E-6. Approve Purchase of Professional Mapping Services from Surdex Company. E— (c
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S Chanhassen is a Community for Life-Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow
4' H A �
TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager
FROM: Richard Rice, IT Manager
DATE: November 14, 2016
SUBK: Approve Purchase of Planometric Mapping Services
"The City Council approves the purchase of mapping services from the Surdex Corporation for the
purpose of generating new Planometric GIS data for the amount of$22,300."
City Council approval requires a simple majority vote of the City Council present.
The City of Chanhassen partnered with Carver County for the acquisition of aerial imagery and GIS data
sets in 2005.The city used this data to generate the initial Planometric mapping layer(asset outlines), in
2006.This data is used by all City departments, including the Engineering Department for street and
utility projects and the Planning Department for development projects.The areas selected for
Planometric updates are the highway 212 corridor and new developments constructed after 2006. The
selected vendor is on the State of Minnesota Master Contract for Professional services.
Staff recommends the purchase of Aerial/Planometric mapping services from the Surdex Corporation
for the amount of$22,300.
1. Proposal -Surdex Corporation
2. Map—Planometric Development Area
3. Surdex Master State Contract
4. CIP EQ-055 Aerial Photography
PH 952.227.1100• www.cl.chanhassen.mn.us• FX 952.227.1110
Date: October 26,2016
Contact Joleen Devens
Organization City of Chanhassen
Business 7700 Market Blvd.
Phone Chanhassen, MN 55317
Name of Firm Surdex Corporation
Business Address 520 Spirit of St. Louis Blvd.
Chesterfield, MO 63005-1002
United States
Contact Tim Donze
Email timdAsurdex.com
Website www.surdex.com
Phone/Facsimile 314-422-7616/636-368-4401
Type Ownership S-Corporation
FEIN 43-0690641
Year Established Est. 1954, Missouri
Thank you for your recent request for photogrammetric services. The following documentation describes
Surdex's understanding of the project and its proposed Scope of Services.
Surdex Corporation (v.8-,an-07-15) 1
26-Oct-16 %SURDEX
The project area includes parts of Chanhassen identified by Chanhassen. The exact area of interest (A01) is
shown on the boundary diagram later in this document. Prior to mobilization of acquisition assets and
production,Surdex will require confirmation of the contractual project limits.
Aerial photography to be used for producing the planimetrics was produced for the County in conjunction with
MNIT and the Met Council.
Surdex technicians will collect visible and identifiable features from the aerial photography that are generally
shown on maps at 1"=100'. Surdex will digitize the planimetric features in the 3-D stereo environment following
industry accepted practice. Field data collection of planimetric features is not included in this proposal.
Planimetric features to be shown include:
#200 scale mapping#
Primary Roads Unpaved Roads Trails Railroads-single line
Buildings Foundations/Ruins Concrete Pads Under Construction Zones
Airports Utility Substations Parking Lots Bridges/Abutments
Culverts(large) _ Concrete Dams Athletic Fields Tennis Courts
Golf Course Cemetery Pipelines Large Signs/Billboards
} Antenna Transmission Towers Water Tanks Walls-free/retaining/high
Treelines Brushline Major Fencelines Swamps
Lakes/Ponds Rivers/streams Single Trees(35'crown)
#100 scale mapping#
Primary Roads Unpaved Roads Trails Railroads-single line
Buildings Foundations/Ruins Concrete Pads Under Construction Zones
Airports I Utility Substations Parking Lots Bridges/Abutments
Culverts(large) Concrete Dams Athletic Fields Tennis Courts
Golf Course Cemetery Pipelines Large Signs/Billboards
Antenna Transmission Towers Water Tanks Walls-free/retaining/high
TreelinesBrushline Major
Lakes/PondsRivers/streams Single Trees(35'crown)
Alleys Driveways Shoulders Public Sidewalks
GuardrailsCulverts(small) Catch basins In ground pools
IIEMPraIMMIIIMILEMIMIMNINIIIFraffic Light Utility Pole w/light
Traffic light Manholes Single trees(25'crown) Residential Fencelines
Surdex Corporation (v.8-,an-07-15) 2
26-Oct-16 %SURDEX
Unless otherwise requested, the photogrammetric mapping provided under this proposal will meet or exceed
American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) Accuracy Standards for Large Scale Maps,
Class 1 horizontal and/or vertical accuracies as listed below. Photogrammetric mapping meeting alternate
accuracies(Class 2 or 3) is available upon request.Table accuracy values below are RMSE in feet.
Class 1 Class 2 Class 3
Map Scale Accuracy Accuracy Accuracy
1"=20' 0.2 0.4 0.6
1"=40' 0.4 0.8 1.2
1"=50 0.5 1 1.5
1"=100' 1 2 3
1"=200' 2 4 6
1"=400' 4 8 12
In areas where the ground is obscured on the photographs, such as areas of dense foliage or coniferous growth,
contours may not meet the previously defined map accuracies and no warranty is expressed or implied
concerning such areas. Wherever possible, however, spot elevations will be shown to provide the most
complete and accurate vertical information available from the photography used for this project.
Standard procedure requires that photogrammetric maps be field-checked prior to use. Obtaining field survey
information for map check purposes will be the sole responsibility of the City. Failure to perform field tests and
notify Surdex of non-compliance with the map accuracy standards previously stated within 90 days of delivery
shall be deemed an acceptance of the maps and any claims whatsoever as a result of such non-compliance are
waived. In the event of timely notice of any deficiencies, Surdex's liability extends only to correcting Surdex
related deficiencies and will in no case exceed the original fee or include any subsequent costs incurred by the
client or others; said warranty does not extend to services, data, or control information provided by the client.
Surdex recommends map testing follow FGDC-STD-007.3-1998, Geospatial Positioning Accuracy Standards, Part
3: National Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy(NSSDA)guidelines.
http://www.fgdc.gov/sta ndards/projects/FG DC-sta nda rds-projects/accuracy/pa rt3/cha pter3
The aerial photography will be scheduled immediately upon your authorization to proceed. A Project Manager
will be assigned to coordinate the production and scheduling of this project. Services will be provided on a
mutually agreeable schedule after receipt of the signed copy of this proposal/ contract. Both seasonal and daily
weather conditions dictate when acceptable data can be captured. Our Flight Control Manager will consider
these factors when planning the schedule.
Surdex Corporation (v.8-lan-07-15) 3
26-Oct-16 `SURDEX
Digital Planimetric Mapping 1"=100' planimetric mapping $22,300
_ _ I
DELIVERY ITEMS included in above fees:
• Digital data in .GDB, planimetric features will be delivered as feature classes within an ESRI geodatabase,
Proposal is good for Sixty (60)days from date of proposal.
Signature Signature
Date: (d 126JIto
Surdex Corporation (v.8-Jan-07-15) 4
26-Oct-16 glib SURDEX
Sources Esn,HERE,i •rme.Intermap.increment P Corp,GEECO,USGS.FAO.NPS.NRCAN,
GeoBase,IGN,Kadaster NL,Ordnance Survey,Esri Japan.MET! Esri China(Hong Kong),smsstopo,
Mapmylndia.i OpenStreetMap contnoutors,and the GIS User Community
Surdex Corporation (n.8-)an-07-1S) 5
26-Oct-16 *SURDEX
ORPORACITERMS AND CONDITIONS including Contractual Liability covering Surdex's
indemnification obligations in this Agreement.
The following terms and conditions are 3) COMPREHENSIVE AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY:
incorporated in and become a part of the proposal
between Client and Surdex Corporation ("Surdex"). $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit per accident
Client and Surdex agree as follows: including any auto, all owned autos, hired autos
and non-owned autos.
Client shall arrange for access to and make all
provisions for Surdex to enter upon all public and 5) AIRCRAFT LIABILITY:$10,000,000.00
private lands as required for Surdex to perform its
services. 6) VALUABLE PAPERS: $150,000.00
Surdex agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Client
Client shall be invoiced on a monthly or phased harmless from and against any and all claims,
basis as set forth in the proposal. Payment shall be demands, suits, damages, and costs (including
due within 30 days after Client's receipt of an attorney' fees and cost of defense) due to bodily
invoice. Client is solely responsible for payment of injury or property damages arising directly out of
services. Payment will in no way be conditional Surdex's negligence, but only to the extent that
upon Client receipt of payment for Client accepted such indemnity is covered by Surdex's CGL or
services provided by Surdex. Interest shall accrue on Professional Liability insurance.
past due invoices at the rate of 1 Y2 percent per
month (18% per annum), or the maximum rate As a material part of the consideration to Surdex,
allowed by law, whichever is less, from the date Surdex assumes all risk of damage to its property or
that payment was first due. Payments shall be injury to persons, including its agents, contractors
applied first to accrued interest and then to unpaid and employees in performance of Services
principal. Client agrees to pay Surdex's fees, costs, hereunder, and Surdex hereby waives all claims in
and other reasonable expenses, including attorney's respect thereof against Client, except for any claim
fees, incurred in any efforts to enforce any arising out of Client's negligence or willful
provision of this Agreement, including efforts to misconduct. As used in this Section, the term
compel payment of past due amounts. If a project "Client" shall include Client's employees,agents and
is inactive for more than 45 days, Surdex may contractors, if applicable, and "Surdex" shall include
suspend the services and bill Client for all services Surdex's employees, agents and contractors, if
performed to date. If Client does not provide applicable. Client agrees to indemnify, defend and
evidence of tax exempt status prior to hold Surdex harmless from and against any and all
commencement of any services by Surdex then claims, demands, suits, damages, and costs
Client shall be responsible for all taxes in (including attorney' fees and cost of defense) due to
connection with such services. bodily injury or property damages arising directly
out of Client's negligence.
Surdex shall maintain in force throughout the term
of this Agreement insurance of the types and in the Client shall independently verify the accuracy of
minimum amounts set forth below. Surdex's services prior to using or relying on the
same (or providing the same to others for any
1) WORKERS COMPENSATION: Statutory reason), and in an event no later than six(6) months
Coverage, including Employer's Liability with after completion of the services (the "Claim
minimum limits of$1,000,000. Period"). If Client fails to take commercially
reasonable efforts to verify the accuracy of Surdex's
2) COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY: $1,000,000 services as required herein then Client shall be
Combined Single Limit per occurrence for Bodily deemed to have waived all claims and rights of
Injury, Personal Injury, and Property Damages, recovery against Surdex, regardless of legal theory.
Surdex Corporation (v.8-Jan-07-15) 6
26-Oct-16 `S,URDEX
RIGHT TO CURE similar practices of Surdex, whether developed
prior to or during the project, shall remain the
If Client discovers errors in the services within the property of Surdex until sold or licensed to Client
Claim Period, Client shall promptly notify Surdex for its use or use by others for separate
and Surdex shall have the right for ninety (90) days compensation. Client shall not alter the same in
after receipt of Client's notice (or such longer any manner and shall waive any claim against
period if 90 days is insufficient) to correct such Surdex and shall, to the fullest extent permitted by
defects at Surdex's sole cost. law, indemnify, defend, and hold Surdex harmless
LIMITATION OF LIABILITY from any claim or liability for injury or loss arising
from unauthorized alteration of Surdex's work
To the fullest extent permitted by law, Surdex's product.
total aggregate liability to the Client arising out of
this Agreement, whether arising in contract, Surdex shall keep confidential all information
warranty, tort (including negligence), strict liability, obtained from and designated as confidential by
or otherwise, is limited to the Total Price paid to Client and shall not divulge any confidential
Surdex. information concerning the Project to any person or
entity (other than Surdex's subcontractors,
NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING TO THE CONTRARY, employees or other persons or entities to the
NEITHER CLIENT NOR SURDEX SHALL BE LIABLE TO extent necessary to complete the services) unless
THE OTHER FOR, AND EACH EXPRESSLY WAIVES THE written approval is granted by the Client or as
RIGHT TO RECOVER, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction.
DAMAGES, WHETHER ARISING IN CONTRACT, This Agreement shall be governed by and construed
WARRANTY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), in accordance with the laws of the State of
STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING BUT Missouri, without regard to is conflicts of laws rules.
NOT LIMITED TO LOSSES OF USE, PROFITS, Should a conflict of terms arise from agreed to flow
BUSINESS, REPUTATION OR FINANCING. down provisions, the terms of this agreement shall
OTHER This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to
Any services being provided to Client by Surdex may the benefit of the parties hereto, their successors
be terminated by either party upon ten (10) days and assigns.
prior written notice, and in such event Surdex shall
be paid by Client for all services performed up to
and including the termination date, including
reimbursable expenses.
Neither Client nor Surdex shall be liable to the other
for damages or delay in performance caused by acts
of God, strikes, labor disputes, accidents or any
other event beyond the control of the other or its
employee's and agents.
All disputes arising out of or relating to this
Agreement shall be decided by arbitration, in
accordance with the rules of the American
Arbitration Association.The prevailing party shall be
awarded attorneys'fees and costs.
Surdex agrees that all materials, reports, drawings,
studies, specifications, estimates, maps, computer
data tapes, computations and other materials
prepared by or for Client under the terms of this
Agreement shall upon proper payment by Client to
Surdex be the property of the Client. However, any
processes, procedures, programs, software, or
Surdex Corporation (v.8-,an-07-15) 7
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This Master Contract is between the State of Minnesota,acting through its Department of Administration("State")and
Surdex Corporation, 520 Spirit of St. Louis Boulevard,Chesterfield,MO 63005-1095 ("Contractor").
1. Under Minnesota Statute § 15.061 the State is empowered to engage such assistance as deemed necessary.
2. The State is in need of Aerial Imagery data collection services.
3. The Contractor represents that it is duly qualified and agrees to perform all services described in this Master Contract
and performed under Work Order contracts to the satisfaction of the State.
Master Contract
1 Term of Master Contract
1.1 Effective Date: January 15,2016, or the date the State obtains all required signatures under Minnesota Statute
§ 16C.05, subdivision 2,whichever is later.
1.2 Work Order Contracts. The term of work under Work Order contracts issued under this Master Contract may
not extend beyond the expiration date of this Master Contract.
1.3 Expiration Date: January 14,2018,with an option to extend three(3)additional years in increments
determined by the State.
1.4 Survival of Terms. The following clauses survive the expiration or cancellation of this Master Contract and all
Work Order contracts: 9. Indemnification; 10. State Audits; 11. Government Data Practices and Intellectual
Property; 15.Publicity and Endorsement; 16. Governing Law,Jurisdiction,and Venue; and 20.Data Disclosure.
2 Scope of Work
The Contractor,who is not a state employee, shall provide Aerial Imagery data collection services as set forth in
Exhibit B,upon request from the State and subject to the execution of a mutually agreed upon subsequent Work
The Contractor understands that only the receipt of a fully executed Work Order contract authorizes the Contractor to
begin work under this Master Contract. Any and all effort,expenses,or actions taken before the Work Order contract
is fully executed is not authorized under Minnesota Statutes and is under taken at the sole responsibility and expense
of the Contractor. A sample Work Order contract is attached and incorporated into this Master Contract as Exhibit A.
The Contractor understands that this Master Contract is not a guarantee of a Work Order contract. The State has
determined that it may have need for the services under this Master Contract,but does not commit to spending any
money with the Contractor.
3 Exhibits and Order of Precedent
3.1 Exhibits. The following Exhibits are attached and incorporated herein.
A. Exhibit A—Work Order
B. Exhibit B—Standards/General Requirements
4 Time
The Contractor must comply with all the time requirements described in Work Order contracts. In the performance of
Work Order contracts,time is of the essence.
P/T Contract(Rev.]/15)
5 Consideration and Payment
5.1 Consideration. The State will pay for all services satisfactorily performed by the Contractor for all Work Order
contracts issued under this Master Contract. The total compensation of all Work Order contracts under the
Aerial Imagery Master Contract program may not exceed One Million Dollars($1,000,000).
5.2 Travel Expenses. Reimbursement for travel and subsistence expenses actually and necessarily incurred by the
Contractor as a result of any Work Order contract will be reimbursed in the same manner and in no greater
amount than provided in the current"Commissioner's Plan"promulgated by the commissioner of Employee
Relations. The Contractor will not be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expenses incurred outside
Minnesota unless it has received the State's prior written approval for out of state travel. Minnesota will be
considered the home state for determining whether travel is out of state.
5.3 Payment
A. Invoices. Pursuant to Minnesota Statute § 16A.124,the State will promptly pay the Contractor after the
Contractor presents an itemized invoice for the services actually performed and the State's Authorized
Representative accepts the invoiced services. Invoices must be submitted timely no more frequently than
B. Retainage. Under Minnesota Statute § 16C.08, subdivision 2(10),no more than 90 percent of the
amount due under any Work Order contract may be paid until the final product of the Work Order
contract has been reviewed by the State's agency head. The balance due will be paid when the State's
agency head determines that the Contractor has satisfactorily fulfilled all the terms of the Work Order
6 Conditions of Payment
All services provided by the Contractor under a Work Order contract must be performed to the State's satisfaction and
in accordance with all applicable federal,state,and local laws,ordinances,rules,and regulations. The Contractor will
not receive payment for work found by the State to be unsatisfactory or performed in violation of federal, state,or
local law.
7 Authorized Representatives and Project Managers
7.1 State. State's Authorized Representative for this Master Contract is the individual identified below,or his/her
Name: Mark Haselman
Title: Procurement Analyst
Address: Materials Management Division
112 Administration Building
50 Sherburne Avenue
St.Paul,MN 55155
Telephone: (651)201-3049
E-mail Address: Mark.Haselman@state.mn.us
State's Project Manager will be identified in each Work Order.
7.2 Contractor. Contractor's Authorized Representative for this Master Contract is:
Name: Ronald C.Hoffmann
Title: President
Address: 520 Spirit of St. Louis Boulevard
Chesterfield,MO 63005-1095
Telephone: (636)368-4400
P/T Contract(Rev.I/15)
E-mail Address: RonH@surdex.com
If Contractor's Authorized Representative changes at any time during this Master Contract,Contractor must
immediately notify the State. Contractor's Project Manager will be identified in each Work Order.
8 Assignment,Amendments,Waiver,and Contract Complete
8.1 Assignment The Contractor may neither assign nor transfer any rights or obligations under this Master
Contract or any Work Order contract without the prior consent of the State and a fully executed Assignment
Agreement,executed and approved by the same parties who executed and approved this Master Contract,or
their successors in office.
8.2 Amendments. Any amendment to this Master Contract or any Work Order contract must be in writing and
will not be effective until it has been executed and approved by the same parties who executed and approved
the original contract,or their successors in office.
8.3 Waiver. If the State fails to enforce any provision of this Master Contract or any Work Order contract,that
failure does not waive the provision or its right to enforce it.
8.4 Contract Complete. This Master Contract and any Work Order contract contain all negotiations and
agreements between the State and the Contractor. No other understanding regarding this Master Contract or
Work Order contract,whether written or oral,may be used to bind either party.
9 Indemnification and Limitation of Liability
9.1 Indemnification Obligation. In the performance of this contract by Contractor,or Contractor's agents or
employees,the contractor must indemnify,save,and hold harmless the State, its agents,and employees,from
any claims or causes of action, including attorney's fees incurred by the state,to the extent caused by
1) Intentional,willful,or negligent acts or omissions;or
2) Actions that give rise to strict liability;or
3) Breach of contract or warranty.
The indemnification obligations of this section do not apply in the event the claim or cause of action is the
result of the State's sole negligence. This clause will not be construed to bar any legal remedies the
Contractor may have for the State's failure to fulfill its obligation under this contract.
9.2 Limitation of Liability. Neither party shall be liable to the other for any indirect,consequential,punitive,
special or exemplary damages resulting from any negligent acts,errors,omissions or breach of this
10 State Audits
Under Minnesota Statute § 16C.05, subdivision 5,the Contractor's books,records,documents,and accounting
procedures and practices relevant to any Work Order contract are subject to examination by the State and/or the State
Auditor or Legislative Auditor,as appropriate,for a minimum of six years from the end of this Master Contract.
11 Government Data Practices and Intellectual Property
The Contractor and State must comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act,Minnesota Statute Ch. 13,
as it applies to all data provided by the State under any Work Order contract,and as it applies to all data created,
collected,received,stored,used,maintained,or disseminated by the Contractor under the Work Order contract.The
civil remedies of Minnesota Statute § 13.08 apply to the release of the data referred to in this clause by either the
Contractor or the State.
P/T Contract(Rev.1/15)
If the Contractor receives a request to release the data referred to in this Clause,the Contractor must immediately
notify the State. The State will give the Contractor instructions concerning the release of the data to the requesting
party before the data is released.
12 Intellectual Property Rights
12.1 Intellectual Property Rights. The State owns all rights,title,and interest in all of the intellectual property
rights, including copyrights,patents,trade secrets,trademarks,and service marks in the Works and
Documents created and paid for under Work Order contracts. Works means all inventions,improvements,
discoveries(whether or not patentable),databases,computer programs,reports,notes, studies,photographs,
negatives,designs,drawings,specifications,materials,tapes,and disks conceived,reduced to practice,
created or originated by the Contractor,its employees,agents,and subcontractors,either individually or
jointly with others in the performance of this Master Contract or any Work Order contract. Works includes
"Documents." Documents are the originals of any databases,computer programs,reports,notes, studies,
photographs,negatives,designs,drawings,specifications,materials,tapes,disks,or other materials,whether
in tangible or electronic forms,prepared by the Contractor,its employees,agents,or subcontractors, in the
performance of a Work Order contract. The Documents will be the exclusive property of the State and all
such Documents must be immediately returned to the State by the Contractor upon completion or cancellation
of the Work Order contract. To the extent possible,those Works eligible for copyright protection under the
United States Copyright Act will be deemed to be"works made for hire." The Contractor assigns all right,
title, and interest it may have in the Works and the Documents to the State. The Contractor must, at the
request of the State,execute all papers and perform all other acts necessary to transfer or record the State's
ownership interest in the Works and Documents.
12.2 Obligations
A. Notification. Whenever any invention, improvement,or discovery(whether or not patentable)is made or
conceived for the first time or actually or constructively reduced to practice by the Contractor, including
its employees and subcontractors,in the performance of the Work Order contract,the Contractor will
immediately give the State's Authorized Representative written notice thereof,and must promptly furnish
the Authorized Representative with complete information and/or disclosure thereon.
B. Representation. The Contractor must perform all acts,and take all steps necessary to ensure that all
intellectual property rights in the Works and Documents are the sole property of the State,and that neither
Contractor nor its employees,agents,or subcontractors retain any interest in and to the Works and
Documents. The Contractor represents and warrants that the Works and Documents do not and will not
infringe upon any intellectual property rights of other persons or entities. Notwithstanding Clause 9,the
Contractor will indemnify;defend,to the extent permitted by the Attorney General; and hold harmless the
State,at the Contractor's expense,from any action or claim brought against the State to the extent that it
is based on a claim that all or part of the Works or Documents infringe upon the intellectual property
rights of others. The Contractor will be responsible for payment of any and all such claims,demands,
obligations, liabilities,costs,and damages,including but not limited to,attorney fees. If such a claim or
action arises,or in the Contractor's or the State's opinion is likely to arise,the Contractor must,at the
State's discretion, either procure for the State the right or license to use the intellectual property rights at
issue or replace or modify the allegedly infringing Works or Documents as necessary and appropriate to
obviate the infringement claim. This remedy of the State will be in addition to and not exclusive of other
remedies provided by law.
13 Affirmative Action Requirements for Contracts in Excess of$100,000 and if the Contractor has More than 40
Full-time Employees in Minnesota or its Principal Place of Business The State intends to carry out its
responsibility for requiring affirmative action by its Contractors.
P/T Contract(Rcv.1/15)
13.1 Covered Contracts and Contractors. If the Contract exceeds $100,000 and the contractor employed more
than 40 full-time employees on a single working day during the previous 12 months in Minnesota or in the
state where it has its principle place of business, then the Contractor must comply with the requirements of
Minnesota Statute § 363A.36 and Minnesota Rule Parts 5000.3400-5000.3600. A contractor covered by
Minnesota Statute § 363A.36 because it employed more than 40 full-time employees in another state and does
not have a certificate of compliance, must certify that it is in compliance with federal affirmative action
13.2 Minnesota Statute §363A.36. Minnesota Statute § 363A.36 requires the Contractor to have an affirmative
action plan for the employment of minority persons, women, and qualified disabled individuals approved by
the Minnesota Commissioner of Human Rights ("Commissioner") as indicated by a certificate of compliance.
The law addresses suspension or revocation of a certificate of compliance and contract consequences in that
event. A contract awarded without a certificate of compliance may be voided.
13.3 Minnesota Rule Parts 5000.3400-5000.3600.
A. General. Minnesota Rule Parts 5000.3400-5000.3600 implement Minnesota Statute § 363A.36. These
rules include, but are not limited to, criteria for contents, approval, and implementation of affirmative
action plans; procedures for issuing certificates of compliance and criteria for determining a contractor's
compliance status; procedures for addressing deficiencies, sanctions, and notice and hearing; annual
compliance reports; procedures for compliance review; and contract consequences for non-compliance.
The specific criteria for approval or rejection of an affirmative action plan are contained in various
provisions of Minnesota Rule Parts 5000.3400-5000.3600 including, but not limited to, parts 5000.3420-
5000.3500 and 5000.3552-5000.3559.
B. Disabled Workers. The Contractor must comply with the following affirmative action requirements for
disabled workers.
1. The Contractor must not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of
physical or mental disability in regard to any position for which the employee or applicant for
employment is qualified. The Contractor agrees to take affirmative action to employ, advance in
employment, and otherwise treat qualified disabled persons without discrimination based upon their
physical or mental disability in all employment practices such as the following: employment,
upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment, advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other
forms of compensation,and selection for training, including apprenticeship.
2. The Contractor agrees to comply with the rules and relevant orders of the Minnesota Department of
Human Rights issued pursuant to the Minnesota Human Rights Act.
3. In the event of the Contractor's noncompliance with the requirements of this clause, actions for
noncompliance may be taken in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Section 363A.36, and the rules
and relevant orders of the Minnesota Department of Human Rights issued pursuant to the Minnesota
Human Rights Act.
4. The Contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for
employment,notices in a form to be prescribed by the commissioner of the Minnesota Department of
Human Rights. Such notices must state the Contractor's obligation under the law to take affirmative
action to employ and advance in employment qualified disabled employees and applicants for
employment,and the rights of applicants and employees.
5. The Contractor must notify each labor union or representative of workers with which it has a
collective bargaining agreement or other contract understanding, that the contractor is bound by the
terms of Minnesota Statutes Section 363A.36, of the Minnesota Human Rights Act and is committed
to take affirmative action to employ and advance in employment physically and mentally disabled
C. Consequences. The consequences for the Contractor's failure to implement its affirmative action plan or
make a good faith effort to do so include, but are not limited to, suspension or revocation of a certificate
P/T Contract(Rev 1/15)
of compliance by the Commissioner, refusal by the Commissioner to approve subsequent plans, and
termination of all or part of this contract by the Commissioner or the State.
D. Certification. The Contractor hereby certifies that it is in compliance with the requirements of Minnesota
Statute § 363A.36 and Minnesota Rule Parts 5000.3400-5000.3600 and is aware of the consequences for
14 Workers' Compensation and Other Insurance
A. Contractor shall not commence work under the contract until they have obtained all the insurance
described below and the State of Minnesota has approved such insurance. Contractor shall
maintain such insurance in force and effect throughout the term of the contract.
B. Contractor is required to maintain and furnish satisfactory evidence of the following insurance
1. Workers' Compensation Insurance: Except as provided below, Contractor must provide
Workers' Compensation insurance for all its employees and, in case any work is
subcontracted, Contractor will require the subcontractor to provide Workers' Compensation
insurance in accordance with the statutory requirements of the State of Minnesota, including
Coverage B,Employer's Liability. Insurance minimum limits are as follows:
$100,000—Bodily Injury by Disease per employee
$500,000—Bodily Injury by Disease aggregate
$100,000—Bodily Injury by Accident
If Minnesota Statute 176.041 exempts Contractor from Workers' Compensation insurance or
if the Contractor has no employees in the State of Minnesota, Contractor must provide a
written statement, signed by an authorized representative, indicating the qualifying
exemption that excludes Contractor from the Minnesota Workers' Compensation
If during the course of the contract the Contractor becomes eligible for Workers'
Compensation,the Contractor must comply with the Workers' Compensation Insurance
requirements herein and provide the State of Minnesota with a certificate of insurance.
2. Aircraft Insurance: Contractor is required to maintain insurance protecting it from claims
for damages for bodily injury and property damage whether the operations are by the
Contractor or by a Subcontractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed under the
2.1 Owned Aircraft Liability(required of Contractor is using owned aircraft to
perform contract services):
A. Minimum Limits of Liability:
$2,000,000 combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage; including
passengers (if any).
2.2 Airport/Premises Liability(required if Contractor is maintaining or hangaring non-
owned aircraft):
A. Minimum Limits of Liability:
P/T Contract(Rev.1/15)
$2,000,000 combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage.
B. Coverages:
• Premises and Operations Bodily Injury and Property Damage
• Blanket Contractual Agreement
• Products and Completed Operations
• Owner names as an Additional Insured; except for Products/Completed
2.3 Hangarkeeper's Liability(required of no in-flight activity is associated with
contract services):
The Contractors is solely responsible for the coverage equal to the value of the state's
aircraft in the Contractor's care, custody and control on any given point in time.
2.4 Non-Owned Aircraft Liability(required if Contractor is using non-owned aircraft
to perform contract services):
A. Minimum Limits of Liability:
$2,000,000 combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage, including
passengers(if any).
3. Commercial Automobile Liability Insurance: Contractor is required to maintain insurance
protecting it from claims for damages for bodily injury as well as from claims for property
damage resulting from the ownership, operation,maintenance or use of all owned,hired, and
non-owned autos which may arise from operations under this contract, and in case any work
is subcontracted the contractor will require the subcontractor to maintain Commercial
Automobile Liability insurance. Insurance minimum limits are as follows:
$2,000,000—per occurrence Combined Single limit for Bodily Injury and Property Damage
In addition, the following coverages should be included:
Owned,Hired, and Non-owned Automobile
4. Professional/Technical,Errors and Omissions, and/or Miscellaneous Liability
This policy will provide coverage for all claims the contractor may become legally obligated
to pay resulting from any actual or alleged negligent act, error, or omission related to
Contractor's professional services required under the contract.
Contractor is required to carry the following minimum limits:
$2,000,000—per claim or event
$2,000,000—annual aggregate
Any deductible will be the sole responsibility of the Contractor and may not exceed$50,000
without the written approval of the State. If the Contractor desires authority from the State to
have a deductible in a higher amount, the Contractor shall so request in writing, specifying
P/T Contract(Rcv.1/15)
the amount of the desired deductible and providing financial documentation by submitting
the most current audited financial statements so that the State can ascertain the ability of the
Contractor to cover the deductible from its own resources.
The retroactive or prior acts date of such coverage shall not be after the effective date of this
Contract and Contractor shall maintain such insurance for a period of at least three(3)years,
following completion of the work. If such insurance is discontinued, extended reporting
period coverage must be obtained by Contractor to fulfill this requirement.
C. Additional Insurance Conditions:
1. Contractor's policy(ies) shall be primary insurance to any other valid and collectible
insurance available to the State of Minnesota with respect to any claim arising out of
Contractor's performance under this contract;
2. If Contractor receives a cancellation notice from an insurance carrier affording coverage
herein, Contractor agrees to notify the State of Minnesota within five (5)business days with a
copy of the cancellation notice,unless Contractor's policy(ies)contain a provision that
coverage afforded under the policy(ies)will not be cancelled without at least thirty(30)days
advance written notice to the State of Minnesota;
3. Contractor is responsible for payment of Contract related insurance premiums and
4. If Contractor is self-insured, a Certificate of Self-Insurance must be attached;
5. Contractor's policy(ies) shall include legal defense fees in addition to its liability policy
limits,with the exception of B.4 above;
6. Contractor shall obtain insurance policy(ies) from insurance company(ies)having an "AM
BEST"rating of A-(minus); Financial Size Category(FSC)VII or better, and authorized to
do business in the State of Minnesota; and
7. An Umbrella or Excess Liability insurance policy may be used to supplement the
Contractor's policy limits to satisfy the full policy limits required by the Contract.
D. The State reserves the right to immediately terminate the contract if the contractor is not in
compliance with the insurance requirements and retains all rights to pursue any legal remedies
against the contractor. All insurance policies must be open to inspection by the State, and copies
of policies must be submitted to the State's authorized representative upon written request.
15 Publicity and Endorsement
15.1 Publicity. Any publicity regarding the subject matter of a Work Order contract must identify the State as the
sponsoring agency and must not be released without prior written approval from the State's Authorized
Representative. For purposes of this provision, publicity includes notices, informational pamphlets, press
releases, research, reports, signs, and similar public notices prepared by or for the Contractor individually or
jointly with others, or any subcontractors, with respect to the program, publications, or services provided
resulting from a Work Order contract.
P/T Contract(Rcv.1/15)
15.2 Endorsement. The Contractor must not claim that the State endorses its products or services.
16 Governing Law,Jurisdiction,and Venue
Minnesota law, without regard to its choice-of-law provisions, governs this Master Contract and all Work Order
contracts. Venue for all legal proceedings out of this Master Contract and/or any Work Order contracts,or its breach,
must be in the appropriate state or federal court with competent jurisdiction in Ramsey County,Minnesota.
17 Payment to Subcontractors(If applicable)
As required by Minnesota Statute § 16A.1245, the prime contractor must pay all subcontractors, less any retainage,
within 10 calendar days of the prime contractor's receipt of payment from the State for undisputed services provided
by the subcontractor(s)and must pay interest at the rate of one and one-half percent per month or any part of a month
to the subcontractor(s)on any undisputed amount not paid on time to the subcontractor(s).
18 Minnesota Statute§ 181.59
The vendor will comply with the provisions of Minnesota Statute § 181.59 which requires: Every contract for or on
behalf of the state of Minnesota, or any county, city, town, township, school, school district, or any other
district in the state, for materials, supplies, or construction shall contain provisions by which the contractor
agrees: (1) That, in the hiring of common or skilled labor for the performance of any work under any
contract, or any subcontract, no contractor, material supplier, or vendor, shall, by reason of race, creed, or
color, discriminate against the person or persons who are citizens of the United States or resident aliens who
are qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates; (2) That no contractor,
material supplier, or vendor, shall, in any manner, discriminate against, or intimidate, or prevent the
employment of any person or persons identified in clause (1) of this section, or on being hired, prevent, or
conspire to prevent, the person or persons from the performance of work under any contract on account of
race, creed, or color; (3) That a violation of this section is a misdemeanor; and (4) That this contract may be
canceled or terminated by the state, county, city, town, school board, or any other person authorized to grant
the contracts for employment, and all money due, or to become due under the contract, may be forfeited for
a second or any subsequent violation of the terms or conditions of this contract.
19 Termination
19.1 Termination by the State. The State or commissioner of Administration may cancel this Master Contract and
any Work Orders at any time, without cause, upon 30 days' written notice to Contractor. Upon termination,
Contractor will be entitled to payment,determined on a pro rata basis,for services satisfactorily performed.
19.2 Termination for Cause. Either party may cancel this Master Contract and any Work Orders at any time, with
cause,upon written notice to the other and a 30-day right to cure.
19.3 Termination for Insufficient Funding. The State may immediately terminate this Master Contract and any
Work Order contract if it does not obtain funding from the Minnesota legislature or other funding source; or if
funding cannot be continued at a level sufficient to allow for the payment of the services covered here.
Termination must be by written or fax notice to the Contractor. The State is not obligated to pay for any
services that are provided after notice and effective date of termination. However, the Contractor will be
entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed to the extent that
funds are available. The State will not be assessed any penalty if the Master Contract or Work Order is
terminated because of the decision of the Minnesota legislature or other funding source, not to appropriate
funds. The State must provide the Contractor notice of the lack of funding within a reasonable time of the
State's receiving that notice.
20 Data Disclosure
P/T Contract(Rev.]/15)
Under Minnesota Statute §270C.65, Subdivision 3 and other applicable law,the Contractor consents to disclosure of
its social security number, federal employer tax identification number, and/or Minnesota tax identification number,
already provided to the State,to federal and state agencies and state personnel involved in the payment of state
obligations. These identification numbers may be used in the enforcement of federal and state laws which could
result in action requiring the Contractor to file state tax returns,pay delinquent state tax liabilities, if any,or pay other
state liabilities.
21 E-Verify Certification(In accordance with Minn.Stat.§16C.075)
For services valued in excess of$50,000,Contractor certifies that as of the date of services performed on behalf of the
State,Contractor and all its subcontractors will have implemented or be in the process of implementing the federal E-
Verify program for all newly hired employees in the United States who will perform work on behalf of the State.
Contractor is responsible for collecting all subcontractor certifications and may do so utilizing the E-Verify
Subcontractor Certification Form available at http://www.mmd.admin.state.mn.us/doc/EverifySubCertForm.doc. All
subcontractor certifications must be kept on file with Contractor and made available to the State upon request.
22 Force Majeure
Neither party shall be in default in the performance of its obligations under this Contract to the extent that
performance of any such obligation is prevented or delayed by acts of God,war, riot or other catastrophes beyond the
reasonable control of the party unless the act or occurrence could have been reasonably foreseen and reasonable action
could have been taken to prevent the delay or failure to perform. A party defaulting under this provision must provide
the other party prompt written notice of the default and take all necessary steps to bring about performance as soon as
The Contractor certifies that the appropriate person(s)
have executed the contract on behalf of the Contractor as By:
required by applicable articles or bylaws. (with delegated authority)
As delegated to Materials Management Division
P/T Contract(Rev.]/15)
Exhibit A
This Work Order contract is between the State of Minnesota,acting through its ("State")and ("Contractor").
This Work Order contract is issued under the authority of Master Contract T-Number ,CFMS Number
,and is subject to all provisions of the Master Contract which is incorporated by reference.
Work Order Contract
1 Term of Contract
1.1 Effective date: , or the date the State obtains all required signatures under Minnesota Statute § 16C.05,
subdivision 2,whichever is later.
The Contractor must not begin work under this contract until this contract is fully executed and the
Contractor has been notified by the State's Authorized Representative to begin the work.
1.2 Expiration date: ,or until all obligations have been satisfactorily fulfilled,whichever occurs first.
2 Contractor's Duties
The Contractor,who is not a state employee,will:
3 Consideration and Payment
3.1 Consideration. The State will pay for all services performed by the Contractor under this Work Order contract as
(A) Compensation. The Contractor will be paid
(B) Travel Expenses. Reimbursement for travel and subsistence expenses actually and necessarily incurred by
the Contractor as a result of this Work Order contract will not exceed$
(C) Total Obligation. The total obligation of the State for all compensation and reimbursements to the Contractor
under this Work Order contract will not exceed$
3.2.Invoices. The State will promptly pay the Contractor after the Contractor presents an itemized invoice for the
services actually performed and the State's Authorized Representative accepts the invoiced services. Invoices
must be submitted timely and according to the following schedule:
4 Project Managers
The State's Project Manager is . The State's Authorized Representative will certify acceptance on each invoice
submitted for payment.
The Contractor's Project Manager is . If the Contractor's Project Manager changes at any time during this
Work Order contract,the Contractor must immediately notify the State.
P/T Contract(Rev.1/15)
Exhibit B
1.1. Radiometric Resolution: Delivered imagery shall consist of 8 bits per band
1.2. Spectral Resolution: All imagery provided in four spectral bands:blue,green,red,near infrared
1.3. Projection: Geographic projection of the deliverables will be determined on a Work Order basis,but may
include the following:
1.3.1. UTM Zone 15,NAD83,Meters as described in the Minnesota State Standard Coordinate Specifications
for Spatial Data Exchange Between Minnesota State Agencies'
1.3.2. Minnesota County Coordinate System,NAD83,defined as using Lambert Conformal Conic,Transverse
Mercator, or Oblique Mercator mapping projections as described by the Minnesota Department of
Transportation Land Management Division
1.4.Tiling schemes
1.4.1. Quarter Quads
1.4.2. Counties
1.4.3. Custom—example townships,engineering-level sites
1.5.Image formats
1.5.1. JPEG2000
1.5.2. GeoTIFF
1 http://mn.gov/mnit/programs/policies/geospatial/gis-pages/spatial-data-exchange.jsp
2 http://www.dot.state.mn.us/surveying/toolstech/mapproj.html
P/T Contract(Rev.1/15)
1.6. Horizontal Accuracy: Horizontal accuracy shall meet or exceed the ASPRS horizontal accuracy standard for
specified ground sampling distance.Accuracy testing methodology should follow the guidelines and
specifications of NSSDA.
Ground Sample High Accuracy RMSE(x Standard Mapping Accuracy Visualization Accuracy
Distance and y) RMSE(x and y) RMSE(x and y)
5.0 cm(-2 in) 5.0 cm 10 cm 15 cm
7.5cm(-3 in) 7.5 cm 15 cm 22.5 cm
15 cm(-6 in) 15 cm 30 cm 45 cm
30 cm(12 in) 30 cm 60 cm 90 cm
50 cm 50 cm 100 cm 150 cm
1.7. Image Quality: Images shall be tonally balanced and image mosaics shall be uniform in contrast without abrupt
variations between image tiles. Imagery shall be free of blemishes, scratches,and artifacts that obscure ground
feature detail.Pixel resolution shall not be degraded by excessive image smear.Imagery shall have a tonal range
that prevents the clipping of highlights or shadow detail from the image.No more than 2%of the pixels may
have a luminosity value in the first five or last five histogram bin values(0 to 4 or 251 to 255). If needed,
contrast of the tiles should be stretched. All tiles shall have a pixel histogram peak for all bands between 108 and
148 except for tiles that are mostly comprised of water bodies.
1.8. Sun Angle: The Contractor shall acquire imagery only during that portion of the day when the sun angle
exceeds the minimum twenty-five degrees(25°)above the horizon unless otherwise specified by a Work Order.
1.9. Environmental Conditions: Imagery shall be acquired when skies are clear, free from clouds, smoke or
excessive haze,and well-defined images can be resolved. The ground shall be free from snow, standing water
(other than natural or man-made ponds and lakes),flood waters from streams which have overflowed their banks,
and wet ground which obscures field, soil or crop lines. The Contractor shall minimize specular reflections,by
patching the area using imagery from other frames, if they exist.
1.9.1. Snow-free means less than 5%of the ground surface is covered by snow for any image tile. Minimal
snow cover from residual snow stockpiles and along fence and windrows is acceptable. Open water
bodies smaller than 20 acres should be ice-free.
1.9.2. Cloud-free means less than 5%of any image tile is affected by clouds or cloud shadows and free from
distinct dark shadows. It includes areas under overcast,or showing clouds, cloud shadows and ground
fog,or heavy haze.
1.9.3. Smoke-free means less than 5%of any image tile is affected by smoke or haze.
P/T Contract(Rev.1/15)
1.9.4. Flood-free means less than 5%of any image tile is affected by floodwater.
1.10. Seasonal Conditions: Imagery may be collected under various seasonal conditions as specified by the Work
Order. Since there is variability in timing of the desired conditions,the State will issue a flight Authorization and
a Stop Work Order by electronic mail(e-mail)on or about these dates.No acquisition work is to take place
outside the authorized period.The Work Order will specify one of the following seasonal conditions:
1.10.1. Spring leaf-off is defined as the period in spring before leaves of any tree species have developed to the
point where leaf shape can be observed. This typically occurs in April for southern Minnesota and later
April to mid-May for northern Minnesota.
1.10.2. Summer leaf-on is defined as the period after most trees have developed leaves and before the leaves of
any tree species have changed color in the fall. Typically from later May through early September.
1.10.3. Fall peak color is defined as a phase of autumn deciduous leaf color change, in which approximately the
following visual conditions prevail: lowland black ash(Fraxinus nigra)has dropped most or all its
leaves;a majority of northern hardwoods,e.g.maples(Acer spp.)and basswood(Tilia Americana),have
turned bright yellow or red;tamarack(Larix laricina)needles should be changing to a yellow color,but
most oaks(Quercus spp.)and aspens(Populus spp.)remain green.This typically occurs in late September
for northern Minnesota and early October for southern Minnesota.
1.11. Control:Airborne GPS(Global Positioning Systems)and IMU(Inertial Measurement Unit)systems or
equivalent methodology,along with any ground control points required to meet horizontal accuracy
specifications.The State and its partners will utilize quality control points established by MNDOT for the 2008
NAIP and subsequent verification.
1.12. Project Flight Planning: The contractor is responsible for all necessary flight planning, including,but not
limited to determination of photographic scale,exposure stations,altitudes,and flight directions,required to
acquire the imagery. Additionally,the contractor is required to provide the necessary project management,
coordination,and supervision to conduct project planning, flight planning and acquisition, image processing,
product delivery,and related technical and progress reports.
1.13. FAA Certification: All aircraft used in the performance of this contract shall be maintained and operated in
accordance with all regulations required by the U.S. Department of Transportation,Federal Aviation
Administration(FAA). Aircraft operated in the acquisition of digital imagery under this contract shall be FAA
certified to a service ceiling with operating load(crew,camera, film,oxygen,and other required equipment)of
not less than the highest altitude required.
1.14. Positive Control Airspace: The project areas may contain areas of controlled or restricted airspace. It is the
responsibility of the Contractor to obtain all approvals necessary to assure that required clearances are achieved.
When the flight plan and location of any project area coverage fall within positive-control airspace,the aircraft
must contain the appropriate equipment to operate in such positive-control areas within the purview of the
Federal Aviation Regulations. In addition to all FAA requirements, all flights requesting clearance in the vicinity
of"VIP"type airspace with Temporary Flight Restrictions(TFR)shall notify the Contracting Officer prior to
receiving FAA clearance for instructions.
P/T Contract(Rev.1/15)
1.15. Aircraft Configuration: The design of the aircraft shall be such that when the camera is mounted with all its
parts within the outer structure, an unobstructed field of view is obtained. The field of view shall be shielded
from the exhaust gases,oil,effluence,and air turbulence. The camera port glass shall be free of scratches and of
such quality that it will not degrade the resolution or the accuracy of the camera.
1.16. Progress Reporting: Between issuance of the Flight Authorization and the Stop Work Order,weekly progress
reports showing progress of aerial imagery shall be e-mailed to the Project Manager as listed in the Work Order
Contract,starting with the week in which Flight Authorization is issued and continuing until photography is
completed,whether photo crews are active or not. Each reporting week shall end on Saturday,and the report
shall be e-mailed by the end of the following Monday. The report must list flight hours and line segments flown
by aircraft and date for the entire week. When crews are not actively employed on the project,the report should
so state,and give the reason.
2.1.Feature Types Captured: The planimetric features captured may include the following:
2.1.1. Water bodies—lakes,rivers,streams,ditches,ponds, islands
2.1.2. Buildings/Structures—buildings,parking lots,tanks,water towers, swimming pools,decks,docks
2.1.3. Transportation—roads(edges,medians, ¢erlines),bridges,railroads,sidewalks,trails
2.2.Data Structure: The structure of the data including the data format(e.g.: DWG, SHP,DGN,FGDB),number of
layers,attribute field names,geographic project,and geographic representation(point, line,polygon)will be
defined on a Work Order basis.
2.3.Content: May be new planimetrics and/or updates to existing planimetric data.
3.1. Metadata Information: Metadata for this project shall meet the requirements of the Minnesota Geographic
Metadata Guidelines(see http://www.mngeo.state.mn.us/chouse/meta.html)or the Federal metadata standard
(see http://www.fgdc.gov/metadata/geospatial-metadata-standards).
3.1.1. Metadata for ortho and stereo imagery: Supplemental metadata information includes the following: (1)
tested horizontal accuracy statement, (2)lineage, including,but not limited to: flight height,photo
acquisition dates(and reflights if any),overlap, sidelap,number of flight lines,number of exposures,
direction of flight lines, control,resolution,tiling scheme, file sizes,description of the process used to
create digital orthophotos,source of DEM, etc.,and(3)spatial reference information:projection,
ellipsoid,horizontal and vertical datum, horizontal and vertical units,UTM zone number.
P/T Contract(Rcv.1/15)
3.2. Ownership:All data received from the vendor shall become the property of the State of Minnesota without
restriction.A copy of all work performed,whether for the State or another Master Contract user,will be sent to
the Minnesota Geospatial Information Office(MnGeo).
3.3. Timeline: The timeline for work will be specified by the Work Order,but will not extend beyond the
termination date of the Master Contract.
P/T Contract(Rev.1/15)
CAPITAL REQUEST 2016 thru 2020 Contact: Richard Rice
City of Chanhassen,MN Department: MIS-Major Equipment
Type: Equipment
PROJECT# EQ-055 Useful Life: 2-3 Years
PROJECT NAME Aerial Photography for City GIS Dal Category: Admininstration
FUND ACCNT 400-0000-4752 Priority: N/A
Total Project Cost: $40,700
This project funds the aerial photography for the integration with the city's existing GIS datasets.The city is
participating with Carver County and several other cities and Counties in a joint project to puchase services and
data. An initial joint aerial flyover for high resolution orthographic imagery data was conducted in April of 2005
and was later scheduled to be re-flown every three years. The next flight will be done in 2016 and will include
high resolution orthographic and oblique photography.The County typically pays the entire cost and bills back the
city portions over a two year period.There is a state contract bid proposal in progress
which the County will be utilizing which may reduce the cost to the city. Pricing will not be available until the
contract if finalized.
City Planners, Engineers and Utility staff use this data in conjunction with other GIS datasets to help resolve
geographical issues with residents,and contractors without repeated site visits. It is used in nearly every scheduled
staff meeting and has proven usefull to the Sheriffs Office,and fire department when conducting area search's. In
2008,Carver County chose a new vendor(Pictometry)which in added a three dimensional view to mapping data.
The Pictometry solution provides the ability for staff to view each side of buildings,and includes a toolset with
allows for the accurate measurement of areas and lines. Enhanced map layers(Planometrics),created from the
aerial data collected is also used by staff to measure and display hard surface coverages such as driveways,parking
lots and others.
PRIOR TOTAL 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 TOTAL FUTURE TOTAL
$22,300 $2,200 $2,200 $11,800 $2,200 $40,700
Funding Sources
PRIOR TOTAL 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 TOTAL FUTURE TOTAL
Capital Rep Fund $22,300 $2,200 $2,200 $11,800 $2,200 $40,7001
No operational impact is expected.
C:\Users\richr.CHANHASSEN\Desktop\EQ-055 2016-2020 Aerial Photography