Staff Report d w 9 A ASS CITY OF CIIANIIASSEN Chanhassen isa Community for Life-Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow TO: City Council FROM: Kate Aanenson, AICP, Community Development Director DATE: July 10, 2017 SUBJ: Avienda-Executive Summary- Planning Case#2017-10 Public hearings were held on June 6 &20, 2017 where the Planning Commission recommended approval of the five motions in the staff report. The requests for a Variance and Conditional Use for building and grading in the Bluff Creek Overlay district were voted on separately. The motion to deny the request was approved 4-3 the three other motions were approved 7-0. Revisions were made to the development plan between the June 6 and the June 20 meetings including: • reducing the number of lots from 18 to 17, • moving the senior housing development further out of the Bluff Creek Overlay District, • Reducing the commercial square footage by 18,000 square feet and • Relocating the Hotel site Other items that the Planning Commission addressed between the meeting on June 6 and June 20 included: 1. Wetland replacement—The Planning Commission asked if some of the wetland replacement can be placed in the Bluff-Creek Riley-Purgatory(BCRP)Watershed—can the city work with the ARMY Corp and the Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP)to make improvements to other local wetlands. Response: the applicant presented documentation demonstrating that they had looked for other property to pursue wetland replacement. None of the sites explored were project ready. Staff is recommending that the applicant contribute$300,000 to the city for water quality improvement projects within the watershed district. 2. Bluff Creek Overlay district—buildings have been moved to preserve more of the trees. Response: Staff has reviewed the redesign of the project for the senior housing development. The developer's proposal reduced the bluff impact to 1.75 acres but staff's recommendation is to reduce the number of guest parking thus limiting the impact to the Bluff Creek Overlay District(BCOD). The BCOD will be impacted by the drive serving the senior developments. Staff and the Planning Commission are still recommending no variance. 3. The retaining wall along the south now has two tiers. More specifics on landscaping in the area was requested. Plans showed a 20 foot wall with a 26 foot building on top-what is the visual impact. PH 952.227.1100• www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us • FX 952.227.1110 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD • PO BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN • MINNESOTA 55317 Planning Commission Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development—Planning Case 2017-10 July 10,2017 Page 2 of 3 Response: The applicant has submitted a perspective of the two tier wall. It will be broken up by landscaping. Details on this wall have been included in the staff report for the city council. 4. Review and compare travel lane width along Bluff Creek Boulevard with other roads in the city. The Commission supported the 16 foot lane width and the Fire Chief recommend 20 foot lane width. Response: The 16-foot single travel lane separated by a median is unique to Bluff Creek Boulevard within Chanhassen. The applicant submitted a memo dated June 13,2017 regarding their lane width standards and approach for Bluff Creek Blvd. The memo is attached to the staff report. At the June 6, 2017 Planning Commission meeting, the commission requested staff provide more detail regarding the travel lane width for Bluff Creek Boulevard, including review of similar sites within the city. As a 2-lane median separated road, Bluff Creek Boulevard is unique within Chanhassen. Staff did not find a comparable site within the city. Notably, West 78th Street has a tree-lined median,but it has a four-lane configuration for the majority of the median separated length. Below is a summary of concerns related to fire safety and response times for our emergency vehicles alongside the concerns about traffic calming and pedestrian safety: Emergency Access Concerns: Traffic Calming Concerns: • State Fire Code Requirement: an • 16-foot lane meets MnDOT State approved Aerial Apparatus Road Aid requirements (minimum of 26 foot width)be provided when structures reach a • "One research study has found that vertical distance of 30 feet or narrower lanes on urban and more. suburban streets were generally associated with lower crash • State law requires vehicles to pull frequencies compared to wider to the right when an emergency lanes." vehicle is behind them. When passenger vehicles pull to the right • "Narrower cross sections reduce on a 16-foot thru lane, emergency crossing distances and have been vehicles cannot get through. associated with reduced travel speeds,both direct factors in the • Concern about reduced response safety of pedestrians." times due to vehicles becoming a roadblock. • "Bicycles and pedestrians are among the most vulnerable • Concern about response times for roadway users, and vehicular the existing neighborhoods where speed and exposure are the two connectivity is limited: The primary factors in non-motorized Preserve at Bluff Creek, Camden users' crash frequency and Ridge and Pioneer Pass. severity. Planning Commission Avienda—Executive Summary-Planning Case#2017-10 June 20,2017 Page 3 of 3 The quotes are from Toole Design Group's memorandum on lane width dated June 13, 2017. These concerns are not in competition with one another, rather they must all be considered to create an effective design. The proposed 16-foot lane width satisfies the concerns about traffic calming without addressing the concerns for emergency response. Staff is open to working with the applicant's engineer if there is an option they wish to pursue that can provide additional pavement width to better accommodate emergency vehicles,but visually narrow the lanes to provide traffic calming(paint stripes, bike lane, extended concrete gutters, etc.). Response: The staff has agreed to work on the design standards prior to final plat. 5. Developer wanted significantly more signage. Response: City staff is recommending the sign plan that has been prepared in the Design Guidelines. Staff has agreed to work on this issue before final plat. 6. The Commission wanted to understand the phasing of the development and how the developer will manage storm water. Response: Staff has no additional information at this time. The attached staff report and related documents have been modified to reflect the changes to the plans. The minutes from the planning commission meeting are included in the consent agenda items of the City Council packet. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Memo from Landform—Avienda Additional Information dated June 13, 2017. 2. Memo from Toole—Lane width standards and approach for Bluff Creek Boulevard dated June 13, 2017. 3. Revised Preliminary Plat dated June 14, 2017 4. Development Plan dated June 13, 2017 5. Housing Sector plan dated June 13, 2017 G:\PLAN\2017 Planning Cases\17-10 Avienda Preliminary Plat&PUD\Executive Summary CC 7-10-17.docx • • • • LANDFORM From Site to Finish 105 South Fifth Avenue Tel: 612-252-9070 Suite 513 Fax: 612-252-9077 Minneapolis,MN 55401 www.landform.net June 13, 2017 Kate Aanenson Community Development Director City of Chanhassen PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: Avienda —Additional Information Kate, We are excited to bring our development application back to the Planning Commission on June 20th and are providing with this letter additional information to address questions raised by the Commission and staff: 1. We have refined the alternative concept plan for reduced impacts to the Bluff Creek Overlay District. We have moved the buildings and parking to minimize the impact to the BCOD, while ensuring a successful development plan. This revised plan is attached. 2. We have revised the development plan to show how the changes to the BCOD area could impact the remainder of this regional/lifestyle center. This includes updated area calculations based on the current concept. 3. We have provided exhibits for the retaining walls. The retaining walls within the project will be designed to be compatible with the architecture within the project. The tall southern wall will be tiered and landscape to soften the impact of the wall, which is necessary due to the 70+/-feet of grade change across this site. 4. There was a question about whether wetland mitigation could occur on a site in the city limits. The wetland permit with the LGU fully outlines the entire process and discussion, but I offer the following summary: In a January 25, 2017 City letter from Terry Jeffery to Melissa Barrett(Kjolhaug), Mr. Jeffery states "in reading the application and from previous conversation with the development team, there is some level of likelihood that at least some compensatory mitigation will occur on-site."He further states "There is no discussion of on-site mitigation which has been suggested in several conversations with the applicant's representatives." The Avienda Wetland Permit Application did in fact identify three actions eligible for mitigation credit: (1) wetland banking, (2) restoration and protection of exceptional natural resource value (onsite ENRV), and (3) project specific wetland restoration creation (offsite, but within the City). The TEP determined that#2 was not an option for this site/project. To address#3, Terry Jeffery sent Melissa Barrett(Kjolhaug) information on four sites within the City of Chanhassen where he believed project-specific mitigation could occur Landform'.Sensibly and Site to Finish'are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services,LLC. (attached). These sites were assessed by Kjolhaug and none were found to be good candidates for wetland restoration/creation for mitigation/replacement credit (see attached City ID Mitigation figure with notes). Kjolhaug also assessed the 7 potential mitigation sites identified on Figure 13 of the City's SWMP(attached). None of the sites were good candidates for mitigation. Using aerial photos, LIDAR and soils information, Kjolhaug searched for other previously unidentified, potential mitigation sites within the City. However, because the City is largely developed, mitigation opportunities over 0.5-acre in size on available land that are likely to be successful were not found. Wetlands 3 and 4 onsite cannot be hydrologically restored. Although they could be vegetatively restored, this alone is not an action eligible for mitigation credit under WCA and USACE rules. Because no onsite, or available offsite mitigation opportunities were identified, wetland banking was the only option left to meet WCA and Corps required replacement/mitigation requirements. The April 17, 2017 Notice of Application (NOA), item 5 noted "Evaluation that the lost functions and values are adequately replaced." This item was not very descriptive, and for clarification Kjolhaug sent an email to the LGU on April 10, 2017(attached). The LGU declined to reply until after the Applicant responded to USACE comments regarding the project purpose and need and the alternative sites analysis. The Applicant has told the City that they are willing to assist with natural resource or water quality improvement projects within the City. A project would need to be identified by the City. The project would not count as mitigation/replacement for WCA and USACE permitting purposes, but the applicant would be willing to discuss alternatives with the City. If you need any additional information, please contact me at 612.638.0225 or klindahl cC�landform.net. Sincerely, Landform l(" 7" J Kendra Lindahl, AICP Kate Aanenson 2 June 13,2017 • • • • COPY: Mark Nordland ENCL: Revised Development Plan with area calculations Retaining Wall Exhibits Potential Wetland Mitigation Site from the City of Chanhassen City ID Mitigation area response from Kjolhaug April 10, 2017 email from Kjolhaug to LGU Kate Aanenson 3 June 13,2017 TooleDesAtgnGroup l� 212 Third Avenue North, Suite 476 Minneapolis, MN 55401 612.584.4094 www.tooledesign.com MEMORANDUM Date: 6/13/17 To: Kendra Lindahl,AICP Organization: landform From: Christopher Bower,P.E. Project: Avienda Re: Lane Width Standards and Approach for Bluff Creek Boulevard Existing Conditions The proposed roadway is an extension of Bluff Creek Boulevard,which was previously constructed with 16' lane widths, as shown below. The existing 16' roadway width provides enough space for an emergency vehicle to pass a stopped car in the unlikely event that a vehicle impedes emergency access. �. ROW I' 10' 5' 16' 16' 16' 5' 10' I t' BIT. TRAIL BLVD. TMJ LANE PUSS MEDIAN TMJ LANE BLVD. IIT. TRAIL 1' CLEAR ZONEµpa PROPOSED 1.5'CLEAR - "4' TOPSOL -8618 CUNB ROADWAY c. ZONE 1' TDPSOL- AND S® AIID GUTTER n� able CUM WO S® I, I GRADE AND CUTTER raAR ado. INSET13 8618 CURB AND SEE GUTTER MODIFIED -2'CONC. INSET A SEE INSET C (oUTTALL) TYPICAL MAINTENANCE BOTH$IDES STRP(TYPICAL BOTH SIDES) BLUFF CREEK BOULEVARD TYPICAL SECTION Design Intent The goal of our design for Bluff Creek Boulevard is to create a roadway corridor that accommodates a range of motorized and non-motorized users,and encourages users to walk and bike between destinations within and beyond the proposed development. Our roadway design helps achieve this goal through the use of landscaping, medians,frequent pedestrian crossings and the overall minimization of the roadway cross section. This creates a more comfortable and safe environment for all users— something that can be experienced on existing Bluff Creek Boulevard,especially when compared with larger, less comfortable roadways such as Lyman or Powers Boulevard, whose wide roadway sections and lack of landscaping lead to higher vehicle speeds and longer(and less comfortable) pedestrian crossings. Design Standards Bluff Creek Boulevard will be designed in accordance with MnDOT's State Aid Standards(Minn. Rules Chapter 8820), along with applicable AASHTO and MnDOT design guidelines. The proposed Bluff Creek Boulevard will be a Collector or Local roadway with ADT< 15,000. Per Minn. Rules 8820.9936,applicable standards and proposed dimensions are shown below: Design Criteria Minimum Standard Proposed Bluff Creek Design Design Speed 30-40 mph 30 mph Lane Width 11,feet(wherever possible, lane 12 feet widths of 12 feet, rather than 11 feet,should be used) Median Curb Reaction Distance 1 foot 2 feet Minimum Median Width 4 feet 7 feet Outside Curb Reaction Distance 2 feet 2 feet Clear Zone(area adjacent to 1.5 feet(when posted speed is At least 5 feet roadway that is clear of fixed 40-45 mph) objects, such as trees) The proposed roadway meets or exceeds all applicable State Aid design standards, and as designed should be wholly adequate for the intended use. Impact of Lane Widths on User Safety MnDOT's current technical memorandum on lane widths (No. 13-18-TS-07),includes a discussion on the role of lane widths in both pedestrian and motor vehicle crashes. An excerpt from this technical memorandum is included below, with certain sections underlined for emphasis. Urban and Suburban Highways and Streets Special care is demanded for design in urban and suburban environments,where often limited space must be balanced between the various transportation modes and among geometric design elements. Lane width is particularly important on multi-lane streets,where even small variations in design values are multiplied across the cross section.One research study has found that narrower lanes on urban and suburban streets were generally associated with lower crash frequencies compared to wider lanes. (An exception to this is four-lane undivided streets,where 9-and 10-foot lanes have been associated with higher crash frequencies than wider lanes respectively.) Furthermore, narrower cross sections reduce crossing distances and have been associated with reduced travel speeds, both direct factors in the safety of pedestrians. For these reasons, lane widths on urban and suburban streets should be designed no wider than to adequately accommodate the vehicular traffic volume and composition. General design guidance is as follows: Lane widths of 11 feet are a good fit for a wide variety of urban arterials and collectors. 11-foot lanes are fully adequate for vehicular operation on low-speed facilities and can be thought of as roughly equivalent in terms of comfort and usability to 12-foot lanes on high-speed roads and streets. 11-foot lanes are also appropriate on high-speed facilities under favorable geometric conditions. Lane widths of 10 feet are typically most suitable where truck and bus volumes are relatively low and design speeds are 35 mph or less, as well as in more constrained circumstances. Lane widths of 12 feet tend to be most applicable in high-speed or high-demand circumstances. On low-speed facilities,the use of 12-foot lanes should be limited to very high demand conditions or to limited-access roadways, so as to avoid wherever practical the drawbacks often associated with overly wide cross sections, such as excessive speed and longer pedestrian exposure. Multimodal considerations Mobility and safety apply to all modes of travel in the right of way.The ability of non-motorized users to travel along and across streets and highways safely and comfortably is a principal measure of livability. As discussed earlier in this section,the lane width selection for urban and suburban streets will often significantly affect vehicular operating speeds and the distances pedestrians face in crossing roadways. Bicycles and pedestrians are among the most vulnerable roadway users, and vehicular speed and exposure are the two primary factors in non-motorized users' crash frequency and severity. Conclusion The most current research and policy has found that overly wide roadway sections can result in higher vehicle speeds, longer pedestrian crossings,and ultimately results in an increase in both crash frequency and severity. The proposed roadway section is already wider than recommended in current MnDOT guidance in the interest of corridor consistency and conformance with State Aid design standards. Any further increase in the roadway width cannot be supported by existing best practices or guidance, and should be expected to lead to a reduction in overall user safety. Ensuring timely and effective emergency response is of paramount importance, along with promoting roadway user safety. We hope to arrive at a roadway design that accomplishes both goals,and we believe that maintaining the existing 16'wide roadway section is the appropriate response. iirrarion I , I ,: I1, I LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT,LIG I I1 I 1 i 1 -, *MS CAACKECMNE , -r\" \, -_.________ I I I SATE MS I 1 -r i . t, ••••-•,, , . wei PAPIE MN SW 1- - I )I II ‘ 389°10'37E 2079.29 .389°10'28"E II; CGUNT.T! T !-.P.). 2" ts fr.'--It LIM WIVES/11A SEC niveR MS WISED I 1 MIIIIIIKEEMBElli .- ‘ I i Y 1".11-, '. )1_...;E: 12..l;,.A.H. 0 - ------- \ II :,EIE ,••,.. _72___9o!..9.9,. - - - --- ----maw Fa Armtrorasea_____--, '- : -389`10'28"E -7 F,--TT;17-...7:71 '" c' -.34;--'•'.-•:7;:::f7.77,-'. r'''.'''. ..;-77:--._.1:-_--- -----_ _----76,92.• I s ' ' `...„ ,---- 229.52 -° ,-,..- ••0 -__ ,-, I • , Mil OEM ' fI ......... 1 (..... 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NORTH PRELIMINARY PLAT . 1 I 1 '1•• • •••••••••• 1••• ••••• . --_ -- . • -•-- - - -- - .. • Know whorl Below. ni....11 Cl.2 can beano you dig. 0 100 200 ..................--............-. r Regional Map \\_ , illi • p, s gip!,-J I1 _ __1 ! 1 1 1 I -' e 1 1 it L J i L J I OFFICE W1p i y_ r �� �v _1 i i---- i' rt ,O _rAarons.,�nrlwFn - a e - OFFICE I (�./� • 1 `_,_____ 1 r-----4-----� r i C) - 1 , _ _. ztowcFssrrr,�.; _ I. , 1 /IOW O ��rr •I - L; - �- If 1 ; � O. ; i- II - RETAIL RETAIL RETAIL RETAIL ,\ g m - 1 1 1 1�. 'r / ( RETAIL `, `� i 1 1 F ----i j - ` VP tUte SF. 16,(b U 1J.((-0SF tOKOSF. In \ 1 1 I I I (-.... - /� / - 1518J5 f. F}. 1 I1 . Y __ - II 0 m , ! 1 I 1 I - - + ._ 1 1_-$ _, 1 e} 41 `\ 1 i i i i 1 .i -. _ ''L'-'-'- _ a.. 'RETAL - RETAIL " r RETAIL 4 i m t' • I 1 I 1 1 - .__ - II I .. 1 „.°sr „,,,,,SF - iJ I,,;JS.f __ I,CI -r I• 1 �] I F Legend n .�,.� 4:1 Parkin \�� -L__L--,1 �J- fi ti; t •I• O J. _ REETAIL. ♦RETAIL RETAIL J. r , I -. Future Traffic Signal G.r Net Ratio N Developable Building Parking Units/ (Stalls per �� Y- ' / ! '� 1 i // O {,"rs Section Area Area Area(S.F.) Stalls Beds Existing Traffic Signal 11 I p 9 (Acres) 1 L _ (Acres) 1,000 S.F. y , ---- _ s >_ , 1 L or per Unit) a ; t� O , Q Stall Count O 9.55 9.55 r'`,-,,_ � ; [4�Qrt,FS f I r ' 98,000 491 5.0 I �� - RETAIL '1 / 'a^�' ......•-• tro sr O Public Right Of Way O 2.33 2.33 39,000 136 150 0,9 i Y ' ' :: ' � � "`- - -- - O • 5.34 5.34 249,000 177 150 12 ,/ ,'1 II • O 9.34 7.67 76,000 n/a 38 ' ,, i ,.F` ``v/ i /-- SENIOR HOUSING ^-rcalLs SENIOR HOUSING '' �` : ; `♦1 11- '` , '' / /� asrora 111IIA�F ", HOIJSRI 1Jpa0SFo _ - i' • DO Preservation • 5.32 4.91 50,000 235 5,5 x`, ; ;` �it /.._ \ '• ' , A {. _- 1.64 1.64 16,000 35 2.2 ,, i X..., •,J y . F0 Wetland and Buffer ,.... O. O O 4.02 4.02 50,000 305 6.1 r ` Y ® Regions!Commercial,, �J 4.39 4.39 50,000 315 6.3 7I O O 1.46 1.37 8,000 90 11.3 I; (� 1.51 1.30 8,000 84 10.5 \ , I; -- --'• �. - 1 i 0 Office I i i 14,9 �\ ' it \� \`, 7---- - iI RETAIL - RETAIL _. RETAIL ANCHOR tt t, 2.24 2.07 8,000 119 High Density Residential O 4,(�sF. , O 1.27 1.27 6,000 75 12.5 ,....„...\\ Y II I 'ROIL SF. (afg15F. O 19.78 19.78 151,000 807 5,3 �r' ,>•-,-'' i^ i i - (i 0 Medium Density Residential \ . ; A1``,`,v'> I 6.83 6.83 68,000 342 5.0 .- Notes • 1 -..E..----__72.--:-_-_-_•:,=='' --= ,•-•,--•=___-z--_- �::_ _ 2,38 2.38 87,000 136 75 1.8 e 0 ...:\\ • i i Development plan shown forschematic l 6.03 6.03 278,200 375 250 1,5 •�` ,y i I ; 0 • purposes only and subject to change. 15.89 0.00 n/a n/a ' ;i i 0 16.89 0.00 n/a n/a Y' Ii •` \ , II I II i I 0 1.66 0.00 n/a n/a J J ! i t _-_--- `\• \\ \:::........___ - \\\/ er -,-----T---, I r---1� 1 i ,i i 1.--... te\ '�` ;i',/ ', ^ 1� Pv S,2 FN 0 150 300 `t _._-____.._ DEVELOPMENT PLAN -1 h JUNE 13,2017 1 AV I E N DA _, _ , .. ,, , . ... I ,,,_,.... . , \ ' I I ci) > i_. Li: _ Ii ; , ---- ,',-T, r- --\ \ , LLJ 8 1 ------,' ) --"-\\\ BROWNSTONESI N / / ..j 1 , 1 , i D. .,... 8,600S.F. / , , , x 2 STORIES ETA . . C- ( \.,\,,,,...:_r___________-____________ • I _ ______ • 7,000 SF. • ____----\\ i --- ,-- __----\ —_ ------ --_____ • _ .„— , _.— -------------_____ --------________----_1_,- • . — / , -- - —_—_—_, _ -- .--- _ -- ---- _-- --- -- \ ----------_________—___ --- f---- . — \---, ----• v \_. .4 , v „- —) ________ ; ; //z Ni___ -. / /77 • N 1 N ! ! /,/ ,/ 3 STORIES 4 STORIES 1 SENIOR HOUSING HOTEL , I ,, -- --- ., ' SENIOR HOUSING I . 2 STORIES 48,000 S.F. 1 29,000 S.F.x 3 STORIES 13,000 S.F. / Y , I I It L. I 1 . I -., / 1 . . 1 / BLUFF CREEK OVE ' Y DISTRICT I i . I (SECONDARY ZONE) , i • ' I , [------ --_--......-----_-...---_-- - - - I I ..-. .....1 II, __-........-....„ c-----;-- WALL HT:1 Fr--n/ ; I I Ii , , . ....,............. I' 71 /1' -----... .-,.7::-----—--——----7:1"-------7-1---- BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT -------;,------___.7.-----------------:--- --- .. (PRIMARY ZONE) WALL HT:7 FT- .....75` ..........„1.:::---',,c BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT IMPACT='-- NO WALL -,------71-------:-- --- . / .-, / .... -------- -.....„ . ------..-----.. -- - .., _ _-----,. ---,..-,..--..„ I _ _--- •-„, .--, ,,../ --s'"... ./...: . --------=-- -- --- -------::--- 7., i: --, , WALL HT:12 FT- •-,..-/ '-:---„ WALL HT:17 FT ,...,,, ,„ ...,---____ A. --- ._ I II I : - I I , BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT IMPACT-' . , -------1 I WALL :7_,,,/(WALwALLL HTHT: ,..„..... .,../j.._----- \\ ', \ • --- WALL HT-14 El--'-- s•-..---1- - - '-'', , .7...„____---- 1 , 1 RETAIL RETAIL I ,, 50,000 S.F. 18,000 S.F. ' 1 \ •-, 1 - 1 1 \ I \ I I 1 ; . i ----- ___ _ _-7---- . , 50 100 , SENIOR CONCEPT B JUNE 13,2017 -,----— ----- --- ---- ---- --- • • • • . . . . I_ A IN D F 0 '.7,-,,...:* - .. '.z '`,--':''--- .]' --,---'::f- ' --=';c-,-, '- .:-. ._ -,-,-,,-5.....-.:_,F,.-s.,. ' • ;,.. . -: _ '--.'-''::-:-i.1 2" -::-''-'-n"'"' 1 -' -