5 Report of the Advisory Council on Local Government
Don Ashworth, City Manager
590 City Center Driue, PO Box 147 FR 0 M: Kate Aanenson AI CP, Planning Director
Chanhassen, Afinnesota 55317
Phone 612.937.1900 DATE: September 9, 1998
General Fax 612.937.5739
Engineering Fax 612.937.9152 SUBJ: Council Position on Regional Options
Public 5afe0' Fax 612.934.2524
Wib UJIl'Il'.ci.dJilllhmsmllln.lIs Background
Please find attached a summary of the Regional Options: Report of the Advisory
Council on Local Government. The Southwest Coalition has been meeting on this
issue and would like to take a position on this matter. Staff would like the
Council's input before Chanhassen takes a position with this group.
The Southwest Coalition is a group that meets once a month to keep informed of
legislative and Metropolitan Council issues. The group was originally formed
when the Met Council was putting together the Metropolitan Blueprint. The
group has remained together to be informed and represent the issues of the
southwest quadrant of the metropolitan area. The coalition includes Carver
County, Eden Prairie, Victoria, Chaska, Shakopee, Scott County, Eden Prairie,
Waconia and City of Carver. Jules Smith, our sector Representative on the
Metropolitan Council, also attends these meetings. Jon Boland is paid by the
group to keep us informed and monitor all planning issues.
The purpose of the Advisory Council, which was created by the 1997 Legislature,
was to make recommendations concerning appropriate roles and responsibilities
oflocal and regional government in the seven county metropolitan area. For the
next steps, as outlined in the report, the Advisory Council is recommending
creating a new regional structure whether that includes how the council members
are chosen or what counties are in the Council jurisdiction.
The coalition is proposing to put together a position paper on acceptable ways of
selecting members for the Metropolitan Council. More than likely the legislature
will consider this issue during the next legislative session. Staff is seeking you
input regarding your position on an elected Metropolitan Council representative.
g:\plan\ka\swcc. regional options. doc
7Je City ojChanhassfll. A growing community with clean lakes, qualio'schools, a channing downtown, thriving businesses, and beautift" parks. A great place to live, work, and play.
GOVERNMENT was established by the Minnesota
Legislature in 1997 to make recommendations concerning
the appropriate roles .and responsibilities of local and
regional government in the metropolitan area.
The Advisory Council on Local Government thanks the
Association of Metropolitan Municipalities and Roger
Peterson. the association' s director of legislative affairs. for
their generous assistance with meeting arrangements and
Larry Bakken for facilitating the February 27. 1998,
Minnesota Planning provided staff assistance to the
Advisory Council on Local Government.
Regional Options: Report of the Advisory Council on Local
Government was prepared by Jay Fonkert with assistance
from Becky Buhler. Susan Roth and Amy Walter.
This report satisfies the 1997 Session Laws, Chapter 202,
Section 54, mandating the council to study the appropriate
roles and responsibilities of local and regional government
in the metropolitan area and make recommendations to the
Legislature by July I, 1998. The cost to prepare this report
was $5,425.
August 1998
Upon request. Regional Options: Report of the Advisory
Council on Local Government will be made available in
alternate format. such as Braille, large print or audio tape.
For TIY. contact Minnesota Relay Service at 800-627-3529
and ask for Minnesota Planning.
For additional information or copies of the report. contact:
658 Cedar St.
Sl Paul, MN 55155
Fax 651-296-3698
The 1997 Minnesota Legislature created a
temporary 25-member Advisory Council on
Local Government to make recommendations
concerning the appropriate roles and
responsibilities of local and regional
government in the Twin Cities metropolitan
area of Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin,
Ramsey, Scott and Washington counties. The
council is authorized to continue its work
through June 1999, but a report to the
Legislature was required at the end of its first
year, in June 1998.
The council membership consists of four
representatives each of cities and counties,
two representatives each of townships and
school districts, the chair of the Metropolitan
Council, four state senators, four state
representatives and four members appointed
by the Governor.
In the course of 18 meetings, the advisory
council informally inventoried the
responsibilities of different levels of
government and discussed which functions
required mostly local or regional action. The
council focused its attention on transportation,
but with an eye toward lessons that could be
drawn for other service areas.
A key theme in the advisory council's
discussion was the growing interdependence
of the seven-county metropolitan area and a
group of Minnesota and Wisconsin "ring"
counties surrounding the seven counties. The
council made six recommendations:
. The Legislature should acknowledge the
expansion of the Twin Cities region beyond
the seven-county boundary of the
Metropolitan Council and take the reality of a
broader zone of metropolitan influence fully
Regional Options
into account when making funding and policy
. To facilitate better coordinated
transportation planning between the seven-
county Twin Cities area and the ring counties,
the geographic boundaries of the
Transportation Advisory Board should be
expanded and representation added from the
counties adjacent to the metropolitan area as
currently defined.
. The Legislature should direct the
Metropolitan Council to offer voluntary,
nonvoting affiliate status to Minnesota and
Wisconsin counties adjacent to the seven
metropolitan area counties.
. The Legislature should request that the
Legislative Auditor conduct a study of the
1994 merger of the Metropolitan Waste
Control Commission and the Metropolitan
Transit Commission into the Metropolitan
Council to determine and compare operational
efficiency, service cost -effectiveness,
oversight and accountability, and, after such a
study, conduct oversight hearings regarding
the merger.
. The Legislature should fund technical
assistance and demonstration grants to
encourage the creation of local service
corporations for the joint provision of public
. State and local governments should use
fiscal incentives and other regulatory powers
directed at both governments and individuals
to encourage compact development and
redevelopment patterns that use existing
infrastructure, reduce dependence on
automobiles and preserve open space, while
making housing, shopping and employment
accessible by transit.
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Fax:612-361-1828 Sep 3 '98 8:34
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