Carver Free Press, Sept. 23, 1886 George M Powers
~~~~~~:~~~Si)'o :g;~~lt~~ ,~t01"ieB, h~~e and toreign newll, state' hi;V~;~j~h- . ii~d--an-[ ;n~ 'obiig~~ - t~ ':' . ,. . ?~~. ,;" , .' '! !
. ., ' -, Good' and local matter, and costs only $1 5<\ withdraw:. .~< e' wish him pr08p~rily ~i... > ~ ~'':',~-' " -.'~~ J
s atthf:~ai"," \ it""':3'." ..tlf!;.l h r'n _
. . per annum. ' in his new u dertaking.' , . ~o.:,,; .lI:u.,l! ,~l i ,n
. I.' . I ' . .' ",. ' be.. tlrul~':I '"ouRM,lhn" oJ 01
,-A'. Farmers AlhaIi'ce mcetlD!! w111 '. . , ' _' '. ,: 1098:;.i vitM~.Parke~,.' iIat
N [HD ~E 4-'- .' , Pf!!rS al Jfltmlf,OR. I:" w'll p.~\' ::,~tiilfia"iraD'<i Jdv;e
r. II n,,"rs Peter We go " tbe demoeratio~nomi. gl<<- t~l~j{Y~~'tl1ri1I{ool(j'~ikc;,.C~n..
/1 /'i Ir .J or r r e.. V' t'i vO> .: ' , ....'. ,,' -per ct.~rin!Dt8jdmitT...' . I
l ..' .. ... I (.0'" v~ :J:~?:'~' ....,~r ~;~';,j;Z~i;M
IA, )tIN ~ 3 , I~gte. Mr.' and' Irs" O,'1kistle, Mr. ~Dd ; :'^..: ", j~, ~~.", ; r
TEN] P . t fS, Joi,ii unk,Mr~ Brunius ,sDd 'STA ,KR~~'yta f i.
AR "r prIe 'or. . __ ~.ov.. w 1:;1::~:Lue congressional Mrs, Meehl erg took ia tbe E:l[p'l>si- it~litiif.titeior:- C
I Every iItesp ct..~ oomioatio'U liS Herbert or !teea. It. tion.this w.e k. : . .1,' . '., '.. <:i?J ,i .
1.__...: '",--. --fs a three cornered fight and very in~ .'. Ohas.~... J1~ prop.~i~toroftbe +r.-.~!o;
-rT'E"~~!D_' 0 F'S, ,teresting t.o behold '\Yelllbor uuder gus pubh8~e atLe~!s~wo, M:oD~lJa. ~,t:o
.L~: . the, impression lllat a so. called "durkwaqeus a fr' terDalvl~lt la8t.we~~.~ ther> Co
I horse'" will win tbe race. ' Mea :aruu ~s. wh'o has been 'sick for 'OD'~t.!
',1'T'. R" ~~ie @)djnav,5burgcr ~)lfJeinprellf3cn8everal mont 8,'i~ ab!eto wlIlk ~bou~. :~.,.
lJ tutll'elltluf re.publifanifdJen ~oitltt~ . Matb.' Ert "of. BeDtosp'ft, " ,..' ,: ' " ii.
".!h...' ~ol1bct1tion' ill mJilconia ,Angtreidj bet:: .Sjl0 ctu':J1 . las 'Saturday. aod::').ilipo'fte' :.i\ n', .'.'. ", at." 'e~
r,. ,"81' ':1"'," 'L"" ,\ 0" "'~'I':r treten: Uhter: anbern wareri: tia: thJ1tduriri~' t e haillit./lrm on WedDei~Unn r is a 800' r:sa~d,.~d~/).uLll8~, ,II
cmUf.! lOll)'f'( f~' lOll) b C" 1. .' . . .. . 'b' iDg t 'ad~b1 tl'ft,ti~nof lIlLijlII e81
2J~,,,)e. ;wl~m ~~n,;wm. un -0o..,n(l~y UWlny w! dowpaneB were rokc?: Gus v Tllote.;8 ~11'd7' '.4..'
~mnfdjcn, 3rib .'Qellet. unh stgcohot Math. W lIon, of GreeD Isle, was 10 . -It .8 ordered \~d petl\lpn
1 . ,Elpid~r, uuo roo bicie fi~c1enEellte ~iu~ town on T' sday and duly called at berotl1e J1l'dgoft\lis.COUlt,. ion ~
"'fUr lomme,it gel,~s Iu'tig 1..".... . ' . h F P ffi ' 'j' the th day:, October A..:qJ 11
lB.., -+......i D.. .,.. I "f"A- terce re s 0 ce. '.' "1 0'010 k P. lrI,~ t.YOUDg Anie~~, ca
:e:;tliqu4rs...alll ci.;ar~. -Judge Wilson, 'of Wi noD a;' bit the. . I .coun 1 "1
e'('p.lelm~t"d M: IW!.Iukee 'mllrk the other day when he Raid ~ OONIA. .' . .;" Or e~d f~r '" that noticei't1
,tautly oh l1al11. i" "'the " diff~reneej brtweeo' nineteen- ' . . .! giv to the hel . or said decetc
-' I -l---L. twtlntietl.s of the republ.icaus and a 'rhe severc icknells ,aDd"los9 of two all rsoll8iote sted, by pubU~fth
I . :. . " . . (lr t is. order r three suc~R"h
,like pe~ceQtage of democrats is merely chlld,ren 1n 0 r filmlly from ~hedread. prior to said da ,.of hearhig 'In 1,~)' ...... . .w.'.'..... uldeeease'di hlr.h 'eria acconnts for our PR.. BS a week} ~~;WllPaper-l~.rin
~~.' ~ """:'Jud!!e 'M~cDonald ilP'l'Iointedthe V, . . k publi bed at ClL er in ,aaidnou tJ
'J ~ .Ilbsence tbe p st wee ,s., ' Dadat CblL~ a t.he 20th dAy,of
;; liS coro,mission(Jrs ". Mr John besing, ofWatertowD, ber.A D. .1886; .',: " .\.
: to condemn the right of way fOt t,he 'b" d 'h' . fi' , 'f' L k.., . B,y he Court, . Ai
. Motor liue railroad through the countY~i a t.o mts or une f o Drel\ IJ1g.&. arm. JULIUSSC;,AI
A. J, \larlSOD; WIO. Pattcrson, Geo: ~~ansedby the icking ~f aborie. Dr.' '.- Jndg~ 0, PI
M " Poweis.;~ anKreveli~ s tbe at.te.nditl~ physi-'
'~By' buying one pouud of baking cian~ We IIi ce,rely ~ope.J ohn t{l
pO,wder at the 1'ionoer store of. Holme:! ?ome ,out; aU ri htverysoon.. '
Hebeis.en & Wowmer you get intpe Capt. Muehl erg,and 80n were with
bargain a nibe pitlce of glassware and I1S Friday nnd Saturda.v.last, survey-
at the sallIe time a chance on atwenLy
dollar music box. ing village Iota and the catholio ceme- .
-The State ~oard of Eq ~alization tcry ~'.. .
bas completQd its worle andinc'teased 'Dr. H. R. ies8ner is buildiog 'ao.
the vallIe of real estate in Carver conn- add'ltion to bis eside,rice~ 'l'bedoo~or.
. ty ten per cent, will have. plen .fof room-wh~n com~
-'l'he state .auditor ho.s made the plet.ed.. ' .
awp.rd of the state appropriation' to the.Quite annID er of ojlr farmers with
a~rillultura.l. societies of Minnesota. have go e to work 00 the rail-
'fh? t.otal amou'nt was -$1.2t3~~ 50, of road. Theyaa $4 a day is too go~d,
sa whICh Carver count] receives $219,87. and must be \1. cn in.' .
"J.t:i as -T~e oldest ..and ~ost. persistent. . Asev:ere -bai B~orm passed Over ~ur
vllte.r .\,B the U n~lE!d. .States has been viljage one day last week. Our hard- nl _ I
beard from; He hves 10 Alabama, and . . h . .. . ,:.r ~~
ME'.. . '.' CllS~ his first 'Yot~ in the.fall of 1796, w~re 6tores, II a r9s11l0g trade lD FI EU,{ '8 Djl:njA
" ,1 .... ;' I votlDg for John AdaIr8. He was then mndow glass at ert.he st"rm~ ' 1l1.1l r ltfitl
ter ttl1, .' . .' il '. WIll, be 120 !Joqn Garret.t WI'S bornCODventlOnas delegate from Carver AT flON'fllJil
:.;~\, t~~W: ~ l~ ~~ ~:7~;::f :ig~tly~::~ ~~i, Itl:7:~:,~ H...~.U p1~~Wi,;~). . . ~ "'.~"~
.~metQ J mt letben He has 8loce hved In North,Carolma what he saw an heard at the>",v,,~,~~~s,The farm\}rs oLCar\'erllD~dl:ll
?a~.. ajt au oUen seventen Yalars;, Georgia two. years; tion, it'be~ng hrmonious all:tbr,ou~~"cOI1Dti 8 arecorJi~l1y jh.:!t~ur~6
'tale~n cl:!tie~e f~l!n, ~Iorida tbirty, j'ear~, aml ~laba~a and no~08llisui tr any sort Dian~.t.~!~~ it~e,,~ai ";!oNd:,~O.'st a.o~;\l~!~'rf~
r~~~ Jl~~~n J;;~l,~ ,slxt1-t:w?, and ,IB the fat.ber of twent,y- .' T~e~em?Cril ic co~nty,~ic,~et'~li~~y~sparedtl);~~~,:t~~8'fl&lr,;a,S'Qb"
~ .... r r o~e hvmg c~lldreo and. nearly one nommafed.18 a trong one~lt~i'i"\~ew~~TE~,IJT)S,,~
~~~\ t~~lt~r iS~fl~ ~~:er~~ ~:;111;~:.~r;~~ ~~~l~:~rs','~::: 'excepti?ilS a~J e,~~.n~id~te.~?(s~t,~~:~,~~~~~~N,
~e ftd) on bel: d}on" ~i8 ballot for hisprtiferred' county aod seIiator:.M~. ~~4 r81511~\nll; Uhd!>ubte~~y~ .:;,;;i',
cnte.. st.nteofficers la~ ed 0" '."