1k Amended Grading Plan, Highover
90Ciry,CelllerDril'e, POBox 14.7 FROM:
Cb'IIz1JilSifIJ, Mil/I/l'sola 55317
Phol/l'612.937.1900 DATE:
Gl'Ill'/"z1 Fax 612.937.5739
Eugil/l'l'ril/g Fax 6J.?9r.915:! SUBJ:
Pllbli( 54-t1' Flix 61:!. 93-U5:!-i
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Ill' Ci()' of ClJl1IdJl1SSeII. .-1
Anita Benson, City Engineer
David Hempel, Assistant City Engineer \)Ct.-\/d:l-
August 5, 1998
Approve Amended Grading Plan for Highover - Project No. 97-15
As you may recall, the development, Highover, consists of numerous custom graded
lots. The grading plan denotes the type and elevations to be set for the proposed
dwelling. However, on the last couple of building permit submitted, the building plans
have not followed the development plans for Highover. The reasons behind this are
most of the builders desire walkout or lookout-type homes thus adjusting elevations
which directly impact the drainage or tree removal. This has caused delays in issuing
building permits and increased costs to the builders for revised surveys. The
developer's engineer has gone back and reviewed the grading plan based on the
desires of the developer, future homebuyers and builders within the development to
create more flexibility on the home style on the custom graded lots. Attached is a
letter dated August 3, 1998 from Dwight Jelle of Westwood Engineering that reflects
the proposed changes. Staff has reviewed the proposed changes and concurs and
recommends approval. The requested changes will not require significant grading to
prepare the building sites. In addition, actually less grading and tree loss is anticipated
with the revised plan.
It is therefore recommended that the City Council approve the revised grading,
drainage, and erosion control plan for Highover prepared by Westwood Engineer
dated August 11, 1997, revised July 16, 1998.
Attachment: 1.
Revised grading plan.
Letter dated August 3, 1998 from Dwight Jelle.
Letter dated July 9, 1998 from David Hempel.
Jerome Carlson
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Apprcved b~! C!ty Council
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Westwood Professional Services, Inc.
August 3, 1998
Mr. David Hempel
City of Chanhassen
690 City Center Drive
Chanhassen, MN 55317
eny OF CUIllllSSEM
AUG 0 ~ 1998
7599 Anagram Drive
Eden Prairie. MN 55344
Phone: 612-937-5150
Fax: 612-937.5822
Toll Free: 1-888.937.5150
Email: wps@westwoodps.com
Dear Dave:
We have reviewed this grading plan based on the desires of the developer, future home buyers and
builders within the development to create more flexibility on home style.
It has become apparent that flexibility of design is most desirable because it is impossible to anticipate
the house design that homeowners want, and such flexibility can allow future homeowners to build the
house that they desire. Many homeowners wish to add some steps between the garage floor and the first
floor which allows them to obtain either lookout windows or full walkouts on the lower level that were
previously designated at Rambler (flat) lots. As long as this does not result in drainage problems on
adjacent lots, or excess tree removal, we feel that this design flexibility will allow people to design for
the site and will result in a better neighborhood for the resident, the developer and the City of
In order to eliminate many requests for individual grading changes as much as possible we have
reviewed the approved grading plan to determine which lots many be questionable regarding house type
that may be proposed. We have revised the following lots to show the most likely house type that may
be proposed without being below the minimum basement elevation previously determined. We feel that
these will allow the maximum flexibility of house design, which is desirable.
The following lots are changed in designation of house type:
Lot 6, Block 3 - by using the driveway grade as shown on the original plan and raising the 151 floor above
the garage floor we can provide a lookout rather than restricting to flat lot. The lot has been redesignated
as either a R or RLO.
Lot 7, Block 3 - Lot 7 was previously changed from a Lookout to a Walkout.
Lot 9, Block 3 - We have found some major discrepancies in the existing topography and actual site
grades. We have resurveyed the lot to correct these discrepancies. By bringing the driveway for this
corner lot from Highover Way we can raise the house grade by about three feet. This change will reduce
the amount of grading on the lot by a considerable amount and will allow the house grades to almost
match lot grades thus eliminating a major amount of tree removal. This change will also allow a much
better house plan and will allow a rear lookout to the Northeast. The designation has been changes to a
Lot 10, Block 3 - By allowing some steps between the garage and the first floor this lot will work as a
side lookout. We have changed the designation to either R or SLO.
Designing the Future Today...since 1972
690 City Center Drive, PO Box 147
Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317
Phone 612.937.1900
General Fax 612.937.5739
Engineering Fax 612.937.9152
Public Safety Fax 612.934.2524
\Veb www.ci.chanhassen.mn./IJ
July 9, 1998
VIA FACSIMILE - 474-8719
Mr. Don Peterson
Remax Action West
18001 Highway 7
Minnetonka, MN 55345
Re: Custom Graded Lots - Highover Project No. 97-15
Dear Don:
The City has received a couple of building permits submitted (Lots 7 and 8, Block
3) that have not followed the development plans for Highover. This letter is to
hopefully clear up any misunderstanding there maybe regarding development of the
custom-graded lots in Highover.
The elevations and type of dwelling designated on the grading plans for all the lots
. including the custom-graded lots must be adhered to when designing the home.
The City has allowed sight deviations to the grades up to two feet if the change
does not effect the overall neighborhood drainage pattern. Please communicate to
prospective buyers of the custom-graded lots that they will need to follow the
overall development plan when designing their homes. I have been involved with
a couple of lots (Lots 7 and 8, Block 3) regarding major alterations to grades to
make the lots suitable for either walkouts or lookouts when they are designated
otherwise. I am being informed that the prospective property owners are told that
they can basically construct whatever type homes they desire on the custom-
graded lots. This misunderstanding between the City, builder and property owner
creates animosities between all parties not to mention delays and added costs to
the builders. It is in everyone's best interest to communicate to the prospective
buyers the limitations the custom graded lots have.
David C. Hempel
Assistant City Engineer
c: Anita Benson, City Engineer
Steve Kirchman, Building Official
Dan Remer, Engineering Technician II
Dwight Jelle, Westwood Professional Services
Jerome Carlson
g:'englprojects\highoverpeterson letter I' .doc
The City of Gall/lassen. A growing communi!)' with clealllakes, quality schools, a channing downtown, thriring businesses, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and 1
Page 2
Lot 11, Block 3 - By allowing steps between the garage and first floor this lot will also work as a side
lookout. We have changed the designation to either R or SLO.
Lot 14, Block 3 - By bring the grades in the rear yard up slightly, the designation has been changed to
either RLO or WOo
Lot 15, Block 3 - By allowing some steps between the garage and the first floor, and by bring the grades
up slightly in the rear, the lot can allow a lookout house. The designation has been changed to either R
or RLO.
Lot 18, Block 3 - By allowing some steps between the garage and the first floor the lot can allow a full
walkout. The designation has been changed to either RLO or WOo
Lot 24, Block 3 - This is one of the highest lots in Highover and has no tree cover. The original grading
plan showed this as a lookout lot and by removing some extra dirt from this lot it can be a spectacular
walkout. The designation has been changed from RLO to WOo
Lot 25, Block 3 - This high lot has been designated on the original grading plan as a flat lot. It also sits
very high and by removing some additional dirt a lookout lot will be very easy to develop. The dirt that
will be removed from lots 23 and 24, Block 3 will be used to build a berm at the rear of Lots 8 and 9,
Block 4. This berm will shield these homes from highway noise and visibility. Highover will then also
add a 6 foot solid wood fence on top of this berm to protect these homes from traffic noise and visibility.
Lot 5, Block 4 - This lot sits very high on a hill. By making a small cut behind the home and dropping
the garage floor, this lot can allow a full walkout home. The designation has been changed to RLO or
Lot 6, Block 4 - This lot also sits very high on the same hill. By removing a small amount of dirt at the
northwest comer, and dropping the garage, this lot will allow a full walkout home. We have changed
the designation to RLO or WOo
We are requesting these changes in order to reduce the number of potential requests for grading changes
from individual home buyers. Please place this issue on the next available Council agenda for approval.
Dwight, Jelle, P.E.
Copy: Don Peterson
Jerome Carlson