Weekly Valley Herald, Dec. 13, 1906s8f~li~~~ri~u~~' of ~ F~rme\".'l J n-= o-h"'l' "i)rF;ftYI.lh~. *.gS, and say' uie ~,'m- ". i.,{.;f!J..' tutb. Ml.:t;;;':Aret~ also Info1'med us1 do'" '4 I t ui I th "'- ,.I,,~~O,'.:t,!Il)))!"1i a1'e f,ll1'O y ie ~t;'".r: at he had. rooeive.d a letter -from iver--U~F,~I\* l toll the, genJus of. ~ >1' state al.\tborlti~s stating that they. energ~'tw' j'~ lJI,rlg~-ahe:~(L salesman aad! . JUIU ,;,e!l~lput a very able, corps Cfwindow . ("p.l+~'a.t~rs at 'the big s~. " a.c~OaI hi'St~uctor~ and in~Very way Me!r.';r~_ O~'jl' IHenning <'.nd Peter Kar- their utmost to inalw this ll1eeti~g te3. LO(lii * tl,e fin,~ ~how windows, e of the most ,successf~l and frmt- and their' l i.lf'tjSt~c display amI you'll . l ever held in the state. "gre.;:,. wil h ~he !Herald that the.~' 'are' ". ) The Institute Ma.rtua-l.will be given, ,'he l~e;l bel', pnt.JJlgt alone t is, is, .', ray free to th~ i~! attendance. and: attntcUY€J ~~he ipretty. th~s su table 'f ls ,practical book 1~ worth ~oing. for' Xm3!': i{g!jfts that th~ big storelOOD'" \. t taldpK in. t~ consideration, t.he bin':' - (;;}'ll.lh I-the; eye. The' advehiA~-; I'actlOal lmowl~~ gained at .an lll- r ; . lute of. this kih~' '. f We,.e,k (VI l! C{[{ VA J-kyfi I J. '1' :~~ li'6>l'mf,lr~_o~Carv.ercounty;a~d. the t ) - J ....'. .\.;.' ITOllDdiilg'countr'Y should hail this c l),.(.. c. /3 I i4 (J ~ 1<'- ws 'with delight, and should 'CPlne l' ,I '. n. mass'e" to the: Institute a.nd. gain . ., tuy points of in~orlpition . and. Or' ,_ .:._---{-__'---__ . - . . erest., Chaska.. extends to one ,and !. ! AWARDED PRIZES -=~ " welco~e, and will 'trea,t y~u right a ' .. e alwa)'s does. As'. things nPell ~lj)~~'~. _B~ 'l,yl~~' of : .Ch;nna~sen' a~d E.. ly and the nature of the. I corps' 6f L E, I.lin...... gson '.Ca.Pture .Hi." G. as".......h..:,....~_......._:<..... '. , tructors is announcea, tbJe Herl;\l~ I ~. n tr~t the ma.tter more fullya'~d TbeOl'<l.nge Ju<:idFarmer, an lagri- . Dounce',the good tMngs th~tare In cultural p'u.blica.tion, pl):blishes tb:el1~t.. Ire, for those whO attend. '?fpri:Ze,Hnners. in the ',James J. HHl. coptest. . 'the first and third congroos-. Hard'!Vare RemovaJ Sale . ionai diBtjrtetS. wel'~ grouped togetber li'ra;:Qk' White; thehat>dw-are' dell)er and th~:'e1 ,,:ere 14 contesta.~t~. for pri-:' lO wUL -soon move into ne\\i qllarberS ze~. Altbjm ~~J....yn?an, the 'well ~now . es" upafiaif pageo!: thl~ iS8'lle:l\> nurserym~n Rf .Chanhassen, <:ap~ured' you 'that he wiU s~U Ihs - entire 3rd prize jof: $75,60 ,given for "G9Qd I ',.M lci~ . 'of . har<hvare, fadn n~achinel'y, Farm Mal1~~e.~ent." W e. '~Hev~ thl.s . _-I ' _, ggies,.;,.wagons, carri~. ges,-e~c., i,n fact is the. on~y pl1~e aw~rcled to C9*tett- , I .' l endre' sto~k : at and' below' cost to all ts flO1111 t~s "Dun ty. \ . i I V'e W,ne and expense t3.ked in niov- Mr. IE. i L. ,Ellingson of IfIoOllning Ithe' stock..- Now is your thance to. ton, t.~e ~"en. lm~,wn breerter of pur. " t anything in his line at ~oCk bot- bred <:sttle, ~nd 'Who had several . ' exhibition! at' the last Carvel' CbuntynprIces'll Fah',. 'caJ'ljiedi off fh'13t llOnors '.f:~i:the . NearingCorri'Pletio~ _ district cq111J?~'ising Henneptn,all~ R~. The \, First National. Banli I buildin~. sey c~l~ntfes,: !llld re~eiv,ed $300, :Sotb.: i-a.pl'dly. nearing completion, an are p11lm€jwo~thy ach1evements,.a'tdth n. be a: ~andsome structure on ~winners aJre oto be congratulated.! '. ' ry hl~h..'i''l:rhe front Is of GothIc . " I.,~ r . ' . i lsign, and presents a good appear- .. George IA. )DuToi,t dro~ 11)). tJoi1..eS-' C&.l;( The fro:t;lt i'8 'of white enameled teqPralri~,on Sunday rethrning'!Mon- ick,'th~ b~lance of the s,tructur,econ-day'- eve'n~ng-.:' He repOi;i.sl bU~itM~e at Inlng@htiSka brlcl~. At the presel1-t that 'prac~.; with the. Stit~Bll.i\~'i,\Ull te it ~hoU;'d' be-completed ill two der the Jri.anag6lllent of Qa~iHhI.Lrinal ek8 .atrJeast. ...."".,' '. " sten as. b~ln~ yi{ry prosperous} j;. , TJi-e '.H~ral~ls. all homeJprlpt ~./ 1", '..,'. . .; its !~ohlIn~s thIs, week brt) t~Il~~_~Wi:~'I" SO:. C. '6f1' : l.t' e' ~8 holIday sdsand' intere8tlng'.J~,~:iY;' ul ...... oountyn~wsJ~ soan tlflch. ad 'uld:~.*d-r'. . i' ,,' .;.;~ . every ite~) aiJ Y'?11 are su~.~rtl~. . M1'lJ.. Chas.(.A;. ~hl; .entertainoo .th~ many thib~s! tha~ will interest' . ,,\>,. di&8 6f,~tht5i\Easterh'SW'at.cinch on Frank i wt' lursdayev~iA1t;ot~~~woo~~. '..~eg M!lry an~ M' .' efttwori,byMf"$ll'n({'f:,Mfs.K.,;K!$.klam- of n.~r"~\,. e. wtlre'.heT'e r~.\ 'Arie1}q;j'~cii~~ .~kerY~ ~. l~ili~Jl1~r~'e:~'~~\~~ Y 1brt~~f~C" ~~l~~e ar~ Qid~ ,~~ns'6f~'tl1e flttr ';'bl~, we. \Verl)<~rfib,~1t)J>~~ 2 ' ta!.~;i~i~ I~~ 7?!~n;rtt:~~~l':