Approve Consultant Contract for Market Blvd Traffic Study7700 Market BOUhvard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN55"')17 Administration Phone�U52,22l 180 Fax: 952.227110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fox: 952,227.1178 Finance Phone: Q52.227 140 Fax: 95Q.227 UU Park & Recreation Phone: 952,227.1120 Fax: 952.227,1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Buu|mard Phone: 952,227.1400 Fax: 952227]404 Planning & NmturaUReswurces Phone: 952,227.1130 Fax: 952227]110 Public Works 7901 Park Place Phone: 952,227.1300 Fax: 952.227,1310 Senior Center Phone: 952,227,1125 Fax: 952,227.1110 WebsiVe wwwciohaohunmnmnus MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager 0` FROM: Paul 0chme, Director of Public Works/City Engineer� DATE SUBJ February 8`20|6 Approve Consultant Contract for Traffic Study Along Market Boulevard "Approve Consultant Contract with and Associates for Traffic Study along Market Boulevard between TH 5 and W. 78th Street in the amount of $25,900, City Project PW236D City Council approval requires a simple majority vote of the City Council present. aMnow The City has seen some traffic growth in the downtown over the last several years especially oo Market Boulevard. Some properties iu the downtown may redevelop in the near future adding additional traffic 10 the already congested roadway system. Staff io recommending u traffic study he completed o1 this time and potential improvements beidentificdto plan for the future growth. Also, the pavement condition on Market Street should be rehabilitated in a few years based on the current pavement index. Potential traffic capacity improvements should be completed a1 the same time. A traffic study tolook at current and future needs in the downtown ia one of the City Council's 2010 Key Financial Goals. In order to complete this traffic so/dv' the City will need help from uconsultant firm. The scope nf the traffic study includes: |. Traffic volume and turning movement counts m1 each intersection along Market Boulevard. 2. Complete current day traffic capacity analysis. 3. Review intersection access management. 4. Review potential redevelopment traffic impacts. 5. Complete future todficvolume forecasts. 6. Review historical crash records. 7. Estimated future tumingmooven\snta at each intersection. 8. Identify potential improvements needed to accommodate potential future todfioneeds. 9. £ugioccr`m opinion on costs for potential bupnxvcozemm. 10. A report drafted and presented to the City Council for consideration. and Associates has worked (m traffic studies for the City in the past. Their work has been acceptable. &a with all engineering contracts, the consultant must submit periodic invoices that staff will review before processing. The consultant will be required to submit tinucmbee1a verifying the hours worked uu the project amdezpeomeohcctm.S1uffvviDusviovvdbc invoices and expense sheets for accuracy and conformance to the contract. Funding for the project would bo from the Pavement Management Fund. Attachments: }lemo|uhVn CIP# ST-018 CITY OF CHANHASSEN • r . 1, DATE: C "r MOTION : SECONDED A RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRACT AND ASSOCIATES FOR PREPARATION OF A TRAFFIC STUDY ALONG MARKET BOULEVARD BETWEEN TH 5 AND W. 78TH STREET PW236D BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Chanhassen enter into a consultant contract with Kimley -Horn and Associates for professional services for the following scope of work: The consultant work in generally includes: Preparing a traffic study along Market Boulevard between TH 5 and W. 781h Street. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Chanhassen City Council: Enter into a consultant contract with Kimley -Horn and Associates to provide the general services necessary for preparing a traffic study along Market Boulevard between TH 5 and W. 78th Street. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 81h day of February, 2016. ATTEST: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Denny Laufenburger, Mayor YES NO ABSENT Description Total Project Cost: $3,760,000 VI WIP WHU 6ULLCY WIU !MCWRIK'Rep1�77 ffor lity streets. Also included in this Project are trails and City parking lot rehabilitations, Seal-coat projects will be determined annually based on he pavement condition index as generated by the pavement management program. The street department uses this funding source to pay for )ituminous material for annual street patching, will provide a centralized funding mechanism that will help reduce the effect on General Fund operating expenditures, Prior Expenditures 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total EEI =35,000 Maintenance 485,000 285,000 285,000 285,000 285,000 1,625,000 Total Total 485M 285,000 M1000 285,000 MAN 1,624000 Prior Funding Sources 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total =.135000 Street Pavement Management 100,000 100,00 100,000 100,000 100,000 500'ODO Total Tax Levy 385,000 185,000 185,000 185,000 185,000 1,125,000 Total 485M M1000 285,000 285,000 285MO 1,625iM RE INDIVIDUAL PROJECT ORDER (IPO) NUMBER 29 Describing a specific agreement between Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. ( "Consultant'), and the City of Chanhassen ( "City ") in accordance with the terms of the Agreement for Professional Services dated March 3, 2003, which is incorporated herein by reference. Identification of Project: Market Boulevard Improvements (TH 5 to West 78h Street) City Project PW236d General Category of Services: Traffic Study Services Specific Scope of Basic Services: Complete a traffic study and prepare a report for the possible reconstruction of Market Boulevard between TH 5 and West 78ie Street. Prepare a concept layout for a possible roundabout at the West 78f6 Street and Great Plains Boulevard intersection. See attached Exhibit A for a more detailed scope. Additional Services if Required: Deliverables: Method of Compensation: Schedule: Special Terms of Compensation: Other Special Terms of Individual Project Order: ACCEPTED: CITY OF CHA/N/HASSEN BY: TITLE: J J 1 DATE:' 7 None identified at this time Traffic Study Report Roundabout Concept Layout To be billed on an hourly basis as detailed in the attached Estimated Costs summary (Exhibit B) See attached Project Schedule (Exhibit C) None None KIMLEY -HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. o BY: / TITLE: S/, Via �/mhl/ DATE: i 041. �Gl EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES INDIVIDUAL PROJECT ORDER (IPO) NO. 29 MARKET BOULEVARD IMPROVEMENTS (TH 5 TO WEST 78rn STREET) CITY PROJECT PW236d The City of Chanhassen is considering possible improvements to Market Boulevard between West 7$'h Street and TH 5. The proposed improvements would include the reconstruction of the roadway to include turn lane improvements and possible access consolidation. Kimley -Horn will assist the City with the further development of the project including traffic study services and the preparation of a report to detail the proposed scope and estimated cost of the improvements. The City of Chanhassen is also considering the possible construction of a roundabout at the intersection of West 78h Street and Great Plains Boulevard to replace the existing signalized tee intersection at this location. Kimley-Horn will assist the City with the preparation of a concept layout for the potential roundabout and prepare an estimated cost for the improvements. The following is our detailed scope of services for the proposed improvements: 1. Market Boulevard Traffic Study and Report A. Data Collection -- Kimley -Horn will collect weekday 13 -hour turning movement counts (7 :00 AM to 8:00 PM) at the intersections along Market Boulevard between TH 5 and West 78`k Street, as listed below: • Market Boulevard & Trunk Highway 5 (signalized) • Market Boulevard & W 70 Street (unsignalized) • Market Boulevard & Walgreen's Driveway (unsignaaed) Market Boulevard & Market Street (unsignalized) • Market Boulevard & Market Square Driveway (unsignalized) • Market Boulevard & W 78m Street (unsignalized) Kimley -Horn will perform a field visit during the weekday AM and PM peak hours to observe current operations of the study corridor. As part of the field visit, the existing roadway cross section and intersection lane geometries will be documented. Additionally, a photo log of the corridor will be takem B. Identify Existing Conditions — Kimley -Horn will perform a capacity analysis of existing conditions along the study corridor using the latest version of Synchro /SimTraflic. The analysis will be used as a baseline condition and will also help identify where existing capacity issues may exist. C. Review Access Management — Kimley -Horn will review locations and spacing of existing intersections and driveways along the study corridor to determine the feasibility of any access control modifications, closures, and/or consolidations, as well as benefits of addition a raised median. Access management policies published by MnDOT will be used as guidance. On -site circulation of existing private parcels will also be considered in the review of access management. D. Potential Redevelopment — The City will provide any information on potential redevelopment of the land uses adjacent to Market Boulevard. E. Future Volume Forecast — Kimley -Horn will develop future volumes for a 20 -year design horizon. The City's Comprehensive plan and available historic traffic counts in the area will be used as a basis for forecasting the future turning movement volumes at the study intersections. Additionally, changes is traffic volumes as a resuli of any redevelopment will be accounted for. F. Crash Data — Kimley -Horn will review and summarize historic crash data as part of the access management review. Crash data will be provided by the City. G. Turn Lane Analysis — Kimley -Horn will review the turning movement volumes and determine appropriate locations for left -turn and right -turn lanes based on operations and the National Highway Cooperative Research Program (NCHRP) Report 457: Evaluating Intersection Improvements will be used as general guidance for the recommendation of turn lanes. H. Horizon Year Capacity Analysis — Kimley -Horn will develop up to two layout options for the study corridor based on the future traffic volumes, access management improvements, and turn lane improvements. Kimley -Horn will perform a capacity analysis of up to two layouts for the study corridor. This information will be used in part to identify the preferred layout. I. Report — Ki nley -Hom will prepare a report summarizing the results of the traffic analysis and detailing the recommended improvements. The report will included estimated costs and exhibits illustrating the proposed improvements. A draft report will be prepared and submitted to City staff for review and comment. After receiving comments and input from City staff, we will make revisions to the draft report and complete the final report. We have assumed attendance at up to three (3) meetings with City staff as a part of the scope of services. 2. West 78`h Street and Great Plains Boulevard Roundabout KimIey -Horn will prepare a visual image/rendering of a concept layout for a roundabout at the West 78`h Street and Market Boulevard intersection. We will also develop a preliminary cost estimate for the construction of the roundabout. Our scope of services does not include any of the following services: • Topographic Surveying • Geotechnical Exploration • Final Design EXHIBIT B ESTIMATED COSTS INDIVIDUAL PROJECT ORDER (IPO) NO, 29 MARKET BOULEVARD IMPROVEMENTS (TH 5 TO WEST 78Ta STREET) CI rf PROJECT PW236d Kimley -Horn proposes to perform all services for the project on an hourly basis using our current standard hourly rate schedule. The following is a summary of our estimated costs for the individual work tasks included in this IPO. Work Task Estimated Fee 1, Market Boulevard Traffic Study and Report $ 18,500 2. West 78`4 Street and Great Plains Boulevard Roundabout $ 6M0 Subtotal $ 24,500 Reimbursable Expenses $ 1.400 Total Estimated Cost $ 25,900 Our total estimated cost for the scope of services included as a part of this IPO is, therefore, $25,900 including all labor and reimbursable expenses. EXHIBIT C SCHEDULE INDIVIDUAL PROJECT ORDER (IPO) NO. 29 MARKET BOULEVARD IMPROVEMENTS (TH 5 TO WEST 78M STREET) CITY PROJECT PW236d Work will be completed based upon a schedule agreed upon with the City of Chanhassen. The following is a proposed schedule for the project. Begin Work February 15, 2016 Draft Traffic Report Complete April 29, 2016 Final Report Complete May 20, 2016