Backoff Documentsto e do not t1vel!D-! e tV! 0/=cl-jJ t e .F "1 ,-,' ;m Ca. .; f) R ; The ~'LJ,L WiLl. c:'u.h.1,liJ)C' In Civil War April 12, 1861 . April 9, 1865 Ahrens, Charles Gobelhei, Henry Pfleghaar, Conrad Anderson, Charles F. Gruen, John Pierson, John Aretz, Anton Plocher, Christian Arndt, John Hanson, Nels Plocher, Gottlob Arnzen, John Hartung, Charles ckorr, John Hebeisen, John Ramsdell, Charles A Barker, A. W. litis, Frederick Schaler, Julius Beltz, Henry litis, Peter Scherer, Louis Benson, Christ Schmid, Joseph Born, Casper Johnson, Charles Schneider, Engelhert 8=;,John Johnson, John Schuler, Charles Brink, Andrew A Johnson, Peter A Schwie, William Brinkhaus, Herman Skone, Andrew Bristle, Christ Kern, Jacob Store, J. J. Burgner, Sam Kirsch, Jacob Strobach, Henry W. Chapman, Frank D. Lang, Paul Thomas, Fred H. lindenfelser, Math. Tonn, Frederick DuToit, Fred E. Logelin, Math. Ulmer, Christ. Ehmann, Jeremiah Maetzold, Wi1liam Ess, John Moonen, Henry Wallace, Andrew Ess, Joseph Muelberg, Herman Waldvogel, Carl Etzell, John Weego, Peter Nelson, Bernt Wenz, John Fischer, Adam Niccum, Charles Willmann, Joseph Uberty and Union, one and inseparable now and forever" Daniel Webster The Civil War memorial on lhis site memorializes the members of the William Baxter Post of the Grand Army of (he Republic, the organization formed 10 recognize Civil War veterans. The bronze plaque was added to the rear side of the World War I memorial in 1928. A statue with a list of county men who served is at Waconia. World War II Dettmber 7, 1941 . Il<<ember 31, 1946 Arnst, Orm T. Hagman, Willard L Steinberger, F. R. Hesse, Arthur M. Stender, Lowell L Barlau, Milton M. Beckmann, Hubert E. Jackson, Leon J. Tschimperle, Matthew J. Meckman, Maynard G. Johnson, Donald A Berka, Myron B. Johnson, Paul B. Uecker, Vincent W. Buegel, Arthur R. Van Heel, CharlesKayeska, Charles P. Carlson, Uoyd L Kehrer, Elizabeth L Van Heel, Gerald Kusske, Myron L. Vojtisek, Frank J. Eiden, Thomas Laumann, Alton J. Westlund, Vernon W. Feltmann, Raymond H. White, Arthur R. Franck, Wilner H. Mars, Antigon O. M. Williams, Kermit L. McCarthy, Patrick J. Winkelmann, Ralph C. Geiser, Leroy W. Zanger, Leroy M. Geisler, Richard F. Rours, Roger II. Gorres, Jerome L Zellmann, Oscar W. Greengo, William Schaefer, Donald C. Ziermann, Otto H. Guetzkow, Norman C. Scharmer, Angeline A Korea June 15, 1950. January 31, 1955 Heitkamp, Donald R. Herrmann, Wesley H. Williams, James H.Teske, Roger C. q lis!- ,01 eft",) ,\J~ 1 1.'1 } t {' D · -~9~ VJ ~t' , World War I April 6, 1917. November 11, 1918 Nord, Albert R.Bender, Henry Bongard, Henry D. Born, Edward Brandenburg, H. W. Buescher, Chester Buschkowsky, Art Dircks, Frank Fieblekom, Paul Guetzkow, Reinhold Gutofski, Carl Hecklin, Walter Kern, John H. Kohls, Herman J. Kroell, Fred Lehrke, Herman R. Leif, Joseph Meyer, Ben A Mohrbacher, John A Muyres, Oswald P. Ochsner, Otto P. Priess, William Roepke, August E. Schulz, Alfred H. Schumann, George Simon.~ Jr., John SpletlStocser, F. A Taylor, Wallace B. Trowe, Clarence W. Voss, Nicholas Wellens, Paul Winkler Jr., Peter Dedicated in honor and in memory of the brave men of Carver County who answered our country's c.1ll in the Great World War." Vietnam Dettmber 22, 1961 . May 7, 1975 Dressel, Kenneth It Fritz, David U. Hartung, Charles L Noterrnann, Michael W. Siewert, Donald A Vogel, Garri ty Wilson, Larry Veterans who died In active service at other times Cronin, Robert C. Bernier, Timothy C. Kee, Harry I. Reed, Russell A They were called and they served." Dedicated in honor and in memory of the brave men and women of Carver County who gave their lives in the service or our country. "