaJlfJ, to t,hul c",rtaln ,Plf,lrigl.lgoytH.lArlillf(,dlltc :ot "'''~4'
t- -r. "7 )
avo!d ',emhrollment wlll
appllod, \hCl 2nd dny oft Optol.>er,'.".92G, mAdp' and ~Fll
lIhort or complelc abandon cnt o[ all 11"X!thoutc:d IllY Jl:mll 1'11" RQther,Md ~rbllrlll ~;,)
i . . "' crl h II wlC41 ' CllI~ mortl)lllft)l1I' tQ' )Inl' .' >'("
Q o~r natIOnal rJgI1t6..~ (, 'Ther"j;!?.. WIl!!!mul'1lt~r; :M .mQrt!." ec' '('Is:
A ._.._....
It ,Is unqucstlonably tru~ that the whIch r#l1<1 ~~c. ....a.lon'ftb'" c~na }: '"
l. Stale Department hu a complete Bot 1Ii~4~~ro<::olwr, 1 z~""at.iJ"o'cJOOk,'~J"M,.,::'::'
MARRIED FIFTY -EIGHT YRS or p~nns ready for use In nny posBlblt tef oC' r:I;c%rdo n l~:v:~m~~~';!'~~t!rl:~ ,WA
I . I ,...:..- " . ·
war i situation. ' Ita officlale, however, /lOUlk ant] duly: rc dedfln"'Illd' omce ,In ~JJ
The Herald eilltor learned Tueaday hellevo.that Wo economIc prell8ur0 dn J~ f octiJlo~llge.,.on pago 4~lr>tll't ~
that Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Aspden, -JtnlY" applied by fltty,; nntlonl$,., will ~~
a~tti'll";~ J~ /)~~r~~~Ifl,nd
d~lt:o,.i," ~:v:
o[ 'Excels'orJ pioneer seWers of Cllan. havo an err~ct wlthln'n mpnth or two. :M.ortg~e~f1t 1h r,lite"o[,. t nOUc;"r.:-IT~ ;f.};; (
laasen lownsl11p,. had observed their It II UlllO tbelr. bellet that MUBlIollnl'B' !JuT"lo "' 't.ili~~.90. 'lcon.I,Un t:',ppJpclpal ''ilP!
f1[ty.elghth 1w~ eddlng annlverllnry the 'enl~8 In sr~ht, In any cvent. ,; j,~~~t~:ro"~(lb~"j 'fl,'pl; ( '1;"'<f'tffi~.;'~ '..l.-
reception ta Ing place at. the ho~e of ,.FIhance officlaJe or,the OOVCTn1l4cot .O,.',rn',~ullY;,or -<>t~rwlQ'1bo::~n~;~~
I \ theIr dau~\ er. Mrs. 'Leonard RoorB, aro 'somewhat, worrIed over the con~ IlUl~!e4\.1o'..rec;ovt~1 th~tc1ebt",'HCu~~bY" ' ,,,c
1n, that' ~l age,' laat Sunday i utter- Unu~d .ntght,{,;,.o~ :, trghtenod capital ~/,V1~~~~~llo<<?~,:;~~r~~~~m:A' : (
I" " lIoon and V~enlng. All o[ tbelr da)lgh. rront'Europe, to~:,Amerlca. " As .forelgn In"~h1.t\Mortpg'~l"AftIUJ' .!tJitre.' %~ll
I :" ters" Includ ng Mrs. John Roers,' o[ gold! l>ours;ltnto 'our,~,banks,'1t creates .",lt~i~;.a~~
CUb 5f;} I
I ,\
thI8", city, 1 ere present, as well 'nG largo' foreign :cred~; which' might wtll.~":~toreol()Se(lI.t;i~3~jfJa ,lIl'e ,--
their! grand hlldren, and tHclr 'ncl>' concelvalltYI'. be "~s !to;ttlnancc war th'~ieln'~de~bMjl.:t1tUau4ft nj ~ n:1~r' ~~,
J') '\ '
h~*B' with .trelr [alllllles_ .Among tho entoI'pr1S s"(/ ,I-.t.;- d.\' ::$:'.'" I. ' ikd, ',; o"c, Car:vet Btato,;/Of1i<Mlnn ml~ ~~(
t,~' guJs~s:.was ,"r.lrlf. ~enry Aspd~n"o! '. '.1"",::; ,jioder.-ltPot;pgr.m,,: '/:.;, ji'$8 lV19'~~9J1f~gr1t "tOne ~
J',' ': Chanhass~n, mother,o! Herb.'Aspden; ,'Every, Oity,fs.watcblng,the suvremi Qua , ),;OffS4lCtJd ) WiI
h, \1 alsol'a JlI?n~er aettler, ,or that,,town- Court, es~,(}ays;~\,Tbe expectation JI ,In~o, .~~ n~llurn1tj4 >; ~"i$t,
i, '!:, ~~IPL ,WhO.~, I;6~now InJter ,.89t~{.{~e:l'r. that!, er~: tJipro1)ablY'fbb. noideclsJon, i~tJ~rf.:ti~re'~
O ,':
J~ 11"
1 ,Mr. and lW'rs. Aspden .aro' enjoyIng on Oie', co utuUonalfty," ;K.K.AI ~EI(#,to\tbe/,Mln JI~ ~~~r'
J" "~; > ,''>.','
good, health\' T~lC !ofmor ,Is 84 iilars nnll1 fJanunrr;:.'~,!i':l .If;'~ f . a4,~"compaJl ,,1:/ ~J'
of age, while his good wICo la. 76.) AIJ ~.,.FJ~, tlie"klri,t,liJh1~1:,8 :~~ '~~~1Ir:J~~' wm~'DI' ~
p~esent enlOyed\, tbe . occa810n '" Im~ colonists: i>tanted,tlfeJr~'t If! e,Bherurfot!:l lrn-:~..'. to,
A ,';' " mensely and the. Herald' edItor joins Amerlca~ ~'bre"tbanHJOO'" .t"'go" :
tH)ubllC, Buctl '~~./,
th'elr bo'st
I ['rlend 1" ~ '". * ,,,' ,,:', {;,,-, ,
Or'iClUlh on, IJID .,' u'i.l
8. n ,congr~tula.- ,thIs count lIs"i1ow,~bu)'ing,' d'!ltrom'r ,,,"lhC h ,
r..... >:."
Uona and b pes the future may boht .abr d. '
fncr~'nglflmpo~UOD'" . 'wl
many, \ ann veraarles \.In storo.' for 'or whoat': om ,-c.'tard(an4"ovw...../... noun- In";!!?!iC(lY!ot:t ; ~j\1
them \ " , , ..' " "',
1 ". ~ ',"VA A;".~ Carvor" '-<IUIuY ';It()~:iILUJt :,j!:~1
f.<~!';"'" ".' ;. ~ ,I '" .,:, ~. 'glv:fng the' oparti'nent;ot;:A:gr.Jculture WblClh1JIlha11d,tbeJl,'b6tdue' ji}l;.Jt'
r:e;::;". '" I ' ,,', . ." .', ,'~ .;,;..
v,.",'..../t." .>It'" ,;-,,",",,:'" gq(I'"JOIfettlert"'ltb~,I.nyjt ~ '
L;'~P/\'/.}r:: , '. - .' -, ;)
IortP<<04!'))l'tm~.~"'\"frJiJc '1~
f~"\" . I,.. .'W... .~..U..I..'.d\Y'..O.t' .....'..;.~......'....S. "',
JI".\;'./'.' /'I..,...'.~.:,">...~..." '~.t: .. "<l:14~;1,\!o)r1 '!J ~.lIoe,l\~.. d~,tintb.)tNO ~..
f,'" nen" c"e' r' ;,:,
7Y1,.1' d~.!unll .f<. ,.or1:i;iAt~ ~;1''l1
I.,:,.c::,:~ hal e.;~." f:, ' ."~, '.,\I,a :me . eel. i'
e.~"'~ ~lf;it,
Tc'RCOiJilfCo'OPil!'cnDm .
1$' ill. ~.
f~~I;~;:~~,~;.\~;;~~~~.'~J.~iJjiiJ.;$K"";~ . i.;~~
Pnon'e ,~h".k.;:;;'Apporntmi" . ~Wi\~l,'
i~.. .';t.;;'r
l1C:~~'~~~.;!~~'.:i::n:. :
1;.:" ;,':~'
r'~i'....... ~~)Pl.u ....' ,j.du~l..:. :;~i.. :~. ~a.;~~.~.i~~~~,; t.'~;.[..u:...'~~...~.:t.!... ;....:.'.~F.......'':'...''r't~:r.;>>,....:'...~...f!:.\..' :.~~C!,.'~...'....:'~..:'.
r..."....,..,.' '" '......,.'.'.."
l.r in tnQir. bills of h~lIl:idh~ ~mDll~!, ;.~:~; 1~
li~ltl. in' fhe ili.~tuf'H.'allo'w'juga"~have'btiiiiJeS:f bef~i:etli\t ll~~'tti
l('}'^"hcsli~, 3.;C l.:\~eu.r'~..I I_~, J r :~.~. ~;, ',s, Tt,~ ',i' ~."'~ljil!l of i.he. ei~re. _I. i~,... e .,!l t tbe .Ii~ili.g, O.:.f.'th-e'illle,M.ber, 8 from 'th~,':;, C,o, ,un. ;",t..Y.",~,".,..,..,,"l.'aICta\etl.:~/lllD.~"lt_'J, ,v"'
h.;lh~v;itand8r.{'raloftheartcrJuhke ',< ,c., .j...', ,hij
I cr ~OU~~]~ dll9 k It. ullllcce,~ ry. ,Ji:<'
1 al knife': 1I~'r, c,a-slllaites 'WCro1l6tO~i~fi- 'on the f~ll~Wl~g COmr'it'l~6..]
U{r:c:QI*'uIOn. ~ht: ?l.-e~,;e.,:,,~; J ~g-lfg clin; see, hc.r ,111 o~et, Oll the fioor and , ,F E.J?u}'Olt;-Onl,i>J:,lint~9gir:r the 'iljhvle tOlll,TLDt d Eu l'fe'j v,JDlit' qu~n~ine&, l.fLl.o'tJ. iShe road,lIud }i;orollUlon&:: .; 'i1,1' w;usc, rpll .to !th~~uJice litatjoll.~ut (jb1l8.Johnson.~O~An e:otHjJatc of thc. crop" I.,>T'. rl e:Yeh~r.. 1t!.ll:.le cl.u:iJ be dl16el[lor :beyond kee:,p.Jn."
I d,.'..".~it...'..'.i..' ..
J. . f
1 b ", .'. . .; I:, , I. !t : \ U." I" 0 laO'!\Ii\;urs. ".'
L'm:lo~ yaprUUl[[)CUtr'(,\'~lneo-'
hdPeTfeelh.qu:et" ~Ier IDoI4Jer,':wl~ . " ""'.,1, ."" . "'....&h 'b I . t" . ,J I ., , . ':.~ Cbas ,LleDllU -On IDsuran,ce,
tate' I the. "g oc"p",e.'}e a'gq'. b"d been. ,"""".n"1; ]V.. not n ""W,," tn ., . .. . .
1 '; ':":, ".'ic~:; ~f:;d':~~: ~i, ~ ~~,:~,~~. I;:;;f.i.i ~~:~
L~~d:~',:qi,~~~t;:I:~~".;:~ or::: uC~~::;
nr ~" '.'.i~,JF;~~IZJid.,,!. .. r1t ':t. ,h. 8~ yeur" ~1~,Je. .
t1:e G~!l II ~:I)P. Fa.t lll'the Ilt.UlIQ.O lVtP.,....e., wlltehlll9. ',h~r 'the import 'n~...';..c. v.'.l!im.. ..,...~.h..:e~. ..e.....s...' 10..' '..'.t..b.;e.,.......'.'"Ilyleda~'.lllt;~a)J~lJtN bilL,; bCI,?g:; daul!hter all U'l.!.'lt. I~c%t~ay ~he:(ook:.".,~, .";'"..':'!
tki,.,., ,,13
JUt ~ ,O~,?,~QO ~~!:sIe~: th,:nl In t ,year, '}Je~ ~~'JlUe, ~her4 bhj lias hl~,ever sl.~ce,. ~.
y~;,~; ;:.i:~j;~r 1 'i~t ~r,i; :;,~~~ i ;~~~ ~~r
w~"':;.7i:;, ,,~;:, ;:~m :!~::;~~~~ "
t~~~l; i1~6ii~.:lf:Pi. .u~.t:ij~~:~
jiJ, \~Il,1 iinng. I:]autcl s,UJ....te th u I,stiaodher ~ttlm_achi ha"\ bfcom: 1$0 c.or.t~act- of 'J08,~W 'I~uuD,~r~~~~;..~Y,'~~,~~::l;:~',
ar'siProdu~t., n~sbecau.~e tl epl~n'-ledthllt rwtll!lJg icanle~ter It. She i~hO W/Ben80jjrbut6~~6gritolts,,~e,ngt~"~1b,i,
ha~ .repuce~J;-pI<latlD;,; w}!lCh, as. e,n.
we~k fr()lIll~;; ~~ ?~Ofi and starvalhlD,'were un~bllfto ut;ii~hhhe Ja~ei',:btt;,HMi~"k']::, ;:.:~nb~.~' "d
d . '~'~~~
J rbYn/~~:~i~~ti,:d~:
to;~~:: .'!'k;:~l"~~bf~J~r,,:?ti:~i~~~:J~~~~;:[':;~r: .1::[:1, :s.1.~:;::l::K~r:~!e~~!:I~~~~n~ ':!~~i1~::J::~.~~;~r:~J~~I~!fifty pet, C~lIr., ,Ie:" ,per, pound,r that" ttll'cat'.hne be~~ ~DJure' ,'fbeYi~ay:. "~,~, H,o;15~-atiori?6t }Jbl"~stfBiriJ~'I:;tha h IS rr.C"I' -log 'for th"l~ ne' ., I ' '..., " . . , , ,
talnea.. .1St,.,., .k... . "'.H.~ . .., ,.
P " n .. e. ~ "y .' ,"" " tLa&' she could nut survIve au 10. stant., '. ..'''...'.''',..'.''.,'.....+?...'.
I.; '.' ,.,., .;........:; ".' '
J"""""";"" ,. ". .
c! ,.;'" ;..,
1 ii' I: ' .hmbl)f~;;'r~eJiaYlllg: 00',,,
i I .. i , '.'.
Ori'N(}rHl~;"'!p"Jj'y".i"FI!:SSIlVG.JUD~ltfE. T. ~ A TExA8P.ap~rlsaIH ":Ve.ha\'e?f~n' ~):
j]~~~'ii'&f~A s'p3ci~1 dispatch from W,kS? ngwn 'asked w,h{ 'W~ Bt~ e,~ publ shlll~ the ~tst:'1'.j5"; , ,';!}"'';$:the iN~w York Tribun~ contal 8 the : of marrIaMe l!~e.ll,<?;; ~~red b~ ~1l6 c~e,rk...D~~D'
n, HelIf)w~ng j;nterestillg intelligence \ :' Because a gr;cll~ 19 s~a~I~~ p In",th.e ~ud: ,~~e?,;,;~:' . 7
Th~re i~: a rum?r to t~~ ~ect ~ at ~"e
ou~t .there, "In ~h I'lJ~,d, I 'IlR".:htd.J ;we nl~,e~'r5i..lent 'will lmlll~dl~te y : aft r the' pu!blt~hed nit! dil hthl,r, lI~i Illrrwd 'then Ii ~,J"1"".~;..". '.'.n' ..'.
1.......'..4,.'."..1'..ri~tl ~\.Xlm;'ttee return!! f~b' . . ~rw: shp wer.en'nuJd'l ,ut ih~ w uld hh i,1l1:o.o' '''1: fl': ,t~:~,.
ff~~g:tJ?t~11~ ;~~~!~:/i!.~f~Fb,~ '~;;~:';r i~
i~t .~.b
1l,le~ce ~in~bu~iDess ~hOI h.l1V<1.! D) ~en .' trUE' yeat .1~72 i~O!l a1n.r;i,~~tf;~'!0velio l~ehalfo!'el~l1eri fact:p~!o,f1t~e Sundays,' rlePJel.Ub~r D.1:J)~C6~blllItul}li~:'j.n part.v: ~n ~e~ :Yurkrfl (.~at ell~h begi!1(JI)~~l1dllf;i . ~ou~~:Y"J\~l?*~i;.tWI~I ~.o\.~.oV[. . t.?18 m1v~ by... .the,d1ln~8..',..~al
all,d.. July. J on:/.M..9.,....nd..IlYl.:.! i.. ....IO.t,U Wr{'.~,,~~~thel w:h!~le kitchen :ca~)iuet,
i .,
Qdm.g o>>,ly' mouth" ~cgll<lil!1g '101) it\'.
n; .nd Batenul bact \ tbe" ~~::;
ln:~~irir~~.~l~' ~~;
n~Jl};~g''?:;~nmb fro)" .,~;.~\;~:~; 9~~ ,t:~t~~;~' ,
Je ~t1i~
fuow,"gi.l(:\n ,r~.,,~"~ iW\\' h~~~ ~,~,S~nd~j'::
litio..g..T ,till ,e~ \he~ off. 1.iT.,. ~.o. a,....... ' l. ,,' -'...>.~..,.....L. .!~...:i:.,,(:.. ...... ~~:t,d\..~..t,;.'!.pp~.J.,,1 ,\ f(.}~ th4.. p.aMtll. ~....r.,.,....'lI'........ ........ '-':;':.
1.'.'. '."." '. t....i" i.. ..' 'Citit:ri~j~~ to ~v'~ .~help.~~!i - ..$~.e..!tlltlH8l ~lld,l ~v A(,ri;~ mc,I,&:i.!ihei;(f .. ~i,..~!'611Iit:.Mfl,t~IJ~jetl inllthe c~rl,:6[ 'ri~~t
d. '" Jll,..~~. ;\.' ~~h '''.. w ~.' ~
tee llf.l. n&.."~...e.
wn~e~~wi 11 ~\~~ebl~n.jf"
p:I(t.iJ ~ts '~..
i~,~.OI r~cb ;~~d...+', -
i'l(',~..,n~f.,r.,'.l~t l.~.,.
IJel'[I~ ~~i;,. T..~J.
l\. O.......
d1, n,~(" 'J' ~ ,~u\. all,range
i,t{ .A, I" L Jfl!~Gil})fiv(l ~i~. "il' '~;i, '-", +F-~~,'i ~-_." .!,'~:
I. 'l'~!' ')tl \~!l811't}":t\'anl:t. ,i, '\ . ~gi}:!()\'efi;dl'i" B \' ~~ '
I, Iij',;
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e,d€I j
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r; f1IH"1;~II.I;'_~_~\~'ln !lr1;~I'
I}li.tB: ..'...!lli"l.l.''ti..I'''~',';''\' ildi~.."I\.llr. h '1,.(;11111 :
rll:ji,) r)r!j~~h illlJdltl'i bt' ~I<lll\ I
i.;;..... J j......~); f....k. "'. I :....Ll....:. '. :.'):! l..::" :;i.. '
J.,. ri tit .'r il. /il " i ,p.! iIlj'I~' IlltljW.;tl~:l~: 'd,) iWi "it\>~(J I HI. '. 11' I 'l\;t I ; }r3 (I':~ ~;~s'f,..fl~)('r3 ,. ;!l1.t S ,
1f~w >! 'J~~ U l'mN ()1~ .A. ~ Fl 'r.:Kl.!',' i '.'1 iI' . :! '''l'T.'V' I1' :Ii ("'.Li ..,: i< .1. ~"'.'l' '.1\ r ~,' j L ! .. I I II I .' J! ~r ;J!~ ;;:.(.:r !! j~, :
i.l~.; I_
i .r~ i J ~I a; ~ ! i 'I 't 'I '.jl\)RTGIAGl"i SW,l\B
r. ~ '"..i....J.!!. .
Fl, '. :,'j ~qf' I t:
H <..y'0l. ( d
1~ij'1 ;
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rune.... 111 \f!?"(.)
i)Ell)~~~)f~2~~'u~:~~~~'. I~t,.:~ 1i:rf~ &t,/O(3Gf<.. :;..fl /9/!7 .~nt. t\bsent. :Meyer. The ap~u~ I . ':) ~
BarbarH,Be~,kHp.praYiI1gfr:,~ "I ~,' .~~; .' .1ehH'l. ,'as taJkeu up for fur e, . - . I. ~m ','~ ",,~,t '\. I A A L{
lA V~tI<--f.4 J-/<,{a Id ~. 1 !jlera,ti9n, 1, ~oti0n made. eb. , ' '\
I~ ~Im:' ; -:~ (~~ VV~ I J ~~ ; 1
d earnjed th~t license as pra.~1t. ~ 1'; \ .' Iltti '.. ,">.;::--"-..}.~lt-~:-?,',.,,-, ~""~ "'-"'" ','<''t \"'\"\"'~1>o' ,~~~:)~ I' !gran~ed to I Barbara Iiecklin.' m 'ct,' '" .1. - -, . ',' .', }''''-.\;':K.~'ZK''-..''~' !uor 2f;8nse! bonds of Thos. .'~~ J ::' n.. ,N.w!, J~"'$fly, p-ollr lcal Boys Pl,llY An .old TrtC'k_ :)"~ " ,'~ i iIll. ~l DTesen .and Barbar~ Moct'iii . . , I. . . " "Ii i 'ilr'~rle~r:::
e!b?~a0..,. e~.
n~{J.~ .'.1f...:........;.. "IUP.IUN;.~O. ft.. N.' .6IUJW-.:' (~EKRITOKI"'Lj'PI,riNi'
1 ITIletpll~WIllgbI[ls' were a; ~~:~t~.
n~:.' . '. . ," \ . , ..' , " ,Il ;. ~
fi}~~~~~r"~f~1~)" 'J:lRAWAIIRMIDAI,' . . ISCA~E 'fit
QOn far . , ..
J1iiitn.g f~ ' "'nion~s .~;':~:- " r ,
J. .'
ARET~, .CIty ti erk. 1'1 " " , . ", ,
S~eci~1 Mee,tilJg. .' I. . ii, Ii, 'c' ',' .' ", . {.
Pursuant to !'call by Mayor .(}Ibso-na! Arthlif !Hoese, of Mayer, this GOu.nt;y, ' Henry Aspden, terri~rial3C.iai meeti~g of the' City ~O.UDcil the 'ch~iP'ion corn. grower of the COUD-: ..aDd resident-of Caryer-co'unty fPtfifsheldontJhe18th !dayof<pctober trY,h~b ;!iWa~ .re~ently .h~nored by ,th~' eiJ,ght years, 'died at his *,me if:1r~~l5 at 8 P.!M.. for the pu.TJ?~s~ of p:an~ -PaCIfic I?te~atlOnal Exgo~n- hasseD tow;Ilsl1ip. I ednes~y,;ber1s.' th.',at~r.e.qUired i~- i t.lODi a~ \'. an... l~nCISC? ,~y ~eing. awar.d- .2.0.... HH5...". at...tbe. af', O..f 7.7..,\ij.D..(L'8ldiateatt~npon:''',Metng cajUed to!~d'~
JOfMerIt. basbee~s!iih.d~y~, .... ,!.;' ..'IiI': '.l~r by .tIlt! Rlr~S]dent..'..i emb rs~re-I
furt~. er honored by the presenta~l~n Of.'.Deceapedwas y, n ..~.nBurYI ~ncas-It: Bruers, Rosckes.! imons Heck-: the me ill by the Govern'or of hIS own lUre, England. 1\0 unner 12, )8W. InSd1o~nke.1 Scheun~~ nn. r. ~re-: great 's~ate. The Governor had been th,e yeat 184~'. tJ'e j'amiJy ca~e ~o theent. Abs,e~t: Me~r 'I' Obe stem. l:ap~~~le. to' by th~ m~nagers o~ the ex" United ,Sta-,0';:; . ;,]1 settl~d jn ~assa-n motion ~t was Gf ~red, t at the! PDt'lt!O to make ~he presentatIOn, and chusetts, '\'\.11e:--e enry; learne tIleydean0ttheqe ~-p'ool belon~-I he dId
I 0 un~er d!ate .of Octo~er- 25th, weaver's f:':,d'e 1 the ~'ear 180) histotheCa ;Yer Coun y Co thonse:! The. H raId,' 1~ eflpeClt]Jy plef.sed to ralther Cf:')(' to !.1l ~~esoLa and p .e:n:;:>-motion
as gr ted to!PljblJsh berevntJI t~I.e (tovernors letter. ted t~le ~,;rr:.l'jn.,ection' ]7. Clll nl1as-3JS, Gehl t install: ""ago scale I to Mr\ Hoese. - ,; 'sen, ,d~:(':~ is in the famihi;. T,,'cfeyondSpeeto,?PO~ te his proper-! I, S1. Paul.:
OcL 25. IpJ5,' year~ iate~r. 18[,7. ~r. Aspde~, WitJllJis;sald pC811-to be IllSt. Jed un e!, the,) Mr. Art~1Ur Hoe~et ,mlot.l1er and'IlaTt pi the faI1l11~'. i1iolloVl-Jrvjsjonj;~d in, a pi I
nner 'iat~sfac-: '.' ~a:.v~rt MIllD. . . ~q to t.l1" lIY""1 h O~l) e, H ~ a ttend ~d thE',tlo .1tl1e linJ!lro.vemet.tComm1ttee.: M~ dea.. 81f.;-I . .. r : " ExcelslOT' ,'.(~ad8m",andlater b.OUllCil a.djO. lir. n~.d:. '. ~ ',:. ; .T. ol.b..'e fj:S~. j~. .8.,. g...~'Od U~'d. ~r~al~?'l.l_~ f:~.';~ral' W~J Ie., rs jn.~" tl1. e Sel.? clOIS..! C. )1...:. Ji,e.n 'ii' IJ,[M...ARE'J:Z. .'.! jJsiagr.;.at d]StJ?ctlon.1orusu~p} fln,t n~P1n a11t, <,<lneI' countJes, ,He WHSCityC.J~rk, :. rpe.a..n.. .:S. \b.est. .1 ?l\... h.a.~...' !.b~tt~rl. lll~l!:ri.e.d..": ,Yen.l1.1Er. ~.}.9... r~.{.,.;6 .to., l'v..1ar.~'i I ; tha;n iaoy otherm the,State of l\1mhe~
I \\food an~' d fe'" \('3rO' 1atler l1.e ~cquir' \
LU EOF TUt 16, . ml~.~. ;;~j:~"j!~{13~}Je" 'Es~~r6i
I ~1;:,::\
f~l~~d~~, i;'~~:~,f~II:J~,tl1::'
I. Si,'I.A; .]' '.[/ INSTITUTIONS. l~~, ~~ ~~:~fr: t:~:~~~:~;::,'e~~~,~~
t::~; ~t:;~'~,~,'~ ,;,O~J;;;~.:,H'r'::J~.;.'..~/.
l....~~.~j....t. ei~~.~.;.
i , . [ 1113 ,\\t:t'51e~ XO.U!8 l\1eda~,~t l\;!ent; oljl)c8S (If assessor. '~d ir, lSm')2'~, wa~I , : an, ,'a# as~,ed, to pr~sent It~ \\'er~ 11 tc~\\n cler-li for slxte( '1 '"ea s iol..4J)(-' agop.rese:.nt a ,Total. Investment of $15.- r B htt~~ :~arl1er III tl1elseasoDf tl1,e pre' gr;ega,te an..
d a JU.stlCC 01 t.P.'. eve. ~:ce'f..or,i '. i sPlltM,Io could be mad4 at the (aunty. a18till longer period. J\'12ik;hbortl ,often i088.967.72.! ~tate ..Prlson Heads : Fairl ?f Carve,r COU?ty" th,e mOft ap- brougt~t th~ir ~rol~bh~s ! ~lim.:'b~cau...,,:€!I Th~ L,I~. '
I proI'\nat.~ pla.l.e, ~~s thaf qa~not ~e ot t1I~lr faIth, In !1))3 110 esty :!n.4 goOa!i'i' .. '1 ! done, 1 shall send It to ytm [,nth thIS judgment.. and It \\ as 11 'deli I1.'to get;r']1e vahiilthoBol ?ll111De::Jot.a\s 16 i Jett~r_ copies 9f ",,!lith are Ifurnish~d tl1em'togethernJid sett. tJlei'r dispUt,B~
te institlltikms Is ~]5.088.%7.72, Ilhe press,
f.. ..,~. wit.l1out Iitiga,ti~, !. : ;
flIe a:verag~,op()Pnll:1tion b~,5:S0, 'i I ~ongratulat~~'ou ~llOSt. beartJJ~ up- !H~wa.s not, 8 JOdg- man ' IrecenUfbe, ~ 'teragf nLHl.berof en:plo~tes is i (~n your succe.s., MlIlne~,otil
I_has be-y~aT1;, but ,8-SH f'~ung Tran be Qlf.'.gOO to'.IL42, .... Ji\l:verage. number of inmate to I
come a corn produung ~talG, It the Grll..l}ge. an!d' 1;J1e ~{}Qd ;lhpl$.rs.1 'enhthloYeisp5 3.nd'a"e'rageyeJrl was: and IS a ,grf'~t .wll,eat lfIr'WRsa chaqer lme: ber~ot tgeea:r-!ag,~ lp~ ienfploye:is $562A7c I State, but no\'\. 'Ylt~m,lts lmu~dan~ ~er, ,County A1ncult r:'1 S e;l:;v, In Jrb,e.n:e\post.of iDlljntena':aee..a!ld OIHlher~ are raised h)ce,as IIlSD~ bush~ l?9htlCS be wasialwllJ', lIlspirediby,qe,!Lti." on ...ofir.s~.itutjOW;; yea.rly. ". is..' .~.l.. ,.,i6. 7'..5...........> j ~s of ~~orD aswhe.....~8t., :.\ ou have dOll!3 11 nm.~. '.' ...crat.j.c ideli.l~.;.b.. "~"t. w.'..... .18...".R4:...~1. e ~.' e.c.,.a...m.. .'8...1
J ~
i~~~;,~ i.... ....~.i.~:~~?u.
J~~.~.:.:..~. ".~...
o.~...t...~...~.E....'~.:..~.b.t...:.'.I..,:t. lOwest :. verage co,t:"... Inm,,'" ,S1"~ YO"'s,. J ~. <".'"tlt,,~ .b~ .~,,~ ',,:U<b t.1~ tlje pris~)ll,at~tillwatt'.r. ,TOr.t'hB 0' ", S, HAM)\fO~D... ;, o~ .'~~t) "f1'QU)i,t;ti~iNJ~U.l~ ,~3df~:'~j1'~~~:: ;l::;:~t':,~ I.,. (',"' ernQ'
i ~t;iln1~O;;'
i;~~;~ ~:~l1"'" un.ufa~:lure Iof 61{8.~ 5; pOunds of [ .. . Ur.nbrellaSlgns.., ";'..l:;~r,~~~(1nitJ~lot);~r~t.~~n'~l~~l~'I!1 ding! twine! and ~ 3l50"",ol1tb of I ,~L~_ ?_l~,c,:~. ?()~: ~_ttll~~,l.~~ .L~ .:~),::=~j H)n~~t.~;nlll:r,. 9n~ 'OJ 'J}l1)e;t:,ht:hk~~(,~.~v~d
Ul, ;::'C;U~ll~t!\! iOc.lJtJUlll:JlJ:IJ:1.1U.I. np. r 1 e'
j!!>' '"""~ . "'tn''''. '"C; ~'QJ UVl l1Q.U ll'?tJU t.~1ii y'e~ .1.0''', t: J'<AHIIJ,Y CIH,rl~ident. Ah'S;&~t: Me~e~., Obe~8tein. :a.ppeal~e to by tile m~nagers of the ex'mhCjte1:lllSta;~s .3)) 88;h.iBdl~On motion' it was 9r~~red, t~at tbe I POsi1!o to plake ~he presentation. and ohusetts,v-'he,ie enty,learnitydeanbuttheqe~~'Pbo~.Jbelong, i be, dld: 0 u!lder dlate of 'Oc~ober 25th. w6ave~'s t,FDd'e I tile }'ear 1 . hJ~ng to the Caryer Coun~y COlUfthouse.' Tbe H raId, is especi~Hy ~leaBed JO fa1.her:Ct:11c'to Mi nesola and . ir~lYnmotionpe.nnission! ~as grapted t.OIPljbHsh l1ere~'ith<~h.e qoyernbr'sleHer.'1;m:ljlJ' "ctlonl 17, {;/J'nhli..s-has G~hl t~ install' a! wagon ~cale I to Mr\ oese. ,! , ;, sen, JfJl1:,'h is}~~lin tbe fanfi!~!! T,,:6nSecond'S,trieet OJ.lpo~~te his [roper,! '. 51. ~aul. '
Minn.. Oc1. 25. 1~J5. ye,ani)a,te.r. l1Svt,'Mr. Aspden, ~~tlI,blSI. '. I d h 'M ^ t H ' , ~.smd s('al~ to be msta, Ie unl er t e,; 1'.'_""1' ur. oese; mother and part pf the fami1r. ,~ollow.ppervision arid in a nianner satisfac~.: '.. ayeI', Minn: ed to thl" nc~'.,,' !loim:. He attended theIN110.tl1e 'l:lnpr'ovenle:bt Committee.! My deaSirt-l . ... . i . '. Efcelsior.\ ('addl~' and lat~r taught0,11 'inbtiol1 ';COillkil adjourn~d: . ~:"..' To be f~:s~ in .a ,good sfiv:eraJ. W11 ;,ers ib the scbools' of HeD'
i 'J.iM.,ARETZ. I! I? ia gr at dlstl?ctJOn for usUa~IY flr"t ntpin all,' :.arver ,C'ountifS. ,He ";"'a"Citr CI~rk. :l}leanS~best. .1011 have' doner betterlmp.rried ~,' ,',embEr 29. 1866, to MaryI.r : thain la y oq1eT in, t11e,8t!lte ~f Minhe: I'Wood an~':;) Ie" \'cars latih !J~ ~(;qUip
a eor?-~?~.wer. l'OU m~de on~ e4 the' fapm ,<:-'c1 bm1t t:1'1e hO:!;:8 in
A' 'LUE. DE THE 16 '! ac~e O! lan~ :Vle~d ~~5.14 brsh,els of wbidI he li:yirtitd u;l~.ll bis d~atll:.-I 'I, . . ' ,('o~~.. ~o one else has'done ?Is "'.ell.. 1MI': Aspde11" I,. ." a ver:Ja,( 111' ~ man.
TA' ~E IN~TlrUTID' N~ Llla~~t~~~~~ff~ ti;;:e~~~~i;::{e~~b~~t~~;, ~:,
s~11~~1~V~ 1:~O~~
a~~lt~~~~jid . . 'II d , . d, ha~ ,wftde4 :to,u la "Medal.9f l\!erJt:' o~ri('es of ap~essor ,r:c1 tT\pSlllf~;r. ,yasanq ;' ffI1j1 a:s~,ed. t~ present It; liVere .It town clerk for sixteE'1 :'0'ars in .tbe ago
eprese..inta~ T ota! '.nvestment 6.. f $15,- i a ~lR"
fle.. lyarl1.e.r. m ,.th. e. se.asoni' pr~' g~e.~?te ap.d a jus.tiee i)! ~~e pe.. 4Ce' f?;~ai ' , " .' .. . ."
I 5e:q.. boa could bE! madt at tbe County a 1Stl1\' longer perIod. N' ~h bors ,often088:~6,7.72.. ~ta~~;rlson HerdS i Fall' ?f Icarver dounty, ~b.e mo~t ap- bf;oUgp'L~h:ir ~roti?t!?s t filim;t?~eaUBeTheL'ISt, , ,. ',I prop' latf place. ~~s that c,a~not ~~. C?f thepr falthm ~1JS ho esty an.9. goodi .; I .. I ; done. I shall send It to you 'WIth tblS judgnient, and it /was 11' . deli tho getTlle. Ta.ltia~ion ,of ~1,iIine9o*ls 16! lett~r. c0pi~:~. of whi~h are 'lfurnis~e,d t;~,ein 'tog~t?er '.a~d' se'tt . their d*,i:mtesatel~St'1tutlrlIlS' is $15.088.H67:.72;' i the press.." . ," ',! ,!. '. i. ~thout lItiga,tlOp. I . . 1 .Tt1e ayetage'poPlllatioiJ. isS,5!80.', .! I fongratu~ate y,ou heartl!} .up.. 'lBr~ was :not. a l~dgman !recentThe\ 9\ferag$ n1.:.mber .01' ~lI'pIOyes is I ~n YO~lT. success.; Mmnes.ota I_has be- y~ars, a~'~~ng an be o*ged to~42.'. ~~veralk: number Of inmate tal c?m~ a gr:eat cor~ p~oducmg State: I,t t;l1e;d ~he ood . eIpplars.t~h e~Jllloye! IS };'5 and ~a\er&gey~J;-'1 \\ as l and IS a .gry~t producl,ng 1p;e' was a char~e: /IDe ber of .t~e Car-wage! per ;euyploye)s ,~562A7. Stat~, b~t U?W ,\lt~m ItS. boundarIes
r Count); Agncult ral S le,'ty. InTb,....erte~F..ost.Of.maini.en~~{:.'e. a..n '.d.O.p" ~re. r~I~~?....FWJc.e... manY.buSh- . Qlit..i.C. s. b~.' ".'....a:s)alwa.?', inSPiredlb.y,de..a~on()1~rlstltutlOn:;; year'ly'is $1,67;5,- e~s of ~0I'I1 .as ."'beaLl.ou have doIle a .
cratlc Ideals; but ~n 1884 he *ecame9.~4; [netl c~~t per inntatJ~ $174.63. bl~. thmg, YOll; hav,e a \nght t,o be 'Proud. a~ al"?ent. prohibitionist and haslwa.t-ch-.T~e. y. alJ1.aqon Of. f~.rm I find g.'ard~n ofl1j.and we ~r.eal.l p.. roud 'Pf. you, ~e the adTaJ)ce~ent {)f
t.y i~ ~ ,~~tha!.~rofit G. rrn. ,..d,?h. am. .p. lOn\ 'corn.,.-Grow~.r of Mm- t~.m~erance ..leg. lSl.lLti.'O. n. a., r~iol.l8:t e ~tate .in 1914 of$~~^,73Hi4.. ne~tiL '
1 ~:____ ..:. '_, .!J;.._ I: . . %es.: Although a ~d'rorker IWlth a.T~. e Jr.-west I~Yera.g.. e inmate . '..' IU'~=€'~' YO'fl::S:NfC !. i , I, ~.' ..... .us'consti.tu~.....h..e. .su.. ffere. ~.. m..,u.c..bilk. tlje prisfnat~tillw~ter. To.the' .'I! W. S. H~iM. . O~p. . I. l?~J.a;~eyears .~roml it?e I resnlt~ ,o.f ae~~t ?' f thed 1,OO? o~ m,9r~ i~m1f.tes I:. ' ~ ", C'rO'\f. mOT..
f' ?l!1mber Of... se:r;lOu8 i~Jut~. ~. R1..S finalalong:. up t11e pnso_n Pb~ulati9n;tAe ;. " . '. ." '. ~., l.. ll~~ess las~ed about fij 'VI' , fk., IC...'
I'~e....~!Xn. {1...8f ''1... !..;..:....
l f.;O~. t~.\l1~lll.inti...... '.f.e..
l =..... c.~~..)ro;.t~~. r...~~u~ )......~ ~h~~~~t1~. '. .::.aE.l1.'i~: ,~~~~~i ~.: ~i~~r.l~ ~.till..'.".'.'
d. . .'.
tn.... k.... . a.c.. co.... n. . Of~. 'ff' l'n Slli....tO. t.iO .n.
re. ". ov...1D '~.,. S ....1.;... an ~m..,. bren.a:.... . c. arrr<r.... d . over. ae4...m.' .j...d... d.l e. . ia g., e .He~s. su:rV.iY. ed..........,.::....b ..)'!..~...
J.. s.te~,~th, a net p1rofit of! $350,85.2.30 I wO~Rn. ,t~e ~an ge~rlDg noth~ng,tut wife. a son. 'and a li~tl.e 'gra.nd-d~~l1t ,
o:rn. . tl.1e t.. 'o.~ 1.'Pdus.t.ries'.'.I..n..a. d.d.........l.ti... o...n. I
th... ,driP,p..ln.g~.. of .th~
j :.!
ai...n '.' slgIl11e8 altI.:Of., "' . are .1. JVln. g o.n thle. .....:......~.....~.,
eere ~'as' a d'te' the .imtiates il!6r'ia.- . co, ,ship, ",hen the man. ,has he f1lfI:In;' two sIsters. Mrs. Mary: '!LIVl~-in i IM4. $75.000.0{i .Jviucli ,WOOt: u. 'b;l'ella. and;tlJ~' . "1omanQle drip.. &t,on &;rid Mrs. Ellen Maxwell; ~:ad t~'og' IJt.. i. to :.~h. ~ 'StiPp.. art Of!. ilieir.. ...,.:.iam. ."'........'....'~..-...:... pi '~.' it.:... indicateS! ~.'..'~rrtage.,;1 to.. - b*.',O. the. rSw'. James .A.SPden and.IJ.' .":......tJJ....i;..... Asp-I t:. ;1: I i '/. } IT it a~, an angle ~-under : the anp, den,.. A drughter pass~d().:a \ !S'8'VendIt · : i.. I. .!. '." '" >~>)"c':' s~ nlfies :that an reYle is to. lYe 10. "ars iago .' .' ! ; . ,JJ~..,.,..i.~.,r gTs:stat.e,iw,.~it..ll.1jOn'b.:f:iitli' b. y. !tll. e . ..Wh.O . ola.o. w......s........ y;lJlu; to pu...t. .l.'~.'..D....~.".' se.r..,ike.s werfi.*.'hlad..; e.
i ~o... unt..r ~ ~.glv.enOy,e........r....~ /.'
11.. '. Hon '.u mb..rena.
I bY.' ..Jtltfj ,~.jde{}f. ja"h<h~,~ last.. 'Sa LUro. a'y a. 'ft1:, . ~
I . :
stJes peculHl!: to tJle ttgri s11" (;)1ie means "€ norojb- tchtnson of tbe Sl~.! ilral, imt~~e~tSii Of.Mllmeso~Ttbe be: :;" to lendaa um:brella may be led and Ml":S.J'1'., t'.a..t... e.
i.f.......f......~}.s...~ ..... ia*.d :Its' PDliCi'..,.......:e. .i..n. .... p.r. et..ed.I'...'.I.......a....m......'.
a' it-.'OO.'.I.'" t '.'0.. . ill. s. ". 0>..'.....'....... ewboo: .Ban..g.... In'te-l. ue ! n I. .n~ ,W }'S. .No 'prtY'~te. h'B, f#. an UElJ;~la, ,~igt.liI'ie~ m~m{}ty cii . ~sen ~met~ry;.......;
I .4~~~ ,.~1ir~:v;es\' h d~r fot' a.~~~t, petfeet~~~~ llse ~d~n gra.iIlb~I~, lk:t . ;t~\~~:e ~~
O~~ ,=
J~; ~:~I'5.-Fra:.;.,~~ey~, ~ent"~ , .i~ti5~::~~~l~~<>>te 'c:ertfifnliv eombine in tf!te)t~o' r- " lfiji,e" ..
324"}'A.l..ib~tte-\ metltlfd of tlrrlft 8iJld ~llft hI' ;'.u..kt;; .e emp~ytd, i , '. ~ ." 'WiI: : ,', ;' (' '
II !.Mo.."'vi~nCb. ,u.rt-e&"}Il,';Ji...
4hth~ !~~ man cl1nrtffi~
1;.: 'J . .?'"
Hf'~~" i . I'! f"'j t I .' '1'Ii'*iI'
In 1,11\'1' 1t1~t
Hlllll '
r'.' i'l\{ t' ,j \ (llllr>lot'rI'U>ll!tl1 fW"')Iy tll
t TI" I ..' H'fi'~'d\ril" J~\'iOl "hllJlhn~~rbll ,\Ins '~. J I, "
1 . II' \' I'
II ~(~ t.J\l1tlRH 11l~ [ IqylJ>j t It tlmlr \,111') , .IR..... "
f' " I pi . J,~ ~l
I '
I )' , . ,'. llHhl11tt,"~' l\l't' 1-l)IH'~' Ht n n)nl H- ,11' \' j d ~ thprn,:;p 'f!H tIt'bP- 'Ji1' "t:J(!'~pro' i\ I1ltq'~I"I~ \l1jk.pJlr"hll~1I1""1I11t,hl' t'~' .... ". >1..J.. '. ltll\'Jlllill1.h""'" i,''''O II." ..\I....". IlIH, 1,11'
I... ~ .;l' '1" R '\ . . . ; 'i. onl Q,III*) t lIn's .Iohll \\'I!Jl)J{;,pl'l'~' .' . 1t. '" I. . I" tll~t"'~lht {'OJ)t) hJld'. fll'otg:I' I~ II ,\l):!N I . l' . 1 "1",<
1 '('
1 0)1 1I~ r(\ r
Wt!Hll1\1Hlft~ rOI)I~wltl 1I~ 'U I I I
S ;f- Lf {090 h"
n'\<ll,I{\l(>t'''lth~ "
ll bl1HIIIPSS, ,'/)Jl (Jl't, il~j '1"\. 1'11' ." . 1'1' 1'1 t]I~' 6
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l)~SOI: TIIJ"-' .1.. FI.\:hi; 1n~itl'~I+IIP:ht I~ IIlI'fi' \lum' 1I:<li'1 ~fl1">ill'l 01 o-h.': '
I:'" ", : :
J~.\'., ll~)~~
I' KJ f bo~" thlll)lI/S tl", ,p">!!., w"l'k, 1 '. : '1 "
I. I. . ' . JI hi' ha:<'I)\ ., '\ k-l ~ V ()..U ~ I I ~ It: 'cLkYrO!rttNoON. VI lir 1'11'1.1:1' Itw .\rt'i~ht., $:li;l5 }ll'), ~.(
r~:i ~I('[\r.y' I. ."nJ"'
I!tl'e~llh[l~g. 111';11':
d'!'!';' Hul VV 1J- J / fj""YGt.
1 I . hUll rf'll':'" ; i "01'\\''i10<1, WlI" b~ou~ ,. be nrn tie,. il t: . ,. C.llieiJ1i~':Jl6tt'l. ,
I' ~
I'\ ~ ;.; ;',' : ! ~.nb,~te C~til,:t ;>
TtU!Sllily . 'fbr ex-i l'e('~ 1'(; .
1011 1 ~t .1['11'1'" l'OII~11ItJ'III~' "I' : , r J...'., I' l' I I . Blllny 1ne,__,____ , --. ..."..~ 'I_U"V ,v1'll 1"1' an 'fintertflln~I . " "~', . ~ " ., ,.,.' 1ll1lU bQn ant. "'ilS' tl Jilt "I" 11'1" ,,' . ., , ' " . .. . c
1peto~ t1J )\t)L it'l tf)'o'et lour lh';uo's ! '1 I~ 'G" "1'" ] ""I I 'I qmmbel'lal11 s. (ol1e" ~hoJ~1'1l oud dav E, ~n!!' tJlefl tll, of1" .i' ' , " . . ". ne, 1\I ,..pnty ., 111'1 11111 lei
I)" I I . l' l'J"
1 '. ~i .-.,..,:,.- ofF 'r:~'1l1WI{&('OCOI'7th~1': \rn' '1 ,)", 1'" .it 't'] "'t I)'t.,
J:]1'I'l(ll'll .eml'l.)'..
1lSl'l'met.Y'IH !'PRiU!) e of Mr. MJ'8..R\;
I n I ,.,~ I I . J ns lll, u ~oo ,.
0 Ie ,... t II . ... 'II . j
11111\>. i"~I'l \ I I ' ~ . I'
1 '\1 . j' '\' '. I I\~ 1)I'Olllpt III Its l'ff cts, I'a I n]wlIr:; )(' rill"j't() ,,'hl'f.h ri'\'
on^ Il'!',r~J': .~ f. ,.
I I" ...f\YUlll les:nn un\'!'. C,Wl~l el' II
1\' ...
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I 1..51 ...' . I,:, . , I. I ,,'~, "\', delll'llIJelllpol) lnlJI \
rel1urhl J't 1 ' h,
I, ~ . N; 'I}, IlI,t ro..g,p !I".'W, Fahe!'" ('(l'~ I ~
GCOYCI' :: " , , ~'
tl 'f : 1 '. t t: ~ ('1'1
in\1 e( ,...'
q ;.,' _ _ '. (' :
1""('1 !~\\"l' '1') "t' I', I '\' .,\ ',' I ,; 'r1'l 1,l\'n.p'.lsp,;.l$;1l) .0
j'III'{ "ll, '. l'nrlr: .~~dF;":
1' ",,,"" ... . :-;tot,' nr,.l 1 ",1.1 >,ISt,I,'p', .111
I" I' I I'" 11"1 II II' l' ttlt k''''''t! I,
1 ~,...,".~. 1:) . I" I," " J)' I) \,. (1'1 I" I I"'" 'O'J'" I . Il,~ I.. \, ]IlRt ?l111;;I'.i
I' i<'3ioi.~1 '.\Iinl. ~h-.It-'lIllll"\iIl\JH']>kn~ld 10 ,nil. ,ngllll'. .1(~J:llHS')lIlpllIH '
1' , I '\ I' "
I J I'I:" . "
I 1'1' . ' JJ. " \ 11..u }nl'~,l<'hy", 11 ' \IIS~ 10T\ 'I'lll,' nH1' I'(';!I j,<, II,;. " , . . mUll .11'1\'1'1(>1' 0' \\ acollla,' "1,
11,1.; t1~ 1 . i' , . ,. .' ,:. J " ".:
j' '
t '~I i" ,.", t Rhottc,hI fin 'lili/'~d;l\' 'll1 1\\:'; \\';lY' ~ . , ',
J01ml'll I'IL\~"gX, PAItL0n fI1,AY"
Ii'~:ii' !~:'\'i.\ ( la :;""ns Il,ts bl','lI "". I" ". . " \ j
t I,. I i
I :1
l ',' 1'. I ,.~ , I I 151lH' '11'0111';\ \'IS t ~" fj'lplllls la11lJ 1'1']. '. "'1'.\ t t" ,'.
Brtll'":,,n It-n.t) Rfl\n
1 t1",1f'l'llllo1inil1J"'" i' .' '~'l'J' II "1' l\;l~. ,nr'I'<;, NaCOlIlll, '" '1'1.
1. I1I . . '. .~tIVI" III ~C()tt.( ).,. I '1'1'lHp~ Ie ~IIIV,. ' I I I' , Oi'll \' 11"11'.
l~H1'(j\~~I'''1 \0I't1l11)1.\\;II'lIllln . . 11 .) .' 'J"! '1 'r L 'l'hefe'ri",rpw',I,lcl"ih'lh;,,"'Otln-: \,II~..LiLr;JE'H.hnrhIi ' \1 I ( .01\10: Ot J. e :-)(\, t 11'1 we)l1i gt~ ~'-{o 1'0111 I .. i H;. I ..'1 ~.
I' I If' I \l.nko '\ l:.,li. L . I ' J :~ . his plJm;illlt HJli) 'll'ra\we.',
Pt.)' lh:l'1'11;1 '.~ 1,'1 tel' wh',at 1,lmyrrH: IIpo1iH. .' .' , ," I
1 ~~ g:iJl1';' : Ji. 'I,,,t I' I'pj 1I"1I1'jl., ft.' ! . I,. f L,I
I 'I', .. I thll II. 0111' . i:<lI+i villa),:'.', "\\l"Oll~"'. i !1rr . .JART,;Eh',,"'I"'n:;:
1'\' , - ..; I 'j \ . . ~.! '
ll1' ldi.. d In~ .t'k,d,'d \". ":111 [;el' [1!\Irs. .YoIIll li\<[J rs', ; (illl'is, PHel' '" BPI'!, Teu 'SI i'llI\' Ihis ehlll'gn (If' t I~I . ('
I'H n~.f;. 'J ~ . r 1 t...... >..: II .. ,I .j I !. ~ , ~., -
I I ~ " :"I '
TIv tiha 'it'''
Ii. ',^ . \ \ .' '1
J. II I I I. , ,I , ,'" 1, I Iofl~ ~jtl'llll'l'r.. '1' i ., i' nil ~ast \Wl'); Upl \ l1,lCl\\\1ltHlll.:pml"t.!
t '" the. Jtll"" El"i".ntor. nntl \ It" 'I'f<~;ne"t .i' ) I
W'VS . " (')' . . H ., l; . '111'1 '1;
11" J' II ()~. th:~'Se\'Pl't; iIIil ss: J' [ I'(,hii:;~ Pet~;:~, oJ l'tw\'('n tI\mll h{ mlle'the ()1111; ;)f tlIPI\ .. I '
1m i~1I! 1 ... n 1 t l' P1'lt:f,.'.--i H 11110t n tt nw, n" {n ' I I . 1 ' , If" r I L (I \
t' . I' 'til I;J I '
t" I' tl () w It kU/'l\nll] dn O~Ipl','11:l1lt, Wltl I (
l'niti 1ll[ll'
t1 t th'lt yillllgl>. Tilth'; , '
G.........";mpl..)I(lIf I'al '. .lI} 'Imt" O\" I.,~ \\1:1,' l'nl.., t I' i . , . . . I" ortlmll l hilllo...o~.~.,T,:tl!I"':
j' ';.:, "1"
l' II 'fl' , I "II 'I"'S i','Huff'l'ing;\I'I'oiil '1, ~a{'I'I'p n~t:l~k 0[1 : l'~ Hot m .\. fir,;; Ida~s jUt1ge~ of'
t, _\0;..... ,,' I j .1( ..1 } r , .; :i & 1 1 ~.1I . I I, I ). I I'
I . .
l., '.'l: ~. ,'I ,L II "1 1'1II"u,hollia. \\'e'\\'elpl~"spAt()h{"rn l'I1J11.hlt:Jl'tlH'e1l1nmo,j'l' nIHIl ~"PI\ lot thp '11 rnr~
1~tfdnliQ0i ,I, ~"~lti, d,~,at()J\(;e~ Ohl1Rh. ht)\\'c,~dl'ith;)th('i8Jit'c{m~l:i n~. '11~entlt'11\1\ll\'int1Jir 11r:rlil)IYl,\ l\'ithl' Louis nil""\,,hlf;IOnf'-'.
r.)~ :~'11 \Iv} ~'~
l' "
a:, r '.'! : r ~ls of g~ll~lI Hn,. . I'. ! '1: I . ~ ! Vhe tarn;e!", III a:a;c ju~t1~' \ hdlrl, JineR f~1
I tln,pl";H' ,liti nil'
I Ib{)ll~'l>jll utnt e .
II " ( ~.\f;IP .\ltJh. ,n; I ' Eli S~III1'" of ('hii hhpss~lI; :l~.C'tPl'tll~ I'ih higl1\ I'~tillja! ion hI' all . hil \'it1~ 1 hI'S t'x ,1ll'Rions f'I'PI,PI11h
I:We1i Hnnk' "!;o ;I.t 1{;>i;';I'I()I~rtp,.t nl h \y, C: of t'he' Int;'. Will'. ,\i,\'''Il',llIill1-\'' on.jlili I dl'alillg~~\'i~h th lll. l~e' hop!!! YOIl[ ()..t"hr 14. makingib ni
J!; I .'
r I
J II' 'l I V f J. jlf j r~ I j, IJ" I, J I , I ,I \.. I I j '~J' I l
rsiIlt ,.ith;llic ( Inl,<,I'e,'e ne n UJerl('oc
O1f :
1~olltIIlY ,mnll.Y, fril'nd~il\ l~his"Yi!ln'/) ll~~\! lllllY hoth lh'"fll: g, :tllll P>'o~l1\T' II fMe fOllrtlfin<Vfiv to no;
t I" .
t I f (" ' ,. t I' '1 "... ,\1,,[, 1 It'll
I. , , ' ,I . ... '
f I
COII I"\'e~l'll'" ut I' llllg;:t ,I 1'1:\* ,eJ:ll~ I) ,0\11'" a wee., ]1 ,'. 00., I~
0 lour <1 I ~e. - ,-_., -----'-- I I I rlH'I~' lIYI~I01\, " 01'tOll,'
lU.m Effhi-'~' .t:lin Ilfh['Jp'!1 I l' j, I ,," leI'S, fLmfhns 01; {'f f.ll(! ti'llp:;t pllll'I'R' ;,')
C i
ens i : ~ I 'YlItl'r 'I'll Dh}." ihd118i:
bi(;g~l ";Ii~;l 'JII!\u"\I"~ l~i)l1e~Ill\1lI'11~;I': p(o;!l'PI' ilhll(~J;I;unly,;il 'w,lin:rl~J>lt'aSI"l['tll' '
N t.ll.) ';[ ,..". !) J)
i :\llJ1oid~ ill R Iltl1\~,pRt
I 1'\' .,j' I"; '\'. .". :, ,,' .', Ilbltl'lIhnt'lJeis'l' ~)lh:ill~." ~ ,". '. j ~.'!flll~ I(T('}'~I\'l'h tl? t 11' I'~JIIO' Nf'h,.lt~ :\'1\::111. !>;l-\rknr1\'l'l't,lal..(..r\;~\.I.,,,lI\d,'Ul1l:'!l~lI~, .',';' . \. I .i'JI'\ll.l\'I"'tl'l'''l)r.,llPt()Wlll>f('(f!J~I;':\ '. \ , .
1" I 1,
1 I.' '\1 \1"\ i I tl ' \1'" I
J I' . ,", I ,': . \" Ti'ITltO \'. 'q'>Xfl., TI>Ill1l''''
If ., II'C 'I) IltR 'I'!') 1"plJ.,\ I I1lt OIl .> I lC. ,I.' f'I>'I' "\' 1 ' .. \ 1'1' I .. t.hllt till'....
1 ""U"I1~' hI' ,I ~1l . ' t .\ .1 \ III . )( I It /. I . \/ el ,oJ" 1 :41)( PI lillt- \ -P \I1U\\"1I j i' I .
r .
I 1 "'. '1" 111' J 1K ( ~! I. ( Hl!I~1. 1\,Il! I't. pI.'a"ant 'l:nll~ II",','. "[I I 1 '.
tI 'l,.t. H 11 Tll i" 1. . ~ " 'f')
10 -' III 11-. I n)](
I ,', ,\ . i., .' . ' '. Ji\Ir\' f; l'Ill,,1' or I hl/IlJ"I~'''1l w'r~ III , 1\ ~ ~ 11 II I,,{ .j..' "'1)<.. ..ti I, tl t N .tl '. t 'I'III"I(l\'\,'llll'llltp"'llbllJlUSllll' ,) '~: J." "1 'till
l." \ 1~'''ll'I'70')Ol'' I"~I to' ,',t ',
lPr::rp . ,01 "l'~ .
i" \. '. " I "
I' f:" l' . i _1ll"llllig:1'11I'~~'
mH,lt' I1S \......1'.:' ',.: "PlIt' hl>"'no(~f()rthil'H\"1n\''''\I'lll't II tlOlIS. ,,: '11',. Jpll' ".11 tI il'l . IIlI \ ;"ljotlli ~" It'SlIo\
t ",lI "1 h II' ,], 11-1 tlh' 1'''''''''7 tll'~"'lI, ,I..]I'!!.;} ~
0' rl'pl'l'",'nt ' s;\id. ". 11' (;. 11"J' I ~ \ 1) f~ - j "" II 'j
t , ,
J. : ' . I I ~ .' , . I I \"P1" pl'l f'~f"~ :t on n1
iI. i,,'Il,J"\all olll}'.. l'Olllll,il',,:<1 (lnl l:rt.'piJ'lllh, 'I' that wi 'I~ ~cl'etll Ie shock,) 1I1!11'pll lr Ih.; ,i'I'I" I
tow,n l\l t ": ) 'n~ 11'1',.111' ,'"unt.~. I'''.B-I 11 . ~ \' r: .t'! L'
1\11'111\ ,;[ nil' ,;r ill ~l. 'Palll lil,I\\'~ II Fa lil'.!1 & 'dtil " 11, tlClltl1lt "il h "illl's 'i \\11;11.'1' 'HI1n'i1rII": ,'
cnl il?l! I,) \11' 11,,11 at, "';,,'onia. f;PI\t'l I'
II' 'Oi:[~lr'11T> nIl I p'(~l I< 11 ~
j . t'.. 1 I ':"f'
I '1" 'tl t" '
4 ~ '11 j ~l ,~ . ftl'l\;H)O 11,1 ~ [ .
11'I'~S -~. I-I'll t 11'1'- oJ
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I iT 1'\" . ,1 """ph' t111''y IIl"Y "~l', 1. ~ I" , .l1nf f()1-t Hilt tt-,l'", III l'~:' I' ! , lll~ , /. ('p.a '!." t ,) I hn st.;) tn ;} ndl ( on. J ,. ' L _~._=-'-:
1 . " . 'i · I' , I' . 1 . I " I t' ,
I ! Th.IM rkf1tlI'..~ ~k1a'lni"t. AI ).<:/'1 J Ilh~: ,Ill o!,1 stltl"".\' ff' ':.,:' ,I
I: . .' .1 ( ! ,!;
1'I"~S\"lIi\ ?J1~"~ ,\')11.. . ". ,:. E' e" n '
t1)I~1l1l1 !& ,t111illl" j
I:'" iiI t'uwlI.1 "Viis n ,'nlll'l' 10\1 ~'ridn.\'. ,,1 hI"!! \I'll p;l(ip I~I a 1','h~;t :1111. ,11<]' 1 ,i ll.\ "lilt I of to" II ( 01111111 III I' . 'I'hr>.hl:\Rkn 1Il~ I'Rd i~ \-
t..:.. ", j I . L'.t'tl, t 111 t'~'
I.... I"'" . th~lsk,I,\Il....'J.'lbIS!)() '" .~' \1... ,:Jt ~! ",'" ..\It H}:2- - Htl)nsjl~Ht n)l~Il~kd upaj:v.\t w 1I\1l!ll.~ ,1\ J\~l(;\1H :~('( l~lIL.l ',~ ; . '""'.. '" ~" '.( , ~ tOtl:lY,,~ \l1l!lJS t/th. vp~l
11J~'lh all ':lllffl'l:'.' '''tl'>1 11;11'1 '"I! ht'\lrllil rl~! j,ntilll Ilk'~Ht\(IIl' 1\llItt,,1' II' ta \s.'I"11<1 ~II 1101'" I .111/1.11 HII',l'LLJ.., Wb.>" 1.1 Nol 1" .1I, <> " I . ., .. '!I. k . I ('1 'f ' ' 11'\ 0\' .10 thos!' (,VI"" "
f . '; ''
ei~'n I :l1''cr~, ollL 'oI\rslJ~,;,iJ'illg' to In,'. . 1
1:11 111'"'. Wlll~J1II1PW Nil ',' ~
I,j(holl.;. '.. I' 11'Jl 1 II l'i .~i ~CIltt"i'hIJI'l;lI'htilrL1l'hll'ir()1' :<nmpkl! J 1 ,. .lu1 I '}Yli,;nti.... ,) .!Hri l'~ j~ iJl~J!:\. . ~ . ....\
l'~ ~y )
n~ y . 101 (, Il~:' ~e I
J ~
I~t'll'- '
Ol)iP~Ofi t ht' f,ow I pJa)tPt'l ..r~\h(\ down H. '. \_ 'I I I- ";"t' ) . E . ~ ( ~
i, ".,' '. tal 0 q....! t1,tl'llll 1,11I'1I'Ollt~I,llIo1lJ1~ I, . 1 1\"11 ,II" III . I ~I' "'
1\1'11'\"'1'1'1 IIlih pnill<'d to II ",i!' . 1I',l R "ki 101' \In n+ \.0. ' I'" ~,. ".' 'jl', f I~ J\" 'l" '.\ .11'1 , i'I\I'<" "
l 111'1"'1'.1 , . .' ,(1., ji, I . I
neen Ills :I,~ 1;111. , I IllS \n ,. I' to ('
I '1 II" th:>I Hobt. K\"'M t'llllllh(I' SOil. II[ 1,IIf ';. 1 ' f
I I,
I. " ",~ ~
J la,\'lfI~ hone J>l1IIl'
rH ,\\"(' ~. . ,;
I~' . Hnd"', l .
O1J\I'{'I!:IIIIJ]IIIl"'" hy 1'"'I ;!;jlllo,,"\' I . i l' I", . :jll)'ll",,'hrl l'a~IJ:I.I"'lTll~' Illl'lhl,~ I.j~,'
I!.'. I, : ,
I t' ill I'n';J!)"\'IL . .l il'i' ", PIlI'llIIZI,,'" . :},I'
I' I' . . I.'
j ()rlth"I~)
I'lIlTW' '1':"'d"li.;i;: . ~F:
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1 ~}. . \ . . ' (I I' j " ~'. n "1.i' 0 (,H}
I :;. I .'. I \ ,
9 " :
1 ~h..>.t'lhl'n~pp.l('Cl.iNh...~rj!-:~ ~,II' ,.,~.~
l\lltil.lnnll)it Pll~f~lHddl' tlHt1dl~~Y' :..... :. j ~1
n, I'(lll \.1 111,,>11 10 'Ibl. "'"1(1"1")
1 '. 'I' '11 1 'I I' All~1 II..,.) III''' \ "'"b"'1I 'Ih\' shl)'(t.' Ihllt"!lpI,)\slT),,, "W'll~
I] $ II'" ,".~' }nrl'lv..j Jl1~ I: ~a J llHI w(,P"~
t ... . .
r. I. j ~l
II".\\hllhl:\I.'J"l'lal',,",III~ .\11'1'1 II \1 '11' '1 ~"'\' I I 'nl"hilll~,'lf . I I1rtI"II1'1~\lTr)\iAl-stl'jw'I'Sf;L\ fj, 1 ' ), l ~: .: "1. I JIll !l'
111~ !lll' .., .\' Cl 11 "1' I\WII"." " J -.. Y: 1.
I lit ',v,;-1.
I .
I\I~I" tl~)~it I1rY'id'P::'\I'IlIIl;";.;)~ s I'{:rx. .,_~ on 'Yl~it t) h '1'1' l;lthl'l" , I,'ht-! : I:!"ltl \\1I~ 1:->1 t'1:did .,nUIl!.!.'ln:I1J... hnl)!...lll'trLl1lll-.J (hi' t}tfk'\~
l ., Inri" ,11' .I 1.~.ll" ':\/'1'1 'jll-lI;:c;..II,~'~, I" Jl"l'!
I i \l'~ ;BI' '''';1 ;
lhlj"~1 ' 'il\lId~ lC '1a1';1 illl'J"
11 I :! 1 '''''"
I r ,,~.. 'II I" I',,]','J/j,'
I J"""." ,. Ill)! i O,',j It I! ,11lJ ~\h
I I' ,(,""1 1'-"(i:llIlI'
llItII'I' , " ," I" ,I 'l"'U ; .. ,iJ ~l., I I ".111'''''lf'''~'nlJ~''11 .,1 ,iiI Ill. t!1~"\: IJ , . J ',1
1\ 1)'(1 ,.,Il, r1 .~: 'l'
llj" 111'11 . I~ ~ j\\
l "
k.'sl'ltt {'olh'\"
J ,.,J)IIIL~lll. . ,I ,. I'." ~.IJ ".. - '1~I(slln~I""~n.'s111.....rl"h('I'I"lsl, Ii' I 1 I. '
II 'I' \1 L 11'1.'
l' t\' ~I I <. ~"l' \P\'I';II;JtlP\l'llt~1 a l'h'I:,t~lnl -
I'l "1"
ll -..,' , "I 1I'I~llJ.llj't.\\ )Il,{_ ;'
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I'" '! ,.,
I. ,; r! 1 luflnt'Jlti ~W'l I"I'lItHlIl?l"l'\"I"111 ' .... ,I It I ~
i,l ': : 1"""g,,nl"-I"f"""jl~'\"":.1n"(II.' "IV iI" 1\' . I: j' " " " "11"'"':''' :11".""),,., '""
tlht':lllld.~l'hll\'tllhllt _ I )'1 I ,-', II \\I'P"" I . ~ , }pufh nlt(lirtt'h'h napl' J 1 it'
t,j';I\""<!i',,,~ 1<("l,ldlll.,'I.IIIIII: h.>I'I"".I.'. ,..\ot'~)"'llltjl'" ..\ I I " , . '"h'l Is!':IS(\(' ~'" Iii",
11'I\dllll )1' ftl 1 i ." ,l
l' ,
r ~ I ,I , , "
r " I' , ,t- . ! I I j 1 t
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1.-, Il \'
ph,-"'I" "".'11. .11; '1IlI,!ll ,1..1,\! \\
111. 1l\lilhi)'~I "-:i,l Id'lIll1l1. III ' .h,'d."!,, 1'''J'I'
ls"r0ntllr,jIl'''\Il..~' j ",Ill" \\i!i.h" 1,!'''I,'d ilj 11.1','
lh\~ Y. " I ..\."I'}" :4 ('1)1;1 i-\, J "]i,!! I} 1";\ I :'
l' Ht,f I')' . ,,,'
hilt' d,.,liil1t)' ill 4 .1'
11~ .
n;" II'PI =--1', lli : ;~
Ilt 11, I S~)o. :1111)1 Illll I,d fill' tlt'll (h 11l(
111 n t till t\~" f\ \1 l'n}l-t'ljl H:lll
11 ' Il." ., ,J: . 1 i .' I' \ . I" .~ I, I . . " ' ,.
e.l\. \lI,l~Il,' t\\t, t.I\'
1 qt:4t~l t ~:~~
It tilt', ~;.
rl'\lI!4P;l~~INt'Plt.~It(\ i,\,l~ttlld'II'\III~, (~'dlfh t, It:Il'l' 11$ I~ltl.l. (;111'1' T41i~N l)l11,,,1 ri~h~l~k,j ,\H~~~ ~J\i'
11"..1 ,1'; t
1.'llllll)t'I!I,\l fll~lj'll'l~-.\Il~,t \ I'll \.'I,(
SI~\fc'I("\111,f'!~ lfd'Oll'! r IlIor_ltIHJld\.l\\huh,h.PI)\'llldtlll'd:I\' 1~n1d 1:1 )llt\,":lhHld)~ 1Jl\ltllH)J Inl I" '
t : ~ \ 1\1 I'. ] 'u r l I ',,;' t,(l ' ~ .1 '1 j\IH
I lV:lli'olt~U"I"I\I 111I'\""f.i."'ll'\ I' ,;1:, . "hll~n"l,lif-l\'I'hIlJI ",)11,,1.. II,. "lip 11('''' II >1"1:,~II.l! h,' ,\,,~ 1111'"11'11..,'1 . je ,j ','."1'.\ ',. I, fl, "~.$!. :\ I .'. j' , ~. . 'I '
J, '" (I ',..'1,,1"';'1 J!'"1 4)" It' ( I! I : ';
f ,.\~" l ! I pO!'--lI'iF fd-Jnl n I hI fl"l tlf'(IUtl lip' \\"I-J IInlll-1I "ll~olt. l't'nklll:-t' Ill~ Hf\qk tc:t .; :' -I
i j
I, r~~, "i'~,',"l"tl-~'~, ~\, .JIlI)1\ PI\\lllJt.tI{r~\ I 1I11'\>-,'S, 1'114 1l11111r ~ tl'l~ l~ hf'I',J.;lt\llhl~ ..: 'ld\l~I't~l )1711l~llfllllll'111~,l--t ill'.llnld 11':1111 ,~ . Y,! ,: )'lllt,,'''' ','t'T~r~~ iltlII ('II:<l.tHlhr> I l\til"r ','I , 1 .' \ I \'
I 11 --'\.,' j 11 . ,t' ,f" 1 : ;
k1.1-1:1;"01 ,j".,s,,",I"..III,":'\.<lII,'.lI\. II" "
I 'J. \-1'1 '11 ','Inl' l ,)\,. ('\/1"1 ,\1(' II ,h"..1I (Inl\l1IIII!';-> ('n\1nJ,\ " \, " 1",lh,,~,tH'HI~" i'l. "
I. I' $. ,. .' c1.f: J',H II I ISI,l .," f}IL "r (1 . ).', Hlrl\.xF'~'i_dU~\'lf'lnY<"'l~..:r-k.
l"'/'I:': '\(:'1'11" ' \i'll'li",,,.d ""! .,r" Ij,''''.I!I!'''',?,'.1 'Ii
li'lillij;lI'dl"i"di.jIl)",I'" 'Tltl' ;""'I>,"i !,I~' h'idli}r 111l'II"lI y 1""'11" '''"Jih~lll'j ;'\,'. .';!' ., , ','1" J.
1/. ),.~, ~J~\t ',.. Illlllll'I',\ f,il..\ :ii'J'~~:'II'I'I~';1 ,1\'jd,J:J':" 'L lb ;'j'!" )i;'! ~. :-; '1'1 'I'}~'" 'I" "; . riLl) 1~ :Vpr,\~.d.1}l\~f\_~~i~f<'t~
J 0",.
I I,' " ;' . '!' ,.,; '. ,\ . t' I ".1]IIS!' J,;, '>\\1';~ 1'1""'(c1itl ,) ,'n"'1,I"'.. I II )''''},tHl1. It III \I,'~ nll ,!ll'''"Ml)!.\, ' '\'" "lt"I..dr,1ft.fll~>1 ltlll ,jl!.l~ Ll"lllllhl'",," ,.
i~'Lh::ll.; ~..~rd1 Iii 1''1;'11 It
I .; 11:~{.' !. .ii-I f . ,.') ,'t.'1', i ,'t1 I 1~
t ~ 'I" r, ,I ~ 'l:;:,~nH11~ IIf 't,W d\~\\'~)~",i_)l~~
ftL"~')i;:1I1Y'~'li"".l ~ ;... :';. . .Ii 1 '~j { I t,,!
ti\!qr l1h~;.lNhr'., "ril.l,l..tll,'l~\l \H ~~g't,ilt'l'f ~),11'1~1.~1.\~'~;;;lill'._'l.h~,\k l')n+~,'~>\~oi)'1:\"~~ti, f':ll..;~,l"." .\' ~nlh J":t(J,lldllll'f'!l,ljp;.q~\;lIJ:' q, I\\\~\ 't "j,.:"hil>.,,;',tilfil\' it 'h'Lj.;.I~'h"l'''': ,\....J.: null ft'l.\nlh~ to 1\\ \.\ll'1) hh.. 'llifi~'H:\h\..;:I' ,T, ~;" .
i~ 1.;
t l _' , i . ".-' "- ," -, -.ft.-::. ..~t. "- . ,:
l (co~t1nUCd 'rro~IP#~O ono.) '".'
WUlvOKl!ol, Will! boarded by tho,Ml\Jl8-
uf;huIlottllu'dvcnturerll.', 'i' . . . .,
At IAlke. Pepin a mllltortuno mink.
cd! tho' trip,' A young, boy toH.ltito
1I11)walor nnd wall dr()wnod. No !O~
allw tho' cat.nIltr'ophol.cxccllta.8wcd
ahoard tho FrankJln~. He.could ,no
toll ottho. accident until lie tourid
someono;w.ho "could! understand him. , ! ,,>,:. . "1: ..'BYI that; llrno. tho boat had prop;rcBs-"': Chicken. Need ~ Vltamln.~,. . .,
od lao fur that\thocaptaln~:would; ~ot . nJrlng . 'ralf'and! Wlnte~'~8~6~rtu~n back.. , '1,' '. '.. . ',.' . .. . 'r . .,Upon ;reac~lng" Saint PattI; then ~?ougbt mus.t be, gl,von ~W'1.~mJI)8
nolhlng more than a settlement. thbj by:~ tho poultry keep~r'i 'I~.tJjei.ratl~!l;
OIobo waH boarded tor the journey up Is fd,otlclont,ln,any bt , tb~fvltamln.lJ.
8clnnUlt ot Excellllor, t.ho Mlnno80ta rIver. Bha'kopee wall nceded by. poultry.poor~ggvroduc:
J. II enry }<'Ink :.lllllt. r e~ched the flrllt. day. . A. night WQB Uo. n Is certaIn to result. i\ l-,;j.' ,':,,'ii;
Ilpent.there. Incldentally.that nhtht ;' '..... j ;\. .' :"".
m1d Gtiorgo Plers'on,reliuHcd, In the t1rat.ncpliratlon ot the ':IThc present IIllt ot known vitamins
lia,.ap~'nt ate,,! qay's Imnd. Caellar Knotf wasao.lmprellS< ~riC1udell: A. B. C. D. E. imd O. .,.~.
ver Darn, 'wIll. '. cd Lwllhl tho I v. l1\ago \ that he docldod ')VIt.amlnA-Nutrltlonal rOUP',hl t.ho
H.: Sam Plocher and to mako It hlH homo, plying hl8 trade uaual aymlll6m aSlloclat.ed. with vIto..
InneullOllfl,' molored u.8!a. tlnllmlth; : . ,. ,.. , '. mlhA detlClc~'CY;"ThIH Idlljeallc'rc;In.the'cvcnlngtwo.mcmbcrHo!the .'. ., I,tor a \-Ialt'-wlth .tho men In tho' party cr08Ked th() river to 80m bIen comm n roup, I bu~ ~ltrerB' ~~.mlly' .
1.""\ tho North. 'A..hou, t tho time, that dusk cori. al....n. r08pect" .nnd.. 181. no~ fntec:..UHON~AntH"rde7.o "I Th I d
t ft hmOL;: Now and 1m- fO.II. they rcach~d tho brInk ot a. rn- I' OU8.'.. ero. K .... anger ..'(J ;..' \ wen.
8ure tJrotcctlon for vine. Not knowIng how docp It. wall. yellow corn (whJcn,l8".l1:stoodllour c
nneBoto.VlctorIa Onther decided to temaln 11~U1mornlng. Qt;yltamlnA) IllcgrepJpto]y:rc'OOd'
Inn. ' '.', adv~,A~I~o. wall Jmllqto ward otrpTowllng hy.;whlto.cor~;. o.r.,whcat1' barl~Y;'or at
19 dlnnbr,guolllli' on-
un Itnn.lB. Ono oUhe ;m,on wa~ to Jceep mealil'tUl'lle8\j'"UehtQQd!l.kl'!),~Q4a~Jl~r<
f tl . ~l(r 'J' P,;U~l'.d .w.., h 1\0 tho Olb~r.1 1l10Pl. bU.t.t..b. 0 01.1 n.Unlfa meal' )'0110. w.eorn or!gr.. n.,....I IOnlOrlO. .10 "...... rllll) of tho, Hun the;. ,next" morning .' . '. ,. 'I .r.~::.'
w~rOllv. an( ~rll. !
o\lndtwo: travcl~wcarYvlonecrp teed", nre ad~~d In ll}lmeJe~t am 'U~':"'"
Mr. arld Mr8 . Fred IIloeplng, .unharmed even though tbe Any :raUon : containing tlv()p(lr,C~h~;
d' Mrs. S. O. P, ocher vl~tlanco was .hroken; ,They;, woro 9t. 'dehydrated alfalta ~Qatmcnl;~ft8~M.lnTlcnpollH. .} . aw~kened by the whlBtla o! the ~~obe; uallyl con~aln8.enough vlfuml~~~".to10Iltormy ,weat I6.r, n dopartlng for Chaaka;, ." , . i. prevant'dhodetlelancYd18base: ';~)C()4.nc1}edO tIll 0 )cu1tld P8aurtnYd'~ : When tho frver cratt. reached. tbo llver!' olt., Isonoo! ,tha;motlt,'POL6piHC10 ,:' la ~.r hlgh-llollndlng' point of 'YorkvlUa.. th . ' .... ~."., . <"~. "....>/;-" ,'~'j:<'Marla, ,blotholm . and }
H1~gnp;e' o! tho ,New: ,Englanders w our~ofl o~ t~lll;; vl,la,m,I~:.;-/ '
f'~:;/C;',..:\i;utmakor. won tlrlltand unloaded. 'They .could', not" under- ' VItamin B--Ccrtnlni,:nc Oiillfdl8or::600'~;. Muth.Tschlm. IlluUc1. 'T. hero was .nOlvlllago' s. ~uth~ dorlljJl.nd 'also;,:a::;10SS!;20t..iZ:lVO!tb. ,t.;iin:d
i~'htJ~ thei. p.r..clle..nt Hlte ortha, sugar tacto. ry~ vIgor'; co...ns.uvrt.t16n;i.:".a.nd"'e. ~.l?l\i';S.. ta.... rvao........z:es
l' \
Ii ~,~,(JOj 'oa · \ylthln a llhQrttlmo"a. atrangar air UOl1 ~nitldclit.hmny'rC8uldf.<%t B.',.,. In.. '.1' ler".mo .
pro..~chOd' th.e partY~ i.. ..H I Il. 1l....amo. ",N... as,
r,.. V.....I.lam..'I.n .D... .,.......I....IOW<lVcr..........'t. iJt.\locon ,pr,7.<?fl, n lU,nco. Mahn,andho IlvM; In'a::cabln\on' 0.:\", .:'.....:..: ,'}' '.>' ~
rthday.' ~
o.rty ,was held Y.o~kvll1,o .pralrle. .J10 told the ni(!m~ 1& ,'carrle~by'. ,!li~nt'r ciorn.;~hat.
r. the Frank i Kohman hor, .or tho 'band . uiat tllclr. 'felaUvOfl, m~dd~lng&. wheat;bran.;:: b~mlny.,red
of, thO birthday ,D.!1nl- hM told 'hIm \to provide, tor tb()m; un:,and, JlklmmJlk.A&mO&~tJaylll~,);r~
y...,~~k.;.'..:..6{.{'...:. ~~~;~.
j;...~~.I~l.:l.~....: !....h..;...:.:..~...:,;\t.....~~;...I..~..
l. d.
eller...Mr. I I1n(!- ;Mra. BOrne. rood'supplleant', Davldf~tdl~r.'s !o;,~r, n?,e,f}~'i~~~ ~
l;:.;:y.~:;"y!-;;/;und,ra~"y. JOhn; and store. ..Thelr, aupply l,nbludild; If'~I~,O'lh~,;,~~t)~! p.r,ob~}>I"tbat,?rJ~~;:e.,. a.n....d,;.~.n~.. ;.a. ...h. I~~.'.
an... dot ~~ItP. o. rk. ...... a 'd., O..l..ldr.'s, '.v.o...r...,~....h.....;o...!,......8. '..llmf.n......'.:'..~.I.'......'iJ.;.'.':..~.o.....t.;;nce...d. .cd.,.).j .fi.... P.o...ll. .Jft.y.....~.....;a,l=....
Y;";:", ;." a hd.rrel. <?rnour~ 0. gat'on,of'~~laB~OS,\ tIr9IJgliYlt1)8{;eil8~nUal: r~>l; hUi:nJ,b~;
f .... :' .,,~ j'
an,dl.oUI;o~~t.ti,orJt~~8:+';kFH.C~Y'.{mtt}S rlpg8;1~),..1t(~,jI8.ircontahiOd/ ':'nWJ,;,am~Je
onlng;.j illi { [vlsilo'ra, \ c>! ..' T'*~;{~jvlt1i;!.!ltaPle .,'~oo~.:enough'! toJ:': anioj.ln t8/;'''iif;::cnbbll:ge;:::;1~ 'LuccI (',an4
t\~~ ..~lgii~.uI~~61:: .%:~~E~J.~~~~;:~~f~lEi~~it~= ~.~~1~ffi1mi~~i~~;~:'~.}~i~~;1i~'
at. cvonlngaU,lnnlat98 tlrst eager 'gUmplloi'ot;the"tllace ". that mnt'.~one.:tlovetOPtJ\ontYand(;llr(lv,en!~0.... ti.l~..:r...e........d. ..\,..In..
j 1...t.I;i... ....a ....: '.p. n.rt.o.s w. liS...;.1< \ .' r.. \1. ....t...u...r... e.... ;. 'h..O. m....~..,.e..... ..;.....~...'....'!..o. ca.....t..e. .d... rac." ~.'i.. ...!~~...:!.l......(l....ig... ....~..;y,...' '.'~.. :.'. e8.......~........'.:.;I....~.;.i.., f,..,l~....'d...~tl.....'c...~.e.......n.....~......y...........'....,
v.l~~/1,A~terill.'te'Yopon.. Jua~ two. and a. 'hal~I,:mf~cB.L!~~tlt<'ot otilf;:I.I1Uow~i';", t1>r~~~tJ?n;
prayerdnov,~.\ Suem. . Excpla.lor...~.t',pre8ent:~hb.hotn~rp~;\lpd. l-Coa-\ "er~,;611~\I~Kt.bOi'moBtkcommonl1.
1d~nC o(rtli~ ," . Home,' .MeUonbrlng;:.Tj. hCY.~ll(l.
1 .
ed:a'..,.~...U.. g...ot.I1..Sk,., luS.Od,'sC5.U.... t.'.'e'''')' Jt.hI8;~t...'.I...iilniln; Ohi~r
lJ..ot tho 'n hfut.o ry' bt the. onelthat ,was t.o : tcst.
j:. tholr.\,l!!!rdlnc. 88 I.. ... .... ". .'. .....'.;';11.. . dlr. cct'>tiUilUg,.. . notr.,.. .. ".andl tortltlld4P-dolngthelrr'i':}>1l t'J;'ln8~.U!~e8"t;,. '. ..",,', "" .. .:27;.~!>" .. te'liThls was
lng Ii. now country..,~iflr';,(j' '" . tli~~Ugh;COI1l~?It;g.le8~;~hlCh\ rb,ll.
n..,....\.n.,..... ..d...r. es...~. ..'....y..... ,.,no".. ';.A. 1-.. ...........';..'..,...' <....T. .o.......,.,b.. e. "c.. :,n. .C,x.t..':"'.... ' . '.t.......h.....e.....i;,o.,....' uy.e........j1.,ta..........y8...,...l.,.f.U....I....t....'.ta.....: .~r...lo1
lO!. :ChiUlka\ .. resldant'c:} ,. ;;"" " ",. ... :" 'I' ldl' .t"t:..:' "inn(r:Bo~e1fI8h,oI18
ne .l:;ItilupJl'~t." i>~ctal"RO .or/t~Ac'lOR.L~CO~&i . 'i;;::~~~~~~e\iJ~riWpgllltr:y?iot\'nH'n~t.thnJ;!fHn c. fllN,h~;.'" L""'C'<::...,'WUlt.C:..!:'l1rH..U:'D', JtftTA"'..... . ,,".. ,....,,". . ,_
Of"IP.H: '1). Ii
rll. thili wOt/) '.Jlectod
lomnln Voj('cl; :vlce.
tn Klatt: fOflrotnty,
trcallurcr, Dl\vld
pOliO or tho lul>.lsto
CtlVlttOll, ' './ .'
fvltlQ8'that 18 L.l'nK
club' !lIthO/HChool
StolllnK wall' elected
IthJullil. Notermann
Ii'" I
Linea \'"
ulte a thne keeping
th,that pellt RomaIn
I ' .
Ieo hha mlrrorH'ra-
t 'fMtU'!J1;q.'1.DF:,~Jf"
1, ;fD~.t1nI,)Jlllf ;, "flltl
U~or. eotnP. , prO'~~ J
linn) If)tcJal "~I).JU~q.
I ',DUr,I:r,;\,HUnp', ,12, \I \'" '.'
t .. p
E ~~ "
t ."' ~ ~~~---
r'"""~ --.>~...~
j ~-~~
1 professIonal 'Iodoor
H() alwaYIl hilll the
08k.!.' Ii .. . J .
hnselilom ..aro' Hcen
o~r81lhat old grIn
1\'......'.. .~.:.......,\./... ..{."........,'...~. _.. .....~....-..~.......,.;.r.\.......~.(.r....,..:.......~'~..':ii<........,.
i,..~.;... :~.:.;'~.<.:~. :.~. ~ ~
d ,., '.., ,,''1;70'i. " :i;;;(}i' .;YiJ'YA'{:f;j",
e; A ,0.00" ,:~EQtn
I ((:~Ol;;7):ounlt<vaeuum' g'j
t1f;V:,OR/~OR.K!F'REE ,
il:(i;:j'~f3;Pbtijid.ycaHorF;:..ilitA:\wo'djjiS:;M()RN J
1...:"....,.........'..."......;..,'.:..'. ,...'.".'d.....'! ~ahk.'a'. 'lYe.... (i,,[,;~P()UJ) P'r:.;r,,',,"" "i. ~
f.f;~";' f~'f,!'{j~;!~i;1"':~;,~~.
ir~'~ ~
r. .' /".;';,() 'c r'y.'t.,;~~;:s:,'~~ - .
1~~~~t~;f~I'ft;Mason,'Jar j ()i:~f:~~
j--~;:'.f";::.i .." ,;_~'; .~_, .~
8}lUNGt~P,OW1v:t~:t,~'~ili'!I;\::J.Ci:; ?:t':I, ./i::,,,;;;,,
I>.. .' ,. ....'
11\;:'.S..;.~ E.... .....D.}f~s...,$. i.R.
A}S...l '
1/I'ki>opn~,1PhC~ge: (I
A!fES;;celm!::W1ix> I
I. .' .. '. ...1, i!fj...
h'p's,lclfiigc ..t.., ,.- '.'", . _ :"~
i:\'rif{F.t~ih,-tt ':,,'/,: ~'..., '.
1850 J. Thdma$ A8pden
O ~ =::f!\~~itk~~
u*********u********u****** \', ~~$r;;t1\~,~i-{)~h~chMtj1fulft "~'di~
e ,,~:t,r~~~~,~n,bo.itih: it; the .ai~':Of~A.~:t:"
TbomasAspden LIved .~~~eJ:tl,:~~;.jW)tr.dt:'l% i'
L'. . U' f I'L.ef H ,i~~~;*:;J~~,i~h~4b~~o~~
h~ai:L,ong se n I e erel,af~,e.f~\OOIl, serVj,ae~.l~:~h~?~~~,~1fi;u~~ !:{
tv':"',, .>,>"'.'<. '" . In:qlstdct 12for,tnem1:J(l:r[",Qt0$fa.,r.
li.r~~1!i it~f~~~t!f~~;:~li!~iI~
his'>)j'dtn 'Jid 'mJs.lllopa~~":"!c:';4ij&cten '-act~il; 'L
t~{!~'~~~~4~~t~:~~I.~f~?~ri#f!.tt!~~J~;i. ?:'
lI~~ !a.tl1~r,~ oh~;',!s.1!,d13n; ,came ~() . urd~Y:fl,~t~J:~~'j:~r:'"B?-^e~'R~verend ,
JGIn:fl~ :hiU,(/"- B~ . ..' '. e
FaitihfutHerald Subscriber 66 ~y ears
In thejdeiitl1 ofi~hotnas Aspden, 0
iotExcelsior,; the Herald has ,lost 'it~
11btlgesisubscribing'reader, For morr-~ .'
1".tii'aIl66 years Mr, Asp{Jen'snameha~;
1 ,,' . .. . . ..
i Merion' the subscription. list,,~ "
j .... Th~ Excelsiorite, a Jerritpria,l ,pio.
ineal". of 'Ca,rve'rGonp.ty, d~edWeift.l~~,
J day at the ',agi:i' '6f"Z~ ;years. FuIlerll.l
servIces were co~d\lcted Saturday
afternoon ,at . :the:,Elx:celsior Congrega-
i,JiQn~i:~~'~llllrCib:l'aJter' which the bOdy
was'fa.k'eu.tti: the .old" Chanhassen
i cemetery near ~he horrie of his early
days. .' .. .', ..
1 Pall-bearers were Floyd,ROnald, .
mid Carrol Roers, John Craig, John
i Dressen, and Elmer LivIngston. .
John Thomas Aspden was "born III
J ThOrndyke, Massachusetts,;' on: D,ecem.
iber 221850 the s'onof John T. and
ij Marga;et T~Ylor Aspd~n, ~m.igran!s
frciD,l, England,.. At the !age of SIX
years "the boycaU1t)'t'o Mmne~ota, the
familyhome' being es tabl1shed in
Chanhassen . township in"'1856; two
jyears before 'Minnesota became a
lstate. Oti October 28, 1877, Justice.
5Qfth.ePeace Henry As.pjlen, a. brother. :
ipe't'ftfrm.ed thema.r:'ri~,!?;~, ,ceremony in ;
which J. Thomal:(\' Miss Amelia ;
qKroening weren'ij.1W~~~In 1937 they,
celebrated theirstX:t:tt.itl1 wedding ::\.P-'
niversarY.i'For~~1e'fr~'. they,farmed
dn Chanhassen' tOwnS111p. For. the. past
iJ20-odd years theyr.~~1ded in'Elxcelsior.
j During 'his d<t~~'>in. ..Cbanhassen
township::~he:had' served asia ,town
officer;,:;niemb'er of.. the',::~chClorboard;
i,":jana;:(Pt\'(sow:~.:ti1ne ,wheIt'i;Gb urch" , S er-
f:;"it~!~~K~:~f~~il~~~~r~~~:~~~~~. i
The wIdow. and three daughters,:
Mts. John Roers, Cbaska; Mrs. Leon- :
rd,Rqersl ,'an,d :M,:i'~. 'Wqh~rt'A~der. i
son; Excelsior,'..survIve.' . !
r&1 {
Chan~e in
Single Ilhave ..................
All Halrcul..$ ..................
Haircut and shave . ..........
iVlat,tcr ..._.
N~k CIIP$~.'~:'~~~~ '
Fred E. Boeck
r_" -.....----........-.~_...___..._..r
Fred E. BQeck drove to; Porter on
Sunday to get his family: who had
been spending a week Wit~ the Har-
Igs old Hein family. :
IOn I ", ' Carl Ackermann of Minnfllpolls
I MlSSipn were cO~ducted :.t visited with his parents blll;e Sunday
theC~!lty, ~ne churc~. Sunday .aalso.callecl on "i~r 'Hansen att!l r4br~ an~afternon. Re'l' MaulJ{Qf No ood. -----'he Henn~on conducted the i afternoon '
services. I I e dedication barn dance at the
i I Carl Segler place south of Norwood
Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Berg and son Saturday evening was very i~eiy
10 David of ~inneapolis jUld Mrs. attended.
Carrie Berg !:If Dillon, Monfana, were I -oL
Sunday visit9rs at the F.; S. Mayer Mrs. Herman Gutzke has been in
m- hom.e. '! I the Swedish hospital in Minneapois
lit. : I since last week, She submitted to an
rs. W. C.; Luedtke, who has been operation for goitre troubles.
takmg treatments at the Dr. Nicholas
in. Sanitarium iLt Savannah,: Missouri.
for the past! thr~ weeks~ returned
e WedneSday" I
r. and Mrs. Wm.' Schultz and
sons of near Carver called at the
home of,Mr. and Mrs. SChultz Friday
evening. to assist the latter in ob...
serving her birthday annitersary.
Catherine 'Platzer, who I graduated
he from the Teachers Collegei at Duluth
Thursday. returned to her 'home here
Friday to spend the vacjLtlon here
with er parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Jos.
I 'nung i\uwrttu'taylt I
I ,FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1936
i.~~ Local
Miss Berl}Jci: Bahr and Mrs. M.
Zahler of W.aconia were visitors here
Monday. nlOlping..1 i
Watertown has a fellow lWho steals
purses from cars parkelj- on the
streets of that village. ,
1\11'. and ~rs. Joe Knott of near
ew GermanY were Young America
jers Thursday afternoon,
i . i
Masons of 'the Sault Centre district
In will hold their annual picnic on Sun-
day. June 21st, at the Sll-ult Centre
city park, 011 the shores, of Sallk
IN Lake. All masons of central Minne-
sota are invl~ to attend the picnic.
Mr. and Mrs. Helmuth Will. Mr.
l and Mrs, Barl Hoernemann and
may be u.d to bo&d ~ and
here are braalt l'OOlILera. fow and
I nsh tor added color. T
H~Dld HIDs.: Wind lDlaU rub-
i ,)o>r blu1d. around ~ eDda of a!1pPl'
dres$ hanal!IlI and you will ~n a
1"non'~<1" banaer. ' ,
After bav1n& l1ved tor 18 ~ on
Barren Ialand, which Ura neU I"1oYd
I Bennett Anport, New York. J~e F.
i Shaw will have to move bec~ the
ISland Is to be made oVl!r 1010 ~'park
I and all thl! residl!nta must Ic). Mi3a
Shaw has been teach~ thl! J3luTen
Islanders and l& much loved b)! thl!m.
When there were 400 people PI). thl!
Island. the city put up & 'ilooden
1 schoolhoU&l!-residence for her' ,
I ~'Rastus: "Parson ... will yo' pll!Ull
I pray for my floatin' kidneys?"
Minister: "What makes yo "UUnkIIcanhelpyourkidne)'s?"
I n&stus: "Well, las' week )
prayin' fer IClO:le livers."
Herbert H. Aspden born in c~_1 Blooming' Pralrte.~~ot
hassen Township, Carver County. with shooting the best co /stent
Minn. in 1872, parents and grandpaI'. game of golf at the Blooming rle
ents were territorial plbneers, mother Country Club. Rolv Rye goes! Ip lor
still living. Attended district ~hool fishing another recreat1ona~ lside-
line while tramping the t~l1IIays.:2 years at the Excelsior Congrega- Last week while h as 1'~~'onal Academy., 4!ntered, the ,last across the- b ge' whIcb ~..~
SUb-Freshman class of the State creek hazar at the golf gro ds, hI!
University, graduated 1895 specializ-,' spied a large sized sucker swim-
ing in History and Economics. mmg alo~ with the. current Br-nglng
Taught two years as principal of I his trushe driver down with $ bank.
schools at Lyle. Minn. followed bY' Rye knocked the fish out c~d and
two years at Herman Minn. fished It out of the water. ~lde5
Returned to the' home farm a
working up an appetite, he =1b till the larder for the llndaybreederofRedPolledCa.ttle and Sec- meal! r' ,
letary-Treasurer of the Minn. Red ' [ ! I
Polled Cattle Breeders Assn. of which Cap;ul 01 Helle i' ~Dr. E. E. Novak is President. [)nrUlstu,ll. "lIpi:,,1 drv tlr tl. (;~r,:
Cast l1rst presidential vote for llI"," ,FI:"~ ""II" nf lit.:,"':. II,'. It" \\"~~l'!
Bryan, "original", Wilson and "or-
I,ll. hh~ne nnLl rlw ~1;lln Ill'" W~'
Iglnal" Roosevelt man tries to' be
ellllnrr~, It Is all ..hi "'Iy 'wlt~ ,1t"'1l1
progressive. ::~~:~:r~~~'
1 1I:"~,~;.:s;~
I';~ ;:::;'''
r~lt~::;~~Member or Carver County Farm gOl's hack 10 rhi> Ei;:hth <:ellr;,+ lIn.1
Bureau ever since Its organization h the bhrhpLIl'e o( LIPh~:l :he
and President for six years. Director l:r..nt cht'llIlsl. .\1,.) thaI nt (I ""'111119.
and Trustee in Sugar City Co-opera- the, hnlanisl. UIIlI G"r"lllll-. lIe hl9'
tive Crramery. a unit 01 the Land 0'- lomaU,
Lakes. and member of Central Co- . IoperativeLiveStockCommission. . 0"11'''' Uaiveraal I
A Justice of the Peace for 25 years Nearly hall or everything
or OD
and Town Clerk for the past 12. ; iI., Crult or tbe eartb conslstlpt oxy,
President of Carver County Town Of- !ten. " I ,:
l1cers Association and President of .
the,Carver County Rural Electric. 00 WANTADS 0
Congregationalist married, one. DO 0
daughter. a farmer's wife. BERRY PICKERS wantffi.i'Inqulre
n.F. Luedtke, " 50
N~ Ib&rber prioe a.tter June
Read the new advfl,:~ements in ItllisissueoftheEagle. .
K. K. Kellogg. music teacher In the IschoolsofColeraineisspendingthe
weck at the Grivelli home.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Eldred and
chidren of Wood Lake visited with
relatives and friends bere Sunday,
The pavilion dance held here Sun-
day evening was well attended. Music
was furnished by Jerry Dostal and
his band.
Mrs. FI'ed Foster was taken to the
Swedish hospital In Minneapolis on
Sunday and operated the same day
for appendicitis, She is recovering
from the operation.
Lucas Satter, principal at Central
high school, left Monday lor Pipe-
stone to spend the summer vacation
with his brother on the farm. ' He
will be back with us in fall.
Ed. Weinzierl has Invested in a new
Ford truck which will house his
sound system. The truck is neatly
constructed and will give ample room
for the system and accessories.
Mr. and Mrs. otto Helmkes of St.
aul were brief callers bere Sunday .
afternoon. .They were f)peJl\t4l~ tl1e
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Heimkes at Norwood. . .
Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Elmer FIll-
brandt at Winthrop, on Sunday, June
Miss Lara ~ Chase of Anoka. who
for the pMt two months has been
employed a$ reporter for the Nor-
wood TlmC$. has accepted a. position
R$ llOClety reporter on the Mlnneapo-
FOR SALE-FIrst cut of 4 ~re8 of
altal!a hay. Will sell by load ipr aae.
M. L, Braunwarth. II
FOR SALE-Berry boxeJI (Qu. and
Obitua~f Herbert Aspden
Only son of He~and Mary (Woods) Aspden
Henry, father
of Herbert
TO SUDDEN END 1~~'!~lii~~1~fYlf:7~~
1,:\ their" family joy' complete,'" and":'~9,i
Jbulld together' a home froni WhiC~rJ!1iI 'lwouldr.alli.ate.thr.9qgA.?p:~:':;J?e.::,c.oIA'" :
HERBERT H. ASPDEN, , muJlitxcia~(l.iI,ru.l;:I:9unj.l41g';'t~~a'the ll.q:n..,
PROMINENT MAN, DIES :lsti\ll~ti'Veqntru-enceSthat'were to blessi'
fand serve-their' generation. . In theinFOLLOWINGOPERATION,] home at ".cedarcroft" occurred.;;tlW:,i
jruneralservices of both. his-pareJ.i,tg;:
and in more recent years the last sad':
The death of Herbert H. Aspden, of;;
rites of ,hfswife which severed ~~;.
chanhassen township, whicJ;t occurr~dl marital union: that: had '::contip.ti~d.\
at the Eitel hospital, Mlllneapohs':tbr:ough43 years." '.: .;.... ':/"'.'.);'T( f:Thursday noon, April 15, 1943,. ca~e,.l' HerbertA.Spden,with'hIswife>lon~;as a severe shock not only to hHli.!llg0 enteteQ into.thefello)vs:tlip of th~j
fa. mily. bU. tt. 0' this entire, !......'.,Ex. .'. c..ongr.e. g. 'ationa.l'.:chUrCh.. , - in.....:'t.for Herbert Aspden ,was a nll;tlv~of,
whose serVices of worship and worlt;:,
the township, was prominent In clvic; _ ,he was actively interested, and for;
affairs, a candidate for high fjtate of. 'mimy years, up to . the time of . his' ;
flee on the Democratic ticket only a,' death i.lie:heid, the offiCe .of . deac!>n..:few years ago, and for many years :.Hew'as' 'also'am~Il\ber,of th(::.~l:.~):<Jresident of the Sugar City cream~ry:: 'sIor LOdg~ No~ 113,A.F. &.A.. M.;and i';of Chaska, in which be took s~ actIve: 'a KriightTemplar. ..-' ;''0::'. .~.a part over a period of years VIrtually: 'Hlslong continued ,sll.cce,ss all a'"
ince its organization. He was one of farmet made him a recognized Jeader i,
us. A man of abil~ty. high character,; In public affairs. He was a justice ~:friendly nature, WIth a real love. for,. of the' peace for 25 years ; was t,o;yn;"
his fellowman, he has left a void that'lclerkfor many years; . .v,.as 'a :,chief ;,:,
only ,.time can fill. But, he has also':jpromoter of rural. electnfIcation and,
left his imprint on the sands of time. .lwRspresident of the Minnesota Vall,ey,
Herbert H. Aspden, only son of-:JElectric 'Co-operative for, six :te ars , :
Henry and Mary Woods Aspden, was;'! Whatever was of moralor"material'
born in Challhasskm township, Carver ~'l'Jnt.erest to his community was ,.Il~.ver
County, Minn" on June 2&, 1872. His ,.,.foreign.tohiIi}. '. In 1941 he was Jomed
parents and grandparents were terri-. i in marrhlg,;; to' Irene Hart; sister' of.
torial pioneers. In his childhood pe :i his first wife. ,
attended the district sc~oo], after'. After appar.ently sonvalesceIlt.from iwhichhespenttwoyearsIIItheEX,:!aperiOc1.offii.illngheal1;h;Mr.Aspden Icelsior ,Congregational Academy.' He ::.~l s. ~bthit.ted. to .an. o. '.p. e..r.'ation. .,:....a..t Eitel.:;then entered the last ~ub.freshman,. hosjlital with every'pr6s~ct,of"s.liV:;'class in the University of. Minnesota -jcess, b~tQeath. QC'cffii'.Wt;.tgi}'::w..IrQ:W~ .an~ wlJ,s graduated in 1895, h?-ving<'I~l?daY;,catiii~dbr~bPlrsI;ti;'a)l1bOd~
mllJ?redin .b.l~tory. and t;conomics. He. . .~clot; .. He. passed away: Th"ursday .noon, Jservedtwoyearsasprlllclpalofthe:, April 15,1943,' a sudden'anqgrievous !llchools at Lyle, Minn., after which~, 'shock tohisfamlly and many frienl1s: .he taught two years at Herman, Minn.;
He is survived byniswife, Irene:'On August 24, 1898, he, was united
hi da ghter Helen'(Mrs. StanleyjnmarriagewithGraceHart, and two' s.., U, ;: - ',.
d . 11yearslater' returned to the home: Hllller); and:tl1~,ee .gran chll~ren,. alfarm' on whi'ch he had been born of . Excelsior.", Jhere . remameth ,.
d h Idh d" d;.. rest to the people of God." To these 'II ;~ut~~ ~h~:e h~e~eniSe~~;bliS~~d
gI: Ill. llDsLof friendsp?,';.~n~,!~eirsincere :
own famUy home. and lived the resrY'ym~ath:}". ....,,:.Yd::~M,;;:>c<~:., .;of his earthly life. To them here was ',r' ;:Z;pe.funi'lral.~e-,:"J~r~, ,,~1(l,}rom i
born the~r daughter Helen to make ::rth17late ,home.., (Jllda'f~" ;~~nday1ContinuedonPagefour) . rafterno~n, ;AprlJ:.!Sl1)\. ;rt 'S;. ,~clq(,:kl Fconductedby,:iJie'.-;pastor;' Ed ,.1\,",'l Drake. . tb~ )t#m.eni :. ." ; li1~
tendfngC the~ > ,: ~*
1l},6,n y: ,tiQ"tJie;~ '
a1a$s~:tk(.:e:m~ .
J0Q..e\L-\'-j V a, it Uj 14 U{ CL ( J ")
A.p(\ l J-;). , t {.} 'f'3
Obituaries ancF"l
j . Funeral Service.s ~~
ASPDEN", age.70, of Exc.l'q1 . .;or,. l:>al!.!led '.a..way Th. urs. at Elt.lIlOSpl- ".
1 . tal;' ".Mplll; : .survIved. by wI!., ,,,
I <\aughter,',Mra;Stanl.y. R.1ll1.r' &3';
f.. 'grandchildren,' .an'o,t,Exc.l:llor. s.rvlc....E.Jq . SUilday':I p;m. .at -r.'ldenc.. 'Ma3.0nl~C:;:
Q,mlnlttal .Ohanha....n "".IlIIl. e.-,
1: :tery,' '~~Artangemel!l4. . ~.1'dwell :',!
i::~, .~c;~!.~~.~ .\~.~,~ .:':,~. ,::~ c,~:_ \:"'_' ,.' ,-:::'-.~
L~',.~-~_~~:-~/~ ~__~~:;>~
Chaska Herald - Thursday, November 26, 1992
Jim Faber's View from a
lBenCh in City Square
I t.. .
I c.."
i .:,.
Chatting with a real pioneer
was 51} years ago lhis month
lhat I had an opportuniry as ;1
young Herald rcporter-~'riter-
editor .just;t few years out of high
h(xll spend part of a Sunday
aftnnnon with a territorial pioneer.
My recently acquired first car, a c:oursc-Mtxlcl T Ford,
orcneu new horizons tx:yond Ihe
walking limit~ of Cnaska,
With a Novemhcr wind and
snllwn:tke~ gently mixing, I Willi
headed for what was then Chanhas-
n Township, more ~pecifieally 10
Ihal ilrea sclI!cd hy "Yankees" in
the I X5()s.
At the Herh Aspden home I wa<;
going 10 hccome ;Icguainted with
his mother, Mary Wood A<;fXlen, a
dl'lightfullady gracefully enjoying
her upper Ms.
She :md her family had the
experience of coming from
Massachusetts to the frontier twice.
Abel \Vtxxl had worked in the
colton mills of [hat slate since
coming from England as a hay.
Learning of new opportunitie~ in
the new Midwe~t, he hrought hi~
family, including two-year-old
Mary, to the Waukesha ;Irea of
WisConsin. However, it proved to
he a malaria area. The family went
I1;lck cast.
Some German families had come
up the Minnesota River in IH52
and pre.empted homestends on the
prairie and along Ihe bluffs of what
would hccome Clrver Co:JnlY, eastofwhalwouldhccomcChaska.
The steamboats kt them off at a
JanLling edIct! Yorkville. During
the following year, 10 families
from Mas.<;<lchusclts gOt off ilt the
s;lme place and headed north to
claim land. In the group were Arha
Cleveland, George Powers. H.M.
Lym;m, Joshua Moore, J. CHhean,
George Galpin, Lcmuel Griffin,
James Ryan, William Tilton and
James Hillery.
A minister \Alme 10 visit lhe
Clcvdands <Jml was SO favorahly
impre!'.."Cd with the new area thill
he wmle !cuelS to lhe Palmer
Journal. a Mas.<;i\chuscus puhlica-
Onc uf the readcr~ who was
convinced and hccmn<: excited was
Ahcl Wtxxl. He ~taned west amI
left enough money for his family 10
foUow later. He landed at YorkviUe
in 1854 and estahlished a home-
stead. After a ycar's preparation uf
lhe sile, he sent for his f:.milv.
A contingent of 16 SCI out from
Massachu~clt~, making the first
legs of the trip by railroad. (n the
group the Wexxls' cousins, Olspar
KnOll, John A<;pden, and the
Hobson, Lynn and Mtxlre families.
On one leg of the journey they rcxle
in a C1111c Clr, just vacil(ed hy
animnls, Planks were put in as sealS
for women.
After six days lhey arrived in
Chieago on il Sunday. Trains did
not operate on that dilY, The nexl
dilY they were back on the mils
headed for Galena, III. There they
got on the ste,lmhoat, Franklin,
hound for St. Paul. There they
boarded the Antelope nnd reached
the Minnesota River Valley ill
Shakopee by nightfall. Knolt, a
tin~milh, was impressed with the
seltlement at Shakopee and decidcd
to sct up hu~iness there. TIle
Antelope stopped :11 Yorkvillc, a!ering of lug homes ens[ of
what was to become Chaska. They
were greeted there by John Mann, a
sctller. He had been requested to
take Clre of the newcomers until
their friends arrived.
Mr. WtxX/ arrived with a Jumhcr
wagon drawn hya yoke of oxen he
had purchased. Reunited, the Wlxxl
f:lmily drove into the nearby
Chaskn setllement, stopped at
David Fuller's slore un the levee at
the south end of Walnut Street.
They purchased a h:mel of S;JIt
pork, II dollar's worth of sugar, a
h:lrrel of nour and a gallon of
molasses. With those purchascs,
Ihe wagon and oxen nnd ;J $60 cow,
the Woods had $42.50 left a<; their
weallh. That would he contrihuted
to the cost of a log schex1] neigh-
hors had decided to build. They
could then get education funds
from the territorial government.
As the farmstead came into vic:w,
here was the 16 hy 24 foot log
house with two windows. Inside
were ;1 Ill'll made with tamarack
poles, a pine ho:lrd tahle,
some slools and :10 illln stOVe. The
family unpacked the twO chests of
clOthing they brought from the
Now there were ei).;tlt hanus
instead of two for fUrlher clearing
the entanglement of nrush, fern
growth amI rex)ts under which there
was rich soil for cultivating. While
the son helped his father, nine-
year-old Mary .!ided her mother,
churning hUller and shooting
hlack hirds to prolect t he acre of
wheat her father had planted for
next winter's Oour.
A young girl, Sus;m Hazeltine,
started teaching school in the
Cleveland hOl1le, hut, when the Jog
school was finished, that heC:lmc
the educ.ltional, cullural and social
center. The newcomers from
Mas.<;<IL'husclls were yuite cultured.
In the schexl! they had such
activities ilS spelling hces and
lyceums, including dehates,
recitat ions. singing, and reading of
prepared papcrs.
The Rev. Edw:lrd Eggleston,
author f:lOlOUS for "TIle Hoosicr
SChtxllm:lstcr" and "'me Circuit
Rider:' pn:;Jchcd at lhe schexll
while traveling as a lxXlk s;desman.
Mrs. Aspclt:n rememhcred the
occasion. She cou Idn '\ at lend,
hccause she didn't h;lve shex:s.
There were no churches, hUI in
the summer neigl1hors would
gather in the sugar m:irlc grove
near the Lyman home for services.
wa... there that the first Protestant
scrmon was preached hy the Rev.
Charles Galpin of Minneapolis in
June I K'i4.
The AspJcns ;md Woods being
neightxlrs led 10 (j rather n;llural
romance, amI Henry A-;pJcn and
Mary Ann Wo<x! marricd. 13y that
time MinnesOla had hccome a
There was so much more
Grandmn As[Xl<:n told me in that
1933 visit. In a future column I
shall relate somc of her experiences
with Indi,ms <II home in Chanhas-
sen and while Icaching ill
Lot 16.8
Grave Status Occupied
Update Date 9/15/1997
Social Sec. No.
Date of Birth
Date of Death
Interment Date
Cause of Death
Place of Birth
Place of Death
Marital Status
Military Status
Purchased By
City, State, Zip
Date Purchased
Amount Fee Paid
Date Int Fee Paid
Interment Fee
City, State, Zip
City, State, Zip
Occupant Information
Herbert Henry Aspden
Coronary Thrombosis
Chanhassen, Minnesota
Eitel Hospital
Mary Ann Wood Aspden
Herbert Aspden
Principal, teacher and farming.
Purchaser Information
Herbert Henry Aspden
Spouse Information
Grace Irene (Hart) Aspden
Next of Kin Information
Mary Horsager
Mary is Herbert's grand-daughter. Stanley and
Rt. 3, Box 52
Verndale MN 56481
Lot 16.8 Update Date 9/15/1997
Name Herbert Henry Aspden
Comments/History Herbert (AKA Henry) was a graduate of the University of Minnesota in 1895. He
was a principal and teacher before returning to the family farm in Chanhassen. He
was President of the Chanhassen cemetery Association from 1931 to 1942.
Daughter Helen (Lot 16.5) married Stanley Hillier. Herbert's father, Henry Aspden,
lived 1837 to 1915 (See Lot 46). His mother, Mary Ann Wood, lived 1846 to 1938.
Hreeds of Livestock - Red Poll Cattle Page 1 of 2
Red Poll
The counties of Suffolk and Norfolk in England are
the original homes of the Red Poll. These counties,
which lie in a low rather marshy section of
England, border the North Sea and have soil that is
generally lacking in fertility. The first general
agricultural records of England record a great interest in dairy, particularly in Suffolk County. However,
the farmers did not specialize in dairy animals but preferred cattle with a combination of milk production
and high quality carcasses.
The Red Poll cattle were developed as a dual-
purpose breed in their native counties in England.
Breeders sought a type that would fatten readily
rather than be of extreme size. A good milk flow
was also considered important in selecting breeding
stock in the development of the breed in its native
No one knows when the first cattle were introduced into Suffolk, but it was thought that cattle were
brought to that area by the Romans.
In discussing the cattle of Suffolk in 1794, Rev. Arthur Young, in his book The General View of
Agriculture of the County of Norfolk, reported:
This breed is universally polled, that is without horns; the size small, few rise when fat to
above fifty stones (fourteen pounds). . . . If I were to describe the points of certain individuals.
a clean throat with little dewlap; a thin clean snake head; thin legs; a very large carcase; ribs
tolerably springing from the centre of the back but with a heavy belley; backbone ridged;
chine thin and hollow; loin narrow; udder large, loose and creased when empty; milk-veins
remarkably large, and rising in knotted puffs to the eye. . . many of these beasts will fatten
remarkably well; the flesh of a fine quality; and in that state will feel well enough to satisfy the
touch of skillful butchers. The best milkers I have known, have either been red, brindle, or
yellowish cream coloured . . . the quality of milk is very considerable indeed.
The cattle of Norfolk were described in 1782 by Marshall (as quoted in the Red Polled Herd Book, vol 1,
American ed., 1891) as:
a small, hardy, thriving race; fattening as freely and finishing as highly at three years old as
cattle in general do at four or five. They are small boned, short legged, round barrelled, well-
loined, thin-thighed, clean chapped; the head, in general, fine, and the horns clean, middle
sized and bent forward; the favorite colour a blood-red with a white mottled face. . . and if the
London butchers be judges of beef, there are no better beasts sent to Smithfield market. The
two qualifications, namely the superior quality of their flesh, and their fattening freely at an
early age, do away with every solid objection to their size and form.
It is not definitely known when the two breeds were first crossed, or what infusions of blood may have
been from other breeds. Galloway Cattle and Devons were brought into the area, and, no doubt, some of
this breeding found its way into what later was called the Red Polled Breed.
The Red Poll In America
http://www . ansi. oks tate .edu/breeds/ cattle/redpoll/4/8/2009
Hreeds ot LIvestock - Ked 1'011 Cattle Page I ot 1
G.P Taber of New York State started importing Red Polled
cattle in 1873. His fist importation consisted of a bull and three heifers; two years later, he imported four
more cows; in 1882 he brought over three bulls ad twenty-three additional heifers. In 1882, Messrs. Mead
and Kimball, Randolph, Vermont, imported a bull and ten females. Importation was a thriving business for
a few years but after 1902 practically no more Red Polls were brought over. The breed was established in
the United States on only about 300 head that were brought in from Britain. The breed spread from the
United States into Canada
Current selection criteria on Red Poll in the United States is primarily for beef production.
The first Red Poll Association was organized as the Red Poll Cattle Club of America in 1883. The
association was re-incorporated in Nebraska in 1947, and the name changed to the American Red Poll
Association in 1975.
Briggs, H.M. & D.M. Briggs. Modem Breeds of Livestock. Fourth Edition. Macmillan
Publishing Co. 1980
Promotional materials. American Red Poll Association acquired by Dr. Michael L. Thonney,
Professor of Animal Science, Cornell University.
Cattle Breeds II Breeds of Livestock II A!ljm~LS(:i~!lce Il9me Pa~JI Comment]
Project initiated April, 1994 - Initial web site opened February 22, 1995
QmJyriqht @ 19~!5.:~009 Oklahoma State University BoarcLQ.t 8e~~o1~LAIIJjqhts reserved.
Updated June 11, 1996
http://www .ansi
l Plake
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4.LOPE, each
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I presidential executive order. Newll valley. She carried & bouquet of
I ~f mlXed'1lowen,-
I registrants, will be Interspersed with I white carnations and pink sweet-pt'&s Laat to enter "'>u U,
I those already on the roll.~, While, tiNt with white tulle and white won~ an embrOldert'(\
I ~ome of the n~w men may be calJed '
streamer!, She \Io'ore a heart shaped dress, with Ualn llnd II
I tv I\ctlve service within the nElft necklace. a gift ot the b:idegroom, neckllne, Her veil was It
I month. the average enrollee has I I The mothers of the bride and held 1n place "'llh II. t
I than an. ev~n chanco> of going in
I Rroom wore dark blue dresses and pearb, She wore a rock.
uniform before another yelU'. I corsage ot carnations, FolJowini the lace. a iift ot the Ino<
40; '---T ceremony a reception was Klven at Her bouquet w~ of J
II M' rs. Herbert Aspden the brldf;li home to about 35 famlhe'i Rases. baby breath an
where a wedding dinner was served with whl~ tulle.
Lived Beautiful Lif at five o'clock. A larie three-tier Mrs, Stocker wore a b
wedding cake lUld white candles serv- and the iroom's mot
I Orace Hart, daughter of Hom!:r S ed as a centerpiece on the brides flowered llaht ireen dre:
lUld Helen (Kelley) Hart' was 'be table, Wa1tresses were: Helen HE'uer. COrs&ie3 ot pink camaU,
in Spring Valley. Minnesota Octobe
I Evangeline Bettcher. Evelyn Lemph- cd nowers.
129. 1868, where she spent. her girl er. Caroline SeemlUln: Martha Bet- 'Follovo'ina the ceremOTl
hood y~ars. ,Later the f~mllY mov It h and Audrey Smith, Many beau- was held at the home 0
I to AWitm. Mmnesota, MISS Hart be" c er . .
came a bookkeeper and a teacher; I tifu! and useful gifts were received b~ parents for a larlle nUT
teaChing several terms In the distric~ I the bride and groom. , ' live:;, In the e\'~n1nt:
schools of Mower ,and Fillmore COUIl~' Mr and Mrs, Bahr Will make their dance was held at tile
ties. She also taught in .the school I home with the groom's parents near Lanum at Cha:,ka, TIll'
of Duluth and of Lyle. Mmnesota. .
ll Watertown. The Patriot joins their Will makE' their hom
I, On AUglLSt 24. 1898. she was
mar.l host' ot friends in floI(tendlng con-
I groom's parents .near W
I ried to Herbert H, Aspden and mov,:
atu!ations and best wishes, .
ed to Herman. Mmnesota. Two yearll ' gr
IIlater "he and her husband came to' --' . ----- -,- I~ ''\c:their p~esent home in Chanhasseli .::rV\. \ "- -=3 \ I
Township. '! .) \
When a girl she joined the Conj \ iVo... c... c) V\ t' (;'.
gregational church and later she an4 \J \.
I her husband became members of th~
Excelsior Congregational church by
I letter. She was a. member of th~
IOrder of the Eastern Star and sect
I retary of the local Past Matrons club.
Always active in community work!.
She and Mr. Aspden's mother got the I
neighbors together and organized th~
Rovers. said to be the oldest existing
I club in the state. I
I Mrs. Aspden came of colonial stock;.
An ancestor. Stephen Hart, was ~
deacon in the Rev. Thomas Hooker'~
congregation. which settled first at
New Town, Mass.. and later, 1635.
moved to Windsor and jo1ned with
two other congregations in founding
the Connecticut colony. Mrs. Asp,-
den's Great grandfather Capt. JOhl1jKelley. was a. soldier in the American
Revolution. !
She was known to all her friendfi
as a splendid daughter. an affection;
ate mother, a. loving Wife, and a. a1nl-
cere Christian. , I
Surviving are her husband. ,her slsi-
ter. Mi3s Irene HArt, a. daughter. Mt'$.
S. R. Hillier of Brownsdale, M~, ,
and three grand-children. She P.a.s..t IedawayThursday. June 19.
1941JtEitelH0811ital. MInneapolis.
And there abideth faith, h ,
love-these three. but the greatest 4ttheseLsLove."
Funeral services. Sunday afternoo
June 22. at the home, were conduc
by her pasror, Rev. E. A. Drake. wi
interment In Chanhassen.. ceme
under the auspices of the ofncel"l
Excelsior Cha.pter NO. ~, Order
tha. JQt.atem ~.
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THE' world must
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Lot 16.7
Grave Status Occupied
Update Date 9/15/97
Social Sec. No.
Date of Birth
Date of Death
Interment Date
Cause of Death
Place of Birth
Place of Death
Marital Status
Military Status
Purchased By
City, State, Zip
Date Purchased
Amount Fee Paid
Date Int Fee Paid
Interment Fee
City, State, Zip
City, State, Zip
Occupant Information
Grace Irene Aspden
Adeno Carcinoma of Sigmoid
Eitel Hospital
Helen Kelly
Homer Hart
Purchaser Information
Grace Irene (Hart) Aspden
Spouse Information
Herbert H. Aspden
Next of Kin Information
Mary Horsager
Mary is the granddaughter of Grace
Rt. 3, Box 52
Verndale MN
Lot 16.7 Update Date 9/15/97
Name Grace Irene (Hart) Aspden
Comments/History Grace married Henry H. Aspden at Cedar Craft on 11/27/1947. They were
members of the Excelsior Congregational Church. Stanley and Helen are
The RoverS ot Chanhassen tow.
I splendid social organization and their;Invited guests to the number of hundred, were enterta.lned at the,I home ot Mrs. William KeIm. at herlhomewestotthisvtllage. on Friday Ievening, Februnry 25th, and to say thattheenterta1ntnentaUordedtheguestswashighlyInterestingandenjoyable.Th~ Hustlers Club, recently organ- ~ Is Indeed putting the matter verv mild-ized. held its third meeting at the ly. The Rovers had prepared a: splen-home of Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Justen on did, program which WRS-ca.rr1ed out toFrIday, Feb. 25. Those present were: the letter. It was opened at 8 o'clockMr; and Mrs. W. Forsalth, Mrs. E. Ja.- with a song by the Club, which was ex-;cobson and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. P. captionally well rendered and th1a num-.f. Reuter and daughter. Mrs. G. John-: ber was followed with the reading of,ston and' family, Mrs. S. N. Moses and, the' minutes ot the last meeting, afterfamily, Mrs. Swanson, Mr. and Mrs.: which followed conundrums and tnnnyHenryP:tlmer and family. Mr. and; stories. RElc.tations by Louis Wrase.Mrs. Ed. Holloway, Mr. and Mrs. Carll John Donlin and Lynn Harrison: duetStellerandfa:mily, Mr. and Mrs. Gott., by Dorothy Aspden and Merril Roers;Steller and family, Mr. and Mrs. Willi Jliano solo by Miss Ella Kelm: readingSampsonanddaughter, and Mrs. C. L., of. the news report by Mrs. Thos. Don.Sampson. Mr. and'Mrs. Fred Zuercher! llrr, followed by a. debate. Resolved:and: daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. wn-I TLat the Holstein is a more profitableeoxanddaughter. The evening was I
cow.. tor the farmer than the Jersey.spent with program and Singing andl EL.ner L!Y1ngstoIl. and J. F. Ha."'ri~OllmualcbyMI"'. Justen. FOllowing thel! tOOk, the- affirmative side and Oliverpro~m a dainty luncheon was served Stone and Prof. LitUe the negaUve.atter which. the guests. departed fOr! The judges were Mr. Gilman, Juliustheirvarioushomes, to moot aga.1nl Jetlm and H. L. Kelm and after bearingMarchlOthat, the home ot Mr. and! the arguments presented, decided in,
favor: of the negative side. A recitation I
by Alvin Stange was next on the pro- iMrs. Henry Pa~.__ - -",
gram, after which a social hour was
spent. At twelve o'clock. a fine lunch.
eon was served. atter which the Club
and their Invited guests departed tor
their various homes, glad of the tine
h,_, '~_I~~~~~S entertain~:,~Ord~ them..
The Rovers Club of Chanhassen -i'Iulitheirinvitedgueststothenumberof'
about seventy-five were roYally enter..tained at the hospitable home of Mr.:
and Mrs. H. To' R. Krause on FrIday'
evening, March 10th. The rooms hadbeennicelyarrangedandatinepro-,
gram prepared for the evening's en-
terta.inment, opened by an instrumen-
tal solo by Mrs. :fohn A. KeIzer, fol-
lowed by a coon song by Henry and
George Krause, August Mahlke and
Thomas Evans. A recitation by HarryProdahlfollowed, and a reading byMissMae. Donlin. followed by a reci-
tation by Adeline Krause. News Items:
bY' Mn!. H. H. Aspden, vocal duet byAgnesMahlkeandAdelineKrause,.
reading by Matt Kllnglehoets, recit.a.-.
tion by Henry Kranse, vocal solo by'Miss Evans. recitation by Oliver Stone'
and Matt Klinglehoets. talk by Prof.:Boyce of Shakopee on agriculture and'the program was concluded With a so-lo by Miss Timberlake of
Shakopee..The next meeting will be held at thehomeof :Mr. and "'Mrs. Leonard Roers'near Excelsior. ~arch 24th.
i~": ',.: ~.
1- Elmer and :\1IS5 Vernis Keirn atien-,'
dea the meeting of the ROvers at theII; ?omthe Oft :\fr. laind :\frs. H. H. .-\.spden I
In e owns 1 P on Fridav eveni 'They: ~ort a splendid eVening's ~;:'tertalmlient. the Rovers ilaYinff prpared' a ,\"ery choice program. ~vhlcft,was carrIed OULto the letter, ....."" \
TIll; :\Iiunight Charge:' :l military I \drama in four acts, will be presentedbyTheSt. Hubert's Dramatic Club attheschoolhallinthisV1Ilage, SundayeTening, January 23rd, and Tuesdayevening, Jannary 25th. The play winbeelaboratelycostumedbytheLouisKoptmannCostnmeCo., at :'\Iinneapo-Us llIld the stage settings will be ade-quate. The play is said to be a veryinterestingandextremelyentertainingmilitarydrama., and the cast ot char-acters is such that we know the playWillbeputonright. A writeup of theplayandprogramWillappearinthisdepartInentne~t week. The admissionPrlceshavebeenfixedat50cforre-I s~ed seats. which are on sale at theMli80nandPaulystores. General ad-1I11s81on 1s 35c. ChUdren w1Il be admit.for 15c.
the home talent play "The }1idnigl.1t
Charge," put on by a strong and well
balanced cast at the members of the
St. Hubert's Dramatic Society at the
school hall last Sunday evening, was a
brilliant and Particular success, both
artistically and tinancially, and aver)'
large audience greeted the production
and cheered the amateur thespians to
the echo. In the cast we find the fol.
lOWing well known and capable youngreople: Miss Elizabeth Schneider, Mls~
lizabeth Schroeder, ;mss Eleanor Sin-
rnen, uwrence Schroeder. Paul Klein,
Emil Paul)', August ::linnen, Martin
Roeser. Ed, Pauly, Ror Sinnen. Henn- :
Lubbe, Clarence Geh'er. .-l..rtlmr Pauly,
Henry Kerber, J08. Klingl~hoets. Law.
rence Roeser. Elmer KeIrn and Henr.}'
Klein. The play is a splendid one and
it proved highly Interestlnl; from Stal't
to finish, Every member of the ca.:;t is
entitled to a. vast amount of credit for
the fine manner in which they pOi"-
trayed the respective roles and many
were of the opinion that it was the fin.
est and most successful home talent
play ever stagW and offered to the
IpubIlcotthiscommunity, and we are
glad of the fact :hat the venture was
such a brilliant financial success. Th61
play abounds in comedy of a clean
clever nature and it proved popular al
the way. The play will be presente
again this (Tuesday> evening and w
bell eve another record audience wi
greet the amateur thespians. """'--
The secOii'irperformance or thefa..
mous mJljtary drama. "The MidnightCharge" at ,the Cathollc school hall onlastTuesdayevening. drew a largeandappreciativeaudience. The localthespianscleareda. nice sum of moneyfromtheirventure. which was the
most pretentious and successful ever8ta~ed in Cbanhassan.
When In'dians:roamedneal~b}!
the C
to at
and I
PlJimFaber's View from a
J .>. .
gerfcn~irfCil-S- uareI____q__ ___~"'~_
CHS student is--
tIP_lJ_~~PClg~ _ .
Tracie Allison; a junior at ClJa~ka
High Schqol; spen~ the :week of Feb;
nesot'l ("-"pito] in SL..:..
Paul,-where' she served'. as a hign-
school page for the House-of Repre-
senllitives. Allison; whose hometown
js . tarver, assisted in delIvering,
materials in the ,House Chamber during
paled jn . discussions and .informal
seminars. with ~gisl.1ltors, elected
officials of the executive branch and_
o~se ~taff. The students also spent
time WIth a Supreme Court justice
and met with the Senate to learn its
related functioos: Students, who apply
or are nominated by their scho6ls, _
are Chosen by. the "luck of the draw" ,
and some' 150 students willpartici-
pate in this legislative session. Tracie Allison
T!1e-teleC<lst of "The Dakota
CDnOict"on KTCA (Channel 2) a
few weeks ago-provided its audience
some different interpretations of what
or years was referred to as "The
SiQux Uprising" starting in April
Chaska happened to be on the route
oLearly settlers from the west fleeing
along the military roaq to Fort .. .
Snelling to escape marauding Dakota
Indians. Going ihrough this area in
the oppa;ite directionweremiJitary-
troops from the fort sent to subdue
the natives who experienced a series
of broken pr6iPises by officials of the
federalgovernment aqd their agents
as they took over the Dakota's
homeland. .
You might recall that in Novem~r,
Irelated how the Wood, Aspclen and.
other families had traveled from
MassadlDsetlS in the early 1850sIo
scttle in the'''Yankce'' section of -
Chariha~n Towilshi.Q-.The column
recaHCdaSunday: afteniix:o viSit I'
had in the early 19JO:; with Mary
Wcx:x;I ASpclen who came in that
grou'pas a two-_year-old girl. In that
column 1 promised tOlell or some ex-
penences she-:tTm:tWith-Dakrnas;as
told to me. - .
It was not uncommon to have
Indians roaming about then. On one-
alone in 'their log cabin whenslx
Dakotahuriters entered. They were.. _
saying "minnc,minnc." The two '
frightened cines knew that meant
water," bu.t they ~eSitated to give
them any. TheI1J!:W visit'orsoisCovc
erect a kettle of meat cooking on the
wood stove. The men cutoff chunks
with their hunting kniveS and
proceeded to eat them-piping hot. including Mary. Wood; gaihered' Aspden, led to their !TIarriage~ They
Mrs. Wood had slipped outside and around a fife with DakOlas laking .' bought nearby farmland for$L25 an
through .the snowto theneighborsJ.or their turns,2huffJing tlieirfeet,. acre and establishcdaJarmsteaQ_, '
help. But, whenshCretumC<l; ttV pmising the .captPl' andsl1euting'.: ,later operated bytheiHloo;"Heroert;
visitors were gone. ' "hey-yah,heycyah." " was iiJ his home thal we Chatted bn
At another time a Dakota came into The ritual continued and was . that Sunday afternOOn baCk in the
the cabinwith a quarter of venison, performed nightly tinti.1 May 27,. .' early 19305. . . . '. .
asking that Mis. Wood prepare it. -~whenthe historicJ3attJe ofShliK!5pee--~---Iridians)ilm]oogsihCe t;>eeQgQPe,
She pretended that she didn't know was waged on the north side of the - except foft,hose on the Shakopee
how. Disgusted, the man left with his river, below where Highway 212-169 reservation. The fear which pioneers
meat. . now runs. The victoriOl1s Dakotas in this area-had was probably well
The year was 1858. The treaties of-----drovetheChippewas back to their '. fouhdedbecause the Dakotas were
Traversede-Siou)f-andcMendotahad-~northerri camps.. . . . _ . ..' ........nOl any different. than OIherswouJd_
proVided that the Dakota Indians As a girl, Mary WOOd acquired her--l5e'under the same Circumsta':'nces Of . .
would be settled on rescrvationsoo" education from bOoks and her teachef-'---_ liaving had their land taken away by ,
tne upper :andlowcr parts oDhe ,in the Jog cabin nearby. The teaCher treaty. provisions wl1ich were not kept
MinnesclaValley. The Chippewa was Susan Hazeltine..alrver. .' by the white men, having hada new _
had bcenlocated in thearea'o(Gull, county's first ':school marm". It was -culture impascd on them, and havini
Sandy and Mille Llcslakes, Bu.! they for her thatLakc Susan and Lake" . lost hunting and fishing haunts;even
were ambitious and ventured SCLlthto Hazeltine ""ere. named. Mary Wood , to the point of near starVation. . .
the land of the Dakotas, The two passed on Her acquired ~owledge by" lbanks to the producers of the TV
tribes were ~nemies. . tcaching schoo] in Eagle Creek- - documeniary,"TheDalrota Conflict,"
It was in that period thillthe future TownShip, now aa,Qrhedin the city' . and to Arlo Hasse, astuderit of things
Mary Wood A~pclen, at the agevf 12:-- of Sh'lkopee. Herrelati,:,es in. ']ndiaI1,for prick?1g Qur .ronscience CarwentfromChanhassentoShakopec. . . Shakopce.undoubtedly. mfluenced her ..'about thcsometnnCs shabby and .,..
to vis!i-rclilliVcs, St1eand other .y6ung- -IOSfiiirupynal BUbl1C scfioor.:sne dlSh~rlesr~rll!em o~r,forct;Jears-~~people saw a Dakota onhorschack . roomed wllhlhem. . practIced m thelf'<;leal1n~ wlll.nhe .:_ ~1I
riding up aod duw!-lSl:mkD!=S1lTI:ls--------'__ They retuffieQ to .ChaolJ~n wQere DilkOllS. "~~~_ . ass,lS
holding a pole in theai!. Attached to rornanx with:a neighbor, Henry. . tram
it was a piecebf lin and another . -. . - Polle
obje€l-l:langlc4-f-ffim i L '.
When Casper Kndtt, the Wood'
girl's cousin, carne home; he was
asked about the strange sight. He said
an-Indiah-hadcome-to hi;'-tinsmith---
shop-an;d hadhim fashion the piece
of line The d,irigJing object below it.
was the scalpofa Chippe.wa.~Hc had
acquired it while hunting nonh of the
river and coming up:m one ofthc
invading Chippewas. His riding,
waving thctrophyand shouting were
toannouncc something of a war
dance that evening. Curious villagers;-
Got a story idea ?Call,9Ur.24~hoili
e...atDucl1tone phone.. Fol19w the recorl
Submitted photo
MRCI - Chaska
l04~ Stoughton Ave.
Monday, February 22 .
T"u"'f'\", f'l/"";I;hi
Lot 66.1
Grave Status Occupied
Update Date 9/15/1997
Social Sec. No.
Date of Birth
Date of Death
Interment Date
Cause of Death
Place of Birth
Place of Death
Marital Status
Military Status
Occupant Information
John Thomas Aspden, Jr.
Coronary Sclerosis
Thorndyke, Mass.
Chanhassen, Minnesota
Margaret Taylor
John Aspden, Sr.
Henry, Charles, Alice, Sarah Roers, William
Purchaser Information
John Thomas Aspden, Jr.Purchased By
City, State, Zip
Date Purchased
Amount Fee Paid
Date Int Fee Paid
Interment Fee 0.00
Spouse Information
Name Amelia Kroening Aspden
City, State, Zip
City, State, Zip
Next of Kin Information
Lot 66.1 Update Date 9/15/1997
Name John Thomas Aspden, Jr.
Comments/History John came to Minnesota with his family in 1856 at the age of six. He became a
member of the First Independent Church of Excelsior and Chanhassen. He
purchased 120 acres in Section 16 in 1877. He also served as Chanhassen
Constable. John and Amelia Kroening were married in 1877. .
elia (Kroening) Aspden
Thu: hOliday SeASon tor Mrs. Allee
Roerll. ot Chasku, was 1lllddent>d by the
death ot' her mother, ,Mr... Thomus
Aapden, of Excehllor. . illto 91 yearli,
whO ~~.ed away .Thursday afternoon
at a. flUlt .home III .Deollhaven, where
she bad been i1 br.d putlent for the
pallt year, surrel-lnK ,frolll. sev.eral
strokes, a.flnal stroke whIch' .ended
her life ,that afternoon.. . . : .
r;lrs; Aspden ....aaone of tl1.. 'terrl.
torlal pIoneers bf CaNer County, .com-
InK to Chanhttssen T~wnshfp with, hei'
parllnts prior to the..Clvll_War. SlJlIle
time arter' her lIlarrlalre to Thomas
Aspden they moved. to Excelsior. and
made their home there for many
years,' The husband passed away 12
yeara ago, having .attalned a. ripe
old age. " .
Mrs. Alpden' wa.' a .tlno '.woman
with' a wide acqualntancelhlp that
was amassed .throulth her. longevity
or, lICe. HIghly relpected '. by her'
friend. and alloclllte.; 'ahe. was" a
womlln ,who Jond conversation. "..
peclally.whe,n It:reverted. back to the
pioneer daYI when the Indlant roamed
thls ana., She could ap'eak' with au-
I thorH,. 'OTi . the history- " of' cane~Count,Y and Minn. elota, haflnk settledInthl.. area eYen hefore' the Itate
wall admitted loto. the Union.
Jl'uneral lIer'Ylces. were held Sunda,..afternoon, at ~.:O() p.m.. at ,the. Moth
dbt lihurcb!n E%ceh'lor, where'. lUjte'
cro'll'dof peopla Pthere4 to Pel)' theirrlnal .rnpecla to. thJa .p~_ woman.Her rernDlo~ 1I'ero 'JaId .to reltt In the'Chanhallen ....cemet~ besM", the
lJ'ave ot her hUlbaniJ; , P.lIbearen
were Floyd. ROtlIIlcland Carroll.IWera,ncl.Jobn ThomaaDrnun. of Chuka;
W..lter Krlle1lID6.,of VJcto~ and ll:t.
mu tJVIDPtOll, of J1lxcelslor.".. '
BnrYJvln~ the cleeeuect ladT' arethree' danlhte.... M.... AUce Roert. of:Chlllka, and :M.... :M~et Roera andMr.. "ftlbert. AndenOll. Of .~6laJor.
fn addition to tJn nandc1iJJdren'&b4tout' ueat-lJ'lIlldcbJldren..
AJnon C thOle trom thl. areia atten4-In6 the lut rUet were Ifri.' AlleeRoer" Mr. and MfII. Floyd Roera. Mr.
lInel- M....CarroU Roers, Mr. _nd If....Crarence. (John) Dr.....o and. chil-
dren, John, Thorn... alid :Mluea Dor.
othy,and Donna Dreuen. and nonaldJtoefll. all ot thl. elty; Mr. and' M.... .Waller, . Kroenlnlr. of the :Mlnneao!4P'tult Dreedlnl Yarm' near Victor1&,Mr. and M.... OIlOrl'e Kroenlnl,an4Mrs, Anna KrOllnln,.. of near LakeMlnnewlllbta. '
J tt~~l~V 'II p
tc hLj 1-10v ct LL i'-- ~ ")\ lqS-o
jVL', if- i
Lot 66;2
Grave Status Occupied
Update Date 9/16/1997
Occupant Information
Name Amelia Aspden
Sex Female
Social Sec. No.
Date of Birth
Date of Death
Interment Date
Cause of Death
Place of Birth
Place of Death
Marital Status
Military Status
Heart Failure-Cerebral Thrombosis
Henry, Charles, Alice, Sarah Roers, William
Purchaser Information
Amelia (Kroening) AspdenPurchasedBy
City, State, Zip
Date Purchased
Amount Fee Paid
Date Int Fee Paid
Interment Fee 0.00
Spouse Information
Name John T. Aspden
City, State, Zip
City, State, Zip
Next of Kin Information
Lot 66.2 Update Date 9/16/1997
Amelia (Kroening) Aspden
Amelia married John Aspden in 1877.
The 'f~lIowlng' members of .the
Cha8ka V:F.Wo Au.xlllary motored to
Fort Snelling' last Thursday evening
to POP ~orn and bring e!Jeer to tbe
bedridden. patients at tbe Veterans'
bospUIII: Mrs.' .sue PlItb. Carver. Mrs.
Jack Glowlltzke. Mrs. Harry Savel-
Iwbl.-l\'rll.. Do, otb, E~~ ,,,,d Ed lIlUrrd-
M~En"cpopPed' the. corn. while
tb'e IlIdles distributed it.
They also made .a special effort to'
Carver. who Is looking forward to the
lilY In the De~r tuture when he CIID
y' -";5~
IIFEtlJNG~DlIUNlY:SugH Pr~ng At .;~
RESIDE,Nl PIES . . J.ocaJ..Plant' ~,~i\Jl~teI
Ar'ACIOIA~ridayAftet77 'Days)'f$~:<-.;\. 4,_,_ . . . :~;;:?:'.,AUGUST HILK, .PROMINENT . The 1960 campAJpi.r:the loc&1 plaiil;ot'tbe Afuerlcari9..yatal'SuBar 01:;MAN, PASS.lS AT. HOME IN'' ~Ole.io_aauccea.tul,coliclualon at 12:16'a,m,,-ll'rlda,.,December 16Ul, h.1'tii:S
W~COHIA AT-AGE OF. 7~ -cPDclud"ed &..77 day.' run, ODe of the'lonseet.and moat .uccessful frotp.lYv"y1.' In the hJatorY__I]L.tbe..:chaa~plADt.---~-.- .-----;- ~-
7.~---=.-- ---'~-~--' -TIIe.'ea~patgn-.iot under way on Septeirlber 29th under favorable clr~.AUgUllt Hllk.UfeUme realdent of 'atiuJcieii and it, . . .
s Ptobilbly. th~ {aa.t . .
Manager l~aul T. Rablneon' and8llPt.4th,' at 7:00. p. m; He wall 79 yeara 'Herbert GJ:lepbave every.reaaon!O A'old at tbe .tlme of hie death. . . be proud of the-ahowlng. mlUJe. iuad CCIIi~ad enJ,,)~ all hll .AG~DEXCELSI.oR .~.
the per.80nu.el,..o.r. the.p.lailt re.I.....:.... ..........
S.long and useful life until Marcih of'.
wile. The' pa)'foll during the.llo)ij . ....19tt11.l"llen he'suttered a heart ailment. f campaiirn . totaJleiJ. ..._~.8.2JlmpJo)'.eeL Ii 'Altlloogh enjoying dally good health in I ." .... ." .. ....., .'
J. .' - .~~. '
Three hlindrilil- thousand dQilara WH.the clrcle.of bls family the remalnln.r . '.' . . the 'amount pllld to labor.' ,....four and. one half ,'yealll. he PUlld{.,...-. .'. . _.d.' . '..'. . The. plant ..lIced 1%0.!;1.6' tona of' WI
awa,. .at hIs :home :Iast .Monday.: ,~.I '.MRS. THOMA8A8PDEN, 91b~u, the 'lar,eat tonnage In many mere
August. Henry IDJlt, son of Allguat ,WAS '''OTHER <>>' MRI, )"BIl1-.. although not the IUBe!ltln the :OUI
and.Jobanna (Lindenberg) l!!lk, wall' .
AUCI:: ROERI CHAIKA .' plant'a history. 'Tbe avera.e.,.sucar 0""
born on April 6, :1871,. on tbe old HUk. .. content of tb~ beets allced w.. 11.11 T,bomestead 'luWaterlown Townsblp. . and It may' b8 nlibtd with great nU. the
Baptized at tbe. TrInity. Lutberan ,Tbe' holiday season tor Mr.. Alice faction that thl!! tlgure surpaned aD)' to t~cburch by the Rev. .Wm; Fredrick, Ite Roera, of Chaaka, was aadde.DOOb,. the I other plant operated by the Amedcan. . Asw'allconfltmOO hl the .!iftrne cburch on . deatb ~r' m(,ther. ,Mra. Tbomas Cryatal Sugar Co. 0 . .AprWI9;1885;..-:-.---..--......-.-.-- . A.pdeJ;i. of .~xcel~r;--agfr-9r:year... sugar extraction the lant did not CUt'June 2, 1899, he was 01 . ..' It ,8' ernoon up o. e mar .. .ell1AbUJbed,. In .om.we ?C to Hulda M!>lnau or Chaslta lilt a.reathome It; Deephaven. where . recent .cu!,lpalgJia.but the mark..u __by tlie Rey. Henr~ Raedeke. To this I she had beeD a bed plltlent'for tha highly 'aatlsfactory. .Thr~..hund.rwbappyunlo..n, six 'Ch. .lIdren w. ..ere ~orn.! pae.t year, sUfferltig' .trom 'se.v.l!. ral and', t.went." 'leVen thO. .11... .a. Iln.lcr.'. .,..:'ilIX li\Q1..... ;
6' .two .ot whom. twin boYll, preceded latroluia, a, final IItroke wblch! 'ended drod/and. twellty l00'Jl:Ound aack..,qfthelr'father In dev.~b BOOn after bi.rtb., her lIfe_.that" atternoon;' .'. cr1l1taUZed., aunehlna i.~~;1.,were p~' ~.---:-His d~th,ls !DO'!.l'1led' by his griet/... Mrs:Aspden .was,.onil of.the terrl. duced.ave~y high. I'ii.ark. .AIJIC) '. .y-...,lltricken ""fe,nuld~'one 80n 'Hermantorlalvmne6fil-orcarver .County. com. 1~l,7H ~Il or dried beet pul.p, a ~l. ...of Waconla,~, three'.'daugbters, Mrs. jngto Chanhasl\en T~wnablpwlth her uableby.prOduct aa a d~lry.tee4. .reW'1Jtred.1Yen~ (A,lm~}. . Mrs_ Alfred. panintaprlor.'lothe.:ClvIIWar....So)iae ..turned..out.and..6..183 ton..:or-a~lOo-Kuntz (Frle<!$) . $!!d Mrl!. I!erhert .time after her marriage- to Thomas carload. of mola..... :we'reilh'-ped bySelt:!! (Rose). ".. . '. Aspden .they moved, to Excelillor. arid the local plant. AlI.ln. all 'the entireHe. w~a a falthflll~elI!ber of the made theIr home there tor many campaign .standa outu a notable. oneLiltheraJ)' churcb of wa~onla and was yeara. Tbe hUllband -paasod awa,. 12 In everyre.p~t and the manABement .reapected and admIred all a line yeara ago,'it;llIo haY.lng.attalned a'rlpe ' 1961 with mucb en,Cbrl.!-lan and citizen.. He made'hlll old alge.. .' . coUraB~!llent.aIHl c!lnfldence., .home Md, farmed. In Waconla town. 'Mr.. Allpclen-<--was a. fIDe .woman Whlle.hundreda-ot carloads Of beat IIpatoMapleunUlin1938.when he wIth a wlile acqualntAnce.hip thstwere.sblpped to the'local.plant hornmovedtotheclt,. of. Waconl. where waa amaned. through her loogevlty the Red' River Valley, the' .creale . dl-be made hill home the last 1%,yeal1l ot or.lIfe. HlghlY.reapected.~)' her recUyoontract.ed Jor by ~be Cbaakahla.1lfe.., On June 2, 1949~lt w~ blll.frlends and assoclAtel;.Ib.e ,w..' a .plant.-w8IIl' or here. totalln~' aboutprtvlllgewIthhIlifamlly, relatlrea and woman. who .loYed coilvenaUoD, .ea. 10;000 .crell. constituted the bulk 'offrIendsto' celebrate their Golden Wed- peclillly.wben It. rever kid. back to the th., local consumption. Locally con.ding annlveraary, After a long, bu.,. '. '.' ". ,. '~""'. )'
fe-ile-d .. . 'lhlll ariiil.. SlIe copld lIJl.8Ak""lth au-';tbe tonll...peracre IIUrpAII.IDgliv.ed, honored. .tJ:uatOO and loved b,.. :. (Continued do page .tour) . !bat of. the Red RIver Valley., .all wholmew. blm.- . '. . .' _ . . . .',,' .. . .
Fulieral.aervlc88' were. held .OD Sat... . ,~~
lmi"ay. December. !lth, froni tbe' HII~
retlldence at 1:30,p. m. and. aervice.ilt
thcfTI1I1It:rLutheran church 'NUb.Rev.
obert .:Q: Heyne oftlCla .'
ment' WAllin thetamlly lot .on the
Trinity Lutheran cemetery. Durin. the
aervicea,Mrs.. RUben 'Tborn rendered
two comforting' 8Olo'a "Asleep ..1n
Jeaus", antP'Heaven I. My Home.".
Pall bearers' were EugeDeHllk. .A1' .~
rred HlIk; A vin HUk.'GllberLMel.'
cbert; Frederl k Molnau.. and nelmllr
Kloos. '
the .
t"~ I
bers. .
on tb'
two b
in' the
WudLI ~ Vall~
t>.e.c. .;2.1) tq 50
Hex-q, Ic:l
Jet ")
oJ all .
ad wit
III Cetl
J vacation.' ...t tbe local Jackie.
D""""'" "egln tomorrow. Friday; at Nancy
3:00 ,p;In.; It 'was ahpounced .Jointly Ro~er
Ihlll week by Supt. W. E. Coombe or, are 801
tbe",Chaaka 'publlcichooJ. Hev. JUII' nau.C
tlnWi' Kugler. O.F:M.. or Guardian man, I
AJigel'.' parochIal school;. and Prof. Ro~er
Sberlff Leshir W;..MeJchett . ;.. mJl.,-tlf-St....:JoIln.....I.uther 'snoml
that four HfmnepJn. county youtbli:I'
8chOOJ. I I~n I
ages 16 and 17, bav8 been.apprehend.,' .Tir~.hplld.)' vacation period wlll. Ka~'.ael
od and ba"t!,..confessed twelve' burg'. ,,.:contl!,u. until Monday. January 8, ga '/'
larles of lake bomea h.l tbe ar.ea north. .1;' ",lHll. when clanel will resume' at !:opp I
of Lake Virginia and .out~ Lalql the tbre. Chuka schools. ...euwl
Mlnnelonka. The brellk.lti" "'ere com. .. . .. 0 .S.,hust
niitted ThanksgIving. DlIy. and. Sherin.l
The.. h. o.lIda)' vacation pe..rIOd for wn. IJ
Melchert beglll1 Inv"allgatlon. : llloat . ot tbe. Carve.r counly rural f
The youths iulmltted the. theft of r lIcbool.. accordl~. to R. W. Sle...."r!.
tour revolv.en. a borne. savIngs blink, I'
cou.nty superintendent of ~hooJ8. be.
a. dIamond ring. wrlat. watchell;, on December 13.rd. aOO enda on
Tette IIgbt.e. 01. bH". lJIIIICellaoeou., ..'i11
MO.~.aY, Jao.u. ary 8. 1951. _
Items trom the lake honaes.'" .. .. .. .DI.mbaaJ.-DLc1allaea tOlDOffow atter.
Two of the bomea. ....,*e located In noon Ie welcome new. to the hundreds
Carver'connty, theRJcbatd-AGerber! o,tst~dentll'-1I11 who ate Iqcklog tor.
h L.;~' ~~~~~~~~
t~~~:~I~e~c88t~.t I :.~ ~p~~..:~
FOua:~.~~NTY.YS "
C~':I,"W-;e~~ j~'l;'Wjo~l;p'h~'(;~i <> irn'i;:
dl.ll II , .CaTVf}r, $d~"IX IlllltQrll.' Jl,f. rn.
Koch. aorr~lll_ 0 JtndemllctlOr,
oola; Mrll. Fr"nk fAU"l, CoIOKn~;
Jobn MCUWIlllllr'
MTH. Albort
OT, nnd. Mr~. J d. KohllJr; Chalslcr.'Ivo., . \ i'
Iiiac/' dClIrlnK lho holldllyjl103lWn. Tlw
VTfjllldonl wfll make commlll~6 1lJ.
Illgnm(}ntll. ,Stayln!! llWllY frOm lhl}
meeting wlII nqt preY t, belnK.,oll.meu
on commlttoell: ;
ROlX>rtll/ IncludloK
Ilhlp. wlll b6 KIYellJ,
terll wlll botaken u
AY j
hlcaKo.: -:-Al IOMt Illx perlloD
e killed and ore than IllxlYI It
1d whenl n Illee conalructcd Nor!
lTO ,lnterlll"1)an ralh craKhed Int
wooden TCllr each of an elevate
reBIl laat night. Bodlea went hurt
through the al to an alley twel
feet below. Th exvrcsll had bee.
11I,ng for a algn 1.' . \ },!;
uhlln. - 'Colon I Charles A. Lln -
s had not been e rted this mOT -
twenty-four ho lrraftcl' he depa it-on a tOllr 'of lUsh airports. i. n
11e qUnrlerR filar for hls8afcty \vllS
ld a8 he hccam many hours over-
e at his first a Do' .1 ..\ '. .
I' : ! '
M~drld. - Sv~n Ilh mllltllimen' Il~t
ht 8elzed the orman and ltalla.n
IbaBBleB. Many volltlcal rcfugec~
N D\!.
State Director,i'
J F~"'Q~gjY," ~8t.I?T!NT;~;r(} F:{' J;.
i;;,:JMuN 'TX:iO'fio;' ''',' . IX; I
t__'il"",}:_'_':".H ..rlsttJ' .torauc no ' ".J
hav.o C ,
I. II" . "G',; :', :::. ':~~} ";!7J!'" , ~:~:~"~;".." ."'I,~' . :"i."'\~.';, '/J~;', cU4t~:qceurrOd~,oif'Bli.tar(lA1f..(~nlIa"""'''e ounkT. "," " 'tim 'to , . "a'" ,,:,~'.,ff"i' 'N'oVo~ber\'\"tb''''I,A.~'wer8'W cont1ucutlo~~ .....
Jly, . '~''3{~~~'<.L .1.:;.1. . . ',) .:. ;'Itd~.f:,+IOrt",ioonvot~11a.t'~"ye(l1The ,'. I . ' . " y .... ~,'''\', '
I;'. "I,> ,i""', IJ,J 9;aoJ;:"fo'cJoclc:iat~ij\OUAI'(lJll Ii
lng, .' . S~ Ier . Reca:: · 'l~jarl~pffi)l~~' ~~ll,,';f~:Jci:.~M.blf~~J "lien; .;.L :11 e:..::::: ,,' '/ ~{ "~ :"..' ~'> '.:t. '.' .).:.... .;;..,} :." 'Al14h,.!.m~. '
oc:;:; RE8IdE~T. ,oFI~MJNITY ~O.R :fjf\v:al,~'i1oi-:1e~e~;!ih'<t'~i6d'l~tt~~IH, ;~;~~f~' .~ ,mym C'ItaoI78/YEAR8 REVIEW8 . YJth l~o..;.~n.upho18t~red bOa~~~ fle~;c 'en f",a', ~honCou ~ ' r,
o fs ,,' I .' i ;~ 'HI8TORY: (t wall"A;;.calUe, t~alD.. ./!bo,!rallrMUt .Iog: latfveilt'/fflend ell~l,raft- I : '. r . " .' : .Qtew. c~~aned, 6ut or .' ot!j,,th~,.:~r!J~. anterfuont;i"!wa mn Ollnao' , 'I.' J '~'" I::." . .~: ;W~f.~h '~a~t1e h~d;,jU~,~~~~:1rans ,t,;, :t~~~, ;@Vlct:6TJa'. "'~ )i~14: Jlent ,SPODdltlt pleasant:, days in a" ISPot ;fAt ,.,1!I~,',men .:J!1~~thi~;.~ . ~.plaf. ~4 ]ye' .' cUtting e;rgl)tt' ht... ."'....1 Lb'" ..M. .......;~ l 'the <Wotnen-coUldKDO tM,pi" oi f,M;' " m., '/" '~L. ><r;-::.: ~par q. ~ j ~"';; ~,. e'iOu.&.I1J~'lr.1iJ.t: .~. ~~~ L:d , . ~:.t ~." 0<::' ,,~'" ~,,~ "act territoHal loneer,-:'ot,) Carv~..;~b1ily . If ' ;.r..~w#<OVA.'-7V~. , ~ ",:1 .... ::raeek; or WhOm~'Te know.: ';.':.;.. ~"k ,. //1':. or;';i~~m~ hJDg,~Hbe.~rt~"
jd ,~;!ttPt:rl.Jib., icam~:;'a~~.t!!'e'. 'e~ot1.J*t)'- I
aya Frbque Itly..gbe,"recalls ther adyen- ,ed., Agal!1. ~h00P~tt~t~~a <?~;.J~'i)V~Y;' '!oUTfDlonthlj? a d~e1ev .Cur. tut:?S or 6t ur~dventtites ,irite~~ ~e: l'tU~ n~n~"~r~l,d ,.,tJ~re:,.;frllqur :}; :MI~ba~1~'E8it'~,~~l".6 ..,:, arT'ex- ,ing aM hlipreS8lve to w.younger gen- 's.toCY., la.~ cup?n ,on e,'P.t, tli~. ~~I!k:~, ,lieI'< "Clianhasson".iwwnshJp ;;....;~01lula. eratloxl that }oiowa notpliig: " or tpe Jil;md. In ber, mot~e:~ la?" an~\ ~et1 ~n~' :;
rQbec::24{186~;,: t&:e~~ ", ,J. !leerat8ort. JA !Herald reporter, was tortun- ~to . alu.mber. w~fl~ It~e, t ~der traIn
sotUerBi.,.;"",Hetgre <;manbood< tllaukate111visiting' MrS. .1;Ienl'Y.; A6pd~n .In. 'ChuggM. al~ng. ete7' imU ~\,bnngfng. n~8~(jUrieblsj!OJ .rt~~tlfe; tarm',: 11Col- one 0 .her. reminIscent moods.' t~~ 8ettler8,nea~er t? tbe,lr:, ()Ved;on~. ho, had galne(t')b . ajorJ ty,> tbfJJ, ,ate As the:lstrong wind 'or a late Call day . By; Saturday, atte~ Blx,day& ,ot .trav- 'lng, ~p;, tarmln' or:f fm~lt'~L~'1ate8WeVjadro88thebarr;en 'fIelds, creta- '~.1, ChIcago was: ~el1cbM.A J~~gfng be c()nduclCd "1j ~8f lX"~ 11; Is Ior' .fng a holt.or-~ke1ter qontu8lon! among was, taken In tho' AS~tl.~r?c~~ ~Ou~o, E,lghlc~n :YClln, ~1t: ~~c~ ii:, ,0; Iatthe.t .lfng '8~ownake8. .wo heard the whlC? Mra, Aavden, ,,8~f(1f\/ ce~talQlr ,cgmmu.nfty/ '~p c. asl ~.:what.r:'imk e:xperl~nc~ or .yesteryear unwound fn lJve~ up t~ Its name. ,,!No1,traln con-. known' asttbo'; uat::;,.])r,nal tho, cozy ;cheerful homo 'of her son, nec-flons could be made oni,' ~Und~Y, ot".tb0;- clly/ 'zf: IH. H.I it5Pden; In ,Chanhnsaen. town. 80 Mond!ly. lrad to .1)0, awaJl~>be~ore :.,/In..hf8;;'~bUng a~Ion 8 -Jp, !W)llH tould be more prodtictlvo the'10urnc>: coul~" ~e, re8um~.~,1 t." ~I ~.' ;mi8torhrne~,to. 10 1p ,~J . tin' fl'lat,. ot. !more rtj) ~.... ot. lrJ Innesotn history ThbJ,rall part ott~~bo Jtrl~ I eqdcd at d~n~. arid,' !Whlle'J rfdfca)>pe Iark . than 'suSWI a settlng'"1.', " aalen~,Ic,)!~!nof8" ,l~cn an Jmpor~nt /PhYlJfc~l1y,~:ft L~fd 3" :'! th~;;:~llect . Un Hko, practically all other: early t9w~," lor" lranateJjtlng ,from ralllto orf~Jn anyrway ~dl b ~"sun~1thedays'etUar8, Mra. Aapden hae' the hoat. f~ ,pfoneer travel.' tTh,a 8te~~, ..or/1hfBi'[CrSonaUt al '.ley dllltlndtlon) ot making t \VO pllgrfm. boat, F.tnllklln; deRdrlbed o's"l'w ~eih.t~. genial' ii WllYH:''CO >' .1gh-' agea "0 'It~e undeveloped NortbWe1lt.' 'l(
qon~J.nue~~ on I pag~ ,~~gn~.) ,:. : cve~' ~ t ne:.l1~O"fotr "~,~l'. J 7InthetltalyeareorIncreaalngliletllle- .' L, 0 I, _
f ' :,'. .
it'; On Au UBt 28Hl8119": he' a rllya 'mont. ~qthe age or two, In the yenr '.l " '
Dee~. Sear ~~,\.on I~ 8. : ,I;,'!:, "'to' l\fnrY;Kochn~J1~ b', ,gllboo1848, ~liflo tho CallCornla. gola TUsh 1,. In ,cQnnOC~ron ,wlth'. tho;, nn unpe., or. h '. pJonpc,r .,~ttttl ;...'l: aT' .waa at It;slhelght, the.ploneer',6 father, mllne.ot the ()p~nlngjQt n tlv .day.dq0~ IIfe,has bc'ctf':11avl> d.
d..,t, 1\Aj>el .Wood, )'Jro~ht his wlCe aDd chlI- "eaaon trom 10 tob~r. 2ltst to ,2?thr ~()o accortUng~ to, th6:f~oa btn IMen ~o I thtf vi ~nfty, or W~ll.kPBhll' Jtrce .18 alsQ .g{ en ,-tbat. an: ppen. 8~Jl~;. ~slc ,:rJle'Yf1J1!Ar~" ~t.' ;.count}i 1>"11' \Vla onoln;'. However. tbo' ',lSon on bea.r h~' bedn decln~ecJ.. Thori!. BOrtow orether'~,!ilCl if: tlrnm1Jy. :wos un~tunate In :8et1ffn~ In tlo' no.Bmlt on the fnumb~t: ~C .bru~ns ~nd: trfljUfiiUo'ns ~ o!~lf e ,,' to Ia: mal rln.idI8trlc. Soon they return- .to be taken..... ume~ouB UcenseB have :'tudo lin'd;'a;contlden'c 't}fd, (J Icdtoh~l~ hon In' }\Jnasnchuoet.ta, to 'been :Je,Bued 'I
th~ C?ffice' .9r: Courlty cd ..the (ldmli'ntfori~ at 'l.b:clr., manyat
md t~9m, ngland,. In Wh.08~, colton mille ~~e. J8 $2.25.. ,rl . -J.d r.', /\: ~Itlt":' r:"rB. every, Inch at ~fm~' I :~;;;f:,,"::~'3et, the (!\ther had Work~d':Blnce early :,,'j ".,..... " ,,', , ,'~' ,. ,. ':~ tf?:;SurvJvfng~'hJm, ~18,:twfte ,Ith~ ~OYbOb~J'1 ,:'"l:'I)': . J. :\:i'I f", ,,~pro"..~ale,:~ext.;~.~k J ;.: l'o~~:c~IJ/'lrcn;:~l'1 ~f;a"fr~au}y.I. ' , , h~l . ~ ,.~ J..,~ '~. ,', ,\ l Th~:'al>ron.,~nd 'f~rlelY
K ~aledtot: ,Clia8.k!l:~'\~r8i'!o, p Ielt ;~p~)3l,,:::)lo1.. '.'.' ': A8lea..r.~.y. as.'J. o~ ...1852.".a:.o. rm.... an. '. YI. b. J.C..h...,'~. me...~b.e. rs. :'.o.....r.I\\.t.h.~. Sa~Jl... t...:I:El.iznj: .: :racf~...!.....,;..~.nt)....d::. ' J,158()1a....rg.l1. '
f:.~. ......~~~.
m.;. h.~
e...~. r.;,...~.';...iE..~.
t.,l. '~f. n.;.;..
f.;..: .....'~~.
b:. ~..;. ....'..~~...'.
t.:..f.i.~. r.~. li.
e.. '~.;.::. '
o..~.....~......~..;... '.~.~.~':.~.;.'."'
ll,,\ .
iillt. I'b~.erlt! ~kbt:l.j,dChrltJ1.~l,lillt'.W..)/lIi Jt\i:i!lI1j;b\j^\ai~libH~,/ltt~lhnd~, .. .. Jl!~. q'a .~:cJ.i....rn.. \. ....tfed.,t.+.. g.. h..,::.,;:I..n.... O.....!J. p....:/)I... .~............. J~.......'...~......ra...... .Wi.,..;,..l.... ............1U.}1. e. }..~...e. r:v.
J....1i1.......I......~. J.
u.n.'.c.~.:.'.:.<;:~;..!r. ...... ....... ;.d. r. '~",..........e8.........v.......'.~. a. 1...1......,.. .............. ,del
ac~ .qlev~I/l~~J\fOeorge)"F:owersi<i"g;':...;M;j j1('F It:;.. I : ... '.. ..' ,,;4 \, en"B~l>a~ . .
Qt' :Byma!l?f~-:G8h~a1!:M~~re;.lf.cJi!lCatb~):t;1 B .4:;SOOUTS{~RAISED~~ 'N. '. ,.e,;,~~.'~~.:i'.,,,,
l~..~f;ci l:.~~~:t:A~i~lj~~l~;;I.i~!~~~~:RII.K1;SltURDAYfltNt8HT~ .~ner,0.'~~J'la~;t~~il
1.'.... i...H.," ......1.. 1.1.. e. 17............... ." '~c......':;-..'..:...: ;'.'.'. d.. ".,..'.i...~.."....!;;.<.'..~'./ /..'.:....,i~I..,,~.'!.} ....'.*..:'r."I~"'.'.'..l...i.'.'..:..t;:.,'k}!,.';:fI.}'f-... '.. . .:. '. .... . ...t;,.{?t.'.'!~.:;i'~'i..;... '..fl. n.. ...."{:,~~,et;i1Y,'d*..:J.{ ~......}.";.). I
efu~~ ':.;f~~h~'~ . '-e~en.di.H:':,M:;'l~
jreafuet jp~ei~~f?Ch~.';;Tildo ""b~~;f ~o '61>:f.~
l~d; ,:out, lO;
thO{CIOVelandS;;,;' eif.wSbl~.J "', r'FlrW/CI... \. uti.~, J.~! ,o,,;Sf~"
dId ~:f~mp.r' lJed;'j\ ~)jt'rYI ngjf. .. ce,remo' . .:--:: ur:'~; t ',:'h~"~ ' .:rilia~. h&;. lOW (a;',l!lerlea,t,o e l'8:,to~ .'i {J:_t, #.~i : II ,...
p iii" '{~'f', "'. Card.;.... '. ",,' y'p6- f1t~ :'Pa~qt ~~'~J:o,u:t1al..:.a~, pa r~:~b}18h.l .11.. n :iho court ~or hdno :ro. , one- ~~;, .' ~~ere~Y:it;~,l(,fo.u~. iT . ~ Iv(',ldJ~ d" In.~{tfi ~!lhul!len8~~~,r~'ltb $r~up; . tOnka'l'dfstrJct '1Boy'
at ,trob 8-;~elt1 ,ne"hr ., On~;;!rt~~~I~,An(!\tbJ:\?le,~~'trntH. . t/react.lth.emr.and1badIJafth'., 'ltbef17, here~,aattirday,,~eTebln ,;:j[welvd~mem- ,er\.'o ~C)~~lk~, ..Rov. lv.Ye aclty,Jj~as:Abel;~>WoO~"ln~ 4~:he; bers ~ot-; tb&,:ChASk:a.I: ulo', ClUJ) 'troop .or" VJcto~a;"?iJHp8 ;;~~nl!eHn~'
6 f1or.if ',~~ _ u.t'!f>r-lbe lerrftory;ot MfH 'C8()ta.~ wnrA'1'1tf,,',.,f fn''NIntT '" t;"MM.n '1...... offArfnMl. Afllln.fh^ ^'....h,., ~..."".. .
loris at
en ' act,
or the
1 .
1fnt. or
n tar-
I com-
ar rac-
k.~ '
p::; "
J ~ ,
i ::,'-?;::.'i::',:':"-
iI:., .,:
V01. LxkuI t, "
i' " "", . i ,:" .hange$ .are slow or they are .vio~
lently rapid. For thousands'ofyears
Imenwerecontenttotravtjl on ani~
mala, or sloWly moving, c1Jum8Y~ veo
I ' .hicles.;~ '..' ' , . "
And in Jess toon one' century came
the change to .the steam. Tai_rOad, au-,
tOnlobHe, ,flying, machine, 'the '.submar-
jne~ and from the messeng~r on foot
to wireless; ,
What will the !tace do in j the next
1,000,000 years? .
F,'or . real deals in real estate ob-
serve New York City. Millionfl upon
millions are poured out;. no orien<r
tices' it. ,. .
Oneinan, F.F. French, a!nnOUl.lGes
a building project to supply living
qmirters for 800;000 peoplQ. Th~ywiilbehousedinbuildings: towe~iIig
tbward the sky and' covering a sma11.
plot on 'Manhattan Island.:i In orie
corner of Greater New York, there
wiii be a' new little group of 800,000
peo'ple, in itself "one of the greata's{
cities of America."
What will happen if New York eyer
has a real estate -:'oom?
Cancer, ,steadily incre~ing vfor
13eventy-five years, Is still on the in-
crease. The highest cancer d(3ath rate
in the United States is found in Mass-
nchusetts and doctors doubt kno.W
why. South C~rolinahas' -tbe 10\vt'3'st
cancer! death rate. 'Investlg-ad~h qt.
I DIS "e~l(,II '11"" ".'Oi''liI'''.Q
I., ,."
r , '. ',' ,"', "... '>F "" ,,' ." ',' ,,'
f",COUNTYjAG~NT L';S;~B!"IT~,':,'~~~' 'r1aY,28 '
NUAL ~EPORT ~t ~1'8~b!,f\j~.:,>B~:sME'E;TING HELD AT! 'WAC~NI1\~,.".
Y";~' ,.' >'~. ..;;' ?Ire
ICER STILL 'GAINS. '.' i' ". ",'i .~~
JBOA~O IOF DJR~CT(),R~~~., ",,
r~' ~~~ ~th
BALMEFJ, ~F STATI~:-E'51r~,~~,ION, .q' ~
j~~",lange~. .are slow or the~ are ,vio- - SER'yICFi, DELIVER.S.. TALK, " :< "
y:':w~~y rapId. For thousands of years ~T, ~ " ",.;::..'{t~~",~were . content to trav~l on ani~ ~ " ~ _ .,:. .:; '!I"
y .:: .:
or' slowly moving, clumsy- ve. At the nual meeting of ~e :h"
s. \ ... . .;!. Caryer Co nty Farm Bur~au, ":As8~ t
d in Jess than. one' century, came eiation hel at Waconia on :DeceIp,be! .'
ange. tp,the steam. fai~road, au. 8th, . t?e following ~mi~rs ,w~~e: 'tli' ,.' ...-;,?:.bIle, ,flYing, ma.chine, th,~ submar- elected. I " " ,\"",p.;E:1en:~;g~.and, fl'o:m the mesflenge~ oufoot President .... ......... H~~'~P,den",.,0'f'f:")' "
y2--)ireless; ,Vice. pres.1 ....~...... ,So E. ..!-~\er80.n" . ", "LQp)t'~ .va 'madeatwilltheItacedoinithenextSecretary'........ Everett ~ ~hd8t~~ hi 1
J'~ ~&i;. "" ~ Rd.~~~000 years? Treasurer ............., A. R. (}l~o~ strange ,auld dry,:. pIt{Directors: . .' thelle. ' Unt('ed,,;;:State~::,W:h:'r real deals in real ~state ob- Howard Ottinget;;Levi Lundgren, go.;'tO'r,Jr,elarid:j;,;tQma)[e!Ji:~'I New.York City. Mil1~onl:J upon Ferdinand Buelow, Frank Stel'l:ier. ';, .'~~~tora.;came- <!ii1iiJre~1!insar.~ poured o~t; , no one ,no- F. E. Ba mer' of the State ~Extensi()n 'J;lan'd:edYdyou~i';i'''' .:""it. . " " i Service ~e ivered .a .~plendid,ttLl~l"e~ ,ige"o ,r' . ""'
11:<'"e man,F. F. French, a;nnoul,l<:es gar-ding, t e. growth 'and',Mvi\ne-e.- 'ot#Ke '.,.Uding project to supp'ly living ment that Carver. County"~lYi"'!llade.has .30ersfor800,000 peopl~.. ThE1Y during the past forty ~ear8"'~ric'ul- iery hi., '.be housed in buildings itowering tur~lly. ,,' . .AkA~:.Tb1Jl~fd' the sky and' covering asma;U . The Cou ty Akent gave. his. ,r~~l't Ii}!' 'iJlll.on Manhattan Island. : In one for the. pt. eight months wlHcliH;
r of Greater New Yark there showed the following: . " "" '. '. ."
eeJea' new little group <if 800,000 Farm Visit ; .. . . : . . .. . .... .. . .. ...569 ;il.ti~@.J.",< <;e, in itself "one of theigreateBt Office Call . ,........ "H . . .. .. .. . ~;'{661{:~io~'o ...C{.nre>llnd:'y-a.~',>iofAmerica." ! ''l'~lephone ,Calls. ',"0" . .. . . .... . . ..~Q~ :ImlJhi'f!. '-';t)n6~',a8;w~o.l~8<.~at will happen if New, York ever Individual ~etters wrJtten . ...... 6;JJllne as the;.~ngjJZYOti;.t':~~",real estate ~oom?' The aver ge number' of office calls, go." .......,,,.\'" ','. .';-:;/if"//~;!ifarm visits and .telephoneealls was.';" So .!( ~~a~~lI.t;.~'Iti~;;~~pk,i'~i
rcer,. steadily incre8fiing -for 190 per m nth. 50 meetings were. iDlY Me1~an's;:n~w.Y~aramOUIlty-fiveyears, is still 011 the. in- held with tota,l atteqdance of 2,716,;tlngJ)lbttire;~;'dluf;1l.ttli~,t;Rex'The highest cancer d~athrate 17 circular. letterswert~sent ,out' wlftf ~~odaF'N{l\f:EY',~'s"'.day:.' .~;"United States is found: in Mass- a cIrculati n of 2,585. . Four bla8t~i <edandIteland";w.,:eloo~'~Tom\;etts and doctors doniot kIlOW d~monst_
were... conducted.JIf ,i. "cGlve"~O.YaI'Wel.e~meSouthCaroliIiahas',tIie lowest Dahlgren,. an Francisco,Wlltertow~! ,1 All}ov.atlon[li8tiaUy;~iY';ftll:;r
1 death rate.' Investigation of and Call1d~, towns~ips. On~ pruniIl.~;.tit1ed:heads).or llaUOIlstwM.ab~~
c~ll . ~t':,=;:dJI;;tm:~: ~::'O'l.~t:~~,i'j~;~~
t,~::,;; ~~i,j~J>h&~~I'r~t~~
n the profession. iconductt1dj in Laketown, Waconia'solif(~e;re :waltfhgon the'1. . Wate~townl aM You~g Americ:.t. 16Dunlil'e~1i1Ur(t.... Fl'<>:ntltnaf?records are. broken i~ freight <poultry culling demonst~tions. 'wf:;lre'~~blfi!f:s6ven"IIlfI~B~ditlilsInOctoberrailroadscarriedheldin ~.>a tertown, Camden".. w..a...c....?"..." .taD~"\il.ttiive...... i1lBd.''.........iriottir.;..l~than FORTY-FOUR B1~LIONS nia, Laketpwn and San Francisco:, "\"UOU8\~'oU;t'.\.;"...ns, about a. billion tons more tOWnships. t .. . ..... ..}f'<,';October, 1924. .
1 .": . >
f(.Tl1isis. ohlya brJ~r"fueportt()ll{tlifo':
growth 'of Calffornhi's 'fruit the -hjgh p6ffitBi , ....,; . ';~;>\02
ess is' reflected in ot~ers. for Complete; record 'of,eachday's w-P~!t;than 5- 000 new refrigerator cars may beJOltnd. at th,e County AgenttsheUnionPacificandSouthernofflce. We iwould be glad to have YQll
c. . [ drop in and look th~se r()q(}tdsoV~I" . '. ......
hlt,I1,an official w &Another thing, your agent woul!1 J~ke'HJj' .... . ,Speeches of w: sWhreorelong, unless a p~'omimmt to see yqu ~nore ofte~. It is impo8sil)lenlaq~in behalt of the P~$ld~nIt~I{{iil~g:
s witKI~~ ~~n~:~~s ~~
n~~~~: ~~~nto; t~
2~~~~, ~~,~?i!~
o~}'h2'2~~~~~~ ,,,'""'
A...... . ".'G""'A'> ;...."I":N".';.' ...'...'..\..>....'.t -, -"~.~~
f' '.~'" '>
ii.:';.'4"'>~'~ <{'ir.:1;.,1.~,...};~i~~. .....-.
tl'RM ''1BI.I.' ,~;
ft' .,..,'U :J
By Arthur Ibis.
BA LM E2!, QF~:r/~J::ts,
i ,. .-
I .,. ,.
1\:t the . ~nual "nl.. .... "";~!
i"Carver Copnty 'Fa.rin:"Bu'fijalll{~:t' .
eiatlon he]datWaCQn18!;on7":'Dec~ili ..'8th; . the I folJ6w:ing."J}'mc:'ij's'.~:~W:e.\je~ f
eleCted' I . ',,:"':'c,,i,,,n i'IIf'
Pre~idefit t... .... .. . · .:II/"1if{i:4~6~:~~'~
ti'('.~~~KX~~~eti~;S'I.:: :::: :t:'
I..... '. : ..~'. ".~'R.'918<?~guangb'DIrectors::" .".,:'ry the.e;';U'
r real deals in real estate ob- .Howard Ottfn. geti. ';LeV.i;Lund. ,~..~n.. ;;...g.O......:tt....(j'..~...~.;I.~.~..................'.
i....NeW-York City: Milllonsupon Ferdinand Buelow, ..Fran,kSterner;',;c. "lYlcestOl'ilT'.JDS are poured out; 'no onena- ,F. E. Ba~mer'of the State,Extenslori 'li8ird~d.;;do'
it. "'. : Service -de ivered 'a ,,~plendid iJalJ[1::~itg6,;.\ofjmrr!8
e man, F. F. French, ~nnou~<:es gar-ding egr~w!1i~::Sl.~cl.' .M!~c~ rot~;~e!l'Y';;'"ljlding project to sup~ly liv~g. ment that Carver ' CountY~~!l,l~de. '!I~'s.~~ersfor800,OOO peoplq.. Th~Y' ~~ri~g the past i tortryear~. ~,cu~. .:~ryli!},be. housed in buildings : towe~ing ~aIlY. ,;. " . ,"'~..:~ ',~
rd the'sky and' coverint a small .. The Cou ty ~entgavehis.r~:po!~; ~J!!
on Manhll-ttan Island. i ill onefo!, the, p. t. e~ht. months ",w1:l1~~( I'!!,
r of Greater New York there showed the followIng. ". :..... Y
pe a new little group qr 800,000 Farm yisit . . . . . . . . . .... . " . . .. /~56'Oaf(
e, in itself "one of the! greatQ!It Office. Call . . . . :. . '.' . . . . .. . . . . l:'i561, '::. .!~ '~L <of America." ; 'r~lephone ,Calls ................. .'4Q2 ,II1sh'J"li!td
at wilt happen if New York ever Individual letters wrjtten ,'..... ,6aJ llneas''the;.;\..,..
real estate ~oom?' The aver ge number'of 4lffice calls, go." ";'. ..<~/:Tl.:, visits and telephone calls was{lhat;,;~} r .' ....... c."lcer, steadily incre~ing '-for 190 per m nth. 50 meetings were mYMfiigIia:n:sr~lit~4.;~~iiBi()u'Jity-five years, is still 01I the in- held with ~ tota,latteqdance of .2,71~,ring \'pfettiret~:du~;~fa:t~:tijd'~'Rex~;.'The highest cancer death rate 17 circula~ Iletters :were. sellt ,out )"ieti: !today.L...:Ne~fr;;~\~:8~':' "i)v).g:fmrUnitedStatesisfoundIinMas~- a circulatIqn of 2,585. . Four bla.sting{edand'Ire}an<P.;Wi~1 . ...... ..?FOn1~'k.etts and doctors do ~t know demonstrations were. 'conducted' in . : < Glve""iRiSy..:;;.w.erC~8nl'(l";~<South ell-rolina has -t~e lowest .D~hlgren,.. an. Francis~o,W~tertow~.. ,)' An ovatiob\,~t1gualIYi"';~' . . ,.t.eID1r
I death rat~. ~Investi ation of and Ca~dE},' townships. On~ prunin~ titled' .heads :olila:t!btls;.wllacC()number of un~&'ried women, demon~tl!a~ .on 'washeldln;Chanhas-" ,the'POPlllaI:,if,'~aifa:fiiounttif:ftai.!F .Ither sociitl. s~atistics ight en- . sen... . 5... apr Yi.n g..demonstrati..6.....n....s... 'feI:~aE!~V.}..l'.1 I.n '.=Pftq~hi... .'t!1'.....en...... .U. .,i.pu....'....jf.;'.'n the nrofesslOll., ,conduct~d in ,Laketown,~!!CDnia'son8. w~re waiting; on', th~'. <I . . . WateJ;fpwn and Young AmericOt.. 16:o~lae~4~rt3~"iF,t0l7,ii;.,t~at;': .re.cG>rds are... .broken .i.~. freigh. t. poultrycu lin. g.. demonstra., .1.. ion s..... w',..e ,...r.....e.... .....'D.....,u '...hI. .~. n. Si. s. se.. V.. en. c ~m.... Hes ...~d\l.'li.tsInOctoberrailroad 'carriep h~ld. in tertown, CanuJen',Wac{)-, t-ance"was traverittM by'
I "'
f,than 'FORTY-FOUR B ~LIONS ma,' Laket wn' and San Franciscoil..,'lio hUOUfif,-:.r",., .' .
ns . about ar billion. tqns mOl"e. townships. ..: , '; .... .'. .... .'Y-"" . .
O~tober ,1924.' ,I. y<, ..;:~Thisjso . 'lY'a. brj,~t?r~port t'6t\~li" ",growth \ of Californi~'sfruit the :bighPi>tnt~'h - .,; . ;,',~.~ "~ "t6.~'~~ the-,poIml81'g,,4\ble~~'.ss is reflected in .
otiers for. Complete record o(;each'daY's,,,:p:r:~ .ngn~j;)t~sentatiY.~ :ot ,l?11eslje-than ~,OOO ne,,:, refrig~r tor cars may be fo I,ld ,at, the County Age~e8~~i:Vre,,,c~or the lfJ8h;nePJi~iQ . '. .....1e UnIon ;PaCIfic and.. outhern office. We would be gh,td. to q~~e .y()u w,itlting at the lIotei 4SJi~15&lJ: tt)" (Belc. i drQp in an look th~se rm;{)rds over'.ex~~hcl:b1m,atl offl,cit(l ~~m<e ..."ti1 .proAnotherthng, your agent woul~ like, islan.t'H;~' :Speeehes of',:welb6q1e\i!~eftl\>th'eore. long, unless aj p~'o~ment to see y~u ore often. It is impossible Iifad~>,in'.MtheITesidena.tfna.c):-9-~lobI!e man~facturer/ fails In his to call ~p n each one of the 2,000 Mr. ~M:eiglian,r'e~lied~withc.~1' 1,; .bf"takmg, fiymg maQhines will do farmers I?. Carver. county. He .can- chosW;;;wordsexpresfjinic"llllij'j ,'.tt deal of this refriger~tor busi- not gU~ss. ~!Iat .you want to see himCa~jog,'~t."havingj'aLI8.8t,\aChle.~'edswiftlyandmuchmoreicheaply, about certaJlD matters..-He must de,-. bf.. h.'.; lb.....j.. tt,on...,. fl.... .......!..tb.. '.a..t ;,:o...'.....f~a1ncold!' cars unnecess~ry. . p~nd on ydur co"operation of calling. pict~r':1i$1Q;j1knhe,hl11S:of.m '
l1g~~I~:~~ir:~~"~E~. E10;:~~:~~1~t:K~~;~~I!~~
j ..
b "~$;~;#..
dO'Yn in acc9rdance }v~th the apPoi~tni~n~'a! wmb~ at }.be
J::..".~:.:.:.: t;.nC~ft:.;.t..~1F.";
r... ...
c'.........", t.......m....,
l.'. .~~
indepenuent 'passenge '., bus~' J~I]~::. iK.<: ~~E.~~"~":f:.i? .~.,
f~lg~~~,"t~.l~~~:;, ':
ator capper,or'KansJ,:(>Il~Pr .obc~ . '. ,)~~~~<?~lfC.'~!' -r~;PIOIl#Cl~.
e~~tIi ~~rtf~ :f;") ;~:~
I<:~~~1~!a~~~~Jft~t. ':
i'night well co-operatl3 with t~. ., "Jum)sHthiry, 'ASktirp:t~~; " Wbo.s~
T actually helping the~ to(sell death ..was :btleflYJ,beulHn1ed in lAtft'
lungeS 'are :slow~r the~ af(,vlo~ ~ For thou8and~ofyearB
were content to trav(jl on ani7
I, or slowly moving,' c~um~y~ ii(7
313. \ , ..1 .
Id in hiss thin one' century came
change to the steam. railroad, au-
lbile, ,flying. machine, the aubmar.
and fro.m themesseng0r on,foot
aat will the llace 'do In the next
000 years?
Ap:iltr;~~~3';.. , ; " .
WeeJdvr Vat(~ ~~/cL fl~~~ ~ap O{J~~'~~t~
J It unto tbt' ~tpult~rt,I ~
I '
IJ.~r ~". .''-. "
f~~ "
II tbtp bab 'PttPartb~ 'allb t~airt,
I' I . ,I ,I, -~
nb tbtN ~ouub Itbt ~ot1t rO~,tJ.1,
i \ ~nll,t~r enttrell in. ,anll i fouulllll
r..;.'":'...............~~rb :J ,~,~. \: r, : : .
i I' anb it t mt:~o pa'~, ~5 t~t?'tutrt ffiut~,v~I .~~~
n too~".!' tbtr 111 ~ninJ g~~~!
In .ail t~t~ ~re ~ft~br,;~nb. ~'I ~
l~.'fa \~? t m~ "~.!'I fftk .!'r~~~ , r
Jtt ii J.~ot bet , but ~5 filen: ttmtm~f
hlbtn~~-~a~ ~tt in, ~alilt~.; J, V : ~ ,; .c'
s;~~m~, ~t &on of ~an must. be. ~tli.b. ~';'~
i~f.. lil. . ~t~.. '.ian.....~. .bt [t.....' ~il.... .it~.. \..I.~. nb. t~..t.! I.. tlJi~... b.a... p.~. "/:.i. ,f. i..........'...
l!l~ l~'!'{rtm\m~tr\ll~i~ !uor~ll. \ I! . lL~
I' " '. ;. i .. \~ ~~b1:t~n~of~~~~~,:~lruk~r~; , n~
01b IjI' . · i .. .;Jt~all!~r!!~~~b~ ~tlanb~o.'~n,~j al!~1t
i t)~, ilbt," aro~t.J}tt't~ a$. r~ : U . to ~b' ~epultbrt; all.,,} "I'" ., It f.'
It?';'. . '\ .,~ 'A' ~ '/..1 /11/ /.7 ri! '/;:.::~\\
t~:;~:;~:: '~'..I ~
t vt!l. ~ U t..!I.t 1.lUt.U..t1o.1tfJt.f$.. la iO..p t~tm. ~. ~,.-1lrt....b., .
I~' ,..., '~'/"'
tj' '. '-',
I' '\i \ \\1, 11/1/" _/I :~~;~~i ;~~~~;~~~:' ;,T fnJi.n. : b..~~~{lf. JJt tba,t, i~. f~~ waf (om.t t !~ll:;" :
i?;;;'~ .,';,.!.\ .~.:!t I'" " ';:~::.~\:::;:"(~'
I:';lItJ~~f;:;1. "".." ".i;~', ><::~:"-';'-'.' .~.
r~"~I' ! JdIl . . !t!<~' '~'~. t~t' ~
1fJ:,~/ I' ,~~,l..,,' '-/ <::.-~..___ \~I : ,;:.~.. \'
IP~"~ '::'i5'!~ ;~ ,r: i l~ . I )t~lJl.t~~~"'::i~":Hji ~') "?'\'~~'-'-"~~j.,)", 1I~f;llr. itt fy i '~" (
f!:,L.: .\t',n r"'f'''.'I!!:~;'f:::::h' ,:~~...
i~. f ,~.'.I//:~:.~~~::."t") ..' "."..t( , ~ '
I ~!1!'
1"" \1AV ",'qL\"~\' lr\\+:'/ ;'/1': r-) ,~>.. .,. /. '-'. ) , '. ,; .', ,;:;;:
I ""
I~':\ ;' . ! ":!!II~l'll \' V"II~{ 1/ j.); , ,,:::"',,~ I ...f ,r,!,,. )~,'//l
l ;~!. ,~,'. '
l~.'..' .' \.:/ , . ") If~::;'" )"'!;-) +..~>". -.,"".) i.f,,;;.,. 0':~<::~( \ i)
j~~':"'.'.i )
j;...' Y'.'.'..l...f~. ''".'..
i, .!..,'
i~...~".r ... ,,;-r~h, 1) '-I' 'jl.t"'...,;,,>,(.. (::=:;::.~..)
r'~,~...~A~;' "'J.cJ'("- )')1J't \1 ..,' p. ," i i ~:// ...." ';"--)WI /~:~~lilI' .~~I , . ~ ' ) -.'s" ... ,'( '''<'''-:4' /.~ '. '. "".
i"'i''-1:r'~~~~'~. :~~~:~~~~~~<:jdI... 'ISiO. I..' . do.. 1..11,';1'.0..' 1.1\, tiOna.l. 1:-,... C....,H.IOlll.i.... H.e.! .1......, ~'l. .' !..\..1ft/~ ..~~............. /..;;:~~... ' ."..ab.;-'~, t.. }--... ',t,.. I /j~:~ :,.<>,
c:>'p.~".~/.:).;.~,;..~_.qlen, ':nll'l'ed t:\~e la,;;1 Ht~b-f1:p~~lI1lan I
I~'-'" 1II1,:~n '......,1 ;:~~" }...~~ )>"~.l)~"" i~s:.:;;:~~/'--7>::~'~~e];w9 'HI the U~1Ivel'sJ~Y :01 MlIlJ~.{)sola! [': . ...., "" ,...,., . ;.. _ _, .
and wa~ graduated In !18%. 11aving I ,i
t~;~f::~:"~tl~l:.~~;~;'J.:~~~ni:i~~'il.O.OuNty BOTTER~-IN-l :943 OfVI~At r1..;~:;~~,~,~:E'w,~1:,,~::~',,:r(,,~::~,:t~:~~I/ljM P OiR-'T A" "'N' CE; T.O W'A, '. !R' iE' F F.'....OY...R. '1, i
r,:{. j':
ru .on Ulll if,h llll#lHHI lu:u:n) 'hnnr'/ I ; , ," 'I
iUI~...I. IN..~-UII~' .n. I.tOi' /.I ' - 'I. I " 'I
I I' IiiI
o ~ 1 !~ ~ I . I'
The d~ath .~~ Her ert H: Aspde . of
hanhass.' en t.~) nsh,. J. ace ITed I
t the! ~~ite' i i Minnea olis, I
hursdar n04'Ujl Apml 15, 1943, .an;e
s ,a seVere i ~poek! not only this' ily b:.ut tq ~iS. '[entire e..omm nity.,
or HerQert -i\. den was a, nati .e of
hetowl~shiPi ; as prominent in civic
ffairs.1 ean)d,ih~te f~r h~gh sta e of. on the Ip~bo~ratJc tJe~et 0 ly a
ew years agQJ and for m ny ears
reSident... of tH Sugar C i.ty er.ea ~r.Y:.,.
f Chas*, in:. hich he took so ctnreiI
part over a! p riod of years vir ualI[y:
iuee itslorgahi ation. He wa~ 0 Ie qf:I1s. A man o~ bility, highch,ar eter,
riendly !natUJf~ with a real lpv fotlj \ .'
UY,\""Ka.m.". 'V~~J M"OO';' ~"
tfrt ~~btnj an~~::till tb 1 ,"r"
C ~ ~ . .
I' I \
i '~:il '
I , ~ X \ j, ,,'j '\at"" ,II I "'IIf '
i. ~r~~j~~ft:~D-II)~1~:~1~ P':.lKuno~ ~05tIt,. \" 'i 1. 'I: 1. IDJit~<:::~~,-.~~b t~~r fuO~r~~5ttmt~ b b~ni 4S iblt ttiU~
f':,-:::'l1'. " 1\..., ~,'" ~ 1 , '
IJ M "rf't"~"'~;/,)btllJ ~,~
J,_ .,:i 1
I ~ 1, ,L(i,,~~1J \'~~,.~. 1 .~, ~btp ~rO~~ttt~ a~ r~ ~ u b tit' ~t~ukljr~; d
S\ i~!~: ~ be bebtlb tbe l{ntn~lOt Jj1a~ ~iltlllniw~/j 7; ~~~
r..-\, ., ,$S::, I ~ "" I' ~ ~ " -;
Krjngi~ bim~t\lf:lJt tb~tl ,l~~ ';~d \t~r~:~/( ,;~~~.; ~1.......',( r-/'~\ I ) I \. I I t~ ~ 1 .'" ,:.....~.
il.r;'t':l:~~l.:":~~~1P,t\(;;;~!. /fflJJ\\1!5 ,'I I 'If ~,v"",t~::-" . : I, II J ";':'l "'~" ~?'~', "CI"i;'1 .; \, . ~
b'1:tt.tII,::' ...'..~.. . ~k~ II Ut~.""~~....::. /,$, 'tl,'h'!@IiI, \ ~ ~.~~)t:.,.. ~:/II~)~ f) f ~:;;:....~, ()..~\ ~;l I, ,"II,."" ~'
1 "I' II \' r,\ ~tt /,!I/ 1 / ,.......R ,;I r,' , < )/)1;'.
Ii' I'>' '. ' :..~ 1-1 ). " ,"J ~1: ~ ~~ ...:, "Nil
1\ OJ:;' '.,";'" j' ~I
I I. I' .... ' ....' '.". \..- " ,
1li" \j. :J'/' i-l..,lll/ I;)
I'll ~ :'~."-::~ 1.j' >t;::;' I ,~~ + . J~"I 'jI"-:"P'~i .~~~...:,., r "~') J" ~I~ II; q, I )i\
I ,;::::::.".}'.'...."
t.~I "I', f{.... , .,)t(~r "I ,,'
7\, 1 "
I~' :" '>-~)'::i 1"';1v ~) )" ." ..:." 1".., /.1 _00/ / .-~' '.\ IJ,/
1... ~. < I
I . '~:'i ;\ ~- ... , -~II ,1.. '~/, ~.",. :.....,r. 7'; .\', \, '~I" ./)',.<.....--1).." r-I . .-ll"I "J, .....0. '-.~'''L ,,-.' ,,~I' ,.....~.~. ~ '.,.~ ~~(..;;..-.\.'::J: .
t . /. ';
i'~'- ,. -' ~i- ""!.:.-",)" ,~:s.~.-"~,-:;::"..'f '-;:~:' .I~ ",. ' ',' :~-t' I ',~t:.--:. I',J..~"~} ,.' .."~tf:?~')!~.UIII.. J' ~ ,
t" I' ,......~
I ~ - /1'1.............-
I , o$"t( ,t. t~-:o '~IIIl) .~~ ~ )'r;i ,.." I~-",..~:. "~'-;":.I\f'1111 -..' I:'~
h .....1"':.........., ,
I. . .
1', , r'.< (' 1/ \1. ......
II' .I :;
qOUN ;V QUTtERiINll~~3 O~I
i lrA~
e"I'! ~RJEl couh~ MU~T i -I' 'I IJ ':.. ". i' . i.....
i,llfoc~~, ~:'::~~~~;'llll.. '1 T~U~~A~
JENTI WIIN~~RS IIIi :.. .' Twe,nty.fourcouples . ~llt~red the
A" I Bf NO
I :18" AL S" ! PI' .
IPn Cj..~ty
st it.i~C. t~~;:2,dJ.6IC.~l..e...~(Jj.".~.~....'~~.'f.;~~. ~~: ~.a~. :11c..a~
o:.~: I
p nds,;or pprOXi~rateIY;lOilper cent., day;~p~1I 18th! E~try feeI!eI;!,-CQuP,1n,1
HE '~Cu i '$531 0' O' 0 . I ~,
I:rn.~f:~~111 ~~~:t~~:::lt51t:::'n:;
n.!' I, i I The . nation's. producU~n of 11.' l\Jar~llre\t ILand, Jim. >>~nirrlets'--
I,! i " Icreamery . butter dropped last I Score 1,157. . i'I ~ f, f! I" i I I \'year to an 1,779!~5,OOO
12. Delotesi Mieseler. . Rev~ . i
crr~zE~shqF THIS SECT.. . pounds, or per cent. .FISCh.ert-Se. ore 1.118. ! ......'... ',.,>~IU~T P:LF~GE $80,000 MO E . ,belOW the 194.1 'evf". ., ...." .. . . 13. ,Ednd"Fin~,F. H. Stuns; -.S"S&Jr~ IITO.. M.".... EEl1 'REQUIR. ED qu ,A ;..IB~tter. Ilroduc.tiOnlik~. WiS. ,e., !.,1,113.~.. .1.. . f . i...,. "><.'."" i.
I" I ed III Mibnesota in! 194~. ~t~PP!Dg: to
I' 4. Babe llXlt'!l', , DI'.. G. T. !S-cbinJ?ll \ I
1: . . f. ! . i. an estlpIllted 315.405,OOOp~unds ,as
1 pfell!g-tScore !,:J.n. !. f <H")
r~:~::..':'~i..~.n .!~f:!:g:.;?;~:~t~:~fr~;n~.;~~f::.~rrr:g:.'~,.:,'...
N...:...1 :.'
D.t~;:':~:ir~ond D)'lvel'. who reports that $ 3,000 Heavy .1 equlI ements of D~t only ~ur . . ,...,' " : '
lvol'th of bon4s !have beenl sold since!ul'llled .~rces but. also (;jllr. ~lhe8 ! ' '.i . '.. V' ......; :he driv.e!lta\rt~(L Inclu~ed I~, thislmllkes ,crea~ed productlol~ .ofbut~er I . ..' iLl", i' .,' J e,L I';
Ii p e g~s or ~ ....~rc as!'> o~n,
wiU trim civll1all'cbllsulllptl'on td 131 "../,'. ..">".1":.,.'''') jandt~ose to tll. pledge b~-tg jIlOll!lIds or less pe.i'p~ftlVidt1ils yeiir;, F~R,TWO PR~i~~'l'~m.<i?~$
Vi bOknd~!tlnhtvlell cJ,mmg wetekll'r/.ab" '''''~o",p''.ed "',IM...MW....'.(....f "",,,i'All flu' 0 a.eal 03vmen3 v//1 ...~ _....~,...._... ............., . .
8~ oJ,'
cl~~~fhr:jfeay Light! ~oxn- ~wJ~~~~~i~:
8~~~~t~!~!~e~:tt~i' ,irl':F~
munion SerVlCj": '," " ' bbme or ~r<and':Mrs. ~ore Flnkl. I' odsiJ10: ~oLc~~~c~
c~~i: . .'. a~~
m I:~
ha~ :
e::r:~ugh_ ~,t ?ff:!"11: qO-M~rn~~~ servIces WIt~ chIl..; tel' J Miss !Joon, were S nday visitors is..'.'.. A1ff-.,....dren ;.part~lpa U1g. B(aPl1i8~~, a~ at 'the'-h mes ot Mr. a d Mrs. PaUl~j'OOdJltreceptIonInfo, hUfch fellow~~ill...: Nejson'< nd. Mr. and Mrs. Gnb,er~ ""i. r.M (a:I I 'Ro er~!. Gale, ~1~
18ter I Jo s~n at Dassel. " .; " 'itV, I ' ,,[, ndra ',Schlmelprfnlg daughter ,ot C FFEiEMr. and Mrs. E: W. ,blme~fenig, . " gooDI.STIN. G. UIS,..' H .p.... '.. CAR, E. ER r
i.C" 'i~ 'spendi g her Easter yacati .with Di(t ~rCO~ES :TO SODEN END her gran parents, Mr. ind M s. .Ed.
M' ATJJ . . ,.! '. Pi~rson. Laketown. . i 1,'COI~tJDued from page on ":Mr.' an Mrs. A. 'W. f?cbem were ',e~, ~
1 their ta~ny...J ~ .:.e.oIi1P~ete., . d to d.imff g' ests 'at ~e
S hemI!f " '!~I build tOgjether. a home- from Wbi~h home. i Minneapolis, Wednesday ,ta!11,w.ould I ra...'diat6-. r. r~.ughout t.. b . ~oJn- evening, he Occasion b ng the b;rth- IA pr!) .I inunity and sun unding are~; t eeon, day of r. Schempf's m tiler.'
prJ!lstructiveinUuenesthatwere .;bl~~s .i Mr al d Mil'S Leander' Boegemim . fip ,e,tf.I and. .serv.e. t. h. eir geIl, eration. I . theV ahno~nc thJ~ birth' Oft' al daughter, ;tr~, ;11homeatI "Ced rcroft" '.oc~t1n: d . the born 'at Saln FTrancis ospItal, Sha- 'ller-p~fune~al' servi~es oft bot? hIs. reJ}.ts, kopee, F 'iday . I The 1l!!l y friends: of 'l)!l~~ La~. .d lD mO".:-e 1 e~ n~:. Y~al 5 the I 5t sad the happ YOU~lg,leouple ~re exten,
dlll ,.~
aYi; jJInte.~ of
WI e. i~hlC~sevel! tbe f,~licitati ns. ! ~
j , \ :.
i CAN N'e.I' m~n. tal
Jlion. '~
ha.: d, co~. tinUed. II Lieut. Raym~md Sch enke aI'riV, . -teredlI'
thl ough 1,43 yea I . I I". llere Tu sday from amp Maxey, I' ttHerbertA~pd n, }vith! his w:if ,l~~ 'texas, here 1.e recoil I y un'de*wellt I 3~t~'11I'.,. ago .e. nter..e., d t.~. ~ :re..I...IOWShlP of t. h..~ an oper tim, ! 'ror appe
diCiliS. i H~ ~
ExcelSior.. ~~ng e~tJof.,al.. chur h, ~
i~~. will now haV!e ;two wee s to re9upel'-1 SHOEiiwhoseselvl~es l' jWOI.shlp an wOlk ate at h me. , , , I . , I good ihewasactlvel!l~tel'~ste~! a d for <Mr. a d ~frs. Floyd JHa~r ng a.nd I ,IImanyye~l's,
th~ tune.\ l' i~15 dliughter MISS Laura ,tdae~' of F1?rt" FUE,:- I~I..,..death' . .he.. ". h.el.d . t ~~.!., O. fflC. e . Of.. ...~. c. 9.n.. sn..... .ellin. g, and. MI". 'and '1.. Mr.!;, OrvIlle '!. .......v......al1. d !.N:~e . was 1)-lso a ~rrbel: 0: the Exc~l- ~rende aild family wers! SUlrday I;. .COUP~II,SI01 Lodge No.113r fA, F. & .A. ., a?d guests a the home of,Mr., and Mrs.j ,', , 'faK~lfght I:~mpl r~i' " 11 ,! : Frank rende. ~ I . iG:~S()LiIHIS. long I con[' I ued sqccess i as, a : On P 1m Sunday 1\ 1'. and Mr~.: .,pon.~arlller !
llfde ~~'.
1 ! recognized 'ea~er Fra'nk. . 1,{olkmann' lItt~il~ed .th~ i each J,~m. publIC. arran . I .He ~a~ a ~m~~lce confinna ion of B. ett)' 1Wllhams;. ill. . an? I."pf
ce fOJ 4q yeal s, \VaSl to~n 111~' ce of lVII'S. V ol'kman' which '. took I p~~ . Q.I:I'k..O.l....m...a..~I.Y Yi.~.e...,.al..s; let 'PI.. c.e at.St.. J .o.lm'~. EVa~geliCal 'LUtl1::".I. "O~M'plomot I. of. IUl~1 iele<:tlltlcahop and 61', n cln 'ch in Samt, Pa'\1L i . I :; . [vas PI: Sl ent or t .~ Mmneso.ta Kalley !. he I stmeeting of ~he st. 0 Bon~- i " IIIi'EI~ctn . ,Co-opelat~ve ,f~r :!IX te:;s. venture, tudy Club fm: ~his Yfar ~a~!!--!!I!L.l.Vhate el w.~s?f I,mol,a: o.
mite..a1 Iheld at ~ he home of Mns. Ida Streq. U " illlt.e~'esto ~IS dQ11mUluty wasLn~ver ikens,' F iday' eveniJ~g, I Two glle~t~i! G R,)meJgl.l ~o hIm. In~!
he.w....a~ lomed. !;p.I.'. sent. .to enJo..Y. 'ith.
e ~erY. m-X.' ...... \.' i.11l~ m~' 'Iag~ to II' ~le Hart,. SIS et of ! tJl'es in . meeting. . 01 'Wednesdatil OPE~hiS fn't WIfe. ..Ii", eveni g, April 28th, tlle lub members!!: . I,Afte apparer{ lYII' onvalescent from w:ill ~nj y a dinner at the Joe Eiden I i' ! :a peri of faili g Ih~alth, MI'. A pden hQin~.' If ' !I sUbmi, ed I to a ' :ci>peration- at :f!:itel rlMr. al'l Hanson had a. deIigh~ful il;flOspif' I with 'e err prospect 0 suc-: tJ1P JO t. Louis on ~1ie Lin~ln:I cess, ~It death oecurred the f, llow- Zeph r. hen she left
iedneSdRY' ,ling daf' caused ~j el;nboli~'tii,>.8.' lood 'enjoy!a hree-day vllsit, ith h~r h'is- iclot: .tie .passed' a'tjay '.fhtn:s~a'Y' oon,.: band, S t. C~rl Ha;nson, ~ho. is sfa-,Apnl ~5, 1943, a sudden and gri vous: qone a Fort Leonar Wood, Mo.!
shock ~o his falp'ly: and ma~y
nds, ;'sgt. an on is in good health, enjo,rs ! \He is survive by his wife, I ene; i his w9rk but is not' cert~in how long ~hiS daugh!er, Ielen (IYIrs4 t' nley I he will b st~tion~d ther~. Mr~. Han- jHillim'); and thlee grandchild e, all ,son retUlned,~onday. i "of I Excelsior.' 'There temai e h a'l ,When Pad'lcia Pool, 'ldaughtel' of I I:I rest to the peop e Of odl"; To these, Mr. ,and Mrs. Russel Po.oI, was 'COIl- I 'T' '.'a host o.r fpend extell Ihelr sillceJ'e i fij'med a S1. John's Llltl1eran ChJ~rch J ;sympathy.. . I
I i, i OI~ Pal~ Sunday, l!).1tny !guests -rere i,
1,1 ,
I ','
The fl,neral se'vlces lere held !crom I ~ntertam d at ,her home in h~r honbr.1 .I I' . . " I , .h. the late home" darcloft" on SUbday i AmOl~g t em '\\ ere Mrs. 41bel t Tesk€, !.
ll~lj eV~llllg. Good" ,Flldl1Y tO~II' al'temoon, April 18th, t 3:00 o'Caock. I OJ J. H~'nnlng and SOll. !Orwld.. ~rs. : '. .: ~J~SllS', ied fOl' Us. '
3 cbndncted by th ' pas ol~Edwarij A.: Clara ,St In and the StellJ Jr. [ 'C'[r
aster" ~)aY-Sullday School, ~:, 0 Drake The ImLnens c, ncours~ at-I'
fUJlllly, a I of MlnneapoIl*. Mrs. Anna Ja.m. ServIces at 9:30 and 10:45 ~.m. ~
dl' th 'Ji t ~ tl Jeske~ 0 Saint Paul ~Ild Mr and!Topi~: ,"The Resurrection of Jesu!>.;' n yntg the tsel'tltcheaSt olre; ml ude es. -
I' Mh. Geo ge Kehn, oC'near EXC~Is.ioJ:.1Listentothe "LUTHERAN HOUR" I
on 0 e ac I en s ele I , .; 1 'n t S d ~ WCAL 't 12'30 I glon. Interment wa III the han-, IMr~ a d MIS. H,elllY jWolff entep.JIIexunny. ove: a.
bassen cemeteryr 'I 'II 'taine thi C0110wlilg gue$lS at dinner jI
p.m.. and KS? at 1:00 p.m, '
i 'i I \ " and s,lpperon Palm SlIDaay In hoRo)'."
J. Muellel', pastor
i, I V - I ~ o~ their 180n1 Helron, ahd daugm~r'
jII ' <V ~ 0 I PUPILS! OF THRE SCHOOL$' iMarCt;ll8ht~, who'were Both conClltli;)ed,
1 MORAVIAN CHUltCH, CFlASKA- ENJOy,fNG EASTER VAC"TJO~' IloQ.t tllist aay: M~. andl ijrs. '~UdOl(:JhI " i I - ~'
I ~ollTl auk! daugl\ter, lplaa. Mr. ,l\I!~8-11 6:00-8Ilndse service. ,Pupils. fC, thb th~' e city 6C 60ls1 Mh,. J. 14. Herrma.nn. ana John Her:J"I !l::{O--SuIlduy SchooL a,re el1joy ng th~tr ster vaeR ton. nUUlll sr.\ of NotWood, Ii'Jr. and .M~. iI10: 4l)~lntunt haptlSIll and sermon. '1 he vacut on pepod t GUardl~ An. I Tlieo. B~lter and sOllB, I Gordon and II' (w ()(In(!fHJuy oven lng. I he %. relld!ilg gels flehool. 8t8"t$ t day (W. ~e8.1 Roge'r. 0 _ ClIl've,: MI". ll~d Nil'S, J,onii IIlrroll1;thl:l Pll8SI011 Manual lit 8:I)Olday) and WIll tl~tend}hl'()ugh it steriD. Henl ann flllCl 80\\!I.;WllIard a.nQ!1'"
O'Cll)(:lc -, I I MondllY. At :tit' JO!l.lIl's Luth~ran HIlrlen. f ~I)n~h Q~ P"'n' "... _ _" ,
rolJi;a's Lutheran Ch1rch '. .' i
an1relat the grave, l?D ,the hlOrning. of,
Ie, resm;l;ec,tlon of Chrl?t socomfortll~g
evihence, l ThatClirls.t Is lithe Son 4C
e t~'uth. 2. That Godtpe ;Father h~s
11 ;or the' r~coIicilIationot ,~pe worl~'
1lI~to eternal lIfe." ,Thus. w~ can 1)el.
all said . ~as true, v,ali4 aqdi sincer~; IIysatisfied: with Chrl\l~'s payment. Qr I
e 'oni t,he, grave He ca~. most assure~..- IIhrlsfaroseforus. . Romans 4,2~,
el ses, .~. i11 wa~. l:aisei,j ~galn. .fqr . o~ri
01 es h. ei resuJ'l'ecUonf Is . ind~ed also iI 'Wh' th end' encop'.ll;gement. ',en . ese m,
rat dang:el's and deatp, then life b~-
d ,hey 1ne~d s(lmethingl firm and sol~d
8 theYlhare in the res"rrected Chri~t
th y cl~ngi to Him and His ~ork th~Y
Ie ernalllife. When they thmk of t~e
n hom" ~ven out in ~he jungle, th~t
i.~eVeIJ. are blowJ;1 to Ple.ces,1 then.. th~.IYl!1 risell Lord assures them! that th~y
if t~ey died, in faith! they wi,ll then
t hearen W!h~tej there I will b~ ttel1l~1
OJ" S*' eh' w(lnderful [OOd news .and
h rs? Luke 24,9 "An. t4ey returned.
tJ.. se th. 'ngs unt. o. We el ven' and to all
1: s'endi g ,out this" Eas~er mes~age to
o 1 offering., ' !
I .
Ilg~~ CatholicCh1ll1!:It I ,
i' . J .'
d upon Jerusalem and l~~earbY Calval:y
r f Christ's death it seemed that HIS
t seemed that His
at mission ()f
rst~. hilerOIlO. wers' hU... led in hi..d~hg. '
nd Christ's gloriou . resurreCtlo,ll,
enee. The fetters O~' sin and death
h rity, justice and br; erhood ~tood
im~s.. in t.~. e CQurse r!. the. centUl.'ies.'
e 1 faced ,.With a.n.o the~i C. alvary; :b. ut
Ir ous :f!:aster.Ati,pres! nt the
t destroy. the vflry 11emol'Y 0 . the
1 hatr;..e d hil. s bla. zed .~p .In. to a. 'great
alv'aryi faces us, I !11 S seemed ,darkest Gqd's -Imexpecte.d
appepr.d on. the first. Ea~: t,er morp-11 tnIst I in Htlll. " , ,r Eaktellb y should th yefore. be
t .in '<j}od. W.. mU\?,t siptter I'y belie.vesGoq.I..I.oves the IWorI~ to, '. mll~h f..lto
e;ri1ust find Il1;t;, confidence ahd
o the! present wodd s Calvary th~re I
T .eti :,11, a'lJew Easter, of peace 'tndy" '.
1~~~ri~fWM~ ,O~~1'~:i
kT,e~~':'I"i 'Fdr "LieulenantCOvernor I __ . ';, J .:/)," ,ltit
t' ,r'. . ,i....., i,.. 1\' l 1\' II W":~~ Mmn Anr~ Ii, 1 61 ~( ': ; ,tV"" i; bt _II
I~ ' . :! --
1 PoWJ.W"WI.~, ., Y l'"
I <~ r I -l~ ,(':':-,;,.;"" 'J J~
i.'.I.. : A regular meeting or the: BotLrd ,~t
I :' .' \ ' " ': ,':
l '",' !. ~,~~ :'thl. "
l Education. of IndcpendtlD,t. SchOol.\. f.. .\ ! .:., L. ,,'a~bt,
I; , DtBtrlct No. 32...Wll~. CarVer , . ~
JI.':'l;CIt~ lIS: W,;..~', ~" '" . "NO'\'..
5' l ~unty, Minnesota held 1ni the D~~-I On~ d!llUnc!tJ()o about nOMlull1"!a ~l '
I. ' ecton Room. of the ~g? School thnt l'OYtmment41l1 It fl' the;tonleat- , .,~tl
1'.;;'[<"" ,..... l!U1ld1ng, on: the abovf', dMe. ~I elt, JnJhe world. The cUy and,.tb6' , . "Pl
called to order by the ~ flt eount)' of Ho'poluIU Ire; contermlnoni; 'haJ?1l
t eight (8) o'clOck P..M'. fith tho IOl-.. both cmb~lIc1nt .the -m.ml1~loni bland ',flAT>.
I' ., '.: .
1. lowing B<>ardmem.bera'piCUrit=; '1 or.Oah~: D1peg1s1nU'ei.ct"o~tJ,{!or~'M':',
iMr ET ObflTgCbrJ;,.:,; ". ,1It1mlnf.ttaUY'e PIlrt>?1l6,iW8I made:to. . .
I .' .. " ~k) .... .. rllacb out to)dldwll)' llll/Uld,1,300 mllo.
1"1 .
Members ab6ent: t:. ~.. ._ :! t,\ '" '.
t', I .' ,', '".:,~.
J,.... .
I . ,I f ' f, ~(
E.. ,. - I'Mr. F. A. ~ellAn ) .] \" I .! '.' I ! .' ',' (" . , '" 't;,'"
Mr' CHx>rge Mueller I " . :' . I' ~JQ..,",~.N.b\ed';IUc;-'/.,;. :"/I, . I AA . Chrlttopher'CollllJlbu, 11IICovered ADd ,:,}:I
Ion motion properly I c~....., t,
el nAmed ColJt~'~ mea, whl' b In'[,~p nlllb: c'. '
JmInutesorthelastregUlarmeeUrtgmenn. "lUcbl CoAlIt." fTh~t:,i'l'Il\; In \'~~:
I (~arch 9, 1936) nnd also t those bf, September, 1002, 'and tbcj)rormlllyc ,,:, MI
I . I B hen H k~ I yl! ' t~e' regular adjourned f meetWg1 ropub'lle bas eminently Jlvci1'ut>' to' it.s ,f;~;".
er .
en ; f.' \(March 23, ~936) were ~pprOVed and. title. n: I. rlcb In. IIgrf,cuHurllJ prod. ';,' P:,
Herbert H,. ABpden bord In Chan- acceptod as,read. I ,f '. I nets, notably bllDAnU, 'COrr(!tl nod pine- .]e
i \0 tl' I rrl- t"" Ilpple.. It I. · country or mnD1 Jooun. '",
hassen l~owns~lp, carver. C')~nt.y. I n mo on proper y I~a ..,.., At':" tllhUl, table land.. "Jllle S"And" ICtI.. .-
c:k . ~Inn. In 1872. paren,t.'3 lat;d gr,and- !~llowlng receipts werel ordered 1I1- rushing rlVerI. Thcr/\ ~re ~it~
r:' ,:;:;-
parent.'31 w~terrltorI~ll plor:cers, corporated In the minUtes or thJs' 'SOUrcell or' mlbCrll1" ilDd' tlm6c~ ",lti.ID
Iimotherjst1l1living. I.,. i A~tended' dIs- m'~etlng: .": - -' -,----~ 1 .- ~.j Ita bound~lei' . '. ,,: :1,:, " -'.; ,.
trlct school, 2 years a~ tp~ Excelsior canh' colleded March 1r w: Apr1l131 ' r '~' . :':~ '..~', ~;.. \
Congregational Acadenfy; entere~ 1936: ' . I : I' I . " , I P
7,'; ;"'"
th 1 tJ 8 b' Fr h .. 'I n.!v"k -, -u t' .
I. ~ - -- . r ~_. n_ll__~~.:I~' ". ..": '.J
e as u - es men c asa of th ~ aceo n !.............~..."....~.:..~ A.\N . ~-. --...-~ ~r.f". "I'."f?',; ~'J
State. UnlvCTsfty. gia~uited. '1189 .. Rtrund: Balance 0!'$250.00 I ap-' . '. I.
liar. CO Polo, :. tho VenCtl~h:,.t~ilJ..'elor;(,t; t(
TO I, .' .. ., ~ . \.. ' ~..4-_A t. "";~"r '
more.thnn.OOO yenrs;lllto".'cll1tttJilldiig /;;0
o.n. ,speclaUzing III Hlsto~ ard Ffon-; ~y.u...wuorpurc~: ~ ..[, about . 'certain"
Jomlcs..lTaught 2 years prin~lpalUsed high s.chOOl tcx~......~,~.. 1O.!S3j Inllla,:lr.a:\"blp~'efttere'd ,,"..
a~tH~~~~1 ~J:'Ollr...e...d. Tt. ~vrirn.f1:. ~~"~~'~.
i~'~"~'..'. 1,5:; 9.oo.'.':~ o~.
n.'. n;..........ob..t...~~~"c.~...e'..
e..~......:,.~....~~~.;....... t.',i.,i,....,~.J,,:1 jRebumed to t.he ho~el1nrm, :.0. Fo/ AudItorium xpensc,sam-. L Dnd ft.8. ~nrgor;woutt1;bO,c'rmmflt1lat(lJ,. '.'
ga, goo. d, breeder I. of Re~ POlled.lciltt.Je land. tLtcur ..n1ght. a.t.ertowh.... Fir. e....'. - :. . ulud.. tor the, peop.hl",r.. ~n~n...~lf,th. u..:~r,
I.. Secretary-Tras i'.\fer ot~' MInn. . . m.' 'en '~. . ..,;;,.;.';...:.........i~;.i.t~..L.,...I..... 8.00. "'Yo OU.
c1....tlnotetn..."e~. [t.o '...0 eJ~..wl,'h;~
tin t Red . IId't '"..' F' !A dirt. < E' '
j.,.. ...10, r nne, , u"""... A"-'l4lht
gs ~, . . Po, e Sa. pe Bred 1$, A8s~; of ,0-':',.. U ,urn, XJ>C'Il8C613~' . '\' youihere:Jhftt;,we/mt' life; ."', our E.. Novak Is Pfesld1nt.., pllsketba.l~,g~~~~.',W;21lter-'...'1 L vr~POrtY'''i)';I}V.:,i ~!~ . :,.:..",..;.,..:.:.,....,'.....,,".~.,>:.:..:..;...'..:...:...'.'.:.:.,:"....!...,.......'.....'.~.....;.....,.:',...'
r. ..eoun. }. . ,.cast.Inrst . p;eslde~tl I vote. for to. ...wn., ..Fl.. r. em., . e...n. :;..................:...1... .2..
001.'......'.. ,0......'..................;. ..'.J.'...."............'.... '.......... .....,.. '.'...J '~~.-
j. ".IBryan, I'orlglnal wll$Ontanct. "
CO~le~tlO? f~books (old.~), 5.05 >,H~,:'l, "'Y";C;';;i;;:
t Bon,'.glnal" ROOsevelt man. rJesW be Band Instrumentdepo!lW . r .i' ',r FanuutJe Acou.tJc....operl... "
y l'ter-toWl.l>>>. ragreS~lve... . '.'. '.. \. '. I.' ". ". ............. Ln.... vern.....G..o. rri.e. ...1. I.......!.... or. t. rom. ....bO............h. C 5.00 '. "." The E. a.. r. or. i Dlon..1i. .~.I. ulJt~.;,a.....~~.'.;..*...I..g. a. n.' f1~i.' jf\ ·
J . ~llmbler or Carve! ;'00 1ty, ~ \~1JI'.' 'j" ',;':+4"1"; I' ': ,~~~:~:~c1tbc:v~:tJ;nfn~~~~~~~CXf{ '.~....!,;.',..~..~;,......n.!.,'...::,...
f..:....:....:..:.... ':....
co.ttage~:;Bureau ever l!lnce I~ ol~anlzatlo? :'.. :.,Y 'J.,}"! ....':. ,'i>). $63.58:propcrUei fn,oxl!tenee.;frXbOu't}!4 'i}\ ;i,!.
t~~='~i~;"'r~:~:::~I~~~; ~r~:
p~:tr;!"'~~~~~ ~M~~;~3:~
H11tZt~,dl*rr:.., i!~~.Ic1~~::ba;J~?~~~1{
8;~::'@W:t~~.~;~~~~' ~~..
ffere~/ry, II Upl..tor..the Lan? O. p:;~kes. nd .LoC. alOn. e. mll.l ~.. .............'...u~. _. . 34.g8 '. lo.he, cotJlc1. ).18,~en. to:, th!'i:~hl~e~l~r ff?;
md( Ad:-a;,m,em~e:r.or ."~n~
Ive SI?ec1altaxes.,;..;;.:.:...;.:.:..;,.;.;,,).1023.43 ,hili prisoners. :',It::.convey,~d',eye~^,t.!ie; :~.> 1m: ' :!4,;.qve Stdck CommIssIon. .,. : 'State ApportIonment land'. --: 1. , faIntest !o?nc1l1, to; hI!' 118~cnlni?,c~nm.' ;;
Iii!" JUstIJwc!e' or th'e Peace r r 25 . years . " fin'es .....:..........:.l.............L..:.
L 842.85'
1 bl cr'
TO~ndY "IJ;,~
ontrolto rolce. 's6InS;ln,r '
c. .'
b 'lldln 'and'" n CI 'k r "t ' t! Incom Ta ~ '" "',1 27500'
n 800n II .e, an orgno,..:;.;;c lUer', t .'
u g,. .l er or e pas 'd2. e" x .-............................. . W"'^"ly I " 0 . . '.1 , l '
J.I I'''. I' " ,. I~' '. "'''l''''''__rs,' E.:,J.j'P-\esldent or Carver. County om.:. " : . , >r.:'J:' , .:' '
1 . 'II' ;,"'; ,.j~,'.:""
I I' "l.,7 I J . 'I' ,'I ". .' , Tl' ,'t, ,.1 - 'I' '
1_ ',,' J.
cers Assoclatlort'tand ~SIdent' of I' ", :.'~'" ....:,'t;\. I:'" ,'.$2,176.26 'n ...,..-:i.. '~-- .
I /. r ~ ' \ .... i ~l' I 'I 1 \ . Plf . ,.. \' , :' t ~ b .... ~l ~~ -:.J ~ I r ..~ > ~
t .' .
1 ,....,;' I
the Car er C~un ty RU,ral lectrIC..; . I On -:triotlo~, 'pi perly,; 'm~e ,an I',:,:,
J """f. . ':'< . , \~ 'i' ~ f ~'.~; , ~(, ~ "t:. ";', F' .Con egatlon~ll~~, :na ded, ..j'O:1e currIed, It"wns, toted. tcr refund '.. '. , ,: ' . ,r{t,.;~ ' ",
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i~.;iItit ,leaders i weed .contr"91ha .e. a 1 chance to study .latestodsiwhentheymakethekari-trl ito the Lam . rtoh weed farmWdnesday. T e ,;group wfuaconiaforLamberton ~ at
O'iC~' ~'In t~e rning. Anyhne
est. ',iii going ..should . contactOUfty.. agent by TUe~day. Tr~ns-
tip : fa;cilities arebei1g arran~:d.
i' : ' !"
t .<
Margaret Tatr Aspden and son John Thom'ASPden
Young John Thomas Aspden (known as Tom')
was born in 1850, died in 1940 at the age of 90
From Viola Roers' notes)
Margaret TayLor was married to John Thomas Aspden.
Her parent's names were Richard and Jane TayLor.
Margaret TayLor came to America from England.
Margaret's parents did not immigrate to America.
551 I
OrigInal photo looked
like this and was on
the actual glass in very
poor condition.
L' ,I
Mary Taylor Aspden)
wife ofJohn
Mary Wood Aspden and her
brother, John Wood
Right: Henry Aspden
with his cattle
I live in a little log house with four windows in it; two bed-
rooms on the west end and a parlor, sitting room, kitching, and
pantry all in one. At the east window have a beautiful view of the
lake. I have made a walk down to the brook, and my flowers on
either side, they are all up, and my dahlias all alive. It will look
some like home to see old Mass( achusetts] plants in Minn( esota].
We have an Indian canoe on our lake. Mr. Powers goes out and
gets us pond lilies: it is a pretty little sheet of water about a mile or
more long.
John Aspden was one of the oldest pioneers. He was born in Eng-
land in 1808 and came to America in 1849. He brought two sons with
him, Henry and James. Henry Aspden was born in England in 1837.
They lived for seven years in Massachusetts where he attended college
and worked at a weaving establishment. He settled in Chanhassen in
1856 when his father purchased 160 acres. He would serve as assessor
and treasurer, as well as town clerk and treasurer of Chanhassen. His
brother, James, was born in 1840, and served in the Civil War.
Henry Martyn Lyman was born in Easthampton, Massachusetts,
September 13, 1828. He was educated in the public schools and
Vlilliston Seminary. Hep-i-y took over the family farm after his father's
death. In 1850 Mr. Lyman landed at Taylor's Falls, remaining a year
after which he returned to Massachusetts. In the spring of 1853 he
headed west again, landing at Saint Anthony Falls. He purchased
some oxen and drove west. He built a log house of tamarack. He, too,
came to stake his claim and then return to take a wife. He returned to
I Bryan Miller
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952.607.0639 cell. bll . .
7512 Washingto A ms'
n ve .. Eden Prairie, MN 55344
lot 46.1
Grave Status Occupied
Update Date 9/15/1997
Social Sec. No.
Date of Birth
Date of Death
Interment Date
Cause of Death
Place of Birth
Place of Death
Marital Status
Military Status
Purchased By
City, State, Zip
Date Purchased
Amount Fee Paid
Date Int Fee Paid
Interment Fee
City, State, Zip
City, State, Zip
Occupant Information
Henry Aspden
Acute Cystitis
Chanhassen, Minnesota
Margaret Taylor
John Aspden Sr. (CCDR)
Ellen, Herbert Henry
Teacher, Insurance Business. Chanhassen's 1 st Assessor and Treasurer. He also
Purchaser Information
Henry Aspden
Spouse Information
Mary Ann (Wood) Aspden
Next of Kin Information
Lot 46.1 Update Date 9/15/1997
Name Henry Aspden
Comments/History Henry Aspden came to the United States in 1849, settled in Chanhassen in 1856,
and married Mary Ann Wood on 11/29/1866. They were members of the First
Independent Church of Excelsior and Chanhassen. In 1860, he taught his first
term of school in Farmington. In 1861, he was engaged in the insurance business.
Henry was elected the first assessor and treasure of Chanhassen. He also served
as town clerk and justice of the peace.
Henry Aspden with his cattle on his the
Chanhassen Pioneer Cemetery on Galpin Boulevard.
hoto courtesy of the Carver County Historical Society.
nenry J-\spuen Imrrngrauon recoru U~-Li'I-li'lLf~, lVlale 11 years t'age 1 or 1
Henry Aspden from Great Britain to USA
This data is useful for Henry Aspden family history research, birth record, occupation, family members who may
have arrived with them at USA from Great Britain on 09-28-1849.
names I Irish names
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, 0, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
record id 271357
date arrived 09-28-1849
name Henry Aspden
aka names
gender, age Male, 11
occupation Immigrant
destination USA
native country Great Britain
embarkation port Liverpool
transit code
travel compartment
ship name John Hancock
In Aspden I. search]
month day year
http://www php?id=271357 5/4/2009
Lot 46.2
Grave Status Occupied
Update Date 9/15/1997
Social Sec. No.
Date of Birth
Date of Death
Interment Date
Cause of Death
Place of Birth
Place of Death
Marital Status
Military Status
Purchased By
City, State, Zip
Date Purchased
Amount Fee Paid
Date Int Fee Paid
Interment Fee
City, State, Zip
City, State, Zip
Occupant Information
Mary Ann Aspden
Generalized Arteriosclerosis
Thorndyke, Mass.
92 yrs., 5 mos. ,7 days
Margaret Jackson Wood
Able Wood
Ellen, Herbert Henry
Purchaser Information
Mary Ann Aspden
Spouse Information
Henry Aspden
Next of Kin Information
Lot 46.2 Update Date 9/15/1997
Name Mary Ann (Wood) Aspden
Comments/History In the book, "Chaska, A River City", Volume 2, Mary Ann Wood gives an account
of stepping off a river boat with her family at Yorkville in 1854. From there, going
by an oxen-drawn lumber wagon to her home, a 16' x 20' cabin. The wood family
property was located west and south of William Sarver. Yorkville was, at the time,
a docking area for river traffic. Boats moved goods up Chaska Creek. Yorkville
became lost in the Chaska boundaries and no plat was ever recorded. It is
believed to have existed in 1852-1853, and was founded by John Mann, also
known as Maertz. Yorkville is believed to have been where Stoughton Avenue is
now in Chaska. Mary Ann's father, Able Wood, lived 1809-1888 (see Grave 46.7).
Her mother, Margaret Jackson Wood, lived 1815-1883,
ff4~~~lIJd~~.~I!t~$~!~:~U~i;i~~~~g~~~~~~~!~1f~1PUJ.nee4 ecdielf;~~EN+i,N:,M:EA~~~~:CABIN' :., ~fl~~. st~~~ed
0 F.,tOGS irhw! 4pERNE;SS' '. i school and had .atenn or~w(}' in th~ t;;
r/;' .' '. " .; IDxcel~ior, school. She consIdf;lredher-:j:::
t;:l se~f fortunate in having reqeived ~'in{~
T~e ll\st. :qarver: couiity residenti':-istructions, from several able,and cul-~~
r~al.nfng ,from the now 'fl\l~ removed' , i tured New England teachers. In turn t:.,d~y,ll w~en Minnesota\', ~a6"'jllsf' a ter-:' : she taught several terms in the,S-:~
tltory rathe~ th~ri~~ :sr;it~~:;:j8in.ed the.':,' schools of Eden P~irJe. Laketown. t~long;.p~oges~on.o,f 1>lo~~~rs'-Wpe'n' Mrs.: . j Chanhassen, and Excelsior. . . . ~'f.J'l'~~ry-'i1\.~den'breathed',"Mon_: i During her early Ii,fe she had num-l~;
la:y;~. >,'<..... .....'.'..... ".:": ',.' ':"j,erOUS experiences wIth Indians; wh6~~;:
2,::~ "':;:ji'g~',#.intnfnetf-~wo Y~afs: if"~ ..,occasiona!ly ~topped at the 'Woodk-:':
Jl;nd':seven days. "She:-{s be~,.,ihome,,'Ylyid In her meI?ory Were th~~W
21;' :;tdf.l~aie '.b~f;!~' ~e .oldest. .Iscare...whlCh accompamed the NewJ~neer. contmually '. a' ;resident...:,J Ulm massacre, the ceremonIes which :<.ti
l;< ',', . ,,~~~~~>~~e :k'~r;:;l~~--w' 'd'.F:J~rh~~di:ct~eent~~ttle of Shakopee, and;S
ptirir '.)n'. Tliorndyk~;:, )Ma~~a:b"l' On the twenty-ninth day of Nov~m.~,::: 6,'18,46;''-,When 'a" chil\:tt<Jber. 1886, the Rev. C. B. Sh~don pel.'-~'
of, two~'~li:~::a,c.c9mpanie(L heT .,parentst.:jformed the ~eremony in WhICh MIss ~\.~
b.e~ anq.'',JackSon ,..Wood' ,-tol~;,,! Wood and Henry Aspden wer~ jotned~:;f~
Waukesli~~: Wisconiiiri::~':;Tn~Y: ilettredl:;.-:1In marrIage. A few years later ,t}1~y:h-',;I~,~ftJP~!ft-ri~l)~i~trlct~!lPd 'J"#~,'severalkJmoved the Chanhassep. ,.towmi1:ifp.~'}
e1!lp~f1J.:~:9r :~,tfte : iamUy' bMame' 'llfr\~!arm whICh was t? .,be their home ~~
with :'fl.gue;' th'ey retnr"ned .to' Ma:ssa"l",~ t~!OUg~ the remaimng years.] of, theJr t~,!
i'ln~set~s;'>>"",' - -, '. ,.:: :--lhves. - , . .. ,~."~ ",: ~E
Here, in the gleam of sllft corning , 'In'.~8Q4.',Mr_"Wood came td th'e ter.':; Mr. Asp<:!en passed away twentYc:t~~
through the windows and beside, the rit~ry :'of: Minnesota a,nd located onr" ~r~ years ago. SurvivIng are a so:n,':~j
plants she loved, Mrs. Henry Aspden, what Is now the Larson tarn:; on 'Lake'! .' . .. .i;\.spden, who ope,rates the home"'2~l'l
territorIal pIoneer, spent many Qf..the. .Minnewasht~., Th~'. ~ol1ow~n!S ,searl,:'
stead i~r:n, a grand daughter, Mrs. ~;;';
aututnn days of her life reading 'of the:res~ of Hie famil~;11l~ludlDg youngf;' S. E._ Hllher. of Brownsdale, and two~:.;::
a world far removed from that of the Ma:t:y, .J~inea)~hI;l.. , ,.'..., >c~.
gr13at gr;andChlldren.. ~:;:
days when she came to Carver countY.' ' The moth~I.' ~IJd ,.daughter tr.~v,eJedr:'" " .ljlye,~, to the last days of. her. earth.-.:;'-",!
nearly,three quarters of a 'century fr<;>m . Massachusetts. to,'Galena;'~,Il1i;t:.lJ.)I~e. .Mrs..Aspden ~ad re:named a;::;:~
ago.' '. ...' no is, .9n.a cattle;-"" in '. '.Which': nadlS. stud~Ilt. of the world s affaIrs. -, She.i(::2
7"; been,equlpI,ieiI~w 'nksoPlacbii'ont~'-lr,ead :W:Idely and had a k,nowledge oft..::,,";
w .; . .'j J?pJof ,kegs( ,f~1l1:.. , ,?-'g" accotijiriooa-' .? J current social, economic" and -po.1it~ea ,,<
r' .tI~Jls;', ,,,At ;~'Galena~'? ,~y boarded a h"l matters that Was tr.uly remarkabl~~;::.
n .... I '.. D" AA _" /'1 l'1 , , :.: .::-rjY~f'~' steainboa,t, ,trans-l::-'1 <..;J,n~eI:mepJ will be 1D the Challha,
I~~ 7~ /Ylt:i/m.! ,.~~.. . ,/t~~,~~nQther, b9itt\~t' ':Mendo'ta4~~ tQ~J;l.S!tj.p ;' cemetery this
aftetl1.. ,an. ':. ftQ-~l'I-:. at., Yor1rime prairie:' jtl's'tf"; W~dnesditY,' at two. thirty, a spot ne :0
w . . &. ,&., . . w. w .. east ,oCtl\e Chaska.'city limitS'of .to::r::1the family 'home right In tM regIop:3:.;;:
4.8t Tuesday was a 'noteworth::dji:h~;jc~~iht:.:,tli:~ ~ti~st', ~li~~e':.iiJ~d tli~er~
r~~:t~m~~~~ ~:
te;r~~~~~;?:tjdaYj'.m. the'life of1'4rs~ Henry Aspd~n; .tl1ej(:xi~,'\V'.:p.oni~;;;~~~~#e~n:):iy.t~ent:r:L:!WllderneSs Into.,'a land OfhIghlYd<<tr:~t~of. -ch~Ilhasse~ . township. Carve foot;cal>in.of Iogs;~as'tb.6yapproiicned~' !veloped agriculture... 'I:':::>,county-!g. 'only temtoria.1 pl<?neer, .0.'" 'the '~cI~aring;'ln':;"tbe~whd~rIieiig';;':i.i.ori::" , . :. ': :'.",_.. .,.:.-:;~,'.:-c,;;:'ithatdayshemarkedner ..ninety-sec- "'......"''''....*****..............*.....*'''''''''.".......'''.........................** . . . ,
ondbirthday anhiversary,.. . , MBS,imNRY,ASJIl)EN;'. snti went. with her 1amiily'to\Wn\J:
This"y~merable 'vtoman came to the Mrs: Himiy.. ASpdeli;nee~ary ke.sha, Wis. '!'he 1amily 'setUed'if
county v.:ith : her iihitheriri 1854; step- . ' Ann wood. tl2, bE\i1~ved.)o, be. the a malarial' ditrict and .retUrn~di'{t<ping off a MInnesota river steamboat oldest territoria1.piontter'contInual. MasSachusetts: In 1854. ber~allifj
I: at YorkY~lIe, the landi?g .Ii~ace just ~;Y 'a' :resident ~n 'C.arV~r co.uiity. came to the terrItoryo! ~I:\~li?ta
I '
east of thIS cIty.' Throug~';~ucceeding di~ at bel; b~me -In' ,climiliassen ,~nd lo~t~d on what\i:l~pllW. ~i
years. she has had' many. interesting town~Iiip . Menday. She was"bOrn Larsonf'!pn on Lake Minnewashta
eXJjenences and' has' watched the in'Tliorndyke,',Mass.; jiprlLS;::(846, The!ott6wing.yearthe r.est of !hIl~e:nf~:iVf;g tfa~lig woods turned~d'Ylli$l~t~'~~~~':;;G:}~~T"~~~Jf?i!t~.~=s~~~
isi~r.r,. She was $ed :ltove~:
C:'bet: 29; ,lB66. to Mr. Aspden;,;w9c
died Zt'years ago. A ;feWf~
i after their m~rriage.' the .c(jl1~
moved,lo a farm on '.whicli:iti\lR.
I Aspdeifiwas to. llve thl(:ie~~l
01 her~Ure~ She)ssurVive{f"'~.rli~
PI son, H.'}t A,spden ot Chan~g~J
a granddaughter, Mrs. S. R. Hr'iIreI;
i ot 'Brownsdale, 'Minn" If tWo
i great-grandchildren. ,Funi
i ices will be nt. the home
i day at 2:30 p. m... wlt4.'!nteiili.
In the Chanhassen. t9wnS)llpceme~
tery.' . '. " '.
t i/ .,l
WI" (
MaD (Woods) Asoden