WS 2017 05 22 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MAY 22, 2017 Mayor Laufenburger called the work session to order at 5:23 p.m. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Laufenburger, Councilman McDonald, Councilwoman Ryan, and Councilman Campion. Councilwoman Tjornhom arrived prior to the third item on the agenda. STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Chelsea Petersen, Paul Oehme, and Kate Aanenson PUBLIC PRESENT: Mike Hoagberg 17550 Hemlock Avenue, Lakeville KEY FINANCIAL STRATEGY: REVIEW WORK PLAN FOR DOWNTOWN FOCUS STUDY. Kate Aanenson provided background information on the Chanhassen Vision 2002 process that was done for the downtown area and what needs to be done in the future to strengthen the downtown with expansion occurring in other parts of the city. Bryan Harjes with Hoisington- Koegler Group discussed how the vision plan has worked in the past but the need for it to be updated at this time. He stated the City Council needs to decide how it wants to position the downtown to address market conditions and implement a strategy for moving forward. Kate Aanenson asked Bryan Harjes to discuss the study he’s currently doing for Excelsior with the redevelopment of the area around Maynard’s and Bayside, explaining the City of Chanhassen is trying to be proactive as opposed to Excelsior who is being reactive. Councilwoman Ryan asked for clarification of the process being used by developers versus an outside market study. Todd Gerhardt explained the difference between developing public versus private property. Bryan Harjes explained that the City needs to have a broader view of the downtown versus parcel by parcel. Mayor Laufenburger asked if the Vision 2002 plan has played out as expected and if the downtown area is big enough to support future growth. If the area is not big enough, how will future expansion happen. Bryan Harjes explained how the downtown could expand either vertically or south of Highway 5. Mayor Laufenburger suggested staff research “Friendly Fronts”. Kate Aanenson explained that the next step will be approving the consultant contract with Hoisington-Koegler. KEY FINANCIAL STRATEGY: SIGNAL LIGHT TIMING: WORK WITH MnDOT ON A COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW OF THE SIGNAL LIGHT TIMING ALONG THE HIGHWAY 5 CORRIDOR. City Council Work Session – May 22, 2017 Paul Oehme explained that the citizens survey had raised concerns with signal timing on Highway 5 before introducing Diane Langenbach with MnDOT. She reviewed the Signal Coordination study and explained how the system operates, how timing can be changed, cycle length, limited green time plan, sequencing of left turns and flashing yellow arrow operations. Todd Gerhardt asked if MnDOT has done a psychological study of drivers waiting at signalized intersections. In discussing the flashing yellow arrows Diane Langenbach discussed how the public needs to be educated on their use to decrease the number of accidents. Todd Gerhardt stated the City will use the MnDOT report as a baseline. Paul Oehme reviewed the analysis done th by the City for the Powers Boulevard and 78 Street intersection and discussed the findings for signal phasing and lane assignments. Mayor Laufenburger asked about the funding source for those improvements. Councilwoman Tjornhom arrived at this point in the meeting. TH DISCUSS 86 STREET AND HIGHWAY 101 INTERSECTION OPERATIONS IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE MISSION HILLS SENIOR LIVING DEVELOPMENT. Paul Oehme reviewed the traffic study that was done by SRF in July of 2016 which will be used for a capacity analysis before and after the Mission Hills Senior Living development. Councilwoman Ryan asked for clarification on how level of service is determined, turning movement analysis, and questioned the crash data over the past 10 year showing only one crash. She stated her concern with staff monitoring the intersection with Carver County, especially left th turns off of 86 onto Highway 101, after the development to see if the intersection warrants improvements. Councilman Campion stated he felt the $135,000 for the median acceleration lane seemed reasonable. Mayor Laufenburger explained that there is no action currently needed by the City Council. Councilwoman Ryan reiterated her concerns with monitoring the intersection after the Mission Hills Senior Living development is constructed. Councilman th McDonald noted there were two intersections on Highway 101 north of 86 Street with the same situation. Mayor Laufenburger adjourned the work session at 7:05 p.m. Submitted by Todd Gerhardt City Manager Prepared by Nann Opheim 2