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Weekly Valley Herald, Sept. 15, 1988
i I. ! ..' ",: JII;. ~b ..: ' b~RVEn COUNTY '~:EflRITOR'IA~f' I, r:l~:"::C:l~. .:;.h~:.:;:~ tlfulvelllleJ, WlUS boarded by tho.MI\JIB- Uc~huHottllll'dvon~urerll. '" 'I" . . ..' Ilt J..ako. PepIn a mllltortuno mark. od\ tho trIp.'. A young: boy [0111"10 tho wnter ond WBIl drowned, No 'O~ Ilaw the' catlllltr'opho! cxcollta'Swe4 nhbnrd tho F'rankllrL Ho. could ,n(> toll pr tho. accIdent unlll. ho rourid Bomeon~.w,ho 'couldi understand blm. .. :: .' .'1.... BYI that; tImo, the boat had pro~ress'" i' Chicken. NeedNlumln. ..;" };7~ odl80 rar thatlthecaptaln,would:not 'Dul I'g 'tall'., "AI I J" '"".,.., ':j'-"la' 'I tU~n back. -,) . " '. I . .. ". . .r n. : ,. . an.. , w n~er.~" spec .; :', Uponrcac~lng'-.; Saint Paul, then ~.hought mus.t be: g~ven ~ow~~mJJ:ls nothIng more than a settlement,. thfl, by: the poultry .'keep~r.,; 'I~.UieLratlo~: '. OIobe was boarded tor the Journey up Js!d;etlclentlnany bc ; tb,s~vJtambhs. lochmldl, ot Excel%r, tho Mlnnooot8., rlver,8ha:kopee wall needed by, poultry, . poor egg produc. s. Henry: l<~lnk ~.lll8t re~chod the rlrHt. day. A. nIght was tlo." la certAIn to reilult, ~'l-,;j. ' ><.'''' , . BPqnt there. Incldentally,that nlKht i '. . " . i; \ I .':'. " , and GlioT/~e PIerson, rellulted .In the t1rBt ./lcpnraUon or thd "jThe preBent Jlst or known vltam!",s' l'lin,.lIti~nt a. .tew <lays band. CaeBar Knott' was so. JmpreoB- ;~nCludeB: A, D, C, D, E, and O. "',' lvor Darll, 'wlo, '. cd I~Wllh: tho I VII/,nio i thnt he doeldad ')Vltamln A-N.. utrltlonnl ~oup' 1.11. tho. r.ll. : S,nmPlocher and to ako' It hln home! plying hIs trado usual Ilymptom ollHoclated. wIth vIta.. nnnenpdllo, . motored DO ,n. tinsmith; i . i .' .. f' A d tI I '. TII IdI . ror a \ollllt'- with tho:' In. the evening two, memherll or' the m tJ .' e c c{lcy. I lIS 1.lleaIlO,ro- Ilmlly. ;,' ','.\ men In tho' party croBsed tho rIver to sembles common roup,! hu~ ~ltrcrlJ In OUnONTAnU-I"rce1.O tho North.Aho~t tho lime. that dUBk certaln reBpccteDnd , ~Il I not Inrce:: OIJOL:; Nowanrl 1m. roll, they rench~d tho brInk or D ra.- /t10UIl;' There hs dnng~rot: It\ when, '( Bure tJrotecllon ror vln~. Not knowIng how dccp It. was, yellow corn(whfcli.l~ Po :tood 80ur e nncllota. Vlctorln on they decided to ~emnln U~tIl ~~omlng. o!lyllamlnA) Isc(f'!1pJpt01y-re 'cod IInn.., " adv;A I~I~CI wooo' .Jmllt[.:tf ward otr :prtO~!lng hy;whltocorn;' or ,wheatt. barley'or at ug dlnnbr,guolllK' on. nn mn. o. no 0 .tlC ,m,en Wl\ll 0 ...eev mcaliJ.iunlellK,'iueb food.. "'iC.~4ie'U+ t o homorlor.. tho'II!1.:.:n; p,;u"rd .whllo t.ho Qlb~~I' 1llopt, but.Wo oJlnlClI.ltaIDoal'yollow co~n or.gr n riOt) or the. Bun the. .next. morntng ". . .; , .' , ,'. J ''''' -;:;.ro nri(IlJv. Marnoc ..~re~' .toundtwo. tra\'el.;;caryploneoOl leed": nro ad~~d In o.umcle~tam ;.~n,ti;.; f.' Illo~plns>, . unharmed oven though the Any :ratlon : contaInIng rIVe} per ,(lent, md' Mrs. S.' O.P, ocher . vl~l1nnco was ,hroken'; ,They;, wero Ifl -dehydrated a1talla. leat ''meal;f.8~ ,r Minneapolis. , awakened by the whlKlIo orthe Olobo; U 1111 y! conlalnsenough' vlthmID'~;tO ~~~~~t~rl~~n~~~~~(~ n~ rloriarUll~ ror ChnHka;. .,. ' .~ .! provonf~U;odetlcloncYdlobaS9;~:~!Cod. IIchool ; , hall Sunday , Wll1~n~th~rlver crart'~9ached lhe liver!' oft" Isoneol. thO:~OjJt":1l0ttlPi Marlo':-Dlethelm and hlg~-sOllndlng"polnt/?(JV()TkvIIIOt, th ourcell oC tllhs:vita'mlnt.< >;:";"~;;r kIt d hnJ(gngo or the ,New,,Englanders W ,,', .:. " .'. "".:;' ",\": ,'.' ~II'~~O~..~\fa~~.r;:Ch~~. IInlfmded.'Theyco~ld", not., under- ' Vlf:;nmln, ~9ortah~,:ne P,u~ dls,or-, .: Jolin'Oawoller; .flrst Iltn~d. 'Thero.wDo,..nolvlllnge' sputh.~ dorslJlnd alool'a:/;10~~:'o,c,;iJvo!~t:nna rh:e8 . in' oheeph6ad; t.hen1resent IIIl.e or. the. 8ugll;~tacto.. ry. VlgOr,'.~onsUJ)a~lon;..'.,; and"e~e~!,B~r~a.. mperlo\ and':' Jerome \Ylthln a. shOrt tlm~,,8. Iltranger ap. UOp !Lnirldcsith:may~e8U]ttr.oInl n.'I~~ Hecond prlzeoln hu'nco~ ~r~~~lle~nJh~oP~~;~d: rnl\~~::;'~n~ri:: ot,,~ltalnln .n. ,.}{o",:evC!"~~8.~ltaililn\ irthclnY'rlli!rly'wao held YO~k~TII,oc.pralr!~..",<,Ho told tlie mom- jSt'carrle~by'.,~Ji,~at'f' co~n;:,!h ,at. )[ the}.~rb.nk! Kohmnn hhr., ot the 'band liint Ulel"relaUve&, m~dd~lngs, whel1t,:b[an;;; bQmlny~t ed. ~ r~C !~l~~~~r~h~~~ '~~I:: ~I~~,'I.' I\:~. ~..~.\..~~.....~..}~i...~.~:m.ro....e.. v. ..t~o.AV.At.,... e.le.m... n,t.~:::;." il:~;r:~=";:h.~:.I~.~B~~~,:~~.. '. :~~~.~~~.'..'.~.i.O..l; ?oe nttendlng',werr r. lh~[r' ~e~ .homeBl~+i{f>i'tf'l!l':Y'.:,\,., tlll'l tbeIiJ:: gralnU'~nd grafn y-Ilroducte" it ~~lt'rn.~iJy,a.'~~.,~~~. '11 II\~~. 'li'e-~M;~!l.,.. ~.~~;!i 'r li.~. ,.ed;'J1.:,~...'~v.,~.,,,,. Is 'sl>'e c. fa.I'V. I.tn. hi. "..". W. eOd. .B.. .~...f.. '.r..I1..r.cil..'f,.:.'.~.~{.)j. .t.....:, . "M wlCwenl to:Cti~8k~:,:to' I~Ilurcbase,. . ,. .\, S d,tb' given;';' ,r.<~':*;"",{"- .veller"Mr; i an{l:' rs. 00 e, tood 8uppllelSat DaVld]'JJ:Uller:81~V,~!, "."e" i;;N~e, 1,,:,::,)/;-;), ,;-i'h' land ta~"y, Johrt: and slo~c. '. TheIr. Ilupply I?,cluded 8.~ar.rer I F~I~,r.nI~:,~~t)..; P!Ob~,N ~lhat'fr.,l~~; pe I1nd;.J m ,ahlm~;' nndot ~~It por.k.., 11'~. 0..ndr.'8wo..r...~h. ;;or. '..B, u.g.I1.. ..r'.llm'.n.. :'F!.t....,18 ....};lO... t>.(n,~e. d~d :.>.}j.~., l>.<?u..lf.t~f,ail"... ~o,;; ,0' \ L' [I"',-<"! " a harrel. o,r nour~ a gnnon;.~f'~o.la~~~B~1 t1r9ugh';ff\lri;leiisentl,al t~r ~'~i,Iln:.b~: ",~ " an~loU~,e.~,~!ti.orlt~~8:i/!i{( i,;,i',':.r:\f[~ 'Ingli~11;iJt'/I,S8-':'contahiCdj; ;Sn,~",amble. ~enlng, oj ali;.!vlilft(>'rB,'\c>t .' T'lilM;'"WltJi,:"ltaPle,\~()O~;enough'!tor.-: Il.m~/~I~~B';1;jJi1:';",ciibbn:got:"jl0 ,~u,c,~l,:'and ~ii8 "quite: 0.'. numhor, qu.....~to '.n. w1i. nee .'...t.h......e W. ,.POd...ln!".. ~'.'. y,8',.e.. ~~o..u..t g. r.. e.e.'lli".ca..l. t,., 11, Ita......'....'.'......;-'.::< ".',c. ".'~ ,..,...i.";I" .~ Itlr''i(riolf~r. ..1Ig' iit hinch. Ill! the oxen.drawn.Jurnl)er; ngonjjfor ., 'l'lf<.' "!'<"'{'I' ",;..,'. d '. ':.' rl' ..} , ,. the~ ,inothcr's::,dnugh,ter's ~ ,and;son's; 'yl ,mln;~ylt:llmln" u ~ldB, .In"nor,i,' lInt dvonlng'nll: Ihnlnt~8 UraL enger' gJlmpsmol:,Uui:"Vlacethat mal.'~~ono.,.tJovetoPhlentt,andf;preven~e :ntlie'rod \ In l t~o ,: pnrlo~ WIi.O.J.1,.lObe: theIr. r\1. ..tut~>~om..;};.2..C:>C'a.. t.e,d.. rD:.C. ~i l.e~.'~le...ik.}$~. !t..1dl.e~.~...~..;,~~;id.'.~tl.c.l~.n~y,: "V,I~~;'l-~;~er; ~ 'low open; JU8~ two nn.d 8. 'hal~I'ml!esy,~DptJi.?~l ome )1l:lo\V~r.j".,lht_er:iSgg r~9~l}?n; prn.>:er;,lnev. fl. (Buem- EXCPIIl...Ior,<.n.,t.' presen., t,~hb ,."hO. . m. '. ~lO~.\.1?d; lCOa-\. vij~~;.' 61.1~.J~. ..;.tthd. ..,."'.most. ',(l. 'O.m.. .m~nt1.,...... "d~nt" of [the Homo,' Mellenbrlng.:TbeY"racedD',hugo tdsk;' Iii 'od,.'sc:>urcer"ot.1iJilsf:i'tftitrit n;;t'4~f'Othpr' Illio! thl) h~fory' of tho one\that w8s1t..o ,tcst.II:.tJlelr. i.,n..!'.d, Ino.ss I. . ~." .... .,....".Ilro"'g,.dlr. bct "<.8unhKb. 't~::: (not nnd . tortli.ucl~olng'. theIr "k :.partz};.ln . sJio.u.rces.y".,.),;. '. . I....'hi h"'bllorbe.' bull'lnK Ii. newcountry,''i:('~,':,':lii'i.,;: lrOUgh,corn.m?n.g,eIlS ~'IC 1~j ..' . (To, be, conUnued! ,nexf, iwo'ek),':}."2f. .thOt:ctrC<iUY.Oi1rllYSi)i;\Ult.ta'rIO]~ti'I.~~ /,1)' " '0' . ':l';:"'~ ':::i'li::;Sv,1J.,!~ ldlntl9ri,;:;n.rin:7s.0r;oLrl~~;~lllf1.10~1~ "", a prorcslilonal 'Indoor Ho alwaYIl nAs the leok '. r ' j . Ihn ~BellJom <.aro' 'oeen " 'I' ~e~rsi lhnt old grin " 11NtaJ':U~UJ' ,I:\)n", , ID-~ '4Iorol!It.lI, :J~' 'ttrm.r. ~flJptctln "~.D'." .~el.t '! ,J1ut,'ll1octlnl. ... ,!:", it .....r ~l. '; . ~.' .,.,- ~ -I "'iJ?i.' 'f .. "; . ;SALE,!DA YSE. tiIU1 ):'. ;~'.;i;~ II;;~ ~.~ "":'-.."._. 'r" \y::\ilfi';,!A?t:;"m"':,.W./"".,-t..O'<,' , . .,. .." ,'<' 't"" ~. '. to,,' :"'. .;'- ",'.-. 4'-. -,! It /f'y ,t: A~oop~sinEQUl' ., i ;:j7Jl:;pouifdtvMuum' g ,1:,T.A.T:\V:O(jD"S~:RJn'QU] . 11'. ~:::",O~::~9R.I{!~REE :.:}.:..,~...'lkv.':..~.~...'.'..i>O.()u~.'."'.~.jir.~~':i~ i ~) '\;.:~.;~i)'{).un'drpl I !ca" e, I ".L :"". .[7;. ,'M:.",., I,. .~~",~,." \ ~.J. . v 'It ;1-. .... , wi ill - _ ......... 11'" .' .,'''', 'iIi1'" "",. "." .,. ,;tWHITEf..'CHERI II'.' r;:~'!rI"-::'/i:'" b:~:~;:~~!,';~_ 'llr~TUN.k!FISHL";:i'I',k' , ~(, t: . .. ....,';';'1 :.'~' ~',:i;;{,....' , ;f~';~~At:~~iiD~r.d6nN " "I~" '~13';:"""""""~','./;:; !t~;"""'l",' , ! , 'ibttrt~;:~:':"":I~'~:-;'::;:;"1" ~t~~~~}~aso~.'~.~~l c) i\~t' ......,.......r r... ...~~ 'r.:.........,,,iP..4;o,.,"..J'..'..." "..........'.........U..'flt;ooW" K:B\I\K' NG:'.:P \~;.: " .r' :'< . .:t,j)/ '.:t~ -~,' "\.~ j1t1..;\/(t.~';-:i ?:",:: !, t, .." -'':?'' .\~ ;~I _ \(:'...~l.lE.'.......P.."!t~d.S,'$;,R. i I::...r.s...l . :~f.fkpoun ) pac.n:uge' () ';{~PX:'r.,E~irc~lJl)!~~.'p I ';;f~~l2LP9'(in,d!\;pu~1Uigc ' "'>" EINzTf"INCE ME: Jh'gqo/War{S:..~ ~(;;; ~)" j'i.~r.ANIJjf!A:f't~:I. <:Jit,' I I~~{\ sroun~ettx>tt1e'onh ;~~;.;.:w~~.:(~,I;~.._..l;~.:,-." :' ,; . T