B-3. Emerald Ash Borer Management Plan Update \ Y f-T)
S Chanhassen isa Community for Life-Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow
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TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager
FROM: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist
DATE: November 14, 2016
SUBJ: Emerald Ash Borer Management Plan and Policy Update
In May, the City Council was apprised of the various issues surrounding the arrival and effects of
emerald ash borer(EAB) in Chanhassen. Staff presented information on the quantity of ash trees
on public property,management options, need for code update and city policy regarding EAB
and chemical treatments, as well as anticipated costs for managing EAB. During the discussion
with staff, the council requested staff to research the following issues:
• What are other cities doing for EAB management
• What incentives could be offered to encourage residents to act quickly
• How can the city help residents overwhelmed by EAB infested trees
• What will treatment of public trees cost compared to removal and re-plantings?
I will have a PowerPoint presentation covering the Best Management Practices currently being
employed by other metro area communities, incentives and education planned for property
owners, and a more thorough look at the cost of management options. Also, I have invited Jeff
Hafner from Rainbow Tree Care to talk about those management costs. Since EAB has not been
confirmed in closer proximity than the confirmed site in Prior Lake(11 miles from Chanhassen)
found in 2015, the city has benefited by having time to make informed decisions on EAB
response and management. Staff recommends that the most beneficial and economically sound
practice would be to start chemical treatments of public ash trees in 2017, in addition to the
ongoing removal of poor quality ash and replacement plantings.
g:\plan\js\forestry projects\eab policy ordin\eab cc worksession oct 2016.docx
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