D-1. Review Staff’s/Council’s Proposed 2017 Strategies IM- 1
2017 KFS (Draft)
1) Engineering—Pavement Management Program
a. Staff will update Council on Chanhassen's Pavement Management including current
policies and procedures, and upcoming projects.
b. Staff will research alternative funding sources, including the implementation of a
franchise fee to fund future projects.
2) Engineering/Planning—Staff will research policies and potential consequences for the allowance
of permeable pavers in the equation for hard cover allowance.
3) Engineering—Signal Light Timing Review. Staff will work with MnDOT on a comprehensive
review of the signal light timing along the Highway 5 Corridor.
4) Fire—Replace Ladder 11.The 100ft platform vehicle was put into service in 1989, and both the
NFPA and APWA recommend that front line fire vehicles be replaced after 20 years of service.
In addition, all Fire Department vehicles were assessed as part of the Springsted Fire Study
completed in 2013. Ladder 11 scored the highest and was recommended for replacement over all
other fire vehicles at that time.
A small committee including fire department personnel and the city fleet manager will be
assembled to review possible replacement trucks. After determining the appropriate type of
equipment and vendor,a recommendation will be made using a federally approved group
purchasing program(HGAC).This same program was used to purchase the quick attack
apparatus(mini pumper)purchased in 2016.The new vehicle will cost approximately$1.1M,
with funding coming primarily from the sale of the old public works facility.
5) Parks—consider implementation of key recommendations from the Parks and Recreation System
Plan.The preliminary inventory, synthesis, and evaluations have been completed.Beginning in
January the Park and Recreation Commission, along with the Advisory Committee,will begin
community engagement activities to aid in the visioning process.Key recommendations and
action items are scheduled to be presented to Council in September of 2016.
6) Review available parcels of land including their current zoning designations and any plans for
7) Discuss potential cost-saving measures.
The Avienda development and Frontier Building redevelopment are both currently underway, so they
have been left off this list.