Jane Maxwell Death Notice Ill.. hf' tJlODI'Y must po up D n~ . eurgaon bf.'fon> tb..#.ho(ltin~ lm!inH. . ~aYI5 if h.fl isnot injured internally,be 3roi. Each contestant in'each wiHreoovE'r.I>rf'.FranltofCbulta 8Dd to ,hoot I)t 2U himlL . ,Eit.l of MiDDe8polit Wt"ft Itbt for in 4tb. Till' conterit to take: place on addition to Dr. BOrn8, and we bopll thr, J:'w\llIdti of tJI' rbo~kft GUD Club ton I'tport tn (Hlr uext tuue that Mr. oth. Elich CfHlt.Ptltunt fD f'llch club Eitel is out of daDger. inn'flt bi' a T't'liilh.nt of ~i8 I't'Iipectit'e city or the immPdintf' "iCinit,y t,bere. of, ao t1nyti prior to tbe I'onteat. . 6th. . Ettl'll duh to hl.' J'('pr~Dted by tlix "boot/'r... . Th.. NlpttlillB of till' dubs will ~,)' conllultlltion fix tlll' dlltof' of thE.' con. ~t. I ' . J..... nULf', Captain. .A. F. ~td'omllrK, LiPlltl'OuDt r. II. GlIltlO:-;, ~'t'rl'tlir~'. OEITU A:BY. Bf'lIry Wirt? died nt his home in the eit:; of Ct:.iSka, on W(\\lnesday, AU~lI"I~~:.!d. 1 l'irt-l , of ('l\ll('t>r of the Stomnd!. ag';'ll 77 yeAr" nnd 8 d8~'S. Thr FU:ljPct d thi.. shtt'h wall boru in Boekel, hreil'\ lIE'io"brr~, HE'gier, un~1' Bizprk. ,~fichf'll, Uhl'in Prussia. Allgu~t 14th, 1817. Be enIDt" to : Aml'rico wilh biB famil,\" in the year 1f'fi:L lailding Oil our !l1lOres Aug.lO, and ram,:' dirpctl,\' to CUr'\"er County, 8f'ttii/lg" upon n farm in Dahlgren, "h kh Wli'1 Iii!' hoOlP until b,.' mot'ed to Cllll"kll in ]~j4.Ht' hll~ Iltocn OIl in- vlilitl for on.r twt'nt~. T('lIrB, having Ll'i'n II gr,'flt snffl'rpr Ilt timE's ouriu~ 011 of Hlme :n'ars, flod death was a Wl.!eOllH' Illp"'''l'rlJ:t'r, rell'llf'ing him ;frolIl lI11t~)l(J H~(Ioi~'.". , . lIt' 1,.ft Vt'I'l Ii 11 f'g-cd" ido'll and I\ix ('bildr,'lI. thr.-'p. "Oll~ nnn thr~ daug-htl'f", TIlt, "Oll~ lwing' HPDI',)' Wirtz of Lllkt-1nm., FraDk of HtIlnE'- .pin PIll] Lpollnr,} of \\'w.1:!hin~t{>n; tbe daughtp:-R I1re ~Ir". .JowL Meuwisaen of Colo;.rnl'. ~fr". UeDr~ Grnnsch of LakPtO\\ n Rnd one which belODgR to tbE' t'i,.ter;; of ChriiltillD Charity. Dl'CE'H!'ol'il WIiS n de\"ut('(} mp.I.uber of . tbe Catholic Church, ond his funeral . , on Frida~' WliS larg-elyattended, by old friE'w)s anu lle-i~hbors, and a largenumhpr of relati\"eB, all of whQm have tbl' 6,\"mpatby of tllecommunity. in tlwir hpr.:Rvement. PEACE TO HIS ASHES. :,T08. ME'rgens was the bfggest little man in our city ,on Tne6day. The oeetUIion beiD~ a l1lb bab.v ROD. He is aaid to bt> an exact im~ of hi.e honored eire. Wc.t..~I~ Ved(l-'1 fJcx~IJ ~q q Bftftdaeke ana JfetffWl.J.eUl."Od b, Dr A:.ILE.'" j'All'i PILLS. ''OD:~tLdoee.. . Dled. At the resideDoo of. har aD!]; Jamefl Max""f'lI in Chanhtl'J8eD town.oD 8UD, day morriiIl~ 11I8t AtI~. 26th, Mrs. Jane Maxwell, ~e 77 years. The Writer orthid had kDo".n "Grund !IIi; Maxwell" ,ery WE'll fol' thirty yellrs'. 11 nd way back in tho lIixt~ Ji"..oo under the Rame roof from tiMe to.titUe for several years, nnd 8R .. boy lenruE'd to love an d bonor herae mother. We shall Dever forget the little acts of kindness, the goqd ad- vice and words of lo\"e. Her ~end8 of 'tb08e days were nomeroua tfnd uU deTlghted to hElve her witl: them, those that are Ji"jIllr DO\V 8till Jovoo hf'r 8S of nld. Mrs; Maxwell bad been agrtmt 8off. erer for years past, being confined to her bed for over threoe yoors, but ahe nl','er complained, her sunny dispoRi-, HOIl remainin~ with her to the end. She hed heen with her BOn James for many ye/lrs, l'f'Cp.t"iD~ tbe .beet of CElre at tbe hand,S of ber daol:hter-in Inw Mrs. Ja8. Maxwell. She be.dbeen a member of the Eplscopaleburebfor fiver 35 years. ' , ~be W08 laid to reet on Monday Ja~, being foUowedto the ~&ve by a l~u'ge nUmbt1T of old friends e.nd ac- quaintances, who sympntbue deeply with her relatives. lWyd Mr. nallom ~ Excelsior officiated. . PEACE TO DB ASHES. .' O. A.D. .', 'A Good Promotion. . ,$c . ' Julius Voigt of tbis cit.v, wbo ba8 been at work for tbe D. M. Osborn A ~a. tery Gra. ve. C.oI1lpany, for a ~ear past, bas be~n Lizzi~ Schil!~r. danghter of Wm. plaC(id in charge ofaCE'rtainterritory '8cl.i!If'r of thi9 city, was drownE'd in alonl: three Jines ofa railroad, with the Minnesota River late' Sunday headq'Jarters at Glp.Dcoe. He will es- nfteruoon. f'hr. was takiI:!g a hont tablish ogentles for the ttle of Bar- ride in compnny with llf'r mother, :,esUng Mlichinery,' end ...Ill have noJ whiJp pas3illg UDdE't the ferry J!CDf'r!11 sopervillion of tbe whole blls, (,!tl,!C'. cnu(Tht h"J,J 0' tit\' Mmf' Dill! inet'lp in that territorry, making his boner- tbe idow of IIJd ' , re E' and pratbae lbal~~of I Count,. Til too be.to Ano14 Notermana 01 Quarter (B!. , tr ~ranted: ! tI!I (1) Town" 1l .. ordll~ tbat laic! ~tion ~ heard be- tlllteen (117) (>. fore UJICOUrt, on FridU &be 7th daJ of8ep. toIl'ther with :. tem~ A. D. 1I!&C, at ,10 o'clock a. m.' at tmlancl.., In tl \be ProbAte OftlCtl in Chub lnald CouiaL1 fOl'6 tbn>e )'''lW Onlt'f(~J Further, t.ba& Dotioe thereof ~ 10 IJer cP1lt pe &rlYen to the belnr-of ald ckoceued. ~ ~ was b, deed I all penlOD.il Inw~ bJ publlahina thitlMlcbaellt.&v t. order 0iIll.'e in each week. for t.blee IIlClOflU. 21at da)' (f 111< I!e ,..eeb pri:lr to Mid cla1 of bet.rlna,lD the wall ~ I: "lI.llcy Herald a weekl, ~ prinied D<>eda (In th~ ~ and publialK-d at Chub in Aid Comity. "A" of ~n' Dated at Obaeka &M 1lJth daJ of Aopat 8aicl default A. D.189i. of pttnclpal it B9 tlaeCouTt. ' , DOW claim;} ~ (8eal) JULIUS BeBIL_It. dcbt ~' ..Id In Judn Of ~ FiTe Eundn.{j J'tm Pu1?IlC'&t1on A..... UN. (~, 77) and I .. an)' kind bas b- Jl4:ortlraire SaJ.e. 8U.m Dor ans 1" Default h,nl1la been made In the paymeDt Now ~refl of the sum of One ThOUlllnd 8eTent1 Three loower of we I and 00-100 (,lord.OIl) DulWw which ia elalm. and tboll'f'witl, lld t.u be due at the c1at.e of *hi.. DOtioo upon IIU\tute in lIUcb a certain purchue money ldo~. dulr ~~ will be fo executl'd and delivered by Goorare AlIun to eMbed morta'a; PlenUIIl M. Woodman beariDa date the 9&b [tublic auction day of March A. D., 11lll8, IUId duly recurdod County on MI'l In the office of Ule BeiiAter of Detde in and A. D. lA9-a. at 1 for the County of Carver and State of Minn. time. at tlw fre Cl'0U\ on the 11th day of April A. D. 1&18 at In the Clt)".of ( 100'Clcek B. m., in Book "0" of Morta'alics, ty to tbt- hiahe on Jl8+'tl8liOOi li06, and 001, which !aid wort-. the amount wi, P6f6 Wall du y assigned 1>)' laid PrentiM M. morilrfl~, incl Woodman to.A.mOll Harrie by an iDltrument Dallal'll .'ttorn in wri~ bearina dBte on t.Ue 2OI.h da)' of mo~~. ~t April, A.l>. 18&!, and duly recorded 1n t.he 1>unemenb of ollice'ilf said Beiri8\er of Deeda on the Brd Dated Augu. day of November A. D. 1891, at 10 o'clock } a. m., in Book "AU or AYi~eDta of mort- gagt.'fJ on I~ 1 i'D, and no action or J?rooced. loa at law or otberwlllC lunitag been lDlltltUt. ed to recover the debt II6CUl'ed by aaid mort- gage or any part thereof No,,', Therefore, Notice Sa Herebl Givenl That br Tirtue of a pOwer of 8ale containoa in aaid morf4rnge, and pursuant to the !I'tat. ute in web C8lIe made and pronded, the said morilrflge will 00 forocloeedl and \be preml. _ dC8Crlbed in and coveroa by MId mort-. gaec, Tiz: Lots Eleven lll]to Sixteen [161 in- c1u!'iTe, LotI! Twent)' Six [2(;) to Thirty 'l.'wo [1l21 inclUllive Loti! Seventy Eight [781 to Eighty N inel89] inc1uai. ve,LOtI! ()ue H Ullarod [10011.0 One lIUndred and Eighteen [mi] in- clUlliTe. and Lots One Hundred Bnd Tliirt)" Four[1341w One Hundred Fifty Niuerl59] in. elusive, Iftl in Minnetonka Heighta accord. Ing to plat thereof on file and of record in \Le office uf the Regi8t.cr of Deede in and for said CountJ of Carver Ilituate In Canerl'ouu- ty, and State of ~n680ta, with i.hc heredi. tamentl! and appur\enanoee, will 00 ilOld at puhlic auctit)D, to the hi~hel!t bidder fer !:Mh, to pay Mid debt and lDtere5t, and thc taXC<i, if any, on aaid premiaea, IUId FiU)' lOO] dolllU'll att.orne)"!1 fees, as ItIpulat.ed in and by said'mortgage in C8.lIe of foreclOllure, and ~e disburBCwenta aUOlPOO bl law: whic.h _Ie will be made by the Bheri1f of aaid Car~ Ter County at the front door of the Court HOUIlC, in lheClty of L'haa.ka, in aaill Coun- tyand State, OJ:! the 2'1d dar of SepteJlber A. D. Ul94, at 2 o'clock p. m., of tliat dar, 6llbjt,ct to redemption dan)' time within one year from the da)' of aale, as pro\ided b)' law. ' . Dated AUir\18t 7th, A. D.l891. ' bOIl H.uuua . P. Jd'. WOODK.U, ~'o'i Moriflaree. . ~el for ~ of,MortBagee. PJrat PubllcaUoo Aq 14, 1_. i.',,', : Mortgae-e seJ.e. Default having been mRde ~ the pafInent of Twenty Sh: Hundred Eighty Six and 65- 100 (1~,65) Dollars 'Which Is claimed to be due.at the date of thill notice upon a certain Purchase Mone)' Mortgage, fduly .executed and delh"erod by Georwe Allen, to Prentias M. Woodmm'bearing date the'9th, day of March A. D.I888, and duly recorded in the office of the Regll'ter of I.>eeca in and forthe County of Carver and State of MlnnMOta on the Uth day of April A.. D.I888, at 10 o'clock a. m.. in Book "0" of mo~, on IlBgetJ ~, 49:l, OOV, WI, eDd llO2, wmch said mort.. gage WM duly Mlligrl!d by said l'nnU88')4. Woodmao to Amos HArris by an IDlltrument FIrat Pubhcr m wri~ bea~ng date on the OOI.b daY' of April A. D. 1~, and recorded 1D the office ~C .... -. .. --.. .,....... .. &n'LU'r, RO! Attorne:, Byh (Fint Publica~ STATE OF , ver.-SS. Tenn. In the matte ke of the COUI: 1lOta, Decea."t'(; On reading I drew Weillmt forth the IWlOl come to his he of: the am0UD1 sal.! deceaaed, real CAtate of ,. eel, and the co: p('('tiTe po~iOl liC('n~ b,) to h Real E.~te wi and pc:l"eCd of. Fetition tbnt t: eetate in tbe h: mueller. Admi and that it ill aame, to IIell a) It ill Therefo inteftl8ted in ~, Judge of ~i8 l of Sopter!}hc.', m., at the Cou Count)". then any there be J lTf8ll!ed to Illlic real e!ltate ace Petlti on. . ADd it .. Fu: thia Order a..: eeIIliTe 11'''" I the laI!t of wh: leMt fourtel.'n ' lng, in ~e "a1 paper printed . saidTount)", a perl!'Ou'! i nV're. said County, 8' said day ot her IOnll interes'.ed Dated at Cll: D. 189!. (Seal)