Weekly Valley Herald, Feb 19, 1948i~...,.' .~' ,'.,,.' ,....;. ,',' ,,,,,;,,,,~'llI}:o":,i,;,;(,,",':i".'#.;"'" I~")~;~1r~~t;f~t.==,'- fH~"'I..DAY._n~~~~ftV-=t~,t~',li> I>_'''~'''''''''"''''''''''''''' ltio,. Ja.c:-ol~tlle~~" ' :::.=1]111"1" '-:-~-ArlUi~I#1MD~"::"" " of_KJaa..~.LI:JO:....t:""'-~~kl - .. 10. ~ ....IUQ1~UI-aU-.bOUt tat. 'ud.~',"":::~~ lr,''Pylt..t:, .' , ,,~"-~:"';il!.', ' LOI. 'DD 'IO-onlllr.' : uoeu.4. III ,,_tl~oc.. H.' itA1e4 ,~~ l~V,1.':,'---:-lIundar. hb..UM;".~t~'~," -, .-_ ,,- " no OUt~ctlltJ!rJtt"'II' njf-nt~ .-'~I' X::~=~~;i'~r:io~.ib~~~ :~~IfE;.ED~ElOEt!lO . , t~~'~' b': b~'~~~:I;'" "~~~'.~'~~~ n.... paut II. ....Ia,. pea,tor: A:rtb.j'~k" L)1JlP: 1IljJoa. '.-," eoll... be.. taqbt. ta r' !be'" 4tatrtet~:.::.';;::: .,~ dellt 01 EseeWot' pene4 a..., at Ill. KbooI. darUlJ lb.W\Jltet 1Il0Cllb.t aDd'::; ',,".. .' hOlJ\. at 1:00 Q:ctoclt Ipt nv-4&1 1I.lped tRail.,. 1111 f.lbe", I~. .," ;.,:,-.-,.-- TilE 'utJ~H~~::=~~ ~':1.TI!~._c;-;:~::''rYIl;J.~ ~"~~~~~I\:f t':: ~{~o;~J-:,~;fr..:}f~~. i~ .~..' . ,','-" ..~ tebral~b~...'-'~-~ eeas..ol.uIr.'W.Il:wma--!t1l~OrlmlJh'. .'" .'. 8I1Ddl,. r.b. Zlnd. ,", " ','. ' . alralra, "'11' of lb. fleW. bawlA4l- : Dhtno' ..onblp at 10110 a:.a;, . aurar ..nlc.. WI,. ~dlltted ,too4 for our 10 TN"-; Mr. J..rtnu' , ;,'. TIlem....~VIc&ociou hUll" , .~ , l;, ':1~"lor ,Coa.,...tlooal 'dllrcll ~1l1M4 ltanhl. ad ('Alno4 t1l '* " , '.' 1100 p.ID.-lAcItell ..nlc...,n..~ ., ~: IO o'rlock Satlll'd.,' .rtemOOl1. t.lltlola of .Ult. '..pertl to ,-tb. tw.::..:.~:::.;:::::.::: TII. Alltllor 6f "llm.l B&1watloa" ' TIl.R... Wa)'M 110)'1.. ~tot' of the n,lett" " . '" ,-- '; ,. ........ ,, 1'__"1,..1.. cbllN!b, . orrldal~.. ' 'MI. . Of.." W.. _ .,,,_,, J_~ .... ". ,." '"~~... '~. ThurMa" hb. lKb , ,Iared II, WI'lL DtIdle, Kia4rlck. ill< Mr. !..)'tun WAll A 111I'11 of;.l'rllq. M\d..."" Lellt.. ..,.,.Ic..at I:~ Po term,ent ... III CII&Illlau\lG ~er'; ('weet",. h'-h Id..I., 'Iealrou. cU.. m. R.... A. A, 1111I-' 01 .o\Jlnalidat.. Ptllbeaten ..e,. Clem OWplI IIMace poaIlklll. II..... a tbor'oUlb petrlot: Wtnll;,"..1Il .be ," the, PM' .peake". J""rnn; 1Cd..ln'III1'TIIM. ..,(11; I'e-clt. all oQutJIDdln,.tltl..D, II. wUl \:lIY.r Cllotr prarUce at .:00 p,m. , IllIbert' ~e'Ich' aIId ,Jobll II. be rOfllOt~'DIII.;.lbla ~!1. ~r. .'all ' l2we Ir.' .-" .;..._... ~ lotll a. .dod, ~ltJteiiib!p-, II ~JQ" con' III,UO\:l ('\I.. will meet Mr. L)'mall ,w.. bom';n-.r ~eiOl. beftC!~lh<<lttoF'~6eOrd. . ' A at .JO a.m" In, the pa.-.oft.... '. ~Ior' W. y.. 2t. .1110. lIe..at lba IIOt1 ,- i' ~ ~ 7 r'e InYI~.. llnr)'oll. to OIlr' ""'~I. or Mr. AIId M,.. lIellry )C. 14mall, lAb .. 8....' V.... " n. A..'Klndlru, pallor plone"r homeet..de,.., II. w.. ~ l ..- '-- l_hIA.. L,'OO 011 bl. parentf fal'1lt Ju.t acl'OM th.. .... .quamar...., we ...u..t!li . IInp In CI"er Cuunl)'. ' _ poundI hu bHn found 1ft the Bra. G't D . In ItoJ b. .... married in It!')J1l ~~ _ Itat~ _of~MbwLO:cra1a, The' -' , 88:.a- r~ll, ay "rnk".. or t:Zcel.lor, wbo"""I".. ftndlt baa lletn oI'f~' teO.OOO tor ." '" ,,-' For,.G eo',.,;e"s' Dud' hIm. II. I. al.o .UrYlYed by lwo the .tone._!l:ta ooe, of the lar'dt" IIOftI. IUrb.ni U, aDd U.JI"rtOll,both ,equamarlnu ever found. . i., ~ The Immortal Itor)' 01 o.or.~ ~trcel~~r. ,a1ndnon"a d.U.ht~~'It:!I"' OI ' n , W~."I.._.- a"of U._ ch..rrv t-- h.. . ........ . ' pan..II...r.r i ............. ,.,..... .,.. w Columbu.. Oblo. Mr. L)'aIall bad been told lIJ1d. r.told aD lnftnIt. Dum. .~t hi. bo)'bood .nd adult. 1M,. 1_}!,___,ber-Of--t1m~."UId. ".-.Uon.of III or nl'tlr'J!:Xut.lo... IIIceptfor tent; Amerlcan/Khoo'. chlldren ba-L-. porar,.bHnre In thtt Soutb alld DI.I. JTOWn Up',.\th UtUlt.OeOr.... punCh- tfo will be kno..n In IIIlnll..o" hi.. II Una rln.In, 1ft th.lrun: . ' to..,. for hl."'orlt_hl.f!lItelldl~-1h. I c:aDtKlt leU . .lie; I did It with culture or 'alr.tra, . ,I. .~nt the beet my Ultie balc:het." ...' )' M" or hi. life III Ihl. proJect and Truth or rabie, lhe-.to1'r,ftnt w.. bHarnll wNlthy,and f.mouI.. a re; PUtlnto print In 1110O when It apo IUIt. In an add~.., onr the ,.dl" r;~.~::~~:r:;:..a~=.; !C;I::~~~ie~~~~:' ~:-: hurd the tall from an a,04 woman " To Mr 'A. B.' LJm.n beloDI. tha who 'III" . dlatan' r.laUv. 01 the credIt Or ,Introdlldnl Grimm'. .Ir.lr. W.ab1n(lOn', .c.tatlc.U, wrote t.be to the wmld. A. ,a 00' tn' tb. toun. Ilnt veraloc1 .. roUowa: eorlf,' ,..Id bll f.ther. 'do OU know who lined that beauWul Uttl. cherTY l~ yonder In t.be ,a,. deft!' 1bla WH . touab queatklo. and o.ort.-.ta,..,ed under It tot' ~ momeat:. but qUickly nconnd hlmMU. and IooklllJ at hla lather; wlth the SWHt /aCt of )'OtIth brl&h'" mid with the \nelq'reulbl. c.barm of alkoaquulnJ. truth, he bra".'" cried out, '1 can't teU a lie. Pa: know 1 UD't teU aU.. I'dld cut 1 l''f;~_....t....~'" i ",0;_ if:'jj, HOWARD~L~~IlALL- anOlIEY at uw;' OINlfl"L Pfl"OTICK D.RAL AND aTAT. INeOMI 'TAX ReTURNa i:;':'::-+_"~_. -+' he... NMo ....""" '... 0flIM ,0, r~.OOI... I.IIESQ. " b :"f Y~_",~airi~-Colb' Muit~incl~de'. 1NSURXKCE'" Ie riate)' enough. .. both bit .net IIttl." ~".. re- d_ rl.... with I"__oe~' wMft. Ibl.. )t'i. food nWI.... ment polley '0 UN)' pf'O~tleft P'V. .....eJa..,... ~ UftCHES