e Approve 1998 Trail Easement1s J e. CITY OF CHANHASSEN MEMORANDUM TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager.dl. Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director / /V I City Center Drive, PO Box 147 FROM: !Janhmsen, Minnesota 55317 Pholle 612.937.1900 Geneml Fax 612.937.5739 'gineering Fax 612.937.9152 SUBJ: blic Safe~y Fax 612.934.2524 H 1l'1l'1l'.ci.chanhilSsen. 11111. IlS DATE: November 4, 1998 Approve Temporary and Permanent Easement Payments, 1998 Trail Project Approximately 88 separate easements are required to complete the six trail segments in the 1998 Trail Project. The easements fall into one of three categories: 1) Temporary, 2) Permanent, or 3) Temporary and Permanent. Generally, these easements are narrow strips of property along an existing right- of-way. This submittal represents 3 of the required easements. They range in value from $2,704 to $6,311. The total value of these 3 easements is $11,090. Each parcel was appraised by the firm of Lyle H. Nagel and Company. The agreed upon cost to have each appraisal completed is $200. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize payment of the 4 grants of temporary and permanent easements for the 1998 Trail Project as detailed on the attached invoices. \\cfs 1 \voI2\park\referen\appreasementpayments4.doc 'e City ofGal/hasseIl. A growing community with c!c;1if lalct.', 1,!d;~)1 sc;'oo!.', a chaiining downtown, thrilling businesses, and beautiful parks. A grMt p!:!CC to IiI'/" uwk, and play. CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association Attorneys at Law Thuma,; J. Cml!,!>...ll Rl).~cr N. k:nlltsU!1 Thum<ls M. SCIltt Elliutt R. Kn,'tsch SlIl'S<1I1 Lt.',} Pact.' (651) 452-5000 Fax (651) 452-5550 Jpc:! J. J,llllnik ,-\n,lre,l :'--1cDl1\\'ell Puehler ~btthe\\' K. Bwkl" Jdm F. Kelh' l\btthe\\' J. F"li Marguerite M. i\kClrr,\n C;el)r~e T. StephenSl'I1 October 23, 1998 VIA FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION :--\i'i,,!l."l"I:'l\;m \'Cr.'i(HIlWl Mr. Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: 1998 Bike Trail Project - James D. Nelson, Jr. and Joanne D. Nelson (Parcel No. 29) Dear Todd: We have recently negotiated a settlement with Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson (Parcel No. 19) for the acquisition of a temporary and permanent easement over their property in the above-entitled project. The Nelsons have accepted the City's offer of $2,075.00 in full payment for the easements. This amount represents the City's appraised value for the property. Please place this matter on the agenda for the next City Council meeting and if approved, please prepare a check payable to James D. Nelson, Jr. and Joanne D. Nelson in the amount of $2,075.00. If you have any questions regarding the above, please give me a call. Very truly yours, CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association RECEIV OCT 2 6 1~ (~ /' By.:.___'.0:::&..( . ./ ( Joel J. Jamnik "~J fv' ()F (;HAi"Jrt JJJ:cjh Suite 317 · EaganLhle Officc Centcr · 1380 Corpor,lte Center CUr\'c Ii bg,ll1, idN 15121 CAMPBELL KNUTSON Pr\)t~'ssi\mal Assnciari\m A rt\ lrI1CYS :H LI\\- Th"111:1' 1- ( l\(),~LT \:. f'nlJ!-..,lt'1 Th\)llLl-': \1. ~I..'l)rr EII",rt 1\_ ""I'h-h ~lJ\.'-':;111 L,..'~l [");ll..'L' (651) 452-5000 Fel': (651) 452-555,", J<>I,j .1- J,lmnlk :'\nJrl',l \ lel\ \\\,,11 r, 'c'hkr \Lmhc'\\ ", ])I\.kl'" J, ,hn F, ""lk \Lrrthc'\\ J. h"i \Llr~II,-rlr\' '.1. \kC'llT,.n t ~'--'l )r~L' T. ~{l't"hl'n-.:, 111 October 28, 1998 VIA FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION Mr. Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 'R- E-"-(-~E.\"-n . _' ., ::;! t.. Re: 1998 Bike Trail Project - Robert J. Tabor and Kathleen A. Tabor (Parcel No. 25) - '"\T () n 1998 UI'l 'l1 ,- ,. --;!TV ~:_)~ ~..;t-t,L\r~t1ASSl::f\ Dear Todd: We have recently negotiated a settlement with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tabor (Parcel No. 25) for the acquisition of a temporary and permanent easement over their property in the above-entitled project. The Tabors have accepted the City's offer of $6,311.00 in full payment for the easements. This amount represents the City's appraised value for the property. Please place this matter on the agenda for the next Ciiy Council meeting ana if approved, piease prepare a cheCK payable to Robert J. Tabor and Kathleen A. Tabor in the amount of $6,311.00. If you have any questions regarding the above, please give me a call. Very truly yours, cjh CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association By: ~,(\J Carole ~ Legal Assistant ~\lir,' 117 · Ll:..;,111d:lkC)ffrcl'Cl'I1ll'1 · !1.:--(lC(lIl'I)L1Il'Cl'I1tL'rCllnL' · Ll:..;:m,\lN 5':;12] CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association Attorneys at La\\' Tlhlllhl' J. C:lllll+dl R(l,~l'r \J. J(nLlt.";\,ll) TI1llm:l' \ I. :-;(, 'tr Elli<m B. ](lll'r'ch ~L1t'''';ln L,,-\\ P<iLl' (651) 452-5000 Fax (651) 452-5550 J<,~I J. J:llnmk ..\l1,lrl':l \kD,,\\'~1l r,.chkr \Lmhc\\' K. Br"kP )"hn F. Kclly \Lmhc\\ J. f"h \Lmlllcrire \1. \kC1H<)11 l.Jl'\)P..;l' T. ~tL'1,hl'n""(H1 October 28, 1998 VIA FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION RECEIVED''' 1\,..." OCT 2 9 1998 ('ITV "I:" ('IJ ~ \IU ,.. ~I"';=l\ ,. Mr. Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: 1998 Bike Trail Project - Donnie R. Adkins and Teresa Adkins (Parcel No. 28) Dear Todd: We recently negotiated a settlement with Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Adkins (Parcel No. 28) for the acquisition of a temporary and permanent easement over their property in the above-entitled project. The Adkins have accepted the City's offer of $2,704.00 in full payment for the easements. This amount represents the City's appraised value for the property. Please place this matter on the agenda for the next City Council meeting and if approved, please prepare a check payable to Donnie R. Adkins and Teresa Adkins in the amount of $2,704.00. If you have any questions regarding the above, please give me a call. Very truly yours, CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association By: cjh ~lIitl>)l/. E,lg,mlLliL>Otficl'Ccntl'r. !)s,,'Cll'!'I)r<ltcC:enterClIrw. Ll'.!,m,~1\J5)121